People ask us why we are so committed to the Lifeline phone program. We have two different ways to answer that question.
The first answer is that we think it’s an outstanding program. A cold, fact-based analysis tells us that it is one of the most worthwhile programs the government has ever developed.
But our second answer is far more emotional. We get a lot of emails here at and many of them are absolutely heartbreaking. We wish could do more to help the people who write them.
Having a cell phone shouldn’t be considered a luxury in today’s world. Read a few of the plaintive cries from truly needy people who have come to us for help and you’ll surely agree.
“This phone is a blessing,” said Katie J. “I work very hard to support my family and cannot afford a phone.”
“I am truly disabled, drive an 11 year old car, and live in assisted living because of medical issues from an injury at work,” said Teri. “I have no relatives here and I can’t afford even a cheap cell phone to use if I get stranded or something medical comes up and I need help.”
“I’m currently homeless, jobless, completely moneyless, trying to get some assistance from a broken and broke system OR a job,” Brian told us. “Do you know how hard it is to get a job, or any help at all, without a phone!?!?!?”
To these people and thousands of others from coast-to-coast who contact us, we say, “God bless you.” Get your free cell phone. Get your free monthly minutes. Use them to improve your life, to get a job, to communicate with your children, to stay in touch with your doctor.
The truly needy need help. And we’re happy to be able to provide it.
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