What the hell is going on at Q Link? Whatever it is, none of it looks good.
The bottom line: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to slap Q Link Wireless with a whopping $62,000,000 fine as punishment for Affordable Connectivity Program hanky panky.
What did Q Link do to trigger this immense fine proposal? Seems to us that they (“they” being those corrupt government bureaucrats) don’t want to come right out and say the fine is punishment for fraud. No, no, no. They have take all mention of the word “fraud” out of the story and they now refer to the issue merely as “alleged misconduct.”
FreeGovernmentCellPhone.com readers may well remember our January 10, 2021 article headlined “Q Link Wireless raided by FBI, IRS, US Post Office, Sheriffs.” Astute readers may well assume that the proposed $62,000,000 fine is being proposed as punishment for whatever illegal actions supposedly took place prior to that raid.
That assumption would be wrong.
The proposed $62,000,000 fine appears to be for a second set of completely unrelated “infractions.” “Infraction” sounds so innocent, doesn’t it? Something akin to being pulled over and issued a speeding ticket for going 66 miles per hour in a 65 zone. “Bosh, it’s almost nothing. They merely found us guilty of a few infractions.” In this case, however, “infractions” looks more like a euphemism for “crimes.”
In addition to the $62,000,000 proposed fine, the FCC is threatening Q Link with a death sentence. The government’s supervisory committee also wants to boot Q Link out of the ACP program, and wants to revoke the authorization it previously gave Q Link to act as a U.S.-international common carrier. As if that weren’t enough to set Q Link’s leaderships’ knees aquiver, they’ve been give just 30 days to explain why the company should not receive the death penalty.
Let’s make sure we all understand the timing on the various elements of this story. The original raid on Q Link back on January 10, 2021 had nothing — absolutely nothing — to do with the new ACP program. No, that raid revolved around a completely different set of “irregularities” (another euphemism) that have never been fully explained.
Fierce Wireless points out that the new allegations are very specific. “The activity in question took place over a roughly four-month period between December 2021 and March 2022. During that time, Q Link allegedly submitted reimbursement requests for devices covered by the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB) which overstated the cost of those devices.”
Some dates to clarify when the various “infractions” took place:
January 10, 2021: Original raid on Q Link headquarters
Law enforcement officials hauled away “truckloads” of documents in the original raid.
May 12, 2021: EBB Program launched and consumers could apply for the program
Clearly, the original infractions involved a completely separate set of allegations because the raid took place four months prior to the launch of the EBB program and eleven months prior to the launch of the ACP program.
November 15, 2021: Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program to replace EBB
December 31, 2021: ACP replaces EBB
March 1, 2022: EBB program officially ends
Dec 2021 – Mar 2022: New ACP “infractions” occurred
As this timeline indicates, the original raid on Q Link had nothing to do with EBB nor ACP because the former was not launched until four months after the raid, and the latter was not launched until another eleven months later. So we still do not know the purpose of the raid on Q Link headquarters, what crimes they have accused of, nor the result of those investigations.
Fierce Wireless adds this note at in the last paragraph of its story: “This isn’t the first time alleged problems have been uncovered in the EBB and ACP. The FCC’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a memo in November 2021 flagging instances in which individuals signed up for subsidy support by falsely claiming to have a child enrolled in an eligible school. In September 2022, the OIG warned ISPs were inflating enrollments by using the same child to qualify multiple households for simultaneous support.”
Readers have repeatedly asked and we have repeatedly researched the issue, yet this is the first time we have seen the original set of “infractions” spelled out.
Luckily, the FCC has been much more specific in spelling out the current “alleged misconduct.” Specifically, it says that Q Link manufactured its own 8-inch Android Scepter 8 tablets for the ACP program, but grossly inflated the value of those tablets. In another odd move, the FCC redacted the costs and supposed values from its public notice, and said only that Q Link submitted claims for reimbursements that “apparently substantially exceeding (the tablets’) market value.”
Did Q Link do it once? Twice? A dozen times? According to FCC allegations, Q Link was paid $20.8 million on “hundreds of thousands of computer tablets.”
Shame on Q Link if these allegations turn out to be true. And shame on the FCC if they don’t.
It’s all very confusing and we look forward to the day when the facts are finally revealed.
Pauline Villa says
This is a very recent article that some may not beaware of pertaining to QLink.
DOJ USAO Southern District of Florida
Nationwide Telecommunications Provider and its CEO Plead Guilty to Massively Defrauding Federal Government Programs Meant to Aid the Needy
So I just so happen to find out that I now have to find another company to transfer my Lifeline to. I’ve tried calling QLink customer service for help on transferring to another company before November 8th, 2024, but I can’t get anyone to answer my call and they do not call back. Also 2 yrs ago I asked for the tablet and never received it. UPS said they delivered it but it was to an incorrect address so obviously I never received it. They want their $10.01, and I told them I’m not paying for an item I never received. They informed me that I would not beable to request another tablet through the ACP/Lifeline program because customers are only allowed 1. So yea they screwed me. I should have left them along time ago, lesson learned.
Lori says
The BBB says no results when I put Qlink in search. Assurance wireless is offering unlimited everything plus a free phone for the Lifeline program. Qlink is limited and no free phone but they had sent me a SIM card and renewed me.
amanda says
qlink is shit igot a tablet that never worked with there internet I contacted them got nothing I contacted the fcc and qlink said they contacted me and never contacted me at all I’ve been trying to reach out to them since I received the tablet and either I’ve had to sit hours on the phone with them to be told there’s nothing wrong with the tablet and that they don’t send out tablets with Sim cards I have to find free wifi yet where I live I don’t live close to any free wifi than I was going to try to cancel my contract thing with them and was told I wasn’t allowed to do anything with getting a tablet I’d have to pay full price through another company in which I ended up finding a cheap on and purchasing it in my own which also didn’t help because I still never got the free wifi I really hope qlink gets shut down with how many people they screwed over during the free internet program they collected all this money and didn’t follow the rules with giving free access to internet like they were suppose too
Free Government Cell Phones says
Amanda is what is known in technical jargon as an unhappy customer.
Lori says
Corey Price says
The same exact thing happened to me. When I received the tablet they sent me the scene was bowed and it looked like someone had used the tablet cleaned it off and sent it to me.
James Williams says
And QLink has still yet to notify its’ members of the winding down of the ACP as they are required to do. I received 2 notices from Verizon already, and if you have the ACP with them, your “Verizon forward” benefit they give if you use your ACP with them will continue after the discontinuation of the ACP. Meaning your $20 discount will continue. QLink is still trying to recruit new members to switching the ACP to them, and they mention nothing about the programs potential ending. Just one of many shady things with them. When this is all said and done, QLink will be a thing of the past with me.
James Williams says
The ACP will end in April 2024, thanks to yet another throwaway “solution” the government gave out. Watch the shit hit the fan when this happens. The linked article from C/Net says middle of 2024, but new data now shows it will happen in April, 2024. I guess close enough. Sorry QLink, the party is over with your junk tablets. The verifythis article confirms the exact date:
Free Government Cell Phones says
James’ comment is correct. Congress and the FCC have been twiddling their thumbs and giving $100 billion to the Ukraine (much of it going straight into the pockets of the nation’s corrupt leadership) and ignoring the plight of millions of Americans in poverty. Horrible!
James Williams says
In *not* surprising news, Verizon, my Home 5G Internet provider, has already sent me an urgent email about this and gave me tools to email my Senators directly to speak out on this issue, which I have done so. QLink, on the other hand, is still milking this drying up ACPs cows udder by still pitching their cheap, 3rd world tablets with not a hint of trouble on the horizon, and each and every time I log into their website, I get a popup wanting me to switch my ACP to them (which I will never do, as I want to utilize what is left of the ACP on a true high speed internet service, and not some crap that measures speeds in KILObytes per second (kbps). At last speed test with QLinks data plan, I measured 780 kbps. Verizon, connected via wifi, 280 mbps. After this is over and ACP is yet another failed government program, I am keeping Verizon and give them what is left of my money and tell QLink to go shove off and go elsewhere for my Lifeline. Get your QLink factory reject tablets, while supplies (and the ACP) last! And you can thanks shams like QLink do with the ACP (and the genesis of the above article), that will cause this program to end.
Swamprelic says
Disgusting our elected officials been fleecing us for decades. Same with the auto unions and teachers unions but that money always ends up in the democrats back pockets… Another thing is these elected officials protecting Epstein’s clients and the FBI been threatening them not to release any info. Disband FBI and prosecute any elected officials doing anything against publics will. We tell the government what to do they answer to us not the other way around like this corrupt admin thinks. They need to kill this truth board or what ever they call their propaganda checker!!!
Henry says
The EBB and ACP programs were created as a temporary solution to allow those not online to be able to get help to cover the cost of internet access as many depended on it during the pandemic. It was possible that it would be made permanent, but no assurances of that happening. Some program providers and participants tried to get as much as they could from the program.
I guess the Internet for All initiative will replace previous programs.
“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes a historic $65 billion investment to expand affordable and reliable high-speed Internet access in communities across the U.S. NTIA recently launched a series of new high-speed Internet grant programs funded by the law that will build high-speed Internet infrastructure across the country, create more low-cost high-speed Internet service options, and address the digital equity and inclusion needs in our communities.
Additionally, the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward Internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Visit AffordableConnectivity.gov to learn more.
For more information on the Biden-Harris Administration’s high-speed Internet service programs, please visit InternetforAll.gov.”
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s the ACP program that hasn’t been funded, Henry. So going to that program’s website won’t do anyone any good at this point. Maybe Congress will fund something, but so far they haven’t. The InternetForAll.gov website is just a political rehash of all the various programs with nothing specific about solving the unfunded ACP program or its replacement. Nothing but political mumbo jumbo as evidenced by the first line of copy in the Program Overview says, “President Biden wants to connect everyone in America to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet.” Looks like campaign nonsense to us.
Tony says
I had Q Link Wireless. They sent me one of those Scepter 8 tablets without me requesting it. Then demanded I pay $10 for it, which I refused to pay. That tablet was slow. It barely loaded anything. It did not have an accessible Sim card so you couldn’t even move your internet to a better device.
Henry says
The ACP program has a mandatory copayment by the subscriber between $10.01 up to $49.99 for any device purchased through the program. You must have overlooked the one cent on the invoice message. It appears that the company “auto enrolled” you to the ACP program which made you eligible to buy a device. If you purchased a device through the program from another provider, then you will be guilty of “double dipping” on the program’s benefit. I am not sure what would happen to your ACP account status if that happened. This tablet is a low-end device which was factory produced overseas in bulk quantities. Most tablets (including this model) do not have SIM card slots since they do not have calling features. Most use Wi-Fi access to get online through an internal wireless card. Some may use a SIM card to get online as well. QLink should have provided you a SIM card for your cell phone. It should not be transferable to this tablet model. You need to get an ACP laptop, desktop, or smart phone that can access the internet using their internal wireless card to go online.
“Does the Q Link Scepter 8 tablet use a SIM card?
It is WiFi only; no SIM slot and no integrated cellular radio baseband.”
The above means that the tablet accesses the internet either through the QLink MVNO service or other over the air wireless networks (such as in McDonald’s, Starbucks, hotels, hospitals, office buildings, etc.). You most likely will have to set up your smartphone as a “hotspot” in order to allow the tablet to connect to the QLink network through the phone.
DjL says
I recieved 1 of those scepter 8 pos, and didn’t want it in the 1st place. Thing doesn’t even work. Not even worth the 10 dollars and 1 cent they want from me! Well I’m not paying for it if anyone else feels the same we should start a class action against them. Also I never needed the data till now, and 7 GB is nothing, but a terrible false claim to unlimited data I can’t even read my email or browse the internet without buffering! This company needs to be shut down and reimburse the clients and government. That’s why I was on here today to find a new decent and truthful provider.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Let our readers know what state you live in, DJL, so they can recommend other service providers to you.
Swamprelic says
Maybe this is why FBI going after qlink for screwing everyone over by selling them junk and charging government too dollar. Also signing people up for it without their knowledge
James Williams says
I kind of knew QLink was doing something funky with the ACP. Every time, and I mean, EVERY TIME I sign into my QLink account on their website, I get a popup that says, “Congratulations! Confirm below to use your Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) benefit on our 4G LTE/5G network!”. Every time. Well, I have my 5G home internet through Verizon, and they were always emailing me to apply to the ACP through them for the discount. So, I followed their instructions and filled out the application on the ACP website, I was approved through the national verifier that I was approved, and gave me all the information to pass along to Verizon. With the ACP, and the Verizon Forward program, I’ll go from paying $50/mo to $0.00/mo for Internet that gives me about 300/Mbps. Well, QLink punished me. Not by cutting off my lifeline, but by throttling the crap out of my data, which already sucked before, but it sucks even harder now. I went from an average of 3/Mbps speed to 0.03/Mbps download, with an equally worthless uoload speed. Rendering the data totally worthless. And on top of that, when I was speaking to the Verizon guy when setting up my ACP discount, I told him what Qlink was doing when I sign in and he said “That sounds very suspicious.” Looks like every time someone clicks “Confirm” on that pop-up, they claim it with the government and get more $$$ for a new ACP sgnup. I was so pissed off that QLink did this crap I called them to ask if my Hot Pepper Serrono phone was locked, and they had to tell me it was not. So, knowing what I know now, and confirming my phone is unlocked, and how they seem to thrive on fraud, I am shopping for another service to tranasfer my Lifeline to. So, this article about more fraud QLink is trying to pull with the ACP is of no surprise.
(and BTW, when I connect my phone to my Verizon Wifi, and not use phone data, I get over 50.Mbps, as opposed to 0.03/Mbps I get with the QLink/T-Mobile combination)
James Williams says
Oh, and to add, the tablet they were giving away was total junk. I mean it was slower than arthritic grndma trying to wade through thick molasses on a cold winters day, and crashed all the time. I was sucker enough to get one and the next day, we took it to the shooting range for target practice. The website reminds me that I had to pay a $10 charge to “the government” for that garbage. I got on the phone with QLink and told them the tablet was trash and I will *NOT* give them one thin dime. And the tech was very quick to tell me I did not have to pay it. Yet, the website to this day reminds me at the very to of the screen that I still need to pay that $10.00. They knew those Septre-8 tablets were useless. You could have had a better and a faster tablet back in 2000.
Henry says
A comment from Jeff about this device on Walmart’s website.
“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it works the same as any other android tablet I’ve used. Which is to say, not as good as an iPad. I got it for a $10.01 copay and I’m not complaining. It’s a fine backup device.”
To each his/her own.
Swamprelic says
10,000 people say they suck every tech say the suck the FBI raiding them because they suck and ripped of the feds and customers. Seems like your the only one in the country that thinks they’re any good.. Do you work for Qlink or a affiliate of Qlink because it sure looks that way
Henry says
The internet tablet device is a low end device sold by QLink. It is worth between $10.01 to $49.99 (required copayment amount for ACP devices)? Only if you have minimal system hardware requirements similar to the time from 20 years ago.
Henry says
Mercari website shows Sceptre 8 tablets have sold for over $10 each. Amazon website has over 500 favorable reviews for the Sceptre 8 tablet cover.
There apparently is a market for this device.
Swamprelic says
Somolia, Cuba or iran maybe buying them all
John Sinclair says
Keep us posted…
John Sinclair says
Anyone heard any updates on this? Yesterday was the 30 day mark…Please let us know if you hear anything.