You may be wondering what could be better than free. And the answer is a simple one: Getting more for free is better than getting less for free.
With that in mind, we combed through all the deals offered by dozens Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone companies in all fifty states, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC to find the very best plans — the ones that give consumers like you the most for free. Without further delay, here are the very best of the best.
1. Budget Wireless: Offers low-income residents of Oklahoma a free SMART phone, unlimited voice minutes, unlimited texts and 500 MB of data for free
2. Feel Safe Wireless: The Feel Safe California plan comes with a free phone, unlimited talk, unlimited text, 100MB data and 100 free international texts.
3. Feel Safe Wireless: Offers Oklahomans a free cell phone, unlimited talk and text, mms and 200MB of data every month.
4. Tag Mobile: Low-income Californians can now get a free cell phone, unlimited voice calls and unlimited texting PLUS 100MB of data per month.
We have a three way tie for the plans offering the fifth best free government cell phone plans. All of these offers are also available only in California.
5. Assurance Wireless: The California FREEdom Plan offers you a free cell phone, unlimited free voice and unlimited free texts.
5. Budget Mobile: Offers low income Californians a free cell phone plus unlimited free voice and unlimited free texts.
5. ReachOut Wireless: ReachOut has stepped up its game in California and now provides customers with a free phone, unlimited voice minutes and unlimited texts.
8. Tag Mobile: offers its Oklahoma customers 3000 voice minutes, 3000 texts, and and 30mb of data free
9. Total Call Mobile: Offers Californians 1000 minutes of talk within the United States and 1000 texts worldwide.
10. Access Wireless: Access offers financially-struggling Californians a plan that includes an Android smartphone, 1000 minutes OR texts, plus 200MB data usage each month.
11. TruConnect (aka Telscape and Surelink Mobile): TruConnect offers its California customers 1000 voice minutes plus 200 texts per month.
12. enTouch Wireless: Needy Californians can a phone and 1100 voice minutes and texts. That’s 1100 for both voice and text combined.
Let’s not leave out two companies that deserve honorable mentions.
Two Lifeline Assistance companies offer low-income residents of Alaska free government cell phone programs that could have made our top ten list except for one little thing (and we do mean little thing). The free government cell phone program isn’t quite free in Alaska. Those who qualify for the program are required to pay $1 per month for the same services that residents of other states get for free.
Let’s put a positive spin on the situation and say that these companies make a dollar go further than almost anyone else.
True Wireless: Oklahoma’s financially-stressed residents can get a free Android smart phone, 1750 free voice minutes plus 2000 texts PLUS 5 MB of data for just $1 per month
Assist Wireless: Assist offers Oklahoma’s poor unlimited voice and text plus 200 mb for a very affordable $4.95 per month
Alaska Communications: Offers unlimited talk and text for just $1 per month
Alaska Digitel: Offers unlimited Talk and text for just $1 per month
Easy Wireless: Qualified Oklahoma residents receive an unlimited talk and text plan for $4.95 per month
So there you have it. The top dozen deals in free government cell phones (plus a handful of honorable mentions), the companies and plans that give you more for less.
Obviously, the list is dominated by companies from three states — California, Oklahoma and Alaska. But that may well be explained that the poverty rates are higher than the national average in those states and the companies are simply responding to the local situations.
Nevertheless, we can always hope that competitive forces will encourage additional companies in additional states to step up their games and begin offering generous programs like the ones shown above.
Simian Swagger says
I’m with TagMobile and I’m supposed to get 2gb data, but it’s ultra slow as a hotspot after 500 mb, probably throttled. I’m talking abut 56-110 kbs slow. I’m running YouTube to see if I’m getting my 2gb data and YouTube starts and stops repeatedly.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Some of the plans offered “unlimited” plans that throttle down the speed after a certain number of gigs are consumed. Check with your service provider to find out if that is the case with your service plan.
Glen Riley says
I live in Kentucky on disability with low income. is there a government program that has free data? most debit cards can only notify you right away on a smartphone only if you have data on your phone if someone trying to make false purchases.
Glen Riley says
Please let me know thank you very much
Free Government Cell Phones says
Very few plans offer free data, Glen, and most of them are in California or Oklahoma. The only way for you to find out for sure is to contact each of the service providers in Kentucky. Here’s where you can find that info:
Ben says
Qlink Gave my friend a Phone Yet when I go on their website it says that service is Not in my area Yet he lives a Mile from me??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Two possibilities: One is that the website was in error. The other is that the end of Q Link’s service area actually falls between your house and your friend’s. In either case, you should contact Q Link customer service by phone or online to verify the information.
Ben says
Why does Ca People and OK people get way more minutes then the rest of the states??? So I should Move?????
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re right, it sucks, Ben. Here’s an article that explains why residents of those two states get far more minutes that residents of other states (Alaskan residents get more minutes and texts, too).
As to whether you should move, only you can decide if unlimited minutes is worth the time, trouble, and expense of a cross country move.
Annon Mous says
Whats the catch?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s the funniest comment of the day, Annon. There is no catch. If you qualify, you can get a free government cell phone. Millions of low-income Americans already have them and use them every day.
Richard Holloway says
When, where and how soon can I get a FREE Senior Citizen cell phone?. I am 71 years young, and I lives in Queens NY 11434
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can see the twinkle in your eye from here, Richard. The senior program is not yet available nationwide. AT&T is still conducting its test market.
Maybe you should subscribe to our email newsletter. Then you would get the news as soon as it hits. Just put your email address in the “Subscribe to our Newsletter” box at the top right hand of this page. Then hit the click button.
Mary Ann Meli says
I have assurance wireless at the time now but i’m not happy with not having enough data and better reception.But i would still like to port out my same number being it’s a main number given to all my resorces.Can you pleas help me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely, Mary Ann. By law you can always take your number with you when you switch from one Lifeline company to another. You just have to make sure you tell the new company that you want to “Port over my current number.”
Here’s an article that tells you more about switching Lifeline providers:
Tiffany says
i have lost my goverment phone, i believe that it is safelink but im not sure..i cant go without one. ive had it for a few years. im having so many troubles, not getting the help i need. please help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
First, contact Safelink. They should be able to tell you if you’re one of their customers if you give them all your info.
Second, if you learn that it’s not Safelink, call 6-1-1 and see who answers. It should be your service provider.
Third, if you find out who your service provider is, here’s an article that tells you what to do in case of a lost phone:
Marie Dolcine says
I currently have Metropcs. My phone is damaged so its hard to ses or use. I can only afford $5-25 per month for now. I was in California now in Georgia. What can I do to have Access and a phone that has a screen large enough to use without the purchase of a tablet for school? I only have Medicare right now and do not have an income cause my SSI is in suspension.
Thank you advance for your help.
Marie Dolcine
Free Government Cell Phones says
It sounds as if you qualify, Marie, but you should click on the “Do You Qualify?” Link at the top of this page to make sure.
If you qualify, click on the “States” link also at the top of this page. You’ll find a complete list of service providers. Click through them to find the plan that’s best for you (the most minutes/texts/data/etc).
You should also check this article to find the companies that offer smartphones:
ilvarisner says
I want to sign up for a free government phone
ilvarisner says
I want saddling to be my provider
ilvarisner says
Safelink sorry
albert mendez says
Nd 2 change providers fro. Zafelink toascess
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you how to switch providers:
Nina says
Can I switch providers? I am currently with safelink and it does not have reception in my home. Q-link for one, does have reception, (thanks to a friend who has the service) so I would like to change if it is possible.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can switch providers rather easily. For complete details, read this earlier article:
Nina Stone says
Thank you for your help. I have Safelink and choose to go with Assurance. Just got off the phone for the second time informing me that, a “Benefit Transfer” was only available to Ca residents….. Who can I speak with to go over their heads if needed?
Free Government Cell Phones says
What you’ve been told is untrue. Reach this article to learn how to properly switch from one company to another:
Sandy says
How do I get a free gov. Smart phone with good service. And the most free text and call time for where I live in Franklin ga. For low income families
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most of the free government cell phone companies offer smart phones as an upgrade. In some cases, if you’re really lucky, you’ll be given a smart phone initially. But it’s the luck of the draw. The upgrades are relatively inexpensive — usually in the $40 range.
Yan Gao says
I am low income resident in California.I like California’s plan very much.I like the condition that Feel Safe Wireless provided more.
My condition is I am dissability and I have medicare,medical and SSI benifit.
I’d like to apply FeelSafeWireless free cell phone now.How can I do, I can have it as soon as possible?Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Yan Gao
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ask and he shall receive. Click on our “States” link at the top of this page. Then click on “California”. It will take you to a complete list of providers in the Golden State.
Wlodzimierz Scharf says
It is only about California, Oklahoma and Alaska. What about the other states?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Go to our “States” page (found in the navigation bar at the top of this page) to check what’s available in your state. If your state does not offer as many minutes/texts as California or Oklahoma, get in touch with your state’s public utility commission to ask why. There’s no reason every state shouldn’t offer as many minutes as Oklahoma and California.
Monica says
Hi, I am interesting.. How to contact .. What’s the no.
Ms. C says
Your 12 top deals in government phones are totally useless to those of us not in CA or OK
Luis says
My cell has a white screen and doesn’t show reg screen, it start to turn off on its own and now now screen. Please help, need to have it replaced. I live in Orangevale CA where I received cell on greenback lane in parking lot.
Elaina says
Biased article! Please save people time by wording the article title correctly.
This article is mainly for California, Oklahoma, and Alaska residents.
What about the financially strapped occupants of the other 49 states?
Is there an article about the best deals for Lifeline phones in other states as well?
By the way, I’m a budding writer and love to do research (of which I’ll have to do now, since the state I live in is not specified.)
Are you currently hiring competent writers?
Elaina says
Biased article! Please save people time by wording the article title correctly.
This article is mainly for California, Oklahoma, and Alaska residents.
What about the financially strapped occupants of the other 49 states?
Is there an article about the best deals for Lifeline phones in other states as well?
Lesley says
Hello, I’m disabled and definitely eligible for a phone. I was more during about this program in Kentucky. I was wondering if there was a cheap smart phone plan?
Thank you,
John DuBois says
Hi Lesley,I am researching the Liifeline info for possible employment and see your question.Kentucky has a listing at this page…
Good Luck with your phone search.They probably have a smart phone deal for you,just have to compare,visit that link above for Kentucky listing.
Joseph La Costa says
Is there a list of all 50 states
Joseph D. Costello says
Who provides Free Cellphones for Connecticut????
Dianna Fisher says
Where I live only verizon towers are available. This means unless the phone gets verizon service the other phone service does not work.My question is will I beable to have a verizon phone service without monthly charge? I t says theres a payment charge per month.
Bill Ramsey says
My son needs a wireless cell. He is on total 100% medical, dental housing, and mental health coverage in Seattle, WA. WE are both totally disabled. Thank you, and God Bless.
theresa hartless says
interested in free phone/service here in covington, virginia. please send info to get me started. thank you
Lisa says
May I please ask of all the government cell phone providers there are in Arizona I’ve also have been told that atleaset 1 or 2 of the providers do offer or give new members a smart phone and I’ve also read a lot of the providers info and what they offer and I personally do know that Safelink now does provide internet data and they deduct time from your talking mins but the problem is that YES they do provide the internet but when I have tried to get on all the websites that it offers like email & social example Google gmail Facebook MySpace an so on along with entertainment sports whether news and so fourth I’ve not ever been able to connect let alone access the sites but I have been able to fully access there website for ringtones and graphics which I’ve truly and honestly have enjoyed simply because I was honestly actually able to dwn load the ringtone of my choice among graphics and alert tones and the cool part is that they deducted time from my calling mins so I was able to dwn load wte it was that I was wanting to
jeff smith says
What about the OTHER 48 states???? I only see a lot of CALF and OK stuff
cal rigby says
Need a free phone no job on food stamps
Kirk says
When I visited the Access Wireless page, they show 250 minutes and not 1000. This may just be for California or a secondary deal.
Jenifer Henry says
Thank you. I think it’s very important to have all the information possible for security, safe cellphone assistance available. Have a good safe rest of the year.
Stacy says
I live in Virginia. What is the best ‘free plan’ I get to choose from? I just lost my job, which meant there went my cell. I get EBT, and the kids get Medicaid.
Evelyn Snell says
I live in Maryland but moving to Nevada next year.
Evelyn Snell says
So ,need plans offered in Maryland
tabrina blakely says
I would like the “blu” phone ? i deffinately need a few minutes, lots of texts and mostly internet and web. i seem to have problems so far with budget mobile, accent wireless, true connect, liFe Wireless, And access wireless… Help
diana favorite says
i just moved back from south carolina here in covington Ohio. MY husband i are split up and now i am on my own again with three girl. A phone would help me aa lotl..]]
sammy mcmaster says
i want to know where can i find a feelsafe representative in sacramento,ca? Do you know time when someone will be at that location? If any one has them how is the service?
Stefanie Caldwell says
Hello, I have a question. I’m trying to find my friend, he’s a homeless Veteran that’s living in a shelter in Clarksburg, WV. Anyway, he did have a pre paid Verizon wireless phone and I would help him pay it. I haven’t talked to him for a while so I don’t know if he changed his Verizon cell number or if he might have gotten a Gov. Phone. Is there any way I could look up his name to see if by chance he has one. I’m just a worried fried .
David Davenport says
Here is my phone problems I have a mip:67 error its stopping me from incoming calls and outgoing calls.. I have no data /phone connection /they haven’t given me my 250 minutes for 5 months now. Yes I have switched over to 2diffetent government phone companys ..why? For the way access wireless treated me as a customer
David Davenport says
ACCESS Wireless.. Customers are being ignored.. It takes 2/3/4/.hours just to get a operator on line for help.. 1-866-594-3644/1-888-900-5899/1-800-464-6010..this should be reported to the CEO manager ..THEY have no main number can’t even fix there own phones.. They sure can miss up your account..
Christine Reyes says
it seems as if the Access website goes round and round and in the end I still was not able to apply online and the program did not allow me to print the application. Customer service is not even offered on the phone. Not sure I want this service if I can’t even apply.
Janice Ray says
Social Worker with community care program for south Georgia. Have a few low income disabled clients who need a cell phone. Which would be the best for them.
james says
I was a previous GM for access wireless and i will tell you, we were probably the best deal to go with as far as not being scammed (Due to us running your info in front of you and providing you with a brand new phone, activated on the spot) and customer service is fairly okay, usually an american which is great as far as accents goes. Plus all the perks that come with having a Kroger or frys (Az) phone, with cheap plans you can buy inside any Krogers stores
Heather says
I live in Massachusetts, and I’m enrolled in a government assisted cell phone program. I’ve been wondering if there is ANY possible way I could transfer my free cell phone program over to a Android? It’s an old cheap pre-paid phone I’d received as a gift years ago. I DO NOT understand why in the world I wouldn’t be able to…I mean Im NOT asking for any free internet nor any free data, or anything extra! All I’m asking to do is transfer my account that already includes free mins/texting, over to a different phone…PLEASE can someone tell me is there a way to do that? (Currently Im using SAFELINK wireless, but I’m wondering if I switch over to Assurance Wireless can I use my old android phone? Because the android phone I have Is actually a pre-paid LG by Virgin Mobile, and since Assurance Wireless is affiliated with Virgin Mobile, I figure it shouldn’t be a problem!….RIGHT?
Stephanie Barlow says
Is there free internet in Idaho? says
Check here:
Heather Howe says
Where can I find a distribution center in the 92647 zip code area?
virginia floyd says
my cell phone has quit working need to contact so i can get a replacement says
Contact your phone vendor about that.
sabrina byassee says
How can I apply says
Click through to our home page.
jay jensen says
this info site has been very helpful!
Cindy S says
You need to update your info. You have Budget Mobile listed all over your pages and in the number one spot on a lot of them. They are going out of business in California causing there current customers the mess of having to transfer their “Obama Phones” “Government Phones” and/or “Lifeline Phones” whatever they may call them, to have to be transfer/move to another provider. It is a real pain to have to do. I have also heard (do not know for fact) that they are still taking peoples money to setup new service & will not be refunding any money to anyone. So you should check into Budget Mobile for your selves & update accordingly. Other then that your info is very helpful and I’d like to thank you for your services.
Julie says
I just spoke to ReachOut Wireless. They told me they’re not accepting California customers right now. I didn’t ask why. This is the second California provider among the top 12 today who refused my application. Is there a reason why this is happening?
Julie says
I’m finding this website very helpful as I try and decide what lifeline provider to try, but you might want to amend your assessment of Feel Safe Wireless. I just tried to apply for the California plan and was told they weren’t taking applications for that state because that part of the website was down. This had been the case for a month, and they had no estimate as to when things would change. The whole thing feels very unsafe.
Lorraine Nevins says
what is the best plan for nyc?
Linda D Lloyd says
Well, Hooray for CA and OK. When did OH succeed from the Union? Maybe I’ll move to CA…
christina tarvin says
That’s great for those in Alaska and California, buy what do you offer to a 50+, low-income, Nevada resident. says
Not everybody can get everything. Californians I’m sure wish they had your Nevada income tax rate of zero.
andrea says
Not everyone can get everything? I think she realizes this since we are on a site looking for reviews about government sponsored phones. I don’t think expecting that your list would maybe include at least one company that services ALL or even MOST the states is asking all that much. But go ahead and be snippy. She can’t reply. She doesn’t have a phone.
heather says
Really? Nice way to treat people. You dont know that this person has A good income regardless if wages are good in Nv. You are supposed to give info not pass judgement . cali and Ok give way better deals, here in michigan I’m sure Detroit has many in need..
Clarence Begaye says
Safelink in Arizona Information. says
In the menu in the header, click States to get to Arizona, or Providers to get to Safelink.
Terry says
This is an interesting article. My question is, “What is there about the dynamic in California and Oklahoma that makes them so different in what is being offered”? That would be a great follow up to this article.
Anthony .T says
When will we get unlimited talk in Oregon. says
We don’t know.
Gary [ W. E. ] PIERCE says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Gary Pierce has spoken.