Updated on 12/15/22
The Federal Communications Commission has been getting plenty of applause for amending the rules of the Lifeline Assistance program to eliminate fraud. But buried deep in the amendments was one change that is sure to please applicants for the program:
Establishing a one-per-household rule applicable to all providers in the program, defining household as an “economic unit” so that separate low-income families living at the same address can get connected.
In plain English, that means one household can now qualify for multiple free government cell phones.
This solves one of the primary problems the Lifeline program has created for needy Americans. As the economy has worsened, many low-income families have found themselves sharing a home with other families in an attempt to cut their monthly expenses.
Lifeline’s original rules stated that only one free government cell phone was permitted per household. While the rule was undoubtedly designed to control fraudulent, multiple accounts per household, it unintentionally resulted in harming these multi-families households by restricting the ability of each of those separate families to qualify for the free phones for which they would have qualified if the economy hadn’t forced them to share a home.
“We salute the Federal Communications Commission,” said Mark Henry, editor of FreeGovernmentCellPhones.net. “They’ve solved a nagging problem and now more people who really need free cell phones can get them.”
Of course, this will add to the cost of the Lifeline free government cell phone program, but the FCC has also figured out a way to pay for it.
The commissioners plan to save as much as $2 billion over the course of three years by eliminating the fraud, waste and abuse that has plagued the Lifeline program.
“We’d like to see the FCC revisit this very soon,” Henry added. “Residents of homeless shelters still don’t qualify for the free government cell phones and no one needs them more. We urge the FCC to correct this oversight at the earliest opportunity.”
To qualify for the program, applicants must already participate in another state or federal assistance program, such as food stamps (SNAP), public housing assistance, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, Supplemental Security Income, various Home Energy Assistance Programs, National School Lunch and other programs.
You may also qualify if your household income is at or below 135% to 150% (depending on your state) of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Until now the guidelines said that only one free government cell phone was allowed per household.
But that regulation is now a thing of the past.
UPDATE: The new Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has raised a lot of questions and we’re here with the answers. Readers ask, “Will any of the new regulations change the one-per-household exemption?” The simple answer is no. ACP will give you unlimited talk, unlimited texts, and unlimited internet, but it will not give you an unlimited number of free government cell phones per household. (We apologize if our pathetic attempt at humor fell flat.)
Stacey Stovall says
I am A foster parent with 3 teenage foster sons. they all have jobs and go to school and often have to take the city bus and it would be great if they each qualified separately for their own cell phones. They are not related to each other nor are they related to myself or my husband. Their legal guardian is department of Family Services. Is there a program for teenage foster youth (not 18 yet) to each get a free government phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Stacy, but there is no program for folks under 18. They must reach that age before they can apply on their own.
Misty says
it says that you can only have one government free cell phone per household. How is that possible for someone to get numerous meaning more than 2 and not get into trouble for it. I know someone that is doing that which is leaving the home owner unable to herself one. what can be done about that?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s illegal. Report them.
Monica says
I have a government phone. I now have a roommate who is disabled and wants to get a government phone. She also has medicaid and SSI benefits. Is this going to be a problem if she applied? I had my phone first so I don’t want it to affect my phone usage
I have work to keep in contact with and friends and family. She has no job and isn’t capable of holding a job. What are your thoughts and suggestions?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you can prove that you both contribute to the living expenses and both pay your own separate financial lives, you should be able to qualify. Call your favorite provider to discuss your specific situation with a customer service agent.
Eli says
Can my Roomate who is Not related to me in Any way also get a lifeline
Free Government Cell Phones says
Probably. You haven’t given us enough detail for a definitive answer, but it sounds as if it should be workable.
Denice Shepler says
Is it Possible for my son on medical to get a discounted cell phone and get a discount on monthly service with your connectivity progrsm
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Denice, but we are not a service provider. This is an independent informational website that is NOT affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone company nor any Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) internet service provider.
That being said, is your son over 18? A customer must be 18 or older to enroll. He will need to be eligible based on the rules of the program, but being “on medical” is not one of the ways to become eligible.
Good luck. We hope he qualifies one way or another.
Dexter Batten says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Based on what you’ve told us, she does not qualify for the one-per-household exemption. She can only get one free government cell phone.
John says
I already left my comment about applying for a 2nd govt phone but got no reply
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez, John, it was one hour and 18 minutes between your first message and your second one. Chill.
Willie M Burns says
Hi am looking for a way to get my granddaughter a free cell,but I have a free phone already.how can I get her one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
First, she must be over 18 to qualify. Second, do you live in the same house? Only one phone is allowed per household.
Deborah Harris says
I need a government companies that will allow you to get more than l one phone per household
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you meet the qualifications spelled out in the article on this page? If so, you should be able to get more phone. If you don’t qualify for the one-per-household exemption, you cannot.
Lorrie MONTGOMERY says
I share a home with another person not related to me. They have a Gov. Issued phone. Does that make me not eligible for one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you share expenses? That is, do you each pay for your own food? Do you split utility costs? If so, you may qualify. Contact the service provider of your choice and say you want to fill out a one-per-household exemption form.
Here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans available in your state:
Crystal says
I have called life line and the other phone carriers. I recently applied for the program and I wasn’t hearing anything back. I finally got approved for a company and got my phone. Then the next day I started getting emails that the other companies approved me as well and now I have received 2 other free phones in the mail I have called those companies and they tell me that I indeed have active service with gen mobile and all other enrollments have been cancelled through acp. I called Lifeline and was told that the assurance wireless is what’s showing up but i haven’t received a phone through them yet. Which I do not want it. The other company phones have come but I don’t want them either. I do not want to get in trouble for multiple phones. What do I do because they keep sending them!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You really screwed up by applying for multiple phones, Crystal. Cancel all your accounts immediately.
Stephen says
I cannot get the answers I want. Can we get two phones for the same number?or line? If I am out and my wife is home, how do i communicate with her, if I have a phone and she does not have a phone? Or if she has a phone and I do not, Then we cannot communicate.
We do not have any mobile phones because of this limitation. My wife is totally blind, I often go out to the bank, grocery shopping and for other business. And there is no way for my wife to contact me.
We have Medical, EBT and SSI. We do have a landline with lifeline. If we had one government phone and kept the landline we could communicate. But then the lifeline would go to the government phone and our landline cost would go up $50 a month.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Stephen, but one of the primary rules of the system is that only one free government cell phone is allowed per household.
Amanda says
I have a government phone I have a 13 son that lives with his father at a different house can I get him a government phone since it a different house so he can makes calls I worry about him
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Amanda, but the program is limited to those 18 and older.
Jennifer says
How can someone get away with having multiple free government cell phones in their name. They are a single person that lives in and ICF. She has had probably 10 phones and currently has 2 one from assurance wireless and safe link both free. How is this not fraud.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It is fraud. Pure and simple fraud. You can report that person, and we hope you do, by following the instructions at this link:
Melissa says
I recently applied for a phone for my friend (elderly, on disability s.s. an tn care.). But because I’m already am on the program. He can’t qualify. We live at the same address but I’m not always here. What can we do to help him get one?. Can someone call or help us?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact the service provider and speak to a customer service agent. Ask them if you qualify for an exemption to the one-per-household rule.
Misty Mink says
My husband has a government phone.but I also need one for medical reasons is there a way
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, there is a way. You can divorce him and move to a separate house. Other than that there is no legal way.
Jessica White says
I was looking to change carriers from Trueconnect Wireless. I was interested in Assurance wireless and applied to switch service. While I was browsing I noticed that Airtalk offered a little better plan for me and the coverage was great where I live. I applied to switch service to Airtalk wireless about an hour later. I didn’t get any emails from assurance so I assumed I didn’t need to do anything. The day my Airtalk phone and SIM arrived so did an Assurance phone and sim card. I had to insert that airtalk sim in the phone myself but the assurance wireless sim was in the phone it came with. It was turned on and that’s all it took to activated that phone. I have 2 phones through different carriers and I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure how to cancel service through assurance wireless or where to return the phone. I’m having difficulty contacting assurance wireless. Will it cancel if it’s not used? I’m certainly not trying to abuse the system. I need a little guidance please.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Cancel one of them IMMEDIATELY. The unused one should cancel if not used for 30 days, but sometimes that does not happen. You cannot take the risk. IMMEDIATELY cancel the one you prefer least.
Jessica White says
Thank you for your help. Assurance Wireless service is cancelled. The rep said 24-48 hours.
Confirmation # 16781****
Free Government Cell Phones says
Our pleasure, Jessica. Glad it worked out for you. It was very smart of you to act quickly.
T Le says
She also owns her house 100% outright. She has medicaid as well and I could not believe it. Someone needs to turn her in, not fair to others.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are the person who needs to turn her in, T Le.
T Le says
I know of someone who has a free gov phone and works 40 hours a week at $15.50 an hour in michigan at zip code 49777
T Le says
She also owns her house 100% outright. How is this even fair to others.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not fair. Turn her in.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you how to report fraud:
Martha Burgess says
I live in the same house as my father,but we prepare our meals separately (food stamp app). I have tru connect can he apply for a phone with them or another free phone service? Are we consider separate or one household?
Free Government Cell Phones says
According to Lifeline, “ If you live together and share money, you are one household. If you live together and don’t share money, you are 2+ households.”
They give a couple examples: “Multiple Household Examples
– 4 roommates who live together but do not share money or expenses are 4 households
– 30 seniors who live in an assisted-living home are 30 households.”
So it sounds as if you qualify (based on what you’ve told us) but your father should fill out the Lifeline Household Worksheet, apply, and see what happens. He might want to discuss it with one of the companies’ customer service teams in advance to get their opinion.
You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Sharon Jones says
My daughter lives with me yet she receives medicaid and needs her own phone can she apply for the free assurance phone service? It would help greatly!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
The best answer we can give you is “maybe.” Eligibility is based on household income. Does the income of all the residents of your home fall within the income guidelines? If so, she should be eligible. If not, she may still be eligible IF (a big if) she qualifies for an exemption from the one-per-household rule. We would advise you to go back and re-read the article on this page to see if you think she qualifies. If so, speak to Assurance customer service to get some clarification on the issue.
Katy Achor says
Uncle Sam is welcome at my table again and it feels great to have the family all together again.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not sure what that means, but glad you’re happy, Katy.
Henry says
It appears that the Government Lifeline program has enabled your family members to contact each other more easily. Glad to hear that.
Anthony Olaso says
The representatives on the sidewalk who are taking your info and giving you the government cell phones are now lying to you,I left my I.D. and medical card with the rep. Before I went into store so he can sign me up for a free tablet . When I got back he handed me a new cell phone while the other guy was was finishing up with my tablet,I told the rep. I didn’t want a new phone just the tablet and that I didn’t want to go through all the hassle OF keeping my cell number and was satisfied with my service with ASSURANCE WIRELESS. He then said you can have two government cell phones,and that it’s okay. I chose to take it cause I thought I heard something about that. But as I just read the FCC recently changed its rule about being able to have two Lifeline cell phones and service per household, but for two separate individuals and not for one person. So I’ll call Lifeline, True Connect and my provider Assurance Wireless to touch base with them all and not lose my service with the latter. They should lose 3 days of being able to sign person up. I have more important things to do at this time in my life than to correct this hiccup from this Representatives callous greed.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is exactly why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Chaunteil Barras says
TruConnect is a beautiful company that’s willing to help you with any problems that may arise.
Chris Dovin says
I have a free government phone (assurance wireless)
Is there a way to get a free tablet for my 13 year old special needs daughter without breaking rules, fraud, etc?
She struggles with schoolwork and I have worked with her on an iPad but ours is barely working and outdated.
She also loves to listen to music and play games !
I’ve seen offers re: get a free ipad with new phone and unlimited plan for free, but I don’t need another phone.
Would appreciate any help
Free Government Cell Phones says
You cannot get two devices from the free government cell phone program. However, you can simultaneously enroll in both Lifeline (to get a free cell phone) and in ACP (to get a tablet).
tony smith says
What is acp? I would like to get a tablet…
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s everything you need to know, Tony:
Carolyn says
Can u have more then one government phone if they not the same phone service now
Free Government Cell Phones says
No. If you have two phones and get caught by the big ol’ Lifeline computer, you run the risk of losing both phones.
Queenkkay says
If I’m reading correctly it says one household now can qualify for multiple free government phone if so and how ? Because then I start scrolling in the comments and most your reply’s are stating that a household can only qualify for one so I’m confused here ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The second paragraph of the story spells it out:
“Establishing a one-per-household rule applicable to all providers in the program, defining household as an “economic unit” so that separate low-income families living at the same address can get connected.”
So roommates could both get free government cell phones, or a brother and sister who share expenses could both get free government cell phones, but a husband and wife (one “economic unit”) could not.
Sheil says
I live at the same address as someone else with the same last name and they receive free service. Can I also receive free service due to my income
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you family members? In that case, no, the limit is one per household.
Lonewolf says
The article clearly states that a household can have more than 1 phone…open your eyes and read
B i d e n d o n e T h a t says
If you do not share resources, yes you both can receive one if not married
Derriona Ross says
This is great I appreciate you guys cuz at the moment I don’t have the funds to pay my phone bill so I had to apply for you to send me one thank you so much …y’all are very helpful literally god bless you all !!! This can help me out a lot but I wanna know how many Phones can you have tho is the question Because my boyfriend needs one !!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We appreciate the praise, Derriona, but it is undeserved. This is an independent informational website, and we are not affiliated with any of the free government cell phone companies.
Tia says
I signed up for a free phone for my son that way he could contact me In case of an emergency while im at work because i can’t afford daycare after school for my younger 2 chipse children so he stepped up and agreed to keep them for a couple hours after school until i can get home and it was activated and used for a few month’s and then got broken Somehow. Its been a couple months since is been used. Is there a way for me to be able to signup for another replacement cell phone or is there a certain length of time i have to wait before i can re apply for a new one? Or can i maybe sign up for one thru a different government assistance cell phone carrier?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s
an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and
plans available in your state here:
Shaunalee Copeland says
I recently received phone. Never sat up service, now phone is lost / and or stolen. What do I do to request another phone from same service or can I apply for different company? Either way, I need phone. I am a single lady 61yrs young and could use a way to contact my family to let them know I am good! Please and thank you in any help in this matter. Sincerely, Shaunalee Copeland
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can switch to a different company at any time. Here’s where you can find an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
Ray crank says
I sent my pH for repair, I called about it, they said it never got there. Ups tracking shows it on they’re door. I have been told countless stories about my pH, I had to pay $202.oo for it it had a bigger screen easy to see, I am 70 yrs old,, had a heart attack, and stent on meds for this. Naturally I’d want a pH I could rely on in an emergency, but don’t have one, for what ever reason they refuse to send my pH back to me makes no sense.
Sheree Miller says
I Quqlified for a free goverment plan. I wanted to know since my income is all we have coming in an he is Disabled to with Major Health issues Heart problems Stint in Arteries an pacemaker an he has had Heartatacks an Strokes an now we were told he has Blood clot behind his knee on left side. I Qualified through Easy wireless. Do I need to change to FCc so we both can be Qualified.
Sheree Miller says
I Quqalify for A free Goverment plan How do I go through FCC to get my Husband on a free goverment plan to?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That would be against the rules of the program, Sheree. You are limited to one free government cell phone per household.
Daniel says
I applied to transfer my existing phone and Lifeline service from Safelink to Assurance. Assurance sent me a phone which I did not request and when I contacted them they said my existing phone is not compatible. I did not complete the transfer and wish to stay with SafeLink. Is there anyone I need to contact to ensure that this unfulfilled transfer request is not interpreted as a secondary account? I want to just keep what I have and not transfer or be in violation of terms of the program .
Free Government Cell Phones says
It sounds as if you have already completed the transfer from Safelink to Assurance (based on what you’ve told us). In that case, you will need to go through the transfer process again to switch back.
Desirae elliott says
How can I sign my teenage daughter up for a phone if I’m already getting a government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not possible, Desirae. One of the primary rules of the Lifeline free government cell phone program is that it is limited to one person per household.
Janine Pritchett says
They shut my mom phone off yesterday as she had to move in with me because of financial issues do her blls n prices going up.Her doctors been callid visiting nurses been calling I don’t know what to do
Free Government Cell Phones says
The best we can tell from what you told us, it sounds as if she was terminated because the household income now exceeds the maximum threshold. Unless you can prove that she pays a portion of your rent and pays all her own expenses, there will be no way to reverse this. If she can prove those things, she should call her service provider’s customer service team to ask for an exemption to the one-per-household rule. She will be required to fill out some paperwork to prove her claim.
Lynzi Gollogly says
I have been trying for weeks now to get ahold of someone from cintex wireless and can’t is there a reason why lost my phone and need to stop service
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your service should be automatically cancelled if you make and receive no calls for 30 days.
Tracy says
When I applied for a phone thru Qlink, after already having service thru TruConnect, thru told me I could only have one per household. They took my TruConnect away. Now I read that since 2012, it has been approved yo have more than one per household. And this was recently. Like a month ago.
Free Government Cell Phones says
As the article on this page says, the one per household rule still applies except under certain special conditions. Only if you meet those conditions can you have more than one per household.
Kea says
Can my roommate get a phone if I have one at the same address..we don’t share expenses
Free Government Cell Phones says
The situation you describe sounds as if it would qualify both of you for an exemption to the “one per household” rule. Contact your chosen service provider to discuss with customer service. You can also check out all the companies and plans available in your state at this link:
Anita Romero says
Would like to have a free phone even tho my husband has one, can I still apply.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Anita, but one of the program’s primary rules of the free government cell phone program limits you to one phone per household.”
Michelle Shaddeau says
Me and my husband have a free phone but we just filed for a divorce recently and he was able to get another government phone for free today but he still lives in the same household and we’re still legally married who do I need to contact regarding this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s an interesting twist that we’ve never run across before. It sounds like you should qualify or an exemption to the one-per-household rule. But you should speak to your service provider’s customer service team IMMEDIATELY for clarification. You can call them at 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Teresa Arnold says
Thank You so much for changing the rule we live in public housing only income is my husband’s disability so this will help us greatly I’ve been trying to apply for SafeLink but having trouble going through I was using assurance but service was bad haven’t been on it over a year so now he can get phone also ty so much
Free Government Cell Phones says
Although we’d love to take credit, Teresa, we do not deserve it. We don’t make the rules, we just report ‘em.
Vickie Allen says
I recently received a another government phone and I am not sure why. I already had one with SafeLink wireless and I am really concerned because I don’t want to get into trouble. I don’t need 2 I can barely keep up with one. I know their is other’s who need one as well but I am going to figure out what happened and how to resolve this matter. It’s worrying me and I don’t need the stress. Anyone have any thing like this to happen to them? Please advise me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you checked with both companies to confirm that you have an active account with both? Do that first because one of them may have already been cancelled. If they are both active, you need to cancel one immediately.
Jaki says
My husband gets the ebb program through lifeline is there a way that I can get a plan as well? Obviously we share snap benefits for food cost so that makes my ineligible to get the lifeline program. I don’t need a phone just a plan preferably unlimited talk and text atleast so I can get calls from employers and texts that I can actually use to verify my phone number (for app/ID security) text now doesn’t do verification codes.
Jaki says
Also EBB is transitioning to ACP I almost signed up for ACP thinking they were different programs which would have penalized us and disqualified us from any further use. I would throw that in your article as an update. Not to be demanding…lol
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Jaki, it’s impossible for us to update unrelated articles with every news item that comes along. That being said, the good news is that EBB and ACP are unrelated programs. There is no penalty for signing up for both because. In fact, if you are currently enrolled in EBB, you must also enroll in ACP to keep your service. Here’s an article from our sister website, CheapInternet.com, that tells you all you need to know:
Henry says
Lifeline, EBB and ACP are all separate programs. In fact, you could enroll with three different providers for all three programs. EBB will end at the end of this month. On March 1, ACP takes over and you must either be automatically transferred from the EBB program or apply for ACP without getting transferred. If you were receiving the maximum monthly EBB benefit of $50, it will drop to $30 when ACP takes over and you will owe $20 on the monthly bill.
The device (Laptop, desktop, or tablet) benefit for EBB and ACP programs do however, appear to be connected and you cannot get both benefits from each one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Jaki, but you cannot both qualify for the program.
Henry says
It sounds like you already have a separate phone from your spouse and are looking for a subsidized phone plan for your phone. Lifeline enrollment only allows one plan per household. You can enroll with many of the low cost call plans such as Consumer Cellular, Tracfone, Ting Mobile, etc.
This might be an option and you can try it out. Most Lifeline providers provide a SIM card to insert into your phone. I do not believe that the SIM card is restricted to one device and you can install it to different phones (as long they all will work on the carrier specific network). So if you spouse and your phones both are on the same network, the SIM card can be transferred between phones as necessary to receive and make calls. Note that the SIM card has a specific phone number connected to it, so installing it into several phones should allow all of them to appear on the network with the same phone number. The only thing that I am unsure of is regarding each phone’s storage media regarding calls and texts and multimedia content. If you send and receive text messages on Phone A, not sure if it will be available on Phone B.
Linda Lee horn says
I’m with boost mobile right now and it seems ok. But I Qualified for the EBB Program… And I just got it this month ,. But I’m confused on how long? I don’t need to loose service on my phone , so can I sign up to receive a government phone ,. ?? Or do I get in touch with. My carrier on that ,? I’m asking , Do I NEED TO contact , like SafeLink or true mobile or whatever. ,!? I do get Government bennifits … Snap bennifits in… The state of Alabama … Thank you . Please let me know if. You do know ? Linda .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Boost does not participate in the free government cell phone program. AND the EBB program is unrelated to the free government cell phone program. So you can have both programs simultaneously. For example, keep the EBB program on your Boost plan AND enroll in the Lifeline program with any service provider.
Angela Houff says
Am I allowed to get another government phone even if I already have one
Free Government Cell Phones says
No. The limit is one per household except under certain special conditions.
Barbara Peterson says
Could I get a lifeline free goverment phone if my boyfriend has one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
As long as you live in separate households and both qualify on your own, you can get two phones.
Christina says
So tell me who is the best to go through for service for your free phone in Virginia?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are far too many variables to be able to name a “Best of…” service provider. But here’s where you can find all the providers and plans in your state:
Truly Yours says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Leona says
So what are the rules I don’t know where to find it please. Thank you
Donna M Rahtz says
Me and my wife are both handicapped, right now we have Q-Link it is terrible! The phone did not work! We had a phone from Sprint ,so we switched that phone to use with Q- Link.. they told us first it was compatible, then we stopped getting messages, texts,we can’t use data when we go out.. we both have bad health problems. We are missing important phone calls. We need two phones. Everytime we call, we get someone from India, and you can’t understand a word they say..they said they would send us another phone if we paid $19.99 for it and $5.99 shipping.. I can’t afford it, why do you think we are under the proverty line?? Why are you sending poor people phones that don’t work??and make g us talk to people from another country that can’t even speak English when we have to call them about problems..? Just because we’re poor doesn’t mean we don’t deserve the same as people who can afford better. .. my wife and I need a good mobile phone, and service, so when she is out and I am home by my self we can still contact each other, but we need a service that is dependable..not crap like Q-Link…Help us, Please!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Donna, you are only allowed one free government cell phone per household. That means you and your husband cannot both get phones.
Considering the problems you’re having with Q Link, you may want to consider switching service providers. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
Gavin Myers says
My son is in school and he has diabetes how would i get another goverment phone because my other son has one
Free Government Cell Phones says
It does not sound like you qualify for an exception to the one-per-household rule, Gavin.
Carlotta Wright says
Hello. I’m Carlotta Wright. I’ve been trying to get on touch with someone because since I finally got my free phone. I was able to get the persons name and info off of it (he was a friend). However, this phone has no column. Can someone help me please ? And when I’m ready to recertify, could you let me know in advance ? I’ve had a lot of Drs appointments lately. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t understand what you mean by “this phone has no column,” Carlotta.
Barbara Peterson says
My boyfriend has a free phone and we live in the same household so there for I am disabled but can’t have one because he gets one .I would like to have one also could I get one to
Free Government Cell Phones says
The situation you describe does not qualify you for an exemption to the one per household rule, Barbara.
Amanda Meresa Unger says
I agree with lisa piper i am a single parent of 4 children 3 witch still live at home i work mornings and evenings at the same place i keep my government phone so i can be gotten a hold of but life line wont give me internet at my house or an extra phone for the house for emergency use and for the next 3yrs i have to pay 65% of my check to child support or to my kids grandparents there scandalous. I think that some one shouldn’t be allowed to use there DDS credentials to there advantage of people. But anyways in a situation like mine i think that there should be an exception.
Lisa Piper says
Why Can’t A Married Couple Or 2 People Living Together Share An Unlimited Plan On 2 Phones? The Usage Would Be The Same Regardless Of The Number Of Phones Involved, The Only Difference With 2 Phones On One Account Would Be The Broadband Internet Usage But That Could Be Handled As Combined Usage.
There Are Domestic Abuse Instances Where Having Access To A Personal Phone To Call More Than Just 911 Would Be Beneficial To Someone In Need Of Contacting Shelters Or Mental Health Professionals. Giving Control Of A Family Phone To One Individual Gives The Stronger Person The Power To Withhold The Phone From Their Partner. There Should Be A Way To Share The Phone Without Someone Saying It’s My Phone And You Can’t Use It.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t make the rules, Lisa, we just report them.
Patricia Navarro says
My phone is no longer working. H how can I get another phone please let me know
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team. An increasing number of Lifeline companies offer replacement phones annually.
Lisa Piper says
I’m Disabled Waiting On Disability, Until Then I’m Supported By Someone I’m Not Married To & I’m Married To Someone I Don’t Live With, Nor Am Supported By. The State Of Kentucky Forced Us Onto The Same Foodstamp Application But My Medicaid Is A Separate Account From His. Am I Eligible For My Own Phone? I Had One Until I Moved In
(I Became Homeless Due To The Dangerous Rundown Condition Of My Own Home). Safelink Said One Per Household IE Address, So I Don’t Qualify Because Of The Charity I Receive From Someone Not My Estranged Spouse. Why Shouldn’t I Qualify, We’re Not Married, Nor Is He Obligated To Support Me, I Just Don’t Add To The Cost Of The Expenses He Already Has.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your situation is so complex that we cannot figure out if you are eligible or not. Click a plan and contact that company’s customer service team to see if they can figure it out.
Barbara peteroon says
I seen some were that they are offering more then one free cell phone per household.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe you saw it in the article on this page. That would be our bet.
Lisa Wisbey says
I applied for a new government phone because my old one is broke but there was no questions that asked about my old government phone so I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to do.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you enroll for the second phone with the same company that provided your first one? Do you meet all the rules to be eligible for two phones in the same family? If not, you need to cancel one of those phones ASAP because you get caught up and get both phones cancelled.
Janice Sims Smith says
My mother has tracfone with safelink we live 2gether. I get ssi, food stamps, n medicaid can I get a government phone also?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you live in the same house? Do you share expenses? Did you read the article on this page?
Patti says
I sent my qlink phone to be fixed in march.now they won’t send it back.they say it’s in the quarry.wth.can someone HELP me
Free Government Cell Phones says
It really sounds like Q Link has completely fallen apart based on our readers comments.
Sandra Constantine says
Qlink has fallen apart. They never sent me a phone they sent a sim card only..but said they sent the phone
, I finally got a cheap tracphone from the dollar store and the sim they sent loaded and it wouldn’t work, so had to wait for a new one and they sent a new charge cord..lol I never got a phone. But finally another sim showed up.
I had trouble getting internet sometimes my calls wouldn’t go out it was a mess finally somebody relieved me of my phone by stealing it and taking the Sim with it I waited months for cooling to finally acknowledge my reporting it as stolen and just this month finally got another Sim to replace it and now I can’t get it loaded I’m going to call customer service tomorrow but yeah q Link is definitely gone under. How can I switch from q Link to another free phone provider
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
And here’s where you can find all the providers and plans available in your state:
I love the Wikipedia article about Q-Link (In October 2019, Q Link Wireless was named the fastest-growing tech company in the United States.
On June 9, 2021, the company’s Florida headquarters was raided by United States federal officials for an undisclosed investigation that had been happening since 2019)
HAHAHA — Anyway A Tracphone since 2020 when acquired by Verizon They Use CDMA phones before this they used devices from all major US carriers so to stop people from tying to swap sim cards and phones and explaining how Phones run on 2 networks CDMA or GSM bla bla they locked them totally from any change. QLINK is no using T-Mobile so (GSM) devices you can get anny unlocked GSM phone like a BLU phone at walmart or target the are good for the money. Best prices on Amazon they are all Unlocked.. Note- NO Prepaid phones even GSM / T-mobile prepaid will work prepaid phones need to be 6 months paid service before unocking the device…. You can switch to Assurance or whatever after 365 days has passed since you activated your last Lifeline device & service , so 1 year after you got the Q-Link phone….
angela scott says
I tried to get a second free phone for my mother. We live in same household and they said she did not qualify because I have a free phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Under most circumstances you do not qualify for a second phone, but there are exceptions discussed in the article on this page.
sandy says
I have Truconnect mobile service through lifeline. My screen on my phone is cracked really bad and I need a new phone. can I get the phone replaced under lifeline ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Some companies offer annual replacements, but you should call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone to find out what Truconnect’s current policy allows.
Christina Vidal says
Hello I applied for safelink and assurance wireless currently I have the assurance wireless phone and the other phone I am getting in the mail in a few days (safelink) you are saying this is ok it’s for my husband. Thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, it’s not ok. Only one free government cell phone is permitted per household. If you have an account, your husband CANNOT also have one.
Henry says
Only one application per household is allowed for a given address. If you have multiple people living at the same address, but do not share living expenses and income, then more than one application can be accepted. Normally married people are treated as one household. Se this form from the Lifeline website.
Some married couples (for example in marriages where the couple decide to separate, but still live together) could be considered “single” persons since they will not share income and living expenses, But the burden of proof will be on them to convince the program’s administrators.
Icould Workthere says
Be aware of Cintex Wireless, part of Newphone Wireless and SFone Wireless!
They make you check Terms and Conditions that is you get an account with them, you do have to stay 2 months service with them or you pay the full retail price of free phone they give or upgraded phone you purchase from them! The FCC Lifeline rule you can switch sooner is a flat falsehood until you meet these providers hoops they want you to jump through!
Give a review on these companies! They don’t give you any communication and they want you to use virtual chat when you go online for support that sends you into a flowchart of no help!
They also, when you buy upgraded phones, do not give you an invoice stating you purchased the phone!
One review on google of their companies, the customer rep replied with a bad customer service response like they disliked their patrons!
I would stay far away from these companies because they make you wait forever for customer support and the support is in India and these reps really have no idea what they are doing and make a simple response go 40 minutes by telling you to hold for 2 minutes continually!
CaniGet SomeService says
Cintex also takes many days before they give you tracking #s for phone orders and their websites are down all the time and they wonder why people have a hard time applying to their service!
David S. says
They provide no communication or customer service skills! Everytime i called the reps act like they are in a social club and they were hired because they have a disability of the brain which affects them knowing how to help someone! I was told customer service is in India and their salaries are being paid by US government!
Henry says
Newphone wireless is for Louisiana residents only. SFone is a subsidiary company that does not participate with the Lifeline program.
They added a provision that if you are given a free phone, you must stay with them for 1/2 year or you will get billed for the cost of the phone if you switch.
I tired to apply multiple times since June and kept getting an invalid program code response after I got to the point of asking for a new phone number. I tried to email them, online chat, and phone call to get some response and they say that someone will contact you shortly but that never happens. No transaction order receipt is provided when you enter your payment for a phone order. The rep said a credit will be issued in 3 to 5 business day. That deadline came and gone. I filed a non-receipt of order with my bank card account. The merchant has about one month to respond. I will be interested if they do respond because no one could find any record of the purchase order. The person who set up the website has swiss cheese for a brain.
David S. says
They had the webmaster set their website that way where they can try to take people’s
money right?
On their website when you look up billing in your account, it gives a page that says seeing billing is coming later! This has been a month now!
My order that i shipped bad phones back never shows an update when it get to their city shippers drop point like Cintex has something shady going on with their shipper to fleece
the customers they serve! It shows in that they never respond or give any communication when you check about anything with your account!
Icould Workthere says
No kidding this Cintex Wireless company has been an ordeal! I be talking with one of the head people at the company and he tells me yes we are going to get you the best phone on the best signal we have, right? Wrong, as i was talking with him i mentioned i don’t get Sprint signal and if you send me a free phone it has to have Tmobile’s band 71 600 mhz extended signal because it is the only signal at my home that i can get a tmobile signal with! I have done my research and i told him that up front and what do they send me as a free phone 2 times? The first free phone was a samsung s7 gsm for tmobile but didn’t have the band 71 so no signal at my home then 2nd replacement they send me is Sprint Samsung s7 phone and no signal just like i told them upfront.
I could have saved them close to $100.00 in shipping if he would have only listened to me upfront but gets better! I have to send both phones back and now it is going on over 5 weeks and no service yet so guess what they do? You got it, they cancel my account because of their bad customer service in not listening to me upfront! They only had 2 devices out of their whole free phones website page(which they don’t let the customer choose which phone they get, deceiving on Cintex part) the Google Pixel 3a and 3a XL but guess what, i told them that was what they needed to send so they cancelled my account!
Yes all their reviews on google when you log into your gmail account are true!
They have the issue the person says here about the charging for a phone they purchased, they never want to respond to you and even correctly, when you ship phones back to them it seems like their shipper and them has some kind of coverup shady job going on because you never see the package delivered back to their company and their shipper is the USPS there in Houston TX.
It has been 5 weeks no phone service yet and they cancel my account. The FCC should shut this company down because always issuing excuses but this company has there on refurbishing center of phones the receive in! Even the ones you buy are used and they think they are saving you money, no, i purchased a 5G device and even it didn’t have a signal from Cintex Wireless! I got my money back for it after sending in FCC complaints on the company and accusing USPS of losing my packages sent back to Cintex Wireless!
Customer service doesn’t answer until you have held for 40 minutes or longer and when they do, they put you on hold every 2 minutes and you never get any service than that you are not using their robotchat online! Which is better? NEITHER!!!
Allan A. says
I commend you for your patience! It’s good to know the disabled community is not left unheard and left out. Awesome work and you are America’s hero!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Wow! Thanks. Last week a reader told us we were a-holes but this week we’ve been transformed into heroes. This is a much better week.
Wife's name is Colette Todd. Mine name is Kenneth Todd. says
I need to register my wife’s Motorola G7 for a free safelink line.
I’m her husband and I like to get her a SIM for her Moto G7.
We are BOTH receiving SNAP and Medicaid in the state of W.V.
How do I apply for her a SIM to use in her compatible Moto G7?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Everyone needs to enroll in their own individual plan, Todd. In other words, you are not supposed to register for her.
SLnk#107451194 says
I have been a recipient of Qlink wireless Lifeline service and have a concern that the taxpayer financials are not being denied to such specific companies of such are to be heavily fined and denied future contract’s.
they provide cheap no quality devices,with little too no connectability,unless the individuals reside within a largely populated area.
I reside within the Bangor/Brewer Maine area and have had more drops and spotty coverage with everything I have gotten and paid for.plus I’ve been waiting for the ‘supposed’ upgraded 5G
phone for 5 months.Ive just received the tablet and it’s been a piece of junk rite ours the box,no mobile service as it supposed to have,and it was advertised as phone capable.2 if the phones that I paid for came loaded with noncontinental foreign sites to skrew it over and they denied my complaint and haven’t repaid myselve.
Ernest says
I just tried to apply for another phone for my brother who was recently released from prison and was denied stating duplicate address! In Louisiana it hasn’t changed yet.
Tangela henry says
I need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Tangela. Just click around and you’ll find everything you need to know.
Jose Gonzalez says
I already have a free government cell phone with another provider that does not offer the free tablet. Can I sign up with you and get only the tablet.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You cannot have two different accounts. And just to make sure we’re clear about this, you cannot sign up with us because we are not a service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Michael Condenzio says
You could be a big help thanks
Michael Condenzio says
I need a phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read this website and you’ll find all the info you need conveniently categorized.
Daniel Tessneer says
I need a new phone and I never received my tablet
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you contacted your service provider’s customer service team?
Barbara Land says
My name is Barbara Land and another family member at the same address has a lifeline phone is there a way I can also get one. I get Snap and QMB
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s possible if you are able to prove that you all maintain separate households within the same home. To do that you’d each have to pay your own rent, not share any bills, etc.
rita narro says
Im trying to get a free cell phone for my brother, he is getting food stamps, not working at the, at the moment he does live in apt. He does not have a phone, please let me know what i need to do to get him a free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Start by looking at all the plans available in your state at this link:
Find the plan that fits his needs best, then enroll him (he’ll actually need to enroll himself) using the contact info we provide on each service provider’s page.
Carl says
How do I get my child a lifeline phone if I already have one? My child has no ID card or anything to show for mail. But is receiving cash aid, cal fresh, free lunch, medi-cal, ect. As a dependent. Child is between ages of 13-18. Who’s SSN would I give? How would this work?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Can’t be done for two reasons, Carl. (1) The rules of the program only allow one free government cell phone per family. And (2) No one under 18 is eligible. Sorry.
Maria says
There’s an amendment and you CAN now receive multiple phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
The rule has not changed in years. It is exactly what we spell out in our article.
Brandi says
That is for separate families who are living under one roof. The amendment does not allow parents and dependents of the same family unit, under the same snap program, etc to get more than one phone. I hope this helps.
An says
Great finally it will solve my problem having to pay 54 monthly from good I am senior and the assurance wireless UMX cell phones are a disaster battery died in one hour takes two to re charge.If phone goes out there’s no one else to lend an emergency phone to call anyone So two cell smart phones will keep one charged and one to use daily another for emergencies . T Mobile has merged to assurance and and Sprint smart phones will be TMovil experience Let’s see if this will work I’ve been disabled using poop cell phones and forced to pay 25.00 dollars for them too no sound level works phones have bugs to be monitoring on all we say write and do. This isn’t America but some Hedtstapo headquartered program using the poorest of the poor.
Brandi says
It’s still only 1 phone per family unit. This amendment is to allow for example, 1 person as part of a grandparent unit with an adult chil or their family living under the same roof to both get a phone. So 1 phone for the grandparent’s to share, and 1 phone for the adult child’s family to share if they are on separate Medicaid, snap, or other government accounts. If they are all on the same family form and list everyone under one income, they can only receive one. I know it’s confusing, but a single person can only receive 1 phone, and even a married couple can only receive one phone still. Only completely separate family units sharing the same roof, but paying separate bills can qualify for 1 phone per family. I wish you had better experience. Hopefully they’ll offer better phones in the future. I hope this helps!
Delilah Sanders says
I have a lifeline sim card how do I get a free lifeline phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you saying that you signed up for a Lifeline plan and received a SIM card? If that’s the case, you signed up for a plan that offers only a SIM card and not a phone (and you probably got some extra data to go with it). In that case, you will probably need to buy a phone unless you can get your service provider to switch you to a phone plan.
Marilyn Ritchie says
Yes I have two safe lines I brought the phones I was wondering if they can be activated with the internet
Marilyn Ritchie says
I have two safeline phone I want to get them both activated with the internet
Free Government Cell Phones says
OK, Marilyn, you’ve left this same question about ten times this morning. We answered it once. Leaving it over and over and over again isn’t going to change the answer. But when you leave the same question in response to your own question, you’ve gone too far. Take a breath, take your fingers off the damn keyboard for a minute and read our response.
Jennifer says
That was extremely rude and very unprofessional. There is a way to convey your point without cursing at someone. You shouldn’t be answering these questions if you have no customer service skills.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We actually considered that response to one of our nicer ones. What universe do you live in, Jennifer, where the word “damn” is considered a curse word in 2021?
Chuckers says
WARNING: I am about to give you a healthy does of reality (which you seem to not be living in, Jennifer)…
This site a free website that provides free information about getting free service (and sometimes free phones, although it appears that free phones are becoming a thing of the past) through the US government lifeline program, The owners of this site pay for the expenses of running it out of their own pockets. The people who run this website are not obligated to help you nor do they get paid for the expenses of the site or to answer our questions. Therefore, you have to take it as it comes. It’s free.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks for interjecting a healthy dose of reality, Chuckers.
Darlene Ruff says
If I have a free phone but my roommate needs one can he get one and how?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, as roommates you should both be able to qualify. But you will need to fill out the documents to prove that you are separate households.
What if I have a landline with internet and home phone that is on a low-income because I have hearing loss and I have a cell phone that I applied with safelink to get a sims for it and they sent me papers that say I can’t have both , what do I do ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are no options, Stephanie. The rules say only one Lifeline phone per household. You get your choice of a discounted landline or a free government cell phone.
Marilyn Ritchie says
I have two safeline phone I want to get them both activated with the internet
Bill says
I already have a free cell phone. Under the new law , can my wife also apply for another free cell phone ? ( she is on Medical).We’re the same household .
“ New law :FCC rule change allows more than one free government cell phone per household
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article, Bill. You and your wife do not qualify as separate households.
John says
I sick on food stamps need cell phone fast
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state, John. Check them all out carefully to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll with that company using the contact info we provide:
HL says
How many times can a broken cell phone be replaced per year?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Depends on the company, but the rule of thumb seems to be once.
Darlene Ruff says
If I lost my phone and they shut it off now I found my phone but its damaged. And its my 2nd lost phone but the sim card is good what can I do
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your service provider will probably require you to pay for any replacement phone or SIM card. Contact your provider’s customer service team to find out what they will/can do for you.
Robert says
Why does any home need more than one cell phone and why do they need smart phones. For decades upon decades ppl have lived with only one phone in a household and I see no reason why any home needs more. Consider if you have multi family households benifits are adjusted in proportion to who gets what in a household. I think ppl have somekind of wrong mindset that ppl are entitled, but the thing is some working households that are not on assistance can only afford one cell phone at best sometimes and they have an income why should those on the taxpayers dime get more than those that do work?
Kari Salazar says
My husband receives Veteran’s Benefits and I am on his benefits. We receive Medicaid, and Snap benefits. Do we qualify for multiple phones? That is our only income source.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Kari, you only qualify for one free government cell phone per household.
Eugene LaFontaine says
Please send me the from to fill out. I will mail it back. Eugene LaFontaine.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll by phone or online, Eugene.
Lisa says
I receive social security disability benefits. I now have my 2 grandchildren 1 is 10 the other 13 living with me I have legal guardianship could we qualify for multiple phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, no, Lisa. No one under 18 is eligible.
Ann curtis says
I am not sure I understand.Can a daughter who is disabled .The mother has a phone the daughter who needs to.have her own phone so she can get back to work. It’s impossible for her to.dig herself.out.of poverty. She needs her own phone for.job hunting
She doesn’t want to use her mother’s phone because of the.limited data. Can she get her own phone. She’s 21
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, unfortunately, mom and daughter living in the same house will not qualify for two phones unless they each pay their own expenses. Re-read the article. It’s all explained.
K S Karwal says
Here the daughter is disabled so can’t she be eligible based on her disability. As mentioned that a household with disabled member qualifies for second connection.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Where does it say that a disabled person is not eligible for a Lifeline account? The way we read the comment, the daughter is able to work. If mom and daughter keep their finances absolutely separate they may be eligible for a second line (as it says in the article above). But the way we interpret the commennt, that does not appear to be the case.
Mary says
I have a free phone from assurance wireless..I have nothing but problems with the phone .they say they can replace it for a $25.00 fee.I don’t have that fee due to I just get by with my bills..can i go to another company that will send me a new phone ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do it:
Robert says
Assurance sucks with their UMX phones that have malwear installed in them. I have had 4 of their phones in 18 months and had to purchase my last junk phone because they do not stand behind their phones.
Sheila says
I once had a Safelink flip phone. It’s been probably a decade since I lost it. Just tried to apply for a new one as I have been out of work since covid hit. They said I am only allowed one per household. What can I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Well, you haven’t quite explained what they told you clearly enough. Were they saying that someone else at your address has a free government cell phone or that your old one was still active. If Safelink won’t give you a phone, you can always enroll with another company that offers plans in your state. Here’s where you can find them all:
Richard Alvord says
Assurance stated to me today that one lifeline phone per household is all that they allow. We have one of their phones for when I am out & about, they would not allow a second for my disabled wife. We are confused!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article again, Richard. What Assurance told you is consistent with the info in that article.
bohicasis says
After reading thru all the replys (some are downright charming!) I would like to cancel my previous post (being reviewed for approval) as i realized my adult disabled son is his “own household”, despite being in the same house as I. BTW: Praying he feel a bit more fiercely independent when the electric bill comes up 🙂
FYI: safelink no longer provides “free phones” You can purchase a Safelink compatible phone thru the”tracphone” website, Happy hunting. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Safelink still provides free smart phones, but they also offer plans that offer SIM cards for folks who already own their own phones or wish to purchase one.
Chuckers says
Actually, last week I started to go through the Safelink application process and the only option that is active to choose was the option to receive the SIM card. Then I tried to do some research on this and read somewhere (Reddit?) that Safelink is no longer giving away free phones under the excuse that COVID-19 has caused a shortage in phones (known in some circles as the “covid cop-out”). Whether this is temporary or not, I don’t know.
But IMHO, Lifeline users should not get free phones, and this if for their own safety. Reason being is that just about all of the free phones being given away have old operating systems that do not receive anymore security updates, therefore these phones are unsafe to use for transmitting sensitive data. The best thing to do for people who want free phone service through lifeline is to save up for their own cheap phone that has the latest operating system version on it.
bohicasis says
Tell that information to Safelink. They continue to have an applicant check the box wherein it states that only one person can rcve a phone per household.
Free Government Cell Phones says
See Bohicasis’ next comment.
Cameron says
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re welcome.
Ro says
An adult living with parents has Lifeline. The mother gets SSD for disability and is low income. But her husband is not low-income. Can the mother apply for Lifeline too? The daughter is considered a separate household for social services as she is over 19/21.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The rules of Lifeline are very specific. Here are the permissible income levels per household:
What qualifies as a “separate household” for social services may not qualify for the Lifeline program. Read the article above to find out what qualifies.
Susan says
I signed up with chewing to get my free government phone but with Sprint I don’t have service where I’m located how long until I can sign up with a different carrier
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you wanted to you could switch service providers once every 60 days.
Hazel Hamlet says
My daughter and I live togather . Were both seniors . She was approved for lifeline . Am i allowed to apply for a goverment phone with unlimited calls , text , and data ? We are both low income . I have medicare .
Thank you for your time , Hazel Hamlet
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe. Have you read over the article on this page to see if you match the criteria?
Tina Grimshaw says
I have a very tiny old SafeLink phone and can never get service I have called SafeLink dozens of times telling them I need another phone since I can’t get any sing a l and it’s small I can’t use it and they keep telling me I have to buy one and I explained that I can’t afford one I called today bc the screen says I have 49,992 mins but when I tried to make a call it’s says I’m out if mins After 1 1/2 hours still nothing I’m disable and need a phone that works and I can’t afford to buy one I’m using a friend’s cell to post this Can someone please help me I’ve had this phone probably over ten yes now
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t know of any free plans that allow you to roll over minutes from month to month and accumulate that kind of total free minutes. That being said, if you can’t get any help from Safelink it may be time to switch to a different service provider. They will categorize you as a new customer and provide you with a “new” smart phone. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how simple it is to make the switch:
Yasmeen says
Hello my name is Yasmeen. I got this phone four months ago and no one told me that I have to activate it so that it is not disconnected and now it is disconnected and I need it. Can anyone help me activate it or get another phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It is, of course, impossible or us to know exactly what the problem is, but we assume it has been disconnected because it went unused for 30 days or more. One of the rules of the Lifeline program is that non-usage is grounds for termination. If that’s the case, you will need to enroll again — either with the same company or with a new company. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Amy D Casteel says
I recieved my sim card and no phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sounds like you signed up for an account that only offers a SIM card, but no phone. Contact your service provider to find out.
Scotti Bishop says
I need to get a new government phone mine has been lost
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly what to do:
Diane Beamer says
Can I get another cellphone from another company due to the fact I loss my phone and they said i cannot get another one because they only replace one. My first phone was stolen. And they sent me another one and then I lost the one they send me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can, Diane. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
Joann Reif says
So a house hold can get more than one cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article?
Anthony Bishop says
Hi there I have a government phone with you. My question is I have a 10 year old son he’s on my stamps and my ssi is it possible for me to get another phone for him for emergency purposes I live in a area which isn’t the best please help me with this issue
Free Government Cell Phones says
Can’t be done, Anthony. Two problems: (1) You must be 18 or older to qualify, and (2) Only one free government cell phone is permitted per household.
Chuckers says
Anthony Bishop said: “Hi there I have a government phone with you.”
No, you don’t. This website is not affiliated with the FCC, the US government or any cell phone service provider. It does not provide services or phones. This website exists strictly to convey information on the lifeline through the US government and private cell companies registered to provide service for it.
Sharroll says
if my son has a government phone with my info, can my daughter get one from a different company and fathers info?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do they both live at home with you? If so, no, there’s a limit of one per household. If they have separate addresses, no problem.
Sherry says
So if my son is an adult,we live as a family within a family. Responsible for our own bills & our diets are total opposite for medical reasons. &I’m on disability Could we each get a phone for our medical appointments? Thank you. &Yes I did read.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The situation you describe may qualify for the one-per-household exemption. Call a customer service rep to find out more details.
Barbara Land says
I have a safelink cell phone. But my husband does not and we don’t have a land line Our problem is that I can’t leave him at home without a phone when I have to go to dr. And if I take the phone with me I have no way to check on him. Does this quill fill me for a second safelink phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Barbara, it does not qualify you for a second cell phone.
Angela Leonard says
So can I get a second phone sent to me for my granddaughter
Whom I would like to give herso I can keep in contact with her
Free Government Cell Phones says
No. Minors are not eligible for the free government cell phone program.
Antonio E Segovia says
I am now enjoying a free CA lifeline because of limited income privilege, however, after reading this article re: a possibility of applying another one (for my wife), I would like to know to go about it! I would appreciate you respond- thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Can’t be done, Antonio. One of the primary rules of the Lifeline program is that only one free government cell phone is permitted per household.
Gio says
don’t understand, the article says “In plain English, that means one household can now qualify for multiple free government cell phones.”
So you or you can’t? if not then this report should not be online.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We love to help people, but hate ignorant know-it-alls like you, Gio. No, seriously, some people just want to attack-attack-attack despite not knowing their ass from a hole in the ground.
Read the freakin’ article, you pompous ass. One per household. But different people living in the same house can qualify as different households/economic units. It’s all in the article above. Read.
Angela Williams says
Free Government Cell Phones says
“Do you work for this company?” No, of course, we don’t work for them. We’ll let you in on a little secret. Please don’t tell anyone. We found all this website’s passwords and user names written on a scrap of paper alongside the road in Yucaipa, California one day back in late 2009. We think it was about the end of November. We’ve been leaving these anonymous comments on the site ever since then and the morons who own the site have never figured it out. What a bunch of dummies. Please don’t let anyone in on our secret.
Tracy harlow says
How do I get 2 phones for my house hold
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not possible, Tracy. One of the primary rules of the free government cell phone program says “one per household.”
Sarah Freeman says
I just wanted to tell you guys that your reply to the question right before this one was priceless! I really needed a good laugh and I got that from it for sure! My hat’s off to y’all on your witty comebacks when having to answer the same question over and over and over and over again! LMFAO
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks, Mom. Tell Dad we said hi.
Lerondia Norman says
I have lost my phone, can I get another one I’m just one person.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your service provider may give you one, but it’s more likely that they will charge you a relatively small fee.
Ann Nguyen says
Hi, I have been in Lifeline program for low income senior since 2014. I am the only one in the household. The phone I have is landline. This phone is the only one way I contact my family in Viet Nam. Lately, my phone does not work normally for international calls, and the rates are too high I can’t afford it. Can I disconnect the landline phone and apply for a new cellphone? Please advise me if I can switch from landline to cellphone in Lifeline program. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can do that. In fact, you’ll need to do it because the FCC is eliminating the Lifeline subsidy for landlines.
demarion says
when am i goining to get the phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no idea, Demarion. This is an independent informational website that is not affiliated with any Lifeline free government cell phone company. Check with your service provider’s customer service team.
Donald Trump says
Marilyn Lawson says
I read you can get more than one free phone with service in a couple different places. My husband has one but it having some problems it’s a safely k phone he got upgrade cause his flip phone will no longer be able to work . So they replaced. I need a free phone cause my phone bill too expensive for me. We on as I and our bills get to g to high. Safelink said I can’t get one. I need help !
Marilyn Lawson says
He has safelink phone upgrade.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Marilyn, but you are not eligible for a free government cell phone. The rules say only one per household.
Db says
This government has surprised me by doing this, this is a good move it is appreciated
Sarah Reese says
I’ve had my safelink phone for years and was wondering if I’m eligible for a second phone for my 13 year old daughter whom I get free school lunches for
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, but the answer is no, Sarah. Only one free government cell phone is allowed per household. You must also be 18 or over to qualify.
Gerardo says
I’m EXTREMELY DISSATISFIED with my Lifeline Service Provider due to their Limited Phone Selection & “Factory Installed” Apps & Features that’s Not Only Unreliable (calls & texts don’t always come thru & I can’t access Ringtone and Notification sounds to change them for something Louder) but are Constantly SELF-DOWNLOADING “Apps from Settings” that have “Draw over other apps” capabilities, keeping me from Uninstalling them or Even USING My Phone!! After Repeated Complaints, they’re “upgrading” me to a Different Phone but, after researching reviews, Other People are Having the SAME PROBLEMS with the “Newer” Phone too!! Is this a case of “luck of the draw” or an illegal business practice by Flooding the American Consumer Market with Substandard Telecom Tech & Require Immediate Investigation??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Impossible for us to say, Gerardo, but we can say that many free government cell phone customers have the same complaints as you. Millions of people are happy, but a significant number mirror your problems.
Tanisha says
Wanted to get another one of my children a phone e for school
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can apply for yourself and give it to your child to use, Tanisha, but no one under 18 is eligible on their own.
Johnny Mack Brown says
What does it mean when you fill out an application online for insurance phone and it says your application request has been received does that mean they have to mail you an application sorry I know this is a stupid question
Free Government Cell Phones says
It means it has been received and is being processed. But, quite honestly, that may well vary from service provider to service provider.
Chuckers says
It’s improperly worded. They say “your application request has been received” but what they really mean is “your application has been received”. This is a result of outsourcing web programming to people who do not speak the native language as their primary language.
Gh says
How does a single person who has no kids end up getting 4 free government phones? I know someone who has 4. These seems wasteful.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not just wasteful, GH, it’s illegal. You should read the article at this link and turn in the damn crook:
Jacquelynn says
Is there a way to receive two gov. Free phones if receiving medi. An snap 1 dor self an 1 for a child in elementary 4th grade
Free Government Cell Phones says
The limit in your situation is one per household, Jacquelynn. Sounds like you qualify, but your son won’t because no one under 18 is eligible.
lil says
can two people who live in the same house under housing get their own phone if both are considered head of household do to being 18+?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, it’s quite possible, Lil. As long as you can satisfy the “separate economic unit” rule, you should be be able to get phones. Contact any Lifeline service provider to get more details. Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans available in your state:
Sandy Kennedy says
can 2 people in a household have a gov phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only if they live independently in the house, meaning they purchase their own food, each contribute to the rent, etc.
Stu Pidassole says
I two cellpone have but no bueno service? Gianni h@ve one of your extra free ones too please! I know you have nuff for everyone bc Gov said to give it them to your people, so sign us in for two free shellfones and stop b so roude. Jebus wud be ash aimed at with you if you don’t do ittoday ok so I need one black and one white bc I color blind and my dauter can just use the black one I guess, please?
Mykayla Rife says
Can two people in the same household get 2 free government phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s possible, but in order to make it legal both people must be in separate “households.” That is, they must each pay their own bills, buy their own food, etc. For example, a mom and her 3-year old son would not be eligible. A mom and her adult sister might be eligible. Speak to customer service at your chosen provider to see if you can qualify for a “one per household exemption.”
Brenda says
Why does qlink charge the poor to replace a phone that they sent me that never wirked since tbey sent it to me i would love to get a gov phone that works i am very low income cant afford to get a phone can you help
Free Government Cell Phones says
They should not charge you for a phone that never worked. If that’s really the case, you should call the company’s customer service team and ask to speak to a supervisor.
Victoria Cerasaro says
Qlink has been a problem nightmare from day one. The phone I got I also had to pay for and after trying to set it up with no luck, I found out there was someone else on that phone. I called the company, I can’t tell you how many times and told them that there was another person on the phone they sent me. They had every excuse you could imagine. This has been going on since last year. I told them to please send me a new phone that I can use without everyone knowing my business and they said I would have to get a new phone # for $5.00, that’s when I blew my top. The new phone would cost $25.00. I then asked to speak to a supervisor, I told her that I know everything about this other person, all information, where they live, and the fact that they don’t pay their bills. I certainly could not use that phone for anything, especially personal information. She then offered to have a Hard reset done on the phone. After the gentleman thought it was fixed, we were about to hang up and I said to him, you won’t believe this, I put this piece of junk phone next to my house phone so he could hear that this person was getting a voice mail! He told me to tell them the phone could not be repaired and to send me a new phone, and guess what, its still here. Now I’m trying to transfer to a different company, and I ‘m starting to think they are another joke.
Brenda, I wish you the best. I know it’s not easy on a small income and have to deal with something that is suppose to make one thing in life a little easier.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Wow. Crazy stories, Victoria. Seems to us that you have two choices at this point: (1) Switch service providers. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do it:
Or (2) Start filing formal complaints. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do that:
Terri L Low says
I thank the FFC for allowing multiple phones under one household, and yes, HOMELESS PEOPLE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF A WAY TO COMMUNICATE, AS WELL.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We assume that most of the elderly who live on fixed incomes qualify for the free government cell phone program based on low income. You can find all the ways to qualify at this link:
John Patterson says
When you request a much needed second phone you are either ignored or denied they say one phone per family.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to reinforce what you’ve heard, John, the one of the primary rules of the Lifeline free government cell phone plan is ONE FREE GOVERNMENT CELL PHONE PER HOUSEHOLD.
Tony Bennett says
I just applied with Qlink wireless and I had them in the past. I like that fact that offer a free smartphone. I am also interested in taking advantage of as many free government cell phone plans as I can get and since the FCC has changed the rules, am I able to apply and get approved through others even if Qlink approves me. I don’t want to get set up with one and they shut me off when they realize that I have service with another. Am I allowed legally to do this with the FCC change and can you provide a list of all free government programs I can apply for that come with a free phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not feel inclined to help you, Tony.
Tina says
So much for helpful service. Was going to try and get a phone from u for someone I am responsible for, someone who has memory loss, & could greatly benefit from having a phone, especially when I have errands to run. These phones are more than just a means to an end. For some people, it means the difference between life & death. So, I guess you put finances & profit above human life. I wonder how your mothers would feel knowing you put more worth on MONEY than you do people. May GOD forgive you all for being so misguided in humanity & for evidently NOT having the heart or compassion to really, truly, & deeply love thy neighbor. Just remember, it takes all of us to make a better world; that includes the poor, the homeless, the average, & the rich. How about taking more pride & giving more love to your fellow human beings.
Free Government Cell Phones says
For approximately the one millionth time, this is an independent informational website and is not affiliated with any free government cell phone company. You beef is with your service provider, not with us.
Rex Webb says
My cell phone from Assurance wireless got cut off and come to find out is Safelink had my old number still active. Well I deleted this account and still have no phone service. I’m disabled as well. What do you think my next step should be?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Now that both accounts are inactive, you should be able to enroll with any company in your state. You can check out all the plans to find the one that fits your needs best at this link:
Keep us posted. We’d love to hear what happens next – if your enrollment happens simply or if there are more complications.
Robert D Hoffman says
Interested in lifeline phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click around this website to find out all the information you need to enroll, Robert.
Astonished says
Just want to applaud the customer service rep or reps replying to some of these questions. Its a public service informing intellectually challenged applicants about the programs regulations that are clearly stated on website. Ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer.. Love it.. Keep up the great work!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks, Astonished. Some may be intellectually challenged, but for the most part we think we live in an age in which people think everything should be easy. Reading and comprehension are tough. Oh, well, it’s the burden we bear and if that’s what it takes to help people, we’re willing to do it.
Ms. C says
I love this site. When I’m feeling down, “reading” the comments here lifts me up.
Sarah Freeman says
Me too,
Ms. C…I just discovered that fact tonight, & I know I’ll be coming back for more! Priceless!
Robert says
The method to get the +1 cell phone should have been mentioned.
Angela Jackson says
So that mean since I already have SafeLink I can have assurance wireless to.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you actually read the article, Angela? That’s not even close to what it says.
No thank you says
She may have it wrong but what a mean reply from THE WEBSITE. Very confusing.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nothing mean about it. We get dozens of comments every day of the year from people who simply haven’t read the information provided. Frankly, we’re amazed that so many people asked questions that would be quickly answered if people just read the information presented.
Angela Jackson says
I’ve seen YouTube posting of people having 2 phones from 2 different companies. Acting like is ok. But ive only known u can one
Free Government Cell Phones says
“Only one” is correct, Angela. Anyone with more than one is cheating the system.
jennifer says
My fiance and i are under the same house hold when it comes to our snap benefits but for some reason his medicaid benefits are seperate than mine and my daughters(its listed as a seperate household). in this case would we be able to apply each for our own phones or is it still considered one household regardless?
Free Government Cell Phones says
One address, one household, one phone. Sorry.
Melissa Reinhardt says
Above it says people can live at the same address as long as they both pay a portion of rent have their own medical n pay for their own stuff… so which is it now your giving two different answers
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not giving two different answers. We do not believe that there is any way two fiancés living in the same home would ever be considered separate households.
Julie says
I keep getting denied! Why?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Since we are not a free government cell phone service provider, there’s no way for us to know why you were denied service, Julie. Have you spoken to the customer service team at the company that denied your service? That’s where we would start.
Daphne Porter says
I keep getting denied
Free Government Cell Phones says
What reason do they give for rejecting your applications?
Mildred Hood says
Can I donate some of my minutes to my daughters SafeLink phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Interesting question. But as far as we know, that’s not a feature that’s offered by any free government cell phone company.
Lyric says
I have an old state phone but now it broke and i can’t useb it anymore can i still get a new one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Speak to your service provider’s customer service team, Lyric. They may offer you a free phone (depending on how long you’ve been a customer or how well you sweet talk the rep), but will probably require you to pay $25 for a replaceament phone.
Rameshchandra S.Patel says
Safelinlk has held up my application from November 2017.Cstomer serviceis not providing answer why it has beenheld up nor is it informing me what should I do to get the Phone.Kindly help me.
Enrollment ID: 3598****
Document Status
Application form Approved
Qualification proof Approved
SSN proof Approved
Birthday proof Approved
USAC Worksheet Approved
Safe Link Application
November 08, 2017 the status change to Pending
Order Information:Carrier Tracking Number Ticket Number Qualification Date
Qualification Date
What Legal action I can take for harassing me for one full year and leaving me without any phone so far. I am in Low Income Group.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to file a formal complaint and who to file it with:
Dianna Tanner says
The house hold next door is receiving 2 government phones one from life wireless and other from q link. is this legal?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you read the article on this page, you’ll see that it may be legal, Dianna. It’s possible to qualify for multiple free government cell phones in one household IF (and only IF) certain specific conditions are met.
Kris says
I’m a bit confused If I have a room mate who has this can I get one also or are we considered the same household
Free Government Cell Phones says
EricaB. says
I had a lifeline account 3 years ago in my name but don’t have it anymore. Can my husband receive one now from the same company under his name if he meets all the requirements.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, he will be able to get a phone, if he qualifies. No problem.
Tracie Miller says
I was wondering how to go about replacing my current phone. some of the buttons don’t work correctly and some of the features don’t work correctly.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. They can tell you what their process entails.
Jennifer B says
I had a safe link phone only about 3-4 months but it broke (when I try to make calls it says my service has been deactivated and customer support says the problem is not on their end!)and customer service told me I would have to buy another phone and they would transfer my phone number. I can’t afford a phone. I wish you could send it in for repairs or something. Can I get a qlink phone or am I not able to have any government phone period?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s a simple solution, Jennifer. Switch service providers and you’ll be given a smart phone by the new service provider. Tell the customer service rep that “I want to port over my current phone number.” Here’s an article that will give you all the details:
Annette says
After reading the questions& replies I’ m a bit confused. If two phones are now allowed why can’t each spouse have their own phone? What happens when one spouse passes away; do you have to start the process from the beginning or are you allowed to keep using the phone? There are a few more questions on my mind but I’ll get back another time.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article again, Annette. You’ve completely misinterpreted what it says.
Renee says
Does it work for all government phones or just lifeline? Thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not sure what you mean, Renee? What’s the difference between a “government phone” and a Lifeline phone?
Sheila bonds says
I had my qlink pH come in an boyfriend changed the info I gave yall so he would get all the data an be able to download anything using his qlink pH from my pH.318709 ****
Free Government Cell Phones says
Our advice is simple: Pick better boyfriends.
Hi all, I hope you’re doing well today!
I guess I’m a bit confused as I’m seeing replies to questions asking about multiple phone options in this thread and being told only one per household. And yet, this is on a page titled “FCC rule change allows more than one free government cell phone per household”.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The article above explains the exception in which more than one phone per household is allowed. Read the article.
Thank you! I reread it & did some more research, (thought it may have been an outdated article, but it’s not) LOL
Bonita Gray says
In addition to the one free phone, can I purchase a second plan (as advertised for $15.99) from SafeLink as a backup phone? Sometimes I run out of minutes and need an alternative so that I can stay in touch with my medical professionals.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Congratulations, Bonita. You are the first person to ever ask that question. We think (in other words, we’re not sure) that you can purchase one of their pay-as-you-go phone plans, but you should check with customer service to make sure.
Ms. C says
Safelink offer a top-up plan that will give you unlimited talk and text for an additional $15, for 30 days of service. You don’t need another phone or number.
Ramla says
How many phone can we get me.and my husband
Free Government Cell Phones says
One phone is permitted per household, so assuming that you and your husband live together, that means you can get one.
Cheyenne says
How can kids get free phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Kids are not eligible for the free government cell phone program, Cheyenne. All enrollees must be 18 or older.
Jackie L Mosher says
How can kids get free phone’s from the school in Independence MO an they live in ks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not possible, Jackie. All free government cell phone customers must be 18 or older.
Pennie says
My client, an older man has a government phone. It’s to small for him to read and push the buttons. He’d like an old style flip phone. And he will send back the one he has.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Finding companies that offer old flip phones is a bit difficult, Pennie. Try calling your service provider to ask about their BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone) program. If they have one, you can purchase an inexpensive flip phone and use it as your free government cell phone. If not, you can always switch to a different service provider that does allow that flexibility.
Elizabeth DeMao says
How do you change your government phone number and is that a problem to do that?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Just call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. You’ll be connected to customer service and they should be able to make the change you want.
marsha says
My husband has your phone but it cracked and he called for a replacement or put minutes on his old phone but they told him he couldn’t unit January and he lose his minutes!!that’s how you treat a veteran!the phone you sent him ate up his minutes and had a mind of it own so please send a better phone !!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jen says
I hope so lmao!!!
Chris says
Wait! What is this website for again? You mean I can’t get a free government cell phone here? Bloody hell, stupid Google.
Dilip says
How do I apply for phone ?? If my spouse has one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You cannot enroll in the free government cell phone program if your spouse also has one. Only one per household.
Sherry says
But it says we can now have two per household
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not what it says, Sherry. Read it again.
Chi says
I live with someone and they don”t support me and my SSI income is below $5000 a year. I do not know what their income is and can’t give that private information. I help out in many ways to keep a roof over my head and buy most of my own food but sometimes we share and it seems one is not allowed to share anything. I guess people lie about that. I don’t want to lie. I don’t want to become homeless to qualify for a free phone but really need one to not be phone dependent. Any information is appreciated.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Chi, the rules of the program require you to report “household” income, which means the combined income for both of you living in the house.
Carol Brinsko says
We have an old Virgin mobile phone and have a Safelink account with . Can I add the Virgin Mobile phone to the ALCATEL Safelink account?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have chosen to never answer this specific question, Carol. Only your service provider’s customer service team can give you an accurate answer.
Andrea Angle says
I’m a mother of two and living with a family friend. She has her own government phone. I would like to know if I could get one . I perpare my own meals for my kid’s and myself. I gave my own food stamp card and my kid’s and I have medicaid cards. I need one so I can find a job and use it for my appointments. Can you please help me.
David says
In 2018 can you have a Safelink phone and Qlink phone also?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No. That would require two different Lifeline free government cell phone accounts and each household is limited to one account.
Leon Williams says
Why can’t two people in the same house have lifeline service and both are low income .!?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Two (or more) people in the same household can have free government cell phones under certain special conditions. They must be able to prove that they live independently and do not share expenses. For example, one could be a tenant who pays rent to the other and buys all his own food.
Aaron says
If I have my own foodstamp case can i have a Free cell phone at the same address?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Certainly, Aaron. Food stamps are one of the primary ways you can qualify for the free government cell phone program. Here’s an article that will tell you all about the other ways:
Kelvin Parker says
What if a current household member no longer uses the address?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not sure what that means, Kelvin. Why doesn’t the current household member use the address?
Jackie Corsaro says
My name is Jackie corsaro I had a SafeLink Lifeline phone I’m 65 years old I lost it can’t find it I turned it into SafeLink they supposedly turned it off and told me I wasn’t able to get another one I called qlink and and register for one of theirs they kept telling me I had a Lifeline in my phone which I do not I have been without a phone for over 6 months and they are denying me a phone could you please let me know something my number is 317-771-**** this is my sister’s phone Jenny corsaro
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re unable to “let you know something” because we’re a independent informational website and, therefore, do not have access to your account information. It sounds like you may have cancelled your phone before you were eligible to do so. But that’s purely a guess on our part.
User224 says
I had a government phone then I cancelled it for about a week then I went back with the same company and reapplied then all of a sudden the old phone started working again but I have a new phone on the way what should I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact customer service by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. They will be able to tell you what to do.
Balbara says
I live in a two family house I live in the top floor but we are not related but I apply for a phone and they told Me that i can’t get one because some one have one under that address.
How can i get one please help really need it…
Thank you .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you both have EXACTLY the same address? Does one unit have a Unit 1 or Unit A designation? You are certainly eligible, so you need to contact the USAC to get this issue cleared up. You can find their explanatory web page at this link:
Tori says
When I went to apply for a free phone I got denied due to someone else got a phone in my name! How do I find out who? And so I can cancel the service
Free Government Cell Phones says
Visit the USAC’s website at USAC.org. They can help you solve your problem.
Daniel says
Is there a new rule as of June 2017 that allows 2phones per house hold?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Robert lowells says
I go through qlink Wireless and someone has stolen my cell phone but I can’t afford the $25 to replace it can I apply to a different company without getting in trouble?
Free Government Cell Phones says
First question: Do you have only cell phone service or do you have cell and internet service? If you have phone service only, you can switch Lifeline companies after you’ve had your account for 60 days. If you have data as part of your Lifeline service, you can only switch once per year.
Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
Brandy Reid says
My phone was stolen are misplaced along time ago I tried get new one and got denied am I able get new phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why was your application denied, Brandy?
Charles says
I saw this person at a access wireless booth at a hospital occasion and I asked how many cell phone per household and he replied 2 per household and explained the reason then I called access wireless if its true that 2 cell phone per household is eligible and access wireless said only one per household,so who is telling the truth?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not true, Charles. The information you were given is 100% wrong. Only one free government cell phone per household.
Tim share says
Hi my mom has a lifeline land line and I would like to apply for a safe link cell phone can I without her having to get rid of her life line
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Tim, only one Lifeline account (either land line or cell phone) is permitted per household.
David r wright says
I have a government cell phone I have 3 kids. How could I get them for my kids if possible. They need them bad.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Two problems, David. First, only one free government cell phone is permitted per household. Second, they must be 18 in order to qualify for the program.
faye says
so if they are 18 or older they can get one and still be in the same household? and you just said the fcc is allowing more then one ore household im confused now. bcause my son is over 20 and on my snap bennfits and he needs his own .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Those were answers to two different questions, Faye. Only one cell phone is permitted per household UNLESS the people applying for the phones can prove that they do not live as one family. But anyone who applies for a free government cell phone must be 18 or older.
Kristy Lafond says
We have a free phone already one in the household but somebody got another one but used a different address now there are two what do you do
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you’re all part of the same “economic unit,” you can’t have two phones in the same house. One economic unit means you’re all living as a family unit. If, for example, you are merely unrelated roommates or if one of the people with a phone rents a room from the others, you can probably get away with two phones. But you should call customer service at both companies to make sure they understand what’s going on. Otherwise you run the risk of being snared by the NLAD (National Lifeline Assistance Database).
Brandy says
Can me and my husband both apply for a phone. We get food stamps.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Brandy, but only one free government cell phone is permitted per household.
Jorge says
If someone has multiple lines of free cell phones is that considered fraud?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely, Jorge. Only one free government cell phone is permitted per household (with a few limited exceptions). You should report the fraud immediately. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
Jenny says
I live with a roommate(just a roommate) who has a Safelink phone. We share rent, but nothing else. Am I eligible for a phone of my own?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only one phone is allowed per household. I know it doesn’t seem fair, but we can understand how this is the most simple way to control fraud.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s a borderline issue, Jenny. Here’s an article that explains how different economic units (did you know you were an economic unit?) living in the same house can both be eligible for free government cell phones:
Stephanie says
Actually Jenny you can receive a government phone as long as you and your roommate are two separate households living under the same roof. I have a roommate and I receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, etc. I have a Q-link government phone. I live in this house and pay a separate rental fee. He also has his own Free Government cell phone. As long you both aren’t considered “Sharing bills and rent”. You have to claim yourself as another household. There a many families who share homes together and each are their own. Here’s an article to help you receive that phone and there’s a list of providers as well on this website….
**Make sure you claim yourself as a separate household**
Good Luck
Daniel j Goode & assoc says
I’m hoping to be a representative for q link / lifeline and Safelink. I went out and trained for 1 day now I’m getting all the info together I’m hoping to also offer free home phone and free home internet I’ve just started my research hopefully I can open by 1/14/17 also I want to post classified adds looking for donations for advertising/ a 150$ deposit for the notebook for submitting applications a mobile device with unlimited data talk & text 64$ a month information broshers 100 $ to start dress cloth 100$ donations like a note book from a pawn shops donation by the news papers for my advertising and a sleeve of blank office paper to print my fliers I can type set ariganalls find a outfit to donate the printing any assoc out there to donate towards my start up overhead any sagestion thoughts or contacts OK well I’m done with this post time to switch gears!! posting by *******@gmail.com GOD BLESS
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, Daniel, but we wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.
Nancy says
Under my husband name we have a lifeline for a Land line, can I (the wife) apply for Obama CELL phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can only have one Lifeline discount per household, Nancy. So if you apply for a free government cell phone, you will be required to give up your landline.
Kitty says
When you apply, the immediately ask you if you have a government phone so they’ll let you know
Audry says
I told the person giving out free phones that i already had one they insisted that if was a different company *still a government phone* and now my original phone is disconnected. How do i get rid of the second phone abs get my original phone activated.
Free Government Cell Phones says
When you switch from one company to another, you cannot switch again (or switch back) for 60 days. After that, you simply contact the company you want to switch to and it will take care of the entire process.
But your experience reinforces our belief that no on should sign up at these street tents or booths. Always enroll by phone or online to avoid this kind of problem.
Mayra says
So can i still get another free cell phone if i got one already ??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Mayra, but there’s a limit of one free government cell phone per household.
nem says
how to apply for more than one phone then? do you just go to the lifeline provider website? i don’t see one on safelink site. they only limit one per household.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is the kind of issue you need to discuss with your service provider’s customer service team, Nem. But make sure you have our article in front of you when you contact them, because the rep you reach may not know about this FCC ruling. If necessary, ask for a supervisor.
Damaris says
today i applied for a free phone infront of the welfare. they asked for my id, medicaid and last four of social. they had a tablet where they were putting the info. i’m not sure if it was this company but they said they allow two per household. is there any way i can check which phone i am getting or whether or not i was scammed? i’m worried now.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not want to scare you unnecessarily, Damaris, but we’d be worried, too. It’s NOT true that you can have two free government cell phones per household. One is the legal limit.
This is one reason we advise readers to enroll in the Lifeline program by phone or online. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse from the street tents and booths.
There is no way for you to check which phone you’re getting if you do not know the name of the company with which you applied.
jazmin says
Can I get a government phone underage?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Jazmin, but you cannot get a free government cell phone if you are under 18.
John doe says
There still should be another change in the rule,what about the fact that only ONE parent can have a lifeline phone. What good is that when like for example my wife works and has a lifeline phone and I the father am the stay at home dad who is daycare for our child but i dont have nor can afford a phone so how am i suppose to contact my wife or anyone for that matter if an emergency arises? Like i said whats the use of only one parent allowed a lifeline. NOT FAIR! Especially when i know people for a fact have 5-15 govt phones in households.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you know people who illegally have 5-15 free government cell phones, you should report them immediately, John. They are ripping off the system and keeping 4-14 deserving people from getting phones. Here’s how you report these criminals:
LittleB23 says
I recently got approved for qlink wireless and life wireless. They are both government phone programs. Will I have to shut one off? If so I want to shut the life wireless one off cause the qlink phone and plan is better. If I need to shut one off how do I do so?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to cancel one of those accounts IMMEDIATELY, LittleB23. The USAC operates a national database of free government cell phone accounts and they discover that you have two accounts you will lose one of them for sure and maybe both of them.
Audry says
What is the number. I need to call them
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to call who? The FCC or a service carrier?
Stephanie Kelley says
I’m actually trying to get information regarding the free phone program. Why are the companies now asking for people to pay to replace the phones? If anyone can point me in the right direction to get the answer to this question I would appreciate that. These companies are actually asking to be paid $20.00 or more to replace a lost or stolen phone and I think these companies are scamming people with this being that the government is paying them. And why should you pay for something that’s suppose to be free. So please if anyone has any information concerning this please respond. Thank You.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The companies are legally required to provide customers with one free phone. Unfortunately, there is no incentive for them to offer a second free phone. But in this case we support the phone companies and think that $20 is a very reasonable price to replace a phone you lost.
zal says
Really? They give you something free, you lose it, then complain for more, more, more.Its 20 damn dollars. Geez the nerve you have. Your comment is probably the stupidest I’ve heard in 2016. You really don’t think that’s reasonable? I really don’t understand your logic or why people expect anything and everything to be handed to them from the government. Next you’ll be complaining that the government doesn’t have people coming to your home to hand feed you and your kids everyday.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hey, Zal, let us know if you hear about a free program in which government people come to its customers homes and feeds everyone in the house. We’ll start a website dedicated to that service.
FifthSon says
Actually YOUR response to the comment os the stupidest of 2016. If YOU lost YOUR phone why should anybody be obligated to provide YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE self another free phone? I trip on people who make any complaints other than technical issues cuz its FREE people…ungrateful ass people i swear!
mariah says
What if somebody wants their kid too have one while theyre at work but they are under age.? Can my mom have another phone in her name ?
Raven says
I live with my mother, I have no income at all. They had a stand where we could go to get the free phone, and they gave her and I both one. Is this considered fraud? The more I read up on them the more I feel uncomfortable to have one. If this is considered fraud how do I turn it off? I have looked everywhere and have no idea what company it’s through.
FreeGovernmentCellPhones.net says
Yes, it’s against the rules, but you are not going to get into any trouble. What will happen is that sometime in the future you will get a letter that says that you have two phones for your address and that you need to select which on to keep. If you want to know who your provider is now, try dialing 611 and see what customer service dept answers.
Viv w says
I work with low income families. They don’t get one per economic unit they get 2 per person. Safelink, Assurance etc. Recently I’m seeing more and more with 2 phones cause then they have enough minutes without having to buy more. FRAUD!
monica says
I don’t have a free phone , but my sister does. I would like to purchase a case and headphones for her .She does not know the model nor the brand of her free phone. The phone was given to her in a zip-lock style plastic bag that had no info or user’s manual. The phone is a small candybar style , simple , approx. 3 in. x 1 1/2′ x 1/2′ thick. If someone has any info about this phone model, can you help me ?
Thank You
denise woods says
my name is denise woods and i would like to get a free cell phone.
Don Alsept says
I would like to be a provider for the free government cellphone program. Who do I contact about this to apply?
Lois Aills says
Lois Aills says
http://www.callrow.com i have a motorola ZN4 can you send me a owner manual to my e-mail?
William Anderson says
I’m currently with verizon wireless, I have two phones that I pay for. The second phone cost’s me 10 dollars. That phone is for my life mate, I’m on ssi and food stamps. My life mate in on early ss becouse of dissability. I want to know if I can keep my phone numbers, and still get two phones. Or if she has to apply, but my problem is both phones are in my name.
Can I get 2 phones and keep my numbers ? 216-695-3510 Thank You
WillIam Anderson