California is a land of extremes. No other state has as many rich people nor as many poor people. A full 1/3 of Americans living below the Federal poverty level live in California. That means the state has by far the most recipients of the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs.
The bad news: California set up its own bureaucracy to handle its Lifeline companies. The good news: They also added an additional state subsidy on top of the federal subsidy. That allows California Lifeline service providers to give customers more than they can get in any other state.
It’s like the Gold Rush of 1849 for service providers and customers. Because California adds it’s own layer of subsidies on top of the federal subsidy. So Lifeline companies make far more money serving customers in California than anywhere else they offer plans.
It’s a win-win situation for Lifeline and ACP customers and their customers.
The companies listed below are some of the biggest players.
Lifeline and ACP free government cell phone service providers in California
Following is a list of all the Lifeline Assistance free government cell phones in California. As you click through the service providers you’ll see that the plans vary quite a bit. Why would you not just go for the best plan and stop there? Well, not all phone companies offer services in all areas of the state, so you may not be able to get the top plan. All the companies’ plans we’ve listed are very good, even if not completely unlimited.
Access Wireless: Get a free smartphone plus unlimited talk, unlimited text, and unlimited data. (Click for info)
AirTalk Wireless: Free Apple or Android smartphone, unlimited talk, unlimited texts, and up to 15GB data. (Click for info)
Assurance Wireless: In California, you’ll get unlimited talk and texts plus 5GB data. (Click for info)
Entouch Wireless:Unlimited talk, unlimited texts and unlimited data. (Click for info)
Feel Safe Wireless: Get unlimited talk, unlimited text plus 3GB data. (Click for info)
Life Wireless: Free smartphone, unlimited talk, unlimited texts, unlimited data. (Click for info)
Q Link Wireless: New tablet, unlimited talk, text and data (Click for info)
Safelink Wireless: Get a free smartphone, unlimited talk, unlimited texts, plus 25GB data each month. (Click for info)
SafetyNet Wireless: SafetyNet Wireless will give you a free smartphone, unlimited talk, unlimited texts and up to 6.0GB data. (Click for info)
StandUp Wireless: StandUp Wireless will give you a free phone, unlimited talk and texts, 10GB high-speed data, unlimited low-speed data. (Click for info)
Tag Mobile: Get a smartphone, unlimited talk, unlimited texts, up to 8.0GB data. (Click for info)
TruConnect (formerly Telscape): Unlimited talk, unlimited texts, 14.5GB unthrottled data. (Click for info)
Lifeline Discount Companies in California
Since California is such a big state, you may find that none of the companies offer free government cell phones where you live. But no need to despair, since you have another option. The companies below, while not offering free cell phone plans, do offer substantial California Lifeline discounts off their regular mobile phone plans:
How to qualify for a California Lifeline free government cell phone
There are two ways to qualify, and they are a bit different than other states.
Method 1 Program-Based – You can qualify if you or another person in your household is enrolled in any one of the following public assistance programs:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP)
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Veterans Pension and Survivor's Benefit.
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)
- Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF)
- Tribal Head Start (only those households meeting its income qualifying standard)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Plus, you may be eligible under these state programs, until the new federal laws make them ineligible win 2017:
- Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
- Healthy Families Category A
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
- Stanislaus County Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (StanWORKs)
- Welfare-to-Work (WTW)
- Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN)
Method 2 Income-Based – You may also qualify if your total annual household gross income is at or less than annual income limits for your household size:
Income Based Eligibility for California | ||
Members in Household | Annual income | |
1-2 member | $28,700 | |
3 members | $33,300 | |
4 members | $40,600 | |
For each additional member add $7,300 annually Effective June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023. |
How to qualify for an ACP free government phone and unlimited service in California
It’s even easier to qualify for ACP service than it is to qualify for Lifeline service. The USAC website spells it all out:
Consumers qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through participation in Lifeline or a Lifeline-qualifying program, having an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, through participation in ACP-qualifying programs, such as the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program (including the Community Eligibility Provision), WIC, through award of a federal Pell Grant, or through participation in a participating service provider’s existing low-income program.
Inflation is developing into a huge problem and the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs can really help you plug the hole it causes in your personal finances. Don’t wait. Click around, find the plan that’s perfect for you, and enroll today.
Latest Lifeline and ACP News for California:
See more cell phone news.
If you have any other questions, please refer to the links in the sidebar.
Raymond Decker says
I qualify. And I’m homeless. I have a ups mailbox. It worked for the fed government program. But that’s ended. None of the providers will accept my mailing address.
How do I contact one of the providers directly?
By phone? Or email?
Free Government Cell Phones says
All the Lifeline companies in California are listed on this page. Click on any one of the company listings and you’ll be taken directly to that company’s page, where you can find all its contact info.
christopher Maldonado says
Can My family receive Government assistance with regards to lifeline cellular mobile phone service monitored by the government due to our continued struggle since june 8 2021 victims of cybercrime sodial media fraud identity theft sodinokibirevil rasomware attack victims (ADDRESS DELETED).
Free Government Cell Phones says
You haven’t provided enough details for us to know if you qualify, Christopher, but here’s a link to an article that tells you all the ways you can qualify:
Richard Garcis says
My phone is actually not working well and it is a sky device so I was wondering if it is possible you can exclude the temporary service and just get me a phone without the hassle of going through the initial steps it takes to get the phone in the first place.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your service provider, Richard. You need to follow up with them directly. If your phone still works, call them on that phone at 6-1-1. We doubt, however, that they will go along with what you’re suggesting. But give it a try.
Eric says
Hi my name is Eric R. So I’ve recently got one of these assurance phone however out of nowhere the phone just stopped working. So I went to reapply and didn’t work out. They told me to call one of the representatives which I did and told them about my issue. They advised me to reapply within 24 hours and everything would be fine. Well I was denied. Why?? Don’t know. So I had to call back the representative and explain everything so my question is, why do i keep getting denied if I don’t have a valid phone connected whatsoever and now I’m phone less?? Makes no sense to me. Please explain why, why?? If possible. Thank you for your time and effort.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is one of the great mysteries of life, Eric. Sorry, but we are not privy to all the odd innner workings of each individual Lifeline service provider, so we cannot answer your very good question.
However, please keep in mind that any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Monica Gomez says
I tried to apply but it keeps saying that my email is not valid which it is valid how else tonight apply for a free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call the customer service line for the company you want to enroll with.
Max D says
Hello, anyone knows if any of these companies support e-sim if I am using my own phone. Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Readers? Henry? Can anyone help Max?
John Sinclair says
I believe the big three AT&T T-Mobile and Verizon are supporting e-SIMS but the only 2 MVNOs I’ve seen supporting them is Mint Mobile and Access wireless.
There are bound to be more providers as we move forward that will support the e SIM technology.
Your best bet would be to contact the MVNO you intend to sign with and ask if they support it.
Good Luck to you!
Daisy Wiberg says
How can I determine which providers are offering services in the City of San Luis Obispo and the hours of operation?
I have searched by state and see the list of providers serving the state of California, but is there a way to search by City or zip code?
Thank you,
Daisy Wiberg
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll need to contact each service provider to ask. But we assume most service providers cover the populated areas of the state.
This comment moderator used to live in San Luis Obispo. It’s one of the most beautiful little towns in the world. Just too bad it’s in California.
Amy says
Where are there free government phone stands in red bluff, California?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Mariane Scutt says
I had gotten a phone from Assurance at the Social Services office in El Monte, Ca. They were advertising a really good deal unlimited talk, text and unlimited data. So when I got home I pulled the phone out and I couldn’t get the internet the phone worked and texting did no hot spot like they said too. I called to get it straightened out and as soon as I told them I had a Obama phone they hung up. That happened twice. So I want to know what’s up with Assurance?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have any readers had similar experiences? Or better experiences?
Henry says
Do not say “Obama phone”. There is no such thing since Obama did not create the Lifeline program. Try providing your Assurance account number (or smart phone number) to identify yourself to the representative. Try the phone out at a local McDonald’s or Starbucks with Wi-FI service and see if you can get a signal. If not, your phone might be defective.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damn. That’s a great idea, Henry.
Terri says
Hi Mariane- Is your middle initial D.? I’m looking for my cousins.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re looking for hot chicks with low morals, Terri, but this is not the place to find them nor your cousins.
Jessica says
Is there any companies that offer services to zip code 95947 or 95983, or 95984. Have three disabled individuals qho desperately need phone services. Can’t find a company that provides service to this rural northern California town. Need service for emergency purposes.
Kenneth Benesh says
I was told that California LifeLine included older adults on Medicare and Social Security. I don’t think that is correct.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out all the California Lifeline qualifications here:
Thomas Magdziak says
Where can I get a government phone close to where I live in hacienda heights CA 91745 ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Mimi H says
I just recently learnt about government cell phone. There’s a lot of info and your site does a terrific job of explaining stuff. Thank you! I have a question, do you know who Qlinks wireless is? I’m unable to find anything regarding their availability in California. On their website, they list ALL states, except….California. Google has no answers. Even here too, your site does not have them on your list. Thank you for any info you can give me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If they’re not listed, they don’t do business in California. Each Lifeline company offers plans in a different combination of states in which they have applied and been granted permission to do business.
Kate says
Qlink does provide acp in California. I am a current customer and I live in los angeles and was provided the free everything service with phone included
RaeGina says
Where is a SKY free phone located by zip code 93001 CA?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are unaware of any company called Sky participating in the Lifeline free government cell phone program.
Maxwell says
I live in San Francisco, and can’t find anyone in the tens in the community that signs people up for the free phones.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please don’t sign up with someone on the street, Maxwell. Enroll by phone or online. California has a lot of options and you can find them all here:
Anna Hansen says
How do I apply and is there any sort of charge. Im retired,on a fixed buget, Only SSI. My husband is a veteran just had a stroke 1 week ago. Searching for a way to cut expensees. I have a cheap Tracfone now and just buy minutes. $23,000 income per year is all. Live in Chico Cali, Just looking for a little help. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Chico. We know it well and have several good friends who live there. But putting our personal reminiscences aside, click on all the companies listed on this page to find the plan that fits your needs best. Then contact that company using the contact info we provide on each service provider’s page.
Jane abenth says
I have an actel government phone and it broken. I need a replacement, but don’t know what company hooked me up. Can you help me on this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check to see if they can help you out. It is the organization that governs the free government cell phone program.
Andrea says
Just go to one of the tents outside the food stamp office or wherever and get a different phone from a different phone company. I have had two phones from two different companies in California simultaneously. As recently as one month ago. They don’t check up on each other they only check up on themselves so for instance if you got a phone from a company they are not going to give you another phone right away unless you have qualified for another phone. But you can go to the tent across the street to the other company and get set up with their phone in their service even if you have service like I said and a phone from another company because they don’t cross check
Free Government Cell Phones says
What you’re suggesting is illegal, Andrea. On top of that, we strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Manuel Glosson says
How do I use my wifi hotspot. It used to work now I get a message saying that the service ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s too much for us to explain here in the comment section. Contact your service provider’s customer service team by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Mary Yannuzzi says
Regards To Customer Service Answering the phone to apply PLEASE HELP
Hi- I was trying to apply online – However it wasn’ allowing me up press on Combination Lifeline and EBB – I called the 1-866-488-**** after Being on hold for more than ! hour, It said Good Bye.. I then tried Calling 1-888-594-**** on hold 45 mins. Same thing – Automatic recording said good bye Again I tried ther !st. # on hold Again 52 mins.. & it says Good Bye, Is there a goe one PLEASE HELP
Thank you Kindly, Mary J.Yannuzzi
Free Government Cell Phones says
Wow. That must have been incredibly frustrating. We’d have been screaming. Unfortunately, this is an independent informational website so we cannot solve your problem, Mary. You may want to consider switching to a different service provider.
Andrea says
Because they are free and the services free they can’t afford to hire proper call Bank personnel. Don’t expect to be able to communicate with these phone companies via the phone. Sometimes you can get somewhere by doing the online text chat thing. The most important way to get in touch with them and get a phone is to show up at one of their outdoor stands. But you will not be able to get anything done but the initial service setup and obtaining the phone. Should your phone break or you have a problem with the service the people in the tents cannot help you.
Shahrockh says
Does any provider use iPhone as lifeline phone. Assurance/ T-Mobile been saying for months they will but nothing happens
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any advice for Shahrockh, readers?
Karen says
I applied for the EBB Lifeline programs
But I do not know what to do next.
I have a phone my provider is Metro please can someone help me my phone is all ready going to be shut off cause I can’t pay my phone bill
Thank you
Karen Howell Magee
Free Government Cell Phones says
Metro is not a free government cell phone service provider, but does offer EBB. You should contact that company’s customer service team to find out the status of your application.
Michael Mendiola says
my comment is free phone company always show the cust. service # ,when u got issue on the phone & try call ,no live person to talk to, & no store like safelink I need to upgrade phone got issue overheating,I have to change the provider,I found a vendor safelink ,ask the guy I want to apply EBB ,I got reg free phone & I keep my #,when is done ,I got the assurance.i ask my phone is safelink.hes banner is I just go ,like nothing happen & now my phone is overheating & try to find a store & just got this no store,I just got text msgs from assurance saying adjust the screen display for longer batt life ,how they know my probl.never talk to any representative yet.
Andrea says
If you’re talking about the wiko phone, we all have an issue with overheating because they are cheap garbage. That’s why they were giving away for free
Damariz says
Thank you for the phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t thank us, Damariz. This is an independent informational website and we are not your service provider. You can thank us for the information, but someone else deserves credit for the phone.
JeanPaul says
Question: My significant other has a free gov phone that they got years ago and its has been through a lot of abuse to the point of needing replacement. We were wondering if we can swap out the sim card with an unlocked/ unassigned phone to continue receiving service just with a new device.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You didn’t mention which company you are with, but most of them offer upgrades. Many offer annual replacement phones for free. Check your company’s website or call 6-1-1 to speak to customer service. You may also be able to purchase your own compatible phone from anywhere else, but PLEASE make sure whatever you buy is compatible with your service provider’s network.
Frank says
What’s the phone number to the free cell phone provider in needles CA on F st
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t track them down to the local level, Frank. Sorry.
shawn b smith says
my friend forgot his provider for his cell service. how can he find the name?
Free Government Cell Phones says
All he needs to do is call 6-1-1 on his free government cell phone and his service provider will answer.
José says
Do any plans have some free calling to Mexico?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can check each of the plans at this link:
Johnny says
Xxi am wondering which of these programs can I use my 5g Sony experia on?
Janyce Burth says
This helped me out alot thanks!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Glad to hear it, Janyce.
Benjamin says
Why are you suddenly trying to charge me monthly for my free government cell phone plan??? I’m receiving threatening letters and text? What do you want me to do?
Benjamin says
Why was my free lifeline phone “sold” to me under false pretenses that it came with unlimited data??? This was a gross overstatement, an outright lie to be exact. Not the first time a phone company has lied to me about a phone or plan attached to the free government phones I’ve been given.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How about if you cancel that plan and switch to a different service provider? Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans offered in your state:
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” don’t want you to do anything, Benjamin. We’re not your service provider. This is an independent informational website that has ZERO affiliation with any Lifeline company.
Cordie Woline says
Thx so much!
emerito querol says
i called one of the server here in san francisco and give my no. 510 396-**** to find out the policies of this free phone. i think its a call center agent from another country who answered my call because i can hardly understand her accent, she says with t-mobil and ask me to go to their store in san francisco for any problem..Now I cannot make a call or txt using this number when the fact that i could call or txt before after contacting T-Mobile I’m no longer connected to any server?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not your Lifeline service provider, so there’s no way for us to know what the problem is, Emerito. But we can tell you that T-Mobile has never participated in the free government cell phone program.
Mikea Gilbert says
I’ve recently gotten an smart phone from you guys from Hemet California. My Phone turned off on new years. I need my phone to be reactivated. My number to the device is 951-412-****. Thank You!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not from us, Mikea. We’re not a Lifeline service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Ricardo Meza says
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not think it’s available. All the Lifeline companies are now required to provide their customers with smart phones. Some may offer old-fashioned flip phones, but no one promotes them. However, you can always consider enrolling with a company that offers a BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone) program. That would allow you to go out and purchase a flip phone, then using it as your free government cell phone.
M says
These are hard to get for free services. Meaning the same program as the Android phones. My friend has the same issue.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Same answer, M. Call your preferred service provider to find out if it offers a BYOP (Bring Your Own PHone) plan. If so, you can buy a flip phone for almost nothing and use it as your free government cell phone.
angelica says
So I got a free phone and know it says i have no service so i want a new one please thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez. We’re not your service provider, Angelica. Contact its customer service team.
anh chu says
My father in-law had free phone
He just back from Viet nam
Can you re- activated his phone number
The phone # is 669-245-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not your father-in-law’s service provider, Anh, so we cannot reactivate his phone. He will need to speak to that company’s customer service team, or if the phone went unused for 30 days or longer, he may need to re-enroll with a new service provider.
Mark Wedgley says
Wow aren’t you out of line here,I mean come on politicaly propaganda filled right wing terrorist crap stay out of our state
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can only assume you haven’t seen any news in the last ten years, Mark.
Edgar Bullard says
I have a phone that has been stolen and I wwould like to have this phone disconnected and remove from my account
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Edgar.
Tina Bizzini says
I just got a new Samsung galaxy 4s from a government provider safelink or Access Wireless however I had paid 20.00 cause she said it was a upgrade, nice phone but its the 4th day and now the phone keeps turning off and on and it won’t hold a charge, however it needs to be replaced and my 5th day will be tommorow and I’m suppose to chance my number to my old number so I don’t lose it’s mine that I have to have cause of All of my Medical numbers information on it, so I need to help with a replacement and ASAP please contact on my Email ******** Thanks so much TIna ****** and my new # 209425**** and my old # that I want changed back is 209203**** and that was Access Wireless thanks and god bless
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to contact your service provider, Tina. This is an independent informational website.
John Stuchlik says
I would like to get a smart phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
All the phones given out as part of the Lifeline free government cell phone program are smart phones, John.
Oy Butzen says
my free phone just went “fast busy” “no” service” in 925 area code, how do I find service provider?_
Free Government Cell Phones says
If your free government cell phone works, you can always find your service provider by calling 6-1-1 on that phone. If it doesn’t work, visit the website. They can help you find your service provider.
Jessica L Bell says
Is there any cell phone booths in and around the Redding ca, area????
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Redding, California. I remember a special night I spent there long ago….Oh, wait, I got distracted there for a minute.
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse. You are much safer enrolling by phone or online, Jessica.
Amber says
Send me a phone 545 1/2 sd ca 92102
Free Government Cell Phones says
C’mon, Amber. Even if we were your service provider, which we’re not, and even if we could send you a phone, which we can’t, and even if you could enroll without submitting any of the required information, which you can’t, do you really think the address you left would be sufficient?
Tony says
I tried ordering Safelink online and was rejected because I don’t a utility bill with my name on it. I am on food stamp and medical. How do i go about resolving this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the following article about how to file a formal complaint. Usually all you need to do is sound like you know what you’re talking about and make the threat and that will be enough to shake their incompetent little asses into gear to solve your problems. Here’s a link to that article:
Bridget says
Can I switch my lifeline service to a new cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call customer service at 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone to speak to customer service.
Christina says
Where can i go get a phone in person
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of sooooooooo much fraud and abuse. You’re much better off enrolling by phone or online.
Kar L. Fu says
After my home was foreclosed, I am homeless. I use PO box for my mailing address. When I apply for lifeline free cell phone service, they ask me to use a friend’s address.
Then they reject me. When I gave them my new phone number, they still continue using my old phone number and said they don’t have my record and hung me up the calling. Rude!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Very strange behavior from your service provider.
Teresa ybarra says
Can I get 3 iphone? Just my 2 kids and myself ..I’m on ssi..
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a free government cell phone company, Teresa, so we cannot tell you what any particular company offers. You need to get in touch with those companies directly.
Travis says
I had Life Wireless before, and customer service wasn’t so well, and T-Mobile isn’t good in my area either. I decided to switch to TAG Mobile, which I’m currently using on Sprint. But LTE connectivity isn’t working, only 1x and 3G. Currently trying to troubleshoot at the moment to see if there’s a fix.
If there is no solution, I’m thinking of switching to Safelink Wireless and using it on Verizon’s network. Any thoughts on this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, there are so many variables from state to state, city to city and even street to street that it’s impossible for us recommenced one company over another.
Mr Hints says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Greg says
He said, “I’m mentally challenged, and enjoy a short stubby thumb up me arse! Do you have any openings, so that I may converse with some of these miscreants textually?
Katherine says
Hi my name is Katherine Wright I was wondering how I get a free cell phone and suvise and SSI and food stamps can you pleas email me back as soon as you can thanks have a grate day.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t email you back because of the volume of questions and comments we receive each day, but we can answer your question: Just click around this site and you will learn everything you need to know about enrolling in the Lifeline free government cell phone program. In fact, you can probably learn everything you need to know right here in the article on this page.
Rick Bender says
My sister is a current qualified CA Lifeline no-fee cellphone person. But the Android phone she was originally provided is now very old and almost useless, her plan very limited (no data, etc) and her current plan is up.
I have a nice functional older iPhone (I think locked for use on the Verizon Network).
Is there a CA provider that uses the Verizon Network, providing free voice, text, and some data, that I can set up for her with my older iPhone?
I’m trying to help her because it’s all too confusing for her, and shes afraid about not being able to communicate anymore.
Thank you so much for your kind help!!! : )
Free Government Cell Phones says
Rick says
Thank you!
That link and the list of providers and networks is interesting. But… I don’t see enTouch on the list.
Is enTouch an approved Lifeline provider in CA? If so, what wireless network do they use? And are they a solid provider?
Also, are enTouch and Boomerang related to a more known company, and what is the relationship between enTouch and Boomerang?
Thank you again!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Look again, Rick. Entouch is on the list. As we understand the situation, Boomerang is the parent company and does business as enTouch.
Rick says
I’m sorry, I must be blind! When I click on the link you provided…
I don’t see enTouch, or see enTouch when I click on the link from that page!?
What wireless network do they use? And are they a solid provider? I’d hate to set my sister up with them only to have them quickly fold!
Free Government Cell Phones says
The problem, Rick, is that you left your question on our California page, so we naturally assumed that’s the page you were referring to. EnTouch is listed on the California page, hence our answer. To find out which network is used by enTouch, you can contact customer service:
Phone: 1.866.488.8719
Ariel Barazone says
I have been looking for a representative that i can find and go to in order for me to obtain a phone. I have EBT already and medi-cal, so i know i qualify. I just need help in getting some kind of info on where i might have the best luck. thank you for your time
Free Government Cell Phones says
All the Lifeline companies in California are listed in the article above. Click on any of the links to read about each company and its plans. Just find the one that fits your needs best and enroll in that plan using the contact info we provide for each company. It’s really that easy, Ariel.
Marie R Mitchell says
Who is the provider behind the free cell phones in california, is it a federal program or state interduced and supported? Is it a program that was instituted by Reagan or Obama. Thank you, M
Free Government Cell Phones says
All the providers are private companies that were formed specifically to compete in the Lifeline free government cell phone program. It is a federal program is administered by the states. Lifeline was initially started during the Reagan years to provide small discounts on home landline phones. It was vastly expanded during the Obama years when someone at Safelink figured out A way to provide free cell phones with the same subsidy that was only enough to provide those home phone discounts in the past. Hope that quick answers gives you the info you need.
Eduardo says
How and who can get me a free smartwatch?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Now there’s an idea for a website: Seriously though, while we obviously agree with the government in helping people get a phone, there’s no need to be handing out smartwatches.
Pamela Mathis says
I am a current Lifeline customer who has recently moved to a rural area. I don’t have cell coverage unless I drive 5 miles down the road, I can’t even receive text messages. There are several neighbors who are on the same program and have signed up with Verizon as their carrier. They were provided a new phone and free talk, minutes and Wi-Fi. The only “Government Program” I see Verizon offers is a deduction of $9.75 off your current bill. What kind of savings is that??? I would like to sign up with Verizon so I can at least get text messages even when I can’t receive a call. I have called Verizon but they could only offer the $9.75 discount. Does anyone know of Verizon’s Free Cell Program or can anyone help me with a carrier that has good coverage. I live in California. I appreciate anything anyone can help with. Thank you!
Rick Bender says
I don’t see a reply to your question. Do any of these providers use the Verizon Network and provide free voice, text, and some data? Thank you!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out this article, Rick:
Jen jen says
So read that an applicant cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s income tax return ,why? If my partner helps me with my expences
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is no rule that you cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return, but the household’s total income (your partners and yours and anyone else living in the house) cannot exceed the limits in your state.
Romarus Newsom says
What can i do if someone stole all of my identity info and now has a phone in their name with my address, ss#, and birthday. I had a phone recently and it was turned of because of this person, I am disabled and need my phone.This was my Ex girlfriend Camila Azevedo, she does not live with me,To prove that she took my identity we can set up a question she doesn’t have the answer.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can report the fraud to your service provider by calling its customer service team. You can also report it to
Ashrafii says
why is one phone per household. how seven members can use one phon per house. its so confusing. plz reply
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s the rule, Ashrafii: Just one free government cell phone per household. Sorry, but there’s nothing we can do to change the rule.
Ron Kempton says
Friend of mine got a free government phone but for $25 more they gave him a bigger screen and unlimited data. do you what company it just might be? I’m trying to find it for myself. thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Could be any number of companies, Ron. How about if you ask your friend where he got his free government cell phone.
Marian Young says
I already have Lifeline and want to switch and get a free cell phone how do I do this please let me know this is so confusing to me thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one is allowed to have more than one Lifeline account per household, so you’ll need to cancel your landline account first, Marian. Then you can sign up with any of the free government cell phone companies listed on this page.
mary o'leary says
Where is a vendor for chico,ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions in the comments below.
Christy Basuel says
Somethings wrong with my phone or Sim card. I can’t make any calls and it’s been almost 3 weeks. My service provider was Bluejay Wireless. I tried placing my sim card in another phone and it says Sim card error, and unable to connect no network provider available. What can I do? Stand up Wireless suppose to take over for Bluejay Wireless but Stand up wireless doesn’t provide service for Honolulu, Hawaii. So what can I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should be able to enroll with any other service provider that offers service in Hawaii, Christy. Here’s where you can find all those Hawaiian providers:
Evangeline says
For those whose comments are specific questions about their cell phone company this is NOT the place to comment on that, they have said over and over what to do, my comment is the KIND of comment they want. In CA now, there is a new cell phone provider AIR VOICE WIRELESS, LLC which has 2 G of Data along with unlimited talk and text. It is on the CA lifeline website but not here but it is wrong, it says only tribal get data and I was reassured by the cust. serv. rep (it was one of the few that had a LIVE person to help you-don’t waste your time with I Wireless-comments about them are below or Assurance, they do NOT send the paperwork) that the data is for ANYONE on their lifeline service. Also be aware in CA with this company at least you MUST have a st. address. I will call the CA lifeline to tell them to correct that information. If you do not have data, I would check the site every two months to see if another carrier has a better deal, once a year if your phone has a data plan.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Just one comment, Evangeline: You must have a street address or NO free government cell phone company will let you enroll. That is one of the primary rules of the Lifeline program.
Evangeline says
Ms. Anal, here, who always checks things, I just informed CA lifeline that Blue Jay (according to your comments should have been removed from their site) but it is still on YOUR site!!! Are they back servicing in CA, if so you gotta remove them from the comments section.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you click on the Blue Jay listing on this page, you will be taken to the Blue Jay page where you’ll find this announcement:
“Blue Jay Wireless is no longer participating in the Lifeline free government cell phone program. The good news is StandUp Wireless has taken over service for Blue Jay customers.”
Eva says
You had a screed on why you hated CA. so I assume you live where you liked the state. Can you please tell us what state you live and why you moved there (they may not have a good lifeline program if they are a low tax state!)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Happy to oblige, Eva. This comment moderator now lives in a beautiful, historic town in northern Texas. There are zero state taxes (compared to California’s top rate of 13%). House are remarkably affordable (for example, our house cost 1/6 of what we got for our California home). The state budget is balanced every year by law (unlike California’s). Traffic jams and smog are non-existent compared to California. My wife, a school teacher, came home shocked that Texas school kids are taught to say “Yes, sir” and “Yes, ma’am” and “Please” and “Thank you.” Of course, the weather sucks compared to California, but that is more than made up for by the warm and welcoming people in Texas. Our next door neighbors also came from California, as did three or four other neighbors on our street. They all love it here and say they wouldn’t move back to California for a million dollars.
Eleven different Lifeline companies offer free government cell phones here in the Lone Star State.
As I write this, I’m wearing a t-shirt that says, “Texas forever!”
Eva says
I just wrote you a long comment and was guilty of what I decried in others and did not proof well what I wrote. Please amend my comments or send it back to me so I can edit it.tree I wrote, On I-Wireless, when you call, you can NOT talk to a live person, you waste a lot of time on the voice tree pushing this bottom (should have said BUTTON or KEY) and that, and all you get is a recording telling you to go to their events (which are few and far away from where you might live) to sign up or going to a Food 4 Less, wasted a lot of time calling various ones and you can not register or get a phone at the stores, just buy phone cards which you don’t need under lifeline.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hey, don’t worry about the small error, Eva.
Evangeline says
First I want to compliment the owners, moderators, administrators (whatever you are) on the time and effort you put on this website. I removed my adblockers just so I can access YOUR website (much to my regret at times, sigh.) Everyone, this is better than the state government websites, because you can put your personal experiences with some of these cell phone companies on here which you can’t with the government websites, and find updated info on the companies. READ the ” Before you post your comments” section so you won’t ask questions specific to problems with your phone or plan that they can’t answer, only YOUR company can and try to read through the posts for question asked and answered. Also if you have threats or insults write directly to the company who can read and not clutter this forum because the companies doesn’t read them here and it helps if you proof what you write on here, for spelling and grammar, just because you are indigent doesn’t have to mean you are illiterate.
I am going to give a review on one company that is listed on the CA Lifeline website but not here, in case you are like me, who reads this site for reviews of the companies. It could be that this site is more updated and thus that is why it’s not listed here but want to warn people to stay AWAY from this company. It is I-Wireless, when you call, you can NOT talk to a live person, you waste a lot of time on the voice tree pushing this bottom and that, and all you get is a recording telling you to go to their events to sign up or going to a Food 4 Less, wasted a lot of time calling various ones and you can not register or get a phone at the stores, just buy phone cards which you don’t need under lifeline. I will report them to CA lifeline and tell them they should discontinue (if it’s not happened with this company.)
And to owners, moderators, administrators, have you thought of putting in a search engine on the top of your page, so you can put words or phrase or name and have it take you directly to a post in your forum?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Look at the top of the right hand column, Eva. You’ll find the search function you’re looking for. We use it ALL THE TIME to find various articles and comments.
Eva says
Yep, it’s there, though I feel it’s like when I am looking for something in my house, couldn’t find it, and then find it wondering why I didn’t see it, I could have a ghost or poltergeist in my house, but I don’t think you have one on your site, LOL!
Megan says
Where do I find a list of where and when the stands will be located near me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Megan.
Annette Serrato says
How to get PUK code for my government phone through email?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that will tell you more about PUK codes, Annette:
Cara says
I got one of these zte phones paid 25 dollars ,it was not free ,problem is it,s a hackers special ,don’t use your name or any personal info ,the Chinese ,Koreans,and Iran have your info before ,you can make a call ,and try answering the phone ,it will not let you answer ,,guess the spies want to listen before you before you beware ,the old saying is something is too good to be true ,8t probably is
Eva says
This is a site dedicated to lifeline phones subsidized the government if you want to comment about cheap phones that are commercially issued go o to a complaint site like, or which reviews their site.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re preachin’ to the choir, Eva.
yana says
The top of this page says that CA is now offering phones with unlimited talk, text, and data, but none of the companies listed seem to be offering this…Am I missing something?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you are missing something. We just reviewed the plans outlined on this page and a number of companies do, indeed, offer unlimited talk and text and they all offer data.
Nikki says
Do any of the California providers offer i-phones?
I got the android smartphone, but it’s really hard for me to use, coming from using, i-phones only, my whole life? I’m not complaining, I’m grateful!! Just curious 🙂
Free Government Cell Phones says
The makes and models of phones offered change all the time, Nikki. Check the websites of the service providers. Most of them show the makes and models currently offered.
Rick Hernandez says
I need to renew online for my phone. How can i do this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Visit your service provider’s website, Rick. You can probably do the recertification online.
Binh V tran says
I have free phone beforce . now I has been lost . can i apply new phone ? my phone number : 657 245 ****
my information :
account order : 0-24*****
account : 26***
type : lifeline
phone number : 657 245 ****
ID : ******
request # 63****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can either replace the lost phone with your current service provider, or switch to a new service provider if you’ve been with your current one for at least 60 days.
Roger Frink says
We are a Board and Care in Willits, Ca. 95490, and have a new client who needs a phone and is on SSI. Can you please help?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not a free government cell phone company, Roger. This is an independent informational website. What we can do is provide a link to all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Check them each out to determine which one fits your clients’ needs best and which ones have the best signal in your area.
David Tooley says
I currently have a cell phone through Verizon, but am eligible for a California lifeline cellphone as I am drawing SSI benefits. Is there a way to transfer my current Verizon phone number to a new lifeline phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes. When you enroll with your chosen Lifeline company, tell the customer service rep that you want to “port over my current phone number.” Say it at the beginning of the conversation, several times during that conversation, and then confirm that they are porting over your current number before you end the call.
Shannon Smith says
I have visited this site a time or two (or ten) previously and I have to say you guys have the patience of Job to put it mildly! It seems all these people who ask questions only have the time to do just that, wanting you guys to provide an instant answer when, if they just took a little extra time to READ all of the information you provide OVER and OVER again they would realize you can’t answer their questions that should be answered by their provider. Are there that many American people who are lazy and stupid OR WHAT? My hat is off to you and your website for providing detailed information that any child who can read should be able to understand! KUDOS you guys!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks, Shannon. Much appreciated. Yet, there are a number of readers who complain that we don’t give them the info they need.
Shannon Smith says
Perhaps those people need to check themselves! Most people in this country, (myself included) are SPOILED ROTTEN, want everything NOW and FOR FREE and do little to educate themselves, wanting someone else to do the “dirty work”…maybe you guys should start charging for this site, THEN see how many stupid questions you get…just sayin’
Trina hershberger says
Touche’. That we r…..spoiled rotten——-!
Clifford says
What documentation do i need? I have a food stamp card and no ID is that enough?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here are some of the documents you may be asked to provide to prove that you are eligible:
– A recent paycheck or pay stub
– Your most recent tax return
– If you are unemployed, you’ll need to provide your unemployment statement of benefits. If you’re unemployed, bring in your most recent statement
– Proof of other income. For example, if you’re on a pension plan, provide a copy of your statement of benefits.
– If you qualify under any specific program, such as Medicaid, provide proof that your participate in that program, such as a benefits statement or Medicaid card.
Here’s an article that will tell you more:
andy schwarzkopf says
I am having a hard time getting my lifeline phone back —all the providers say I am in the system —lifeline say I am not -or do not have a phone at this time -0- the providers say no—what do I do to get my phone back —someone one has my information or something—thank you —can I call someone ???
Free Government Cell Phones says
We need more information, Andy. What happened to your phone. That is, why do you need to “get it back?” In any case, since you’re in California, you should discuss this with the California Lifeline folks.
Tracy says
Is there only one government free phone per household? I have a 17 year old with a safe link phone and we’re on snap and Medicaid, as well as the free school lunch program. My older son, nearly 27, has moved home again. He doesn’t have a job as yet, He isn’t on any programs as yet. He’d like to get a free government phone so he can be reachable for work but I don’t want to violate any rules. Please clarify this area for me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only one phone per household, Tracy. Sorry.
Maria says
How many free number can I apply ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not sure what your question means, Maria.
Kimber says
I had a government phone that was a verizon carrier, I only get good signal in the little town I live in with Verizon. Can you tell me which companies got Verizon please. I thought it was ensure but I can’t find it, could it be entouch? Tag?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you which carriers are used by each of the Lifeline free government cell phone companies:
tiffany says
i have triedenrolling with multiple differntproviders but they all say theyarent offered jn my area
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you live in an extremely rural area, Tiffany? It’s usually rural residents who cannot find a Lifeline provider.
Heather says
Hello…i was wondering which of the above providers will i be able to get a signal with in my zip code which is 95248
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no way of knowing which signal is strongest in your neighborhood, Heather.
Julie L Emerick says
Can u please tell me where they r set up at to go and get the phone right away near lemon grove ca? I am disabled and can’t wait for it to be mailed..
Thank you, i will wait for your emal!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please do NOT enroll at a street event, Julie. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating at those events. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your own home.
NT says
Please help me.
Currently I use Assurance wireless with California life line program.
But the smart phone they provide is kind of useless.
Do you know any California life line provider which offer sim card?
Then I can buy smart phone by myself.
And tell me about the reputation of the provider as well, before I swap.
Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
What kind of plan do you have, NT? Do you have data as part of your plan? If so, you must stay with that company for one full year.
We do not delve into rating the various companies because there are so many variables. They may be the best option in one region of the country, but be the worst in another for reasons beyond their control.
NT says
I use Assurance wireless with California life line program more than 2 year and it is with data plan.
So I can change any time.
Do you know any SIM card California life line companies with data plan ?
Please tell me any.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, if you’ve had data as part of your plan for more than one year, you can switch providers at any time. You can find all the plans offered by all the service providers in your state at this link:
Robert says
The one year port freeze does not affect California as the state does not use the NLAD database set up by the FCC. Port freezes for all services in California are only 60 days, so you can switch once you have been with the current provider for 60 days even if you have a data plan.
Andrea says
Yes, I can second what Robert above has said! In CA it is NOT a full year, but instead 2 months you must wait before switching providers even with data. I’ve had to do this multiple times and it’s always been a 60 day wait.
Cynthia Gomez says
Can i contact to someone to get a phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the companies and all the plans available in your state:
Check the all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best. You’ll find contact info for each company by clicking on its name.
Ken says
Is Air Voice Wireless the same company as Feel Safe Wireless in California? I was signed up with Air Voice Wireless, but I don’t see them listed as a California service provider. I’m trying to find out what my talk/text limits are. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you look up FeelSafe on our “Providers” page, you’ll see that it says:
“FeelSafe Wireless – the brand name of the free government cell phone program offered by Air Voice Wireless. The service is available in California, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.”
Ken says
Got it! Thanks a lot!
Jenn Garden says
Avoid TAG mobile at all costs. The phone keeps freezing so since the beginning I have not been able to use the data but the worse part is that because they input the wrong social security number I can not change it. For over two months I have been trying to rectify if, first they told me that I had to get another social security card (since I could not find it) and send it as proof in attachment, then after I sent it to contact my state’s lifeline where I was told in their records the ss # was correct. Then the helpful Cus Svc Agent said that they would cancel the account but still let me use the phone for calls and texts and then the next week I can reapply, I waited over a week was told that it was NOT cancelled , they would cancel it with NO calls and texts and then reapply after a couple of days, still could not apply, they said I could make calls and texts again but it would be cancelled, nope same thing as last time, it was like groundhog day movie. I tried and tried with them because on this site, it says that they have unlimited data, maybe they do but I can’t get ANY data. I will repost this on their page but I have a question to ask, I have been through 4 cell phone companies and will now try a 5th but there is a very, very negative review of the one I am going to sign up with TruConnect, on their page on your site. Have you written or have a link to a California lifeline provider that you have received positive feedback on, though I realize if some is happy with their phone company there are least likely to write than if they are unhappy.
I know that you have advertisers but do you have any recommendations as to what low cost NON lifeline phones there are, I realize on lifeline you do not get the best phones or plans, like on Medi-Cal you do not get the best doctors, every doc I had on Medi-Cal when I google them, they have terrible reviews, maybe they are only in business because they have Medi-Cal customers!
Completely agree with you, avoid TAG MOBILE @ ALL COSTS!!
B` says
same, TAG sucks, and they dont offer unlimited data anymore
linda crosnoe says
I have informed by Assurance I must talk to my phone pavider. It is included in my cable package. they say if I drop the phone my cable will go up. I am being forced to pay for a land line. I am in realy bad need of the free cell program. I have no idea what to do. I don’t know what to even say to the cable company to get what is need from them so I can get the free service. I was on assurance wire less for 3 yr, moved back, now I face this problem. PLEASE HELP.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t know the specifics of your case, Linda, but it is generally true that cable TV/home phone bundles are constructed so that it is cheaper to keep all the services than to eliminate one of them. There is simply nothing that can be done about that.
pea duran says
which provider offers the best service?
Juan says
I qualified with CA. Lifeline Administration, Then qualified with Safelink ?
Safelink “Refuses ” to Notify CA. Lifeline Administration of my Active Account information and or Phone number.
By Refusing to furnish Notification, I Will
” Again ” be terminated by CA. Lifeline Administration.
Safelink has ” RED FLAGGED ” Me, Since I complained about them ” OUT SOURCING ” Tax Payers money to other COUNTRIES Like; Hondorus, Fillapines, Etc. Safelink is being selective. I broke my back and I am Totally & Permanently Physically Disabled !!
Why are they being unfair ? What they; Safelink is doing to me is illegal !!!!
Juan says
Boycott Safelink and Ask where CA. Tax Payers Money is being Outsourced to ?
CA. Taxes should Remain in the USA.
Homeless and unemployment issues can use our Tax Monies.
Hortencia espitia says
en espanol
Susan marin says
My Alcatel one touch its lock and ask me for puk code how can I get the puk code for my phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article with that info, Susan:
nancy says
I want a phone, I live in the mountains & the only service tower is cdma Verizon. I can’t find a cell service. Is there one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that explains which networks are used by each of the free government cell phone companies. Hope this will help, Nancy.
Simone eve cordero says
I need a phone I need to erase .y old phones I lost and need approval to get a new one I have a close place to go but denied for so I need one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you saying you want to cancel service with your current service provider?
Sonya says
My uncle got a free phone from general relief last year does it expire
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your uncle is required to re-certify that he qualifies for a Lifeline free government cell phone plan once each year, Sonya. If he can do that, the account will remain active and he can use his phone.
Dana Wirth says
What is your problem with California? I am a native Californian and proud of it. I am 73 and live on very low social security but can get great benefits unless the FAKE PRESIDENT is able to take everything away from those of us who seriously need help. I have a friend in Arizona who has been trying to set up her discount on utilities for months and she can’t even get anyone to talk to her. I have a free cell phone and almost free internet but the Lifeline internet b ATT is only offered in 21 states including California. I have my $16 in food stamps and my friend can’t find anyone to help her again. I LOVE CALIFORNIA. I lived in Denver for a year while helping a friend who had a stroke and I hated it. California takes care of us and everyone else who seems to wander this way because we have great weather which makes it easier for the homeless. You better hope if you ever need services because you are low income or disabled, you live in a state like California where you have a chance instead of just being thrown out on the street.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Everything we say about California comes from a lifetime of living in the former Golden State. The state is bankrupt with no way of getting out of the hole it has dug for itself. The traffic is god awful. There are 40 million people, mostly crowded into a strip along the coast. The inland areas (the amusingly-named “Inland Empire” in the south, Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, etc) are overcrowded and polluted. The state government has intentionally destroyed the once-rich farmlands by refusing to give them water. Take a drive up the center of the state and you’ll see tens of thousands of acres of once productive farmland that has been turned into a giant dust bowl by politicians who believe an insignificant fish called the Delta Smelt is more important than the production of food. We could go on and on, but we won’t because we HATE California and would be happy if we never have to set foot in that state for the rest of our lives. And worst of all, we know that when the state finally runs out of ways to paper over its debts, it will try to force the rest of the nation to pay its bills.
B` says
you are a degenerate scumbag who is just a hater period… California chewed you up and spit you out because you are weak and a loser. The less people like you that are in this state the better.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Anyone who thinks California is doing well is blind.
Jeffrey Embersits says
All incoming calls are being blocked, but I have never added a block feature and there is nothing blocked via options on phone….
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t troubleshoot your phone via our comments section, Jeffrey, but you can easily do an online search for the name and model of your phone plus the words “user manual.” Once you find the right manual, it should be easy to look up your answer. If not, call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone and you’ll be connected to customer service and tech support.
Gloria says
I need to get a different free carrier. There are so many problems with this one im using! Constant can’t connect Phone TO; Small, Tiny!! As i type can’t see without a magnifying glass over Glasses &more Can I Switch companies?
Thank You. GG in California.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can switch free government cell phone companies after one year (if internet is part of your service) or after 60 days (if you have phone service only). Here’s an article that tells you how to switch:
R.AD says
I guess i got lucky because i signed up at a tent outside of a social services office and have had no problems with my service.I have assurance wireless.Ilive in a west coast town Lompoc Ca,after i enrolled they (the lady at the tent) explained everything i needed to know, got a phone number and activated my phone.My account was setup for me. This took about 30 minutes.Two thumbs up for these ladies and the work there doing.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s great news, RAD. We’re not saying that every tent operation commits fraud and abuses the system, but enough of them do that we always suggest that our readers enroll online or by phone. You never know a good street operation from a bad one.
wheelieBoot says
I got my Assurance Wireless cell by applying online and the people have been helpful the times I’ve had to call or email to ask for questions. I’ve had the cell since November 2016. I’ve been living in nursing homes since I applied &have been able to take my service with me when I move. Thanks for advice to stay away from street booths but if a person lives in Fresno, CA, I found a Tag Mobile booth in front of the Rite Aid at the corner of B Street &Fresno street, they’re not always there but can keep checking. As far as service questions go, most free cells come with booklets or instructions on how to contact the provider’s help desk. People need to read the info when they get the cell and write it down. I found a SafeLink box in the bushes with the booklets unopened but no cell. They never read or kept the instructions. It might save people trouble and time if they’d read first to find out their providers contact info, Assurance provides phone help and an email address for questions.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We always urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street tent or booth because there have been so many problems with fraud and abuse. But we’re very glad it worked out for you.
Debbie fazzio says
I have not received my phone in the mail yet I did this with a rep on line it has been 3 weeks .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Three weeks is not unusual, but you might want to check your service provider’s website to see if it has a “Check Your Status” function that will tell you exactly where you stand.
Mane Ghazaryan says
I got the free T Mobile cell phone number from Life Line program , in front of Glendale Welfare office. It might have a ulimit text and call also limited internet . The Life Line provider appalled for me an account and gave me a number from T Mobile . It worked only one day and after that I can do only a calls. I cant do any texts and get any texts , also I lost my limited internet . I tried to contact for Life line providers many many time , but it works only with automatic system and it doesn’t have any option to solve my problem or connect me with an agent . I also tried to contact to T mobile company , and they said me that they don’t have a such a T Mobile number that I have . So…. Imm wondering how works the CA Life Line program . Are they lying customers, from where they have that T Mobile numbers , and why we the customers can’t contact with Life line agents ????????? Anyone, answer to me !!!!!!!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Anyone else who wants to pitch in an opinion here is welcome, but from our perspective, Mane, this just reinforces all the reasons we tell our readers NOT to enroll at a street tent or booth. Just too many problems pop up in those sources.
Esco says
I live in Escondido,.ca I’m trying to locate a area were I can get a free government phones.can someone please help me out thank you very much
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge you to NOT to enroll at a street tent, Esco. Too many cases of fraud and abuse. You’re much safer enrolling by phone or online from your own home.
Channon Swafford says
How can i get on this
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out each of the plans in California to figure out which one offers the plan that fits your needs best (do you need more minutes, more texts, more data, different smartphone, etc). Once you’ve chosen your favorite plan, contact the company using the info we provide on each service provider’s page, and enroll. You can do it by phone or online from the comfort of your home.
Jackie hill says
Hi this Jackie I had two phone threw you guys and we let the go off and now we need them so how do I go about getting them back on threw you guys
Free Government Cell Phones says
Wrong, Jackie. You didn’t have any phones through us because we’re an independent informational website, not your service provider. You can find contact info for your service provider by clicking on its listing on this page.
Angel zamora says
I left my info cards with a sale representative in Watsonville CA. Can someone help with information on how to get it back. Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yet another reason why we urge our readers not to enroll at a street tent or booth. Which company did the rep supposedly represent, Angel?
Paul Duke says
Where in northern California bay area East bay 94553 can I go and get a phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge you to enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your own home, Paul.
Devin gilbert c lucero says
I have an Alcatel tracfone. I received a Samsung Galaxy S4 that I want to use. I was told to by a Tracfone sim card activation kit, so I did. I eneded up calling for help and was told that I had a Net 10 phone and that I had to buy a Net 10 sim card activation kit. So I did. When I power up the alcatel it say it is from tracfone. Well, neither cards work and I can’t find help and don’t know how to fix changing over to my New Samsung. Does anybody else have this problem or solution?
Frustruated and Confused
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have any of our readers run into the same kind of situation?
Hugh Ferrell says
I won’t to known if I have California life line
Cheri says
I’m sight impaired. Is there a phone offered that is easy to read?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, Cheri. Here’s an article that talks about each leading free government cell phone company’s policy regarding hearing/speech/vision-impaired customers:
Angelica says
I have a phone I had lost now I have the phone back I was wondering if I can still use it I do receive government help such medical and food stamps I do need the phone for job interviews and apartments. The phone is here with me now can you please help
Free Government Cell Phones says
Is the phone still working, Angelica, or was it shut off due to non-use (your account is supposed to be terminated if you didn’t use it for 30 days).
If it still works, just make sure that you do your annual re-certification. If it doesn’t work, you are free to enroll with any free government cell phone company in your state. Here’s where you can find a list of all those companies, their plans, and their contact info:
Lawrence Kirkey says
I need to know what goverment free cell phone company is compatible with at&t cell phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you everything you need to know, Lawrence:
Gabriela Mendoza Calderon says
How can I contact someone about my phone because it running out battery fast (not use much phone), when call someone for while and it’s shut off themselves, and now my phone’s battery that I took off the case and it’s not look normal flat battery because It’s look fat battery and sort of look like to explode. I want to keep my phone number when I try to find other free phone before I ask them toG replace?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. You’ll be connected directly to customer service.
David Lynd says
I’ve been with Verizon/ since 2003 / Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for 2 yrs. Now. have recently had the “wool pulled over my eyes”..
Without warning!! Samsung updated my $180.00 a month phone and deleted all my new contacts, pics & videos, (Not yet transfered to my laptop) none were saved to the cloud ! I’m stopping my account ! I don’t even want to be with Verizon! Very very !! Pissed !!!
I’m investigating a free government cell phone. I’m a disable senior & I’d like to know if I’ll be able to keep my phone number on a new free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, David, you can keep your current cell phone number. Just make sure that when you speak to a customer service rep you say “I want to port over my current phone number.” You can find a complete list of all the Lifeline companies offering service in your state at this link:
Marlee Odoherty says
Where do I go to sign up. Online u have to sign with your fingers my iPad can’t do that
Free Government Cell Phones says
Each service provider’s page also provides phone numbers, Marlee. Sounds like that might be the easiest way for you to enroll.
Marlee Odoherty says
I cannot find a supplier the arrows u have on these maps do not exist
I am at 91942 la mesa ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re on the right page, Marlee. You just need to click on each of the service providers’ names to find out about their plans. Each service provider’s page will also give you the contact info you need.
Lorelei Golding says
I am in a physical rehab facility and have no personal income can I get a free government smart phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe. Are you a resident of the facility? Here’s an article that will tell you more. It refers specifically to homeless shelters and group homes, but we think your facility should qualify:
abel says
plss give me cellphone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please apply for a cell phone.
Timmothy Copeland says
your obvious opinion of California is unfortunate. the fact that you employ that opinion on your site is reprehensible. keep your opinion, as narrow-minded and ill-informed as it is, to yourselves.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, Timmothy. We said nothing bad about California in this article.
This article says:
“This is great news for the not-so-Golden State with their unemployment levels higher than national average, and run by one of the most dysfunctional governments in the country.”
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, it does say that AFDBAF. But why are you telling us what our article says?
A dysfunctional state is a failed or a fragile state.
There is a big difference between California and e.g. Venezuela.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re arguing in circles, AFD. You define dysfunctional as “failed or fragile” and then give us definitions of those words. Let’s do this the proper way and use a standard definition of the word dysfunctional. That definition is “not operating normally or properly.” And we stand by our statement that California is not operating normally or properly.
For example, the California Policy Center reports that the state is $1.3 trillion dollars in debt that can never be repaid. And unlike the Federal government, a state cannot paper over its debt by expanding the money supply and printing more money.
California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion
It’s run by socialists and union thugs (the only problem is figuring out which is which). It’s a one-party state and one-party states never end well for anyone.
The state legislature just proposed universal healthcare for every resident of the state. said, “The annual price tag for single payer health care in the Golden State would be a whopping $400 billion. The total amount of money allocated for the California state budget for the coming fiscal year is $179.5 billion.” In other words, they want to more than triple the state budget overnight to pay for this socialist fantasy. It cannot be done.
I’m not saying any of this as a dispassionate observer. My wife and I were both born and raised in California (in fact, I am writing this from a hotel room in Culver City) and we spent our entire lives in California until three years ago when we packed up and moved to Texas. The state is driving away companies (many of whom also come to Texas) and individuals who can no longer stomach the state’s skyhigh taxes, anti-business environment, horrible traffic, god-awful schools, regulatory madness, sanctuary cities, taxation boondoggles (the laughable Bullet Train to Nowhere, for example), climate of political correctness, gangs, drugs, and crime.
Oh, sure, there’s a thin strip of land along the coast where things appear to be fine and dandy, but the inland part of the state is dying a slow, agonizing death intentionally inflicted by the sanctamonious solons of Sacramento.
You said, “There’s a big difference between California and e.g. Venezuela.” The only difference is time. In the words of Margaret Thatcher, “The only problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
R.I.P. California.
Timmothy Copeland says
your obvious opinion of California is unfortunate. the fact that you employ that opinion on your site is reprehensible. keep your opinion, as narrow-minded and informed as it is, to yourselves.
AC says
Would you like to elaborate in regards to what you are referring to, Timothy? It is a matter of fact that California’s government isnt managing itself well amd is inherently bankrupt. That’s not expressing negative opinion, rather, just being honest. California is a great state, but it could use some help in getting some things straightened out. That’s undeniable.
If you look closely at the article, you’ll see the author actually defended California residents in regards to a reported news story.
*Side note: Favorite comment response above to “Please give me a cell phone:”
“Please apply for a cell phone.”
Exactly. You cant win the lottery by praying if you don’t bother to purchase the ticket.
Kathy says
Why isn’t net 10 wireless on your list that’s my carrier for obama phone I need assistance with it and can’t find i
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve debated including Net 10, but have decided against it. Despite the fact that Net 10 offers unlimited talk, text, and data for $31.50 per month, you only get 500 MB of data at high speed. After you hit that limit all data is at 2G speed which is barely better than slow dial-up speeds. We decided that Net 10’s price is too high for what they deliver.
mark moore says
where can i get a phone today in ventura ca.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Take our advice, Mark, and do not attempt to enroll with a street vendor or at a street tent or booth. There have just been so many cases of fraud and abuse at those locations that we strongly advise you to enroll online or by phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you should sit down with him and contact one of the free government cell phone providers on this page, Pedro. At 83, he can probably use your help to enroll with a customer service rep.
You should go through all the service providers listed on this page to find the plan that fits your dad’s needs best — most minutes, most texts, most data, smartphone, etc. Then enroll him with that company.
Manda White says
I am trying to find a plan with unlimited data also. My phone is computer and everything else. I am extremely low income and trying to look for employment. I pay $70 a month with taxes and insurance. Can you help me find the best deals for San Bernardino county?
Free Government Cell Phones says
San Bernardino County? That’s this comment moderator’s old stompin’ grounds. Unfortunately, Manda, no one offers unlimited data. Why do you need unlimited data?
Teresa ybarra says
How i get free phone? I need with text not voice is because I am deaf. Alike I need iphone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify? Check out the qualifications by reading the following article:
Then check out all the companies and plans available in your state here:
Enroll with the company that offers a plan that fits your needs best. And by the way, here’s another article about each company’s policy on impaired vision/hearing/speech:
Thanh says
I contacted someone that does government free phone listing and they said that each house hold can have two free phone. However, when I read on here it said only one per house hold — my question is which one is true and if my mom already has a government free phone, can my dad get one too? — my dad is retired and they are well below the poverty guideline — both of them are on medi-cal.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Believe us when we tell you that only one phone is permitted per household. There are some rare exceptions, but your mom and dad are not permitted to each have free government cell phones if they live in the same household. Sorry, but that is the correct information.
Jennifer says
I don’t know if I’m asking this in the right place, if not maybe someone knows who i should contact? I have one lifeline cell phone from Assurance wireless which I’ve had about 2+ years. It’s just a simple most basic phone, but I’ve been having difficulties with it and hoped I could replace it? The second question is that my husband and I have split up and are no longer together, but are still married legally. Can he get his own phone? We obviously can not share anymore as we live apart. I sincerely appreciate any help thank your so very much.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can answer both of your questions, Jennifer. First, yes, you can replace your old cell phone. Depending on how long you’ve had the account and who your service provider is, they may replace it for free. But they’re more likely to charge you a relatively small upgrade fee to give you a smartphone. But like we said, you may get lucky and get a free upgrade.
The answer to the second question is also yes — assuming that you and your husband no longer live under the same roof. Lifeline Assistance rules say that only one free government cell phone is allowed per household, so if you no longer live together he may qualify for one, too. (We only say “may” because he must also pass all the eligibility requirements.)
Erin carpenter says
How do I find out who my provider is if my phone was stolen
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can’t unless you remember who you got it from. If you got it from one of the tents on the street, that we are always warning people not to use, you’re probably really out of luck trying to figure it out.
Ellen says
I recently signed up for an Universal Lifeline phone with Safelink. The reps were canvassing the neighborhood where my friend lives, and we were sitting on his front porch. I had been considering getting a U.L. Phone for awhile but never seemed to get around to doing the research, so the circumstances seemed almost providential. The two ladies told me there would be free unlimited talk, text and data on my plan and a free phone. There even confirmed this information before signing up. When my daughter and I researched Safelink’s plans online, because I thought their promises were too good to be true, we found that the plan they promised me was completely fictional. We checked several different sites, and we could not find the plan I was offered anywhere. We also found hundreds of reviews, all of them negative. The problems ranged in scope from service problems and customer service problems to problems with the annual recertification problems and language barriers. What gives with Smartlink? Are there any U.L. Service companies that are honest and able to fulfill their promises?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most of the Lifeline companies are honest, Ellen. What you’ve run into here is something we warn our readers about constantly. DO NOT ENROLL WITH STREET VENDORS OR AT STREET BOOTHS. There have just been so many cases of fraud and abuse that we no longer support that means of signing up.
However, that being said, if you live in California, and it appears that you do since you left your comment here on our California page, you can rest assured that Safelink and many other companies do, indeed, offer unlimited talk, unlimited text, and varying amounts of data usage, too.
Check out all the companies (including Safelink) to see the plans they offer.
LScott says
Forget California, tell me about chicago, il.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can check out all the companies offering free government cell phones in Illinois on the following page, LScott:
Make sure you check out all the companies and all the plans because each company offers a little something different. Look through them all and find the plan that works best for your needs.
Shawn P Guerrero says
Is ther a provider in California that runs off of the t-mobile network
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have the list of free government cell phone companies on this page, Shawn. Now here’s an article that tells you which network(s) each of them runs on:
Guwop says
you say that the cell phones are free, but everyone that I’ve talked to who got one of them says it’s $ 25 per year, hmmm.
Free Government Cell Phones says
F-R-E-E. No charge. None. Gratis. Without charge. Not one red cent. Zero. Nada.
Racheal says
I like this
Jean White says
My phone stopped working and the person who sold it to me has a sign in he door that says off for a ninja holiday. I don’t think it is the battery
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why did you buy a phone, Jean? The free government cell phone program is exactly that — free.
Anna Adams says
I wanted to know if you have free land-line phones .my mother is 80 years old and she is hard at hearing she has a hearing aid and no knowledge in working a cell phone so I wanted to know if you guys offer free land-line for senior citizens she needs it she has no phone as we speak. Anything can happen and she has no phone..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Anna, the Lifeline program provides discounted landline service, but no free landline service.
Alfa price says
We are non profit agency who working with minority ethnic: Vietnamese. Some of our low income families would like to apply for a free phone, how do we be your associate? 2 months ago we used to contact 1 of your associate doing application procedure at our office, locate in San Rafael, Marin county. Recently there are more families need this service, we contact the same person again. He told us he is no longer prividing the service. Please advice us what to do in this matter, so we can serve our community! My contact is 415-720-****. Alfa Price
Free Government Cell Phones says
We think you have mistaken this website for a free government cell phone service provider, Alfa. But here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in California:
Good luck. We hope our website can help all the families you work with.
Martha Bommarito says
I would like to know who pays for this program.
1) Do California Taxpayers subsidize it, and if so, how much?
2) Do cell phone companies receive any form of tax credit for their participation and, if so, how much?
Thank you,
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that answers that exact question, Martha:
Sofia says
My name is sofia , i am trying to get ahold of my free lifeline program toll number. I know this might seem kind of stupid but i dont recall what program i got my free obama phone i tried looking under ABOUT MY PHONE but i still cant figure it out. On my screen it says verizon wireless and the type of phone they gave me is an ZTE android phone . Also i live in california. Can you guys help me out and direct me on who i can contact please. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
No problem, Sofia. Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone and your service provider’s customer service team will answer.
Wilmor says
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to know what will I do if I wanted to terminate the free cellphone that you provided to me under Pres.Obama program .What will be the process .
Your kind assistance and prompt action is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please understand that we’re not your service provider, Wilmor. We’re an independent website with no affiliation with any of the free government cell phone companies. However, we can tell you what to do. First thing you should try is contacting your service provider’s customer service team by phone or online at its website. If that doesn’t work, turn your phone off so that you can neither send nor receive any phone calls or texts for 60 days. If you do that, your account will automatically be terminated.
tichona white says
I cannot remember who my provider is. I want to add web time to my account. how do I find out who my carrier is?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Simple, Tichona. Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. Your service provider will answer.
Susan Smith says
I filled out an application for a free cell phone a few weeks ago. I haven’t received any more info or the phone. Can you check on this? Susan Smith. ******** p. O. Box ***, Mokelumne Hill, Ca. 95245. Phones: 209-210-****, 209-559-****. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Susan, but we cannot check the status of your enrollment. We are an independent website, not a Lifeline service provider. You can contact your service provider’s customer service team by phone or online, or you can go to its website and see if it offers a “Check Your Status” function. Many Lifeline companies do.
Elena says
Where is a booth of this in Oxnard? Ive heard there usually in walmart in Rose Ave. I would likento know where are they located
Free Government Cell Phones says
Take our advice, Elena: Apply online or by phone, not at one of these street booths or tents. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating with the street reps.
Adelina says
The phone is for my husband he has Parkinson’s
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify for this program, Adelina? If not, check out the PCs for People program, which allows you to qualify with higher income levels. Here’s where you can read about it:
Robert Homen says
Hi my name is Robert Homen.
I’m a T 3 paraplegic confined to the use of a wheelchair. I have Medicare, Medicaid and Carramore supplemental insurance my only source of income is from Social Security $1425.00/mo. I had a phone but it stopped working. I got it from a roadside stand in the Kmart parking lot. I receive a free phone and no monthly fees. I would like to apply again. My present cell phone number is 831 -207-****. My address is 960 ***** Ave. ******. I gave them my madicare card, Medicaid card. They took down the information and gave me a new phone. Wonder if this sight is the same. Or you know of a sight programs that does this for the disabled. You have my information looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have a couple options, Robert. First, you can contact your service provider’s customer service team to request a replacement phone. You’ll probably be asked to pay a small fee and you may want to take this opportunity to upgrade to a smartphone. Second, you can always switch service providers and get a new phone with no fee. That would allow you to switch to a company that offers more minutes, more texts, a data plan, etc. Here’s where you can find a list of all the service providers in your state:
And here’s an article that tells you how easy it is to switch service providers:
Jackie Holzer says
I was wondering if there was a cell phone store in Santa Maria, CA where I could discuss getting a replacement phone. Or in San Luis Obispo, CA. My govt. phone, unfortunately, got a major crack in the screen and has rendered it pretty much useless. Is there somewhere I could go to discuss this with someone in person?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhh, California’s beautiful central coast. That’s where was headquartered until we packed our bags and moved our intergalactic headquarters to north Texas.
There are no “stores” that offer free government cell phones, Jackie. You may occasionally run across a street tent or booth, but recommend that you avoid them like the plague and enroll by phone or online. It’s much safer that way.
Charlene Lewis says
I have a phone with assurance wireless. It is now my 4th replacement phone. Assurance wireless keeps telling me the phone is defective and replacing them. They now want to send me yet a 5th replacement. The problem with the phone is the same error message on all the phones. At this time I can only think the phones have a bug in them that has not been worked out and I will be spending the rest of my time with assurance wireless simply replacing phone after phone. Can you give me the name of another of your providers so I may change and get a phone that is not defective. Thank you. My email address is ******
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re on the right page, Charlene. This page lists all the free government cell phone providers in California. Check them all out carefully because each one offers a slightly different deal and you want to get the one that’s best for you. Some offer unlimited minutes and text and others offer data plans, so figure out which one will best satisfy your needs.
Then, here’s an article that tells you how easy it is to switch from one service provider to another:
Can retired DISABLED military veterans automatically qualify for LIFE line free cell phones and services
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, neither being a vet nor being disabled makes you eligible. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t qualify some other way, Kampala. Here’s where you can find a list of all the ways to qualify:
Danny Torres says
Am requesting new form for lifeline free wireless phone. Never recieved one and I cant use my phone. Acct number is CA100345**** Danny Torres Send it to 226 Garden Dr. ********, Ca. Thank You My email is ****** The phone number for this phone is 209-445-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to get the application forms from the company’s website, Danny. Or call customer service.
Adam Grant says
Help, I lost my phone, who do I contact to get a new phone? I’m lost without it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you what to do in case of a lost phone, Adam:
Andrew Daniele says
I posted a question on the 19th of September and have not been given a reply. I asked this question.I rent a room in a house. The owner of the house has a free phone. I can,t use his phone. Can I get my own free phone ?
Thank You
Free Government Cell Phones says
We did answer your question, Daniel, but you didn’t leave it on this article. Here’s where you can find your question and our answer:
Ray says
How can I get a free iPhone 4
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you about the smartphone upgrade policies of all the major free government cell phone companies:
Lori says
Is there an upgrade option? Because my phone is outdated and small!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You didn’t say who your service provider is, Lori, so we can’t answer your question. But here’s one of our articles that covers the smartphone/upgrade policies of all the major Lifeline companies:
tammy says
Can I have a free phone mailed to me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, Tammy, but you need to enroll with one of the companies offering them in your state. You’re on the right page if you live in California, so check them all out to find the plan that works best for you.
Le Loi says
My phone number is (714) 467-****. Now the phone is not working. Please let me know what happen to my phone line. I called the CA line life, they said that Safellink wireless removed my name out of the program. Please tell me what I have to to get the working back. Thanks. Le Loi.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s impossible for us to troubleshoot your cell phone via the comments section, but here are some steps you should take.
Is it possible that Safelink closed your account because you have another Lifeline account with another company? If not, here are some things you should do.
First, contact Safelink to ask why your account has been cancelled. Second, ask them to reinstate your account because it should not have been closed. Third, if Safelink will not reinstate your account, apply with one of the other Lifeline companies. Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Julie says
I’m stuck between 2 of California’s biggest company’s giving out phones. There was no safety net for me at all. Because of that my phone now has been switched to different plan. Getting ahold of a real person with both company’s is impossible.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Which companies are you referring to, Julie?
Diana Rice says
I need any phone numbers for independent contractors who set their own schedules who give out free lifeline cell phones in Taft Ca…..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Lovely Taft, California is home of the comment moderator’s grandfather-in-law.
That being said, we don’t have the phone numbers. Your best bet is contacting the service providers to ask if they will give out that information.
Diana Rice says
Ok will do… Thank You.
phone searcher says
WEBMASTER: Could you please list the service providers on this page so we don’t have to click on each and every phone provider to find which Network they use. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
What’s the problem, Searcher? All the service providers are listed on this page.
Jules says
I’m truly disappointed in the way Lifeline has handled my application with them. I have the free cell phone and now they disqualified me Safelink said. I have tried calling the number Safelink gave me day after day and it won’t go through. I received no letter no email no phone. Yes the California free cell program is huge. But where is the safety net for the consumer. The phones they give out are the phones the FCC said needs signal booster, well how do we get one if there free phones and income based
Free Government Cell Phones says
We hear you, Jules. Try calling 6-1-1 which will take you directly to the company’s customer service team.
Hen says
Anyone know which of these CA Government Cell Phone Providers use the AT&T or Verizon network?
Bob Schiering says
I do not have lifeline anymore, but still am low income, as I participate in section 8 and have Medicare and Medi-Cal. So, my questions are: can I still obtain a free cell phone in California? If so, where and how? Thank you for any information you may provide me with.
Bob Schiering
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, of course, you can Bob. It sounds as if you qualify a couple different ways. We do NOT recommend enrolling at a street booth or tent. Instead, you can contact the companies on this page. But you should check them all out before you enroll with anyone. Each company’s plan is a little different than all the others and you need to determine which one fits your needs best.
anthony sparaco says
I need a new lifeline phone and does not text anymore. Who do I notify??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly what you need to know, Anthony:
Christopher Joseph Ghadanian says
i am trying to get a government phone i need assistance to guide me how to recieve one please…
Free Government Cell Phones says
This website will tell you everything you need to know, Christopher. Start by finding out if you’re eligible. You can do that here:
Then go to our state’s page and click on your state to find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Efren Galvan says
I have a government Blu phone but it’s disconnected right now how do I get it reactivated
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot answer your question until you tell us it was disconnected.
amma says
I have a att cell phone galaxy s5. Is this cell phone compatible to use with a free government sims? If so Where can I connect this phone with the free government service?
Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Amma, but there is no single entity known as free government cell phones and no single free government SIM. Each Lifeline Assistance company has its own selection of phones and operate on one or more cell networks. In other words, the only way to get an answer to your question is for you to contact all the Lifeline companies in your state. Some will be compatible, some won’t. Here’s where you can find all the companies in your state to start checking:
Mary Boucher says
In April 2016, ReachOut Wireless stopped being a participant in cell phone program. I have been trying since May to get a new cell phone. I have requested an application from SafeLink and have yet to receive it. I just got off the phone with Assurance for the 5th time!! I have requested an application from them at least 3 times and have yet to receive one. This is absurd! What do I do now???
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s very odd, Mary, especially because Safelink has a special section for former ReachOut customers. There are lots of other Lifeline companies. Maybe you should try one of them. They’re all listed right in the article on this page.
Elba Granados says
My son have used my phone and he used it only for emergencies at the end i think he lost the line what can i do. Can I still recover it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long has the phone been lost, Elba? According to Lifeline regulations, your account will be automatically cancelled if the phone has been inactive for 60 days. Here are a couple of article that may help you. The first one tells you what to do in case of a lost phone:
And in case your account has been cancelled, you will need to reapply. You can reapply with any company offering free government cell phones in your state. It’s possible that you could get a new account with more minutes and more texts and maybe even a data plan (depending on where you live). Here’s where you can find a list of all the companies and plans in your state:
wendy phillips says
Where can I get an Obama cell phone in San Pablo Richmond California area August 2 2016
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way to know, Wendy. The people who work at those booths are generally independent contractors who set their own schedules, so even the Lifeline Assistance companies don’t know where and when they’ll be set up.
Anita Acosta says
I want info on how to qualify for free cell phone with critieria for 6 family members ??? Send answer on my gmail plzzzz!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s the information you need, Anita. Eligibility is a bit different in each state (different assistance programs are found in each state), but this is a good starting point:
Deana Bailey says
I’m glad someone has the balls to tell it like it is concerning CA. Keep it up.
brittany loftin says
i am looking to get the location of a booth in oroville ca can you help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, we can’t help you, Brittany. The people who work at those booths and tents are independent contractors who set their own schedules.
Eileen says
Where do I sign up for phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t have to go anywhere to sign up, Eileen. You can sign up by phone or online with most companies. You’re on the right page to find a complete list of companies in your state.
Kim says
How can I get a free Obama phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Kim. First find out if you qualify be reading this page:
Then come back to this page to find a listing of all the companies offering free government cell phones in California.
Jack Jupiter says
hi, does anyone here know when the tag mobile phone is supposed to arrive? (a general estimate, like 5-7 days, etc) i applied on the 18th, it was approved on the 19th, and there wasnt any information on their websites FAQ or in the email about when i should expect to see the phone. i sent an email 2 days ago to their customer service and i havent received a reply yet. btw, love this website! i didnt know there was more than one company who did the free phones lol.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Before we answer your question, Jack, we just have to say that you have one of the coolest names we’ve ever seen. Jack Jupiter! We want to be named Jack Jupiter.
But back to your question. One of our most frequently asked questions is “how long will it take for my phone to arrive.” Most companies say two to three weeks. But our readers report that it often takes three or four weeks or even longer.
Hang in there, guy with cool name.
Angel says
I been calling my service provider I put in my code but won’t work I’m trying cancel my service. What can I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Speak to customer service. If that doesn’t work, your service will be automatically cancelled if you turn off your phone and neither send nor receive any calls or texts for 60 days. Also, if you are near the anniversary of your beginning service date, your service will be automatically cancelled if you do not re-certify.
Jessica Gray says
My phone was stolen I have no idea who to call to cancel this phone please help!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call your service provider.
Tonita Hall says
I just received a touch screen blu das jr 3g and it is not working the sales person said it should be on and it is not on who do I call for tech support. They should train people to provide tech issue phone numbers
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no idea who your service provider is, Tonita, so we can’t even give you contact info. But you can find a complete list of service providers in your state and their contact info here:
Jim Lukowitsch says
how do I add my company on here?
Free Government Cell Phones says
What does your company do, Jim?
Jazherah MacMornna says
I joined this program with Assurance Wireless 5 months ago. Their phones DON’T WORK! I’ve had nothing but trouble and it’s driving me crazy. Is there anyway to ascertain if the other companies provide useful, good quality phones or just more garbage BEFORE signing up?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re sorry to hear that about Assurance. We normally think of it as one of the better Lifeline companies.
Have you already received a replacement phone from Assurance? If not, you should call customer service to demand one. If you have received a replacement phone and it doesn’t work either, we don’t blame you for wanting to switch companies. Here’s an article that tells you how to switch service providers:
It’s impossible to rate the phones before you get them, so maybe you should read through the comments our readers have left on each company’s page. Good luck, Jazherah.
Carol Naomi Hirokane says
I’m trying to contact you! Do to my phone got turned off & when the give me the phone number to contact you it’s going straight to Life Line! I need someone to contact me right away, so I can get my phone turned back on! I Love the phone please help! My phone number you can reach me at is (415) 453-****. thanks please help me! ;(
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are NOT a cell phone service provider, Carol. We’re just an independent website that covers news about this industry.
You must contact your service provider’s customer service team to solve your problem.
Christina says
I would like to stop service phone number 559-709-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to contact your service provider if you want to cancel service. Alternately, you can shut off your phone for 30 days so it neither sends nor receives any phone calls or texts and your account should be automatically cancelled.
steve custeau says
i have a phone # from previous pre paid phone how can i use that # 619-549-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you want to use it on a free government cell phone, Steve? It should be as easy as telling your new service provider that you want to “port over your old number” at the time of enrollment.
Mr. Awesome says
Hey guys thanks a lot for the handy website 😀 real convient!
My question is how I go about getting the absolute best data plan (no funny stuff) I have anxiety so I need the internet option on the go dudes.
Mostly on Youtube or some weird obscure gaming site, oh & Google Maps too.
I’m willing to pay for unlimited cheap data but I would like it reliable with them 4G phones.
I guess that’s all my gripes, any stay cool & have an awesome weekend
*puts on shades*
Free Government Cell Phones says
Visit our other website, It offers complete information on all the low-income Internet plans available. Keep in mind that none of them are available everywhere in the country and they each have different eligibility requirements. But you’ll probably find one or two that work for you. Here’s a link to that page:
Chandler Biddle says
My name is Chandler Biddle. I am a young adult lady who lives in San Diego, California. I am interested in getting a cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
First of all, Chandler Biddle is one of the coolest names we’ve ever heard. But that’s off topic.
Do you qualify for a phone, Chandler? Your first step is to check out the eligibility requirements. You can find them here:
Second step is to find out which companies offer free government cell phones in your state. You can find that here:
Check out all the companies and all the plans to find the one that suits your needs the best.
Danny says
Where csn I go in hemet, ca. to get a free phone today?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There have been so many problems with fraud and abuse at the street tents and booths that we no longer recommend them, Danny. Please save yourself the potential problems and apply online or by phone.
Tracey says
The whole program is a damn scam! You get service, if you’re lucky, long enough for them to gather your information. Then all of a sudden BAM! NO INTERNET SERVICE AND LIMITED PHONE SERVICE. It’s a bunch of bull#=&% like anything else the government offers for “free!”
Homeless and COMPLETELY disappointed
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t want to make any rash assumptions, but we think Tracey may be an unhappy customer.
Joy Chapman says
Hello! I had seen a table with a SafeLink Representative outside across the street from the welfare office in the city which I live in. I asked many questions and one of the main questions that I asked was if it was unlimited incoming and outgoing calls and it wasn’t a costly based plan where you would have to pay for anything. The representative told me that it was unlimited and there wasn’t anything having to do with minutes each month. Basically, I signed up for the service and received my phone in the mail through a brown box. I started using my phone and everything was all good until June 14, 2016. My phone service got cut off and told me that I had to go and purchase a Trac Fone card in order to add minutes. I had seen this on the Instruction Manual inside of the box. It mentioned the fact about having 125 minutes per month and 250 minutes per month. There wasn’t supposed to be anything based on MINUTES. I specifically asked for the phone service to be unlimited and the representative assured me that it was. I don’t appreciate being lied to by your representative and if your able to turn my phone service back on where I would like the “UNLIMITED” service then please do so. My phone number is 1-(209)-328-****.
Elsa says
Hello. I was approached by a “SAFELINK” Rep on the street while walking. She was Very persistent. She said it would only take a minute. Long story short, she took my info. Name, address. Last 4 of social security & took a picture of my EBT CARD. I thought she was going to pull a phone out her bag. But instead said YOUR PHONE WILL ARRIVE IN 5-7 DAYS. She walked away. I was like. Huh? I looked at the website & safelink is Not available for this area. People just BEWARE in San Diego. says
Yes, we agree. With phones or anything else, beware of people on the street that want to give you something.
kentuckywoman2 says
If I were you, I would notify the State that you think your EBT number was stolen and tell them what happened. Request a new EBT number and card immediately! Or you may find that this woman either is using yours or sold the information. I’ve never heard of a SAfelink representative asking for an EBT card. It might be legit, but I wouldn’t take the chance…especially if you never receive your phone.
Kim says
My daughter is using one of these free phones, but hasn’t been living in California for more than six months. Who do I report this to? says
We don’t know of any rule that says you need to be in the state for more than six months. In fact, you don’t even need to be a US citizen.
Theresa Sommers says
Your an ass****! Report your daughter make her a felon and ruin the rest of her life. U f***in believable!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re way out of line, Theresa. Not only for your language, but because you’re completely wrong. She’s not making her daughter a felon, her daughter made herself a felon. She’s ruining her own life by doing things that are illegal.
kentuckywoman2 says
Do you really want to ruin the potential for any relationship with your daughter, possibly forever? I don’t know if she’s breaking any laws or not, but if she is, that’s on her, not you. You can tell her she’s breaking the law, if she is, and that you are disappointed in her behavior and that you didn’t raise her that way, but do you really want to turn your daughter in to the authorities? I mean, if she committed murder, that’s one thing, but this is not murder. Tell her you won’t associate with her as long as she’s breaking the law if you feel that’s the right thing to do, but again, if you turn your own daughter in, you will likely do irreparable harm that you may never be able to remedy. I would think long and hard about this.
Tatiana Gonzalez says
Hi what is the number for California lifeline customer service
Free Government Cell Phones says
Each Lifeline Assistance company has its own customer service number, Tatiana. Click on each of the companies listed on this page to get their contact info.
michael miller says
I applied for my Brother a few weeks back and he has yet to receive his phone can you email me and let me know what the status is.
My Brother: Theodore F. Miller
Santa Maria.
he has no computer so I filled everything in for him while he was visiting my house.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are an independent website, Michael, not a Lifeline service provider. Which company did you apply with? You need to contact that company’s customer service department, or depending on the company, you may be able to check your status on its website.
Tatiana Gonzalez says
Hi I have a free lifeline program-based but my phone is acting weird when someone called I answer and you can’t hear nothing.also it sometimes turnes off by its self. for my birthday someone got me a phone.its a LG but it’s not connected. And I wanted to know if I can use the LG instead of the free phone.and can I transfer the server that I had on the free phone to the new one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You “may” be able to put your Lifeline SIM card in your new phone, but it is dependent on a few things — such as the make and model of the phone, how long you’ve had the phone, and what network your service provider uses. The only way to answer these questions is to speak to your service provider’s customer service or tech support teams.
Colleen Callahan says
I started to apply for a free cell phone. At the end it started talking about fees so I stopped. Is this a totally free phone and service or are there any fees at all associated with it.?
kentuckywoman2 says
There is NEVER a fee associated with the Lifeline Assistance program. If any company is asking for a fee, my guess is that they’re not legitimate. You were smart to stop your application. If you noted the company, website and/or phone number, you might report them to your State Attorney General’s office…because this is likely fraud.
Angeles says
Vivo en riverside, alguien sabe en donde está una tent de Free phone, para solicitar uno?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No se recomienda la aplicación de un teléfono en una tienda de campaña, Ángeles. Ha habido muchas quejas sobre el fraude en las tiendas de campaña. Usted debe aplicar en línea o por teléfono para protegerse.
(If this does not make sense in Spanish, blame Google Translate.)
Elaine says
My husband and I are disabled, he is semi mobile with memory problems and I am nonmobile. When he leaves the house our only way to keep in touch for emergency or reminders (due to his memory problems) is by cell phone. He won’t use text at all and would do well with a jitterbug type phone, where as I use a smartphone. My question is, is there a program that will allow both of us a phone, his limited and mine complete service. We really need two phones and our total income is only $770. a month
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Elaine, but there is only one Lifeline account permitted per household.
frances Arvizu says
I make less then 2000 a month
Free Government Cell Phones says
That doesn’t necessarily qualify you for a Lifeline Assistance account, Frances. Do you live alone or are there other people in your household?
Jay Aubrey says
SafeLink California Wireless has proved themselves absolutely incompetent and administrating this service I’d like to tell you to call me so I can tell you the story my email.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Jay. Your anger at Safelink may be completely legitimate, but we cannot give out your contact information. We need to protect our readers just in case you’re not legit.
sharon morris says
My email is loveangel. I do in home care and take of a man that already has a cell phone and I would like to know if he can keep his same number he has had the same number for over 10 years? I know he would quilfie for your service because that’s all the ppl I can work for I work for the state of Calif.
thanks Sharon
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, your friend can keep the same phone number. He just needs to tell the Lifeline Assistance free government phone company that he wants to “port over his current number.”
If you’re in California, here’s where you can find a list of all the companies doing business in your state. Check them all out, because they each offer different number of minutes, texts, data, etc. Here’s a link to the article:
steve says
phones are garbage had mine 5 months charged my battery now it frooze
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nothing worse than having your phone frooze.
Rayvon says
Just had the misfortune to bother with SafetyNet wireless. Don’t bother. They give garbage phones, and good luck getting them to work. Instead of sending them back at my expense, switched to Assurance. Given a real live smartphone that was enabled right there at the tent. Went to an actual brick and mortar store with Safety Net, and got a bs story that it would be working within a couple of hours, bring back if any problems. When took back was told that the company would have to fix, etc.
Unlimited talk and text, with 500 MB vs, a non-working 1990’s model POS. When the lifeline people sent me a notice that I had the option to change back I damn near choked laughing
Free Government Cell Phones says
Glad to hear that Assurance was able to satisfy your needs, Rayvon.
I have a 70%hearing loss in both ears. Do you have cell phones for the hard of hearing?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please understand, Roberta, that we are not a service provider. We are an independent website that is not affiliated with any of the free government cell phone service providers. However, one of our recent articles covers the subject you asked about:
Good luck, Roberta.
Joah says
Hey. I am currently in Oregon. But live in California and am homeless with a Oregon mailing address and currently receiving benefits from Oregon (SNAP) and would like to sign up and have a CA area code, is it possible for me to apply and have the phone sent to my mailing address in OR
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are really getting some interesting, complex questions lately. This is another one that we’ve never received before.
We’re 99.9% sure the answer is no, you can’t get a California Lifeline cell phone with an Oregon address and based on Oregon benefits received in Oregon.
Lisa Bogue says
Do area codes belong to certain companies ? I was given a 209 area code and told they did not know why it was only giving out 209 codes that day . but i should have no problem calling and getting it fixed, because I live in the 530 area code. he said he has did it before. well i called they said the 530 area code is not theirs and could not help me. I even asked if they could just let me keep the number I had on the phone i was replacing and no help at all. Oh the company is Budget Mobile. thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Individual companies have no control over area codes, Lisa. NANPA (North American Numbering Plan Administrator) assigns area codes, prefixes, and other telephone codes to the industry.
That being said, there’s no reason to worry about what area code you’re given. For example, the Editor of lives in Texas but has a Southern California area code. His wife has a central California area code. It doesn’t matter where you live, you can use an area code that is from somewhere else.
Wanda Kelley says
I am applying for Ur service and have a neighbor who is in his 80’s and having trouble with his phone service. I tried to tell him about this but he’s got hearing loss and hearing aids which s’times are not enough help for him.
I’m unsure exactly why his phone isn’t working for him, partially because it has coincided with his having succumbed to the relentless advertising for Windows 10 which has resulted it the demolition of 14 years of his work which was on his ‘puter!
So there is considerable anguish and distress these days for him.
So he’s wondering IF he’d be able to hear well enough with a cell phone. Is there any way for him to find out IF it would be feasible for him? His name is George Shultz. Until now he’s had some success using a speaker phone in his apartment.
I don’t understand if this is a “technical” ? for a vendor or not.
Thank U for Ur help and guidance.
Sincerely, Wanda Kelley
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s no reason for your friend to struggle with hearing on a cell phone, Wanda, because there are many free government cell phone companies that offer devices for speech, voice and hearing-impaired customers. Here’s an article that may help him out:
Malcolm Jarrod Murray says
I need a job please
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll need to contact the individual Lifeline companies, Malcolm. We can’t help you.
Tai vu says
I want to renew the cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that explains everything you need to know:
samantha says
How do I get a cell phone free.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Visit a great website called
Do everything it says to do.
Jinhua Xu says
What should I do if I don’t want to use the free phone anymore?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The best way is to call your service provider and cancel your account.
Alternately, you could also just shut your phone off so that it has no incoming or outgoing calls for two months. That will cause your account to be closed automatically.
And if you are close to your anniversary date, you can decline to re-certify, which will also cause your account to be cancelled.
But as we said the best method is to call and cancel your account. That will assure that fewer dollars are spent on an unwanted account and free up the money to be spent on someone who really needs the phone.
Crystal says
If we qualify can both my husband and I get a phone ? What’s the limit ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Crystal, but the limit is one per household.
James green says
I am on social security. And i am on Medicare does my medicare card qualify
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, neither of those will qualify. But it sounds as if you may qualify based on income. Go to the “Do You Qualify?” Link at the top of this page to find out.
Aden says
I have seen the free phone stands a few times before but now that I need one they’re not to be found. I know I can sign up and wait but I’d much rather just get it in person. My question is – is there any way to find the locations of these stands? Greatly appreciated.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We understand what you’re saying, Aden, but we’d like you to reconsider. We get soooooo many comments from people who’ve been ripped off by street vendors that we urge you to avoid that method of getting a phone. Stick with the online or phone application and save yourself potential heartache.
Russell Bowman says
I live in Roseville California and I would like to get a free government phone car text me at 916-289-**** thank you Russell Bowman
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify for the Lifeline program, Russell? Find out by clicking on the “Do You Qualify?” Link at the top of this page.
If you do qualify, click on the “States” link also at the top of this page. Then click on “California” to find a complete list of service providers. You should check them all out to find the plan (minutes/texts/data) that works best for you.
Good luck.
Bob says
A Lot of people in CA are wondering why (anyone know?) Verizon isn’t involved.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Fact is, none of the nation’s biggest cell phone companies are involved in the free government cell phone program. They all offer Lifeline “discounts,” but not free phones. Our assumption is that the their cost structures and business models just do not allow them to offer free phones when they must compete against low-cost companies set up to deal exclusively in that niche.
But who knows? Maybe some of our readers have other opinions. If so, feel free to speak up.
Terence B says
TruConnect offers unlimited talk/text and 500mb of data
brandon ford says
where is an obama phone stand in the chico, oroville area?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s no way of knowing where and when booths will be set up, Brandon. Most of the people are independent contractors who set their own hours and schedules.
brandon ford says
i would like to know where in chico, ca., or oroville, ca. there is an obama phone stand where i can get a phone instead of waiting for one through the mail
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t recommend signing up with a street vendor, Brandon. There have just been too many cases of fraud. Try signing up online or by phone.
Victoria says
Hello, my mother has one of your BLU company phones and she lost the SIM card to the phone, is there any possible way for her to order a new one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your mother’s service provider, Victoria. You must contact her service provider’s customer service team by phone or online.
Joe says
I would like to become a distributor for safelink. I tried contacting their agency line for months but they have not answered or responded to any of my emails. How do I become a broker or distributor?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Try getting in touch with Safelink’s corporate headquarters. Here’s that info:
9700 NW 112th Avenue
Medley, FL 33178
(800) 378-1684
Ask for Human Resources. Please report back to us about your experience.
Ash says
How Do I Start Working To zsupply Government Phones? I have tablet and WiFi
Free Government Cell Phones says
The only way to find out which companies are hiring is to call each of them. Good luck.
Nilay Patel says
I am 16 Year old and My question is how can I get a phone for free, who is currently immigrated from other country few months ago. I will be thankful for your response.
Thank You-
Nilay Patel
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Nilay, but the free government phone is restricted to those 18 years of age or older.
Nilay Patel says
Is there any High School students free cell phone from any other company?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Nilay, you must be 18 or older to qualify for a free government cell phone. Of course, some high school students are 18, but they generally live at home with parents or other family. So even if the 18 year old high school student qualified for a free government cell phone as an individual, it’s the total HOUSEHOLD income that determines eligibility. And only one phone is permitted per household.
Harvinder says
My dad has medical and he is also getting SSI , I filed him as a dependent in my tax return 2016 . We just want to know that he is still qualify for free cell phones program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The complexities of this program and every day life never fail to astound us. This is one of those questions we’ve never before been asked.
As we understand it, your father needs to be able to show that he participates in at least one of the federal or state assistance programs. If he can prove that he gets SSI, he should be able to qualify for a free government cell phone.
Ray Mariani says
Is it true I have to wait 90 days to reapply to get any of the available free government phones? Assurance wireless was to send me a new one for the one I have is frozen up. I called today and was told the person I talked to was not authorized to send me a new one. I told them to cancel it and I’d get another one. Also was told to wait 14 days to reapply an application
Btw, I got the Assurance phone the same day I cancled my Reachout phone. ( it kept rebooting constantly also)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you all the ins-and-outs of switching providers:
Debra Shapiro says
How do you find the network with the best coverage for your area?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The only way is to find out which of your friends has the best coverage and then check the websites of each of the free government cell phone companies to determine which of them use that same network. Not easy, but probably worth the investment in time.
michael black says
my zip cod is 95223 and I live in Arnold ca and it does not come up it says dorrington ca how do I get it to come Arnold ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact tech support at your free government cell phone provider.
As a side note, the Editor of also used to live in Arnold, California. It’s a beautiful part of the world — the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
RORY says
Well ,i qualify “But” i can’t get a free cell-phone as they advertise any ways because this ,free cell phone
Program “Suck’s”!!
“Just” like our government, i can’t talk to real people “just” animated which can’t hear anything i try and say !
such as give my home address for them to mail me an application.
besides i do not Believe there’s free anything Some body has to pay for it ( nothings free period ! )
Rory April.11,2016 Monday at 4:35 pm
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear that you feel that way, Rory. The Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone program has helped millions of needy Americans.
Kathypporter says
How will. I know if I quality??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click on the “Do You Qualify?” Link at the top of this page. That will give you all the federal guidelines.
Then click on the “States” link also at the top of the page. Then scroll down and click on your state’s name (California, we assume). That will take you to a page that outlines Federal AND state public assistance programs that will allow you to qualify.
Good luck.
User says
Is there a number in which I can find a booth where they give the cellphones in my area? Imperial Valley, CA. Also I used to have food assistance a while back n I only got a low income health program(LIHP). Do i qualify?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is no published schedule announcing when any of the companies will have booths for public sign-ups. However, we are not fans of the booth sign-ups and recommend that you enroll by phone or online to avoid potential fraud.
Check out the list of ways to qualify in California in the article on this page.
CRUSADER666 says
Free Government Cell Phones says
You seem to have some anger issues, Crusader666. Perhaps you should Google “psychologists” and your area code. A few sessions and some prescription drugs might just do you a world of good.
Confused & Abused says
I’ve been having a problem. My son & I share the same name and he has been using my address as HIS address, which I explicitly demanded he stop doing. For the 3rd time now, he has managed to get my lifeline phone service dropped. How can I go about ensuring that this doesn’t happen again? I’ve called my cellphone provider’s customer service who told me to call CA PUC who told me to talk to my cellphone provider about getting the service transferred back. Which I did. They can’t help me. I need to reapply, AGAIN. Don’t the companies go off the SSN AND address, if not, why?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We assume your son knows which service provider you get your free government cell phone from. Otherwise, we’re not sure how he would have access to your account. Is this correct? If so, sign up with a different provider, but do not tell your son which one it is. Please keep us updated on this odd situation.
hofig kilzi says
muy buenas tardes me gustaria que alguien me ayudara con mi respuesta como puedo optener un cell gratis del gobierno no tengo la gran idea como hacer tengo medical y no tengo nada de ingreso si alguien me puede mandar un mail y como llenar la aplicasion se lo agradeseria o si alguien tiene numeros directos para hablar con ellos mi mail es hofigkilzi@*******.com muchas gracias buen dia
rufus sturkie says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Well, first of all, it’s not our DAM phone. We are not the DAM free government cell phone company. But here’s your answer: Call your service provider’s customer service department and tell them you want to end your service. Or you can simply not use your DAM phone for 60 days and your account will be automatically cancelled. Thank you very DAM much.
damsmartcookie says
To Free Government Cell Phone…Standing ovation for that DAM response to DAM Rufus Sturkie. DAM appropriate & he DAM well deserved it. Maybe he’ll DAM think about his DAM approach next time he’s asking for some DAM help with some DAM problem he’s having cuz he’s too DAM lazy to do the DAM legwork to figure it out his DAM self.
Made me LOL for real…DAM
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thank you very DAM much.
Nora Vecchio says
Your insulting comments regarding California are offensive….! At least I won’t be attacted, arrested, molested for using a public restroom. Birth control and safe abortions are available, and I am off pharmaceuticals every day, medicating only as needed. Keep your personal opinions to yourself… Your distain is inappropriate and UNPROFESSIONAL. Who wrote this? Who is your boss? Did Jerry steal your toy when you were kids? Grow up!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re really not sure what you’re upset about, Nora, but maybe you should get back on the pharmaceuticals.
Aleksey says
I have a question for the proof of qualification, I have Health-Net which is California Medical. Can i use that to qualify?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If HealthNet qualifies as California MediCal, then yes, you should qualify. Review all the companies listed on our “California” page to find the plan that’s best for you, then call that company to apply. You can also apply online. Good luck.
R.P. Vasquez says
What if you signed up and qualified to receive a free cell phone and services, yet haven’t recieved the cellular phone. Was supposed to arrive in the mail, is there any way to verify or inquire about it?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The only way to verify your status is to contact your service provider’s customer service team online or by phone.
Mark Taylor says
I live in so.calif. and qualify for lifeline. My question is are there any lifeline companies using at&t cellphones as I own an apple iPhone 5 and would like to use it with my lifeline account.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Some companies offer smartphones, but others don’t. Some companies allow you to bring your own device (know in the industry as BYOD), but others don’t. Some of them are compatible with Apple phones, but others are only compatible with Android phones. It’s a very confusing topic, but we’ve tried to clear it all up in this article:
You should read it before you choose a Lifeline service provider because you ability to use your Apple iPhone 5 will depend on which company you select.
Tyler says
Here in Oceanside, CA we offer both a AT&T service and t mobile. The AT&T service will work on your iPhone 5 but you would have to get the sim Card chip resized
Darlene Eagles says
I live in Fresno CA I live way above Auberry CA in hills or mountains so we can only get att up I no they have the lifeline booths that att service can help find one in Fresno CA plz
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, AT&T does not offer free government cell phones in California. They do offer discounted home phones. You must contact them by phone or online if you are interested in their service.
Tyler says
Feel safe wireless which is part of lifeline uses the AT&T network
Lora Hindman says
I got a government phone but I don’t have free unlimited calling or free text
Free Government Cell Phones says
Switch your account to a company that offers unlimited talk and text in California. They’re all listed in the article on this page. Here’s another article that will tell you how to switch companies:
Good luck.
Kenneth P. Auler says
I have Medicare/Medical.
How can I get a cell phone and pay $10.00 per month.
Can I transfer my cell phone number from my Verizon Wireless to this program? (619-283-****)
Thank you,
Kenneth P. Auler
2490 E. ******** APT 146
Palm Springs, CA 92262-6808
Main line: 760-327-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ve come to the right website, Kenneth, but why do you want to pay $10 per month when you can get unlimited service for free?
You can find a list of service providers (along with the number of minutes and texts the provide) on this page. Click on each of the providers to get details on their various plans. Then contact them to find out if they offer service in your area.
Good luck.
patty says
Is there an event in the inland empire that will sign you up and give you a phone the same day, There use to be a rep doing this at the local food bank, she’s not there anymore and don’t know how to find another event.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Finding public events is always difficult because many of the street vendors are contract employees who set their own hours and schedules. Your best bet (and safest bet) is to apply online or by phone and wait the two weeks it should take to get your phone.
Janet says
Will I be able to keep my cell number?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you mean “When I get a free government cell phone, can I keep the phone number I had on my paid account?”
Barbara D. says
I had Lifeline service with them previously but unfortunately it lapsed and when I went to reapply, something would happen each time and it would not get completed. After the last time which was last spring, I was told that they do not offer Lifeline in my area. Then I was told they were going to start offering it again but the website showed under construction. When I confronted them about it, all they would tell me is that they could not tell me when it was going to be back up but to call the toll free number and see what they say. I had to tell them over and over I do not have the minutes to waste on their horrible customer service. Everytime I went on chat I was on for over a hour and up to 3 hours each time. If I was on the phone, I would be out of minutes all the time.
I never heard anything ever again until today when I received the text message stating that I would no longer have phone service with ReachOut after 4/12/16. I got on chat one more time and every time I ask for a supervisor they would tell me that I had to provide them with an alternate number that a supervisor could call me back. Not one time did they say that they would call a supervisor over. Not one time. A supervisor did call me back but that is when I was told that it is not just Lifeline but the Simple Plan also and that it was not just in my area like they were telling me when I tried to set it up over a year ago.
I am sure this is for the best. I just had so much going on right now that I did not like having to now do more research on other Lifeline companies and each program for California. I guess it will be between Assurance Wireless, Budget Mobile, and SafeLink. I think it will probably come down to what phones are offered or which ones I can switch over to the new company. Thanks for all your input. I am surprised that ReachOut lasted this long. Between 2013 and 2014 I needed to replace my phone and everytime I went to their website they never had any phones available or if they did, then I did not have the $19.00 for it. I finally had to purchase a Samsung Verizon flip phone for $20.00 at a mom and pop shop where I use to live to just get a new phone. I have read other comments online regarding people paying for phones from ReachOut and never recieving them. I have had them since 2012 when they started up in California.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Another satisfied ReachOut customer.
Barbara D. says
I just got a text from ReachOut Wireless. It seems after April 21, 2016 they will no longer offer any service to me after April 21, 2016. After talking with a supervisor, I was told it was the Simple Plan and the Lifeline. No service provided at all including emergency call service. I thought it was just my area but it is not just my area. So now I have to find a better service than what they offered by April 21, 2016 or I will out of luck. You may want to update your information on the subject.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks for the information. This is the first time we’ve heard that ReachOut has completely abandoned the free government cell phone business. Read our recent article about the company’s problems:
Luckily, California has a number of other Lifeline Assistance providers who offer far better plans than ReachOut was offering. You will find a list of them on this page. Make sure you click through all the companies to make sure you’re getting the best deal.
Sad to say, but being abandoned by ReachOut may be the best thing that ever happened to you (in terms of cell phones, that is).
Jose Calderon says
Great you have it all gracias all d answers I need
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks, Jose. Nothing makes us happier than a satisified reader.
Joe says
I. Have. Ssi .
Joe says
So what. To. Do. Now
Free Government Cell Phones says
The next step is filling out an application. Most companies allow you to do it online, all allow you to do it by phone. Find out which companies offer the Lifeline program in your state by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page and then click on your state. You’ll find a page that lists all the providers in your state. Click through them to see which company offers a program that sounds like the best fit for you. Then call them or fill out an online application.
Hoyle Harvey says
Why is my phone off?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Speak to your service provider. Only they can answer that question.
Jacquie says
Are any of the phones available just a simple flip phone? Not a smartphone.
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t assure you that you’ll get a flip phone, but most of the Lifeline Assistance companies would be happy to give you a lower level phone rather than a smart phone. The problem is that the phones are distributed randomly when a new customer qualifies for the program. Most companies say that they cannot assure which phone you will be given.
Walter Jonas says
I already have a free cell phone.My question is this: Ca I buy a smart phone & still keep my free service & phone number?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most companies allow you to upgrade to a smart phone. If you’re talking about bringing your own device, many but not all companies will allow it.
rachel says
I got an “Obama Phone” (I think they are also called Lifeline Phones?) and it says on the phone “Lush Q” so I am guessing that is the model of the phone, but I’m not quite sure. Anyway, Im not sure if you have this information, but I am trying to figure out how to change the ringtone on the phone! I know its silly but for some reason I can’t figure it out! Also, when you are on a phone call, is there any way to increase the volume? My hearing is not as good as it could be! Anyway, hope you can help. Thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not familiar with that model name. You have two choices: (1) Call your service provider and ask customer service or tech support, or (2) Do an online search for a user’s manual for that phone model. Good luck.
donna kuhn says
if you move out of california can you transfer the phone to another state?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one has ever asked that question before. Under normal circumstances we’d say yes, as long as your service provider offers service in your new state. But since California offers so many more minutes and texts than other states, our answer will have to be “We’ll look into it and get back to you.”
Kenneth hansen says
I need to verify to keep my phone activated , I moved from nh to Cali a couple months ago
Tom Q says
Where in downtown San Jose, CA can I sign-up?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You must call the individual free government cell phone companies doing business in California. Find them by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page, then click on “California”.
Sofia says
WHERE do i get a cell phone in San Diego?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Although some free government cell phone companies regularly schedule events in cities around California, there is no need to go to a special location to get your cell phone. You can apply online or by phone with any of the Lifeline Assistance companies that do business in California. You can find them listed in the article on this page. Just click on each of the companies to find their contact info.
Tyler says
Lifeline cellular store 1906 Oceanside Blvd #G Oceanside, CA 92054
Larrane says
My service got cut off I have a Life wireless.
Cheyenne Bowman says
Where in oroville butte county can I find a stand to get a free phone unlimited talk and txt?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, most companies do not publish that information in advance. The only way to find out would be to contact each of the free government cell phone companies doing business in California. You’ll find a complete list on our California page. You can find it by clicking on the “States” page at the top of this page.
Patricia. Tucker says
I tried to get a safelink phone but my zip code. It won’t Let me use that because I don’t have cell phone service in my neighborhood. But ! do need one when ! Leave my house if i have a problem I did get a tracphone but it cost me 23 dollars every 3 months and I see paying that when I only use it once in awhile. I am on the cae program as I am low income. Can you please help me as I feel better knowing I have a phone to call someone if I have and emergency I am 75 and wound appreciate it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Different cell phone companies cover different areas of your state. We suggest that you contact all the companies in California to ask if any of them have coverage in your area. You’ll find a link to California after clicking on “States” at the top of this page. Good luck.
Bradford M. McDonald says
I have a central vision loss & progressive myopic degeneration. I had a 5″ Asus Padfone X that docked in a 9″ tablet that failed. What is the largest smartphone screen size offered through the CA LIFELINE Program? I live in Calaveras County and though overall AT&T Cell towers generally provide good coverage for zip codes 95222/95249 it does not have universal coverage. A friend who also has CA Lifeline Cellar has a Sprint based smartphone. I NEED a large screen, especially when wearing contacts. Vision correction is in -15.0 dropper range, so I wear reading glasses (3.25x) and for texts have to use a 3-5x magnifier lens. What can you recommend as a large to huge screen cellphone over 5.5″ with good battery life (I am off the grid & must charge in town)? I contacted CA Lifeline Monday and asked that they call. At 9-11am, waited until 11:30 before leaving for a meeting in town.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your physical ailments, Bradford. California Lifeline will be unable to answer your questions about which phones are available. They will give you the same answer we will — you must contact each of the California-approved free government cell phone companies to ask if they have the phones you need. Hopefully, you’ll be able to find one that uses the Sprint network AND has the type of cell phone you require. The good news is that you live in Calaveras County, one of the nicest places in the whole country.
Gregory Wright says
I tried to register on-line but got to the last phase and it didn’t go any further.
I called the help line and they told me to try again so I did many times however was not successful.
I want to apply by using the mail method.
Please help me obtain proper paperwork in order to register for my phone.
If you are not taking anymore applications please inform us so we won’t be left uninformed.
Thank you in advance for assisting me with this matter
Gregory Wright
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Gregory, but we do not know which company you were dealing with. If you are not satisfied with the service you are receiving from one particular California company, contact the others. Surely one of them will be right for you. You can find that list by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page. Then click on California for a complete list of providers.
Donna says
Will you be having a sign up event in Del Norte County. You have in Humboldt County just below us?
ashley says
Where are the stands going to be at this month?
Catya says
Access Wireless’s phone numbers and website just give the run around for people trying to apply. They say click here to download an application but it goes in circles without giving you an application. Ditto applying online. Ditto if you phone them. (I tried three different numbers they gave without success).
This is dishonest. They should let people know they are not taking applications. Not wasting hours of people’s time with the run around.
You shouldn’t list them as taking applications in the circumstances.
Marina Pereverzeva says
Absolutely agree! I got absolutely the same experience! Called them several times – they lied: the website is not working properly – try in 24 hours and you would be able to apply online. Of course, it was not true – all those links gave me nothing but a headache and zero results
As well the are lying about community outreach events in FoodsCo
I called them again to get a schedule – they don’t have any. How dare they insult somebody intelligence like that. Do they think poor equal stupid?
yvette says
What kind of cell phone do I qualify for and can I get a name brand phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
It all depends on which service provider you choose. You can check out all the California companies by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page.
Nestor says
i want to get a free phone , What i have to do ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find all the information you need at a great website called
Check it out, Nestor.
Rayna Ramos says
Thank You California LifeLine!!! You have helped me change my Life in just being “Connected” again. The best is on its way….cyabye at The Finish Line where Sucess Stories get told!! R.Ramos, Mrs.
Rayna Ramos says
Ive told All the folks Ive known to need phones yet have financial durress…
Hoping to spread the good news to everyone I meet who doesnt “ring…ring…” “beepbeepbeep!” … Or look JUST AS CRAZY AS THE REST OF US MUST!!! WALKING AROUND TALKIN INTO THE AIRWAVES!!! (hey, didnt they used to put fks who DidThat!!! Into Mental Rehab Hospitals or the Tower of London or somewhere out in the country with the Gentler Side of Life Relatives Lived???lol???????lol
Susan Goodban says
I live in Happy Valley 96007 zip code..only verizon, Metro and straight talk work in this area. Which cell phone service should I get with free government phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Since you’re already on our California page, go down the list of free government cell phone providers. You’ll probably need to call each of them to each company if they offer service in your area. Luckily, the job is made a little easier because the list of service providers in California is short compared to some other states.
Rohan says
How can I get free inter net what is the speed and free phone and TV I w
Live in CA 91335 low in come and have medical card ***********
very bad working customer SERVICE ACCESS WIRELESS,NOBODY CANNOT SPEAK WITH REPRESENTATIVE ,I CANNOT have application for life line from these phone company that i don’t know why for what reason they disconnect my phone for i don’t know for what mistake and now they must sent me new application for restart again my old phone,after 5 days what i am try speak with customer service they take my address and tell me that send to me this application i am waiting 10 days ,i am not received this application ;PLEASE HELP ME SEND TO ME APPLICATION FOR LIFE LINE THAT L AM FILL AND SENT IN CALIFORNIA LIFE LINE COMPANY ,THAT AFTER PROOF YOU RESTART MY OLD PHONE ,1 MONTH MY PHONE IS NOT WORKING I DON’T KNOW ,THANK YOU ,GOD-BYE
very bad working customer SERVICE ACCESS WIRELESS,NOBODY CANNOT SPEAK WITH REPRESENTATIVE ,I CANNOT have application for life line from these phone company that i don’t know why for what reason they disconnect my phone for i don’t know for what mistake and now they must sent me new application for restart again my old phone,after 5 days what i am try speak with customer service they take my address and tell me that send to me this application i am waiting 10 days ,i am not received this application ;PLEASE HELP ME SEND TO ME APPLICATION FOR LIFE LINE THAT L AM FILL AND SENT IN CALIFORNIA LIFE LINE COMPANY ,THAT AFTER PROOF YOU RESTART MY OLD PHONE ,1 MONTH MY PHONE IS NOT WORKING I DON’T KNOW ,THANK YOU ,GOD-BYE
Erica says
It’s no wonder you don’t have a job.
Linda says
Wow, that was really rude. How do you know that this isn’t the persons second language?
Mamta Arya says
How can I get a new charger for my phone….I lost my charger.
mchael says
I need new cell free phone one for me how I can one
Louden says
Is there a posted schedule for giveaways?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We think you’re asking if free government cell phone companies post a schedule detailing where and when they will set up booths. Sorry, but that varies widely by company and by state. Some companies regularly post their schedules, but most don’t. We’d suggest clicking on our “States” page (you’ll find that link in the navigation bar at the top of the page) and reviewing each company listed in your state. Perhaps it would help if you called the providers to ask if they have a posted schedule.
gloria echavarria says
my 22 year old grandson lives in my home. He receives SSI and Medical. He was gifted a mobil phone (compatible with Virgin Mobil plan) for Christmas. Would he be able to use his own phone if qualified under your program
Free Government Cell Phones says
Each company has a different policy, Gloria. Since you left this message on our California page, we assume you are both California residents. Our advice: Click through our list of California free government cell phone providers. Contact each of them to see if any of them will allow you to bring your own phone to the program.
Sam Esposito says
What locations are there for Assurance Wireless in Modesto today?
raymond says
Someone stole my phone on Sunday of last week. I kept calling it and they got upset, they said they were turning it in to security where we lost. It’s been a week and I want it disconnected but can not find my paperwork. The phone number is 909656**** I received it from a stand where I showed My medical card in San jacinto ca 92583. Please look into this for me and call me on a message phone 951.208.**** my name is Raymond. I need the correct company to turn it off. Thank you.
Pam Richardson says
I would like to know if I could get a cell phone through the lifeline program that is accessible for vision impaired individuals the current devices available I cannot see the icons or the characters to dial a number
Carolina Jimenez says
I’ve had my BLU phone for a couple of months and a couple of days ago it just didn’t have service? My SIM card had T-Mobile Service, I don’t think this is because I don’t qualify anymore because my dad’s phone is still in service.
I really need my service back, my number is 909-676-****
Blondie Barton says
I have the same cell and it stopped working yesterday did u find a number to call I haven’t been able to yet.
Jason Robinson says
I have a PO Box and the usps says any company should be able to send me a phone but because no one can find my physical address that I DO NOT receive mail at because we don’t get mail here it is put in a PO box that is attached to my physical address. How do I get a phone this is not a problem that I do not live here but a data base problem please help for more info please contact me this is sad that the people that live in rural areas that do not get home delivery of mail are out of luck because you data bases are wrong
shaleshni chandra says
i wanted to apply for the cellphones
Teresa Byrd says
I need a cell where in Redding do I go
Teresa Byrd says
Where in Redding
Aracely says
Could you give me location(s) in Porterville, Ca where I can apply? Thank you.
margaret grand says
do you know where the vendors are located in riverside calif 92504. id prefer to go through a person than mail
John says
TAG Mobile offers robust California LifeLine service – this is a state and federal supported program that provides a FREE cell phone and FREE voice and data every month to qualified residents in California. Lifeline is a government assistance program and potential subscribers must meet certain eligibility requirements. You may be eligible based on household income level or if you partake in programs such as Food Stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, National School Lunch Program (NSL), Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and more.
Betty Brookover says
I have a cell phone from CA life line and recently got a call sating I had to renew my account. I checked the message but when I went back to to write the info. down some how the message was lost. My phone number is 559-831-****. I have changed addresses since I got my phone but I still qualify. My new address is *************. Oakhurst CA 93644 Pls. let me know how to renew my phone service. Than you. Betty Brookover
Lucinda Ouart says
California Lifeline IS a big mess. That’s why I’ve stayed away after tries with Reachout (hideously horrible service & it never got going). Then Budget Mobile made it easy to start but messed it up for me in no time. Incompetence was rampant at these companies. Im trying Access Wireless after a 2 year vacation from that hell.
Erica says
I don’t understand how you can complain about a service that you are not paying for. And “incompetence???” You’re talking about people who have jobs and are actually contributing to society. They’re competent enough to find a job, right? Lastly… “2 year vacation” HAHAHA Sounds like you’ve been on a permanent vacation funded by me and everyone else who WORKS for a living and pays TAXES so that you can complain about all the services that WE are paying for.
Marina Pereverzeva says
If you believe that you contribute to pay for that program, your main concern should be why we are paying for a bad job? It does not matter who and how receiving is receiving the service. All the phone companies were fighting over the government contact. They don’t do it as community service. Judging people whom you know nothing about is not an attractive quality. Plus, all of those government-supported services tending to underprivileged population are providing the job placements for those “competent enough” Because as a PERSON who WORKS and paying TAXES (I am using your style) you spend the hell lot of a time arguing (to say the least, I would rather say insulting) with the people whom you are SUPPORTING! Generally, hard working people getting too tired to surf the web looking for the free phone service… BTW, why would you need a free phone service? Your HARD WORK does not pay enough to let you afford the Straight Talk? Then you probably should work HARDER! Because if all these Social Programs (including free phones initiatives) seized to exist tomorrow, the “competent enough” people might (and most likely will) replace you on your “contributing to society and paying taxes” mission(Google the Great Depression)! What are you going to do then? Become a town crier? Or demonstrate around one of the Planned Parenthood location insisting on delivering more people to the world, to increase the size of audience you may be able to insult eventually?
kassandra padron says
I want to see if i could reopen my cell phone. I still get medical and i dont know why they cut it off. My number is 661546****
Bianca says
i wanna get a free phone I am on foodstamps and need a phone as soon as possible this free phone deal is awesome and I would like to be apart of it thank yoou
Marissa says
I did not see plans with unlimited data?
Is there one that is offered to low income individuals?
Thank you,
Martine Estrada says
I HATE BUDGERT MOBILE!!! They have Mexicans from Mexico who can follow or understand ENGLISH!!!
My Budget phone number is (619)751-**** –> has not worked since 12/14/2015!!!!!
My home phone number is 619–400-**** ACCOUNT NUMBER: ********
Budget is INCOMPETENT!!!
Lucinda Ouart says
California Lifeline IS a big mess. That’s why I’ve stayed away after tries with Reachout (hideously horrible service & it never got going). Then Budget Mobile made it easy to start but messed it up for me in no time. Incompetence was rampant at these companies. Im trying Access Wireless after a 2 year vacation from that hell..
jorge portillo says
Es muy útil
Y de gran alluda
jennifer rivera says
I had got a phone under my name they mailed it out to my house never received if someone else has got it and they’re using the phone I don’t know the number but I know the phone under my name how can i disconnect the phone
Vichea Harvey says
Can you/tak/photots/ with this/ phone
William Willette says
I would like to Choose Assurance Wireless. I went with Budget and hear I sit, three weeks later with a faulty phone , which they said would take three weeks to replace, now that’s six weeks. I tried to be clear that I have many Health Issues that could and have caused Me to Fall down or pass out, so the phone is a Health necessity. I’m also 63, Financially challenged, and I have to find a new place to live, so am desperite for a phone to get everything situated. I had to cancel My regular plan and need Your Help , if at all possible Immediately.Depending on time and phones offered, I have a Newish Android phone I could use if I received a Sim Card Quickly. Please, Please Help. Its is Ironic , these phone are for the needy and health Reasons and I could Die why waiting for the service. Thank You so Much, William Willette
Sylvester D. Eno-Idem says
I have no job and no income. I receive CalFlash or Food Stamps. I was living in Fresno, CA but I moved back to Sacramento in 12/16/2015. Before I left Fresno, I signed up for this Free Phone. On Monday this week, my phone is turned off. I am only allowed to make emergency calls and I can not make other calls. I a strong supporter of this Administration with a letter of Appreciation from the President. Why is my phone turned off? The phone number is: (916) 735-****. Before I left Fresno, I have seen people using this phone for ever and they never lose their service or minutes. They are the people who encouraged me to sign for it. Why is my phone turned off?
I want to know the reason(s). Please contact me when you receive this message.
Sylvester D. Eno-Idem
(916) 735-****
Rose says
Pls contact me. I’m willing to send you a free smartphone with free unlimited talk & text & 500MB of data. Take photos of your Medical or SNAP/food stamps card & Photo ID & send it to me. Once approved, our company sends you a fully activated smartphone anywhere in CA.
Alec Alvarez says
i am on food stamps and have been unemployed for the last year do i qualify for a phone?
Rob says
I am disabled and qualify for all programs currently in the state of CA. I an in great need of a phone.. Can you please help facilitate this? Thank You
Maria campos says
My phone was turned off I’m not able to make calls
Huma Sami says
I want free cell phone along with unlimited minutes,unlimited text and 500 mob data.
Jake says
What carrier / lifeline provider? . what model and make is the phone pls
Gayla Allstead says
Hello, Thank you for your consideration for a phone. I had assurance, and had a phone, for couple of weeks…then they turned it off. I called and spoke with a rep who told me, that my service wasn t turned off, to just give it a day… still off! I then tried to get one with budget, ,had it for one day . Sent me a text, saying i already was signed up with assurance…and shut that phone off!!! 6 months later, still don t have a working phone. Please, i know, that you have to more competent than that!!! Lol
patricia says
hi can i get your contact info i would like to sign up as well thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click on any of the providers shown on this page. It will take you to a full description of that service provider and give you that company’s contact information. Good luck.
flora smith says
Would like to use this service, I am on SSI have very little left after rent.. Thank you..
binhtran says
my phone number 6572456****
budget mobile alert : your lifeline credit has expired . please call 8443083733 immediately to renew . but my conersation english not good , but read and understand english . please guide for me renew online . thanks
jeffrey says
Do not use budget mobile.. they have many case of fraud filed against them in calif… complete process is a joke…. BEWARE
les says
I live in so cal 310 that gave me 707 500. MILES AWAY…. ..
bernisha stalcup says
i need cheep internet
leticia says
Where do I find a human person to sign me up so I can get a phone. All these links u provide just take u in circles.
Frank Gastelo says
I can’t seem to get anything from the google .com.
Darcy says
My poor very elderly neighbor got rid of her landline because it was too expensive and has one of these phones but said hasn’t used it because she doesn’t know if she can use it to call her only living relative a bother in Vietnam. I told her I would I would look into it for her. So can any of these Obama phones as people are calling it, can it be used for international calls?
Another question does each provider have different rates or are they a flat fee? Can you direct me to where I can get better information for her please?
Thank you,
Darcy G
mArietta chitwood says
My coment is conernig My modelos phone i has has quite so.e time Noe first of all iam terminally ill and i ver conduces easily well ejem i first got My htc adroid phone. Free fromm the goverment i was elated.thankyou!
now i can afford it aswell. well shortly after that i recieved a phone call asking if i wabted to presa the aapproprate buttons so i dont have to worry. About this in the future i replied yes therefore i wouldnt have to do anymore remembering about these things in the future these things sede akl takencare of so i was tolded but to My supprise i was golf ny a recording that iam no longer quallified for lifelinesurvices and i would have to purchase minutes with a credit card no debitcards please or i can go on mine nike i just have and resummitt a other application for elegilatability nothing has changed except iam Noe homeless inbetween moving to another place thank god! Please if you have any questions Please call My friends phone and sak for marietta chitwood Please asap!the # Is (916)470-****
.well i soon after recieving My phone recieved a phone call asking me if i would mine to do sothing concerning mm y phone so i didnt have tominutes
cherylynn says
where cam i upgrade my daghters phone for 15 dollars more
John says
Budget Mobile is a free California cell phone provider whom will give you a area code that doesn’t belong to your area, and tell you when you request your area code to which you reside. That they cannot give you the correct area code cause its a generated system that they can’t get access to. So they’ve created something they can’t control!. How retarded is that? Provide free services with incompetent people to run it. Lol
Alejandra says
I have no service I have to recertify
robert says
i tried ordering a phone from budget mobile (provider listed here) on 11/30 – never received phone – never any futher info than ‘order submitted’ as of today …. tried reachout wireless just now that promises service in my state … the page is ‘under construction’ – other than the lonely loser who produces this page from their mom’s basement – what is the point of this site? says
Robert, you actually have to properly read the pages we “lonely losers” write from our moms’ basements. You said you just now tried Reachout Wireless — go back and take a look, and you’ll see that we placed prominently at the top of our ReachOut Wireless page the following warning to readers:
IMPORTANT: We are not sure about Reachout Wireless’s future plans for their Lifeline service. Please read our recent story, The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Reachout Wireless.
John says
Why are you so sarcastic in answering Roberts question, and doing it so quickly in just 2hrs. Wow amazing. That’s probably a record but have to confirm that with the moms basement cellular business bureau. What an disrespectful basement crawler you are. Ha as*;ole
Tracy Pickering says
to John, I bet you think you are entitled to a free cell phone, don’t you? You probably think you are entitled to have a free HDTV plus a satellite dish, too, to help you stay awake while waiting for your next job to come and find you.
Maria brown says
I need to know what carriers are compatible with my budget mobile sim card. Would like to buy a NICE phone compatible with sim card
Alexis says
Any unlocked phone will work
mchael says
I need was with simcard and data WiFi out wireless BlackBerry cell
Tiffany says
Hi I used to have a phone but it broke and now I don’t have a phone. I really need a phone just in case there’s an emergency and I hope I get a free phone that’s an android so I could download stuff on it. Also I want a touch screen phone that’s an android. So please I need a phone with me…
melissa branch (or rhoades, recently married when i got the phone) says
I signed up for my phone over a year ago and my phone broke. I do not remember the number or the vendor. how do I retrieve this information so that I can apply for a new phone? my foodstamp case # is ***** from Yuba county in California
Tilafaiga Manu says
My daughter took the phone to school because she had an away basketball game and it was stolen during her game oUT of her backpack. How do I get a replacement phone? I clicked on the link below but it didn’t do anything. Please respond back to me. Thank you!
No phone says
When I qualified for this phone with True Connect I specifically asked to have the USPS ,, hold for me at the Post Office. Because people that live in my immediate surroundings steal our mail,! Well I have been waiting and NO PHONE!! They stole it! What can I do I need a phone. What happens when persons such as myself are demeaned and denied something that the whole Country has FREE GOVERNMENT PHONES!!!
Antonio McGhee says
I am trying to switch phones but how do I go about it? The one that I am currently using is working but I would like to switch it to the new one I received. Please get back to me or send me information on how to cancel one and activate the other one.
I live in Fresno Ca where can I get my free cell phone?
sandra says
Wanted to see if there are anyone in tulare
Michael Bonic says
I’m receiving CalfFresh Benefits (food stamps) and should get my first & general relief benefits in about 10 days. I currently have no job and have less than $200. I was going to get a TruConnect free cell phone (requirements: California state ID & recipient of General Relief) from a booth outside the DPSS office in downtown L.A., but the Access Wireless Android looks to be a better phone. If I qualify what do I do?
becci parker says
I had a coolpad life line phone. Im in a transitional living trying to get my life back on track. It got shut down. May I please re apply. I love that phone and I could talk to drs., attorneys, government services, etc.
warm wishes Becci
ibette says
I need to get a phone but I don’t know where to sign for a phone I live in Covina CA
Arlene Lara says
I live in Modesto, where can I get a government phone? My zip code is 95307
Sally says
Hello I need a phone because my daughter is disabled how can I apply
Ana Campos says
I’m interested in a location for California lifeline in Palmdale
Chris says
How get free cell phone to my family and doctor and my wife too
Louie Padilla says
mobile location where I can get a phone closes to 92025 area code
Robin K Oliver.... says
Hello:) I am blessed to have your services! I have a problem though… I need to change my cell phone to a land line…..I can’t seem to reach anyone to help me switch it….Can you help?
Thank You:)
Santino says
Can I use my old iPhone by using a sim card? Have a phone but it’s super cheap and very limited on where I get reception.
Rigoberto Aguilar says
I need to get a phone but I don’t know where to sign for a phone
Robert C. Dohring says
I’m every interested in this program. My income 1,100.00 from SSI. i Also collect Medi-Cal.
The Medi-cal is for my medical only, no money, no food stamps no housing , just medcal
How do I Go about applying for a new phone.
Patrick W says
I got a free cell phone from a friend (Obama Phone) it says I dont have minutes to call so Im guessing I need to find a free provider which I qualify for, of course add minutes from there. IS THIS a correct assumption?
Just wondering no use in getting a free phone without it working yeah?
Shauna hill says
I already have a free Government phone but would like one of the free smartphone s with unlimited talk and texting as well as the free internet. How can I switch from the phone and service I have to get what I want and need? I live in Everett, WA. Thanks Shauna Hill
Patrick W says
Have the same question, looks like nobody want to answer it…
scott says
Cuz ur in hemet hell fool
tamera franklin beasley says
I have no service no signal
Jeannette says
Do you know of any providers that will allow a customer to keep their current cell phone number?
Windchyme says
Jeanette….Tag Mobile will. At least that is what they told me when I asked about bringing in my home phone number I’ve had for years.
donnell says
I need that sim unlock code for my phoneunlock
MichaeLmuribus says
I’m mikey. I dont have a cell phone .
I need search free cell .
Jane says
Read the above disclaimer Martin. This is not your cell phone company. What company are you with? Google their phone number and call them to get help.
Cheryl says
You should have been given a renewal slip. If not you have to reapply and send in your qualifying information. I beleieve they do this every year just like as if you were on Section 8 just to make sure you are still eligible.
Annette Ramirez says
To whom it may concern, I’d like some more information on “where” to go and pick up one of thesefree cel phones in Sacramento,Ca?? And what information should I bring with me to be ready to show as proff I’m on a “Low Income Budget”? Is there a “Reach Out” wireless store somewhere here in Sacramento, where a person could just walk in that day & perhaps wslk out with a brand new free cell phone??? Are these programs real,or are they just pulling our leg????? Just like to know so I dont waste too much time trying to find something that CAN’T be found!!! Thank you, very much for your time & help in is IMPORTANT MATTER TO ME. I DO LOOK FORWARD TO JUMPING ON BOARD & JOINING PLEASE EMAIL ME BACK WITH THE BEST INFORMATION YOU’VE AVAILABLE, THAT CAN DIRECT ME IN THE THE RIGHT PLACE OF GETTING MY FREE CELL PHONE. THANK YOU,AGAIN. I’M SO EXCITED TO WAIT TO FIND OUT IF ALL THIS I’VE READ IS TRUE!!! Thank u EVERYBODY 🙂 have a WONDERFUL DAY
sukhwinder says
Free cell phone provide by medical department
Robert says
Okay. Obviously, I did not spend enough time reading into this website. It looks like most or all of my answers will be/are answered here inside this website.
Again, thank you.
Nancy says
Couldn’t handle the hard work, eh? Expecting somebody else to magically find the answers for you?
Patrick W says
Most people cannot seem to actually read No. 1
Then comes the challenge of comprehension. The list goes on
Robert says
1) I’m still confused on HOW to apply for a cell phone for my special needs son. Click on apply and I still cannot find an “application”. Have I missed something, somewhere.
2) If a person already has been given an older iPhone, can they use that as a phone instead of an issued phone( this would save the companies money on a cell phone)?
3) In California, through the Assurance Wireless plan, how long is the typical wait for recieving a cell phone?
4) Why are people who are getting a “Free” phone bickering on here? This is not facebook. Be glad you’re being offered a free service( which us hardworking, TAX PAYING AMERICANS are paying for) to have a phone. Take your complaints, whining and bickering to another outside forum.
Thank you.
Nancy says
Hi, just another hardworking TAX PAYING American here who also happens to qualify for the lifeline program. Take your own advice, Robert, and please do take your whining elsewhere.
RB says
I have a grandma in a nursing home with no income at all- Does she qualify for a cell phone?
Please reply
jeanet says
I have a phone but when I tripped my phone fell and the screen completely broke what can I do or is it a loss cause???
Victoria says
Vic says
Do not trust Tru Connect reps. A guy said I’d get a new 4.5 Android Moxie brand smart phone. Instead, I got a Blu brand phone, 2.5 android model that didn’t even work while it also caused my existing cellphone on CA Lifeline to go out and I couldn’t use either, any wireless phone. Tru Connect rep will lie their ass off to you to get you to sign up with them. If you asked for data in written form, rep says no written info on what is given or promoted. Tru Connect is a SCAM !!! Don’t waste your time with their lies. All lies. Not the DATA amounts, not the Android version, not even the SIM CARD to activate the old phone given by Tru Connect.
maria says
No lie… Very shady, thennjbgave him my personal info…
shelly says
why cant kids just get a free phone also why cant we trade a phone or get a new phone that we have lost
Yurik Kharazyan says
how can I apply for a life line cell phone?
Michael Stanton says
I am SSI person with major problems and would like to obtain free cell phone situation.
Who should I call or contact ?
Bedford McNeill says
Fuamatala Sulu says
Hi I stay in Long Beach California and I was wondering if I can know the location of where you guys are giving out the free iPhones at please and thanks!!! God bless!!!
April Chavez says
I never received a pink envelope or my cellphone. Thank u have a bless day.
francisco gutierrez says
Had applied to the california life line program but never got the second letter to fill out can i get a other application to try to get a phone please thank you
Tamar Morales says
I applied on July 24, 2015 and the person who helped me, told me that I qualified and that I will receive the phone by mail, but I haven’t receive it, how can I know what happened?
ytzjak says
i want won of dis because i need a phon
Lodi says
Thought you might want to know that one of your representatives, Cristal Puga is posting offering your free phones but is also posting selling boot-legged DVDs, movies that are still in theaters for $5 in same Facebook page, 209 Craigslist. Feel free to contact me if you need evidence.
Mind ur biswax says
Y do u care
mary says
I live on social security I get 714.00 a month and after they take money out for Medicare I make 612.00 and I don’t qualify for a Obama phone because I don’t get any type of welfare money.this is the most unfair thing o have ever heard of.All these homeless people get free phone an the people. Who worked all our lifes N am on Social security don’t qualify.Tell me how does this happen.To me this is a good case of discremination.and I would like an answer.
Sera says
Not true. You qualify based on the amount of your income. And you SHOULD have Medi/Medi. Therefore, your Medi-Cal card ALONE will qualify you.
Sera says
. . . and if you are on Housing, i.e. Section 8, that fact alone will also qualify you.
Sharonvandecar says
I am on CencaI and section 8! where do I go to get a phone?
Shatodda says
You qualify through ssi… whoever told you that doesn’t know their job well! I represent truconnect as an independent agent and we offer phones to seniors, low income families, and ssi
Tracy Pickering says
She said Social Security, not SSI.
Annette Ramirez says
WoW!!! I was just wOndering if you FINALLY got a free cell phone yet??? I do agree with you, I see tons of people (homeless) walking around with free cell frees. (Who’s begging for money!) Besides the point!! I hope you FINALLY received your own personal free cell phone by now. I’m just now trying to get on board & find out all the do’s & don’t s. Time will time, it ALWAYS does if this is real or if it’s just bogus!! Thank you for your input.:-)
cheryl says
I have this coolpad n they turned it off then I get this letter telling me switch which I didn’t can they turn it back on
Benafsha says
this company has a very bad customer service they never listen to customer they just ignore if you say about phone problem they send you charger if you say send me right phone they just ignore after 2 months when contact them they says there is no request for phone
so bad network so bad customer service i am very disappointed
Liz says
Which cell phone company are you referring to.
Lodi says
It’s free, you are not a customer. Show appreciation for paying nothing. Be more patient. Say thank you when you contact them. You are accepting help. People accepting help have no right to complain.
koi says
Wow what a ignorant and pompous fool you are just because she mentioned the poor quality of the customer service just because one is giving a helping hand does it mean you do not need to respect a person because of there financial status. if she was complaining about the quality of the phone then that would be a Different story. So in the mean time, keep your foolish replying comments on your twitter page.
Kim says
I have truconnect with lifeline and I just signed up for assurance. I do not wish to keep my trucknnect phone on once my assurance phone comes in the majl. What do i do
Marina Pereverzeva says
She is a customer!
Those people are working and getting paid – they are contracted by the government!
They don’t perform a community service! If I pay for my son meal, should he be treated like dirt
by the waitress just because he did not pay? I don’t think so…and neither does the Social Science…
Did u learn anything in school?
Barbara brazwell says
I signed up with life touch wireless on 9-2-15 the lady that helped me said I would get an approval or deniel text within 7-10 business days…
Well on 9-6-15 I got the approval text stating that I had bn approved and that I had 1250 minutes..everything was fine and working, cellphone service was great and then today 9-8-15 I get a text message saying that I was denied 🙁 I don’t know why I would’ve bn approved and then denied ….I tried calling 611 customer service but they had no answers to give me.
I would greatly appreciate any answers that could be given to me regarding this issue …thank you for your time
Jancarlo says
What are the locations in Los Angeles area where I could go apply for a cell phone?
Charles says
I understand that only one LifeLine per household.My Sister and I both have SSI and MEDICAL and my sister already have budget mobile so should I qualify for any lifeline cell phone also? says
No you cannot get one, only one per household.
Shatodda says
one per household does not mean just one in the house.. For example if i live in a house with 3 other people but I buy and prepare food by myself and don’t split the cost I am considered a separate household although I am in the same house.
Lili says
I faced to one case yesteday two man come behind of my home offer free phone and get all my information i rely themat that time but they didnt give me phone now im so sad if they relate to governent or not?i should wait or they deceived me?what should i do now? says
We don’t know exactly what you are trying to say, but it sounds like some people you didn’t know got onto your property and got you to sign something for a phone, which didn’t come. Nothing we can do to help on that. Once again, as always, we say to deal direct with the company and do not deal with unsolicited offers.
Nhu Pham says
I was apply free phone almost 2 month ago but until now i not yet have it.
How i can check how long i get?
vj says
Is these phone really free says
Yes, they really is free.
Liz says
They really ARE free……watch the grammar.
Michelle gamboa says
You do not have to mock a person for their lack of grammar. It is rude and shows poor manners which should have been taught to you at an early age. Thank you for your time and patience.
Buck says
I disagree, grammar is important.
John wheat says
Are we allowed to upgrade the phone? says
Depends upon the company and what they offer.
Kim says
Where can I apply? says
See article above.
Rebecca Soogrim says
The free Obama Cell Phones are really cool, can I get one, please. says
If you qualify. Start by contacting the companies we list for your state.
Kathy Berg says
What’s the point in getting an education or working to get ahead, when everything that you should be working for is handed to you on a silver platter. Is it just me or has the State gone crazy??? I guess the way to look at it is, if the Government gives it away for free, at least people won’t be breaking into my house and taking everything I have worked so hard for!!!
Tracy Pickering says
Kathy Berg,
I see your good fortune in being able to work hard and afford EVERYTHING has made you such a gracious woman. Are you aware, most of the people on welfare are children? By the way, what are you doing here, on this Free Phones for the Needy website?
Marina Pereverzeva says
Exactly Kathy,
Well said!
Smart, intelligent and straight to the point!
Marina Pereverzeva says
Everything that I said in a previous reply was addressed to Tracy Pickering, not to Kathy Berg!
I am sorry, Tracy!
I love your comments!
Anjelica Galaviz says
I would like to inquire some information so see if I qualify for cheap internet for low income Americas this would be a great asset for me considering the fact that I am currently unemployed I would like to begin job searching as well as taking a few courses online to further my education so that I can better myself In life says
For info on Cheap Internet ($10/month), go here:
Elisa says
So if you have medi-cal, you can apply for a lifeline cell phone? says
jose cardoza says
how can I get the cheap internet says
Eric says
I want to sign up for the lifeline program so I can get my free phone says
Go for it.
Alicia says
I’am on medical any advise on how I can get a free phone? says
Yes. Read this page.
Trudy Navarro says
I’m on SSI & Medi-cal and I would like to find out about Unlimited talk & text.
Andrea Garcia says
I got to ask you if my phone will be turned off tomorrow because the people at your company said they told me to call back before 12 August and she said trusting your phone will not be turned off but I’m not sure because only a one-day a service left and I was supposed to switch back to the unlimited text and talking so I need to know on let me know thank you says
We don’t know, we’re not the cell phone company.
Heather Sanford says
Good lord, I can’t believe the stupidity of some of these comments/questions. It’s really not that hard to type a question and use grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling people. The computer even shows you when you’ve made a mistake. Please stop posting, you’re making America look bad.
Debbie I. says
Ya, it is sad that so many cannot spell, or form sentences properly. So just don’t read them if it bothers you so much. “Stop Posting”? LOL! Seriously do you think they will stop because you said to? LOL! I’m just saying, speak for yourself. Your the only one looking bad. Ya, “the stupidity of some of these comments”…
you should really sit back and listen to the ignorance your speaking on some people didn’t get the proper education but hay guess what got to be smart enough to type on a computer so instead of putting people down take the time to ask if somebody needs help and take the time to teach em so that way you don’t got to put anybody down that’s the problem with people now days nobody wants to help each other maybe you can start today helping one person can really make a difference and ya i know some of these words is spelled wrong but hay guess what who cares? it’s obvious you enjoy putting people down make the change and start with yourself…. DUECES!!!!!!!!!
Mary says
I so agree with you,The nerve of some ppl…Smdh!
LaRose Pyle says
there’s no doubt your smart, a smart ass who is a dull stupid person
Donald Baker says
I’m glad that you’ve posted the info. about California, which will help me. However, I’d like for you to remove your negative comments about our state. You mentioned that we have one of the most dysfunctional governments in the country. I don’t agree with everything our state government but no state is perfect. I was born here and have here 56 – almost 57 – years and this is my home. We’ve only had snow here three times on the valley floor of Silicon Valley where there are a lot of computer and hi-tech jobs. San Jose, next to the city that I live and where I was born, has a million people here now. That’s a lot for the state government to deal with. If you think it’s so easy, try running for state governor and see how easy it is! Also, try visiting San Francisco, Monterey, Yosemite, or Disneyland. We usually don’t have the humidity that’s in other states. It’s very offensive to us Californians what you said.
Sammy says
I, want support for the California Emergency Relief Act; Use they hat new phone to call, your Favorite Political Parties, tell them to support the; California Emergency Relief Act; water for food, farmer’s, need water, when You and Your Family, come to visit this Great State of California!!!
Thank You,
Carl says
Thank you D Baker and Sammy
I was also born in SLO Ca in 1940 and would live nowhere else.
As Ca is the 5th (or 6th) largest Country (Economically) in the world, I am very proud of our Government(s) handling of its citizens lives.
Ca is the best place in the world to live.
I have traveled the world extensively, Via the Military, NASA tracking ships on the Apollo 8 project and 22 yrs in the offshore Oil industry.
I have been in most of the world Countries and all of our States.
I may be a bit dozy at 75, But I have been there and seen it all.
Peace Brothers and sisters.
Tracy Pickering says
Donald Baker,
Hey, I’m a CA native and so’s my mom, well, she was before she died in 2013 at age 91. I’m not offended by hearing these helpful people say the CA government is dysfunctional. Do you even know who your District Representative is? I think not!
I rwcieved a free cell phone through a guy that opperated his business at Little Louie’s Restaurant, a black woman by the name of “Suzette *****” that took me there, once back in my car immediately stole my phone, & I’ve tried to get the phone shutdown with no avail! I am terminally ill, the phone # of my free phone is (760)-773-****. Is there any one out there that can help me find the name of phone company, that supplied that phone. She stole the entire package of information. My name is Tamara Davies ph.#
I REALLY would appreciate any help with this issue says
We’re really sorry to hear about what happened to you. There’s no way we would know how to help you, but we wanted to post this as a warning for everyone to be very careful out there.
tracy schoenduby says
i have sent in my info and my letter from section 8 almost 2weeks ago is there anyway i can get some info if that has been recived thank you tracy schoenduby
Eddie says
I’m interested working for you guys. Is there an application i can fill out.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We assume you mean that you want to work for a California Lifeline cell phone provider. We are not directly affiliated with any of them. If you want to apply for a job with one of those providers, you must contact them directly. You can find a complete list on our California page:
goger says
I had sine up for a call phone i would like to no what is up
margaret pueschel says
I’m still waiting for my phone, it said 2 to 5 days, so when do i get it. says
2-5 days would be speedy for most of these companies. Most get them in weeks.
oto says
I live in California, I need to apply for a Smartphone throw ( but we already have a LifeLine discount program (Pink envolope) for our line phone apartment.
Can I apply for my cell phone?
They only work for one person by home with Lifeline program. I don’t like throw by Assurance Wirelless, they cellphone are Sh…#@#t I have Medical-cal sure. says
You cannot have both a Lifeline landline and a Lifeline cell phone.
CL says
When i went to apply for one of these phones (Feel Safe Wireless). I was told the gov’t shut the service down for now.
No other explanation was given as to why the gov’t shut the service down.
Do u have any further information to validate this?? says
The program is alive and well.
CL says
That’s interesting…. i went to a Feel Safe Wireless provider and was told this by one of the rep….
I guess i will try to get a phone via…internet…
CL says
I just talk to someone at Feel Safe and what’s happening here in California is a system upgrade due too the fact – Feel Safe is somewhat new to the California area..
So, because of this upgrade – they have ceased signups for the program of phones…until the upgrade is complete..
This will also include upgrades to phones …. this will take another 3-4 weeks to complete.
Then the process will begin again here in Cali… just thought i would pass this on.. says
Thanks very much for the update, CL.
oto says
thank you.
I already have a phone from Assurance Wireless under the Lifeline program approved because I have Medi-Cal.
My address apartment has a landline phone that is not at my name (the Lifeline discount is registered in the name of my mother and their respective social security number because she own that landline phone)
My question is I live in an apartament that has a discunt, but the landline phone isn’t registered at my name, so I have a phone from Assurance Wireless already in my own now but I don’t like it. I was approved under lifeline, I want to know if am in a trouble??
Please can yo clarify me this. I don’t want have troubles with the Social security in the fucture for a cellphone. thank you. if I won’t Can I switch to the Wireless Access? says
Only one Lifeline discount per household, not per person. As for in trouble, well, all the government will do is send you a notice that says you have to pick one phone to keep. There doesn’t seem to be any consequences beyond this.
Kim says
Access wireless have excellent Android phones. Touch screen with 4 inch screens and Wi-Fi. You can watch TV and movies. I got mine in 15 minutes at a tent in front of Food for Less.
Louanne Noel says
Please send application ! says
We can’t ! You need to contact one of the phone providers listed above to get an application.
renee says
I was pushed into this cell phone provided by the Obama programs. I said “no thank you” several times while she followed me in front of a store. I finally said okay I will give it a try. The first phone that came to my home quit working right after I charged it up, before I even had a chance to use it. The company did send a replacement phone, which died yesterday. It lasted one month. I don’t know how much the tax payers are getting charged per user, but if the products are this shoddy, then they are being taken advantage of. I just recently have been in a tough financial situation but for years my taxes paid for programs that often ended up lining pockets of greedy people abusing good intention programs. I am canceling my account so I can save the tax dollars. says
That’s a disgusting anecdote. It’s a shame that there are independent distributors out there like that. Good for you for canceling if you don’t need it.
Robert Sanford Jr. says
I signed up with assurance on Friday thanks to Aaron Kenner can’t wait to get my phone with bills to pay and hard times in my life I need one and I’m thankful. That’s cool that major companies are doing this for the people in this country.
tara montanez says
How can I get a free phone. says
Read this page.
Tamara Horner says
I have been getting the run-around from Reachout Wireless for almost a year now. I have spend endless hours waiting on hold for the outsourced operators to inform me they can’t do anything about the inoperable phone they sent but I can use my own phone if I purchase a card to port the number. I purchased the card and opps…we no longer can use your phone that you could use only a week ago after I have purchased the porting card. So I purchase a new phone, one that they recommend only when I go to have it activated they no longer accept that phone. So I now purchase an iphone CDMA, but wouldn’t you know it….Its the wrong iphone 4 CDMA. Ok. That’s a lot of BU11SH1T. Mind you I’ve had to pay for shipping and handling to both get the cell phones and return them. I search REACHOUT Wireless’ own site to find a suitable upgrade, but find I can purchase a better iphone on-line at a better price. Once again, I purchase a phone and once again I stay on hold for a couple of hours. Once I do get through I find out that the company has deactivated my service on the very day I checked out their upgrades. They tell me they will call me back the following day @ 11 AM because their “concern department” is closed. By 12noon the next day the company still has not called (big surprise). I call them, I say on the phone for close to 3 hrs and they tell me I have to call back on Monday because the “concern department” is now closed. Please, do not use this company. The cell service is shoty, the customer service is CRAP, and I swear the operators are in India, not Columbus Ohio as they say.
Janet bravo says
When will they be out in Riverside ca
Roy Morris says
Yes, I applied for my phone about 2 weeks ago and still haven’t gotten my phone. I do have medi-cal, so I do qualify. I didn’t ask when it would come in though.
Josh says
I would like to be part of helping people sign up for these phones I.e. a table in front of a store. I’m in San Diego Ca says
This page may help you.
Nicole says
When and were well they have a another both out in rosdail and were at were people can sine up for free phone and seeives in July 2015 to day June 29th 2015 Monday location tin set up were says
Say what?
cmh says
How or which is the best way to get free wifi – I need such to re-enter work force. and what is cheapest or free touch screen phone for free gov’t phones so I can use with hot spots? Assurance gives free text & talk but no wifi says
Click here for some info on free internet options.
debbie says
How do I cancel my line with verykool wireless?? says
You would contact verykool.
alex hydreos says
Please send a phone to my address prefer Verizon says
How would we know your address? Regardless, you need to contact one of the companies listed above to apply for the phone.
Deela says
That was pretty smart arse, FreeGovernment. Take a higher road.
Fabiola castro says
Vivo en salinas Californiadonde puedo aplicar para un teléfono gratis
Dean says
I’m confused where do I get a free cell phone I am disabled and on Medicaid so I qualify but I don’t understand where to pick it up from is there anyone that can help me says
You contact any of the vendors listed in the article above.
jane farr says
so I get a government phone from unnetco.. something like that. cant get it to work. did what I needed to do with cell phone and sims card. denies sims card. I am pretty mad cause I don’t know where these people are and there website has nothing. what am I to do… ??? says
We’ve never heard of that company. Did you get it from a street tent?
CT says
I am glad u mention “street tent”.
I see these street tents all the time and i was thinking about getting a phone there.
Is this not a good thing to do or should i use the list u provided?
Thanks says
We suggest that people order directly from the phone provider, either by phone or through their online application process. While many of the tents are just fine, some could be operated by less-than-responsible independent individuals. And most people walk away with no receipt or order number or anything that can be used to query the company about delivery.
Rachel says
My child recieves Medical. Can i get a phone for him even though my income is to high. When i go into my local assistance program office they tell me that they cant give me proof that my child recieves medical, so how do i show proof. Would a recent medical card with a more recent date on it be proof enough? says
Yes, Medi-cal is a qualifier. We would thinkg a recent medical card would be enough, but it’s going to be up to the phone provider.
gilbert says
That would be fraud, so no, you should not do it. Tell the boy to get lost.
gilbert says
Elizabeth says
Where can I go get one and when I’m in the city of Victorville, CA
Rastafarian employee says
***** *****, ****** div.manager
foul play and bad management efforts post:
She has yet to pay me the $340.00 she owes me from training she agreed to pay… she signed the document below and we had an agreement to settle… now she’s plays cat and mouse and still no effort to resolve matter in a professional timidly matter… if no response on this second email I will proceed with legal class act action… she owes more employees than just myself who are waiting to come forward… just let me know what needs to be done and I will definitely supply any evidence, pictures, video or audio etc that I have thank you
Also she is sleeping in the office and having unauthorized parties and kids in the building with drugs and alcohol… I have pictures and proof of all accusations… also audio recording of her foul mouth and selective judgment speaking about different employees throughout the company.. please provide me with the proper channels and or management to resolve my issues and concerns.. first complaint was never resolved.. maybe Derek can be of assistance if you can also forward to him thanks
Sheila Thomas says
ReachOut Wireless does give CA residents unlimited voice and text since last fall – says
Yes, Sheila, you are correct. It’s been difficult keeping up with what Reachout Wireless is doing lately since they have semi-permanent “Under Construction” pages instead of plan information pages. But we dug into their Terms and Conditions (see here) and found the plan in legalese. We’ll update our pages — we wish Reachout would update theirs. Here’s the plan:
oasis says
this program punishes longtime fixed income seniors by NOT ALLOWING porting of their forty year held phone numbers to the free cell phones. THESE SENIORS HAVE HAD THE SAME NUMBERS FOR DECADES AND OFTEN HAVE NO INTERNET THEIR DOCTORS PHARMACISTS AND FAMILY ALL KNOW THE SENIORS PHONE NUMBER
THIS IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DDONT PUNISH THE RESPONSIBLE SENIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria Anita Mendoza says
I haven’t got my free government phone yet in the mail it’s been a month already whom it concerned
nep says
where is the location that i can get a free phone says
Some companies in California are internet or phone orders only. Some have locations you can go to. Click on each link to a provider above and check with the companies.
Jane says
this 4″ tall x 2″ wide phone from Assurance arrived today. I can keep my phone number, but can I also keep the land line handset I have in my house? I used to have two phones in the house with w landline with Lifeline.
Kent Adams says
i want to know about cheap internet says
Gus McDonald says
I need cel phone because I do not have one I have mi retired check only$ 600.00 only and no work. This is my Adress **** Alaska street San Diego cal 90254 thanks Por help me.Else I have Medical Medicare …
christy says
can you switch service providers and do you keep the same phone number? says
Yes and Yes
Thomas Clark says
I need one of these phone but I live in the hilly Sierra foothills where reception can be spotty at best. How do I pick a carrier with the best performance under these circumstances?
Ross says
Today I received the unnecto primo cell phone but there is no SIM card. How can I get a SIM card to use the phone?
Joe says
Hello, i have a budget mobile phone,(Free unlimited talk and text) I was wondering if I can take out the sim card of the phone provided and put it on