Revised on 12/09/22
UPDATE: It has now been 18 months since the FBI, Justice Department, USPS, and local Florida sheriffs raided Q Link’s offices and accused them of some very serious violations of the law. We find it incredible that the government has provided no updates on this case. None. Every day readers ask us, “What’s going on with the Q Link legal case?” We wish we had an answer. These inquisitive readers desperately want to know if they are safe enrolling for Lifeline free government cell phones and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) internet plans.
A long-standing principle of American law says, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” We believe our readers (and Q Link) deserve an update.
Yesterday was not a good day at the headquarters of Q Link Wireless. Everyone with a badge in South Florida raided the Lifeline free government cell phone company’s headquarters.
Federal agents swarmed a Dania Beach building Wednesday as part of a multiagency investigation into a telecommunications company.
Agents from the United States Postal Inspection Police, the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and the Broward Sheriff’s Office have been filtering in and out of the Regions Bank building at 499 Sheridan Street, but authorities say the investigation has nothing to do with the bank, rather a company called Q Link Wireless that operates inside.
Readers here at have known for months that something odd was going on at the free government cellphone service provider. We’ve been swamped with complaints about terrible customer service, countless technical problems, bad phones, etc. We’ve been telling our readers that it couldn’t be good.
Looks like we were prophetic.
Investigators could be seen removing boxes full of evidence and putting them into the back of a U.S. Postal Service truck.
What exactly they are looking for has not yet been disclosed, but Local 10 news is told the investigation has been going on for two years and involves suspected fraud.
“The Department of Justice has kept a closer eye on the operations of the corporation and they are still analyzing books,” U.S. Postal Inspector Ivan Ramirez said. “It’s an investigation looking into the operations and the likelihood that there might be something that is questionable.”
He added: “When we are looking at consumer protection, when we are looking at the benefits consumers may or may not be receiving, things are looked at much closer and with a fine-toothed comb to make sure folks are receiving what they are paying for or what they are actually entitled to.”
No has yet been arrested. But in our experience a raid in which truckloads of records are hauled away is usually followed by arrests and laundry lists of charges.
We’ll just have to wait and see what the U.S. Attorneys come up with in the days and weeks to come.
James Williams says
Everyone, the wait is over regarding this bust. After all this time.
Laurie says
Q Link literally promises unlimited talk text and data took me 3 months to get unlimited data because they fraudulently gave my ACP lifeline whatever to a different service to a different county and then they promises $25 gift card to Amazon that they don’t deliver they say 31 days and they say 35 days now they say another 35 days they never deliver it but they will not admit that they’re false advertisement I mean I’m hoping to have a job pretty soon so I don’t have to deal with them but I literally want what I was promised and plus I need to unlimited data cuz I’m literally loving off my hotspot.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please be aware, Laurie, that any Lifeline customer can switch service providers after just 30 days of service. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Lynne mcnair says
I bought a cell phone from qlink and they sent me a pepper phone and it was terriable it was so slow and messed up all the time couldn’t use it at all they said they couldn’t send me another sim card and now I
Without a phone scam.ers
James Williams says
Even more whoes for Qlink.
Debra R. says
I have also had my identity breached! Google notified me at least 7 to 10 months ago and I changed some passwords and tried to secure all of my accounts but There is so much to change throughout:emails,usernames,passwords
Passcodes, account names and numbers. It is almost impossible because I have had some accounts for many many years and that can ruin you ratings to change them and then it would be like starting all over again. The time that takes to get back to the respect I am at would take up to 37yrs. At my age I may not even have that much time left! WOW UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
Henry says
This is what happens when you share pieces of information everywhere and allow for it to be stored in multiple locations. And sometimes, the business security measures are not sufficient to prevent hacking. The internet is the equivalent of the “wild wild west”. You cannot secure the internet since it was not created to be secure. For absolute security, you must go offline for all of your daily life activities.
P. S. Just because someone says that you have been hacked, does not mean that you were. The one thing that is common on the internet is that there are plenty of lies and falsehoods.
Ronald Donnamario says
What am I supposed to do, I was wondering why service sucks, but I called ACP and she said to have airtalk wireless call Qlink and ask for a benefit change to them, but what if there’s not there they just read the office how am I going to get my two years I was approved for transfer it over now to air talk how am I going to do that please help me ASAP I don’t have a phone and I need it for work and and my dad my father’s elderly please help me 228-900-**** or ronniedonnamario/or no, this one’s the account with them , soooo,
R. J. D. 6/17/23🙏🏻👉🏻☎️
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is nothing we can do to help you, Ronald. But why not try enrolling with a completely different company? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Henry says
Someone in Michigan got busted for Lifeline fraud and identity theft.
He got around $11 million in payments.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hope he goes to jail for a long, long time.
Ronald Donnamario says
I just was told by Google my identity has been stolen, too!!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
How would Google know that?
John Sinclair says
They upgraded the Magic 8 Ball app. It’s got a direct line to the Psychic Friends Network now!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Of course.
Scott Ritter says
I signed up for q Link and they didn’t tell me about the free phone along with the tablet they sold me one for $34 in some sense the phone was a hot pepper it didn’t give me very good performance it overheated now the battery is dead and I don’t have a phone at all what am I to do I can’t get any service out of them they won’t refund my money on the phone where do I get a new battery what am I to do
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Ronald Donnamario says
Is Qlink the same then??! And tyvm so much!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
The same as what?
Donna M Yanzuk Timm says
I have had my sim and number stolen three times with a link You call my calls get rerouted I couldn’t even make a 911 call in December NO ONE HELPS
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your service provider, Donna. This is an independent informational website only. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Henry says
I would not be surprised that inactive subscription accounts are kept “active” by collecting on the Government subsidy payments. The Food and Drug Administration is not responsible for the Lifeline nor ACP programs. A company called Universal Service Administrative company that is hired by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does the enrollment and maintenance work for those programs. The Federal Communications Commission is an independent agency overseen by Congress. So, your complaint has to be directed ultimately to the US Congress (legislative branch of US Government) and not to the Executive branch of the US Government.
“As an independent not-for-profit designated by the FCC, USAC administers the Universal Service Fund (USF). The USF is almost $10 billion and is available annually thanks to the companies and institutions that make universal service possible.”
All cell phone and landline phone services often have a USF fee included. This fee is used to provide telecommunications service to areas where service is spotty or not established and to help poverty-stricken regions. As for some who refer to this program as the “Obama phone” program, the Executive branch of the US Government does not manage this program. It seems that many connect the program to the US president who is in office when they hear about this program. The FCC was established in 1985, so many connect Lifeline with President Reagan. As wireless phones became more common during the Obama administration, people then connected the program to Obama.
“Lifeline has been controversial due to rampant fraud and abuse of the program.”
So, what else is new?
Henry says
The above response was directed to Kristin M Hoffman’s post earlier.
James Williams says
A typo. The FCC was established in 1934, not 1985. I believe you meant the USF was formed in 1985.
Gerald Nwagwu says
I completed an appliction for the ACP and furnished Link Wireless the best w
ay to communicate to the. It’s getting weeks,I haven’t heard from the Co
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find all the contact info for Q Link at this link:
Kristin M Hoffman says
All I have to say is “Its about time!” I reported 4 years ago that Q-link is fraudulent! My phone was stolen like 6 weeks after I got it. I tried to find it on my own, monitored activity on the phone while I tried to get it back. Finally 4 or 5 weeks later, I called to report it missing, and to see how I would go about getting a replacement. They said replacements are 49.00 plus shipping. I was full on homeless!! I just plain ddnt have 50.00 to spend on a phone! So, I asked them to suspend my service while I tried to save the money. They said they dont do that, and I could either buy a phone or they would discontinue my service. The CSR was hostile and condescending, just plain rude!! So, I said ok, turn it off. I continued to monitor my account, and it remained active almost another 6 months!! No activity, no calls, no messages, no data use, but they kept taking the money the government was giving them to cover my service. I reported it locally, county, state, and even called the food and drug admin to let them know. Q-LINK IS A BUNCH OF CROOKS!! I can only imagine how many people they did that to!!
Jim says
I hope they prosecute operations like this for claiming unlimited data, when in reality they shut you off completely at around 30 GB! How do these companies get away with these lies?
Henry says
If you look at it, it isn’t really a lie. They can throttle your bandwidth if you exceed a certain data amount each month. Think of it like a faucet where the water flows in a big stream initially. After some volume has been dispensed, the huge “tidal wave” becomes a small stream. It remains the small stream until the next month arrives. Yes, the volume flow drops, but it never stops, so it is still “unlimited”. Also, can think of it as driving at 100 MPH for a period of time and then suddenly you slow down to 10 MPH for the remainder of the drive. You continue to drive at 10 MPH for an unlimited duration until the end of the month arrives. So, technically, there is no limit to how much data you can use. The slowdown can return you back to dial up connection speeds. Ah, the good old days.
Sarah says
But they don’t simply slow your data speed down after 30gb – they shut off your data completely.
Talk and text still function fine though.
Henry says
If the plan states unlimited data and you can no longer have any data access after an amount has been reached would seem like false advertising. That could be grounds for a class action lawsuit. That would be a legitimate reason for a complaint to the USAC agency.
James Williams says
To the defense of QLink, it is not them that throttles or cuts off data, but the carrier they use that actually provides the talk/text/data to your phone, T-Mobile. All Q-Link does is offer the brand. If you restart your phone, look at the upper right while it’s booting, it will initially say T-Mobile before switching over to Q Link Wireless after connection is established and the phone has fully started. So, if you have slow data/throttling, there isn’t much Q-Link can do about it. T-Mobile just plain sucks, as I originally had their so-called 5G Home Internet directly with them where I was lucky to crack 10Mbps speeds. I dumped them like yesterdays lunch and got Verizons 5G Home Internet where I easily get 200-250Mbps. So all the headaches people say they have with their Q-Links phone when it comes to crappy performance, can be traced back to T-Mobiles sub standard service they offer with these Government phones. I own a Q-Link phone too and when I run a Speedtest on it using my phone data, I am lucky to get 2Mbps.If you call Q-Link, there really is nothing that they can do, and if you call T-Mobile, they’ll just lie to you and say there is an issue with your tower. They say that same lie to everyone that calls and bitches about it.
Paul says
Qlink is still fraudulently advertising, and on first page of “free government phones for poor ” of yahoo. Still advertising free smartphone but when you sign up, they tell you LIE that government does not provide free phone. Qlink syndicate gang did it to me just few days ago.
Erich Wandtke or E of Earth... says
When when I had wrinkling service I already found during my original travels that four out of five officers of the law would pay very close attention to me if my phone was on or charging in a matter of 33 days from the top of Mount Hood to seaside Oregon Washington all the way down to Eugene Oregon I had 27 interactions with police in 33 days each group not knowing the other had interacted with me simply continue to follow the protocol that said if this person is wanted or needed to go to court for any reason soon as I can drop them get their name and address and do a deep inspection. after interaction with the officers I began to notice that other people as well or being harassed in the same neighborhood while camping on Mount Hood down at the coast of Oregon and even up in Washington so I did see there was less people who had used different cell phone act accounts they were not using I’ve been the only one to considerably have more interaction with police than any other and while working with the department of defense United States interior of USA, I HAVE DIScovered that England and Canada were not revoking but simply taking back there right full ownership of the USA and appear to be this super leads behind us all to use their s***.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Pass the joint, Erich.
Henry says
wrinkling = wireless
I had a reservation to stay at Seaside OR several years ago. An accident involving a truck closed the road from Portland to get to the Oregon coast, so I had to cancel the reservation and lose my hotel deposit money for the night. The view on the plane above Mount Hood was awesome as the plane landed in the Portland, OR airport. Note that many of the recent mass shooters claimed being tracked by the Government. If you think you are being watched in this country, go to China where cameras are everywhere, and they can get closeups of your face and have you arrested because you look suspicious. BTW, take it easy on the hallucinogenics..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Henry, you gave an answer that sounds like an answer we would give.
Sierra says
My guess is human traffic trafficking embezzlement something along those lines other than that qlink has been good to me even if they are stick early watching people and deciding who to steal they got good service
Free Government Cell Phones says
We still have no idea what was behind the raids because there ain’t nobody sayin’ nothin’.
Okuddy says
Your english teacher would be so proud of you right now.
There ain’t nobody saying nothing?
You do know that actually means there is someone saying something?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Look up the word “colloquial,” Okuddy. Then look up the word “pompous.”
Ronald Donnamario says
Yes,you’re right
q0c0p says
First I’m hearing of this. This just verified what I already knew on with the hacking of my phone and excellerated planned obsolescence. Sounds like Qli nk wasn’t a team player willingly handing over us useless eaters data. Once you see you can’t unsee. My phone has been dictating what I can and cannot read or learn since about the time of this raid. Of course these corrupted agency’s will come up with a narrative story most will fall for just as thevve been doing for a 100 years already.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Keep in mind that any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Cathy Byrd says
I’ve just got approved for q link and waiting on sim card to arrive. Is this a hoax to steal my info
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not a hoax. Q Link is a real company with real products and it has been approved to do business by the federal goernment, but you should read all the comments below.
Yobuddy says
No, this is legit.
I switched from Safelink to Q-link and received my card today. Easy as inserting it into the sim slot and my phone worked as soon as I turned it back on.
Good luck
Robert Hendrickson says
I bought a phone from q-links never received it i called 6 or 7 times they told me it was in the mail all i received was a sim card no phone i paid about 40 dollars this was over a year ago I’m still waiting for an answer or a new updated phone that complies with todays technology
Robert Hendrickson says
I’m a Vietnam veteran and retired now..senior citizen on Ssi a fixed income that can barely afford a room in Massachusetts when is Congress going to take care of us 🇺🇸
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, you’ve waited too long to get the money back from your credit card company (assuming you used a credit cards to pay for it). At this point, you need to enroll with a different company that will give you the service you pay for. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Finally, you need to file an official complaint. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it step-by-step:
Jerome elrod says
Well of course this is our good government just pulling the drug dealers phone records so they can do the war on drugs and traffic and they’re doing an excellent job thank you so much guys keep up the good work and everybody needs to be less nosy about what the government is doing to try to p
rotect our rights and settle down a little bit get a job maybe that’ll help you out then you won’t need q Link thank you us and God bless
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are a naive, trusting soul if you believe the government is doing good work to protect our rights. We should all be more nosy, not less, about what the government is doing.
Allupinyamouth says
Perf is curly said ,,,,.vote no on corruption
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not quite sure what that means, but OK.
Henry says
So, you think the Government invasion of the QLink office was to obtain drug dealing phone records? While the Miami region could be a possible hub for the illicit drug kingpin operations, not sure if it requires having to go to only one company, especially one that is involved with low-income subscribers. Drug kingpins should be able to be rather wealthy phone customers, not using some low-end cheap phone service. So, I think your deductive logic is faulty on this one.
BTW, getting a low paying job (like in the fast-food industries or the local dollar store) may not provide enough income to help pay for unsubsidized phone service.
Nikkee says
Ohh Jerome!! Aren’t you just the perfect little government sheep? Don’t forget that it’s impolite to not offer the g-man a “mouth hug” when he comes to collect your guns. Pfft!! What AM I thinking?!? You don’t own any guns! You most certainly swore them off the same day you handed the government your backbone, balls and ability to produce a non-conformist thought. You want government in your life? Take ’em. I prefer they be out of mine.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ouch. That may be the hardest comment ever left on this website (maybe even worse than our rants about the horrors of living in California).
Ron says
I was totally conned by Qlink advertising. Paid $120 for a crap phone that was advertised as top of the line smart phone that is crap at best and can be bought from numerous websites for $30. As a disabled senior citizen I and others have fallen for their con and scheme. I found out within hours of applying for ACP program and attempted to stop transaction and thought I had but no….they proceeded to continue on by debiting my bank account the following month. They should be forced out of business and all board officers and top management should be criminally charged….I attempted to end business with this company but they refused
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Scott B Rains says
The ad was done in a responsible way. Backed by the govt. After you sign up they did send my son a sim card. I ordered 2 phones one with the tablet.thats where they get you card info. Never received anything back about the phones.
Lisa says
Holy hell I’ve been with qlink for at least a year on the lifeline program. My service is decent and my data has never been cut. I log on to my account on my computer and I noticed the 1st thing that pops up is something like We see you haven’t used your ACP click here to do it now. HA fat chance I’ll do that. I think you HAVE to use the APC to get the apparently junk tablet and phone( going by the comments)for the discount price
Glad I never clicked on it. I’m going to use that benefit for reduced price internet. I am going to be switching to a different lifeline company after reading all this! I had not heard about qlink in trouble. I do get a shit ton of spam calls and texts but the spam guard they have does a very good job at stopping those. The phone is junk takes many hours to charge and gets hot when I talk for 30 minutes or more and then battery drops about 50%. Very glad I stumbled on this site.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s a pleasure to have you stumble in.
Robin Fitzgearl says
Is my q link account at risk?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We wish we could give you some updated information, Robin, but the FBI and IRS have been completely silent since the day of the raid.
Daniel hayslip says
This is Daniel hayslip some one has Ben linkinig into my bill fold even stilling my mail and sell phones into my SSI money dowinug budgets even changing past name casing checks must be on dop ofull iney way I have a qlink wot I’m using now loads every month keep getting into 3 rd party on my phone dowinug ofull stilling cash aps linkinig out guns government help all that me my mom kinda like homles my dad razed me pases not ezey for me to be there for mom like wish I could as a sun or brother or sister sad plez help me this Ben ofull some one needs do someting that way help moma them makes me fill bad different some one like from heaven a angel wotchinug ole boy mit have hot day for this king be nice never pays to be mean to iney one pays to be loyal respfull and playing games people all that no reason over jelice people pay for foolish things that do thanks reading my letter hopfull help me thanks may God bless use all good folks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Daniel’s typing skills are not quite up to par (that’s putting it generously). We’ve been playing around with Artificial Intelligence lately so we ran his comment through an AI copy generator. This is how it translated Daniel’s comment.
“I am Daniel Hayslip and I am writing to alert you to some serious issues I have been experiencing. Someone has been hacking into my wallet and stealing my mail, as well as selling phones using my SSI money. They have even changed the name on my checks. I am currently using a Qlink to load money onto my phone each month, but I keep getting hacked by third parties. This has caused me to lose cash and access to various apps, including ones related to guns and government assistance.
“My mom and I are struggling financially and are in a difficult situation. My dad was not able to provide for us when I was growing up, so it has not been easy for me to be there for my mom as a son or brother should. I am asking for your help to resolve this situation and to support my mom. It makes me feel bad that someone is taking advantage of us in this way. I hope that someone like an angel from heaven is watching over us and will help us through this tough time.
“In conclusion, I urge you to be kind and not to take advantage of others. It never pays to be mean to anyone. Instead, it is better to be loyal, respectful, and to not play games with people’s lives. Some people act out of jealousy without any good reason, and they end up paying for their foolish actions. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter and I hope that you can help us. May God bless you and all the good people in the world.”
Daniel Hayslip
Cool, huh? Shows you how good Artificial Intelligence has become and gives a clue about how quickly it is developing. While we were at it, we asked the AI copy generator how we should respond. Here’s what it said:
“ I’m sorry to hear about the troubles you’re facing. It sounds like you’re experiencing some difficult circumstances and I understand why you would feel upset and concerned. I hope that you are able to get the help you need and that things improve for you and your mom. If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Unbelievable, isn’t it?
James says
Reading Daniels post made my head hurt.
Tatiana says
This is so obvious that whomever wrote this purposely misspelled words and used bad grammar. Misspelling the same word different ways is one giveaway.
Idk if they thought this was creative or funny? But it fell short in both areas.
The bad part about this that some people actually are this bad at spelling.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Daniel’s comment was only marginally more unintelligible than many of the comments we get here at You’d be shocked. There have been a few over the years that we could not run because they made absolutely no sense.
Melissa Rangel says
I’ve asked numerous times to cancel my service because my phone was stolen and to blacklist the phone and they say they can’t unless I buy a new phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s complete bull, Melissa. Try it again but this time tell them that if they don’t cancel it you will “report them to the Universal Service Administrative Company.” Let us know how they respond to that threat.
Tara Nation says
They are Crooks you you sign. Is for unlimited everything for life. But when covid hits. They tell you that never had the plan even when you have proof. And they keep transferring my ACP benefit from At&t. Without my permission they do it every month.
Feryn says
YES…Qlink has stolen everyone’s broadband benefit (what used to be called EBB) They forced those garbage tablets on people and took the other credit. I think the best option is to wait the month or more of not using their service for it to be canceled, then look for new service if need be.
Angel says
A total scam. They got all my information, sent a sim card and gave me a phone number before I was set up.
I called the number before I change the Sim card and the number is ringing.
Total scam. They sent me a post card with my enrollment number on the post card. What government agency would put that personal information on a post card for everyone to see?
Tina Moore says
I ordered the Qlink Specter 8 Tablet & paid the $10.01 charge and when I received. It worked fine and I entered my information into it, to have it ready to use when ready. I used it 2 times, on the 3rd time I went to use it I turned it on and the screen was broken underneath. It was never dropped or anything. Now I used my 1 time benefit to purchase one and can’t even get another one. I was really looking forward to reading my books and doing other things on my tablet but obviously got screwed over with piece of crap equipment. I think I deserve a new tablet especially since it hadn’t even been 14 days since I had it that this happened and didn’t know about the 14 day warranty about sending it back through qlink!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to customer service? If not, you should do so immediately.
Lynne says
I called the day after receiving the tablet wanting a refund and they said they do not issue refunds. The tablet is complete crap. And when I signed up they said it came with free wifi. When i asked too set it up and called because it wasn’t working they told me that was not included even tho my tablet was prompting me to login into my account for the free wifi. The tablet would tell me it connected me to free wifi when i connected it to my own wifi.
Free Government Cell Phones says
First thing you need to do is check the terms of your purchase. What do they say about refunds or exchanges?
Second thing you need to do is check your manufacturer’s warranty: If your tablet is malfunctioning, what does the warranty say about refunds or exchanges?
If you can’t get a refund or exchange from your Lifeline/ACP service provider or the manufacturer, the third thing you may want to consider is filing a complaint with the FCC. Here’s a link to an article that tells you exactly how to do that:
Alnita (Holland) Booth (Holland) Booth says
I been hacked, my Apple ID password my info sent a fraudulent check money remove from my bank acct need help need lawyer
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s waaaaay out of our wheelhouse, Anita. Yes, you probably need a lawyer.
Jeff Mitchell says
What are the phone subscription people suggested to do go to another program
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not a clue what you’re asking us, Jeff.
Bobby Blaylock says
Q Link wireless sucks I ordered a phone paid for it and waited 40 days and the phone never showed up I canceled with them the customer service is liars telling me my phone will be in the mail with in days I and I got my money backgot tired of the lies phone never showed up
Stan White says
Hi, my service has been canceled for an uncertain reason. I tried to reach support, but different representatives are keep telling me nonsense.
This lifeline phone is used by kid with special needs, we were expecting from you reliable service, but you make a headache for several people instead and provoked our financial loss.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your problems, Stan, but you’ve made the very common error of assuming that we are your service provider. We are not. This is an independent informational website that has ZERO affiliation with any of the Lifeline free government cell phone companies.
Cecilia Crystal says
Oh crap, I just gave q link my SS# for approval.
Anon says
Hey!!! I had problems with Q LInk, myself. Blaming my friends for identity theft. Not cool. Something isn’t right at all. PPL down here in the ghetto trying to get out are already having it tough. This is so not cool.
Alicia LewisJackson says
I have not applied for nor do I want qlink. The message I keep receiving when trying to reach customer service is that I have an account associated with my phone number. What do I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We need a little more clarification, Alicia. Are you trying to reach Q Link customer service? Do you want to enroll with a different company or only to cancel the bogus account with Q link?
Feryn says
I was hoping her phone number may have had a lifeline acct if she only had number a short time. Have you seen many reports of bogus accounts?! I wouldn’t be shocked. Qlink is corrupt.
Donna Waggett says
I have been offered a Cuban link phone and I’m not sure what’s going on I’ve never received the phone but they keep telling me that I’m using data… I don’t even have the phone I did apply for something that I thought was government funded. Am I wrong if this scam
I’m in the state of Tennessee living in Nashville I have not sent them any money or anything like that but I’m just kind of worried if someone that could steal identity or something because of them saying that their government connected or are they I’m confused because in one part I Google and it says that they are legitimate and another is that they are not. I would love to hear back from you or someone that could possibly give me some information that is straight up and through. Thank you so much , Regards Donna Waggett
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sounds pretty fishy to us, Donna. Where did you enroll for this phone? Was it at a street event.
Joe says
I keep receiving notifications that I am using data and my eligibility has been verified thru data usage,calls,etc. However, I have not got the phone anymore( as it were cheap crap) and the Sims card was taken out and destroyed. How do I find out what is going on and how do I stop it. As well as how to know if identity theft has occurred, and if there are any civil action lawsuits currently being held and how to apply or sign civil action lawsuit for unsecured personal information or any other actions that can be taken. Thank you for your timely and kind response.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is now way for us to know what’s going on with your (former) acco9unt, Joe. Contact your former service provider;s customer service team to demand the complete cancellation of your account because of fraud.
Paul Campbell says
Jesus They treated me like shit I remember and the phone was garbage I got lectured when I tried leaving and argued and continually hung up on or transferred to nowhere
Brooke says
I paid for a $500 phone for service never received the Samsung S9 and never received and paid with customer service and had charges of fraud next day and no phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
How did you pay for it? If it was with a credit card, call the credit card company and dispute the charge immediately.
Bobby Blaylock says
Same thing happened to me
Sarah says
I’ve heard if you are on certain public assistance you could be eligible for a free service through safe link. However you have to supply your own phone?. Is that the same as this offer? Because I have safe link already however I would like the opportunity to take advantage of the iPad portion of this offer. Is that something possible to do?. I do qualify, however I’m satisfied with our current safelink services. I’m just interest in receiving the laptop.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is a very common question, Sarah. The two programs (Lifeline and ACP) are completed unrelated, although they do share very similar qualification rules. We advise readers to use Lifeline to get their cell phone service, and ACP to get their internet service and tablet. You maximize your benefits doing it that way.
In other words, keep your current Safelink service and get your internet/tablet with your ACP benefit.
Muhammad-Abdul Ahmad says
I never got my tablet
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to Q Link’s customer service team to find out what the problem is?
James Williams says
You’re not missing much, trust me. QLinks tablets are complete garbage and mine went into the trash months ago.
Todd says
They tell me I get free data for life but nothing works unless I use my own Wi-Fi at my expense these people are fraudsters.
Roy Robertson says
emma ******** is behind it all aka anna ***** aka dr death****** south hwy 6
******, ** *****
shes in bed with all pulic servents in (CITY AND STATE DELETED)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Congratulations, Roy. You win the award for the craziest-ass comment of the year. It’s only September but we’re pretty sure no one will top this one in the next 3.5 months.
Jesy says
I instantly had to bookmark this site based on the replies to these comments. That’s some cool ass AI programming or an actual (very cool ass) human responding as Free Government Cell Phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is no artificial intelligence involved here at Hell, there is barely any intelligence of any kind.
Mofo says
Are you hiring?
If not , stand up wireless says I can make up to 3 grand sweet giving away free phones 😁
Free Government Cell Phones says
You wouldn’t want to work at this joint, Mofo. The boss is a tyrant with a Napoleon complex. He has a bad complexion and an even worse disposition. He cheats at poker and his wife cheats on him. The Comments Team voted to unionize and he voted to get a new Comments Team. The pay is miserable and the benefits (if you can call them that) are worse. The company cafeteria serves gruel on Fridays and that’s an improvement over what they serve Monday-Thursday. Save the ink it will take to fill out the job application, Mofo. This isn’t a job, it’s a curse.
T.O. says
You cry babies that aren’t paying for your phone don’t need to be complaining sure I’ve had some problems but it’s worth the free phone not having to worry about the bill that’s all I got to say.
Alex Heart says
Telling people that they should just accept terrible service & terrible products because they don’t have any other choice in phone service is messed up & juvenile.
Dradya says
Your dumb if we are paying money for these phones and tablets then they should work right I don’t care if it’s a penny they should work
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely right, Dradya.
Jacqueline Scepanski says
I have had QLink for about a year on Government program and have had no problems with them other they keep sending new sims card with a request a coupe times. And the tablet they sent me free a few months after beginning free service was total crap. It kept saying system not responding so I rebooted and factory reset which did not improve it at all. And anytime I tried to reach customer service to talk to a agent was impossible to get a hold of, was referred to website.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Get in line, Jacqueline. You’ve made it clear that you don’t like that answer, but thousands other customers seem to have exactly the same issue.
Richard Fantauzzi says
I’m going through that right now just yesterday I received my hot pepper Serrano phone and scepter 8 tablet. The tablet I received in package with damages, a crack screen that has a sensor defect that doesn’t allow me to even enter into the tablet it turns on but can’t get passed the first screen still in a factory format. Soon as I seen this I immediately contacted costumer service was with them for 5 hrs on and off with the same outcome that the don’t replace or refund the product. This is very unprofessional and uncalled for to purchase something off of an advertisement and not get the quality that was guaranteed. I will be contacting my attorney general as well as making a complaint to the (FTC) Federal Trade Commission and I will be going for a civil lawsuit.
Gypsie Rapoza says
I just received a q link wireless cell phone today the hot pepper Serrano smartphone with a q link tablet they have been advertising as a bundle deal for 29.95 turns out the minute I turned the smartphone on it had black lines across the screen with white letters reading and I quote, “dm-verity corruption. Your device is corrupt. It can’t be trusted and may not work properly. Press power button to continue, or device will power off in 5s.” Which it did. I called the customer service number which q link is sappose to be a 24-7 customer service however after going through all the prompts and finally getting a choice to speak to a live representative a automated voice came on to notify me that they were closed and advised me to go online to chat to a live representative. Very exhausting.
Kyle says
Yes I purchased the tablet and phone together for $30 and they are junk and I am glad that they got raided because they are ripping people off, what can I do to get my money back from them?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Get in line.
Jacqueline Scepanski says
Wow!!! So concerned over their clients who keep their company in business. Forgive my french but that reply was totally f**ked up!!!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
It was an honest answer, Jacqueline. We’re not affiliated with Q Link so there’s no way for us to solve that reader’s problem. If you read the comments regarding Q Link you will see that many, many people have exactly the same issue. Hence, the answer.
Donna Stark says
My QLink Septer 8 is a piece of junk I paid $29.99 for the phone and the tablet I can’t get the phone to work I’m so disgusted trying to get the crappy tablet to work I gave up on the phone. I want my $29.99 back or I want a new tablet and phone with a completely different company. I don’t want to send back this crap until I’m sure I’m. Getting my money’s worth. How can the work with the gov. And Rip people off. Well what’s new?
Henry says
This is the description of the cheapest QLink phone model for sale.
“Experience Q Link’s most reliable smartphone to date. Sleek & stylish, this phone is available with a FREE Q Link SIM Card kit making it ready for activation. Specs: This modern Android smartphone features a sleek touch screen & rear camera ready to capture all your favorite moments. With at least 1 Gig of RAM and 8 Gigs of internal storage, feel at ease knowing that all your favorite apps, messages and pictures will never be lost. This device is GSM capable and subject to availability.”
This is a low end “no name” phone and the specs are minimal if you attempt to add any app that uses a large amount of memory. The ACP program tablet is also a low end “no name” device. If you wish to return your purchases, you will need a RMA number from customer service. Since your phone may be having issues, request the refund by requesting it on a computer (or someone else’s phone).
Sonis Cummings says
And my that I was using for the service for the last 2yrs they told ‘me it was not compatible and put it on blacklist do I got my cousin old phone it told me it was compatible but didn’t work
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sonis Cummings says
Qlink wireless charging me 10 dollars for a tablet that I never received from than
Grady Kurfees says
I just got a Qlink Scepter tablet, charged it and used it the first day. The next day after charging it, I could not get the tablet to turn on. I’ve tried all the different ways to get it to turn on, but no luck. Then I came up on your article here and now I just want to send it back and get my $10.00 refunded to me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good luck with that, Grady. Please let our readers know how your attempts turn out.
June says
I purchased a “New phone” via Qlink and it won’t charge.
I’ve called and filed complaint because when I finally contacted someone, I was told I was past the 14 day period to report the phone doesn’t work.
Now I’m being threatened to have my service cancelled because I haven’t used the phone yet?
I’m disabled and I am on a limited income, so I am not only out the money I paid for a phone, but I can’t use a broken phone that they sold me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s a hollow threat because any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s
an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
If you want to switch to a different service provider, you can find all the providers and
plans available in your state here:
Derrin Desipio says
This is the same thing happening to me right now they sold me too broke phone and tablet phone don’t hold charge or work and tablet sim slot no good when try ask to rerun they keep me on hold for hours they are the biggest joke now I’m stuck and don’t no what to do
Free Government Cell Phones says
You do have some options, Derringer. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
And here’s a link to all the providers and plans available in your state:
Tonija mikula says
Where can we report the problems we’re having with QLink? I can only find information about the general program not where to report suspected fraud. Collecting government funds for things like free unlimited talk text data and internet then providing only a small fraction of these services to collect more money from customers is fraud. Selling customers crappy equipment (, phones, junk tablets, etc) is wrong
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that answers that exact question, Tonija:
Tonija Mikula says
My “govt unlimited internet phone service runs out of the “, unlimited high speed internet data” Everytime I use it at all. When this happens I can’t send or receive my “free unlimited texts”. My whole phone and every app on it dies even wifi can’t make it usable.
The govt tablet they sent me is garbage.
Henry says
The “Always On” plan that includes the $10.01 tablet and unlimited talk/text/data each month. So not sure why you are limited by a data usage amount. Call them at 611 on your phone for an explanation. The tablet is supposed to connect through a wireless card inside the device to any close Wi-Fi signal. There is an odd disclaimer on their website about the service.
In order to receive your monthly allotment of discounted or free monthly allotment of voice minutes and/or broadband services, you will need to leave your Q LINK Wireless phone powered “ON” during the first ten days of each month. If you DO NOT receive your monthly allotment of discounted or free monthly allotment of voice minutes and/or broadband services because your phone was not “ON” during the first ten days of the month or your phone does not automatically retrieve minutes when powered “ON”, please call us.
I’ve never seen any other Lifeline provider with such a requirement.
Kellie Jean says
Q link has the absolute worst customer service I have ever encountered. Nothing they say is true. Misleading information from everyone I’ve spoken to. I would recommend that the federal government shut this company down.
Ann says
I applied for this through this company. What are we to do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you been enrolled? Have you received a free government cell phone?
Henry says
If you received the SIM card, it should be inserted into your mobile phone and then activated for service. If you are worried about the company shutting down, I would not worry about it. Even if that happened, your service would be transferred to another provider either automatically or manually. You can always reapply with another provider.
Dara says
Can someone tell me what the status is of Qlinks investigation as of today, and if not, where i can go/who to contact to find out?
Also, was wondering what my rights are as far as data breaches are with a government subsidized phone company, and who is actually responsible- the ftc? the fcc? The phone company itself? Or does it fall back on T- mobile? Or Qlink AND T- mobile? Or all of the above? Do I even matter since Im not a rich person with a fancy lawyer? So many questions….so little answers…..Does ANYONE really know?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one knows. Everything has gone completely silent.
Henry says
Think of it like a class action lawsuit. You will not hear of a resolution for a long period of time (sometimes several years). When the investigation or claims processing involves a large amount of participants, that further delays the eventual outcome. QLink is still operating, so at least for now, nothing has been decided on the status of the company.
As for data breaches, I have included myself into several class action lawsuits involving several companies. For a few, I have received compensation for the claims settlement while for others, I am still waiting.
Best I can recommend at this time is to stay tuned.
Elijah says
Matter? No. You’re not rich so you don’t matter. Don’t feel bad. I drive an 02 sebring sedan. I don’t matter either. Sorry. Only yuppies with range rovers who drive by and laugh at the less fortunate matter today. Or any day.
joseph says
they will violate the terms of service for unlimted data and tell you that you have to buy a phone plan
Angela a Mcbey says
Well you owe me for 2 phone because both phone I bought because they are both junk done work
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website and is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone service provider.
Derrin Desipio says
Same here I’m out a phone and a tablet al junk never worked took my money customer service is a joke
Daniel says
I signed up for a free Tablet from Q Link. I did receive it however the SIM CARD was already installed but it doesn’t have any Brass Contacts on it like a SIM CARD should. Otherwise it looks like a SIM CARD. So l cannot use it with the SIM CARD. The WI FI Service to it is terrible. So what is the idea with putting a fake SIM CARD in it? I went to several Phone Stores and show it to them and they all said that is not a SIM CARD cause it doesn’t have the Brass Contacts.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot explain what’s going on at Q Link right now.
Elijah says
You know it’s funny that you’re a government agency, and funded by tax dollars, yet never tell the people shit about what you’re doing. What’s up with that?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not a government agency. This is an independent informational website and is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone service provider.
Good citizen says
Well my tablet was stolen as soon as it come out of the mailbox before it was even activated and now I look on here and see all this going down I guess I’m pretty much screwed on how to track it or get another tablet
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s
an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and
plans available in your state here:
Henry says
For everyone on the internet, please make the following note. When a URL name contains “Government”, that does NOT mean that it is operated by a Government agency.
You need to direct questions about Federal Government programs to the official Government agency website. For example, USPS.COM for the Postal Service. This SITE is not connected to the U.S. Government.
Henry says
For the situation where the tablet device was stolen from your mailbox, it will not be easy to get a replacement. The ACP rules say only one device offer per subscriber. You are going to provide some kind of proof of property loss with QLink. If QLink accepts your documentation, then you might be able to get a replacement. Do NOT pay the $10.01 copayment amount for the stolen device. Contact QLink to see what do next. Good luck.
Henry says
Here are the specs on the QLink Scepter 8 tablet.
Display: 8 inch touchscreen display
Pixel Density, Protection: –
SoC: Quad Core processor
RAM: 1 GB of RAM
Storage: 16 GB internal storage, Expandable up to 64 GB, Micro SD card slot
SIM Card Slot: No
Main Camera: 5 mega pixel rear camera with LED Flash
Camera Features: PDAF, geo-tagging, Touch focus, Face detection, HDR, panorama
Front Camera: 0.3 mega pixel front facing camera
Front LED Flash:
Software: Android 8.1 Oreo OS
Battery: 3500 mAh Li-ion battery
Quick Charging: Yes
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Wi-Fi tether
Dimensions, Weight:
Features: aGPS, FM Radio, 3.5 mm audio jack, USB v2.0
Sensors: –
Security Features: –
Does the Qlink Scepter 8 tablet use a SIM card?
No, there is no SIM card slot in Scepter 8 tablet offered by QLink.
Does Qlink tablet come with service?
You are independent to choose your own carrier with the QLink tablet. This tablet is provided for free by US government.
How can I speed up my Qlink Scepter 8 tablet?
The internal specs of the device are low and basically, it’s an entry-level tablet so you can’t really speed it up.
Where do I put my SIM card in my Qlink tablet?
This latest QLink tablet doesn’t come with a SIM card slot.
You apparently have confused the SIM card slot with the Micro SD card slot. Micro SD cards expand your storage space. Tablets normally do NOT have SIM card slots because they rely exclusively on the internal Wi-Fi card installed inside the tablet to connect to the internet. You cannot initiate or receive phone calls on a tablet, so adding a SIM card would not make sense.
Davika says
I ordered a phone that I paid for .they gave me a wrong tracking number. I called they couldn’t help me or refund me back. I haven’t receive the phone or sim card yet.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The number of readers complaints we receive about Q Link is truly remarkable.
Melanie S Burrows says
I think it doesn’t take a genius or even a customer of Q Link’s not to know or at least have a pretty good idea that Q Link is corrupt. Every applicable state and Federal Agency should be investigating {YEAH!! for the raids} Q Link & the way they do business, which isn’t just bad – it’s CRIMINAL I say that loudly & publicly. Because Truth is an Absolute Defense.
Henry says
Make sure to dispute the charge on your credit card account if the phone is not received BEFORE the 60 day limit deadline to report charge transactions issues with the credit card company. If you paid by debit card, cash, or a personal check, it will be much harder to get your money back. Also will not easy if paid through bank check or money order. If paid through Paypal or third party payment processors, you do have dispute rights.
Herman Wilson says
Hey I paid for a q-link android cell phone.
The co pay of the tablet an Sim cards my concern is that yes I’m worried after I found this article. Cause
Not only q link sent me sa tra cking # but in the package there should be the 2 Sim cards 1 cell phone an a tablet witch I did provide q link with my debit card # an info all ready.
I’m Lil scared Imight have been not ripped off an now they have all my info an debit card # they could do allot bad frudlent stuff with not only my bank but with my social my benefits an with any other info they collected.
An when I go to track the so called qlink stuff.
It’s has error saying can’t find tracking # so I’m way worried an scared have I been scammed out of a cell phone Sim cards an a tablet. That is xupposrd to have received?
Am herman Wilson please email or text or even call me for what I should do next an if I have been scammed cell or text me our something on these lines
My #
619 844-****
Herman wilson thanks
God bless yall
Free Government Cell Phones says
First let us ask how you enrolled? Did you do it online or by phone or at a street event. The odds of fraud are far higher at the street event, which is why we urge our readers not to enroll at them.
Check your debit card immediately to see if anything fishy looking has been paid. If you’re really worried about fraud, ask your bank for a new card with a new account number.
Finally, Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Lydia Smith says
The Qlink guy Issa Asad got away with murder a few years ago. I’m sure he will get away with all this phone fraud too.
Lydia Smith says
It’s kinda hilarious that QLink is paying for ads on this page where they’re not exactly seen in a very favorable light.
Christina Davis says
I. On hold as we speak with cricket wireless…I was approved for ebb program but bc my due date changed one day they r saying my monthly bill reset to full amount which is what I have to pay in order to restore service. The ebb $30 was applied 6/22/2022 for 6/22-7/22. The credit from ebb was kept I don’t get it should be applied when I pay a month. This is a way for them to take the ebb from customers and make them pay full amounts so the only ones getting the ebb money is CRICKET WIRELESS. This is fraud and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is something goin on within alot of companies bc they r not all investigated.
JRR says
I have a phone through qlink wireless. They sent me a phone that looked to be used and I had someone else calling on it for days. Had to get a hold of qlink to get messages for other people to stop. Today the phone acts as if someone else is using it and I can’t even use the phone now!
What am I going to do now? If the co.pany is committing fraud and sending bad phones then where do I get the free phone I am suppose to be able to get and service now?!
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s good news, JRR. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Tamara K Fox says
Well this is just crazy no wonder I have not got the phone that I ordered from Q link that they say I got oh I paid for already and not to mention the very ugly texts about how I need to make a call to. Keep my lifeline going funny as I eplained to the sales rep if I had the phone I ordered Im sure that call would not a problem anyway I would really like the phone that I ordered because I still have to pay the phone bill that I am using and that is 68.00 a month that I dont have.Plus I paid for that phone 80.00 plus all the crazy calls and emails just give me what I paid for so I can be on my way.Tea
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about this crazy situation, Tamara. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Victor Erazo says
I just need a phone so I can comunícate with my kids in case of emergency. I don’t need a SIM card because I dont have a phone to put It on.Thanks for all
Free Government Cell Phones says
First of all, this is an independent informational website and is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone service provider. So we can provide you with neither a phone nor a SIM card. You need to enroll with one of the companies providing phones in your state. You can find all the providers and
plans available in your state here:
It’s up to you to check out each of those companies (which you can do right here at FreeGovernmentCellPhones) to determine which ones offer phones and which ones offer SIM cards. Make sure which is which before enrolling with any company.
Antonio anderson says
I have never had a problem with my qlink phone and I have received a tablet and it works just fine. Sorry for everyone that is having a problem with their phones and tablets.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Very thoughtful of you, Antonio.
Master Herbalist says
They sent me emails over 20 times wanting me to send my personal information again after I had already turned in proper documents and they said my order will be here in 7 to 10 days. I gave them all of my information and they still didn’t send the tablet or SIM card after 4 months. This company is unprofessional, unpleasant, unhelpful, unfair, and a true SCAM
Free Government Cell Phones says
How do you really feel, Master? Don’t hold back.
Valerie says
I was given an offer of a free phone with a tablet and sim card for $29.99 when signing up for new service. I was sent a sim card only and charged $14.95. After sending an email to the Q Link customer support without receiving a single reply I tried contacting customer service by phone…go figure it seems impossible to get in contact with a live human… After hearing my complaint my roommate said she had a terrible experience with her sim card not being able to be activated a few months back.
Free Government Cell Phones says
99% of the comments we receive about Q Link are negative.
Christian says
All of these supposed free government lifeline phone companies are scams. Regulations wrere put in place by the government to use funds collected by telephone companies to create lifeline services to help poor people obtain basic phone and/or internet service. But what happened was that corrupt politicians(all of them) gave out contracts to their buddies to set up these front phone companies acting as telephone companies that supported the lifeline program. And these politicians got kickbsck money by their buddies from monies they got from the government as part of the operating costs of providing the lifeline service. These phony lifeline phone companies thrn signed people up and gave them zero customer service and came up with phony reasons to discontinue or give no service; still keeping their money that they got/get from the government. A racket. This is par for the course in this country, a country with a 100% Corrupt, Cabal-Controlled, Inverted-Totalitarian, Police-State Government.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any evidence to support any of your statements, Christian?
Rebekkah Parker says
Yes my name is Rebekkah parker and my cellphone stopped charging and I can’t use a charging pad to charge up my phone at all
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your problem but we cannot do anything to help you. This is an independent informational website and is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone service provider.
SarahChapman says
Yeah just got a tablet an a simcard kit an I noticed that my bank account keeps telling me to change my password because there was too many attempts to get into my bank account lucky enough I have my card locked an Nothing was stolen from me.
Sean says
Good I hope their operation gets all shut down and the next wireless company too that does the same fraud tactics. You cannot offer a ACP federal regulated program to customers and then turn around and break federal crimes scamming them at the same time. They blatantly Bait and Switch, False adverts, Empty promises, even blackmail. I have been sent a junk phone that wouldn’t work and so I called them to see if they can send me a new one. So they asked me to buy a gift card to give them the number, so the guy on the phone can “work his magic” behind the scenes and help me get a new phone. These people are evil and a bunch of scamming SCUMBAGS! IMO they all deserve jail.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sean, you need to stop holding back. How do you really feel about Q Link?
Georgina E Hermsdorf says
I just signed up for the tablet only which is so slow it useless,, apps not working. and it will not recognize AD card, I then get a sim card. Now it turns tablet has no sim card. I didn’t get a phone as I have one on her account, I just thought have a tablet would be neet.
I will be calling to return tablet and close ,QLink account
P.T.E says
They shut me (a blind man) off at 4 gig and then made me buy $40 worth of data. 1 gig at $15, and 2gig at $25..!!!! This company is out of control. I called and got two people that couldn’t speak English and all they kept saying was that there was nothing they could do, (dare is notding ve can dooo.. say it in an India voice) It was advertised as FREE UNLIMITED DATA, PHONE, TEXT. They are liars and need to be crushed like the money grubbing ants they are. I have written to their complaint department at six times so far….nothing but crickets.
Kathy says
I have had a QLink phone for awhile and it never gets a signal and I have never been able to get n e one on the phone. I just turned it off and gave up.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Another satisfied Q Link customer.
Keya says
I just received a table and sim card
I been calling half of the day try to activate the SIM card
Every phone I try it in they are saying it’s not compatible with the SIM card
They want me to pay $45 for a phone for me to use this SIM card
Thanks KA
If going forward you need to contact me please email me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your problem but we cannot do anything to help you. This is an independent informational website and is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone service provider.
Vicki Gibbs says
I have been with Qlink since 2015 I have returned 2 phones that I paid for and a tablet I never used because it was sent to wrong address and they used it.Police found and I returned to Qlink.They are still saying I have it! The other phones they say they never recieved.I just ordered a ZTE and they sent me a hot pepper Serrano which is horrible and over heats. I’ve texed called and wrote Qlink over this phone IDONT WANT IT even the phone number they gave me I still can’t get on account.Who do I talk to who’s the main boss because no one can give me a answer on anything !!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why stick with Q Link after all the problems you’ve had? Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Antonio anderson says
I have the same phone that you have and my phone works just fine. I have a serrano hot pepper phone.
John Steevens says
Well what exactly does this mean for those of us already posessing new SIM card and dissconnect my current AT&T deal ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, no one knows, John. There has been absolute silence from all involved parties since the raid. We’re all waiting to find out what happens next.
robert kloos says
They advertised unlimited data yet they shut me off at 30gb of data
Sam A Cook says
Yes I received a tablet from Q Link that did not work. It kept freezing up. I call and ask for another one, but they told me they would not sent me another one
Plus they wanted me to pay them $10.00 for the tablet when it was supposed to be free.. Their customers service is a joke, they act like they don’t know how to fix problems. My. Internet went out. I had to learned how to correct the problem myself
Sherry L morgan says
Ive been a customer for 10 yrs. What should i expect from this raid
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read a few hundred of the comments below, Sherry.
Deb says
Assurance wireless needs to be raided they are the absolute worst. Lies and they dont provide! Their current customer rating is 1.41. Wish I’d have seen that before. 5 days of service since Jan 26! Truth
Mary L. Nethercutt says
Q link has been mis informing for the past yr on service and phones that were never activated with free service. and they are sending out sim cards that are not even working. They are scamming, if not not telling the truth. Now they are asking for Senior’s to buy new phones. We are not suppose to buy new phone’s, they were suppose to provide if they were upgraded system now to 4′ 5 G phones. Sad that not only me, but many have tried over and over and never got service, let alone the proper phones.
I talk to a rep this morning and these phones are made in China, and that is all you get to talk to is overseas people. And the service to these phones are not suppose to charge you for service. I appreciate finding out this information and I feel I have been done wrong and went without over yr of service, because there is no service.
Ronald Roll says
Was just supposedly approved for this service, and after getting my sim card, was told it wouldn’t work with my phone. When I tried to activate it was given the run around. After being on the phone with them for two hours.Finallu told them I wanted it canceled and that I was mailing their sim card back. Also told them that none of my data better be in jeopardy. Mailed sim back to Q Link Wireless, (ADDRESS DELETED0. Wouldn’t recommend anyone to try their services. Just a plain joke of a business.
Cindy says
I got a welcome message from Q link wireless today and I didn’t sign up! Now I’m worried someone hacked my phone!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact Q Link customer service to ask for an explanation. Cancel your account immediately if you did not sign up and do not want the service.
Vicki Gibbs says
Yes phones are hacked and phones they send have not been emptied I receive calls from Texas at 3 -7 xs day I live in another state?
Wendy says
Wow and I’m in Arizona and trying to get a Qlink phone, they are supposed t be helping people not stealing from them that probably where I got all my banking etc. Identity theft from them and subsidiaries that work with Q link. I’m afaraid now I’m trying to get rid of identity theft not have more.
Jonathan says
I was wondering where I can find replacement parts for my scepter eight tablet that’s all I wanna know could you please help me. And if you can could you please send me an email with a link or something I’m not trying to comment I just really need help and I can’t find what I need
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Jonathan, we have no idea where to find replacement parts. Readers?
Torrey M says
It’s a piece of trash throw it in the garbage
Trevon Green says
I have been with Q link for a month paid $15 for 1gb so can use my data and they service had dropped and I couldn’t make any phone calls or use the data , I asked for my refund back and they told they were not going to give me my money back so I’m going to sue they ass
Free Government Cell Phones says
Let the ass suing begin!
Jodi Bulaich says
I have been listed as a QLink customer for over six months! I have never received service! I spent countless hours both on phone and on line demanding that they cancel my service or lack of.
They will not cancel and will not provide service and yet once a month they congratulate me for earning another month of unusable service.
This is criminal!
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s been two years now and there has been no update from the FBI nor the justice department.
kevin storey says
I was unsure how the bandits made access to many of my accounts Fingerhut being just one. They changed
all passwords emails and questions to regain access. This info was in my last pass which was in my phone and
my thinking is there was something to this as no one was ever caught yet.
Chris says
Guess thats y i had to buy my phone thru best buy and still waiting on the email over a tablet need to check in on assurance abd safelink as well
Joel says
When I originally filled out the stuff for the free tablet, i actually waited like 6 months for it hadn’t received it then called and complained then they said they overnight it to me got a tracking number right away but FedEx took 2 days getting it to me. THENNNN when I got it LoL it was slow as fuuuck, but I fixed it by changing acouple things in the coders menu. I’m sure yours will be too if it’s a scepter tablet like mine when u get it so just Google how to fix slow scepter 8 or whatever one u have and a YouTube movie will pop up… And it rocks now, I do tattoos so it’s full of pictures. I’ve never really had a problem with qlink only with taking so long to you phone or something. Anyway good luck…
Bill says
Perhaps now this will be the catalyst for the govt to crack down on high tech crooks as well as spammers causing it almost to not be worthwhile to have a phone at all… Don’t hold your breath though .
By the descripto some people have left of their experiences it’s like the crooks are so brazen they feel like the govt isn’t going to do anything.
Let’s see if they’re right…..again.
Francisca Beaudoux says
I received a tablet unsolicited and no qlink wireless restricts my phone service unless I pay the $10.01 copay for the tablet (I didn’t order).
They also changed my phone number without notification.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an experiment we’ve never suggested before: Contact customer service again and tell them that you intend to register a complaint with the Justice Department. Let’s see if that gets a reaction.
Bill says
That’s a good idea, actually.
I hope you get people giving you feedback and the result of doing that. Might be interesting.
By some of the composite I’ve read I’m curious if they will do anything different…. I could see that going bothevways since they were apparently intercepting calls of at least one commenttrr here
Jodi Bulaich says
I have threatened and followed through on filing a complaint.
After the threat they sent me a reply stating that my device is only “partially compatible “
What the heck does that mean?
QLink does not seem to be motivated at all by threats of complaints
Ninaya Biznuiz says
I just found this comment section and holy cow!!! I’ve had qlink for several months now. I brought my own device so I only got their Qlink sim card but I’ve never had a single tiny issue at all to complain about. 🤷🏼♀️ I always have service just in case I need it. It always gets “refilled” every month. I’ve never been asked to pay anything, I was able to port my number over by myseand my unlimited data, talk, and text never runs out or gets capped. I don’t know how I got so lucky!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thousands of readers will also agree that you got lucky.
Ali mowahed says
To make long story short, after I succeeded to stop qlink in collecting ACP money, they cancelled my lifeline basic phone service. Qlink has managed to collect ACP on your behalf withouit you even knowing ior having applied for ACP benefit at USAC web site.
Today after I filed compaint at USAC about Qlink, then I decided to call USAC. As I dialed their number, strangely I got qlink recording. It field really wierd. I thought maybe I dialed the wrong number and rechecked it. Nope. Then I called again instead of redialing. Then I realized that wait a minute the recording said I am not longer provided with lifeline service with them and that I had cancelled the service with them. But I can get back and sign up if I want.
So I finally got hold of someone, only to be told that it was me who had cancelled the service.
I was to go on their website and reapply.
That is when I simply saw the scam.
They have changed their website and so cleverly designed it that without you knowing it, you will be accepting that they get lifeline and ACP money.
You have to look hard to say no to ACP and just apply for lifline.
So I finally managed and I could not get my phone number they gave me back.
I have to wait until I get their simcard and then I have to be careful when I call to activate it.
They have already sent me email that I am to click the link embedded in the email to okay for unlimited phone, text and data. Just click here and you will be taken to an allready filled form and no hassle.
I signed up to get acp ito help pay for internet with Charter Communication. And Qlink managed every single time intercepting that money and Charter communicatoni does not have their own means to stop it. Take a look at the snap shot of the email they sent me today which I am including. Never seen this special email before. There is one typical kind I had recieved before over and over and over but not this kind. This one is special just for me.
Check out the wording: “My current enrollment is on hold”. If you don’t catch it, you will be going oh no. You won’t ask yourself ” current enrollment for what”. You assume you won’t get lifeline phone service.
While it means that you won’t get the ACP unlimited, the ACP benefit.
And all you have to do is simply okay the prefilled applicatoin and simply click on the link. Just look at it and hit submit.
Most likely most people use their phone to go online so it doesn’t matter to them. But I use my computer at home to be online. I don’t want to look at a little screen and buttons on a little phone to get on the internet, aside from the fact that cell phones don’t have processing power.
Mostafa Mowahed says
Q-link wireless sent me a tablet and was supposed to be at no charge. They never informed me about some government ACP program that they were enrolling me without explaining anything. Months went by until I got this cheap tablet. Then they said I owed them $10. I was really hesitant to send them. But it wasn’t much I went ahead and sent them $10.
Months later I became aware of the program and I called Charter internet for internet service. They told me that I had to apply for ACP program and I did. I got application ID from them and sent them to Charter. They enrolled me. They also told that the program will change by March and I had to apply for the new one which was going to be $30/month from the ACP instead of $50. And I applied.
Strangely totally unaware that Q link hyjacked the ACP.
Charter sent me an email and saying that I somehow had to apply again because I was not enrolled.
Long story short, came to realize that Q link re routed the government program to themselves.
I called Q link and said cancel me now. I do not want the extra unlimited minutes, data and text and I want the money to go to Charter. I said unroll me right now while I am on the phone.
So she said okay. And I said good.
She lied.
Charter did not recieve the ACP funds.
I called ACP and sorted it all out somehow. But now I own Charter for the two months they didn’t get any funds. And Q link is impossible to get hold of without getting the run arounds.
They stole the money while I was not enrolled.
I had bought a new phone from them too. and I never let the phone connected to their wifi. I did not updated the phone or I would have been decieved again.
David Wood says
If children was raided for this fraud last June why are they still operating and screwing people like me the phone they sent me was the biggest piece of garbage I’ve ever seen it charges overnight takes that long and then is dead in about 2 hours they tried to send me a new battery but wanted me to pay the shipping when it got here after I had purchased the phone and on top of that they are supposed to give me a tablet in which I subscribe to q Link in January and it is now April and still have not received it and I have been on the phone with them countless times about this and the crap phone and the service and of course the tablet I finally got to talk to him supposedly supervisor in which she very rudely told me I just have to wait I would greatly appreciate and update on what is going on with this situation to see if I need to report them further because they are definitely scamming still!!!! And just a little hats off to the justice department that the investigation had to take two years to figure this out and it’s still going on after they’re rated what the hell freaking tax dollars well spent OMG David wood 941-405-**** email – (PHONE NUMBER DELETED) I would greatly appreciate some information thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We wish we had an update, David. There has been no updated news since the day of the raid.
James Williams says
They raid children now? LOL
If you didn’t get the tablet, trust me, you’re not missing much. That Qlink tablet is total junk. Scroll down and read other peoples reviews of that piece of s*it. As for the phone, if you bought the cheapest one, you more than likely got a crap one. I replaced mine on Qlink with the HP Serrano and it is a very good phone. More expensive, but you do get what you pay for. Never had a problem with it.
Ali mowahed says
Toltal junki alright. After I got the piece of junk then I get an email from them that I owe them $10 for the tablet. I can’t believe I sent them the $10. Anad the phone I bought from them is an absolute trash.
Phillip Lammers says
I don’t need service. I need a Phone. Qlink never sent me one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do yourself a favor, Phillip, and switch to a different service provider. Our readers’ comments about Q Link are absolutely brutal. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
And here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans in your state:
Lacey S Cadle says
Does that mean we should be able to receive a different phone and service though someone else?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can always receive a different phone and service from another company. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
And here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans in your state:
justan says
yup the crooked goverment will attack anything you get for free cuz they are not in on it!!!!!!!!!
Henry says
Very interesting. So the Lifeline program which is managed by the FCC (a Government agency) is being attacked by the same Government that created the program? So the Government wants to also get in on this free program themselves where they are paying for it in the first place? I think your neurons are not connecting properly. What type of reefer are you inhaling?
arty Johnson says
No, USAC is the one pulling the strings in the lifeline program. They are a semi public-private organization made up of the heads of companies in the cellular space.
Their budget is 10 + billion a year and anytime you involve that kind of money there will be graft
Russell says
Where can I get some of that shit you are smoking? I also have a problem accepting reality and wish to escape on occasion, just like you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Comment of the Day, Russell.
Angela says
What about having unlimited data ? Yeah until about the middle of the month .. then you have to purchase more if you want to be on the internet….doesn’t ’ unlimited mean unlimited ? Apparently not according to qlink bc when I didn’t have any internet I called 611 and spoke to a rep… after being on hold for god knows how long.. and I explained what my issue was and I said it’s almost as if I’m out of data but that’s not the case bc I am unlimited talk text and data! He said oh yes mam you have already gone over your limit your account will refill soon… I was like wtf?im over my limit on my unlimited plan ?!?! Are you serious right now ? “If you want more data your welcome to purchase some on your my Mobil app!! “ hmmmmm….I thought that was r rather contradicting…. Am I wrong??
Daniel Decker says
I got a si. Card from you I do not have a phone that keeps a charge and I’m on disability and it says we have to pay for phones but on top here it says free cell phones I’ve sent many messages and have been ignored.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You didn’t get it from us, Daniel. We are not Q Link. This is an independent informational website.
kim says
The online application won’t allow me to get the regular free government phone service without transferring my ebb credit as well. What a scam
DJ says
Ya I purchased a brand new Nokia 2.4 back in December 2021 . I paid a whopping $130+$ for this phone that took almost 2 months maybe longer to get here and right away it was freezing up on me ,kept crashing on me ,all kinds of stupid shit that shouldn’t be happening with a brand new phone. Anyways i was online looking for my warranty and getting ready to send back for a refund when i came across article….in that case i would like to start a class action against them yep that’s what I’m gonna do alright…maybe!*
Elizabeth Lingo says
They let me upgrade to new phone then said I cancelled. That doesn’t even make sense so now I am out 100.00. I am so glad I went with assurance. I think they also leave themselves registered as your provider way longer then they should. So I went through hell trying to get a service cause you can only have one.
Donna says
What happened. I have NO SERVICE NOW. MAR 2022.
Sherry L. Spies says
Hi, my name is Sherry Spies abd am a victim of fraud by Q-link Wireless. I have been taken off a program with xfinity called the EBB program because the Federal Control Commision said I am listed as having a phone with Qlink. I do not a phone with them. I tried to call them and everytime I explain the situation the indian decesant person hangs up on me. This is connected to my ex boyfriend who stole my idenity he is a State Sargent in NJ for the Pagan’s MC.
IrshPrick says
Sound to me like you have other issues in your life aside from phone service. You might wanna check your friends before checking you phone line.. roflmao
Going Crazy says
Does anyone else’s phone ring NON stop?? I’ve blocked thousands of spam calls no bs and 20 new ones call every day. I have to keep the ringer off. Another strange thing happening is it won’t ring for hours then as soon as I pick it up or move it it starts ringing with spam call every single time. How do they know I picked it up? If someone I know calls it opens up the floodgates and all the spam calls call at once!! They Deffinetly sell our info!! I don’t even use the tablet it’s so slow. Its Indians that worked at that place and they sold our info and made bank off all of us Americans. They keep letting them into the country though!
David says
Irishprick says
Very racist comment, you dude are what makes the world go round. Cracks me up to see such intelligent folks bitch about a free phone and service. I’ve had my QLink sim for a week so far and not one spam call or multiple ringing off the hook calls. Stop watching porn sites and subscribing to Pornhub and you might be able to make a call before it rings again. Idiot!
Melissa smith says
I have service with qilnk and I bmop but now my phone is messed up and I cannot get through their heads,I NEED A PHONE everywhere I turn there is free phones but I cannot get one ,and I want to no why ??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article on this page? Have you read the hundreds and hundreds of comments below? If not, do both and you will immediately understand why you are having these problems.
Donna says
I’m going to have Safelink next. Waiting in the phone. Had them before and they were alright. I’m temporarily w qlink now. My phone is not working. No network. Good Luck Donna
Fannie Johnson says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do it.
Lola says
No reason the cell service is horrible and the “free tablet” is worthless. You never know when you will have good reception then their customer services sucks
Tammy Scoby says
I just finally got my tablet and it is almost worthless. Worth a hundred dollars? Doubtful. Maybe 15. It constantly “crashes” and is definitely slow as a snail. Not ok. I am not going to give them their “required copay” of $10.01.
Donna says
I wouldn’t either. Wondered about that. Thanks.
Deborah barrett says
I was promised unlimited talk text and data plus a free laptop or tablet.. Im only getting 4.5 g of data which the company must consume themselves because the only way i can get online is with my wifi.. And can barely do that. Ever since i switched to qlink my wifi only works occasionally and i keep my mobile data turned off but it says I’m using it up within 2-3 days. I’m getting tons of trash emails now. And my friends can’t even connect to my wifi now. I’ve had my router reset 3 xs and I’m told each time that I’ve got multiple viruses. A problem i never had the whole first year i had my internet service. I’ve yet to receive my free laptop or tablet or my unlimited data. I think they’ve lied to me and are selling my personal information on to of all that. They recently sent an offer for me to get unlimited talk text data but i have to pay for it. When i look online every offer qlink has gives different properties. Which makes no since
Donna Charleson says
I love my phone service have no issue’s, but the tablet they sent me is horrible it freezes up. I can’t get on anything. I jyst set it back to factory so I can send it back! It’s no good at all for anything! Definitely not worth $10
Marshall Berger says
I have been very happy with the Qlink service
KarmaQu33n says
So what’s gonna be happening with all of Q Links current customers now?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one has any idea, Karm. We’re all waiting to find out what the next step will be.
Donna says
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot help buy find it amazing that someone would read the article on this page and then leave a comment on this page asking how they can do business with Q Link.
Loretta brown says
What is the website to get the tablet copy cost on the website quink wireless thank you so much have a nice day bye
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeff says
The FBI the sherrif nor the IRS has time to worried about Qlink so quit false commenting you lyeing bastards.get f**ked
Free Government Cell Phones says
You seem like a delightful, highly literate fellow, Jeff.
Jacob David says
Jeff is from Q Link or someone’s family or friend connected to this scam business. Can you people tell?
Jeff, your business lies to people about sim cards so you can force welfare recipients to pay for new phones lying about old phones not working. I got this crappy Chinese phone from you and because of my disability I use it once a month to keep it on. It’s in pristine condition and today, you lied right to me, trying to say the phone is broken when it’s really new. It’s less than a year old since the last one you forced me to buy. The problem is people who are very sick and poor as a result rely on this phone to speak to doctors and call for EMERGENCIES. My doctor forced me to get a phone. So you low life individuals are squeezing people who can’t afford anything at all to spend $$ when you are lying to them. Are you sending out sim cards that are designed not to work or you are just lying to people over the phone so your sales and tech people can make bonus. I bet you made millions off desperate people and I am trying now to discuss with all agencies exactly how you do it. Your tech’s skipped right over RESET NETWORK today going right for the up sell. “Is your phone damaged or broken in anyway sir” and give me a break about this call center. They cannot communicate to Americans if they are not used to American accents.
I hope they lock you up and seriously I am working on helping them right now. I refuse to buy another phone. It’s a total piece of crap and you try to up sell me on more expensive phones. If I reporter reads these comments, talk to me because I’m poor because I am sick and I have an engineering background. I can tell you exactly how they are committing mail fraud and lying to very poor people to try to squeeze money out of us.
Jeff. you are a very bad person and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Marshall Berger says
It’s posted on the internet where the coverage from Qlink is good/bad. Unfortunately my friends unlocked samsung phone won’t get a signal inside her apt., but will outside for calling. So people have to check the map coverage before using Qlink. Luckily my phone service works well.
Bobbijo Lopez says
Why can’t we have our current provider that we are with now be OUR Government cell phone?
My Government Promise me free services. Did they lie? I mean I know they are trying, I am paying attention. but human Greed gets in the way every time. 2020 I been trying to have CSO in Shamokin let me apply for the ERAP. I have a copy of the instructions. I read it. I am under the 125% under the poverty guidelines. I receive SSI Benefits and I am working part time now. They had me apply for another program. I hope you guys keep my comments. I might need to request them as evidence. Will I have to submit a petition? (Not another form) what’s the protocol?😔
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not every phone company participates in the free government cell phone program, Bobbijo. Many companies offer discounts, but only a select few offer free phones.
bobby says
The tablets that they are sending are pure junk. They are not 3G or 5G which makes them obsolete. It barely works at all. If they send you one then charge you $10, just send it back and go to walmart to by a real tablet. If they expect children to use this crap for school, children would never be able to. Junk, Junk, Junk!
Bobbijo Lopez says
I applied to qlink twice, both times they sent me a sim cards that I could not use because the cell phone company makes you stay with then for a year before they tell how to unlock you phone. But I did not sign into prior authorization to property or effects that I purchased with my money, giving them rights over my device.
Also I never got the tablets.
Good work boys! Job well done!
Look into these organizations saying they help and don’t because of by laws they created them selfs. If they apply for Government Money from any where. Loads Grants, for Accommodation for the disabled and do not use all said funds. All unused money go back to the Government into an escrow account. It is not just to up keep the elevator, handicap bathrooms, wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, hire more employees, to give the employees raises within it self.
ADA you are missing some titles.
If only if I had access to my workbooks in my Special Education Classes in Middle School. That is right I pay attention! ADA remember the written statement about people like me having access to the internet? I found it, and Copied it, paper form. I guess you should of not deny me services. Yes I Redress them. With a Writ of Sunmons, I don’t need to Redress.
AND it is not just for Employment. Or it would not have list Public and Private Entities to participate in, which under one title not 2.
So on that note I did what every thought I would not do. IN MY SINGING Voice, I got that GED,
Certificate in computers from Penn State. Google been Education me for free well $57.00. I have a voter registration card driver license and a part time job, and I am on disability because all all my disabilities.
Also check SSA, Trustee’s on SSA, SSB,SSI,SSDI,SSD,RRD,VID,SS. I been fighting them for 2 years now try to get my back psy. Honestly I want ever one that has handled my case suspended indefinitely without pay. They had control on my Emotions, Financial. I went jail for non payment of fines. Because they would not give me my money. I got 2 dates of eligibility of disability. 1993. And they stop pay on my cousins SSI as soon as his mother died. He was a preemie. He was in a incubator for at least 6 months after he had decided to move out of his mother’s womb. He went to the school for the crippled children in Williamsport PA. One thing my cousin can do, is management money! He can stretch a dollar without ripping it. But he’s homeless living in a condemned house. I was also homeless as well. I still do not have my own resident.
Thank for you time.
Bobbijo Lopez says
My cousin name is Brandon Scott ******* DOB is 6/24/19** He still has his Direct Express Card.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why are you telling us this, Bobbijo?
Donald says
Where can I file a complaint about the phone I was sold and it doesn’t work microphone never had worked
Jenn says
I ordered a phone and a tablet and I only received a sin card. The card did not work in any phone I tried , I called them and no one ever would answer me. Just a automated message. I never got the tablet or s phone. I was in a rough spot and was counting on it. I had a government phone years ago and was hoping I would not have to use another one because of the runaround. Now I am trying to get a phone and internet through another provider I hope it works this time. I had to verify the tablet like 8 times and I even got mail about it but no tablet.
Christopher J Mikesell says
They convinced me that I needed an emergency backup phone and touted their “free” tablet as being the best thing since sliced bread. Since I qualified for their program, I signed up. I unlocked my old Boost Samsung J7 and installed the SIM card that QLink sent me. I can make & receive phone calls but that’s about it. I can’t get data through their network. I can’t set up or access voicemail. The tablet they promised took SIX MONTHS to arrive and it’s WORTHLESS. I got better results back when I used my IBM 386 PC with a dial-up modem. The buttons have a six second response delay, the touch screen calibration is inaccurate, the simplest apps freeze and crash, and a full charge on the battery only lasts 4 hours. I can’t wait to see QLink get shut down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They are certainly committing FRAUD against MULTIPLE government agencies.
Deborah barrett says
And the people who are relying on their service. I honestly believe they are making money off of our personal info also. Every company i do business with send me these emails saying I’ve won a great prize i just gotta choose what i want. Us been happening rent since i started with qlink. And my xfinity internet that worked excellent since day 1 (over a year) suddenly can barely pull a signal to operate my tv. It keeps getting viruses in my router. No matter how many times i have it reset. And no matter how many times i report the emails as spam they just continue. And i forgot to mention the endless robot calls and texts day in and day out.
Pebblepug says
I have never signed up for q link wireless. I have a cellphone plan with Verizon and I received two text messages yesterday from q link wireless. welcoming me to q link wireless, with an order number and link to check status, and another saying my order is processing and a link to check order status. Again, I have never signed up for this service….I already have a cellphone plan through verizon. I havent clicked on their links. Is this phishing or should I be concerned about someone using my identity to sign up for this service?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s very odd, Pebble. You should call Q Link customer service to find out exactly what’s going on.
Ray says
This is the worst technical support I’ve ever seen I ported my own number Monday evening and it still hasn’t come through they’re saying my PIN numbers from metro PC were wrong and I got them from MetroPC they promise you over and over they’re going to have it fixed that day and they never do this is 4 days
Rita says
When I signed up with Qlink I was tracking where’s my phone and never received a phone. When I had to recertify my lifeline program about a year later they said I was eligible for a new phone and sent me a phone. I have been waiting for a new phone that I paid for through them and I still have not gotten any phone it’s been 3 months ago I ordered it.
pat crawford says
It appears qlink hasn’t just been picking on me
Free Government Cell Phones says
And that, Pat, is the understatement of the day.
Sweet dreams says
They made me pay for a phone and it don’t work runs so hot u can’t hold it to use. I’d say class action lawsuit needs to be started. I’m sure I’m not only one.
Joseph hurtt says
About time fbi where you been god speed joseph hurtt aka emmanuel
Amber Carr says
I feel qlink is a fraud and the reason why it sounds to good to be true it’s not covered in my area after months of trying other phones then buying ab35$ phone and no coverage in my area I was told to move to a place in town that does cover the signal issuse why are they so easy to send free sim kits to collect info what’s really going on I’m so mad this may not make any sense but I feel better getting it out in the open
Free Government Cell Phones says
Everyone is hoping more news is released soon.
Henry says
Sending out SIM cards to as many as possible means the Lifeline provider gets the government subsidy for each enrolled customer. They do need the customer to make at least one phone call or send a text message to keep the service active. Some wireless service is not available in some areas of the country. But they will try to have the customer go to some location to find a connection for the phone. There are just three major wireless networks in this country – AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. You need to only apply for Lifeline service to those providers that use one or more of these networks and is available where you live and avoid those that use the network for those that are not available. Sometimes it is not easy to determine this. Go to the three wireless network providers to see if they service your location first before applying for Lifeline service.
Henry says
From my previous post about the tablets offered by QLink and TerraCom wireless, before you decide to “go all in” and apply with TerraCom, here is a comment about issues with that company.
“Along with the Federal Communications Commission, you need to understand that a non-profit watchdog, USAC (United Service Administrative Company) is who you very much need to take your complaint to. They will take your e-mailed report.
Also, please understand that the FCC is a very, very complex governmental agency, that makes it difficult to complain effectively. But the FCC has a Public Domain document, which is the final decision on the TERRACOM scam, that cost Dale Schmick, Rob Rowlen, Richard Yurich, and the other crooks at Terracom. And that decision, was that TERRACOM paid the U.S. Treasury One Million, four hundred thousand dollars, as a settlement for what they did to scam the U. S. Taxpayers with their own dollars.
LIFELINE is a Taxpayer driven program. WE, the people, own LIFELINE, not TERRACOM, and Yourtel, nor any other company that uses LIFELINE as a “get rich quick ” scheme.’
Caveat emptor.
Phouch euh says
I am a Metro pcs/T-Mobile no contract customer and i get stupid spam and spoofed scam calls every day .i do not surf porn or sketchy sites . how ever if you get on dating sites or any app read the fine print on how they use you info and you will be amazed at what you agree to just by using their “free app”” or even the paid apps.
Lisa G says
Well hmm WHY THEN ,are they allowed to continue signing on people and asking for soc sec.#s. I was confirming this is a legit situation cuz they were asking for my social security and I have found that they were under an investigation for fraud . Why are there ads allowed then It’s time for the government to start shutting down the scammers It may know their scammers I’m just so tired of seeing people harmed by those Left to Harm and responsible by NOT shutting them down .locking up ppel that do this and worse crimes and get slapped on the hand
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your guess is as good as ours, Lisa, but we’d assume they’re still operating under the concept of “innocent until proven guilty.” But it will be very interesting to see how this case turns out.
Michael Devito says
Hello I have been trying to get my phone I paid for from them and now you say they got raided they said I did get the free number but I paid 139.00 forea phone and all I got was this table and Do not have any service can anyone please please 🙏🥺 help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one quite knows what to do with Q Link, Michael. As you can see below, the number of unhappy customers grows every day. There have been no updates from the FBI regarding this case. We wish we could offer you better advice, but we’re in unknown territory here.
Henry says
Being investigated does not imply guilt, so you carry on with “business as usual”. Even if that means to send all of your customers unordered tablets to collect on the $100 Government subsidy per unit and the $10.01 copayment per customer.
Ebay is selling these for $10 and up.(excluding shipping costs). Some of the listings even got bidders. Amazon had some listings for these items, but can no longer find them.
Doreen E Auciello says
I gave q link my ss # as part of the application for a phone. Will my ss# be compromised?
Doreen Auciello
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way to know, Doreen. We don’t know who the company was. We don’t know if they were legitimate agents. You need to reach out to the customer service department at that company to find out if you are even in their system at this point.
Ash says
My problem is when I signed up for the phone service that’s all that was offered, no tablet just the service now I receive a piece of crap tablet that literally takes about 30 minutes to open the most simple of apps, black screens constantly and says device is too outdated to use the apps I would actually use and Im expected to pay for this? Free tablet wasn’t part of my deal and yet here I am… Which also let me make clear I’ve not even been able to use the phone service I signed up for because the sim card didn’t work in my current phone and I even did a test of my phone before signing up and q link told me it was compatable only for it not to be and me spending countless hours with coustomer service which basically be told go buy a phone that works, which still haven’t because I’m broke and can barely pay the bills and keep food on the table as is.. so now i have no phone service and a not usable tablet I have to pay for… I’m not happy in the slightest.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Very few of the readers leaving comments about Q Link are happy, Ash. Why don’t you switch to a different company? Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
And here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
WAYNE E says
Thank you for this info. I just signed up with qlink less then a month ago. I never recieved the tablet everyone is complaining about. For the most part everything is working fine calls and data wise. I noticed I wasn’t getting very many text messages though. I just discovered that any text sent to me while my phone is off never gets recieved. I’m actually on hold with tech support. The hold time is 116 min and it isn’t going down. While researching the issue I stumbled across this. Know I’m worried about what I might have got my self into.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can switch to any other service provider at any time, Wayne. Here’s where you can find all the other service providers in your state:
And here’s another article that tells you how to make the switch:
Leslie says
Same here.. exactly the same.. I wonder if eco atms will buy the tablet? Lol
jamie powell says
they sent me a tablet i didnt order and because i dont like it like i would a ipad lets sue them, sure i dont have to even open it, its just like when we used to get loads of free aol cd discs, or a fingerhut catalog we said well we dont want this and threw it away and moved along, but because its cheap on amazon, and we had no clue it would even exist let alone be sent to us, instead of just moving on its got everyone furious that its not a $6000 tablet given to them with all free features, the ones giving it to us are demons they should give us the best of the best, even though we didnt even want it, if they sent you a brand new ipad you would be on here excited bragging woohoo someone sent me a great tablet. but those are $900 each so theyre not going to be given as a gift to show the appreciation of letting them give you free monthly service. there was a forum of everyone wanting to crucify them because they didnt get the tablet when they signed up. now theres you guys wanting to sue them and take away their life because the sorry bastards gave you the tablet but it has to be the best or it offends you . i dont think anything that would be given or not given to you all free with no obligation to pay, would get a well thanks for the gesture anyway that was kind of you to atleast offer it to me. seems the only thing that will make you happy is to bitch and gripe about anything this is why other companies just dont give you anything and only give something to you if you ask them and pay therm. they know if they freely sent you one youd be flabbergasted
Leslie says
Wrong.. I paid $10 COD for it.. lol.. I didn’t know what it was, so I paid it.. who said anything about suing someone? Not me..I chalk it up to lesson learned.. you must work for them, huh?
Henry says
You are correct. The tablet device is not a free gift for enrolling in EBB/ACP program. Getting a desktop, laptop, or tablet device is OPTIONAL, so QLink has violated that part of the program rules.
BTW, another Lifeline provider was offering Samsung Tablets under this program. Another commenter mentioned this. I don’t think the company was stating the brand of the tablet on their website.
Henry says
Here is a comment about the Scepter 8 tablet that is being shipped out by QLink for the EBB/ACP program.
“I just got one of the free tablets it’s called “scepter 8″ and it’s
garbage. The tablet itself isn’t bad but the problem it’s running
android GO version 11 with a minimum system requirement of 2GB of ram.
The tablet was built with only 1GB of ram, so the tablet runs slow and
apps are always crashing. it’s not even worth the $10.01 they try to
charge you.”.
Terracom wireless is offering the Samsung A 8.4 tablet as the EBB/ACP program benefit. Here is a comment from someone who got the device.
“It’s because the tablet has a lot of bloatware that is creating the problem with the getting the mobile data part to work. You’ll have to do some research. I know that was confusing when I first got them signing up myself and family and friends. But there is one of the AT&T apps that you need to use to First initiate the link to begin using the mobile data. After that you can uninstall as many apps as you wish. And I can’t recall which AT&T app that is but it’s one where you initiate prepaid or postpaid. I can’t remember. But I learned after I didn’t ask for a couple of weeks their manager Heather Thomas told me that all that stuff was superfluous. And that’s a small price to pay considering they give the best tablet in the nation for the Emergency broadband benefit program. That tablet often sells for around $300. And you are charged only $10 in one penny for it the absolute minimum mandatory price for Emergency BB device. And I’ll bet you guys got yours within three days, right? And you didn’t even get charged shipping, did you? It’s unlimited data if you have not gotten the data working on it and you had to use Wi-Fi then your maybe lost your data plan and they have to reinitiate it, but you can research on how to do it and you might even be able to contact AT&T because I believe that is who covers their tablets although I believe Terracom’s phones are covered by T-Mobile possibly. Hang in there, that tablet is worth it and get a case you can now get excellent protective cases for less than $20. And you can buy screen protectors for very cheap, and you can find both for a big discount when people have failed to return theirs in her selling them at a huge discount. Sometimes on Facebook Marketplace or the resale places like Mercari. That tablet is awesome. The next most valuable tablets for the Emergency Broadband benefit program were a Lenovo 10-inch worth maybe 125 to 150 given out by LocalTel Communications in Wenatchee Washington. The company called it&e of Guam in the Mariana Islands was giving out a 2019 tab a very nice but not as good as the 2020. And Kinetic by Windstream was giving out in 8.7 in a 7 Samsung tablet worth maybe $150 to $200. Auntie Midwest of Michigan Utilities Company MEC and also Big Bend Telephone of Texas gave out 10-inch Amazon Fire tablets. Big Ben’s price was 15 bucks. And the other provider charged almost $50. And there were a couple of other decent tablets, but it was for cheap. There’s a great tablet for a budget tablet given by stand-up Wireless. With a great operating system a sky T8 OCTA Elite tablet. Stand-up Wireless charged only six for shipping, but they gave little data for the ebb program. The ACP program will have a device voucher also. If you want another discount you can sign up for a Lifeline phone in TerraCom Wireless has the best in my opinion also. They get out a free BLU J5L smartphone. I stuck a different provider SIM card in the second Sim slot, and it worked on two I ordered for friends. Who’s heard of a provider leaving a SIM card unlocked? They are awesome.”
You can find the specs for the Samsung Galaxy A 8.6 tablet on the GSMARENA or ATT websites..
jamiedpowell says
Seems everyone is shocked to receive a tablet they never ordered, Do you not remember the promo ad used by qlink that said sign up or transfer existing service to qlink and receive a free tablet? i was shocked when i received an email that i had a package being delivered, not because i didnt know what it was or why it was shipped, only because its been a year and i gave up and assumed they just lied haha
Henry says
QLink is providing false advertising in their EBB/ACP ads. The tablet is NOT FREE. They were delayed in sending out the tablet to you probably because of either inventory or shipping issues. They cannot forget about sending it out. That would mean they would not get the extra $100 Government subsidy payment and your $10.01 copayments. You never forget about claiming “free money”.
K Sugarman says
My brother has had QLink a little over a year. I bought him a Samsung smart phone through Amazon as soon as he qualified and they sent a Sim card very quickly. So far all has been going smoothly and I am grateful because he is a disabled senior that can’t afford much. He just received this Scepter 8 pad yesterday. I’m scared that if he doesn’t pay the $10.01 will they disconnect him?? I was looking at this: (LINK DELETED) and there is no mention of this Scepter 8 pad…..but seems like nicer ones offered!! I don’t remember either of us ordering this pad because it says you apply and pay $10.01. He was also a Lifeline customer first, which says free….EBB pays the $10.01??
Henry says
This seems to be another case of QLink taking advantage of the EBB/ACP programs by automatically enrolling all of their customers into the program and sending out unordered tablets to their customers. Each tablet sent out provides a $100 Government subsidy payment, plus a $10.01 customer copayment. The programs stipulate that the EBB/ACP program device (desktop, laptop, or tablet) must have a copayment between over $10 and under $50. This device purchase can only be used one time, but can be done through any EBB/ACP provider which does not have to be connected to the Lifeline provider. There are several providers that offer nicer tablets, but QLink might have updated the customer profile to show that you received the device benefit already which disqualifies you by buying from another at a discounted price. You can try to transfer the EBB/ACP registration over to another provider and see if you can get another device. As for disconnecting your Lifeline service if you do not pay the copayment, that should not happen because the Lifeline program is a separate matter. But, I would not put it past QLink to try to connect the tablet device with the Lifeline service.
Pamela says
This same thing just happened to me today! I was sent the same tablet without even ordering it or asking for one .i was shocked when i opened the box to find a tablet i never ordered .i dont even know how to get service on it because it has no place for a sims card. Im also scared it will cut my qlink phone service off if i do activate it…not sure what to do with this tablet that qlink decided to send ne without my consent 😥
Henry says
Most tablets do not use SIM cards to connect to the Internet. They have a wireless card inside that can detect WiFi signals over the air. You log into the WiFi service at a public location (like McDonalds) or use the smart phone (or wireless hotspot router) as a local WiFi broadcaster You need to report them to the FTC because they are pulling a scam to collect on the ACP program benefits. If they try to tie the tablet service to the smart phone Lifeline service, I would transfer the Lifeline registration to another company. They probably did not provide a return (RMA) information for the tablet. I would not pay the copayment associated with the program. In my situation, I already got a discounted desktop computer from the EBB program. So, if I applied for service through QLink and they sent me the tablet, that would be a violation of the EBB/ACP program rules.
*KMyer* says
They tell you when you sign up for ebb you would receive a free tablet. And that you would have to pay $10. 10$ for a tablet it a pretty good deal. You cant come up with 10$? Yo can always call them
Henry says
That is the gist of the issue with the QLink EBB/ACP offer. They are sending out tablet devices by default to everyone who registers with them. The device benefit part of the program is OPTIONAL. $10.01 may not much to spend for most people, but doing it this way is a violation of FTC online commerce rules.
Jessica Filichia and Julie Sigala says
My mother in law has been assigned with q link for a couple years now and using the same phone which is a $5 phone emitting radiation I’m sure, but free none the less. We were under the impression when it says free service including unlimited data then they sent notification after notification that the service is out of free data and then she ended up paying over $100 for 5Gb and 250mb of data for a free phone. Come to find out this happened in June. How can this be any type if justice for this program whatsoever. I need to have this account refunded as soon as possible because being on a fixed income is just that. There is no room for incidentals to carry out for phone service. If there was them she wouldn’t have to use this terrible phone. This is insane and the tablet that was free supposely really isn’t so much better. How is sending highly radioactive devices that barely hold a charge and are not what is expected closing the technology gap. It is not. Please if you can help with this please let me know. (EMAIL ADDRESS DELETED)
Free Government Cell Phones says
This website is not affiliated with Q Link (nor any other Lifeline service provider), so there is nothing we can do, Jessica and Julia. How did she end up paying? Did she pay by credit card? If so, contact her card company and dispute the charges.
Scepter 8 Tablet says
Think they were trying to move unsold, unwanted scepter 8 tablets, off the shelves, where they collected more dust than attention or sales. Ama zon is selling the same models for under $7.00
Mike says
The q Link wireless telephone program is a program that only needs to be updated once a year, and by making a single phone call every month the program will continue for the subscriber.
But q Link is now sending out text and emails to trick people into verifying their q Link phone every month, and by doing this q Link is secretly signing them up for the ebb program for the internet (which requires a monthly update by the subscriber) and charging the US government $50 per month for this – even though the subscriber is not using the internet.
Q Link upgrades the subscribers phone from 4.3 GB of allowed data per month -to unlimited data – and they believe that this allows them to then charge the government and extra $50 per month and state that they are providing the subscriber with internet.
Many/most q Link telephone subscribers rarely use the internet or certainly do not use over 4.3 GB on their telephone as many use their telephones through Wi-Fi or not at all or rarely.
Q Link tricks people into verifying their EBB (the government internet subsidy program) status every month by making the subscriber believe that is it is needed by the subscriber in order to keep their PHONE working – but when the subscriber clicks on the link to verify their monthly agreement they are also agreeing to let q Link charge the government for the ebb program and q Link receives another $50 per month.
Q Link sent out crappy and absolutely unusable tablets to their subscribers in an attempt to get even more of the $50 ebb money from the government. I believe that q Link charges the government $100 for these tablets and the subscriber is required to pay $10.01 for the tablet but the tablets at qlink sends out are absolutely worthless pieces of junk that you cannot even download email with as they are so slow.
The worst part is that now the subscriber cannot even use the $100 government subsidy to purchase a working laptop or tablet because q Link has screwed them into receiving this worthless piece of junk tablet.
Dennis Howard says
Assurance wireless needs to be raided! Total bs !
Beverly Thomas says
I qualified and purchased a Qlink phone in December 2020. That phone was stolen by a person I know before I ever activated it. I reported all of the information to QLink immediately. Instead of them doing anything that person used the phone with no problems. I tried to get the problems resolved to no avail and in December 2021 they terminated me because they said I was difficult to work with. On January 31, 2022, I received the tablet and I didn’t even order it.
Dirk says
They finally sent me a scepter tablet. It doesn’t work and I’m wondering how much money qlink wireless made off the deal. Trust me when isay that it took just short of 5 minutes to boot up
I tried downloading uc browser from the play store and other app stores. I finally got it installed only to see it crash. OS 11 will not run on this tablet. Kitkhat OS 4.0 can’t run with this tablet. The only good use is throw it into the recycle bin at home depot. LOL
Mike says
I believe that qlink charge the government $100 per Scepter tablet and as you realize now, those scepter tablets are absolutely worthless.
Q Link is now sending out monthly text and emails that trick the subscriber into clicking on … with the subscriber believing that they need to click on that link to keep their phone service active …
… but what they are really doing is allowing q Link to charge the government $50 per month for internet for the subscriber when the subscriber may not even be using any internet through qLink … or less than what they are already allotted for free with their cell phone plan (4.3gb)
It is massive massive massive fraud on qlink’s part and I would not be surprised if it ranges in the hundreds of millions of dollars in fraud.
Henry says
Some suggested edits to your post.
QLink is charging the Government $100 per tablet and the subscriber $10.01 per tablet.
The EBB monthly subsidy was up to $50 per participant, but now the ACP monthly subsidy is up to $30 per participant. EBB ended on Dec. 31. 2021.
The FCC broadband data allocation standard for Lifeline was set to 4.5 GB, not 4.3 GB.
P. S. If business shutdown is imminent, it behooves for the company to try and collect as much as possible before that happens.
Red State Rage says
“Free Government Phone”. This is the lifeline program, it was established under Regan (landline) and cell phones were added under Bush43 It’s a government “administered” program that’s funded by the Universal Service Fund, a fee that’s included on customer phone bills. “Administered”, not “funded”. No federal money is used to fund the program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are either remarkably naive or willfully ignorant, RSR. The Lifeline program is a federal program established by the Federal Communications Commission. Telecommunications companies are required to “contribute” to the program based on a percentage of their end-user interstate and international telecommunications revenues. “Required” and “contribute” are, by definition, contradictory. You can say it’s not funded by the federal government and that no federal funds are used, but when it’s paid for by funds that companies are required to “contribute” and those funds come from fees added to everyone’s phone bill, that is merely a federal tax disguised as a contribution.
Nina says
I finally received my tablet today. I got emails saying I qualify to receive a free tablet right after I purchased a smaller phone from this company. I filled out the online application and then received emails saying that my tablet was on its way to my home. That was back in April 2021. Now, January 25, 2022! I get this box from Amazon prime. Not knowing what it was because I completely forget about this tablet that was supposed to be coming. It was an awesome surprise.
Free Government Cell Phones says
And only nine months late!
Terri says
Hi, Nina. My Tablet doesn’t work. It will let me add apps but won’t let me open them. Can’t play any games because it won’t move beyond the original screen and says program is not responding. I’ve tried everything I know to get it to work better. 2 of my friends received theirs but they don’t work either. And Q-link cancelled my life line account sitting that since I moved and they don’t have service in my area.. I would have to apply with a different copy for my lifeline service. The weird thing is that the do provide service on my new area! 2 of my new neighbors have Q-link as their cell phone provider!! Ho figure.
Henry says
Note that some wireless service companies “black list” certain addresses in the same community. I went online to see if my local cable internet company would be available for my residence location. It responded with “service unavailable”. When I replaced it with the street address of my neighbors to the left and right side of my hone on the SAME street, it responded with “service available – you are eligible to enroll”. Note that I do not have nor have ever had cable service in my home, but the cable internet service uses wireless router devices and does not involve running a cable into the home. So what is going on here?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Watch out for black helicopters, Henry. We actually think many of the problems (in life, not just in the free government cell phone program) can be laid at the feet of incompetence and operator error.
Henry says
If you are referring to “code bugs” within website processing that produce inaccurate information, I would not put any bets that the internet works correctly 100% of the time.
There are logic flaws in programs since computer days of Charles Babbage.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nah, we’re talking about life, not code bugs. Most things are screwed up and don’t work like they’re supposed to. Here we go getting all philosophical on a Saturday afternoon.
Juan says
I recently applied for lifeline service through the government as well for Q link. I didn’t have a phone and thought they provided one for me only to find out for $34.95 I can order a cell phone which they said was delivered and I never received. Amazon somehow was involved in delivery and did not give me any help on where the package was delivered other than “delivered in a safe place” .
I don’t know what that means nor do I have my phone and now they want me to pay $34.95 to replace the phone I cannot report it lost or stolen but thanks to this website and article I now have hope that maybe in five years from now I may see my $34.95 back
Free Government Cell Phones says
How did you pay for it, Juan? If it was a credit card, immediately dispute the charge.
Benjamin R Polmanter says
You might still get the tablet i just received mine a week ago
Mike says
The tablets that q Link sends out are junk and I believe q Link has charged the federal government and taxpayers $100 for those tablets that are completely unusable.
On top of that q Link is now tricking people into signing up for internet with them unbeknownst to the subscriber and q Link is charging the federal government $50 per month for each one of the subscribers that they trick into clicking on their monthly link and text messages.
You do not need to click on any link every month to keep your phone working but you do have to click on the link to keep your Internet working.
Most people are not getting their internet through q Link they’re only getting their telephone but q Link is tricking them into thinking that they need to click on their links in order to keep their phone on … But by clicking on the link the subscriber is allowing q Link to tell the government that q Link is providing that subscriber with internet and that allows q Link to charge the federal government $50 for each one of those subscribers.
It’s massive fraud in the hundreds of millions of dollars and someone at qlink needs to go to federal prison.
Henry says
The Lifeline program does not require that you click on any links or that you go online. The only requirement to remain active in the program is that you make a phone call or send a text from the registered phone each month. So, you only need to use the talk or text feature at least each month to prevent the cancellation of service. The data part of the service does not need to be used at any time during your subscription. Your Lifeline service will not be cancelled because you did not go online. The broadband part of Lifeline will not get cancelled because you did not go surfing or use mobile apps.
Freddie says
Oh well since “Everyone is doing it” (in reality it’s more likely 1% or less of corrupt ‘entrepreneurs’) then it’s not only ok to turn a blind eye but also, if among the victimized, keep quiet about it or ole Bennie might be paying your comments section a visit to quickly upload his “Stupidity Bot” that auto replies to stories of injustice with an AI coded from his own idiocy but with correct-ish grammar so that we can still understand what he’d try to communicate through his gutteral pleasure howling always cutting out prematurely as before the ads end on the Pornhub video he’s watching on repeat because he can no longer get off without inflicting believing he’s also inflicting some type of emotional pain on an unwilling stranger.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not sure what you’re trying to say, Freddie, but you said it with great gusto.
deidre says
I bought my lg stylo 4 from them for $239.00 in May last year. I was told today that my phone (which works in on GSM and CDMA and LTE networks) isnt compatable with their upgrading their network to 4g network and i have to buy a new phone because the phones bought on there site are not unlockable, and since i bought from the website it made it a BYOP and they were under no obligation to unlock my phone to activate my new Qlink SIM and i needed to buy a new phone from them to continue to get my free service that they are being paid for. How on earth is this how a business operates. BTW there is no Q link Wireless store you can walk inside to buy a phone, so they keep scamming people to spend more money. In 7 years with their service ive had to buy 6 phones. I each year until now.
Cindy G Morgan says
I was promised EBB. I’ve had this phone service since last summer. I’ve never been able to access my voice mail, I was told 5g instead it’s 4g. Because I cannot retrieve my voice messages I have lost out on rent relief, which now I’m facing eviction, I’ve lost out on job opportunities, I’ve missed important meetings, doctors appointments, reports of family and friends that DIED due to COVID. I was counting on the EBB to help me get a job and back on my feet.
James A Johnson says
First let me say I’m sorry to hear all this , it’s frustrating I understand ,I’m about to receive one of their phones but I’m wondering is EBB an the other thing they say I have to turn over to them what it EBB
Free Government Cell Phones says
EBB and the free government cell phone program are completely unrelated.
Cassandra says
Boy, now there are some REALLY HEFTY LIES!!!!!!!
Mike says
You need to use the ebb program with a an internet provider like Charter or Spectrum or Cox net etc and not with q Link.
Those companies can help you with transferring your ebb $50 credit over to them so your internet bill will be lower.
Do not click on any monthly link or text that comes from q Link as it is a trick text that allows them to continue to charge you for the ebb program even if you’re not using the internet with them.
It’s a massive fraud by q Link.
Henry says
EBB program is kaput. ACP has replaced it in 2022. The credit has been lowered to up to $30 per month.
Ashlynn says
I got the email probably 6 months ago or longer, about the FREE tablet. Nowhere did it say you would have to pay a 10 dollar fee. If it did I wouldn’t have gotten it. As soon as i started it up it was incredibly slow, takes ages to load what ever you click on. The first time I opened the play store it popped up that notification ‘unfortunately playstore has stopped working.’ Also the tablet is in no way worth 110 dollars. I bought a 70 dollar tablet for my son that runs way smoother and faster than this. Does anyone know what happens if you don’t pay it?
Elaine says
Same here they want $10.00 they never stated before receiving this thing there would be a charge. I can’t use the camera and it keeps crashing it’s not worth having to much of a headache it does what it wants things pop up that I am not using😡
MR lord says
I received my tablet they are charging me 10 dollars I am not paying it as I received it in box with broken memory card slot I can’t even get tablet to work properly,called hotline told me take it to nearest tablet repair see if they can fix it it for free if not I would have to pay to fix something I received broken ,how is this fair I asked to return it to them and take 10 off my account they say it’s non returnable as it was a gift but I’m being charged for it .it was supposed to have free wifi service on it it doesn’t have any service of any kind I received a sim card for it but it doesn’t have slot to put one in
Geegee says
I literally just got an email out the blue just now from ups saying my item will be delivered tomorrow… looked it up and it’s a tablet from qlink and I’ve been with them since last year
Mina says
I had the same email but it got delivered today, the day it said it would be tomorrow
Krys says
Yeah so did I!! I don’t want the damn thing. They just sent it out of the blue.
M.S says
I am having the same issue. I knew I didn’t want it & out of blue delivered today. I knew cause it’s just a junk tablet they send. They charge the government $100 for it & charge us $10. It sells on Amazon for $30. It’s a cheap junk tablet!! This is a bunch of crap them sending it without being asked for. It’s our credit to use towards a laptop or tablet & they just use it! WTH!!
Mike says
Those tablets are worse than junk. They are so slow you can’t even download email with them.
I’ve seen them sell on eBay for $1 … That’s how bad they are.
Cassandra says
They don’t work anyways. Just toss it in the trash.
JP says
Yeah, nothing will happen if you don’t pay it. As long as they don’t have your card number. I called customer service and told them I never received it and the lady said she’d note my account but the notification still shows up on my page. She said just ignore it.
ab says
No, it’s not a legitimate charge when it’s not included in the agreement but sprung out of nowhere later. Nor when a person did not even request the product.
Diane Peterson says
This is what they did to me… My son bought me a phone from Tracfone last year with his stimulus money. It had a year of service (ending this April). So in October 2021, I got an email from Tracfone, telling me I could get free wireless service through Qlink and that I should apply. Since I am a senior citizen and also disabled, I thought this was a good idea. So I did. My application went through and they sent me a SIM card for the phone, but, it didn’t work. I have been ill, so I had not contacted them to let them know this yet. Then about 10 days ago I get an email telling me my order would arrive on Wednesday. I thought oh they are sending me a new SIM card! So, when the next email came, it said it was arriving today. Imagine how surprised I was to see a box, not envelope like before. When I opened the box I found a new tablet in it with an invoice for, yep, $10.01, just like others have mentioned. I NEVER ORDERED A TABLET! The money is due within 30 days and I don’t care what they say, I am sending it back. Then I stumbled across this site and was taken back by what I read here. The worse thing is, I am now without any phone service! Tracfone has locked me out!! I now believe that Tracfone is in cahoots with Qlink! So, what does one do now? Is there no current info about the outcome of the investigation of Qlink and how can they continue to get away with this?
Henry says
Tracfone wireless was owned by Carlos Slim, the Mexican tycoon. It offered the Safelink service under the FCC LIfeline program. Verizon purchased Tracfone at the end of 2021.
I am not sure why Tracfone tried to promote QLink service and not Safelink service which is connected to Tracfone. QLink program rules do not specify any phone for new subscribers. You are given a SIM card for your BYOD phone. QLink appears to have made a default decision to send the Sceptre tablet to anyone who applies for their service. This is actually a violation of FTC rules. They are trying to collect on the $100 payment for each device sold from the Government and at least over $10 and less than $50 from the consumer.
Tracfone’s Lifeline program is supposed to continue after the Verizon purchase last year. Here are few comments made by Verizon about the Tracfone purchase.
In our letter to the FCC, Verizon made the following commitments:
TracFone will offer Lifeline services for at least three years
TracFone will continue to offer a Lifeline plan at no charge to the consumer
Verizon will actively market and advertise Lifeline services
The reseller agreements Verizon is assuming from TracFone will be honored
5G will be available to Lifeline customers
Verizon will provide quarterly reports so the FCC can monitor Verizon’s compliance with these commitments
You got a prepaid service with Tracfone for a year. I would file a complaint with the FTC regarding the tablet order by QLink. I would also reapply with another company since the SIM card that you got is not compatible with your phone. You can apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) with one of the Lifeline services in your region. Some of them offer a free phone and they will show that during the application process. If they do not, expect only a SIM card.
There have not been any recent updates regarding the investigation of QLink.
Benjamin R Polmanter says
They will only let you have one lifeline sevice if you have qlink they wont let you get safelink. When you apply it comes back on their computer that you have service with the other company, since its a one a household program. But i think you can cancel your service with the one your with now and apply for the other
Edd says
Thank GOD we seniors have been protected by all these Agencies, give em Jail time!
Janice Rachal says
Sorry cell phone service. Terrible internet can’t connect to my own data. Phone does what it wants to do. I will have good service for a few then all of a sudden my phone cuts off on its own .can’t play any games any more I used to be able to but not anymore . The phone I thought it was better then my other phone since this phone is an upgrade but how I was very wrong about that . This phone is just awful so disappointed .
Yeayea says
I think ppl who received this qlink should send them back a 110bks and if they didn’t keep cut there service off should get get 300 to 500 for outten up with the hassle and Biden is letten this go on give. Them our tax dollars and grants and so forth
Diane Peterson says
Don’t blame our President for a company that was there BEFORE he took office! The bigger orange jerk had this all in place before Joe took over! What a big mess he was left to clean up! This is nothing compared to keeping us safe from the Russia mess! Like to see you take care of it!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sometimes it takes every ounce of our self control not to just go off on stupid comments.
James W says
Wow Diane. Did you realize you are a complete moron?
Mike says
You are a complete moron.
Joe Biden and his son Hunter are criminals and both should be in prison along with Hillary and Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton tried to interview with the 2016 election by using a false Russian dossier to claim Trump was colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary Clinton who was colluding with the Russians.
Joe Biden and his son Hunter are colluding with the Chinese and it’s possible this whole covid virus was released on purpose in order to disrupt the 2020 election so that the Democrats could stuff ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots … With data that they collected from the homeless, drug dealers, prisoners etc.
They also visited old folks home and browbeat the seniors there into signing over their ballots to them and then they stuffed ballot boxes with all of this data after it was put on to absentee ballot forms.
The black churches of the south Milwaukee and Philadelphia we’re behind it as they held nonstop voter registration drives to collect this data to be used fraudulently in the future.
Stacy Abrams of Georgia was behind much of it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is why we don’t like politics on the site. We’d rather keep the focus on the Lifeline program and away from diatribes by either side of the political spectrum.
Henry says
If you want to talk about election fraud what about the Presidential election in 1876? One electoral vote decided the election. And the guy who won lost the popular vote!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Pretty sure King George III thought the Continental Congress election was rigged, too.
jamie powell says
and this is the reason the tablets arent working? or did i get in the wrong forum?
Melvin says
Mike, please get some professional help before you show up at a grade school or Walmart with grenades strapped around your waist.
Beth Ford says
Q-link is taking the 100.00 credit from the government and giving out a worthless tablet that does not work and that you could buy for just a few dollars. They do not accept any returns on this worthless tablet. This is fraud.
Autumn says
I completely agree with you about this. They did the same thing to me. I think we should all file complaints with the proper authorities about there shady dealings. My sister files complaints with the FCC when she has issues with her cell phone service company. They respond & get stuff done. I think that’s what I am going to do. Enough is enough! Qlink is stealing from the government & taking what belongs to us in the process. Their sending us these junk $30 tablets plus charging $10 for it when we NEVER agreed to it. If we all don’t speak up it seems nothing will get done. So we all she start taking matters in our own hands instead of just complaining let’s get something done. I think I will look into a class action lawsuit as well. These idiots need to pay for this!
Pamela says
Yes! Plz let me know if a class action suit had been filed or where i can complain or make a complaint at? I didnt oreder this tablet and we are only allowed 1 (tablet,laptop,etc) a lifetime and i sure didnt want someone else or another company deciding it for me! I would rather I pick my on product, it surely wouldnt of been this tablet they sent that doesn’t even work 😡😡😥😭
Michael Williams says
My mother has been waiting 3 months on just her sim card kit, which she was told 7 days, turned into 3 months, also the sim card is no good, Qlink is actually screwing the government and us, the consumer, I have spoken to 4 full blooded blue gum Mexicans today about this at thier consumer headquarters and was hung up on each and every time, QLINK IS A TOTAL SCAMMER COMPANY THAT AHOULD BE SHUT SOWN IMMEDIATELY AND ALL PEOPLE INVOLVED LOCKED UP!!!
Benjamin R Polmanter says
They give out free phones. So tell me again how they are screwing you. Or are you just mad because they didnt send for a free $1,800 iphone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you actually read the article on this page, Bennie? Have you read the hundreds and hundreds on reader comments on this page?
Jonathan Bridges says
They had sent me a tablet I didn’t request! Scheduled to be delivered today. Also, I had to recertify through at&t (respectively) because SOMEHOW I was signed up for the tablet/unlim data but yet it never showed ulimi data on qlinks dashboard. Anyhow, I’ll either try and root/improve the tablet IF they refuse it’s return or I;l give it away to someone that REALLY needs it.
Bennieisaretard says
You sound like a f**king moron Bennie. An actual f**king moron
Cassandra says
I certainly didn’t get a free phone.
Autumn says
They do not give out free phones. You have to pay for the phones from qlink.
Henry says
Only the wireless service is free. The devices are not. A few Lifeline providers will throw in a free phone if you opt into the EBB/ACP program so the provider can get more money from the Government to help cover the cost of the free phone. QLink is not among them.
Think of it like over the air free TV programming and radio station programming. You cannot get access to the TV shows and radio stations unless someone gives you a TV or radio device. You either buy one on your own or get it donated from somewhere such as a non-profit organization. Lifeline program works in a similar fashion.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damn fine analogy, Henry.
Nicole says
In 2020 I signed my son up for Qlink and we received a free “smart” phone through them. However the phone was the dumbest, cheapest, slowest phone I’ve ever seen. We had to upgrade him with another phone through the BYO phone option.
Mike says
Q Link is not screwing customers on their cell phone program they are screwing people on the ebb internet program.
Q Link is sending out worthless tablets and charging the government $100 for them and then charging the government $50 per month per subscriber even though the subscriber is not even using the internet because the tablets are worthless.
Additionally q Link is sending out text messages that imply that the subscriber needs to click on the link in order to keep their cell phone service but in fact clicking on the link allows q Link to tell the government that the subscriber is continuing the ebb internet program whereby qlink can then charge the government $50 per month per subscriber.
The subscriber thinks they’re clicking on that monthly Link in order to keep their cell phone service but in the fine print what they are really doing is telling q Link that they want q Link to continue being their ebb internet provider.
It’s a massive fraud in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Henry says
EBB/ACP participation can be transferred to another provider. These programs are separate from the Lifeline program. Making a claim that the broadband device use controls the Lifeline subscription status is false. The smart phone use is totally separate from the broadband device use (desktop, laptop, or tablet). Lifeline service is tied to SIM cards inserted to smart phones. Tablets do not have SIM card trays and often connect to the internet through WiFi access or by tethering from the smart phone or mobile hotspot.
If someone puts out a money pot, what do you expect for them to do? Ignore it? LOL
Geegee says
They sent mine in 5 days .. I guess it depend on where you live
Samantha says
The same exact this happened to me waited 3 months before they sent my sim card. The first month I went round and round with the people on the phone that was most of the time I couldn’t hardly understand them then they would put me on hold and then discon nect me. The lastest thing is that the unlimited data they say they offer actually has a cap on it. So they are falsely advertising that. I agree something needs to be done about these people. And they wonder why we have a problem with immigration.
Faith says
Qlink sent me out a tablet that I did not request, and whenever I call them about refusing to accept and return it to them, they all ignore and say keep the tablet or give it to a friend and won’t give me there return address or return shipping label. I just discovered that for every tablet that they send out, the government gives them $99.99 for each one, and they want to be me $10.01 for the tablet. They need to be investigated.
Benjamin R Polmanter says
Do you think they are the only company that does that. A different company charged the president $1,800 for a toilet. Everybody trys to get money from the government
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are either delusional or corrupt, Benjamin. Maybe there’s a third option: You live in a very dark world.
Benjamin R Polmanter says
No im not delusional. I’ve just been with them for 7 years and havent had a single problem with them
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t disput that, Benjamin. It’s the rest of your comment that’s delusional.
J Walsh says
Do you work for them or something? If you do I’d be careful, you’ll probably end up in jail too.
Autumn says
We all need to file complaints with the FCC on this. It’s happening to everyone. These tablets cost $30 on Amazon & they are junk too.
Henry says
You need to file a complaint to the FCC (for the Lifeline program issues) and to the FTC (for online commerce fraud issues).
At $30 retail that means the wholesale cost is even less. Charging $110.01 for them is a nice profit margin.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damn nice.
Faith says
Qlink is a big scam and need to be investigated, they are just trying to suck money out of the government, and send out unwanted cheap tablets without anyones permission and trying to send a bill for the tablet, and trying to make us leave our other internet carrier without permission, and not wanted to allow us to return these unwanted tablets to them. A big scam.
Steve Gaines says
Q Link should still be investigated. They are still shipping tablets to people who didn’t ask for them. Then send a bill for 10,01. Pay or loose your benefits.They then places confusing pop up in front of you saying you need this, it has changed to this, you need this to continue getting benefits. Click here to AGREE. Click.Click, Boom , you have a 2 month trial. You can only do this once. It is changing to this.But you can keep this or go back to that. Some where in there they mention 99.00 . Qualified qualifiers can get 35.00 also 100.00 towards better coverage. It is a complete Scam. Do they come hook you up with WiFi / internet. No but we did.,….nt say that *** we said data. Here I will just Link it you can start here Q LINK WIRELESS™ –EMERGENCY BROADBAND BENEFIT OFFERS. So the way this APN was on a pop up you couldn’t close unless you agree.Also 8 yes ago I applied for phone received one. Phone took a fall first day. I contacted them. I couldn’t afford a replacement so I never used this service. All 8 yrs I am told my account will close if I don’t act now. I contacted everyone I can to let them know I don’t have a phone LOOK IT SAYS 39 Sec on account. All this time charging the Gov for it. Exactly what is going on here. This APN is being forced on people . so Q Stink can charge the Gov. Then make your life hell if you tell. See makes no sense.
Benjamin R Polmanter says
Its a charity company, my $10 tablet works great. Tell me anywhere else you can get a tablet for $10.there are hundreds of companies out there that gets kick backs from the government, its called business
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not a charity, Benjamin. It’s a private enterprise founded to make a profit. We can tell you dozens, maybe hundreds of companies that offer the same deal without anywhere near the level of complaints we receive about Q Link. And ripping people off is not called “business.” It’s called “fraud.” At least that’s what the FBI, IRS, and USPS think.
Ashlynn says
This tablet says it’s worth 110$ but with the discount you just have to pay 10. Not to mention they advertised it as FREE. Then after they send it they say you have to pay 10$. The 70 dollar tablet I bought for my son works wayyyy fater and smoother than this tablet. It took me almost an hour to set it up with how slow it was.
Kimberly Smith says
Does your $10 tablet have a place for a SIM card. I applied for Qlink when an ad popped up. On the application it said that I would have to Pay for a phone right then. Not having any money I just exited out of the application. A week or two later I received a SIM card kit in the mail. When I tried to activate it in an old (paid for and not active) phone of mine I couldn’t activate my Qlink account. So I just put it in a drawer and forgot about it. Yesterday I received a Septer 8 tablet in the mail from Qlink. I thought surely the SIM card would be compatible with the tablet that has Qlink sticker on the back of it. Well I googled how to activate my Qlink tablet and it said to open the tray, that I have yet to find, and insert the SIM card. The tablet came with quick start instructions only… nothing else. The only place in the tablet that you can insert the tool to ‘pop out the tray’ is located next to the power button! Is the the power button a tray? It does Not pop open. I am so aggravated with just trying to activate this sh*ty service and now after reading about the raid and everyone else’s problems with them, I’m about to tell them where they can put their crappy tablet AND service. Sorry for the rant 🤬
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not Q Link, Kimberly. This is an independent informational website. You need to contact the company’s customer service team directly.
Chris Sherbert says
I have QLink they are trying to bill for $10 for a tablet I did not receive. Says it was delivered over 6 months ago every time I call them about it. I am told a different story. Time is I need to check with UPS or my local post office as it shows on their computer that it was delivered. I live a 1/4 mile down a dirt path so I have all deliveries that are not post office sent to an Advance Auto. They have not received it either. The post office has no record and always leaves me a pick up package slip. But ever time tho they tell me there nothing the can do as it was delivered and I need to pay the $10. I will not pay it. That tablet is straight up fraud.
Barb says
Should I cancel my service with Q Link as they are under investigation. So far I’ve had them for a couple of months and the service is fine. I just bring my own phone and number. Got the free tablet haven’t had a chance to try it out to see if it’s worth paying the $10 for, if not I’ll send it back.
Just feel a little uneasy dealing with them now that I read this article about them being raided.
Starr says
Yes! Switch to Tracfone or another company.
Diane Peterson says
I have news for you, Starr! Tracfone is how I got in contact with Q Stink! They sent me an email about getting free gov service and that I should apply! Now I have nothing!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Q Link told you to get a hold of Tracfone? They are competitive companies. I don’t understand the world anymore.
Henry says
Verizon now owns Tracfone (and Safeline by default). Not sure why a Tracfone rep would suggest to sign up with QLink? Maybe the rep worked for QLink in the past?
Note that on a tax filing forum, I saw a comment that suggested that Intuit (AKA Turbo Tax) and H & R Block have control over the entire e-filing business. The other companies were just aliases for the two giant firms. Is this true? I have not seen any evidence of it.
Faith says
I received the tablet that I did not order in the mail yesterday. I have ebb with a different carrier for internet service. They also sent me an email to bill me $10.01 for the tablet. I did not open it, as I am going to return it in the mail back to them. I heard this tablet is no good. I do receive the free phone service through Qlink though, service works just okay on my phone, but sluggish, most of the time I can’t send sms messages and my voicemails don’t always show up until hours later, which is a problem if the messages are urgent. However; thankful for the phone service. Customer Service is not always helpful with issues.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Welcome to the wonderful world of Q Link. If you want to make yourself feel even worse, read the hundreds of comments below.
Angela says
Faith says
The same thing just happened to me, I called multiple times and there is no way to return this tablet to them, no return address etc. I never requested the tablet, and now my current carrier with ebb just cancelled without me because of this, which I didn’t give permission for. qlink tablet is a big scam. They want to be bill me $10.01 for this crappy tablet, they need to be investigated and shut down.
David says
I would be very alarmed if 10.00 was that big a deal for me. I haven’t had any problems with the service on my phone so it’s worth the 10.00 for me.
Chelle says
I received the tablet today ,1/9/22. I did not order it or was I aware of the offer for this piece of junk! I wish I had never opened the box! The fact that there was no return address in or on the box should’ve been my clue this was a sham! The scepter 8 tablet had issues the moment I plugged it in! On the camera settings words were misspelled and the camera itself does not work! I will not pay for it either! No one should!
Robb says
Yes I’ve been waiting for a phone for three years and they keep saying lies.
Sucks so bad.
I hope they go to jail for ripping off the American government.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why would you wait for a phone for three years, Robb? That’s crazy. Do yourself a favor and enroll with a different company ASAP. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
And here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
LaBrenda W Jackson says
Where is my simple card! I can’t go without a phone! They
Have told me 3 4 times it was being sent! A new! Please get it sent!!!
LaBrenda W Jackson says
Simcard phone!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not Q Link, so we have no idea, LaBrenda. Have you read the comments below?
Belinda Bailey says
I have had QLink for years as a back up phone after I dropped my phone in the sink and couldn’t get a call out to go to the ER. I’ve paid a couple times$20 for a replacement phone and they are always horrible outdated phones but for a back up it was ok. Then I decided to transfer my own phone over and it wasn’t modern enough for them so I tried to switch back to the crappy phone and it wasn’t modern enough either. In frustration I transferred my Moto g fast over asking with my long held phone number over 10 years. Big Mistake! I moved and I couldn’t get a signal inside my house so I had to get internet and phone through Hues net. I decided to switch my government Bernie to my home phone so I bought a light package to cover my cell phone before switching over. Well as soon as I cut off the government payment they cancelled my account! I spent a long time on the phone with them and they say I have to reapply. Had I known about this investigation I would have never turned over my phone and number because now I’m shopping for a new carrier and they kept my$15 I paid for the cell phone package. The person on the phone just continues to say they understand and my phone shouldn’t have been cancelled but they can’t do anything until I reapply for a government contract.. Not to mention I got kicked out of my email I normally use because Google wants me to answer a text that I can’t receive, what a complete mess!!!!
Cynthia says
Qlink sent me this junk tablet then emailed me a bill.i didn’t ask for the then went online to find a return address (after calling several times with no solution) to send it back and saw all these ads for states one will recieve a Samsung galaxy tab 7 or Apple tablet some high end name and in reality they send you a scepter tablet of some sort.never heard of that brand.then try to charge you money for it.but yes this tablet thing is a big joke.
Monique says
I try try to get them off my back due to lack of communication. But they send crazy stuff and interfere with my ebb benitits I can’t get it straight.
Betty Moore says
I am so disgusted with Q Link They advertise BYO Phone and Telephone Number and I left one company to come to them on 12/17/2021, My phone is not yet in working condition I cannot use my phone as of this date. 01/01/2022. The phone keep saying Call Not Sent. Can’t call out and can’t receive calls. I have called Qlink everyday repeatly & I was told to wait 48 hours for the Network to be repaired evidently the network never was repaired but that’s a LIE! I tried to cancel Qlink Services and they blocked to from keeping my own telephone number to go to Consumer Cellular. So the phone is yet on under Qlink but I cannot use the service. I need this resolved.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We doubt that anything will be resolved until the FBI, IRS and other federal agencies have finished their investigations and prosecution.
Edwin Carter says
I’ve had qlink SIM for about 3 years now in my own Note 20 ultra and haven’t had any issues. The tablet on the other hand… I never got mine. My gf got hers and after 3 attempts to do anything with it, I’ve decided to get her a samsung tab 8 and I’m going to stick a target sticker on the Scepter 8 from qlink and use it to zero in my rifle. I’ve never seen any Android device in my life so slow. Scepter should be ashamed as well as qlink.
James W says
Slow, buggy, crashes all the time. Yup, a real piece of shit. You could probably get a better tablet in North Korea. But that is how they’re screwing you and the government. Make the most cheapest POS tablet you can manufacture, and charge a high price.
Amanda says
Received a tablet I didn’t order, had to pay $10.01. Qlink said an $80 phone I bought from them in 2020 was out of date and wouldn’t work with new 5g sim card. Bought a $100 phone in beginning of December 2021. Phone was received but still no new sim card. Received text messages saying sim card was delivered when it wasn’t. Spoken with Customer service 3 times with no answers. Went on to my qlink Account this morning 12-20-2021 to find my shipping address was changed. Had to up date address. Qlink has serious problems with no accountability.
Me says
That means they need to resend you another sim card
James Foutz says
They have an ad up offering FREE tablets. No cost!!
I received mine from Amazon Prime through Q Link and the day I received it I got an invoice. This obviously is a SCAM and needs investigated!
James W says
For those who are complaining about the “free” tablet QLink promised and haven’t received yet, you’re not missing much. You will receive a QLink Scepter 8 tablet. On top of it NOT being free like they said, you will have to pay $10.01 for it, but it’s basically a piece of shit. It’s so bad that if we had tablets back in the ’80s, it would still be considered a piece of shit. Crashes all the time, slow as granny driving in the high speed lane, and on top of that, once you set up your home screen to the apps you want on it, and you have to either restart or shut down the tablet, when it restarts ALL your icons on the homescreen are gone and you’re back to the default shitty home screen. With no way to fix it.
No wonder they got raided, ripping off the government and their customers. I’m about ready to bail.
Lisa says
I just got mine in the mail today.the front camera is so dies very quick even on battery went from 28 percent to 7 percent in less than 10 camera flash.freezes continuously.i will be returning.and getting me a great one
Janel Paden says
Sent me an email saying that I received a tablet yesterday and that I needed to pay $10.01 within thirty days but I never received a tablet and when I called them I had to call Amazon then they said call qlink then they said called Amazon so basically I wasted my whole morning back and forth between qlink and Amazon well Amazon said to get an order number from qlink I called got order number called Amazon back again and they told me the order number was over six months old and on a different persons account needless to say I am not paying for something that I never received
Angela says
I have had the Qlink service, just incase my phone ever gets lost or stolen or I have an emergency of some kind so I don’t really use it much at all, but then I got enrolled with the EBB Benefit and was supposed to get a tablet too…and I have now finally after months gotten the bill for 10.01 or whatever the EXACT number is but I have yet to receive a tablet…and the thing is….they don’t give a shit if you got it or not…WHY?? They already got the $100 from the government when the program started, UPFRONT…so technically it says WHILE SUPPLIES LAST…they could mail out 10 and tell us ALL too bad and pocket the rest of the money they got months ago…ANYWAY…I have NEVER received the tablet and I am NOT paying for it either, and QLINK suddenly decides in the weekends lighting fast timing because it was a Sunday delivery, by Monday morning I had 6 email requesting payment for this so-called tablet that their end showed was delivered to my door and NEVER was…and LET THE HASSLE BEGIN….It’s AMAZING how much someone who pays ZERO for something that was supposedly delivered to you will try to contact you and I’m talking on a Sunday…..7 times only after 30 minutes of them saying they left it in the lobby of my apartment building for me will contact you asking for payment, that’s 7 times in about 3 hours after they claim they dropped it off….I said then come and show me where you put it PLEASE!!! AND WHY DID YOU NOT BRING IT TO MY DOOR AND HAVE ME SIGN FOR IT??? SO NO ONE STEALS IT INSTEAD?? ANYWAY….NO NOTIFICATIONS THAT YOU HAVE SCANNED MY PACKAGE AND YOUR HERE APPARENTLY ON SUNDAY, SO I CAN MEET YOU AT THE SECURITY DOOR!! THAT IS KINDA THE DAMN POINT!!! ANYWAY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK TO ANYONE AT QLINK, I THINK I SOMEHOW BY THE GRACE OF GOD SITTING ON ME TO HOLD ME DOWN I STAYED ON HOLD WITH THEM FOR 240 MINUTES AND I SAT SO LONG I JUST FLOPPED OVER ONTO THE FLOOR, AND WHEN THIS WITCH FINALLY CONNECTED, SHE ACCIDENTALLY DISCONNECTED LIKE 40 SECONDS LATER AND BOOM I WAITED FOR NOTHING!! AND WAS ABSOLUTELY LIVID…I NEVER WAIT ON HOLD AND AS SOON AS IT CONNECTED IT DROPPED…THE LAST TIME I HAD AN ISSUE AND UT WAS THE EBB AND THE TABLET…I SENT THEM AN EMAIL THIS TIME, TOLD THEM TO SHOVE IT… BECAUSE ITS MY WORD AGAINST THEIRS AND YOUR COMPANY IS ALREADY TOO MUCH OF A HASSLE TO GET ANYTHING TAKEN CARE OF…CANCEL MY EBB SHIT PLEASE… AND THEY DID, I WENT AND GOT MY SHIT ELSEWHERE, OR TRIED…IT SAYS I CAN GET EBB BENEFITS AT ANY COMPANY BUT NOT A DEVICE ANYWHERE ELSE…..WHICH IS STUPID CAUSE I NEVER GOT ONE, THEY AIN’T WORTH SHIT ANYWAY….BUT I WANTED TO GIVE IT TO MY 2 YR OLD NEPHEW WHO LOVES HIS SHOWS THAT WE WATCH TOGETHER…..AND HE CAN USE IT TO DO THE ALPHABET AND STUFF SOMEDAY MAYBE….NOPE CANT EVEN LET HIM DO THAT…..ASSHOLES…..BUT YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS THEY STILL GOT THEIR $100 FROM THE GOVERNMENT FOR IT A LONG TIME AGO AND I ALSO LET THEM KNOW THAT TOO…..GREED IS WHY THEY ARE THE SHITTY COMPANY THEY ARE!!
Amanda collins says
Total useless, can’t do anything on this piece of $hit! Sure it’s jus $10.01 but if I can’t use the damn thing I’ll use my 10 to buy a pk of smokes! Fk off qlink
Janel Paden says
My original phone was unusable so I paid $20 for a replacement phone it was unusable and got charged for a tablet that I never received And absolutely will not pay for I wonder how many poor souls paid and didn’t get it
Pamela S says
I signed up for Qlink years ago and the phone they sent me was a joke. It was literally so slow/old outdated that it was unusable. I’m not just saying that either. In order to get the “home” screen to open on the phone it took nearly 4 minutes – IF it opened at all. Never mind trying to get the phone app to open and then dial out if there was an emergency. It was useless and I couldn’t use it, I also couldn’t do anything about it. They refused to replace the phone for free and I knew better than to pay for a “replacement” – I’m certain I would have gotten the same useless phone. Somehow though I used data every month – figure that one out.
Now they’ve sent me a “free tablet” that I didn’t ask for, that I actually “opted out” of EVERY time they emailed me about it (at least a dozen times) and every time I clicked the “opt out” button, I got a “Thank you for opting in, your tablet is on the way!” WTF?
Here it is months and months later (I’d forgotten about the tablet all together it’s been that long) and this tablet shows up. It’s JUST LIKE THE PHONE they sent, it’s totally unusable. I’ve never seen anything like this company in my life. I can’t believe they’ve gotten away with this for this long. Those of us who signed up with them can’t just go get another free phone from another carrier – we’re just screwed out of a working phone and thus the “free data.”
Angela says
You can go anywhere you want to, with ebb and with your lifeline benefits, and get a new phone number or you bring the lifeline phone number you already have with can change and move them as you see fit… YOUR NOT STUCK WITH QLINK….FOR ANY SERVICES……I just signed up somewhere else two days ago there are MANY MANY other options for BOTH lifeline and EBB companies…so Qlink can shove it up their ass….. I live in Minnesota and I chose Cintax Wireless and it comes with really good brand name newer 5g phones for free and you can buy others like Samsung Galaxy at their site too for like $30 if you prefer….. They say they are available across the united states….I’m done with Qlink and their half ass everything… can Google what companies are available for your state too
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve said the same thing a thousand times, Angela, but we’re glad to hear a reader say it, too.
Kelly says
I asked for SIM card for over a year now and and got a tablet when they said they sent a sim card i can never get a person to talk to!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Base on our readers’ comments, this is one very screwed up company.
Jerriel M Kaminski says
I bought a phone from qlink based in Florida and never received it or my free service. After hours and hours and days and days on hold trying to get in touch with qlink, after being on hold for hours at a time and then the phone got disconnected my neighbors wouldn’t let me use their phone anymore. my question is is there a lawsuit pending or how do I sue this so called establishment? I have proof in my bank statements proving I bought a phone.
Jerriel M Kaminski says
As a matter of fact they sent me two emails in the last 24 hours if that will help out in anyway.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not know of any class action lawsuits, but none of of know what customers’ next steps should be until all the government investigations/lawsuits make some progress.
Chad harris says
I’m in middlenof nowhere no warning cell phone shut off. Qhats going on I’m on lifeline and stranded no phone flagged a car down to use Hotspot. Please help! ****** I guess no internet or phone imma sit here. 🙁
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s nothing we can do, Chad. Those of you who live “in the middle of nowhere” get the short end of the stick when it comes to free government cell phones. Your options are VERY limited and no satellite companies participate in the Lifeline program.
Angela says
Cathy snydet says
Q link wireless keeps turning off my data service, and i have always on unlimited data n etc. I need my data to talk to my family, n friends.. qlink wireless is refusing to turn my data back on. When i get Ebb and always on lifeline services. And they keep hanging up on me.
Sue thomas says
I’m changing my mind about getting into the QLink see I already have the sim card but not putting it in my phone I’ll stay with Boost moble
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot blame you, but Boost Mobile does not participate in the free government cell phone program.
Pamela S says
Do it!! Don’t mess with Qlink, they’re beyond horrible.
Robin Gore says
I would rather have my eyes gouged out with a plastic spoon than call their customer service! On hold for long periods of time only to get someone who can barely speak MY language. I’ve been on enough calls with them to say I believe they’re reading from a script for the most part. I’ve had dead end conversations where they talked over me trying to steer the conversation in a different direction! They are useless and they are blatant liars. My daughter qualified for the EBBC which is available in all 50 states and when she tried to get them to run her info so her credit would be applied to her account the guy told her she was mistaken and that her state wasn’t eligible for the EBBC.?!? You just gotta be kidding me. They charge for stuff they shouldn’t they charge certain people who shouldn’t. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve been with them since 2016. Whatever happens to them they deserve it and their customers deserve some sort of monetary relief. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Beware of plastic spoons, Robin.
Debbie says
I was stuck with a messed-up phone from the beginning. It never held a charge, ( not very mobile if ya gotta sit by an electrical outlet to use it). They have been billing for a service that I was unable to use since March 2015.
November 19, 2019, that phone completely went black with no settings, etc.
Ordered a new phone on Jan. 2020 that never worked, I called and called requesting help. Notta, no help at all, returned the phone using the label they provided, but they said they couldn’t find the phone and put the responsibility on me to locate it thru the USPS. Dip do’s don’t know their rump from their elbow, the one paying for shipping has to initiate the investigation.
June 2020 I filed a complaint with my credit card company. Qlink called within a week, sent out another non-working device.
I kept seeing usage on the account and when I would ask how that was possible if the phone never worked, I was told not to worry about it. HUH?
I hope they look into this because they have been ripping off the government (taxpayers actually) since 2015
Amber says
I had “qlink” phone, service, everything. Until I started listening to everyone and I canceled it. I decided to go with another lifeline company called assurance wireless. They sent me a phone. It works great. I opted out of all of the EBB options and decided to go with a local cable and internet service. The ebb program pays $50 on my internet service which completely covers my internet. So I can get unlimited use of the internet on my phone. Then the cable internet company sold me a desktop computer for $20 through the EBB program. Now I have a desktop computer and internet service and unlimited internet for my phone all because I decided to stop using q link. Everyone else needs to check into this. I really came out ahead.
Christi 75 says
I am so beyond frustrated with this “provider”. I bought a new phone from them because the phone I was using from 2017. No problem with this other than it was full. I rec’d the phone and had data for 10 days. No help from the multiple calls made, also more than 7 hrs on the phone. 6 of those on hold. I have 2 VERY active toddlers. 5 months later no data, bought a new phone, no data at all! I need a phone with data in rural IA. I also can’t afford another, so I’m stuck. I’ve called 3 times on the new and told the same thing.
Jennifer Casey says
I just got my free tablet and I’ve legit never had but one problem and it was only because USPS didn’t do their job 🤷🏽♀️
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good for you, Jennifer. But as you can see from the comments below, you are part of a very small minority.
John Wayne says
Lmfao!!! Was on hold for customer service, an operator came on and we asked to speak to the supervisor and they said that he was at work he couldn’t come to the phone. Yeah no shit he’s at work duh!!! Q link must have ppl that are living in mud huts in the middle of the desert with an 1970s rotary phone that don’t even know how to speak English besides thank you come again!! Smh, this shit is cray cray frfr!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Pretty damn funny comment, John.
Jason says
Dude your comment was on point!! Love it!!
Amber Naman says
I gave them my social security number what do I need to do??
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one knows what’s going on with Q Link these days, Amber. We’re all waiting to hear the next news release from the FBI.
Wayne C Ammer says
I’ve placed several complaints directly to QLink and to the Federal Government about the service they provide or should I say don’t provide! I’m constantly told through emails and texts from QLink that my service is going to be discontinued for not using the service. I make 10-20 calls and numerous texts daily so I don’t know how they can say I’m not using the phone. Everytime I’ve called their Customer Service, when I’ve had trouble with the phone service I’m told, “Oh your phone is out dated. You need to get a new phone. I can help you with that. I can send you a new model with much better features. We have a ZTE N818S Android phone I can send you for just $25.00.” That’s the same phone I already have. It’s a piece of crap, has to be charged at least 2 – 4 times daily, the battery is absolutely the worst I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had a lot of phones over the years. When I complained to them about the battery they gave me the same song and dance about getting a new phone. One guy tried to tell me the battery in my phone couldn’t be replaced. When I informed him I was an ‘Electronics Technologist’ retired and I knew better , he tried to lie his way out of it said he never told me it couldn’t be replaced. ” I said it was old and we don’t have them any more.” Another lie he tried to sell me a ‘NEW PHONE’ WHICH WAS THE SAME PHONE I HAVE “N818S ZTE Android”. Strangely enough I was cut off and had to call back and start the complaint all over again. For the past few months ‘QLink’ has been sending me threats saying my phone service would be cut off, I need to update my phone the government has changed the phone service to 5G and my phone at 4G won’t work on the new system. They give me a link on their page to select a new phone. Most of them are $69.95 $99.95, some as high as 3 or 4 hundred dollars. My point is The very first phone on the page of new phones is, That’s Right YOU GUESSED IT. The ‘ZTE N818S Android’ That same piece of crap they keep trying to sell me.
Ernestine Wagers says
My daughter recently purchased a Qlink phone from Qlink Wireless the purchase was deducted from her bank account but the phone was never delivered. When asking a Qlink customer service rep about the non delivery, the answer was “the payment was not authorized so it didn’t go through the system”. The bank provided a statement showing the payment WAS authorized & deducted but Qlink refuses to give a refund or send a phone!!
Shannon mowen says
I have the same problem. Can you give me any information on what to do. Thank you Shannon mowen
Free Government Cell Phones says
As you can tell from all the comments below, Q Link is a mess. We have no idea what is going to happen to all the Q Link customers but we will keep you posted as soon as there is more news.
Diane says
So since I am a qlink lifeline customer that prevents me from getting lifeline service elsewhere, Like from a normal phone company or internet provider, Correct? How do I unenroll from Qlink so I can enroll somewhere else. I can’t get any answers from Qlink as to how.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone company to cancel your account. But there is nothing keeping you from having a different account with a regular phone account nor from switching to a different Lifeline service provider. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
Kimberly says
Well common sense would tell you thats clearly a scam. $900 LOL 😆 🤦♀️
Deidre Windom says
My nephew has Qlink service and it has been horrible. I had a feeling these people could not be trusted. Asking allot for information and not providing any of services they advertise.
stan polchinski says
how di I get this kind of ?feeds? to be blocked fr)on being on my unit & aND I KNOW NOT HOW TO FGER,ERASE THIS UNWANTED S ER STUFF! THANK YOU.
above # one
two what is browser?
how does it work?
how do you use it?
why does it exist?
Free Government Cell Phones says
What language are you speaking, Stan? We don’t have a clue what you’re asking us.
Janel Paden says
Lmfao now that was funny!!!
rosa l thomas says
How can I pay QLINK $10.0 dollars
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you read the article on this page? Have you read the comments below? Why would you want to pay Q Link $10?
angela marie burger says
I been waiting on free phone an tablet 2 phone 2 yrs an then they send me a sim card that don’t work an now no new phones or tablets plus I never got either one but they say I used my text an calls for 2 yr now an it’s all lies I want to sue them I’m disabled on disability now how can I get my phone an tablet they promised me if they are busy an found guilty we should get a free phone an tablet like they promised me an everyone q link need to get caught thank aburger
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why have you gone without a phone for two years while waiting for something that should have been delivered within a couple weeks? Switch to a different service provider immediately. Here’s where you can find a list of all the companies and all the plans available in your state:
Yvonne Paul says
I have been with qlink for at least 2 years and last November I reported my phone stolen and they still haven’t sent me my replacement phone. I mean I am a single mother with a 9yr old little girl and I have seizures so I can’t drive and finding work is hard when they are worried about me having a grandma seizure and hurting myself or scaring away customers. So needless to say I am pretty dependant on qlink for phone service especially for my babygirl.. So when I realized that I had no way of calling the Dr for my baby girl or calling anyone for that matter and imagine my 9yr old being scared because mommy just had a seizure and she can’t even call 911 for help. I have been calling qlink spoken to supervisors and even quality assurance and all they tell me is I need to give it to more weeks and my phone should be out of the mail room and it should be processed soon. I was told approximately 2 or 3 months ago that I would not be receiving a replacement phone that the promotion that I never signed up for was over and they couldn’t help me I would have to purchase a phone when I got the money because there was nothing they could do for me. Now I haven’t received a phone because I haven’t had the money and money that I have received is spent wisely and I borrow wifi and have been blessed with an angel who does not complain of constantly helping me with the use of a phone and internet…… So now that I know I wasn’t crazy is it possible to switch to assurance or another lifeline service and hopefully receive a smartphone in a reasonable amount of time?? Or what do I do??
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are correct. You can switch service providers at any time you want. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do it:
Val says
They do not replace phones unless you pay $25. All I got was a sim card and no phone. I just had to pay $20 for a phone they better send it to me
Doc Wayne Ammer says
That $20 is long gone !!! BET ON IT. U want some good solid advice? Go to Assurance or any other Lifeline Provider that’s what I’m doing TODAY. I just had my last conversation with another CSR who speaks such broken english that I can’t make heads or tails of what he was saying. All I could make out was “I’m sorry, QLink will be sorry to see you go”.
He should be sorry for you too. LEAVE, It’s good advice !
Doc Wayne
Jordan Anderson says
Assurance should also be investigated by the FBI. I signed up as a new customer on their online form. After completion it said my application was approved and that I would get my phone and welcome letter. It never arrived and whenever checking the status of the application the site threw an error. Customer service said my application was not approved but the website said I was. The site never asked to submit pictures or scans for proof.
Mark says
I will admit to being a little confused by the name of the EBB program and how different companies implement it.
I am on Q Link (I have not experienced most of the issues other complainants have had, other than just now getting the minimalist Scepter tablet I applied for as soon as they offered it early this year) but as others have pointed out the tablet has only WiFi capability and there’s no provision for a SIM card.
How exactly does WiFi qualify as “broadband” when it’s dependent on the abysmal satellite internet service I have to use because I live way out in the sticks or whatever WiFi access point I can find when traveling?
To my admittedly strictly logical mind, a “broadband” device should have built-in independent network access capability but this tablet does not.
Is this just another example of why Q Link is being investigated for fraud?
Do other EBB program providers do the same thing?
Is this a limitation built into the EBB program so that providers can’t provide tablets with independent network access?
Jeff says
Try using your phone’s Hotspot option. Thats how im using the Scepter 8 tablet to work today. HOWEVER, after using tablet for 3-4 hours the screen went blank and won’t reboot.
Sandra L Rose says
I googled who handles the federal office for this cell phone and I am going to get in touch with them to see if they can help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good luck.
Sandra L Rose says
my cell phone does not work properly so I called your company and was told that a tablet and cell phone would be mailed out to me. So instead a sim card came in the mail and the wrong one was sent. So now I’m wondering where my phone and tablet are at. So I called QLink and was told that the free phone and tablet were now over and that they ran out of phones but I could purchase one??? One day my phone has been so messed up that it took 15 minutes to get 911. I have had this phone broken for many years and I should get a free one. What about the one I was told is in the mail?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You didn’t call “our” company. This website has no affiliation with Q Link nor with any other Lifeline service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Angela smith says
I to am a part of qlink wirelwss customer they have shut my unlimited data off.i didnt get my free phone or tablet i reported that got stolen from my mail box .and no compensation for any and all the hell i have had to go through .i been with them a while and they have just gotten really greedy for me unlimited means no limit i dont know what there meaning is but that is not it
John miloch says
My sim CArd doesn’t work either. We and the government scammed again. My free phone that won’t work in a few days and my only phone.
Sheri says
I’m a QLink wireless customer and am totally in agreement with all the other complaints. A new one I believe they are trying is with the EBB program the US government started funded earlier this year due to the current health concern. I have majors concerns regarding their legitimacy in sending out the “free” tablet. Mine was supposedly delivered, upon checking, it is no where to be found. I attempted to contact QLink customer service was pawned off the Amazon logistics shipping, and eventually was on one phone with QLink, and another with Amazon customer service and in the end, there was nothing either of them could or would done.
Angela says
The problem with the tablets and them saying you got them and the fact that they don’t give a shit or not is because they got a big fat check from the government for them back in May, EVEN if you NEVER get one…they ALREADY had a number in their head from the government on how many and how much…they were paid in advance and that government check ain’t going to bounce….so we can get screwed…they know they didn’t!! And ALL people that I am aware of that have received tablets have gotten them from Amazon ALL on Sunday delivery services ONLY…I dunno if it’s because it’s cheaper or what…but they do not notify you that your getting a package or scan it when they get to your house telling you that your package has arrived and you have no tracking numbers to check on even though QLINK said they would supply them when they were ready to ship (SHOCKER…THEY NEVER DID) also they don’t bring packages to your door on Sundays, signatures are not required for Sunday deliveries, they open up my security door and they literally will throw 20 packages in the lobby and drive away…. anyone can grab as they please….. that’s not allowed on any other days…they must ATTEMPT delivery m-s but not on Sundays….either way…’s not Amazon’s fault either….GO SIGN UP WITH LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE……THERE IS A WHOLE WEBSITE WITH A LIST OF THEM…YOU CAN EVEN SEARCH FOR COMPANIES THAT GIVE OUT FREE PHONES ONLY….AND GET SIGNED UP…THEN BREATHE AND THEN SEND QLINK AN EMAIL TO SHOVE THEIR SHIT UP THEIR ASS….AND IF THEY RESPOND AND TELL YOU THAT YOU MUST CALL THEM….REPLY BACK AND LET THEM KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE 240 MINUTES TO SIT ON HOLD SO THAT WHEN THEY FINALLY ANSWER THE CALL DISCONNECTS ON YOU…..AND THEIR SHITTY PHONE AND SERVICE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SIT ON HOLD UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You said, “There is a whole website with a list of them.” I do believe you are referring to this website, Angela. The one, the only, the original
Tietra says
I have been a customer of qlink for about 3 years now, I was told I received my new phone in mail when they upgraded their network (I still have not) I let customer service know so they send me a sim card that isn’t compatible with my old phone which is now disconnected and that’s my business phone( I haul firework stands) and now it’s telling me to activate my tablet and new phone yet there’s no slot in the tablet for a son card and I still do not have a new phone they want me to bring my own which I donot have and cannot afford one and I can’t even hook up to wifi to set up the tablet. I have also noticed since the first day I got my phone texts and data are being used, there’s apps on my phone I didn’t download yet I cannot remove them because I am not the subscriber to the account Aka the user profile which I am and I’ve been dealing with someone having into my Google accounts, Facebook, money has been taken off my prepaid card my Google play card is shut down now and now I cannot access my contacts, my voice-mail, my pictures disappear and my phone gets super hot and the battery fully charged will last maybe half hour. Now they want me to pay 10.01 for my free tablet?! I don’t have that. It said it would be billed to us but the government is giving us 10.01 credit towards the new tablet/phone so it’s still free and they want credit card info before you can set up anything. My hot spot won’t work either
Free Government Cell Phones says
Welcome to the wonderful world of Q Link.
Angela smith says
Everything you said and they will not compensate at all it is truly messed up.lies.lies lies they have told
Gary Westberg says
I been waiting for a sim card, that I never got. I bought a Nokia phone from them and it doesn’t even work. They ripped me off !!!
Rosa says
I feel i been scammed by q wireless its been a month still haven’t received a sim card for service.every time i call them its the same excuse please be patient and wait on sim card.well on the web site says sim card will be shipped in 2-5 business days well its almost 30 days still no sim card its sad because my information is out there and i don’t know if its being compromise.on the site say check overview status for tracking information but no tracking information to track tou would of think by now i would have phone service being that’s its been almost 30 days.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are eager to see the next chapter in the Q Link scandal.
Sandra Gilfus says
I have been trying to get through to either get free phone because I qualify and used my own but it was stolen so I don’t feel I should pay $20 I don’t have I could use another chip but I was hacked so bad that im still not finished reporting everything and the tablet I paid for doesn’t work right something wrong with keyboard
Free Government Cell Phones says
As Judge Judy would say, “Feelings don’t matter.” The rules say one free government cell phone per household. The only way around it might be to enroll with a different service provider, and the new service provider will give you a smart phone.
Paul says
They just shut my data off claiming I used 30gb of my UNLIMITED data plan so now I need to BUY MORE or wait until the 1st of December when my plan refreshes. I seriously doubt I used that much and duh, it’s an UNLIMITED plan… I could see them throttling my data, but no they turned it off completely!!!
Tom says
I been using a link for awhile when u sign up make sure I tell em if u need a gsm sim card or a cmcda there is to diff networks all phones run on an I got my tablet today been waiting three months it seems li!e but I got it today:)
Lanette Lister says
Trying to get one for a long time from them almost a year they’re telling me that I don’t qualify for a government phone that I do qualify for a government phone all they would send me is just a SIM card well I’m on a fixed anything how do you expect me to if I’m calling you to get a phone why would I need to go out and buy some all that all that I wouldn’t it don’t make no sense you send me two SIM cards and I’ve yet I still can’t use them even even in the phone that I had the cracked up from my ..head
Free Government Cell Phones says
Enroll with a different company that offers phones, Lanette. Make surely you tell them that you are switching from one company to another. Here’s where you can find all the companies offering plans in your state:
Tietra says
I have been a customer of qlink for about 3 years now, I was told I received my new phone in mail when they upgraded their network (I still have not) I let customer service know so they send me a sim card that isn’t compatible with my old phone which is now disconnected and that’s my business phone( I haul firework stands) and now it’s telling me to activate my tablet and new phone yet there’s no slot in the tablet for a son card and I still do not have a new phone they want me to bring my own which I donot have and cannot afford one and I can’t even hook up to wifi to set up the tablet. I have also noticed since the first day I got my phone texts and data are being used, there’s apps on my phone I didn’t download yet I cannot remove them because I am not the subscriber to the account Aka the user profile which I am and I’ve been dealing with someone having into my Google accounts, Facebook, money has been taken off my prepaid card my Google play card is shut down now and now I cannot access my contacts, my voice-mail, my pictures disappear and my phone gets super hot and the battery fully charged will last maybe half hour. Now they want me to pay 10.01 for my free tablet?! I don’t have that. It said it would be billed to us but the government is giving us 10.01 credit towards the new tablet/phone so it’s still free and they want credit card info before you can set up anything. My hot spot won’t work either plus I just got an email saying I cannot switch to another company since I am enrolled with qlink and they needed additional info with my application I just submitted with lifeline and I never tried to get another program. I used to go through lifeline but my mother stole my phone and I never reactivated it but I just got denied from lifeline because I had one more month left with qlink. So where in Washington state can I go through to switch my account? And I still havnt received any new phone supposedly its a Samsung galaxy but I only got the sim for byop program. This is ridiculously silly oh yeah I Screencast all of my phone bills they send me and when I literally don’t use the phone I have like soooooo many texts via sms used by my number to my number but originating from number like 22225700 and when I called the number to see who it was it called one of my customers and that was not ok!
Eddie Witherspoon says
I have not gotten a phone or a tablet yet but still get emails. The email ask do I want to keep my phone WHAT DAMN PHONE this company os ripping Us off and tje US government.
Lori says
Haven’t received one phone yet from Qlink
Liri says
Canceled my mother’s sim ,due to she had no phone to activate. They told me they don’t give out phones .
Today they told me I missed the deadline ,to receive the free 5 g phone upgrade ,but they sent the notice that phone was mailed
Free Government Cell Phones says
The stories about Q Link just continue to amaze.
Whitney Hill says
I still want to know where the hell my tablet is that I should have gotten through the EBB program. They sent it out but to my wrong address. It got sent back to them supposedly and they keep refusing to send me a replacement even though this error is clearly on their end. How can I remedy this or at least get my benefits I signed up for through the EBB program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
At this point the level of complaints against Q Link are so voluminous that we don’t have a clue how anyone will ever get anything out of the situation. It is probably in the hands of the USAC (the organization that controls the free government cell phone program) and the FBI/Justice Department. God only knows.
Robert Cutler says
You dont want the tablet. It is a “Scepter 8” tablet and it is PATHETIC! Not even worth then $10 co-pay they will charge you for.
Go look at the Amazon reviews for this tablet (It looks to me like Amazon is distributing the tables for Qlink, and now there have been so many bad reviews that Amazon turned off user reviews!)
I just got my tablet today in a box from Amazon. It crashed right off when I turned it on. It is SLLLOOOOOW. And I mean very slow. Even if this was released ten years ago, it would have been considered junk.
The cameras absolutely suck, the “front” camera is very dark and I cant find a way to adjust its light sensitivity. The rear camera is a JOKE, grainy, crappy picture like something from a phone from the early 1990s.
It gets a SLOW connection to strong wifi signals, it does NOT have any data capabilities, it cannot and does not connect to any sort of “data plan”.
Oh did I mention that it is slow?
Well its slow.
I tried opening various apps it came loaded with and some of them took 30 seconds to open!
This thing is garbage./ Disappointing to say the least. Had I known their tablets where this shitty I wouldnt have bothered asking for one.
I dont know if I should send this back, or where I should send it back to. I certainly dont want to pay the $10 bucks for it, its not even worth it just based on the frustration of using such a slow and unstable thing.
Disappointed to say the least, and I am far from alone in my assessment. Just read the reviews online of this thing! Qlink obviously went for the cheapest low-grade peice of crap they could find to give to their customers, and not only do WE have to pay $10 for it, but Id bet that they are charging the government hundreds for each one they send us.
Needless to say, you arnt missing out on much, these tablets suck.
Doug Toms says
This don’t supprise me after trying to talk to one of their incompetent staff members ,He was so incompetent I just had to hang up on him , I thought Straight Talk was bad ,well Q Link takes the First Place Trophy for non support & incompetence!!! No wonder they couldn’t find my account information !
Doug Toms says
This don’t supprise me after trying to talk to one of their incompetent staff members ,He was so incompetent I just had to hang up on him , I thought Straight Talk was bad ,well Q Link takes the First Place Trophy for non support & incompetence!!!
Vanessa says
They have not stopped committing Fraud. I have printed out every email I’ve ever received from them since 2017, analyzed everything, and I would like to give my packet to the FBI because as of today, they have sent 6 Free Quest 5 Cell Phones to, I’m assuming, their (Indian) families…under My account.
I have received No cell phone.
Austin Cizmeli says
They stolen $900.00 from me they told me to buy a money pack at Walmart for $900 and then made me give them the number in order to pay for the phone calls I went over on my minutes supposedly
Free Government Cell Phones says
DCGuy says
There are a lot of impersonations being made online and via phone calls. When they inform you about paying some kind of fee using some kind of financial instruments, tell them to “shove it” and hang up. Even if the caller was from the actual company (or the government agency), they have no right insisting on any money by way of an online message or phone call.
John Gentil says
I’ve been waiting for something, anything which would allow me to.start using a government phone and tablet. I thought I had signed up 2 months ago. All I receive ate text messages telling me I need to set up and start.using my.account. Something is deff. Wrong.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Switch to a different company, John. Based on our readers’ comments, none of them seem to be having the kind of problems Q Link is having.
LuminitaSirca says
I have had them for two years and at first it was ok but then I had no service for a few months and they were not helping.They kept telling me my phone was not compatible by why did it work for months ? They sent me a new useless sum card and then a crappy phone which didn’t work either.I tried other free providers but they were even worse.Now my service is not working again! These fraudsters get money from the government and give nothing in return ; Their customer service is non existent, nothing but aggravation and problems!
LuminitaSirca says
Fu, autocorrect!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sentiments we’ve all expressed on occasion.
Michelle says
I ordered a free government PHONE and they sent me a sim card only and I can’t afford to buy a unlocked phone they are pretty expensive.I would definitely think they were raided for fraud.
Nice , but they were 2 years TOO LATE on raiding those con artist. I had them for about a year, they were WORTHLESS, Kept telling other companies that i was STILL a member there so i couldnt get lifeline anywhere else, just for spite. Was over a month WITHOUT a phone.
john says
i waa gonna sign up with these NON speaking english ppl in 2018 GLAD I DIDNT! looked at thier coverage map and they dont cover my area 🤣 SUCKS TO BE THEM!!
Andrew Carr says
How to complain about a link wireless in March 2021 they were offering a new 5 g cell phone and send in April 2021 they delays till July 2021 which was on their website then it send down to shipping delays of supplies chain issues then they decided to not live up to the April offer which they told their customers. Now they will not give the 5 g cell phone offer. I signed up in March. This is fraud I believe and false advertising.
Kenneth Krueger says
i got a new micro card delivered by amazon prime yesterday ,nov first twenty twenty one…seems they are still in business somehow…
i was in a text conversation about my handset which is the basic unit…it is four g compatable but their service said it is outdated
yet they still offer it for nineteen dollars
the rep said it is capable but offered me the sseventeen dollar one as an option…
Kenneth Krueger says
Kenneth Krueger says
my favorite part is how the feed keeps repeating the same complaints…one could literally scroll down forever…the 2nd fav is the responses that the lonely staffer gives.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Second favorite? We will not rest until we rise to the stop of the stack, Kenneth.
Kenneth Krueger says
nothing good is ever free,ask any whore…i’ve had the phone for 2 years no problems…guess the ride is over…only used it for the hotspot whenever my internet failed…lets face it folks its not like you actually used it to look for a job…pack up your lies and admit it..they still have landlines,cell phones are just modern toys…adults play with them.
Hally says
Get on your dinosaur and go home I’m an old fart tooBut even I know this is a necessary evil if you will. They got me for 20 bucks for a phone I will say barely works but the other day I woke up and it did not work at all and I was told that it was antiquated so I purchased the lower end phone which is not work through them sorry but does that work and before they were finished that transaction they took $10 for a free yeah I know free tablet that does not work. Granted the tower has been in my cabinet for months but when the phone was down I tried to set it up and I was unable to set it up past the screen. Now I’m worried because that was a transaction made through my bank because I thought Q Link was a trusted source do I need to watch my bank account now?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re a little confused, Hally. What is it you are watching your bank account for?
DCGuy says
Paying by way of a debit card or from providing your bank account information to a third party does expose that information for possible unauthorized use later. Some companies have used transaction information from other orders to be used against later charges for something else. This is why using a payment service like Paypal is better because your bank and credit/debit card information is not provided to the merchant for possible use in the future. Also third party websites have been hacked and customer’s information stolen for possible fraudulent use. Unfortunately when you provide any personal financial information online, you have to be constantly on the lookout for it being exposed and from unauthorized transactions.
J.S. Dykstra says
Really? Now they say they have never had hotspot and are going to add it in the future? I know it is BS because all of September I used it as a hotspot for my laptop! Figure someone realized it and shut off the capability.
Kenneth Krueger says
it clearly states…prepaid visa is an option…they told me i need a new handset because mine is outdated…i even recieved a new micro card…i’m gonna stick it in the phone and see what happens…i already purchased a prepaid visa and the sale of a new handset is denied.
i will find another service
this is not the first one either
qlinnk lied to me
not sure how they can guaranty the sale since the manufacturer of the phone say’s its out of stock and even amazon says it’s unavailable.
Harry C says
How can I find out if the 5G upgrade from QLink is legitimate? They are saying my phone is not compatible with the new Sim card coming out and I have to buy a new phone. Is this really true? or is it a scam for me to buy a new phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Based on the hundreds of reader comments below, we have no idea whether anything Q Link says can be trusted.
J.S. Dykstra says
The lady who runs out Boost store said people are mad about losing coverage now while they change/build towers. But to just wait and see how angry many will be to find out they will have to have or get a 5G capable phone for any service.
Nasty says
Oh lordy. Terrible customer service, terrible reception,took nearly a year to receive a tablet it does work. I know it’s free service but if doesn’t perform even basic phone functions it’s effectively worthless. Very aggravating and calling customer service is a joke English is clearly not the primary language of the representative so I Couldnt understand a word they were saying. I understand complaining about free phone service is rude but 0% of zero is still zero.
Andrew Karpinski says
I’ve been with Qlink probably close to 2 years now & haven’t had any issues. I’m also still locked into a seperate Verizon contract & have actually had more issues with Verizon as far as service than I’ve had with Qlink.. & in case you didn’t know, Verizon is NOT a cheap service provider (my switch from Metro PCS prepaid svc to a 2-year Verizon contract doubled my cost.. the old $50/month Metro bill I used to pay is now around $100 a month w/Verizon.. do your homework people!). As far as technology, I realize Qlink offers a free phone but I have never taken them up on that offer. I have always brought my own compatible devices, (they have a BYOP option) that I purchased used off EBAY, with far superior specs and performance than the free devices (as well as much better reviews, both user & professional). Right now I have an unlocked MOTO G Power (2020) connected to my QLink service and it’s been great with decent specs, bloatware & unnecessary apps are minimum to none, decent camera, and a killer 5000 MAH battery that’ll last a couple days on a full charge easy (and that’s with regular to heavy use, not just sitting there). I don’t have any complaints toward Qlink and I believe my positive experience is at least partially due to my having a decent device connected to their service rather than whatever budget device they may be offering for free. Like I said, no complaints so far. My advice tho.. BYOP !!! 🙂
Kenneth Krueger says
yawn…its called a paragraph(use enter to separate thoughts) i got ,was given the basic phone…it is useless due to the fact thaat android wants so upgrade and that killed it since it has no memory space for those upgrades…next fishing trip i’m gonna skip it on the pond and see how far it goes…
it constantly asks to be upgraded whenever someone calls me
what a joke.
Angela says
Angela says
Amber Smith says
I can NEVER get a signal,all calls are cut off early,phone acts like it’s possessed! I finally received my tablet after multiple calls and emails to the company. It didn’t work stays on qlink logo won’t go any father can’t even rebot or reset. BY FAR WORSE GOV. PHONE I HAVE EVER HAD!. NOW IM STUCK WITH NO WAY TO MAKE IR RECIEVE CALLS OR TEXTS. IM 56 DISABLED AND ALONE THIS IS TOTAL BS!!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Switch to a different company, Amber. You can make the switch at any time you want.
Karen S Millsap says
My so called cheating boyfriend has qlimk and is on a gov watch list please take care of this fat asshole give him what he has coming. (NAME AND CONTACT INFO DELETED). Appreciated ksm
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website, Karen. We have no affiliation with any government agencies, so we cannot “take care of this fat asshole and give him what he deserves.”
Valerie says
I just ordered and paid for a phone and sim card from qlink. When I get it and it doesn’t work qlink won’t be in business anymore better believe that. If all these comments are true then we shall see. I will not only sue them but will have them shut down. I know people and I have very high social media presence
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can hear them quaking in their boots, Valerie.
Andrew Karpinski says
Hey Karen S. I’m Andrew. I’m a QLINK customer & my private info is near & dear to me, as well as is transparency with any companies I do business with. If Qlink and/or the gov. is using these free phones and service they’re offering as a strategy to keep tabs on people and/or collect information w/o our knowledge or consent I’d sure like to know !! Please let me know more about this government watchlist you’re referring to if you have the time, it’d be much appreciated.. thanks! -AK, (EMAIL ADDRESS DELETED)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Andrew, but we cannot permit you to use your email address in a comment. You may be completely legit but for all we know you could also be a mass murderer or just a scammer. We have no way of verifying that your name is actually Andrew.
Val says
What the hell kind of comment is this?? Yall better pray the phone I just bought from qlink works. Or be ready to shut down
Free Government Cell Phones says
So you’re going to shut us down if your Q Link phone doesn’t work? Good luck with that, Val.
KS says
Took 8 months but the tablet finally came in AND it doesnt work. Just stays on the Qlink Wireless Android screen. Wont pass that screen, cant be hard reset. So i havent paid the $10 they said i needed to pay and won’t unless I get a tablet that actually works.
Wayne Gonnella says
I ordered a replacement phone and have had problems with it since day one I’ve tried to call the company but to no avail the battery doesn’t last nor does it work correctly the slitest bump makes it soft boot all the time but they said I’d have to purchase another phone .please get back to me if anything can be done to rectify my situation thank you.wanye gonnella
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you read any of the hundreds of comments below? It looks as if EVERYONE is having problems and no one knows how the FBI-IRS raid will work out in the court system.
I Warren says
I have had very bad service.i still using my AT&T phone my go qlink sad but true worthless and tablet 8 Specter also not even got to use it can’t get past start
KS says
Yours too? Mine is also stuck on the QLINK wireless connecting America powered by Android, screen. I cant hard reset it or nothing. Its just stuck. I havent paid for it since it doesn’t work. I wonder if they have it programmed to not turn on unless its paid? Hell if i know.
Ks says
Yours too? Mines stuck on the title screen, just says qlink wireless connecting america. I havent paid it since it doesn’t work so i wonder if they have it programmed to not start if its not paid. Amazon does that with their kindles… idfk..
Eshawa pettigrew says
My phone is being had been bugged
Free Government Cell Phones says
How do you know?
KS says
All our phones are bugged. Its called google and the NSA lol
Free Government Cell Phones says
Probably. And when you say “all” we assume you mean every single one of us on earth.
Susan says
I like Qlink and don’t necessarily believe all the bad press a out the cell phone company.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you read the hundreds of comments below from Q Link customers? Maybe you should, Susan.
DJ Dee says
It appears that I am not the only aggravated QLink Wireless user. I was not aware of the raid in June but am thrilled to see it – fine them BIG!!! I started requesting a different phone in 03/2021. I could not make calls using the initial phone I had finally received after 1 1/2 months of applying for it in 2020. When I was told I qualified for a tablet under the EBB program I waited for that to arrive as well. Error after error, excuse after excuse, & as of 10/19/2021 when told the tablet program expired & I now could pay $19.99 for a different phone I told “the QLink manager” to cancel my account. I will be anxious to see what happens to this VERY inept excuse of a company. Thank you for stepping in!
Beverly says
About 7 months ago got a call wanting to know if I wanted a new 5g smartphone, of course, I said yes. The 3g is too small to use all the time. Will send it right out. Called for months where is my phone and sims card? Would say with Covid-19 things are moving slower. Sorry for your inconvenience it is being shipped. Next time….sending it out right away…I kept saying for sure because this is what the last person said….yes sending priority. Nothing but frustrating excuses. They never let you speak to a supervisor nor management.
Nicole C Dean says
I have been in a waiting list for 7 months for a new 5g phone. They told me 4 times in 7 months that the phone was on its way. Just last week they told me after 7 months that I would not be getting it because they are no longer giving free phones. When I asked to speak to someone above him both men refused to let me speak to a superviser. One man said yes then turned around and said “how may I help you?” It was the same man!!.. Then he also refused to let me speak to a superviser.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t know about you, but we cannot wait to hear the next report from the FBI.
Andrew carr says
Qlink is a rip off I signed up in April 2021 for up grade of new 5 g phone from 3 g and now they saying the offer is not good. Excuses and excuses I want my five g phone
Andrew carr says
Hi I have had problems with qlink trying to get my five g phone saying the up grade is no longer good but I signed up when the program was good they are not living up to the offer which was in April 2021
Carol King says
I’ve been waiting since March and gotten multiple excuses about why it wasn’t here,even after getting emails saying that it was being processed. Now they said I can’t get one either! 😠
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should immediately enroll with a different company, Carol.
Patricia Zabala says
So what does that mean for people who have qlink, government program? I was hoping to change from them anyways but right now I still have it so I’m curious
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one yet knows what it may mean in the end for Q Link customers, Patricia. Will they be levied a fine so large that they decide to leave the Lifeline business? A fine so large it puts them out of business? A slap on the wrist that angers all their customers? No one knows until the Justice Department announces the proposed charges against the company. We hope for clarification soon for our readers’ sakes.
Edgar says
Yes hello My name is Edgar Ivan Garcia Sierra and i can till you im the one with the phone that i believe is or was Jesus Phone I believe it can control everything inthe world right now. Contact me please we also my family have been in danger and i believe are getting blamed for some of it we are good people always will be but alots been happing i believe around our home it started with me and now i believe its bringing my family into alot of bad stuff going around the world. I also need youra guya help and figuring out whats going on im the one going threw all this cause i believe this phone will i can say it is this phons that is going crazy.. I ve been trying to get help with all this but noone wanta to help me..!!! Theres things that i think people our taking from me cause of there going outta there way and scamming me over before i even know. Our town never have had this much different people but they came and are trying to take over.. Ontario Oregon my phone number is 458 224 **** my family and I are going threw shit cause people are or i believe aliens are taking over yes aliens i believe there here or something we dont know about is in our home and playing with ua like fools. Spirit alien i dont know. but please help thank you ********* is my email.
Free Government Cell Phones says
What planet are the aliens from, Edgar?
Justin says
I believe we can beat it together I have an alien special unit if it story adds up we might take ur case.
KS says
Are they anal probing aliens? Cuz if not im not coming to help 🤣🤣😂🍑
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yeah, those probing aliens are trouble. Stay away from them.
Kenneth Krueger says
little green men work for willy wonka…lay off the tequilla and the tv for a while…
john says
🤣🤣we already have the Aliens in the white house🤣 there buddy. he takes his Joe biden mask off everynight before he hangs upside down🤣
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hey, hey, hey. Let’s not turn the comments section into a political argument.
Vanessa says
Planet India.
Jesse Bradford says
Not only did I pay for a phone that I never received they stated that I needed to get verification from my bank which I don’t know why when it’s charged my card then let’s see it come I never got the I got a SIM card in the mail and in a huge box that then let’s see it come I never got the I got a SIM card in the mail and a giant box that you could have fit probably 50000 SIM cards in made no sense whatsoever call every day asking to be shifted be shipped and never got shipped plus I was promised a tablet which I never received but I was charged it said something about $10 on it but I keep get a text message but I dropped their services I never received my 1999 for the phone or the tablet the customer service was ridiculous I’ve never been violated that bad in my life by the government
Angelique Travis says
I was promised a new 5G cell phone almost a year ago and now the customer service agent named Clinton from India says I don’t get one after all that promotion is over even though I’ve been promised one for almost a year. He started yelling at me over the phone and I’m the customer. He is up to no good!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damn that Clinton.
Sara says
I ordered a phone for 70 bucks after i was approved for a sims card to put in a phone, of course I purchased the phone from q link. After several months and being on hold for 8 hpurs to speak with a rep, i finally got a hold of someone. I said i want to be unapproved! Cancel my account, refund my money for my phone i never receive! He agreed, said it would be on my card in 3 to 4 days , that was almost 6 months ago. Never got a refund
Free Government Cell Phones says
Has it been charged to your credit card? If so, call the credit card company’s customer service team and tell them you want to dispute the charge.
Henry says
According to the FTC, you should receive shipping information within 30 days of the transaction. If not, then you can dispute it. Most bank credit card companies allow you to dispute a transaction by 60 days after the statement where the charge appeared. You should NEVER wait for a response from the merchant even if they say they will issue a refund. The rules to dispute a transaction are part of the agreement when you opened the credit account. 1/2 year is too long to wait for a refund. You should have requested a charge back credit request by 60 days after the account statement was sent to you.
I had a similar situation with Cintex wireless regarding ordering a phone that was never sent. I disputed the amount before the credit account monthly payment was due and well before the 60 day deadline to file a dispute. The bank issued a conditional credit pending a response from the merchant for a period of 60 days. I have seen no update to my dispute report on the bank website and it is over 60 days now, so I expect the refund credit to be final.
Henry says
Note that the 60 day reporting period is part of the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) to protect credit card users. If your payment was done by a debit card, the FCBA rules do not apply and you may be on the hook for the loss. You need to contact the bank if your payment was through a debit card or if it is beyond 60 days if a credit card was used. If the payment was by check or money order, contact the issuer of the payment.
Renee Allen says
I am a Qlink customer and havent really had service and even paid for a new noika phone. Whays going on? I did recieve a tablet after buying a new phone from them. It said was free. I havent been billed for it.
Henry says
QLink sends bill invoices later after sending the tablet. You can get the tablet for free if you can earn credits on your account. I am not a member so do not know how to earn credits for the account.
Patricia A Sampson says
If tablets are free why is Qlink asking me for 10 dollars?
Henry says
Who said the EBB tablet is free? On Q. The EBBLink’s website, it says that a NEW tablet will be offered.. The EBB program rules state that a copay is required for the device.
Ks says
Idk but dont pay it cuz they dont work. Mine wont turn on further than the damn title screen. Just says qlink wireless android and wont actually load all the way. Pissing me off
bill bailey says
They sent me an invoice for payment before I got the tablet I didn’t order!
My phone answers sometimes ((1 in 10) -haven’t open the box they say
the tablet is in–I’ve been trying for a RA # to return it–just get endless transfers
I got a live person once but connection was terrible with loud echo’s and an operator
telling me my phone was the problem not his end of the line–impossible to have a conversation-I terminated the call–further attempts, I couldn’t get thru
My hunch is this sounds familiar to other callers! just awful customer service-AT LEAST
Shontel Mendoza says
Same exact issue! But when i talked to a live agent they told me i would have to pay for the return. I said, im not paying for something i didn’t order! And threatened to report to fcc and hung up. They called back and said they would do me a favor and pay for the shipping and return of the tablet and that y would send me an email with the information. But on the email it stated, that i was requesting a replacement tablet and what i should do with the current one. (Reset it etc.) I didnt even open it. I told them that! I was on the regular Lifeline program for wireless phone data etc. Plan. Now i have been enrolled without my consent into the EBB bundle plan and dont still have to use wifi on my cellphone to have it working half the time, and I received a email and texts stating im out of data and That my bill is overdue!!! I still have the tablet packaged ready to be sent, when they correct the false email statements. But its been a month and nothing from them. I have had problems with their fraudulent service since March and have made plenty of complaints to the FCC. Nothing has changed. Disappointed! Im trying to change carriers but none offers just lifeline anymore its only EBB. And apart from bad service i was force to buy an unlocked phone just to be a le to get any service at all working to wifi and calls. And rhis phone isnt compatible on many other networks supposedly. So i wasted money buying it basically and will have to purchase another one to be able to switch companies. Qlink is at fault and they shouldn’t still be in business.
Darlenna Drake says
When I got my phone the ONLY thing that worked was “sometimes” internet & few phone calls. Never texted because the letters were to the left of the keys. I called the company & was told to take out the battery. My phone didn’t have a battery! I took it to 5 different phone stores & was told “that phone doesn’t open”. They said they are going to send a new phone but of course it never came. They falsely send me emails saying, “Your phone will arrive in days,” “here is your tracking number” then to THE MANY “hope you enjoy your new phone” which never came. They send out fraud emails to protect their asses as to let authorities to believe they DO send out new phones. Over a year & I STILL never got another phone. Yet I get emails & texts on my other phone praising themselves for taking care of me! Then I get email saying they will send the NEW TABLET I requested. I NEVER requested a tablet. Then again the many emails & txts with the same BS that it is on the way following the many emails & txts asking me if I enjoy the tablet that I didn’t receive. After 8 months I got a table that I didn’t order & it came with no charger & used another charger but it didn’t work! DEAD TABLET! Then they wanted me to send them 10.00 for “government reasons” ! Which I didn’t pay & won’t.
Vanessa says
If you read all of your emails, you will notice most of them have different enrollment numbers…..that don’t print out when you print the email…and their different Migration stuff on the bottom of the blue EBB ever changing policy tells them where they’re Actually sending the phones, and don’t even get me Started on the fact that now they’re Laughing at us…thinking that they’re getting away with it.
…Because so far, they Have been.
They are screwing me over Again literally Today!!!
Linda Hayden says
Qlink link has been receiving 50.00 each month for total free service to participants and charging them 25.00 a month! Which is what happened to me! Evan after requesting them to stop charging me each month and a refund for past months the still are continuing to charge me!
Had to file a dispute with my credit card company. Its now in investigation mode, however as of now, I still have October’s pending charge from them on my statement! Ug, have to wait to dispute it till its posted.
Taking advantage of elderly individuals on low income is so wrong! And as of right now… no customer service operators are available!
I only get 210 a week! I really could have used that extra 25.00 a month!
Philip Pogue says
Got free tablet from QlinkWireless in June, but was suppose to get free smartphone & sims card also,said it would be delivered today on June 30th got nothing and tracking # said# could not be found. Got bill for tablet $10.01 for my tablet for my copay sent check July 14th, they have never cashed, on phone they said they got it monogramed, what does that mean? Then they said they don’t take checks, it came with return recent bill to mail check or go online and pay, makes no sense,So why haven’t they cashed check and send phone when I put in to get free smartphone all they said was verify address in March and I’ve never received it, then they say it will ship soon, now they say promotion is over but I could buy one! Suppose to be a free gov. Phone co. And this was not a promotion but to replace my old flip phone for they are going to 5G.Something mighty funny going on here!Especially when they go to asking for your income, drivers license, & social security # This you should never have to!Sounds mighty crooked and were did my new phone go.
Mark Frost says
In Washington state we are also experiencing the qlink fraud. But no one has looked into it yet. Tablets have never been sent although qlink records state they have. Qlink terms say free unlimited although they send no sms texts or pictures through to their destinations. And texts arriving from 5 character numbers such as medical appointment verifications and online medical records never send through to their destinations either. Many more options also not being provided. Who can I contact about this? From a very unhappy qlink member who has been decided by qlink during this covid pandemic. Mark frost 253 988-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
State officials may not have looked into it yet, Mark, but the FBI, IRS and USPS are all federal agencies and they are surely investigating all states.
Tina says
Keep me updated, my service provider turned off my data, played games, hung up on me, and after I left message that I was going to blast them out was my data returned!
Jim Brice says
I am in Washington state and got a tablet a couple months ago. I just found out about this co-pay crap just now. Not once was I told there’d be a co-pay that I can recall.
Judith Carr says
Question: if we did not read this article and applied online for a phone, been denied for whatever reason by the verification company, where did my personal information go? Who has my personal information with my name, Social Security, address, etc.? Should I put a fraud alert on my credit report?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Lots of people apply for things that they don’t qualify for, Judith. Under normal circumstances we’d say you have nothing to worry about but considering that this is Q Link and all the problems readers report below, we just don’t know.
Philip Pogue says
Been with QLink since 2016, in March got email saying going to 5G just confirm my address and they would send new smartphone with simscard& tablet, got email in June saying phone coming today, never did receive phone but got tablet. Kept calling and they say phone is awaiting shipment,now they tell me that promotion is over I would have to buy a phone, something’s funny here, because I confirmed address in March, sent Papers to national qualifier, got approved and never did get phone and they shutoff my old flip phone in July. There a phony,lying,joke.So don’t know what happened to my phone I was suppose too get in June, now I have no phone at all.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Solve your problems and just enroll with a different company, Philip. You can change any time you want.
Casey Reeve says
I just put a complaint through prior to seeing this. Something isn’t right with this business. I’ve called them so many times and was only able to talk to a live person one time. She wouldn’t even listen to what I was saying so I ended up letting her go. Dealing with them for months and sent messages multiple times. No call back ever and was told my phone was delivered when I had been literally sitting outside all day. With a witness who could say the same.Then I was given a tablet. Never asked for that. So I tried again to get a hold of them and nothing still so I complained today. WOW
Cory says
By “port out” the phone number you’re referring to basically keeping that phone number and being able to transfer to a different company under the same phone number and not be acculink member kind of like the bring your own phone plan with straight talk and all the other companies where you can keep your phone number and switch companies correct?? Thank you for any response much appreciated
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can keep your number by requesting that it be “ported over.”
Sandy says
When bringing your own phone, it must be unlocked and compatible with the service provider’s network. My Q Link phone was locked and obsolete, so I purchased a newer, refurbished, unlocked phone and transferred to a different company (not Lifeline).
Andrew Karpinski says
Qlink offers a free phone but I have never taken them up on that offer. I have always brought my own unlocked compatible devices, (they have a BYOP option) that I purchase used off EBAY, with far superior specs and performance than any free devices (as well as much better reviews, both user & professional). Right now I have an unlocked MOTO G Power (2020) connected to my QLink service and it’s been great with decent specs, bloatware & unnecessary apps are minimum to none, decent camera, and a killer 5000 MAH battery that’ll last a couple days on a full charge easy (and that’s with regular to heavy use, not just sitting there). I don’t have any complaints toward Qlink and I believe my positive experience is at least partially due to my having a decent device connected to their service rather than whatever budget device they may be offering for free. Like I said, no complaints so far. My advice.. BYOP!!!
Nancy Roos says
I have recieved my “free” tablet from Q Link. It’s not the best but it’s not the worst either….I’ve been informed by them (QLink) that I need to send to Q Link, a co-payment of $10.01 as my EBB Tablet “co-payment.” I have no problem paying it, just want to make sure this is part of the agreementr. Thanks for helping!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the comments below, Nancy.
Omera Jones says
I had a government phone from QLINK, but the phone stopped working in April, I let them know, I have been calling them from April up to this month September,they kept telling that the replacement phone was being shipped, but as of today September 30,2021 when I called them I couldn’t even understand what the person was saying, I was told that their warehouse was down that’s why they haven’t sent the phone, but I will get the replacement phone this month,by FedEx, and I will get a tracking number
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please let us know what happens, Omera.
Sandy says
You can ditch Q Link and port out your phone number while the account is still active. The new service provider will need your Q Link account number (your enrollment ID) and PIN, which is the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. Your Q Link account automatically closes after you port out your phone number.
Diana Johnson says
I too am having problems with my phone. When you call customer service, the connection is not good and I have a hard time understanding what the man is saying. I was promised another phone on August 23, 2021. As of today, September 28,2021, I have not received my phone. Seems they have a problem keeping their word!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
A lot of other customers have left comments (below) that agree with you, Diana.
Denise C. Melnick says
Thanks folks for the info! Two years ago I signed up with Q-Link on the Free Government Cell Phone program for the poor at the urging of my friends, doctors and neighbors because I have soem health issues. I have had 2 phones from Q Link: The fiirst lasted 9 months; the 2nd got me through much of the pandemic before it died a slow death on life support [i.e. the charger]. I have been offered a free phone with SIM card and a tablet neither of which arrived. Promises made but obviously never intended to be kept. I was about to order a third phone, but saw your article about the investigation. No way now. They can shut off my service and keep their phone and tablet I’ll start searching for a more reliable carrier through the Better Business Bureau.
Rhonda Foggie says
I’ve had the same problems as what you speak of. Every phone I have had ran hot and batteries. I’ve informed there tech team so much but the response have anything to do with my issues. I have to talk on speaker cause the phone gets hot. The phone always dying quick. And when out in public the phone doesn’t cooperate and drop calls always saying no internet services 🙄. Then I applied for the tablet which I never received but in my login it says it was delivered in June,?? But I didn’t get a invoice stating where it could have been. Of course I emailed them and said I never received a tablet but it stated I did, and I said if I received it, then they would have proof of if the tablet was being used. Again not the right answer 😒. I’ve opt in for the ebb tablet so many times 😫. Signed confused,
Jamie says
I have been waiting for my replacement phone since October 2020 and keep getting the run around, but I was getting a usage statement each month and minutes were being used more of them each month and texts. This month alone 104 talk minutes were used and 18 texts and like I said I haven’t had my phone for 11 months now.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Clearly time for you to move to another company, Jamie. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
And here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
The Frugal Fukk says
QLink provides 4G-LTE/5G coverage, I can attest to that..Customer service is non-existent, their phones are junk and their account management website leaves much to be desired. But if you have your own compatible phone and just need service you’re in luck. I know of no other carrier that allots unlimited data, talk, text and hotspot for free, to eligible Lifeline subscribers. I used almost 200 GB hotspot last month alone. I have a wireless router connected to my QLink phone tunneling broadband data all through my home. I can’t complain about QLink.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nice to see that someone is happy with Q Link.
Lookout Lou says
Sounds to me like you guys in the comments are being scammed. I would get a new service and number. I know it’s not what you want to hear and who the hell can pay for something not prepared for but it’s essentially the only way you can try and protect your data.
Ree says
This place is worthless and they play games with peoples stuff. Hard to understand them. Never received my free replacement phone and I ordered it in May. This place is a JOKE and they are scammers no wonderful they are under investigation.
Ree says
This place is fishy and something ain’t right. The people barely speak English so it’s hard to understand them. I’ve been waiting on my free replacement phone since may 12th and never got it. They say it’s processing still that’s sounds like some BS. They sent me a free table in August that don’t work so it’s worthless. My question is how did I get a free tablet before my phone. They are trained to say the same stuff each time I call. “They are working hard on getting my phone shipped to me”. I read in these comments that they are under investigation. I learned some new then. These people seem like they are scammers and I don’t trust them. I get text message after text message saying click the link for free tablet and sims card. I just ignore it because they already sent me a tablet. They need to stay under investigation for as long as they are in business. It’s annoying that they can’t give a date when my phone will be shipped out. I’m sick of these people says
Same thing for me pretty much except now I receive weekly emails from them along with being notified on their site that I owe them 10 bucks for the tablet. First off they never mentioned this until after I got it, says the govt paid $100 and I’m required to pay $10. Now it’s acting like my service will be lost if I don’t pay. I emailed them a few times telling I already sold the POS and struggled to get 10 out of it. What a great use of tax dollers, send poor people tablets that are worthless china junk and then try and make them pay for it. If I can’t afford a phone or service how can I pay for that?My sister got one and haven’t mention damn thing about payment. No answer on that email telling them to have a nice game of hide and go f**k themselves. Pardon my language. Seriously though. Wtf stop sending me emails and text asking me if I want to sign up and get a free tablet at the same time. Unbelievable. I could go on, I’ll spare you.the venting felt nice. ✌️
ShinobiHyperboli says
Hide & Go Fu©k Themselves….NAILED IT🙌
Toni Frosch says
I kept getting notices to opt in to get my free tablet a few times I’ve never received one I’ve been trying for quite some time now and I would call Q Link and could not get a straight answer or no help
Diana says
I received a tablet but it doesn’t work & they won’t do anything about it!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read some of the comments below. It won’t get you a different tablet, but it will show you that you’re not in this alone.
Ivy white says
Me tooo….useless tablet
Rhonda Nelson says
I tried cancelling my service since I had went with another company after reading about this. They tried everything they could to get me to stay. Even went so far as to tell me that they couldn’t cancel service since I still owed on the free tablet. I flat out told them I wasn’t paying for something that the government had already paid for and I did not want to be associated with someone under federal investigation.
joshua lard says
There trying to get me to pay them for a free tablet that my government already paid for…
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t pay. Enroll with a different company.
Jon says
I have been trying to get my cellphone replaced for over 7 months. Every time I call them I’m on hold for over 30 minutes and then it is a nightmare talking to them. It the same story, we are having problems getting our phones and your name is on our list and when we get to yours we will let you know. But you have to keep using your phone so you don’t lose your service. When You tell them that the battery gets so hot you can’t hold it after a minute of using it, plus the battier has swollen so much the case will not stay on, but that does not matter. Just keep using it is all we can say to do at this time until we can get you a new one. To top this off they just sent me this new tablet, what a peace of junk. It will not connect to my Wi-Fi and when you go into the settings it locks up. Have done factory reset 4 times and it seems like it is getting worse every time. Anyone want a boom a rang you can try it once can’t say it will work. If any one it thinking about joining QLink wireless, DON’T DON’T you can find any one better.
Jeremy says
Mine did the same thing,once first of month came my internet just stopped,once I called that said have to wait to get new sim card for it to work,I asked y would you turn it off before I received the new card and she just ignored my question.then said I have a new phone coming with new card.i never even asked for new phone even tho I need one cause mine is broke, anyway I just tried to go on internet yesterday and it work again.SO WEIRD IM THINKING ,now I read all this stuff that they got raided.I was wondering what’s been going on cause I ordered the new tablet and sim card 2 months ago and still haven’t got it,once I told her on the phone she got very rude withe saying sir it doesn’t take that long to receive it,well no shit that’s y I’m telling you this duh.anywaysnow I know y I haven’t got it cause this crap that’s been going on.
Holly Martin says
I just got activated with Qlink Wireless for free phone service want the ebb also but with the raid what do we do
Free Government Cell Phones says
We would be personally against enrolling with Q Link at this time just based on the overwhelmingly negative responses from our readers.
Eric Mc. says
Question I just received a SIM Package through QLink Lifeline here in Iowa about a month ago, never received a phone or anything even though they said I qualified for everything even the EBB, am curious as to what I should do now? Please and thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to customer service about it? That should be your first step.
Holly Martin says
So should I switch companies
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s entirely up to you, Holly.
Kathy Martell says
My QLINKS phone stopped letting me connect to the internet months ago following the release of the new sim card. Fixes didn’t work to reset. Two days ago it began working correctly. Emails to support were acknowledged but went unanswered. Wait time via phone was over an hour then support wiuld be disconnected.
Renee Allen says
Same here, I called 3x and never got problem fixed.
Laura says
I just signed up with Q-link for my emergency broadband benefit. I had to give them my social security number. What can I do now to save myself from being scammed?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not believe there’s any evidence or accusations that the company is doing anything illegal with social security numbers, Laura. Let’s just see if you phone as promised.
Teshara Simon says
About Time!!
Frankie Eldridge says
My phone doesn’t access the internet at all it’ says no connection. So how can my usage statement say it’s being used one day 20 thousand GB? when I first got it some one else’s information and photos and apps were on it. They said I was lying. I would love to make this public I have so much to prove that they’re doing to people and the govt.
Chad Kelsall says
I seitch to qlink from assurance wireless and qlink is way better.
Frankie Eldridge says
How can I get a phone provider investagated? Been dealing with this issue almost a yr now. Finally thought I would receive what I paid them for but absolutely nothing except scammed.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you talking about Q Link or a different service provider?
Greg says
Can someone tell me if I am able to cancel qlink and get service else where??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can switch service providers at any time you want, Greg. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
And here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans in your state:
Leeann Thivierge says
I was supposedly approved back in March and was never sent anything until august. Then the SIM card wouldn’t work, never got any free phone service, said I had no min/data remaining when I never used any and then said my lifeline ebb had expired when it never was even applied to my internet bill. I never received a tablet and when I tried to opt in to claim one, the page was blank! I must’ve sent qlink at least 50-60 emails that went unanswered, phone calls that were dropped or disconnected, . It was all one huge frustration and discouraging letdown at a time I could’ve really used a little help!!!
Marie Covalt says
I am a q-link customer, so far they have been good, except for lately… q-link is supposed to be sending me an upgraded replacement phone and sim card. I’ve never received either and I’ve called them at least eight times. The representatives I have spoken to all say the same thing. “oh, it’s being processed, oh it’s been sent to the mailing center, just be patient and what for an email.” But this has gone one for two months. I guess I need to give up on them and look for another company.
Jill keeley says
Husband got the same, paid $25 for a replacement phone, outdated phone. Said he couldn’t use it without a sim card, the was older, no place for a sims.
jessica michelle espinoza says
same with me but now they are trying to send me a tablet ? i dont need a tablet i need a phone
Jen says
I was w/o a phone 4 a YEAR cuz they kept saying I already HAD 1! Then they sed I wud get a SIM card. To my surprise, I got th JUNK fone, ZTE, SO SLOW frm all the CRAP they installed on it, I keep disabling them, they keep putting ’em BACK ON. Haf th time I CAN’T answer an incoming call, txt or do ANYTHNG w it! Missed Dr. calls, & Urgent care etc. I’m on disability w many health issues. What if I had to call 911 but CUDNT!! Also promised a FREE tablet to arrive in May/June, NVR rec. it. They tried several times to get money out of me. Go w SAFELINK!
Sarah R.C. says
These phones are garbage and the service is weird. I just use mine to make calls and for text, but sometimes it randomly just won’t call or receive calls. And it’s impossible to actually get real customer support.
Tricia says
Is this gonna effect our phone service?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one knows what the future holds, Tricia, but as you can see from the comments below, it has already impacted service for lots of Q Link customers.
Ron says
I’ve been continually reporting them to the FCC they promised high speed internet and give you less than 1 Mbps. They cut you off after you use 20 GB. It is high speed the first couple of days of the month and it’s down to less than 1 Mbps. Their customer support is useless they’re only there to get you angry so that you hang up. Countless calls hours of whole time resolved nothing. I really hope and pray that arrests are made. They should be held accountable for their useless cell phone service.
terry says
I order a phone that got lost and they did not send a working phone bosom card or nothing it coast me 28.00 for a phone that does not work and they said I would get a free tablet I have never got the are. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME AND a lot OF people I hope they pay for what they do a tome and everyone else
where is my free tablet it’s a shame took my money for a phone that does not work shame on u nail them to the wall
terry says
I order a phone that got lost and they did not send a working phone bosom card or nothing it coast me 28.00 for a phone that does not work and they said I would get a free tablet I have never got the are. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME AND a lot OF people I hope they pay for what they do a tome and everyone else
They’re liars. They promised Free government paid service. My internet doesn’t work and customer service is cruel. There’s been a couple that’s tried to be helpful. However, when it seems fixed, it doesn’t stay fixed. The free tablet looks like it’s a joke, too. I wanted to be able to pay of my bills. Being on SS, this is such a cruel lie. It doesn’t help me and they’re always telling me the prices, when it’s promised Free. Ughhhhh. Scammer scammer.
Joe says
Qlink Wireless is failing to implement effective policies and procedures to ensure the eligibility of the subscribers for whom Qlink wireless requested reimbursement for Lifeline discounts, as required by Lifeline rules.
They knowingly submitted false claims for federal payments by seeking reimbursement for consumers who did not meet Lifeline eligibility requirements.
Teresa L Foster says
I was supposed to have gotten a free upgraded phone for free due to qlink switching over to t mobile. I have never received my phone or sim card and today I received my tablet but it is a joke! It’s not new it’s been refurbished it keeps telling me my ui system is not working ect ect. I’m on SSI this phone is the only way I have to communicate and it’s so old I can’t get internet or call out half the time! I should of stayed with SafeLink.
Cherrie says
Oh n not to mention 2 years ago I never finished the application on the phone. Months later I get theses emails about my free phone service. Year goes by and I call them to tell them I don’t have the phone and It never came. I never finished the application so how did this all happened. They told me I would have to pay $30 for the sim card that I never got. I get messages to another name and calls with another name. I knew something was up. So here I am with a crappy tablet.
Cherrie says
I just got my tablet that they told me since may. I get it with it not even worrying correctly. No signal and no sim for it. I called them the other day and I get an Indian that don’t understand what I am saying. He kept saying I can use the sim card that they have me for my phone to use in tablet. Like what is the point of that then. It took me forever to talk to someone that I just hung up on anyway.
Marie Covalt says
Hi Cherry, I’ve had the same problem with speaking with foreigners that can’t understand me and I can’t understand them! So I understand what you went through. Marie
Henry says
Most tablets do not have a slot for a SIM card. They often access the internet by way of over the air WiFi or a WiFI hotspot device. Most smart phones can operate like a hotspot device to allow other devices to connect to the Internet. They refer to this procedure as “tethering”.
Totally not surprising Qlink has done shady business for years and it’s about time that someone caught up with them.
Brooke says
I was sent a faulty sim card I couldn’t even get to work so I quit using the phone. I tried to contact them multiple times and the number kept saying I needed to call from a different phone, which I was, so I knew it was a scam. I haven’t been able to use it since, yet they keep sending me emails like I’m still using it. I was also billed for a tablet I never ordered or received. This company is a complete scam.
Sandy says
On March 6th, Q Link’s email said: “Your FREE plan is moving to a new 5G network. And we’re sending you a new smartphone and SIM Card at NO COST.” Q Link has sent nothing except a “FREE tablet” for which I got billed $10.01. I have a Chromebook and don’t need a tablet. No way in hell am I paying them one red cent.
Henry says
The EBB program rules stipulate that any device (laptop, desktop, or tablet) obtained from registering to the program requires a copay between $10.01 to $49.99 per device sold from the participant. If you did not choose to get the device, I would mail it back.
Sandy says
I disagree. Scammed customers shouldn’t waste their limited resources to send the tablet back. Instead, Q Link should provide a prepaid return shipping label. But Q Link has told some disgruntled customers to keep the tablet, and that they don’t have to pay for it—according to reviews on Trustpilot and YouTube.
Henry says
I omitted the additional comment about mailing it back to say that they needed to cover the cost of the return postage.
John says
That’s not what qlink said. It says that you have to use your new sim card to get the $10.01 charge removed. I read all the stuff they’ve sent me and it specifically says that to get the tablet free you use your new sim card. I haven’t got my new cellphone or sim card. Just the tablet that locks up and freezes watching YouTube videos or doing anything on Google chrome ends up saying the original page uses too much memory. I’ve been thru a lot with their “customer service.” It’s more like nightmare from Florida street. They never email me back even when my phone doesn’t work. My cellphone never gets much service and I can rarely make calls anymore. I still want my new phone so I can try out the new 5g
Jeff Kern says
Anyone had this problem and resolved it please tell me how!!
PROBLEM: March 6th all signed up to get Free Upgraded new phone-STILL NOTHING SHIPPED!
May 10TH all opted in signed up FREE TABLET— STILL NOTHING shipped
SO…ANYONE find soluion what to say to customers service to get moving forward or Resolve the Problem??Please reply back…
BTW about April 8th got message to verify address for shipping and I have been stuck in the ready for shipping wait to recieve tracking number next when it’s on its way.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Anyone have any answers for Jeff?
SaNdy says
I just received my tablet last week since April, still waiting on the phone
Michael Schmidt says
These people are crook’s. I’ve been waiting for a month for their so called new 5G phone & Tablet. More lier’s.
Sandy says
Q Link has historically provided service on the Sprint (CDMA) network. T-Mobile acquired Sprint and plans on shutting down Sprint cellular towers, which means customers who use phones that access the old Sprint network will no longer receive service. You’ll need to switch to a new SIM card before the tower shutdown in January 2022. And you’ll need a GSM phone that’s compatible with the new network.
Self-destructive Q Link is failing to carry out promises of upgraded phones and SIM cards. Good riddance. I switched to Tello Mobile (flexible plans starting at $5 per month).
Frankie Eldridge says
I did the byop because I waited 4 months for my replacement phone I purchased. But after that the phone I was bringing suddenly has a new number and it receives incoming but nothing else and it’s locked into qlink I just got that phone brand new A20 . Also my hotspot password keeps changing .
Debra L Anderson says
I took feel scammed by q link for the past month I w as told that i was reci ed bing s pho nbn e they i never have and they seem not to wan th to take ed responsibility because after making a USPS claim they state they ate mo responsible for the phone that I am leaving from w link waz no insured when nailed now in tucked out of 159 dollar phone and contract for the next six months I’m sorry I ever fuvked with them.
Randy Anthony says
I have been trying for almost four Months to get my New replacement Phone and Tablet.I just now received the Tablet.I still am waiting for the new phone and I’m Disabled and really need it for would think that Qlink would Care about our Nations Elderly way better than what they do.Very poor Services as I have called them More than twenty time’s I’m Four Months.
Christina says
I agree I got there tablet also and still no phone since January I believe. The tablet I had to pay a $10 fee, that’s all. Should that have not happened?? Be nice to know to go somewhere else then because I need a phone. If any update let me know on this, thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There has been no update to this story. We check every day and will let our readers know as soon as news is released.
Randy says
They had me pay for a phone and sim card, when I got it they would not activate it ,when they finally did none of it worked. Guessed they got me also!
Bennie says
I was told the tablet from QLink would be provided with internet capabilities and as of yet it has no service. Tech support said use the sim card they sent for my phone however there’s nowhere to insert the sim card in the tablet. Is there anyway to have internet service added to my tablet cause I desperately need it for school
Toni Marie Wright says
Q Link will not let you go will not release you of being in their program so that way you cannot hook on with another government phone company they make it so you have to stay with them and pay for another phone cornering the market keeping you there so you have no choice but to buy a phone from them because they won’t release you so you can get a government phone from a decent phone company. Q Link is crooked!!!
Frankie Eldridge says
I did the byop because I waited 4 months for my replacement phone I purchased. But after that the phone I was bringing suddenly has a new number and it receives incoming but nothing else and it’s locked into qlink I just got that phone brand new A20 . Also my hotspot password keeps changing .
Toni Marie Wrightt says
My q Link phone broke about 5 months ago and I purchased a replacement phone in May and still have not received it.
Daniel McClelland says
Can I drop Q link and port my current phone number to any other service provider without having to deal with Q links agents?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do it:
Eric obie says
Cheap,hardly works can’t get internet ,they never sent new sim, it looks like the tablet they let you use on air planes the government hot ripped off in this one cause pretty much all of the companies are doing the same thing getting these from another country for 50 cent a piece and selling the for a hundred.
Jmarie says
I received the Scepter 8 android 11 GO tablet and an invoice to send $10.01 to qlink within 30 days. The invoice showed that the value of this tablet was $110 and the EBB discount applied was $99. I found the tablet on Amazon and the value that Qlink is claiming for this tablet is totally false. At most it is worth $30 or $40. This is a scam using the federal government subsidy program. I filed a complaint with the government fraud accountability office – and I encourage everyone else who was invoiced for this sub standard tablet to do the same.
Beverly says
I’m not sure in your specific case, but electronics, such as phones & tvs are usually measured diagonally, which makes the measurement bigger than measuring straight from top to bottom. On my phone it’s about an inch difference.
Also, I gave an answer about your money question down below after Henry answered. By mistake.
Jill says
I bought a 109$ phone from qlink I have unlimited data but have had no data since I purchased the phone 8 months ago I’ve talked to them several times and none can fix it or knows why my husband’s unemployment info was taken from them and someone broke into his account and tried to have his benefits sent to their accounts luckily I caught it the first week so we are out 800$ there as well
Polly says
I always thought that there was something shady about that company. They were always trying to charge me for a service and phone that was supposed to be free. I quickly cancelled my phone service through them and now I’m not very trustworthy of any of the other ones that are out there offering a free phone and service.
Willie Sutherland says
I’ve been waiting since May of 2021 for my free tablet from Q-Lunk Wireless. Called them on July 9th & Aug. 23. All I get is a bunch of double talk from the operator. What’s really going on?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No one really knows what’s going on at this point, Willie. We’re all waiting to get an update from the FBI and/or IRS.
Eric o says
The tablets are crappy they dont work well they said I would get a new sim card never got it , it’s a paper.weight.
Randy Anthony says
Y’all are full of crap too.You know exactly what’s going on because you work there, People always talk at work so don’t even go there.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez, Randy, are you really this freakin’ stupid? This is an independent informational website that has absolutely ZERO connection to any of the free government cell phone companies. Get that through your incredibly thick skull.
Polly says
I never received my free tablet either I’ve been waiting since around mid March for that. They’re probably looking for a way to charge people for that too.
Jill says
I just got my tablet yesterday I waited almost a year 11 months
Charles Hoadley says
And another thing:
What do I do if these people are crooks, and shut down.
I’m dis-abled and need a phone but can’t aford to pay for service.
I’m very worried now after reading som of these comments.
Henry says
It is logical to be concerned if the service provider shuts down and you are left “out in the cold”. The program allows you to transfer the service to another provider when the previous one closes shop. This has occurred several times in the past with other Lifeline providers who shut down unexpectedly. It is annoying when this happens, and it is up to you to find a replacement provider. I do not think that they will automatically move to another provider and you will have to reapply on your own. You should receive a notice if the service is cut off and be provided instructions about reapplying with another company. The process may be similar to Medicare Advantage Plans that get cancelled and forces the enrollees to find substitute coverage like Medigap or another Medicare Advantage Plan within 60 days of getting disenrolled.
“You may have the right to buy certain Medigap policies within 63 days after your plan coverage ends.”
Polly says
Cintex wireless is supposed to be free talk, free text, and free mobile web for anyone who qualifies. You’re disabled so you will qualify.
Charles Hoadley says
I just recieved a new Android tablet from Qlink.
I had told them I did not want one and do not send it to me.
They did so anyway, with a $10.00 invoice.
I have no need for it and told them that. I recieve free monthly cell-phone usage from them and that is enough.
Just thought I would respond.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How are they billing you for the tablet? If it’s by credit card, immediately dispute the charge with your credit card company. If you do not want the tablet, send it back FedEx or USPS so that they are required to sign for it (just so you have proof that it arrived).
We have no idea how this whole fiasco will play out, but it seems reasonable to us for someone in your situation to enroll in a different plan with a different company. You are not bound to Q Link and can switch your service at any time.
Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch. It’s a pretty simple process:
shannon says
I was sent 2 sim cards and none of them worked still haven’t used it 5 months now.
Jill says
Same thing I haven’t had data since I got the new card they replaced it 3 times still don’t have it
Jennifer says
I told them 3 years ago my phone was stolen and quick refuses to disconnect the line so I can get a new one. Who do I contact to report them? They let a theif use My benefits for 3 years now and I watch others get new phones in 2 days. Please help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The Q Link situation is beyond anyone’s ability to help, Jennifer. That’s why the FBI, IRS, and USPS are involved.
Rob says
They are charging me 10 dollar co pay for a tablet that doesnt work..
I never agreed to pay anything and they said the government wants the 10 dollar co pay.
They never are-availabke for technical issues with these phones.
I dont want to pay 10 dollars for a broken tablet I did not agree to pay
Henry says
Many of the EBB providers are making the assumption that all of their participants will opt into the EBB program, so they send you the tablet device by default. The program only allows one device discount per enrollee and once when a company sends you the device, you cannot transfer the benefit to another company to get a device from them. The program’s monthly service discount can be transferred to another company at any time. If you did not opt into the EBB benefit, you can file a dispute to the FTC.GOV site concerning the unauthorized order.
As for issues with phones, the Lifeline and EBB provider are technically not responsible if they do not work with their service. They will usually try to help with issues, but ultimately, the problem is considered the manufacturer’s responsibility. The companies all have disclaimers that the device that they sell are not warranted by the provider.
Consumers often have the incorrect notion that the benefit program is wholly under “one umbrella” (either the Government, the Lifeline provider, or phone manufacturer), but that is not how it is set up.
Dave says
Will Qlink improve or will they be terminated?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That is the main question, Dave. Only time will tell.
Chris Chapman says
p when asked if this fraudulent money that they were scamming off of the US government in the US people was used for funding terrorism I was told they cannot tell me that they cannot answer that question
Rebecca P. says
I’ve been a Q link customer since February and just got my tablet. I paid the $10.01 fee. Now I’m nervous though – should I switch EBB providers? Are there any others that allow you to bring your own phone? What do I do with my tablet if I switched?
Jmarie says
After months of having to continue clicking on the link to get a free tablet, Mine finally arrived yesterday via Amazon. I got both a text message and email the morning of the delivery from Qlink with a tracking number.
Jill says
Just wait u will receive an invoice for $10 the day after u get it
Sandra says
Very upset that i still haven’t gotten my tablet
Staci says
I just got my tablet yesterday after 3 months. It truly sucks n is very slow. I ordered a new phone from qlink same day as tablet. The “blue” $69! Phone that measured big as mine. (5″) it is NOT its only like 4″. They charged me immediately. Then 3weeks later charged me again! But weird I can’t prove it cuz even though it was taken from my debit acct…now it doesn’t show that 1st charge!!! I’m extremely unsatisfied but have no idea what to do. If ANYONE can help me please message me on my Facebook account. “Staci Hoyt
Henry says
Regarding the first charge that “disappeared”, I would provide QLink a copy of your debit card statement with the double charge. You can still dispute the double charge with the debit card company. For your protection, it is better not to use debit cards or direct withdrawal from your bank accounts. As for the phone not measuring up to what you thought it would, I would file a complaint with the company. You could also file complaints with the debit account company and the FTC.GOV as well.
Beverly says
They put a hold on your debit card for the amount of the phone to make sure the money was there before processing the order. Since they only put a hold on your money, it’s automatically released by the bank 5 to 10 days after you ordered & the money is available in your account again. When they ship the phone out they actually charge you for the phone & keep your money at that point. They state that in the information when you order the phone. “The fine print”. It’s a common practice. Hotels do it all the time. You check in, the put a hold of $x.xx on your card to make sure they are going to get their money. When you check out they charge you the exact amount.
So, the reason why the 1st “charge” disappeared is because they didn’t keep that money, it was released back to you until they actually shipped it. If you go back & look at your account you can see they only took your money one time
Beverly says
I’m not sure in your specific case, but electronics, such as phones & tvs are usually measured diagonally, which makes the measurement bigger than measuring straight from top to bottom. On my phone it’s about an inch difference.
Also, I gave an answer about your money question down below after Henry answered. By mistake.
Melissa says
I have been a Qlink customer since 2018. I have had a few issues with bad service but nothing out of the ordinary. However, I ordered a new phone and I was supposed to get a $50.00 discount. They overcharged me. I called and the female rep said that I had enough proof to be given a refund. Before she could initiate the refund, I was disconnected. I called back and talked to a male rep. He said said I didn’t get the refund because I didn’t call ahead of time. No we’re on the site does it say that I should call first
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good luck dealing with Q Link on this issue (see all the comments below)
Shelly says
I can’t remember when I saw and signed up for qlink and I actually forgot I did until the sim card arrived. I used an existing phone that I already had but needed to be unlocked. I had a little trouble getting connected to the network at first. I don’t recall how long I was on hold before getting connected to someone then put on hold to be transferred but disconnected and had to call back. Calling back didn’t take long to get someone on the line. After unlocking my phone, the agent informed me that they use T-Mobile & there were towers in my area that had reports of damage and that repairs should be expected in the next 72 hours. Funny thing is I also have my paid service through Metro by T-Mobile and experience no issues. However within the timeframe I did begin to get better network signal on my qlink phone. I also inquired about the tablet. How long before I should be looking for it? What type of tablet? He said they would start sending them in about a month (from the time of the call) when they got more in stock. He did inform me that they were “cheap, nothing special & won’t do much of anything” so I wasn’t expecting anything top of the line or even average grade quality. I just kept an open mind until it arrived. He didn’t lie. I charged it even though it showed about 80% power. I took inventory of preinstalled apps removing ones I wasn’t interested in. Attempted many times to “Set up tablet” but it wouldn’t complete without wifi. This is when I discovered my phone with their sim card was blocked from sharing it’s hotspot even though it’s equipped to do so even when not in service plan. Qlink has a block in their technology. I did read somewhere they are “working to include hotspot as part of their service”. (Wouldn’t it be easier to just remove the coding that blocks phones from using their preinstalled hotspots?) Used Metro phone hotspot to complete set up. Installed the forced update. Removed unwanted apps added by update. Attempted to install some games that state can be played offline but can’t play them without internet. ??? 🤔 And that’s if they load that far. They usually crash before loading fully. I did get the $10.01 invoice but if it’s no better than a big paper weight I’m not paying squat. What will they do? Disconnect my sim card? I only use that phone to stream and cast to my tv.
Monica says
They did same exact thing to me and sent me a cheap phone. Never refunded my money.
Tom says
From reading these comments….I am starting to believe that 3 hours is how long they will keep people on hold….Just hoping that we will hang up and go away…. about 2 years ago…I was on hold for just over 30 hours in a week. I got many accidental disconnets and mistake while transfer…I would call back. Put it on speaker…Stick it in my back pocket and go about my day…
Strangest part of it all???? I had this song in my head that I would sing and hum everywhere I went… I asked others if they knew it…MAybe a month or two after all this, I called them about something and when I was put on hold….Everything became clear…. 30+hours on hold. You can believe that everycall I make to them now and they ask me to hold for a survey… I always bring it up when I am on the phone with them. I was starting to believe that was shy my last SIM Card took over 10 days to get here and it didn’t work for another week plus after that…. I didn’t call in…I just left it be and one day I picked it up and it as working!!!
shannon says
I think they need shut down
Chardai Hall says