People in Ohio who are facing tough economic times received a little bit more help this month, as Assurance Wireless became the second provider of no-cost Lifeline cell phones to the poor there. The Buckeye State becomes the 25th state, plus the District of Columbia, to approve service from this Sprint/Nextel company.
Under these government programs, low income and otherwise needy Americans are able to receive a mobile phone and monthly minutes for free. The program has become a huge success, now helping an estimated 6-8 million people in need across the country, and in Puerto Rico.
Previously, only Safelink Wireless was certified in Ohio to provide free cell phones and up to 250 free minutes under the Lifeline/Link-Up government assistance program. But the heat is on for Safelink; just last week we published a story on how Assurance Wireless is gaining on Safelink Wireless at a rapid pace.
As is standard with these wireless companies who offer Lifeline phones, the recipient gets voice-mail, Caller ID, and of course access to 911. Other services like text messaging are international dialing are available for a fee.
If text messaging is important, be sure to take a look at Safelink Wireless as they offer some limited text messaging at no cost.
Residents of Ohio qualify for a Lifeline phone if their Total Household Income is at or under 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or if they are already participating in one of the following programs:
- Medicaid
- Food Stamps
- Section 8/Federal Public Housing Assistance
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Free National School Lunch Program (NSL)
- General Assistance/Disability Assistance
- Home Energy Assistance (HEAP)
- Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI)
- Ohio Works First or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
We’d like to hear from anyone regarding their experiences with either of these companies. Please leave a comment below.
Leslie G Byrd says
My Sister is on disability moving from RI (she got her free phone there) to Ohio where I live & can’t get her phone going. She has begining dementia so I’m having a hard time getting answers from her ,.she really needs to be able to talk to her kids in RI ,.please advise
Free Government Cell Phones says
She (perhaps with your help) will need to re-enroll with a company offering plans in Ohio. Her phone should continue to work until her one-year recertification date rolls around, so get her signed up before that date so that she has continuous service.
Henry says
The Lifeline program rules state that you are supposed to notify the Lifeline provider company within 30 days of the address change. If you apply with another provider, I think that may allow you to skip the notification to the current provider but cannot say for sure.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, if you switch service providers the old provider will be automatically notified so that the service can be switched over.
Tamara Gillispie says
I have had q-link service since probably January I am not happy at all with them the phone has been nothing but trouble I can’t even type a sentence on the phone with out it closings then have to type message again this happens all the time last straw a day ago the battery burnt up. Looking for another service provider
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the other service providers offering plans in your state:
Rhonda L Howard says
I’ve got a smart phone and I was wondering if I could bring my own phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check with Assurance customer service to get the particulars on its Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) program. If your phone is compatible with its network, you probably can.
David says
I have sent my application n proof of income 3 times to assurance they keep saying that I need to mail proof of eligibility, but that’s all I have turned n before proof of my SSI award letter, id address, n Medicare card…..I emailed it I have no way to mail it or make copies I can’t walk … …. Calling them I get no where …..I use neighbors phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
It might be time to consider enrolling with a different company, David.
Sondra Isaacs says
I have applied to Safelink 3 months ago during my stay in this nursing home, where I still am a patient and will be for the forseeable future being treated for a variety of things. Plus, I am homeless and have zero income, resources, friends or family at this time. They sent me 2 applications because they said that one or more people at the nursing home address (duh) already had a phone. They couldn’t comprehend that we are all not related and have separate living spaces like an apartment building. Someone here just now told me that he was denied because of this reason, which is insane to me. I sure hope that your company is intelligent and helpful enough to allow me to make use of this great program because it would really help facilitate me getting literally back on my feet again. How do I apply? Thanks for your time. Sondra Isaacs (I have Medicaid Molina).
Lisa says
I currently have Safelink but I am switching to Assurance ASAP! They offer 250 voice minutes & 250 texts each month! Safelink only offers at max 250 mins which are used up by both calls & texts. Assurance also sells additional time for a fraction of the cost that Safelink charges. Assurance has way more options too, you can pay $5.00 a month and double your minutes (500 voice & 500 text). You can pay $30.00/mo for UNLIMITED voice, text, and web!!!! GO WITH ASSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ms. woods says
I would like to know if assurance or reach out will start an outreach program? This is so that they can cover all ground, people who does not have access to computers, And to reach out to the people…
Eleanor M Kinney says
My son lives in Columbus Ohio 43206 He has no computer and cannot find a phone number for safelink or assurance. He is on disability, unable to work and makes right below the pay limit allowed. He lives alone and rents. He needs a phone. He needs a phone number to reach the company. You can email me in VA and I shall pass it on. I thanks you so much.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The phone numbers are all on the site. Look at the menu at the top.
Kyle Hettinger says
I recently switched my cell phone provider to assurance wireless. This is a real good deal 500 minutes for only $5.00. I usually don’t use more than 450 minutes a month.
Thank you for suggesting Assurance
nancy says
how do I apply…I can not find the application for assurance on line or a phone number to contact them, thanks, nancy
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is a link at the bottom of this article:
Not sure why you can’t find the contact info on their site though. It’s all there.
Patricia Milhoan says
Checking on phone servcie for sister and brother-in-law
They are low income and recieve food stamps and he is
unemployed. Can they get a cell phone. Also, I heard that
there is a land line available for $10.00 a month. Is that
Thank you for you help
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hi Patricia,
Just being on food stamps alone is enough to get one phone for the a household. Read the three articles on this page to learn about the program:
Then, look up your state on this list to find the particular vendors:
Yes, there is also a program for landlines. The Link-Up program helps pay for the installation and the Lifeline Assiatance program pays $10 per month (might vary state to state. For landlines, I believe you can call any landline provider, like AT&T or whoever it is.