92-year old vet battles Assurance Wireless for one year to get his free government cell phone turned on again March 22, 2020
Don’t enroll at a street tent: Check around before you choose a free government cell phone company December 19, 2016
California Lifeline explosion: More companies, more unlimited plans, more great paid plans September 26, 2016
Size matters: Two of the top three free government cell phone companies announce merger June 22, 2016
Which free government cell phones offer special devices for the hearing, vision and speech-impaired? May 13, 2016
We’re number three! We’re number three! Life Wireless tops one million free government cell phone customers May 8, 2016
Emphasizing the obvious: NBC News performs remarkably superficial analysis of free government cell phone program May 4, 2016
Assurance Wireless declares war: Introduces new unlimited texting plans in 40 states (plus unlimited talk and text in California) August 12, 2014
Assurance Wireless gets aggressive: Introduces unlimited talk/unlimited text Lifeline plan in California August 10, 2014