Knowing how to get a free government cell phone is vital to a lot of Californians. Because the state has far more than its fair share of low income residents.
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune1, “34% of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California but only 12% of the U.S. population resides here.”
As shocking as that statistic is, you would think that California would have been an early, enthusiastic supporter of the Lifeline Assistance program, but that wasn’t the case. Luckily, former Golden State seems to have realized that it is late to the free government cell phone party and now it’s attempting to make up for lost time.
Step One: Who are California’s Lifeline Assistance providers?
That is an excellent question and one that is apparently difficult to answer.
Although the program got rolling in other states way back in 2008, the free government cell phone business didn’t get rolling in California until ReachOut Wireless opened up shop in 2012.
The FCC now identifies four companies competing in California — Assurance Wireless, Budget Mobile, ReachOut and Truconnect. When we attempted to double check that list with the California Public Utility Commission, they gave us a different list of providers — Assurance, Budget, enTouch, and TruConnect.
Despite being omitted from the PUC’s list, the Assurance Wireless confirms that it’s one of the California Lifeline providers. enTouch Wireless was on the PUC’s list, but California is not listed on the company’s website. And just to confuse things even further, ReachOut Wireless says that it is a California Lifeline provider, but it was not on the list of companies provided by the PUC.
Another company, Sage Telecom, also offers steep discounts on monthly cell phone programs.
Here’s how we interpret all the confusing and contradictory information: Check out all the companies, because California’s poverty rate is so high that these and other companies are sure to be setting up shop in the Golden State very soon (perhaps even by the time you read this article). Check our California Lifeline page before you sign up with any company to make sure you know who all the competitors are.
Step Two: Find out if you’re eligible.
There are two ways to qualify for a free government cell phone in California. You may qualify if you’re already participating in another government assistance program OR if your total household income if low enough.
To qualify under the Program-Based method, you or another person in your household must already be participating in at least one of the following public-assistance programs.
- Medicaid/Medi-Cal
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance or Section 8
- CalFresh, Food Stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
- National School Lunch Program (NSL)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) — including California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), Stanislaus County Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (StanWORKs), Welfare-to-Work (WTW) or Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN)
- Tribal TANF
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
To qualify under the Income-Based method, your annual total household income must be no more than 135% of the Federal Poverty Guideline for California. Please allow us to simplify that confusing governmentese.
If there are one or two people living in your house, you qualify for a free government phone if the household income does not exceed $25,500. If there are three people living in your house, your household income cannot exceed $29,700. Four people? Your household income cannot exceed $35,900. And for each additional resident in your home, add another $6,200 to determine your allowable annual income.
Step Three: Check out the deals offered by each company.
The plans offered by each company are likely to vary in details. Some allow more minutes, some allow more texts, some offer more free services such as voicemail and caller ID, and some offer really good deals on adding more minutes to your account. And keep in mind that each company may cover different geographic areas within California.
Go to the California page and check out the plans and coverage offered by each of the companies. We provide convenient links to pages dedicated to each company. Click around. Read each of them and see what they have to offer. Find the company that’s right for you.
The companies offering free government cell phones in California are:
- Assurance Wireless
- Budget Mobile
- enTouch Wireless (do they really serve California?)
- ReachOut Wireless
- Sage Telecom (discounted, but not free)
- TruConnect
Please be aware that company plans, special promotions and bonus programs are constantly changing. You may discover that you have to contact individual companies to find out what their best deals are at the time you’re ready to sign up for Lifeline Assistance.
Step Four: Apply to the company that’s right for you
Now that you’ve looked at all the free government cell phone companies serving the state and chosen the one that’s right for you, fill out a convenient online application. Assuming that all your paperwork is in order, you’ll soon be approved for a free government cell phone courtesy of Lifeline Assistance and the phone company you’ve selected.
One more thing to know: The California Lifeline plan is more generous
In most states, free government cell phone companies offer their customers a free cell phone plus 250 free voice minutes and 250 texts every month. But it looks like California decided to make up for entering the program so late by insisting that California residents be given much more.
California Lifeline companies can make that same 250/250 offer, but California profitable for them to offer more. Here’s how that works:
If a company offers California residents less than 500 minutes per month, it will earn the standard $9.25 federal fee per customer per month. If they offer 501-999 minutes per month, the state will pay those companies an additional $6.25 per customer per month. And if they offer more than 1000 minutes per month, the state will pay them an additional $13.25 per month.
That means California residents can score some outstanding deals to go along with their free government cell phones. Some of the best deals in the country, in fact.
California free cell phones are better, too
A complaint common among free government cell phone customers is, “My cell phone fell apart” or “My cell phone stopped working.” In many cases, this is because the cell phone company offers older refurbished models that just don’t have much life left in them. The cell phone companies are working on very narrow profit margins and, understandably, cut corners where they can. But phones that fall apart help neither the customers nor the companies long-term.
So the California Public Utilities Commission, the organization tasked with regulating telephone companies, wisely decided that LifeLine companies must offer LifeLine customers all handsets offered to non-LifeLine subscribers. In other words, no cheap, soon-to-be obsolescent cell phones for California Lifeline customers.
A few closing words
In closing, we’d like to congratulate the California PUC for being so generous with state dollars. This higher levels of compensation available to free government cell phone will undoubtedly lead to higher levels of service. Better cell phones will lead to more satisfied customers.
And a strong, healthy Lifeline Assistance program in California will undoubtedly lead to higher employment rates among California’s financially struggling residents.
That’s what’s called a win-win-win situation.
To learn more about the California Lifeline program, please click here.
Sheila Marie Bryant says
Thank you for the info, its nice to know good people are out there still have our backs……and thanks for all the comments from our readers .. good to know GOD BLESS EVERYONE AND REMEMBER >>>>>>>> live life the way it should be , NOT the way it is ! its what i stand by , thank you all sheila marie bryant
Free Government Cell Phones says
Great philosophy of life, Sheila. Thanks for leaving it here at
Jason Paull says
Where in Sacramento can I get them, can a form be to receive a cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We provide contact info for each service provider, Jason.
Jason Paull says
It’s good how many models are available for Lifeline subscribed cell phones.
robert logiudice says
Just wanted to know if this program of free phones is legimate or not. Do you have to show your social security number?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, it is 100% legit, Robert. Millions of people have received Lifeline free government cell phones. As to whether or not you have to give your SSN, that may well depend on the individual company’s application. But if we had to guess, we’d say yes you’ll probably need to give the number.
Germanii says
How could I give out the free phones to people in Orlando, Florida? Like get my own contract , setup tables a and give out phones.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to apply for a job with one of the free government cell phone companies OR one of the companies they hire to do those jobs. The only place we’re aware of them advertising those jobs is on Craig’s List.
Jacquie says
I’m looking for a non flip phone that has the BIG numbers. The touch phones are too complicated. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’d recommend that you find out if your service provider offers a Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) plan. That would allow you to buy exactly the phone you want and use it as your free government cell phone.
tim says
I am trying to replace my phone because the battery is dying. When filling out the different applications, they will not accept a po box for an address. What the heck am I supposed to do? (They won’t even accept the Homeless Services Center address, though I used it to get my first phone).
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have run into one of the biggest flaws in the Lifeline program, Tim. Unfortunately, you must have a home STREET address.
Catherine Repash says
I believe this information is old so I was wondered if the income allowed has changed. My daughter and myself are both disabled and make a total of $25,500 per year. Could I qualify for a free cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you don’t believe the information as we’ve presented it, feel free to contact the customer service teams at any of the free government cell phone companies offering service in California.
Gail Kinch says
Where can I get one in Orland, CA?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can enroll online or by phone with any of the free government cell phone companies listed on this page, Gail:
Gina says
Here Sonoma where can I get free phone here
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact any of the companies found in the article on this page. We provide contact info for each of the companies.
Jack says
Would you tell me at least one location in Solano County that I can get a free phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website, Jack, so we do not/cannot know the schedule of the tent events. But we urge you to enroll by phone or online because the street events have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse.
Danny Pace says
Is it true that there is no income verification? Must be so, my useless BIL gets free medical/ phone because he chooses not to work and hides his gambling income. Stop wasting my tax dollars!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Lifeline does not verify income unless the person applying attempts to enroll using income as their basis for qualifying. Otherwise, people get qualified for participating in other government assistance programs. (By the way, for anyone who is wondering, BIL stands for Brother-In-Law. We had to look it up.)
Rhonda says
Dear Sir…
I’m Deaf
I told u.. Before
I don’t have Credits
I like Ask.. You…
Tire. Stolen from me…
Lieing Playing Game..
Been use my Name and more.
With any new Phone s..
Tire been playing lie Game
Was not me.. There Body…
Use my Mother Name Betty
My mother bought new Phone
From Govt this Month June..
I help my mother..
There Somebody use my Mother Phone Number #
There is Spam. . use my Mother New Phone
She never..use phone
She don’t Texts
There somebody spam Fraud
Use my Mother Drive Lic and SSA and Medical and more…
Same Happens to me.. Broke My Mother House 7 times and more…
Here I show you.. Pitchers
I like ask you
My Mother..
Bought new Phone
Somebody try use my Mother spam Phone
Same happened to me and Other Persons too..
This I send
Who That Person
Use my Mother phone
T- Mobile
Is was Spanish Person
Use my Mother new Phone number spammer
She never use it
I try help my Mother cell
Same Happened to me too.. and other persons too ..
Just want let u Know..
To tell Govt.. Let them know
I have found out.
I try send u ..
I couldn’t…not Working
Try Show.. Govt
Somebody doing to me…
Use My phone Number
Is was not me… Texts them..
Somebody use my Name and
Phone Number … There Peoples Computers
I do not have… No Computers
I’m not Easy much lots
I hate Computers
My Grandma and Mother
Said… my Mother Friends too.
Computers is Evil..
My Mother said
My Grandma
Work WAR.WAR 1
She Work ATT Phone Company
Thank you..
I’m trie…been use Stealing
Playing Lied Game
Break My Mother House.s
7 times and Break my car
Stolen.. My Permit paper. Knowing …looks my Address where I live..
Same happen..
WhatThey did…
Stolen Million s Cars and Trucks.
Look there Papers
Pink Slip.. Where they Live
Break.. There Houses and more.. Use There Name..and Phone
I’m telling you Truth.
To Help.. To Tell Govts
It was not me..
God..brought Back !!
I told ..LORD… Myself
I want go home.. Keep me.. Always
BAD..Crimes and Drity Bad Drugs.
I don’t Drugs…
I dont Smoke
I’m …Heart Soul with Lord
I can’t.. Say… Other
I have A.L.L Leukemia Cancer Marrow Bone and Deafness too..
Peoples Trick me…
Trying ..Playing Game
Trick me.. Deaf
Harding Deafness
Call me Name Dumb and Other..
Stealing from user me.. Spammer… There Computers
I have Spam.. Many Times
From ATT
And Verizon
Somebody use My Name ..Fraud
That I own AT.T $ 2 , 6 0 0
There Computers not Cell Phone
Somebody Call Company ATT
Use my Name and Other
That why Broke my motherHouse
Call Company’s…. Big Lie
Is Was not me ..
I don’t have Computer … Never !!
Kind of Playing Lied Games…
I can’t Call..
Because .. Me Deaf
Cant hear on Phone..and Voismail
Can’t Hear.. Words Nothing..!
Only.. Texts. And Face to Face sign Lang.
Tire off. Stealing lied from me.
Need Only Text
From Free Govt Phone
3 Diffents
Free Government Cell Phones says
Congratulations, Rhonda. You are the official winner of’s 2017 Free Form Poetry competition.
Janice Combs says
I just applied and sent all documents needed but I never received confirmation and git kicked off the site
Free Government Cell Phones says
When you say you “just” applied, Janice, what does that mean? How long ago?
Cicely Jeriangela Thompson says
I never got my phone I got at the Fair Ground and it has been 3-8 days and it still hasn’t come that is making me mad.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have two comments for you, Cicely.
First, 3-8 days is not unusual. Most companies say it will take two weeks for you to get your phone, but many of our readers report that it has taken three or even four weeks. So hang in there a little longer before you get upset.
Second, you never should have enrolled anywhere except by phone or online. There have just been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating in those locations.
Marie says
I received a free cell phone through Assurance. I had to return the first one because it kept getting hot and I was afraid it would start on fire. I have a second cell phone through Assurance and it’s a pain! It’s always getting hot and the Google search never works. Can I get a better cell phone with another provider? And can I keep my same cell phone number? Also can I provide my own cell phone and get the free service?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, you are required to stay with your service provider for one full year before you can switch to another one. If you’ve been with Assurance for 12 months, you can switch. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
Edward says
How often can I can change my phone number?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not aware of any limit on the number of times you can change your phone number. There probably is a limited, but we’ve never heard from anyone who changed it often enough to become a problem.
Amber Lippiatt says
How do I get a free cell phone from the government in California please help me get one please I could really use one because all I get is $903 a month can you please help me with this???
Free Government Cell Phones says
C’mon, Amber, you’re asking “How do I get a free cell phone from the government in California?” on a page headlined “How to get a free government cell phone in California.” We’re going to take a wild guess and say you probably didn’t read the article.
Susan Hauck says
Where do I get the free cell phone, I’m disabled and so is my son and we don’t know where to go to get them, need help please, thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t need to go anywhere, Susan. You can enroll by phone or online from the comfort of your home. In fact, we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll with a street vendor because of the prevalence of fraud and abuse. Here’s a page that will get you started:
Sam Taylor says
Many times Your Local Wal-mart & PG&E Offices allow provider agents…They take names
to Verify who they are. agents will have phones to give You on signing BUT YOU MUST
Danny says
I’m homeless in riverside California and need a free cell phone, can you email me a response as to where I show go?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot email you because of the huge number of questions and comments we get every day, Danny. But you’ve landed on the right article. Just look at all these companies and apply with the one that seems to be the best fit for you. Good luck.
Shakirullah says
Hi how can I get a free phone I live in Arden Way Sacramento California
Free Government Cell Phones says
C’mon, Shakirullah. We can’t believe you would leave a comment saying “How can I get a free phone in Sacramento, California” right below an article titled “How to get a free government cell phone in California.”
jeanette rodrigues says
Where in Paradise, CA can I pick up a cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Jeanette. There have been far too many cases of fraud and abuse coming from those street tents and booths. It’s much safer if you apply online or by phone.
Mimi says
“So the California Public Utilities Commission, the organization tasked with regulating telephone companies, wisely decided that LifeLine companies must offer LifeLine customers all handsets offered to non-LifeLine subscribers. In other words, no cheap, soon-to-be obsolescent cell phones for California Lifeline customers.”
Sorry to contradict your information above, but I am in California and both my previous provider Assurance Wireless and my current one Truconnect sent me free phones that are practically obsolescent. I called Truconnect but they told me that could not provide me with a smartphone because it was based on availablility. Available to whom, I wonder…
Margie Finona says
Who has field stores that as customer casn waslk inbto ad pck up smartphone in Orange county, CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Tough to answer that question, Margie, because the folks who staff the booths are independent contractors. That means they set the schedules and the Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone company usually doesn’t know where or when the booths or tents will be open.
We always say it’s better and a lot safer to apply online or by phone. You can find a complete list of companies doing business in Orange County, California by clicking on this link:
You should click through all the companies to find a program that best meets your needs (more minutes or texts or data). Some companies, especially in California, offer much better plans than others. Good luck.
David Royer says
I’m on SOCIAL Security Income now and need an Android 5.0 to keep Me in Contact with Resources and Doctors. Please tell me how to get this Phone service now I am in San Diego Ca. Please help me Today.
David Royer says
I Thank You for any Help You give Me I currently have no Address Except My email Adress
Free Government Cell Phones says
David, you’ll need to contact all the California service providers to see if any of them offer the phone you want. You can find all the companies contact info by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page, then clicking on your state. Good luck.
Richard says
On March 24, 2016 Reachout wireless sent me a text that they will be leaving the Modesto, Ca
by April 21, 2016. They told me to find a new provider.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That is correct. ReachOut is leaving the Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone business. Click on the “States” link at the top of this page, then scroll down and click on “California.” That will get you to a list of all the providers in California. Click on all of them to find the deal that’s best for you. Good luck.
Cindy Burtlow says
i live in a private community in Calif. 20 miles from town, i have applied to all of the providers & they all say they cant verify my address, so they cant give me a phone.
if they Googled it they would find it.
1 company said they would ship to my PO Box but when i gave them my name DOB & last 4 of SSN this is what they said. i copied & pasted
We are sorry but we were unable to validate your personal information against public records (Name, DOB or SSN). Please check for any possible typos and re-submit. If after 2 more attempts we still get the same result, we will cancel your transaction.
i retried about a dozen times, i know im alive & am on SNAP & SSDI. whats up with them.
sharlimar says
I’m so sorry for you-I don’t have an answer that will help. Misery doesn’t love company. But I am having the same problem as you. I wonder how many cannot get a phone due to this. I tried many of the companies then listed by lifeline. I got the same exact “problem”. (I had lifeline on my land line for years, canceled it so as not have two on at once so could switch to cell. My address is the same as it was then. I’ve been here for 14 years). The Safelink only lets you apply on-line or at booths. The on-line site (per the supervisor of the supervisor) is having problems of which they do not know how to fix. Recommended I try different “servers”, “computers”, kept giving me the ph. # to lifeline (which says they have nothing to do with the “carriers” sites, but you gotta have that “confirmation # from the carrier, of which you cannot get. I asked where & when these booths are: they do not know. (I spotted one at Wal-mart weeks before wanting a cell phone, but don’t know if that will be chasing my tail, as I don’t get the two hour drive to big town often. I can however contact the federal communication (fcc) with a written complaint. (per one of the many calls I made. Our local HRN tried to point me in helpful directions. The main company that actually has phones that work here (Verizon) doesn’t do the phones themselves-you need to contact those carriers that won’t accept your address. I tried by by phone to contact Budget but they could not get my address to verify either. No further help from them. I don’t know if it’s cause I live in the boonies. We also get TracFone service here, but only on certain phones of theirs, that’s why I tried Safelink. Maybe they (the overwhelmed companies) are wanting to stop with the #’s they have. I don’t really know. The safelink site finally accepted my address after 20 something tries, only to not let me get that elusive # at the signature screen by freezing there giving me a new error “writing mobile customer application: the insert statement conflicted with the foreign key constraint “FK_Customers_state”. the conflict occurred in database “TracFone; table “lifeline.States”, column ‘state code’: 350″ Next????I’m at a loss-no cell phone-and worse, the company that just took over our verizon land line said if I left, at present, I cannot come back cause we were “grandfathered in under verizon” when they bought them out and don’t really service our area (Frontier). The 99 cent store we normanlly got our long distance cards from “cannot get the pin #’s to print out” (the last 3 trips to big town), so that is why we started the cell phone search anyway-no long distance (when your poor you cannot afford the higher costs-not complaining-just saying).
kristopher m sigler says
hello i was a lifeline phone user and i lost my phone and never got around to doing anything about it i have resently went back to the place of bussiness and the place was not there i am not sure of the source and who like any info if possible .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Theoretically (we say “theoretically” because it doesn’t always work as simply as we are about to tell you), your account is no longer active if you haven’t used the phone in 60 days. In that case, you should be able to reapply with any free government cell phone company in California. You can find a list of those companies by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page, then clicking on the “California” page. Make sure you explain your situation to customer service and ask for their advice on how to proceed.
Anne McConville says
How do I get an application?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact any of the free government cell phone companies in California. Virtually all of the companies provide online application forms, but you can also phone the customer service department at any of the companies.
pilar hernandez sr says
How can I get one in the west SFV?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact the companies listed on our California page. You can find it by clicking on the “States” link at the top of this page.
Surinder Sarin says
is Center Road in San Jose giving free cell phone service today to low income Resident? what is the procedure
Stephanie says
Was wondering where in san bernardino california I cancer one at
John bean says
where do i get one in orange county, ca.??
Celena says
Hello I am wondering where to get a free phone around Modesto or Turlock ca?
Allan says
This is a great program, it is about time all of us low income is getting real assistance. It is a very bad thing not to have a way to communicate. If you are a parent and cannot contact your child who is not living at home but, he/she is low income and cannot afford a phone, this program will give them a way to cure that situation. Believe me it is a very bad feeling not able to contact your child. I ASK that this program never go away.
Josie Luna says
I need to know where to go in the San Gabriel Valley for a free cell phone A.S.A.P
Lowena Jeff says
I’m In Modesto ca. Where can I find where to get a free phone?
Shafqat Zaman says
I want ones for free phone. Where can I get ones? I live in Lodi California. Where can I see phone booth at any store? In Lodi or Stockton California? Thank you!
Delma mitchell says
Don’t like reach out wireless a bit of a language barrier.technical asked questions regarding program impossible
Delma mitchell says
I am looking for a free phone. For my self and my brother we live in separate towns in California. I like the plans can’t find a distributor of the program,
LaTanya Hickson says
Still no phone service!
Mari says
Filled out application 2 weeks ago still no email or phone?
joann says
I would like to find out how to get a free obama phone I live in willows ca I have low income please get back to me soon
wayne oelrich says
AVOID reachout wieless at all cost! They have the worst customer sevice, techs speak poor English, and if that is not enough, the guy who owns it . . . . . . . .
Mary says
Where can I get a phone in riverside California on Saturday September 12
Mary says
Where can I get a phone in riverside tomorrow
Crystal says
I need a new phone please my son always need to call me from school
Maribel says
Someone.stold my free phone.what ? says
Someone what?
Jim says
How stupid is this a cell phone is not a need. It’s unimportant. What a waste of $. No wonder we’re broke
mike says
Don’t give them too illegal aliens says
There is no criteria that requires a phone recipient to be an American citizen. For information, click here.
angel says
when are you guys comeing to TerraBella CA 93270
dennis morton says
where is my phone, I have already registered and qualified and thought that a phone would be shipped to me, with everything and service being free. still no word; my address is *** san antonio rd. #***, palo alto, california, 94306
Gary Ortiz says
Yes , My name is Gary Ortiz and I am on SSI and Medicare-Medical….I wound like to apply for a California phone due to me being on a budget and I can’t afford a phone..pls reply back to me and let me know how and if I can.
Gary Ortiz
Megan Prinds says
How can I find out where the booths are located that give out these free government csll phones in Modesto?
Bobby says
There usually is someone with free phones at 2205 mchenry ave Modesto Ca inside of the 99 cents only store between 12-7 everyday but Wednesday
Thanh Nga Tran says
I would like to know how I can get free phones with no monthly fee’s for my mom and my dad says
I believe that is what this article on which you posted your comment is all about. As is our entire website.
Sandra Esparza says
Where do I get my free phone. I live in sacramento
Cannie Hamilton says
Where do I get phone I live in the city of San Bernardino located in California?
fernmercado says
Where do I go for free phone in los Angeles. Ca I need a location?
Norine Murray's says
How can I get a free phone and. Service in Turlock California
Lynda Maxie says
How do I get a free phone??? says
Read this page please.
Micheal stewart says
How can I get a free Government cell phone says
Please read this page.
Kelly Tracy says
I would like to know how to get a free phone with no monthly fee’s for my mother. says
All the information is provided in the article above. Please read it and then click through to the phone providers to see their plans.
phyllis prokes says
i didnt get my limitless call phone yet. i still get only 250 min.
ricardo says
Quisiera saber si califico para un telefono celular gratis porque soy deshabilitado y tengo medicare y solo recibo seguro social 766.00 dls. Mensuales y si necesito uno . Muchas gracias Ricardo D.
valerie says
How do I apply for a free government phone ?
Julie Harper says
I would like to sign up for a free cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Go here:
David Spurlock says
I have California LifeLine, and I wish to cancel the home phone for a bedget cell phone,but no one seems to know how to stop the land line and start the cell phone. There are no phone numbers to call and ask how to proceed. The sells people don’t seem to know what to do either. I’m on social security. California LifeLine has all this information. What can I do? Who can I call? And if I have to send anything anywhere, where would it go, and I would I send it?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You call your landline company (i.e. AT&T) and tell them to remove your Lifeline discount. Then you call one of the California companies (Assurance Wireless has the best deal) and order one. There’s not one entity that will handle this for you.
California providers: