Lifeline is under attack by people who don’t understand how much people need this outstanding program. But the simple fact is, if you support Lifeline you need to pitch in and save it by reporting any fraud, abuse and waste you see.
NOTE: Now that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has been added on top of the old faithful Lifeline Assistance program, benefits are greater than ever. It’s now possible to get unlimited talk, unlimited text, and unlimited internet. As a result, the incentives to commit fraud are greater than ever. It’s up to you to report any fraud, waste and abuse you see.
Fact is, no one supports Lifeline more vigorously than we do. We get emails every day from needy people who need help in these tough economic times and we understand better than most that Lifeline gives them exactly the boost they need. Without it, millions of people would have no phone — either landline or mobile — to use for all the things the rest of us take for advantage. Thanks to Lifeline, they can now use their phone to make and receive calls from potential employers, keep in touch with family, and have around for emergencies.
There’s an old adage that says there’s a rotten apple in every barrel. It’s true with Lifeline, too. There are always those who will take advantage of the generosity of others. That’s why controls need to be tightened up, and anyone committing fraud needs to be caught and punished, whether it be a phone recipient or a cell phone company providing Lifeline phones. If we don’t all do what we can to end fraud, abuse and waste, those who oppose the Lifeline will be given more ammunition against this helpful program.
So if you know of someone who lied about their eligibility on their Lifeline application, or if you know of a company or company agent that committed fraud in their sign-up process, please report them. (Don’t worry, you won’t be sending any cell phone users to jail. To the best of our knowledge, the government simply cancels Lifeline service for anyone caught lying to get a phone.)
The Reporting Procedure
It’s easy to report any waste, fraud or abuse; and you can choose to do so anonymously if you wish. Just contact the special Whistleblower Alert line at the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). What is the USAC? It is the organization that oversees the Universal Service Fund (USF), which oversees and pays for the federally-mandated Lifeline Assistance Program.
The USAC wants to hear of any wrongdoing, and treats each report of waste, fraud, or abuse as a serious and urgent matter requiring immediate attention. You can contact them about any of the following:
- Potential violations of any USAC laws, rule, or regulation.
- Gross mismanagement or gross waste of funds.
- Fraudulent activity.
- Abuse of authority.
There are four ways you can file a Whistleblower Alert:
Telephone: Call them at (888) 641-8722. Tell the operator you want to report a “whistleblower alert” concerning USF waste, fraud, or abuse. You will be connected to specially trained staff who will record your report.
U.S. Mail:
Whistleblower Alert
2000 L Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Email: Send your email to
Contact Form: Click this link for the contact form. You’ll be prompted for the type of complaint; select “low-income.”
You will talk to a USAC staff person who will ask a series of questions to obtain as much information about the situation as possible. You may choose to remain anonymous. Can can choose to identify yourself so the USAC can contact for further details if need be, and if you do, they will make every effort to keep your identity confidential.
Whistleblower Alert Hotline webpage:
Erin says
I am disabled, in a wheelchair, recovering from major brain surgery and a traumatic brain injury. In the last 2 months, fraudulent accounts have been opened using my name, DOB, SSN and an address that lived at more than 15 years ago. Identity theft pure and simple. It happened in August 2023 and again yesterday in October 2023. It took 12 hours worth of phone calls, bouts of rage, tears of frustration and exhaustion just to get the fraudulent account at Entouch Wireless (aka Boomerang) to close and delete the fraudulent account. Then I had to do whole new application before Xfinity could restore my account. Of course I had to pay for that month out of pocket which I can’t afford. Whew, all good right? Wrong, one month later the same thing happened. Oh, and Entouch wireless which is part of Boomerang was banished from participating in Lifeline/ACP several years ago and fined 25 million dollars for fraudulently opening accounts using stolen personally identifiable information. So, obviously they are back as a provider and up to their old tricks. I guess the money on the table is as tempting as a juicy steak to a hungry dog. And meanwhile the fraud department at the ACP program ignores all “escalation calls”, emails and messages from police detectives trying to help. I don’t have the mental stamina to go through all that again and I don’t have the money to pay for my own service. But yeah, the poor and disabled aren’t really seen as citizens, aren’t worthy of their financial drain on society and are easy to ignore, right? F this sh1t! I’ve already contacted the FBI, FTC and filed a police report. Other than the detective at my local police department, no one else gives a crap and can’t be bothered to do anything. Even though Entouch is stealing millions of dollars in benefits from the Federal Government!
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not our job here to defend Lifeline service providers, and we are always happy to help expose fraud, but we are unaware of any major fines or “banishment” from the Lifeline program involving enTouch and/or Boomerang. It’s possible that we somehow missed that news, and we know that several other companies have been punished with substantial fines and “banishment,” but not enTouch. If we are wrong and someone wants to correct us and send us a link to information to the contrary, we will gladly retract this comment and apologize profusely for our eeeor.
Brenda says
I was looking to get a free phone through lifeline because I have no other phone and this shorter heavy set Mexican lady with assurance wireless told me I don’t qualify after I brought my letter and everything, I asked her to show me her badge and it said “Morgan Cunningham” and it said “Pcreghcs” for the badge number (I took a picture) but that clearly isn’t who I was talking too. After I “didn’t qualify” I got an email from spectrum saying my acp was transferred even though I was told she was gonna take me out of the system. I knew it was a scam because right before me someone didn’t have an id for the application so she sold the guy one for $100 and someone else came up saying there phone was in somebody else’s name. I’m pretty sure you need an id to get government phones and this whole situation seemed sticky, and I had my cable cut off. Everyone told me to avoid the free phone people for that reason
Free Government Cell Phones says
We repeatedly and strongly urge our readers to enroll by phone or online instead of at street events.
Marcus says
I have had a CA Lifeline for years without any problems until last week. Someone using my name and SSN and DOB with a fictitious address transferred my Lifeline from Access Wireless. Later in the day, I get an email from my internet provider that my ACP credit was also transferred from Xfinity. I contacted CA Lifeline and was told that the phone service was transferred to Entouch Wireless. I also contacted ACP and was told that the ACP was transferred to Entouch Wireless. I have reached the conclusion that Entouch Wireless is responsible for the illegal transfers because I was an Entouch WIreless previously, and that it has all my personal info that it needs to make the transfers. Seven months earlier, my ACP was hijacked in a similar fashion, from Xfinity to Entouch Wireless. Seems to me that Entouch Wireless is the only party that has anything to gain from these transfers. While I am ultimately able to fix the problem, it can easily (and expectedly) will happen again and again. I will lose my phone service for a month as a result. I just don’t understand why there hasn’t been any criminal investigation conducted.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you think criminal behavior has occurred, it’s up to you to report it, Marcus.
Erin says
I had exactly the same thing happen to me! Twice in 2 months. Never had Entouch Wireless ever. Always have been with Xfinity but in August 2023 and now October 2023 Entouch hijacks my ACP credit fraudulently. I have tried to work with fraud department at the ACP program. The detective at the police department has tried working with them so he can investigate further. They have NEVER responded to either of us despite numerous emails and agents who say they have “escalated the situation” and promise I will receive a call in 48 hours. I will be contacting the above whistle-blower number today.
Donna may says
What a joke that the government doesn’t want to get involved with something they pay for it’s tax money I paid taxes all my life they’re telling me I didn’t send a phone back I sent them back ups with tracking numbers by UPS won’t let me track it only they can track it.(assurance wireless)but they’re asking me Assurance Wireless to check my tracking numbers why? proof that they have them now they keep telling me Oh no problem yes yes we have to we help you we help you we help you yes you get new phone one week no phone 5-7 days later oh call back again oh yes oh yes you get new phone assurance wireless it’s a scam and the government pays for it two months without a phone I’m on disability and a neck injury and they don’t do anything. there’s got to be somebody in charge of this. 45 minutes on the phone every time when I’m in pain and then they lie and say we got the phone and then they say we didn’t get the phones delivery ups confirmed..assurance Wireless is scamming the government and collecting money 2 months without a phone that works but they’re still collecting the money but won’t send me a phone that works.
AMEN,, OUR GOVT SUCKS,, My opinion , all thieves, Dont want to help out the people even though our WORTHLESS POLITICIANS GET EVERYTHING FREE, EVERYDAY,, Its like Christmas for them. Govt needs CLEANED OUT,, ATT.GEN OFFICE.. BUNCH of BUMS,, Have 4 people doing same job, FCC /FTC WORTHLESS ,They are the ones thats letting all these telemarketers call us,Heard they get a kick back on every call thats made to us,,ALSO there is NO SUCH THING as a DO NOT CALL LIST,, ANOTHER SCAM,, Found that out thru a govt worker at the FTC.. Let the politicians live on our wages,,,, Yes i already know my comment WONT get approves because YOURE afraid of stepping on govt toes.,
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t be a horse’s ass, Tony or Joe or whatever name you’re using to make this comment. If you spent any time clicking around this website you’d know that we constantly criticize the government and the administration of the Lifeline program.
Jeremiah says
I will help clear some of the smoke in this room. If you are dealing with the street vendor that is inputting your information on a tablet this is what you do. Tell the rep to “Clear Cache” after assisting you or say “If you wish to assist me to qualify for a phone I would like you to “Clear Cache” on your device so it does not store my information. If they don’t know how to do this then find someone else. I am a Sites Manager and this is what my reps do. There are companies trying to combat this stigma of benefits theft and fraud. I do agree that there should be better oversight. There is alot of misleading going on from companies and reps that don’t know the program and just blatantly con you in to getting the phone. My best advice is to make them “Clear Cache” in front of you before you walk away right after the activation call. If you do not know what “Clear Cache” means Google it, because if your reading this your on the internet. I am an active Rep of the Lifeline/ACP program in San Diego County. Leave a comment and I will try and assist. Cheers
Peter Mayslak says
I received a hot pepper surround of HP 55 through q Link and the ACP. On the 17th day the charging port stopped working. After 10 hours on the phone with q Link. They denied to warranty it transfer me to HP. They denied to warranty it. So now I’m stuck with this phone and a terrible company that’s defrauding our government. Please help. Thank you, Peter.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s a terrible story, but there is some good news, Peter. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
You can find all the providers and plans available in your state at this link:
Qlink is big scam Att also.
Lori says
someone broke in my car and stole my purse that was under the seat and got ALL my ID i tried to apply for a free phone since and they told me all i could get is a sim card cause there is a phone in my name which i do not have one .. who do i contact to have this checked out and stopped , soi Lori can get a phone in my name
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is something not quite right about the facts you’ve given us, Lori. Maybe you can clear it up for us. You can only have one Lifeline account at a time, either a SIM card or a phone. Most people who sign up for a SIM card plan already own a phone they can put it in. But it doesn’t sound like that’s the case for you. Are you attempting to get a phone from the same company that gave you a SIM card? Or are you attempting to switch to a different company?
Dana Lewis says
I’m so frustrated with the fraud and theft of my personal information given to lifeline cellphone provider service my service was cut off with no warnings and no customer support letter due to my service I was not even able to get In touch with cintex wireless so I ordered a replacement phone and I was not able to put my changed address on the app I did have my mail forwarded to my now address, I was not even given a tracking number and I was redirected when I was checking the status ,I talked to a chat service rep.!!!?omg I was told since I switched provider cellphone service I had to wait 90 days for a something I was told I did and I didn’t even get the service I was told they were pushing my personal information is to no avail on its last leg! I just told the same thing by air talk 90 days and I didn’t even have service with them! I’m so sorry this good thing turned out to be the worst night mare and through my benefits to the service I desperately need,I’m handicapped and I’m alone sometimes I am doing the service to my government and asking for a investigator to do a long look into cintex and air talk I can get a lot more done and better than safe if I had my phone service I did have galaxy 9 iPhone 6plus,no’ software available for 6iphone I didn’t get the one I had ordered the 8iphone it’s updated and I would appreciate it if someone could get the phone to my new address,thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your issues, Dana, but we are your service provider. This is an independent informational website that has ZERO affiliation with any of the Lifeline free government cell phone companies. You need to reach out to your service provider by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone
Kent Brown says
Pfffftttt, right like they care, their well aware the whole program is fraudulent, hell you need a phone to get a free acp phone and a home address etc. etc. if you have a phone wtf would you need apc for?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You do not need a phone to get a free ACP phone. You only need to qualify for a Lifeline account in order to qualify for ACP. And why would you need ACP? How about to get free or very cheap internet.
Jessica Nicole Pitts says
Qlink took my number after they opted me out of my acp but signed me up with lifeline only n a new account but telling my number got recycled like within 10 min of me getting the notification they obted me out now I have 3 account all different news but I still have text messages from pull with my original number like WTF
Free Government Cell Phones says
WTF, indeed, Jessica.
Leilani Cheney says
I am very disappointed in California lifeline. Someone ordered another phone in my name and when I reported it they shut mine off instead And when I called them back they aren’t helping me. I am in the process of getting housing and can’t afford to lose my number. This has happened before and I’m about to take some serious action against people who keep doing this to me and anyone who allows it
Free Government Cell Phones says
Which company was your service provider?
Jane in Ayer, MA says
Your article/post takes the stance that is the CLIENT of Lifeline who is committing the fraud. What if it is the Lifeline provider (in my case SAFELINK) that is committing the fraud?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Same procedure, Jane.
Ernest Stains says
I don’t want a phone some body that lived with me went off oweing rent there first name was Josh ****** and can’t remember the other the address is (DELETED) 70661;I want this order stoped thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way for us to stop it, Ernest, because we are not your service provider (nor his). Do as the article tells you.
Mrs. Aviles says
Assurance lady offered me a free phone. I did needed it so I told her yes. Waited for about an hour and I had to go and get my daughter from school. She says is just a problem activating the phone but should be an extra hour and she say if you need to do something you can come back and pick it up. She called me from her number to safe my number to let me know when it was ready. I went got my daughter and went back this took me about 45 min when came back no one there, no answer to phone calls or text.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Was this lady at a stand on the street? We would guess that she was a fraud and had nothing to do with Assurance.
Mrs. Aviles says
No, she was on a spot in front of the lake city farmers market
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is one of the reasons we strongly URGE our readers not to enroll at street tents/booths. Too much fraud an abuse. We hope this wasn’t true in your case, but that’s what it sounds like.
Lelia Joyce Jones says
I am Lelia Jones a victim of identity theft and I have to let you guys know that who is getting phone and my names and my SSN and my id Charlie ****** and Andrew ******** and there girl friend Bella someone need to no because I don’t have no phone now because of them arrested them please I need help to get the attorney to get my money please help me with my names please?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Say what?
Lakisha Wells says
How can I get Entouch wireless to unenroll me from their program? they disconnected my phone services march 29th at my request ,Except the national verifier people are telling me Entouch wireless has not closed my account eventhough my services are canceled and i have no service and cant enroll in any other program because Entouch wireless is taking my benefits still, i am lost
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to enTouch customer service?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If your idiot mother cannot get help from her service provider she should consider switching to a different service provider. Here’s where she can find all the options in her state:
JD says
My 84 year old father has his own cell phone and some guy came to the door and gave him a phone and said it was for him and it was free. I don’t like companies that prey on the elderly. Now my dad has a phone he doesn’t need and he doesn’t know how to return it or who to return it to. He received no paperwork with it and the number is not legible. I called the company (Assurance) and the agent guaranteed a supervisor would call me back in 15 minutes. They had his information and I’m concerned they are going to bill someone on my father’s behalf. I can file a whistle-blower report if necessary but need to make sure the phone doesn’t get activated.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is a special place in hell for those who prey on the elderly. How do you know that Assurance is the service provider? If they had all your dad’s info, it sounds as if the sleazy salesman actually represented Assurance and was not just an identity thief. That’s what can be interpreted as the good news in this situation. Since it’s a free government cell phone, the only entity likely to be billed is the government. That’s not a good answer, but it’s better than your dad receiving any bills.
IF THE PHONE IS ACTIVATED, you can call 6-1-1 on that phone to speak to customer service. Once again, theoretically, you can also cancel service by turning off the phone so that it neither makes nor receives any calls or texts for a 30 days period.
We’d love to have you update us on this situation, JD.
Zach Schroeder says
I know a couple assurance wireless reps who are stealing and selling people’s phones. They are signing people up who qualify for a lifeline phone then they are telling them they did not get approved although they did get approved and then they take the phone and sell it for 50 bucks. I bought 3 phones this way before I realized what was going on . Also they did the same thing to me. I also have one of them on video trying to sell me a lifeline phone. Any thoughts where to report this ? I have one on video and the other guy name and info.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Report it.
Henry says
You can click on the Whistleblower Alert Hotline link provided in the article above to bring up a screen to fill out with your complaint.
If you believe there is a misuse of funds or a violation of rules:
Contact USAC at (888) 641-8722.
If calling, tell the operator you want to report a “whistleblower alert” concerning universal service waste, fraud, or abuse. You will be connected to specially trained staff who will record your report.
If submitting via email or via U.S. mail, please reference “whistleblower alert” and the name of the program in your report. USAC staff will respond to your submission.
The USAC staff person who contacts you will ask a series of questions to obtain as much information about the situation as possible.
You may choose to remain anonymous. If you opt to identify yourself so USAC can contact you for additional information, we will make every effort to maintain confidentiality as the investigation proceeds. If appropriate or required by law, USAC will turn over information related to whistleblower alerts and results of our investigation to the FCC or law enforcement.
After your report is received, it will be investigated. Because the report and investigation are confidential, USAC is not at liberty to provide the status or outcome of the investigation.
If you have the video and the person’s contact information, the USAC rep will collect that information during your call.
Read Article says
The biggest form of abuse is companies like virgin mobile harrassing you several times a week to sign up for ‘unlimited’ programs which will not be used, but do get billed to the lifeline system. Virgin mobile is harrassing people into services they don’t need so they can charge the lifeline system again.
virgin mobile/assurance wireless ignores all requests to stop spamming lifeline consumers with ‘offer’ messages.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Virgin Mobile does not participate in the free government cell hone program. Assurance does, but not Virgin.
Gage says
This bitch got a free Obama phone for her son in my name
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should report that bitch.
B says
Hey there. Very nice website. I wanted to let you know that the link in the Contact Form section is no longer active. I”m not sure, but this might be the correct link.
I found this form by first going to this page: . There is a link to the above page near the bottom, where it says “Whistleblower Alert Form”.
have a very good day.
Robin Blashfield says
I’ve recently applied for free phone from truconnect. They sent me a sim card. I don’t have a phone to put sim card in. The RUDE man I talked to said it would cost $100.00 for a phone to put sim card in. What kind of free government phone service is this. Need to know how to to turn this company in for FRAUD. The government pays for this service and they’re screwing people over. This is ridiculous. Please help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If only you could find an article titled “How to report Lifeline Assistance Fraud, Abuse and Waste” online. That would undoubtedly tell you how to report it. Try Googling it.
Alona Hayes says
I had service (lifeline) with Qlink wireless they completely committed fraud on my account and then told me that it was my problem ,i signed up for lifeline internet was promissed a tablet and they put recieved even though i never recieved it and are trying to bill me $10 dollars a month for use of the tablet i never recieved , i switched companies to assist wireless and can actually get a real tablet from them as long as i can get this fraud they did to my account i have a screen shot of my old account where they tried to bill me and i have used no data either because i never got the tablet …please help
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s gone way beyond anything we can help you with, Aloha. We, like our readers, are in the position of sitting back to see what the FBI and Justice Department do next.
Lisa Langhammer says
My Qlink service has NEVER worked,they keep telling me they are going to cancel it but dont
LeeCoxFortWayne says
If Terracom Wireless covers your area they gave the best tablet in the nation for the ebb program. But a company called next link gives a great device so does boost Mobile although boost doesn’t offer much data for the ACP program. And assurance wireless gave a very good tablet although it was a Wi-Fi connectable only 10 in Coolpad Tasker tablet. The Samsung tablet offered by terracom wireless was the most valuable one in the nation maybe. Big bend telephone of Texas and team Midwest Mac of Michigan both offer 10-in Amazon fire tablets. Kinetic by Windstream offers a Samsung a7 or a7 light tablet. Stand up wireless has a very good budget tablet. Cathect communications offers a budget tablet with good specs by the company NUU a Tab 8 tablet.
Newphone & Cintex Wireless offer 8 in Alcatel Joy tab 1 tablets. They may be refurbished or brand new. You must ask. And you do not want to link wireless tablet. A company called American assistance offers a tablet with Fair specs it may or may not be decent. I haven’t seen one. It is a FoxxD T8 tabletmade by the company called Foxx Development.
Cox internet communications will get you a laptop under $50 through PCS for people if you sign up for Wi-Fi with Cox internet.
PCs for People and HUMAN-I-T I’ll sell you a desktop or a laptop under $50 maybe as low as $20 but the $50 ones are better investment. But you may also be required to purchase a hotspot device for a one-time fee of 60 to $80.
You can sign up for $10 per month Wi-Fi enough for three or four people with Comcast called Xfinity Internet essentials. The $10 plan is enough so I would pay out of pocket so you can use your lifeline and ACP benefits for mobile data plans. If you join Xfinity Internet essentials Comcast also offers you a new Dell laptop for $150. Either a 3100 Chromebook worth $300 or a 3120 latitude worth more. This may end in june. This is not for the ACP device discount benefit.
If Comcast doesn’t cover your area several providers offer $10 to $20 monthly Wi-Fi plans. AT&t has access. Cox and Mediacom have connect to compete. Kinetic by Windstream has a low income offer and a great tablet offer. And a company called Optum or Suddenlink have programs possibly called Altice or Advantage. This may offer you a 15-in Asus refurbished laptop for $150.
Qlink is big scam Att also.
Free Government Cell Phones says
AT&T is not part of the free government cell phone program, Tina.
Mike says
You make it too hard to 1 on your bot answering, and it just disconnects us.
It’s like you are in on the safelink lifeline scam as well
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no connection to your service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” make it too hard to complain? You’re a moron, Mike.
Patricia says
I suspect the data that I purchase is being transfered to illegal alien accounts because I purchase 4GB for 20.00 and its gone within the hour. I purchase 20.00 more and gone within the hour again???
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call 6-1-1 to speak to your service provider’s customer service team.
Shirley says
When you give a copy of your information to verify income is that information safe from identity theft
Free Government Cell Phones says
We assume it’s safe, but we also would have said that the east coast pipeline was safe.
Amanda Shaw says
My estranged husband keeps shutting iff my government phone to keep facilitating his abuse and isolation of me. Is this a crime? What action can I take to stop him?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If the account is in your name, he should not be able to shut it off. We are not attorneys and can’t advise you regarding whether or not it is a crime.
Jerry says
Somebody ordered a phone and my name for lifetime phone how do I get the account discontinue and get my own phone I tried customer service he said I don’t disconnect it and then I did I just want that out my name so I can sign up for myself email me at cross (DELETED).
Free Government Cell Phones says
Who told you a phone had been ordered in your name? Could they not help you?
Aida Rodriguez says
I started to received emails from this account number 787-961-9432 There was a person with the same name like mine. This lady asked me for my second last name and when she knew that I was not living in Puerto Rico she hung on me. I believe they stole my information from when I was living in Puerto Rico.
I want to report that this is a fraud and you must stop this person from receiving service under my name. I not even living in Puerto Rico any longer.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do as the article says to report your problems.
Latoya Jackson says
They allowed someone to use my information 2 times I called to report fraud .they claimed it was cutting off the phone but didn’t then when I tried yo get one it was another phone number on in my name the paper came to my address about yearly renewal. I called again. They said my address birthday abd information was use but they put a different list 4 digit ssn but they keep allowing someone to get q phone in my name I want to file a law suit.
Rose says
An just who do we go to, to report the program & it’s vendors themselves?? That is where the REAL corruption is taking place and those hurt by that massive fraud are the poor victims with medical illness, whom intended for in the first place. These flim-flam artists are not legitimate, reputable nor honorable company’s and I have saved email correspondence with “corporate” personel, displaying loud & bold, clear proof that these are crooks collecting quite a profit off tax payers of America while NOT providing service!!!! They pull malicious practises to rid of recipients, such as “losing” recertification application, or a member suddenly getting terrible signal/constant dropped calls with a pricey phone they’re selling off their own website, conveniently after 30 days– Then refuse to accept a return of the phone or unlock the phone, essentially making a nice chunk off the poor while squeezing them out of theit rightful benefit not to mention not complying by regulation to refrain from selling unusable devices that are not compatible with the govt program, and it is against the law and considered trickery/fraud to refuse a returned phone or unlock. This is a scam happening on a massive scale that no one is focused on or even batting an eye because they’re too busy looking at the lone corner con-man, which is laughable since it has become too corrupt for most well intentioned or not alike, to be approved and recieve a compatible phone and set up and consistently maintain. An trust me, as responsible a person as i am, I can honestly state that Safelink or whatever name they label themselves, are doing all they can to prevent as many rightful services as possible while continuing to collect those billions in profits!! If it were about providing legitimate service, why hasn’t anyone asked us, we the people, how it’s been going?? Why the amount of corrupt complaints by so many people who apply but strangely the program vendor does not follow through with completion of working consistent service. Why do I have emails showing smug lies and crude misconduct, abuse, from Safelink and it’s affiliates, if this is such a sacred & precious program that we must defend & protect against thee supposed fraud neighbor when the truth is, the whole scheme admittedly of themselves, is an entire con-job on a grand national scale!! Why do we need a BEN # to report or file complaint and how come it’s made so hard to file a complaint. How come year after year, this is continuing to be funded without reach out to public recipients?? An investigation into a huge wasteful pit the tax payers have been forced into!! Where is the oversight where it actually matters & counts?? Where is the accountability?? There are countless programs both state & federal that pop into mind just off the top of my head that not only do nothing to help those it claims or intended, but abuses those very people and when we complain we are silenced through “go away” nowhere-ville joke America!!!! I know im not alone in my opinion that your pity party piece here about being vigilant against the lone thug is absolutely absurd distraction from the TRUE CROOKS and precisely why this once great country is crumbling into a heap of rubble in the worlds history of empire turned joke manual 101.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you actually read the article on this page, Rose. We realize that you’ve had it up to here with your vendor, but the entire point of the article on this page is to tell you how to report problems to the organization that oversees the Lifeline program. Try it.
Felicia Kates says
Good morning I am was with Qlink phone with the low assistance government program. As of October I cancelled my service due to them nor refunding my credit charge of a phone that was returned to them and the lying about not receiving phone although they supplied me with a prepaid label to return it within 15 days due to it malfunctioning/burning up hot. This service was cancelled in October with them acknowledging it as well. I have had no phone since October 2020. I received an email that I had used 9 minutes of service in November 2020 so they are in receipt of requesting payment for fraud services that wasnt provided. I had no phone nor a service agreement with them since it was cancelled prior to the end of October 2020. I would like to file a complaint as a whistleblower consumer. I have been on the phone with them for hours at a time trying to get my money back as well. This company is a thief in more ways than one. Please feel free to contact me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article on this page, Felicia?
this is down right fraud i tried to sign up with qlink and they say i have service and i dont i never signed up before and they cant provide service FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD THEY DONT ANSWER THE PHONE NUMBERS YOU GAVE ME TO CALL EILEEN LEBER
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez, a little Valium may be in order, Eileen. Do you get this angry every time some service doesn’t work out to your satisfaction? Who committed the fraud — Q Link or the person who signed up using your address? Do you think it might be possible that the person who lived at your address prior to you might have enrolled in the Lifeline program? They could have enrolled with any of the companies and the national Lifeline database would have flagged it for Q Link.
Calm down. Relax. Take a deep breath. Call back and discuss the inaccuracy of the national database.
johnny wright says
you really need to be sent to a seminar on how to conduct customer service… people that come here for help are at their wits end… your flippant attitude towards them is an insult… heaped on top of the troubles they already have… i would guess that your income is such that you don’t need a gov subsidized cell… these people are poor and already have problems… they don’t need you adding to them… i’ve read many of your replies that were down right rude and flippant… void totally of professionalism… you told one lady to try some valium… i would suggest you try some humanity and compassion… just a thought…
Free Government Cell Phones says
Get your own website and be just as compassionate as you want. We, on the other hand, will continue to help in our own special little way.
Mark D. Rowntree says
Homeless in California. 6 phones stolen from me in 2 1/2 years. I was getting it together when my phone was stolen. Assurance Wireless wants me to pay for one now. I suspended the number at time of theft so I can still get it back but the street vendors keep telling m “a couple of more weeks and you can get one” not true! What should I do? Looking for work! * Was hired at Disneyland full time in the resort th4e very day Covid-19 closed it. Need phone to get job to get off the street, this is no way to live. Thank you, Mark
BTW President Reagan started the Lifeline program and President Obama ushered it into the cellphone age!
Mark D. Rowntree says
Addendum to my earlier post:These phones are not free. All paying telephone subscribers pay into the Universal Service Fund. every billing cycle which is where the phones come from. That means they are not free. Very few things in life are really free…
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long have you been with Assurance, Mark? If it’s been 60 days, you can switch to any other service provider you want. And Southern California has a lot of them. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
Free Government Cell Phones says
Two questions: (1) Who is the gov lady? And (2) Why is it a scam if you never speak to anyone and no one takes any money from you?
Lisa Langhammer says
Its because Qlink is scamming the govt on our behalf,do you get it?
Victor Coronado says
Someone used my social to get an Obama phone I do not know the phone number but I couldn’t get one when I tried to. What can I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article, Victor?
Karen Gilman says
if you call and complain, they will shut your sim off, so you cant use the phone
then each new sim they force you to buy will not work either. what a fraud
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you think that’s true, Karen, it’s completely alien to the regulations that govern the Lifeline program and you should definitely follow the steps in the article above.
paul m nelson says
Be Aware of Cellular One ! First they shut off my text messaging during an approaching wild fire and insisted I stop packing to vacate our home, in order to drive 50 miles to their store, to show them my social security card ( without any prior written notice). Then when I tried to conform, I drove 50 miles to ShowLow store, waited in the outdoor line until a female employee came out and informed us all the store would be closing in 10 minutes and everyone would need to return tomorrow. Then I drove 150 miles to Scottsdale store, but they were no longer in that building and failed to update that information on their site. Then today, I drove all the way to the Snowflake store and they were closed and the sign on the door said to drive to Holbrro, Az. which just upset me and now I have wasted 3 days time and driven a combination of 600 miles at my expense for no avail. They don’t provide information about store hours or closures and they are terrible.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Bad story. But it seems like a lot of retailers fail in the same way during this whole virus fiasco. This moderator looked up his local Microsoft store (about 15 miles away) and the website showed that it was open 10 am-5 pm. So I drove the 15 miles only to find out that the mall doesn’t open until 11:00 am and that the Microsoft store is closed ‘til further notice. You would think correcting hours on their websites would be a higher priority.
Tanishia says
I need the fraud line someone has several phones out here with my name on them and I want to report it and all phones cut off
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article, Tarnishia?
Brenda says
I am just trying to get my money back from qlinkwireless. They took 25.00 out of my account on January 17-2020 for a replacement phone. I have sent them emails and called their phone. please help me. I am spending more money on calling to get help!
Free Government Cell Phones says
If the money was taken out of your account with your permission, then you should do everything stated in this article.
eileen leber says
they are nothing but scammers they never answer the phone have no customer service and it just loops and loops they should loose their licensing eileen
Free Government Cell Phones says
What’s the scam?
Liecey Dancy says
Hello who do I contact to report an agent that was in cave creek, az about a wk ago who used the obama phone as an excuse to fratenize with someone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We need more details. Especially if they are salacious.
Shantal Cardenas says
I tried to apply for a phone. And I wasnt able to I tried to use my daughters social and wasn’t able toas well Someone used my info to apply for a phone using my social and daughters. Is there anyway you can look up the info and terminate services.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the above article, Shantal?
Valerie Leal says
I need assistance on a fraud this is goverment doing on 2016 someone burnt my house i had to move to my mothers in 2017 wells-fargo took my moms house for a faulty lean and when i lived there they stoped my mail thats government doing they closed my bank accounts with 19,000 in it this is because my moms propery has minerals this has been happening since 2010 where they were drafting property’s to make the wall in Las flores mexico in the rio Grandy vally and the 285 Loop with the sand and gravel i have people in the valley that has oil minerals and gas royalties they got deposited to Mexico and they drafted the Land they own thats why the house fire started when they elected donald Trump i have files where my mothers calles were being monitored my mother past away also they taped all my cell fones on one of them had a wire in it. I need assistance fast i also need a place where i can send proff of whats being used in my account i have prowed sites breached sites i also got Lexington Law firm to fix my credit they found identity theft but i paid for insurance on that account for identity theft i told them that i had got my mail stoped and did i never get a letter saying i had identity theft till i got a loan here in Hereford they told me about it so lexington Law Held that insurance money that had expired so they said its a mess i have breached accounts you name it
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your problems go far beyond your free government cell phone, Valerie. We wouldn’t know where to begin.
Diane Robinson says
My paid minutes are being used, customer care ask for personal info, no fraud dept, supervisors and managers have no id #. No resolution for complaints. Assurance wireless and Boostmobile.
S. says
So I use assurance wireless. I have tried contacting their customer service. First when my phone I had for 4 years finally died on me to get a replacement. They sent me some random phone and it gave me problems from day 1. after a couple months of constant factory defaults and being unreliable I contacted them about it, they s aid “oh well it was a 1 time courtesy replacement and the window for complaints was 30 days” it took 2-3 weeks to get the replacement phone. I had never had anything but an old candybar and thought i was doing something wrong.
Like im not asking for some fancy phone, I just want one that is reliable and working and they basically ignore my requests. Also I found that the phone has spyware/malware in the factory default… its stuff that came on the phone. and the website for American Network Solutions (manufacturer website for phone)…. that is a seriously sketchy website last i checked
Free Government Cell Phones says
Bad, bad story. Sorry for what you’ve had to go through.
Misty says
My neighbor stole our obama phone and is using it. I’m getting messages from her friends. My phone was linked to my gmail. I am unable to get another phone for my child because of it
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article, Misty?
James F Cooper says
Safelink deactivated the cellphone I’ve had for years and activated a LG REBEL”4 Tracfone that didn’t allow free phone or internet on a free government phone. Customer service online, via chat or phone call never produced expected results. I finally just requested reactivation of my cellphone which I was told required a new sim card I would receive in two or three days on 12/4/2019 which should be no later than 12/10/2019.
Ticket number 121091****
Safelink 1-800-723-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not Safelink, James, so we can’t reactivate anything. Have you visited the Safelink website to look at the “Check Your Status” function? It may tell you what’s going on.
Myong waker says
How can you check somebody’s using my personal information to get free wireless cellphone?
I’m not 100% sure. But I think a person has done it! Asked not getting the straight answer. So I need a prove
Free Government Cell Phones says
It should be as simple as attempting to enroll. If someone else is using your info, it should be set off an alarm in the Lifeline database when you attempt to enroll.
Stephanie Bentley says
True Wireless sent me a broken phone and when I contacted their customer service and I was told it was my financial responsibility to ship back the phone and wait 15 business days for a replacement. I told them just cancel the service so I can apply through another company for a lifeline phone.They told me they can’t do that until I give them back the broken phone. The told me I could have just refused the delivery but how was i suppose to know it was broken before I opened the box and further more it was just left on my front porch so I am not sure whom he was referring I should have refused the package to. I just needed a phone but now I am stuck with a broken one and can’t go to another company.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You do not have to ship back a broken phone, Stephanie. Don’t believe any company that tells you otherwise. Once you have been given a phone it is yours. You should enroll with a different company but you must wait 60 days to do so. Sorry to hear about your problems.
Bethany says
How do i get safelink when someone that lived here before me is still using this address with their phone??? Need help please n thank you its just me n my kids.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to Safelink customer service?
edward emmerich says
you need to either remove your website or update it.half your links no longer work and or totally incorrect.
submittle forms no longer working. information is very in accurate.this site is a total waste of time
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez, we hate it when morons leave comments here, Edward. First of all, we’re not quite sure what “submittle forms” are, but we know that we don’t have any of them on this website. You can’t submit anything on this website because this is an independent informational website, NOT a free government cell phone company. We’ve said this about ten thousand times in the past and we fear that we’ll have to say it another ten thousand times in the future.
toni says
My question is…How do you report the phone carrier (Assurance Wireless) who is abusing the Lifeline program by victimizing customers with fraudulent fees?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Visit It’s the organization responsible for governing the Lifeline program.
edward emmerich says that u have listed is no longer taking complaint forms on their site.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s what the USAC website says:
When the Lifeline Support Center Can Help
The Lifeline Support Center can help…
Find companies that offer Lifeline-supported service
Look up which company you are using
If your company refuses to help you, or is unresponsive
If you have a question about how the program works
The Lifeline Support Center cannot help you apply for Lifeline, buy more minutes, sort out your bill, replace lost or broken handsets, or get specific information about your service plan.
To contact the Lifeline Support Center, call (800) 234-9473 Monday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET (press 1 for English or press 2 for Spanish), or send an email. You can also use one of the other options below.
If your Company and the Lifeline Support Center Can’t Help
More options to get help:
If your company won’t help – Call your state’s utility regulator to complain.
Report Fraud:
Consumer fraud – If you know someone who is fraudulently receiving Lifeline, or is receiving more than one Lifeline benefit, contact the FCC’s Lifeline Fraud Tip Line at (855) 455-8477 or via email.
Company fraud – If a phone/internet company is committing waste, fraud, or abuse, please report it on USAC’s Whistleblower Alert page.
More consumer help –Call the FCC Customer Help Center at (888) 225-5322 if you could not resolve the problem with your company, state, or USAC. TTY users call (888) 835-5322, and video phone users call (844) 432-2275.
StopFraud says
The problem with assurance wireless is that it’s outsourced signups to MLMs all over the country. Aside from the issues with the phones and service themselves, you’re stuck with people incentivized by a pyramid compensation structure between you and assurance wireless. I don’t know your circumstances, but most people who sign up for these phones in public spaces are dealing with predatory MLM reps masquerading as “marketing” partners for Assurance. Worse, because America loves a get-rich-quick scheme, MLMs are LEGAL, so you can’t just file a complaint on the basis that the rep you’re dealing with is part of a pyramid scheme.
In order to get The government interested, you’d have to have inside knowledge of where and how the fraud is occurring, and it better be occurring on a large scale, or it is not worth their time.
This, to me, is a legislative issue. There needs to be some oversight prohibiting MLMs from repping carriers or signing people up for these phones. They are making commission and their up lines are making commissions, so it’s essentially incentivizing fraud. There needs to be some regulation governing WHO can sign people up for the phone in order to disincentivize the program as a money making venture and return it to the social benefit it was intended to be.
jon says
I know, and can prove a guy is selling these “obama phones” using fraud. He flat out tells people to lie on the application. He allegedly tells them what to write so they get a free phone and he gets a sale.
Furthermore, he has LAUGHED at the fact that he can take one of those cell phones ( I do not own one) and he can fix it so they do not pay anything monthly. They can download songs, watch movies, call anyone they want with absolutely no charge ever. He charges $100 at least for one of those phones. He comes online laughing that he can make up to $2500 in ONE WEEK . Minus or plus income. He goes online, shows on videocam his phone stand set up in parking lots. A few times he makes fun of homeless people on camera and screws with them. It’s sickening and their is recorded video of him doing so. He is a scumbag. He gives out his name. He is in California. He has one of those facebook pages.
If someone reported him, they could look at any evidence and his bank accounts and see exactly how much he is making and how he sells these phones that he cracked open and fixed so a user has no bills, so would he find out who reported him? Sometimes people don’t want to report for fear of being retaliated against physically. Others just won’t do it unless they can get a reward.
Free Government Cell Phones says
So are you going to report this outrageous scumball or not?
JW says
The phone (518)705-**** was stolen from its owner by her grandson and is used for drug sales.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks, JW. Our dealer just left town and we’ve been wondering where to buy drugs.
Patricia Lillian says
QLink wireless has been billing the U.S. Gov for me as a customer even though I have not used them for 2 years
Free Government Cell Phones says
If that’s the case, you should do something about it and follow the instructions in the article on this page.
Rose says
Someone using my address to get a phone at my address but not a tenant at my home. The application was mailed to my home. Need to report it so my services are not turn off.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you do, Rose. Report it immediately.
Amanda says
After finally getting my proofs through, I got approved for a safelink phone. I needed it so there is a phone for my teenage boys at home to reach me in an emergency. There is no phone line run to my house so the phone company wants to charge me to run new line. I can’t even afford a second phone, let alone pay to run line! So I end up waiting a month to get my free phone. I understand processing and shipping can take a few weeks. No biggie. However when I turn on and activate the phone there is absolutely no signal. Can’t make or receive calls. Spent my entire weekend off trying to talk to the person that needs me to repeat myself about a dozen times. Also spent it being talked to like i was retarded or something. I dont appreciate that at all. Then to be hung up on repeatedly! This last time when I got switched to a tech he said he was looking up my account info, then I spent 15 minutes on complete silence with the exception of goats in the background. After that I got hung up on again. I’m done. I’ll have to take out of my gas money and just buy a cheap phone from Verizon.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The Lifeline program only offers cell phones, so why do you need a line run to your house, Amanda?
toni says
The way I understood Amanda’s comment was that her first option was for a landline, but couldn’t afford it, so…she opted for Safelink which is under the Lifeline program, however it’s been a matter of repetitive headaches with poor reception, technical issues and service.
It sounds as though she would prefer a landline if it weren’t for the added charges of “running the line.”
The Lifeline program can apply to either a landline or wireless phone, but not both. Each qualifying household can receive free Lifeline service in only one form.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not quite accurate, Toni. The landlines are discounted, but not free. So it’s not just the cost of “running the line.”
john wygrecki says
I have been trying to get my account back but it was hijacked by Qlink Wireless and I have spent months trying to get it back, it was with safelink but someone stole my phone and wallet and now neither company will allow me to choose another carrier for over 4 months now, please help – John Wygrecki
Free Government Cell Phones says
What do you mean when you say your account “was hijacked by Q Link Wireless?”
Nolan Tonda says
Safelink is a complete scam of government funds. This company is really based in the Philippines at least when you need assistance that is were they send your calls. I called to let them know voicemails were resetting and after talking to 8 people in Philippines and they all sounded like they were reading que cards. I was disgusted and gave up. A week later my phone was turned off completely (which I later found out cost me several job interviews) I went to a neighbors to call Safelink to inquire about my phone. Some 6 people later and yes still in the philippines was told another phone was being shipped to me. I told them this was unacceptable do to people contacting about jobs. They told me I either had to wait of I could buy another sims card from them. You have to be kidding, no they were not. They also have a way of making sure if you purchase minutes they will not go the phone and you have to call, of course Philippines again. Why does the Government set people like me up with a business like this. Trying to find a job is really hard when you have this company. You can’t count on them putting your calls through. My account was about to expire so now I know why they forced the phone on me, so the could bill the Government for it. Do every American a favor and stop this company from scamming us.
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, Safelink isn’t headquartered in Asia, Nolan. And it’s not a scam. The rest of your tale of woe probably is. If things are as bad as you say, you might want to take this opportunity to file a formal complaint. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it most effectively:
toni says
Gee, what’s with the attitude with all of your responses? I appreciate that you are concerned about integrity, but you should try some courtesy in the course of your ambition.
I am not familiar with Safelink, and you are correct they are based in the US, but it’s my understanding their customer service is routed to Manila, Philippines.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jeez, Toni, we didn’t deny that customer service might be located in the Philippines. Readers tell us that customer service sucks for most of these company. All we said was that Safelink is not a scam. In fact, it was the first company to offer free government cell phones and is still the largest company in the business serving more customers than any of its competitors.
mick says
yes they are a total scam ! i got unwarranted notice that a
phone i acquired sept 2018 had not been properly documented
and was sceduled for termination feb 1 2019 ! i did ALL the paperwork
Vincent Hinojosa says
I tried to apply to get a new phone with my same company assurance wireless on a wednesday feb 21 2018 told Im still under the 60 day freeze thats fine was just checking to see if you can get a much better phone i told them u lost your phone the guy said! I was like ummm???ok???
He said i was not aproved. He then said I have to wait 2weeks and I can come back to his pop up tent on van nuys blvd in Van Nuys CA.and then get a much better phone.(mine had been freezing if I was using it for non calling use like email or applying to jobs online and then if someone calls while im doing anything on the phone BOOOM !!! frozen lose everything I had written !!!! START OVER Heres my issue last night(march 6 2018) i noticed my phone had been dn isconnected from assurance wireless the voicemails to all the jobs i have been applying for i cant check to see if they called it told me instead i have lost service from the lifeline program!!!!! after 2months out of no where!!! i call lifeline they blame me saying i switched to (safety net)??? a company that’s not even in my area!!! I NEVER seen them!!! She says I signed it’s my fault that i wanted to and applied. she says i applied on 24th( I thought it was 21st when i spoke with assurance wireless ) later i looked up feb 24th and i see its a saturday!!!I think O WOW!! Funny thing is i couldn’t have signed up that day!! I was busy at a funeral in
burbank all day !!!! she says i can re apply to assurance in 60 days i lose my number no matter what !!! Why would someone sign up for a co lose this is fraud hier service to be left with NO PHONE to use NO SIM CARD and NO #PHONE NUMBER NOW!!!!?????!!!! lifeline so UNhelpful no compassion says i shouldn’t have tried to switch. Now like always I HAVE TO START OVER my job sgettinearch and getting a phone and ##!!!!! im so upset she couldn’t see that is 100%fraud they had the wrong address on file!!!! and my forged signature! But still I lose service !!! Should i sent this letter as my complaint?? What can i do? Thank YOU in advance!
bob says
safe link is the biggest FRAUD I HAVE EVER SEEN ? THANKS obama you loser
Free Government Cell Phones says
May we assume you are not happy with your free government cell phone plan, Bob?
Willam says
You’re nothing but a condescending idiot. You’re part of the problem, definitely not a solution with your childish replies. I’ve not seen you do anything but talk down to people. What is this page for? Your ignorance is typical of all people involved with these companies scamming the government.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s a pleasure to have you grace our website with your presence, William.
Brian says
Honestly I am enjoying the Moderators comments. Everyone else is crying about their phone issues without using the information provided in the article. Great work Moderator !!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are being far too reasonable, Brian.
Joanna says
Safelink is kicking customers(elderly ones at that) who DO need and who DO LEGALLY QUALIFY for the service out of the program. They’re deceiving people into thinking that they did not re-certify in time and had their service cancelled for that reason. My mom’s re-ceritification month is March but her service was cancelled in December 2017 after being told she failed to re-certify in time. So how do we report CELL COMPANIES committing fraudulent acts against customers?
Joanna says
Safelink is kicking customers(elderly ones at that) who DO need and LEGALLY QUALIFY for the service. They’re deceiving people into thinking that they did not re-certify in time and had their service cancelled for that reason. My mom is supposed to re-certify in March but had her service cancelled in December 2017 after being told she did not receive her minutes for this reason. So how do we report CELL COMPANIES committing fraudulent acts against customers?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article on this page, Joanna. But let us ask you a question: Why would Safelink want to cancel its customers’ service for no reason? The only way they generate income is by enrolling people, not cancelling them.
Brenda S Millard says
Trying to get through to you on your phone number, but it only goes so far, I would like to get in touch with you about fraud and abuse of a person that has a few of your safelink phones and is using them for harassing can contact me at 989 808 ****.thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not the ones you need to speak to, Brenda. This is an independent informational website, NOT a free government cell phone service provider. But here’s an article that tells you how to report fraud and abuse:
Linda reed says
Safelink continues to send my daughter a cell phone to my address which she does not live here she uses this address to get a phone causes she on the move a lot I keep calling and returning the phones but she calls and they send it again I asked that they require her to send in proof of residency current I’d which she does not have don’t know what else to do she gets phone from wherever she can free but using my address prevents me from services if would need them thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Linda, but we cannot help solve your problem. You are correct that it violates the rules of the program.
lilkunta says
Hello. I called the FCC and the man who answered said he cannot help, that I need to call the state PSC. So I did but was on hold forever. I went to the website and it says PSC they does not regulate
” Wireless, VOIP, International, Inter-state Telephone ” , that I need to phone FCC and complain!! Who do I complain to? I am n MD. My company is Cintex, which is now Standup. They charge me for voicemail! When someone leaves me a voicemail message minutes are deducted from my 500monthly minutes. That is not right. How do i get help? Thank You.
Also can you add a track back? That way when you respond or new comments are posted to this thread I get an email so I can return here and read the answer. I posted on another post on this site but I cannot remember which so I cant go back and read the answer. THANK YOU!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, it is quite possible that you get charged for both outgoing AND incoming minutes. That’s the way most of the plans work. Is that what you want to complain to the FCC about?
Stephanie Brenner says
After 2 months of service, all service has been stopped. Being told that “Social Security # does not match Identity in our System” which is obviously incorrect – had to use government aid paperwork to receive free service. Now what?!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact customer service. Ask to speak to a supervisor and try to figure out what the exact problem is. If your service provider’s information is incorrect, see if the supervisor can help you correct it.
Stephanie Brenner says
Called 7-8 times. Supervisor says there is nothing they can do. Try to re-certify. All the information will still be the same, So it won’t change the status. They all said the same thing.
If using government paperwork to certify, with SS# and License to prove identity, with state paperwork, and no other way to prove identity, with zero warning that this was an issue, It cannot be fixed on our end. They said they cannot do anything on their end. Best to contact your offices I assume?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s what you do next: Contact the USAC at and ask for help solving your problem. That organization governs the free government cell phone program and they are used to solving problems like this. Good luck, Steph.
Monse says
Q-Link Wireless refuses to close out an active account and charged the US Government for about a year now for a phone that has been accidentally ran over by a car. The company has been emailed several times to close the account as their service was limited to none in the area anyway.
Talk about free money from the government…. So why would they want to lose it?
They need to be stopped!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly what to do, Monse:
Francis says
I am having harrassing text messages from a government phone. Very threatening and cursing messages . This person is using phone for drug deals also.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How do you know the calls are coming from a free government cell phone.
Mansoori says
Hi, is California Lifeline phone discount covered by this department. If so I have read the requirements this program is for one telephone per household in this state but I know people that they have more than one phone in their house holds. Can I report this fraud in here?
lil says
yes i received safelink wireless phone friday and they did not include the activate card this is so u will have to call them and they place u on hold for 30 minutes to an hour and charge the minutes to you! this is strait fraud and needs to be stopped! i dont have money to give this supposed tp be free!
Wendy says
I have a complaint about Safelink through Tracfone I’ve spent 14 hours on the phone of my own personal time trying to switch my client’s son’s phone from a 2G to a 4G LTE that his mom gave him for father’s day (it’s his only phone, he lives in an assisted living care facility and lives in his own little apartment style room). The problem is that Safelink insists that it’s still a 2G phone and I’ve been through I don’t know how many techs trying to fix this issue. First they say it’s a bad SIM card (it’s not), then they say the phone is defective (it’s not), and then they say ‘I don’t have the tools to deal with that’. It’s *their* computer that’s defective and won’t allow it to be changed. Right now I am up to a level five tech and they STILL tell me you have to call back in X amount of days. The phone they said is ‘defective’ (that I had to buy a new phone to replace the one they said is ‘defective’ for Safelink) worked right away when I bought an airtime card. That phone is now a ‘spare phone’ I gave to Eddie just so he had a phone. I shouldn’t have to have bought it as I really can’t afford it! Then I tried to have Eddie’s phone ‘unlocked’ so that I could go with another provider. They refused and said ‘we own the contract for the next year’. So, you are paying Safelink to provide a service that they ARE NOT providing. And as you might guess after 14 + hours on the phone I’m pretty angry. Now my client’s (the mom) Safelink phone went from the same 2G dumbphone to the same ZTE Citrine 4G LTE model that she bought on sale at the local Family Dollar for like $22 on sale without a hitch. I don’t understand why his is such an issue. No amount of time or talking to the highest customer service agent helps. I am angry that they refuse to address my concerns and get the phone working. All they do is start in with the SIM card is bad, the phone is defective, or you didn’t get the phone from Tracfone so it may not work (yes, I got it from Tracfone). All lies to cover their incompetence. Like I said I had to buy a phone and a airtime card out of my own money JUST for him to have a phone. They are ripping you off for the time that the phone isn’t working! I don’t know if they are that incompetent or just like ripping people off. Most people would have given up by now, good thing I’m stubborn.
Thanks for reading this, I hope it helps.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, Wendy, sometimes it pays off to be stubborn. Your service provider’s conduct is indefensible. The only thing they seemed to get right is that you are committed to a one year service contract as soon as you enroll with a free government cell phone company. That’s not something the company made up — it’s a new Federal Communications Commission rule that went into effect late last year.
Robin says
Are you still working with Safelink?
nathan breeden says
hi i need to find out how to get a safe link phone its saying ive enrolled an have one but ive never enrolled in anything for safelink my life please help if a phone has been on its not me an i need a phone now please help thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact customer service at the company with which you want to enroll. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Tell that person that you need to clear up a mistake in the National Lifeline Assistance Database.
Anna Jean Abney says
The trouble is with safe link they go by the residency if someone lived were u lived and had a safelink phone they wont give u one or if you live in an apt if u live in an apartment u have to tell them that and your apt number. They only give one per house hold or one per client if u are on medicaid or any public assistance I found that out the hard way it makes it bad on people that are married to have one cellphone among them if they cant afford another one. Someone could have used your info to get one and it will be hard to get one.
Ryan stice says
No one touched on terracom wireless on here.they do much worse fraud theft.deception and service has never worked properly been complaining a yr.they Saud recertify we will fix all lies all they do is fund terrorists with American funds.they have lies for over a year and in stuck.FIX and BBB know ablout all this but they must be getting kickbacks they won’t help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
C’mon, Ryan, do you really think TerraCom funds terrorists? And do you really think the Better Business Bureau is getting kickbacks?
Annetta says
Someone is selling entouch phones the free phones program. is that illegal?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’d need more information, Annetta. If you can give us details, enTouch can give you an answer.
Michael says
Can Two people in the same household use the same address to received and stay using there phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The trick is the definition of “household.” If they are one family unit and share all expenses, the answer is no. If they are roommates who do not share expenses, the answer is yes.
kevin bruce bubnis says
I have Access Wireless, I dont use it much, They shut it off two months ago and will not turn it back on, They are still charging the Government, I need the phone but i get some one in India and they will not help! They sat re apply on line, But it wont let you! I tried to get a phone from safe ling but they could not give me one cause i had Access Wireless, Access Wireless said my phone is canceled! They are stealing, I am sure i am not the only one that is having this problem! I am disabled and i need the phone! Please help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long did you have your phone, Kevin? The rules of the program say that you can only switch providers once every twelve months.
Frank says
Where do I begin to start!? Safelink wireless is totally bullcrap. I applied online the first time. They never got back to me in email nor letter. I had to call them.a month later to hear that ive been denied but the non english speaking agent told me it happens a lot the first time ppl apply so he told me to reapply. So i applied again online. Once again i heard nothing back after 3 weeks so i called them back again. I was told that i have been approved and a letter has been sent out in the mail. So i waited another 3 weeks and no letter. So i literally called them back today. The agent told me it shows ive been approved but was looming into why i received nothing. After 15 minutes of him trying to figure it out i asked to speak to the supervisor. The supervisor whose name was Martha i.d.#22742 told me that i wasnt approved. Ummm so i was told the first time i was approved and that a letter will be coming in the mail yet nothing came. Then i was told again today that i was approved but dont know why i received nothing and in the same day today the supervisor told me i wasnt approved!?!? She told me to again apply online. I told her no ive already applied twice and was told twice after the second time that i was approved…yet she being the supervisor told me i wasnt. I then asked to speak to her supervisor bcuz even a supervisor has a superior. She declined telling me theres nobody else there. So i asked to be given a voicemail to her supervisor again she declined. I asked for her employee id number which she gave as 22742 her name is Martha. Its illegal to be denied access to talk to a superior supervisor and she denied my every attempt when i asked. This place has fraud written all over it! Safelink wireless is total fraud. The only think Martha would give me was an email address. I asked for a phine number to the corporate office and she refused. I let her know that i was recording the call and she told me she doesnt give me permission to do so. I told her that safelink records phone calls and i dont give permission either but they still do. I even told her to go back and listen to the calls where i was told i was approved twice. She ignored that i even said that and only said “im sorry u were told that” ummm its understandable if one person tells me im approved by mistake bit for 2 ppl to tell me that im approved? Yeah that company is not legit and its real fishy!
Denise L says
I just recently got a cell phone from safelink I got it in November on the 29th. Ever since I got my phone I always got my minutes on the 29th but not this month when I call to find out why they say your Things Mira counseling cancelled I said you need to renew so I log on to my account online it tells me I don’t have to renew for another 8 months then they tell me on the phone the SafeLink people say oh because you have another phone I said no I don’t. I haven’t had another phone in over a year I cancelled that one. This is the only phone I have. they said I applied for another one last night I said no I did not that’s not me I did not approve it it’s somebody’s using my name. Their reaponse there’s nothing we can do about it so we’re going to cancel service for 60 days until you figure it out and if it’s not then it’s just cancelled so I’m without a phone now for 60 days because somebody’s hacking into my stuff and they won’t look into it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s an unacceptable answer, Denise. We’ve discussed issues like this with the USAC and they tell us that the customer needs to contact the service provider again. Ask for a supervisor. Insist that they help you figure out the problem and clear your name and address on the National Lifeline Assistance Database. If they refuse to help, tell them that you are going to file a complaint with the FCC and USAC.
Paula Saucedo says
My mother has used my address to get free phones.I have not given her permission to use my info,and want to know how to erase my address from her using it more than twice without my request or permission.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article on this page, Paula.
blanca says
Mary L ******* from 98499 has two life line Assurance phone. One belongs to a Bruce who left the phone for Mary L to use. He does’t even live in same apt Complex. He just come to recertify so she can use it. Her number is 253 592 **** the other number that does’t belong to her. 253 468 ****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We hope you’ll report the fraud, Blanca. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
Same goes for everyone who is aware of fraud in the Lifeline free government cell phone program. If you know someone who’s cheating the system, report them. They are eating up scarce resources that could be used to help people who really need it.
AW Adams says
Safelink – Qlinkkwireless is fraud, submitted medicaid just stay in a “under review” status after waiting the 5 bussiness they say it will take them to process them. Then there is no customer service and you have to leave message that it says it takes 72 hours to get a reply. But they never reply and your blocked from trying to sign up with other providers!
Call them at (888) 641-8722. Tell the operator you want to report a “whistleblower alert” concerning USF waste, fraud, or abuse. You will be connected to specially trained staff who will record your report.
emma says
One more thing about SAFELINK…they are SUPPOSED to be sending UNLOCKED phones. Have you check yours lately?
emma says
The whole SAFELINK Wireless company is a FRAUD!! I have repeatedly asked for a CDMA phone because a GSM that works off the AT&T network can not receive a signal at my home! I am a heart patient with no way to call an ambulance if I need one.
During one call, the NON-ENGLISH speaking phone reps tell me they will send a CDMA phone and makes the order. Then I get an email to call and the next NON-ENGLISH speaking bozo tells me they cannot send me a CDMA phone because they don’t offer CDMA service in my area? ???? WTH?? CDMA on the Verizon network WORKS in my area and they should provide whatever system works! There is not an AT&T tower within 50 miles of here so why send a phone that uses that network? Because they are a fraud! There IS a VERIZON tower but SAFELINK REFUSES to send me a CDMA phone that will work on the Verizon network.
They are basically using our Government to provide them money by lying in saying they are providing us with a service which they do NOT provide. Put them out of business! They are scamming our taxpayers!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Millions of customers are happy with their Safelink phones and service, Emma. That is not intended to discount your experience, but only to indicate that the company is not a fraud.
Marie says
I was hired two years ago to review application for the program. And I have to tell you the fraud is ridiculous. When I first started you didn’t see it as much. We had pretty strict procedures to fight against it. But when we started to do real time application which is when we have agents on the street and people get approved within minutes that’s when you seen it in abundance. The agents are committing fraud left and right. From using same cards over and over and Photoshoping documents such as driver license, benefits cards, and benefit approval letters. Hundreds of phones a day wrongly being approved and handed out. As a employer it was so frustrating that we seen it and we tried to stop it by making cases against agents by saving the fraudulent documentation and giving it to our supervisors. But it was a waste of time because nothing was ever done. Still to this day same agents are still commuting fraud and nothing we can do because we were shot down time and time again when we reported it. So most agents just stop worrying about it and did what we were told and approve applications. We had five minutes from the time the agent sent in the application to review and approve the application. Being drilled about going faster and faster. Not to drop any applications because our SOA was the most important thing not the accuracy of our decision. Our man boss said that they rather us approve a phone than deny. Because they can turn off a phone if it is found out later to been approved wrongly than to miss out on a customer. Let me till you I bet no one was ever found out at a later of time to be wrongly approved and there phone was shut off. It’s real sad because I know alot of people truly need this program but alot of money is being wasted and stolen from this program.
Marie says
Sorry for all the misspellings my auto speller has a mind of its own. And to be clear in case of confusion I am a reviewer agent. Been doing this job for two years now.
Interested man says
Marie, would you be willing to talk with law enforcement about this fraud?
Trung Bui says
I am not part of the free phone plan; but I have some concerns regarding the street agents. Their boots appear everywhere with no sign of representative for any company in reference. When agent processes an application, what kind of information that they are collected? How information from the applicant will be safe guard? Beside the Fraud, Waste and Abuse potential issues, how do one guarantee that collected information will be used for that sole purposes? Is this a potential identity theft issue in the making?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely, Trung. Very intelligent of you to see the potential hazards possible with the street tents. There has been so much fraud and abuse originating from the street tents that we often tell our readers to make sure then enroll online or by phone.
Matthew Brian Hull says
I am a outreach agent manager. We use tablets to sign people up through a special designed app. Nothing is saved locally and everything is safe for customers I have dealt with for almost a year now.
Lilly says
Some guy outside of a super market just signed my neighbors up for two smartphones while he already has a lifeline phone at home which makes a total of 3 lifeline phones under 1 house. I think that’s illegal but these “workers” signing people up need to be held accountable for their misleading actions while knowing the law states only 1 lifeline per home but whatever I didn’t see anythiiiing.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re absolutely right, Lilly. The prevelance of fraud and abuse at these street tents is the major reason we tell our readers to avoid them like the plague.
Be a good citizen, Lilly, and turn your neighbors in. They’re sucking up resources that could be better spent helping people who need one phone. Here’s an article that will tell you how to report them:
michelle says
Someone stole this phone the number is 317 531 ****. He’s using the phone to buy and sell drugs
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do two things, Michelle. First, do exactly what the above article instructs you to do to get a replacement phone and to cancel service to your old phone. Second, contact the police.
MicCol says
My neighbor has 5 free Obama phones, maybe more. She never registers them in her name or puts “unavailable” in the caller ID. I’m worried that she has since got one using my name. She should only have one, am I correct? She is abusing the privelage of having a free cell phone. I want to turn her in but not sure how. Even her unrelated land line is not in her name. She laughs and jokes about it and shows me all her phones and brags and boasts about it. It’s people like her that ruin it for everyone else. Please tell me here to go next before she gets another one in my name.
Thanks so much
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are absolutely correct that only one phone is allowed per household. You really do need to report her to the proper authorities. People like her are breaking the law, abusing the system, and taking phones away from other people who really need them. Here’s an article that tells you how to report your thieving neighbor:
You also need to do this to protect yourself. If she has a phone in your name, you could get dragged into this mess.
8 months ago Assurance Wireless cut my services after I complained about some minutes.Now after 8 months they deactivated my account and can’t find no records of me.On top of that there is no way to contact me.They give us this #18883215880 which leads us to a Sprint services,with no ideal what we’re talikng about.Our services our being hold ransom by this company.157 complaints so far about this issue.We cannot apply no where else cause they have us listed as a comsumer.Please help with at least a number that doesn’t loop us back to Sprint.
Would like to add contacting services provider does not work in no way.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s a very simple solution, Johnnie. Switch providers. Your account has been inactive long enough, so just take a look at all the plans offered in your state, pick the one that fits your needs best, and apply with that company. Here’s where you can find that list of service providers:
Bridgeanna Crawford says
To who it may concern: want to know who do I report it to that it’s saying that I have a lifeline service? the phone that I have I pay for. it’s not a lifeline and no service will let me sign up. and I want to know why please. help. you can call me at 267-407-**** or you can email me at ********
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s no way for us to know what the problem is, Bridgeanna. If we had to take a wild stab in the dark, we’d guess that someone else at your address once had Lifeline service (but we admit that that theory is a wild guess). It sounds as if you’re attempting to enroll online. If that’s the case, try contacting your service provider by phone so you can ask a customer service rep the same questions you just asked us.
tyblack says
how long before you can reapply for a free phone after you’ve been denied? i-wireless got me. Dude said don’t worry when they find out they’ll just cut it off smh my fault i should’ve call assurance and dead the phone or better question can i reapply?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not quite sure what the problem was, Ty, but there’s nothing to keep you from applying with another company immediately — IF you now have all the information you need to prove your eligibility. Good luck.
Samantha S says
How do you report an employee on safelink who isn’t doing their job though? I tried calling to find out why my phone wasn’t activated after it said it was the other day they said just wait. I got a letter in the mail today saying it was suspended. I called today again and asked what was going on and they put me on hold with no other words. Does that mean their just going keep putting me on hold without giving me a straight answer? I believe that would be considered not doing their job, at all but that’s just me. Can someone please tell me how to go about this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you remember the employee’s name? If so, call back in and ask to speak to a supervisor. In addition, you should write a letter to the director of human resources at Safelink corporate headquarters. The address is:
SafeLink Wireless
Attention: Human Resources
9700 N.W. 112th Avenue
Miami, FL 33178
Barbra Burt says
I qualify for the phone program. Logged into site and was told that I am able to transfer my account, minutes, And phone number, from Lifeline to Safelink.
Problem is:
I’ve never had one of these phones, the free government phones – in my name or anywhere that I’ve lived.
So, what to do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is a situation where you need to speak to someone on Safelink’s customer service team, Barbra. Since the automated online system won’t accept your application, you need to explain your problem to a live person or in an email.
Crystal Justice says
i can probably tell what has happened. One of your lovely neighbors already has a phone listed at their address, but they want another account, so they gave them your address. I know this happens for a fact because the exact same thing happened to me. I had to jump through alot of hoops to prove that I live at my address, not the other people! Talk about FRAUD! Good Luck!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Entirely possible, Crystal.
Judy howard says
I have had lifeline originally had access wireless for last few months could not use phone could not contact them spoke to USAC told me to do benefits transfer decided to go with safelinkcontacted them 6/23/16. Answered questions etc sending forms sent forms to sign up called back oh they sent wrong forms.she will send right ones.again sent wrong ones.finally got girl did on line middle of July. Called them 7/23/16 said that I was approved received phone 10 buissness days. On 8/6 nothing contacted them again stated I was stuck in qualifying 30 days.refuses to allow me to talk with supervisor
Free Government Cell Phones says
Bad story, Judy. Very bad story. If often takes two, three, even four weeks to receive a free government cell phone. We’ll keep our fingers crossed and hope your phone arrives and your situation is resolved.
Judy howard says
I have track phone told them just let me use it.this has been on going since 6/23.they will not even let me talk to supervisor.was on phone 1 hr on Fri sent me around to 6 should be able to talk to someone about this
Free Government Cell Phones says
What is it you need to speak about, Judy?
Sharma Wentworth says
Unfortunatly i am in California……. i qualified for a phone and service. the assigned me to budget mobil, budget mobil sent me a phone that i can not use. i have arthritis in my hands and fingers, i need a touch screen the key pad on this tiny phone they sent me is only 1/8″ also the phone will not hold a charge. They stopped their service to lifeline and i was transferd to safelink, they will not give me a phone they say i have to buy one from them. this is not right!
please help me
Sharma Wentworth
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not sure what’s going on with your Lifeline account, Sharma, because nothing you told us sounds right. You should have been able to sign up directly with any company offering Lifeline service in California. Here’s where can find a list of those companies:
Next issue: Budget is one of the largest Lifeline companies and still offers the Lifeline program in California, so we have no idea why you were “transferred” to Safelink.
As you can see at the above list, a number of companies offer Lifeline plans in California. If you are unhappy with your Safelink service and phone, we suggest that you start service with one of the other companies. It’s a relatively simple process and the new company will take care of cancelling your Safelink service. Here’s an article that tells you how to switch providers:
Daniel Guyette says
Safelink is texting messages to clients telling them they need to contact them at the technical assistance tel#. Clients wait on hold in excess of 60 minutes. When they get through they are told they don’t know why they received the message. Safelink charges airtime for these calls.This is being done to cause clients who can least afford it to be forced to buy additional airtime! FRAUD!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We aren’t ready to holler fraud, but it certainly is suspicious. Under the circumstances, you should contact customer service and they should restore your minutes. If the first person you speak to isn’t helpful, Daniel, ask to speak to that person’s supervisor.
Brian says
Budget mobile submitted a phoney phone number to get approval and sent no phone almost a month now no phone ripping off government. When calling budget mobile they tell a different lie each time and still no phone. The open an account and bill the government. Last phone call they said they are out of phone and are testing signal in the area fraud fraud fraud.
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you think you’re a victim of fraud on the part of a free government cell phone company, Brian, here’s how you can make an official complaint to the Federal Communications Commission, USAC and your state public utility commission. We urge you to file the complaint:
Michael Andrew Chandler says
I had an entouch phone and after the first year I started getting text stating that my phone would be deactivated if I did not us it every week. My contract stated my phone would be deactivated if I did not us it every 60 days! Then I started getting texts stating that I had to buy more minutes. When I refused to by more minutes than I used entouch cut off my phone and listed me as not renewing the phone on time!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Wow. Sorry to hear about your problems, Michael. Sounds like you should file complaints with the Federal Communications Commission, the USAC and your state’s public utility commission.
Sue Nizborski says
I sent in all the documents to Lifeline and the signed form to get a Safelink phone. I waited almost two weeks and I received a notice with a new application saying my signature did not match my name. However, this IS my signature-on all my bank documents, my EBT card and all other personal documents. I have been signing my name like this for a very long time. I even had lifeline/landline a number of years ago and signed exactly the same way. They want me to send in my driver’s license to prove my signature. I resigned the form and included everything AGAIN along with my driver’s license photo. What gives? I’ve never had anyone question the way I sign my name. Seems they just make it hard to get the help you need. Can you comment? Is this common or did someone simply decide to give me a hard time.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sometimes, Sue, there is no explanation for the strange workings of the Lifeline process. We certainly can’t explain this odd situation. Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress. We’re sure our readers would be interested in what happens next.
Sue Nizborski says
I will. Thanks for responding.
Selma Kelly says
Actually, that answer is not good enough. Something should be done to force the Lifelines of all 50 states to issue a report concerning abuse, waste, fraud and customer complaints. And if the Universal Service Administrative Company pays their salaries, and is their boss, they should do something about this nonsense. Just because it’s free is irrelevant.
Lou says
How do you report a lady that has someone elses free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good for you, Lou. We wish more people would take action against those who are cheating the system. Here’s an article that tells you how to register a complaint:
Lou says
Yes shes has another persons phone she doesnt work cant get foodstamps and a drug addict pretty bad shes a scam
Free Government Cell Phones says
The program is being drained by scammers, which means there are fewer dollars available for those who are truly in need and follow the rules. Go, Lou, go!
Lou says
Well i emailed no responsegave number also
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hang in there for a couple days, Lou. It rare for any company to respond immediately.
michelle hanse says
Dear whom it may concern I better paid for own phone I right better right in civil court case because pay it not government free cell not free because try me find job because hang city employee put city job title hope say or do commit crime on phone ,,,.money or conflict of interest sign to perjury amount of income fuck you not fool people play other just use my compensation money in my account get back payout me because on city job hold host charge though government fund program clean out bank account fast you help out just trick out compensation. Money pay by hand health condition done city job hurt years now
Free Government Cell Phones says
Our official translator tells us that you’re not happy with your free government cell phone service. How did you get the phone, Michelle? Did you apply with one of the legitimate service providers we cover on this website, or did you apply with some fly-by-night scheisters at a street tent or booth?
L says
Thanks for the info., I wasn’t aware of this concerning fraud w/ cellphones & fraudulant companys, now that I am, I will keep my eyes & ears open to this threat.
I for one certainly need this service otherwise I couldn’t afford to pay for a cellphone service.
Thank You,
Free Government Cell Phones says
Our pleasure, Linda. We want our readers to know all the rewards AND risks.
nathalia says
At tuesday i stop clouse to mc donals un downtown modesto and this sr Ask just for id and food Card brcause the number dont look so good he Ask for medical later My last four of social then he Ask me for My social Card that its a most and he told me that the sistem in hes tablet shot down to go next day he be there i Ask for the picture that he take to My social and he said he delet it but gess what i dont see hem no more i still have no Phone and he got My información and he never come back please help me dont need no body messing with My social!
Lisa says
Hi, i had applied for a phone with terracom a while back and got approved and it was supposed to come in the mail but it had not shown up for almost 2 months, so i just gave up waiting. I no longer live at that address. I tried to reapply for another ohone with them but it says i have a phone already with a government assistance place. I don’t. How do i find out who is using a phone in my name?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to contact Terracom to explain and resolve the situation. Otherwise you will not be able to apply for a phone with a new company.
Selma Kelly says
No, I don’t think anyone else is using your phone. They are talking about YOU, because you are still in their system. Excuse me Universal Service Administrative Company — how come you guys can’t get your act together with this program?
Amanda says
What happens if my lifeline service has been canceled due to inactivity and i want to restart it? I wasn’t using the phone because I had another, but now I need to use the lifeline phone. What can I do to get service through a lifeline phone again? Can I simply reapply?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, if your account was cancelled due to inactivity, you must start the application process again.
lori hunter says
reporting metro pcs and budget mobile. i had service with budget mobile through the free phone program for over 3 years when one day my service is no more. when i called customer service, they told me that i had requested my number be ported to metro pcs and that someone named Lashonda approved my request. well i never made that request. when i called my cell phone from my landline, some girl named katrina answered and i told her what happened. she said all she did was go to a metro pcs store and fill out the necessary forms to get a phone and she was assigned that number! whether she’s being truthful, who knows? i have documented all my customer service phone calls and emails with both budget mobile and metro pcs from whom there was no help of course. they are not afraid of legal action for some reason. i think they should be very afraid. i’m ready to file a class action suit or join one. just let me know.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you how to report fraud:
Donald Mullican says
Safelink: 1-800-378-1684 or 1-800-867-7183
Enrolement ID#720****
Been without a properly working phone for a while now. Robot voice hangs up on me when I enter my phone number. Finally got in touch with a person at Safelink and they told me a new phone will arrive on 03/03/16 or by the Friday afterward. PIN-1131708941
No phone. Called Safelink & they said the phone was “back-ordered”. It’s been nearly 2 weeks so that sounds suspiciously like BS because these are obsolete phones & I can order new things from China & they will have it to my front door in less than 2 weeks.
What have I done to offend you people? I can’t think of anything but I must have done something because if every interaction with customers was like mine has been you would not be in business. So it must some how be MY fault. Please tell me. It all started when the Safelink phone you provided got so bad I couldn’t use it. The speaker was broken and I couldn’t understand anything being said. Some of the keys will stick so it is difficult to dial or text. And the volume button on the side fell off. I called and someone told me a replacement would be sent. Nearly a month passed so I called to find out where my phone was and was told it had to be “back-ordered”. It arrived a few days after that but would not work and when I called the number you put in the box with the phone a robot told me my number was being worked on and to turn my phone on and wait 15 minutes, then if it still didn’t not work to call back, This went on for a week. I called and finally got a real person and they told me a SECOND phone was on the way and it would work out of the box. I told the person that at that point I didn’t have a lot of faith in this but she told me I had to wait for the second phone. It arrived in a couple of days but wouldn’t work either. Both phones displayed “unregistered SIM”. I typed things out as I have now and went online to the chat feature of your website and pasted what had happened. During the conversation I got disconnected somehow, but not before I told my problem. Resorting back to a landline, after many attempts I got another real person and after a 20 minute wait told what had happened. It was a man this time and he very efficiently told me a new SIM card would be necessary and it would arrive that Friday or the Friday after that. It arrived in two days. Someone had Fed-Exed it. I was embarrassed to be so much trouble, but grateful also for the card. I put the new card in the new phone and the display said “SIM card rejected”. I resisted getting a hammer and gave myself some time to calm down. As I picked up the phone to call once again, I got an idea and stopped. I put the new SIM card into my old phone which was nearly unusable and it lit up and worked. So, after 6 or so weeks of work, you managed to restart my old phone which was defective. This is why I believe I must have offended someone. No one could be this inept and stay in business. It has to be deliberate. Whatever it is I have done, I am sorry. I did not mean to offend.
My phone number is 662-739-****. The IMEI of the OLD phone which is now active again is 01416200076****. The SIM number in OLD is phone is 8901410427874528****. The IMEI of the NEW phone which isn’t active is 01430300424****. The SIM number in the NEW phone is 8901410425778954****. If there is anything you can do to help I would appreciate it since the phone as it is now is nearly useless. If for some reason you are unable to activate the new phone I will use the new phone for parts and try to repair the old phone. I don’t anticipate perfect results from this since I am old and my eyes are not as good as they once were but I don’t know what else to do. You may contact me at donmullican@gmail or call me at 662-289-**** extension 105. My address is 321 *******, Kosciusko Mississippi ****.
Got online to ‘chat’ option and talked to someone who called themselves ‘Alejadra’. A told me this phone and the new one both showed non-functional’ on her screen. She was online with me for close to an hour. Finally she said a new SIM card would be required for the new phone to work right. Why does this sound familiar. A new one will arrive in maybe a week. On Friday. Hmmmmmm.
(04/16/16) Messages started arriving telling me that service will end tommoror. “last day of service” warning.
Tried to reply to message but got back “sorry” but message you sent is not valid . Check your text and try again.
TracFone Wireless, Inc.
Attention: Executive Resolution Department
9700 N.W. 112th Avenue
Miami, FL 33178
Parent company for Tracphone: America Movil (Mexican telephone company-4th largest in world)
Ticket # for SIM card is 113513****
Nothing has arrived. Yet.
Still no SIM card in mail.
No SIM card yet. Will try again later.
Friday. Still no SIM card. My phone has been defective now for months and my contact with Safelink has been going on for over 2 months. The level of ineptitude is unbelievable, that’s why I am beginning to think I am someone’s project to torture. This much incompetence is can’t be an accident: a person who be incapable of feeding themselves.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That is a horrifying story, Donald. But you have done the right thing by documenting every interaction and lack of action. The only thing left for you to do — and you probably should have done it several interactions ago — is to demand to speak to a supervisor and threaten to report this ineptitude to the Federal Communications Commission and the USAC. If you still get no satisfaction, you must follow through with the report.
Here’s an article that will tell you how to file an official complaint.
Please continue to keep such thorough notes and let us know how it goes.
Selma Kelly says
Concerning Donald’s story — why is that YOUR company has not yet done anything about this RIDICULOUS nonsense? How about putting sanctions on these phone carriers so that if they don’t start working the program CORRECTLY, they will be kicked out? How about that ???!!! AND MEANTIME — THEY ARE BILLING YOU FOR SERVICES THAT DON’T EVEN EXIST. That’s called FRAUD. Why am I having to tell you how to do your job?
Rick Stevens says
The scam involves well-known figures, such as the owner of the New York Times, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. The profits to scammers are astronomical and the costs to working taxpayers are far beyond astronomical.
Justin Peek says
If your Obama phone salesman has already made his cut from the three-ring scheme between your carrier Virgin mobile (among other giants), the brokering company (Assurance, Safelink, etc.) (mostly located off shore so that U.S. laws don’t apply and the LIFELINE program in your state then read this experience carefully.
I was cut off completely from “unlimited text and unlimited talk” in less than 3 months after receiving the phone.
The red tape I had to go through between LIFELINE and Assurance yielded me NO resolution. After a month of trying to restore my texting and ultimately my minutes I have a dead phone. When I first gave them my personal ID it had an old address on it. 3/4 of Americans are nOT living at teh address they originally listed on their drivers license!! LIFELINE sent me a recertification letter after just 3 months and it never reached me! It never reached over half of their consumer base (cash kickback profit from Obama) beacuse they’re friggin HOMELESS or moving to new job opportunities. When I finally recertified with LIFELINE on their deplorable website they told me I had to wait ANOTHER thirty days from Assurance to disapprove a new assigned phone number. You see because I just wanted my friggin phone restored! These programs, while fighting so-called fraud completely knocked out a homeless person from getting any calls or texts for job opportunities, famil;y, friends,M y entire social network was hijacked for 6 weeks AND i LIVED IN A MENS SHELTER!! DO NOT ACCEPT THESE PHONES FROM SALESMEN WHO ARE LINING UP AT MAJOR SOUP KITCHENS (ONES WHO SERVICE UP TO 3,000 MEALS A DAY.), ON THE sidewalk of your local human services building and high-traffic destitute neighborhoods. They know damn well there’s profit being made and yet they SHAME you for questioning their insanity justifying that YOU got the phone for free!! They will set you up!! BEWARE!!
Kim T says
You can’t get approved for a Safe link or other lifeline phone if you live in an apartment if someone else in the apartment building has one even though they are completely different households and don’t even know each other!!THIS IS WRONG!!!A lot of low income people who need a phone are getting denied!Who is responsible for this gross injustice and discrination.I am going to get a class action suit together!!!WTF is wrong with these morons!!
Pissed Off in LA says
A class action suit,that’s an excellent idea!!And a petition would be a great idea too.But lifeline won’t listen to us!!Government phones would be a great asset to low income people who cannot afford a cell phone to help get employment,get to doctors,keep up with our business appointments,and try to better ourselves,if the phones and the whole screwed up program didn’t suck so bad!!The government don’t care about poor people!!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot deny that the Lifeline Assistance program has flaws, but it has helped millions of low-income Americans get jobs, to reach out to medical professionals, and to keep in touch with friends and families. It’s far from perfect, but millions of people are grateful for it.
lori hunter says
It is an ineffective and inefficient program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The Federal Communications Commission approved these rules in an attempt to reduce the rampant fraud, waste and abuse in the system. Unfortunately, it seemed to be the only way to keep unethical customers from receiving multiple free government cell phones.
Selma Kelly says
Let me know Kim. I’ll join. I’ll check back regularly.
Sheldon Ramagos says
Anything the government controls is gonna suck!!That’s why Safe link and the other government phone programs have an overall ratings are one star.Our government programs are a joke!!!Poor people are continuousally f-ed over!!!
Kim T says
You sure got that right!!!I couldn’t agree more!!!
emma says
I know someone who is abusing this free government cell phone. He works and has another cell phone. He makes good money .he works for a moving company. .gets paid cash. …under the table . So he’s lied about the money he makes… he also tried to get food stamps. .but was denied because he was not looking for work. ..but he has a job..His number is
kimber. sweet says
My. Qlink Obama phone. Stoped working and I don’t have 25.00to pay for a new one I have told them that and have asked them to turn off. Its been. 5 months and they will not turn off my account and send monthly reports of my usage and that is not true it’s not been working or used in months I think they are talking money that they don’t deserve to this is wrong and they still won’t turn it off
Selma Kelly says
ATTENTION — Universal Service Administrative Company — Kimber.Sweet’s story is yet another example of carriers BILLING the government for services that do not exist and/or were shut down ions ago. That’s FRAUD. And why have you not put a stop to this yet? Are the companies sending your regular reports as to their activities?
Charisse says
My phone was stolen. I want the service disconnected. 443-939-**** is the number. Please turn it off.they are using it every month. I went to Social Services in Temple Hills, Maryland and they could not even give me a number to report it stolen or disconnect.
Mark says
It’s not generosity when phone companies are forced to pay usf and paying customers like me being forced to reimburse the phone companies payments into the usf
Angela Barth says
Yes I found out that my missing phone wasn’t missing an that my mother had stole it. So I called reported it stolen they sent a new phone an was using it all the way up to three days ago. My mother reported it stolen on me so I had my husband call safe link back and they verified everything on the account was mine so we goto bed wake up an it’s deactivate again, but this time there telling us that it’s in someone else’s name not mine… So how does that change overnight that was my only phone an I know my mom has three of them from different government assistance programs. How can I fix this my moms a professional scam artists that gets the government to pay for everything she does, I just need my phone. An this safe link ppl aren’t trying to listen or they just don’t want too
Selma Kelly says
Attention Universal Service Administrative Company — What have you done about Angela Barth’s mother? Write your answer here: _______________________________________________.
rita nielsen says
I have a track phone safe link program and I cant get my mins.
Ive dealt with a track phone rep and I cant get anywhere with them so I have 3 mins on my account.
Ive tryed and it seems they cant figure out there own system.
John Ballard says
My old phone speaker went so they sent me a new one. I have been over a month trying to get my old phone number. I have SafeLink. They have sent me five new sim cards and they still do not know what to do. Each time I have talked to them, I have given them a contact number, my email address and my mailing address. The FedEx man stated it must have an Apt. number on it which I have given them each time or the next time they will not deliver.. I need my old phone number because my medical team has that number
Barbara Kennedy says
This is Barbara Kennedy I want the 86600 minutes put back on phone with
Nunber1-407-927-**** you have one hour or I call the police and fire charges.
AprilTallent says
Lawton Oklahoma 73500
Possible human security for national government
April Dawn Tallent
April 4 1984
Sergeant word heavy in use, found other uses with flat visual of human source of debt corporal word observed.
Heavy personal inservitude
Dita Valerio says
310-593-**** this number contacted me several times to enroll me requested I txt a pic of my snap or link card to them so I complied but never got the lifeline service is this number a scam or is there a back log and I still will receive ? They now have my personal card information or else I would not be as concerned. says
We do not recognize the phone number you gave us as belonging to any Lifeline vendor.
Adriene says
I was also denied re-certification from Assurance wireless. Apparently someone is already using a lifeline phone with a different carrier in my name! And it is difficult getting in touch with someone to find out who is using my name for this phone. I have been on hold with the USAC for 30 minutes….keeps saying hold time is more than 10 minutes….
Barbra Burt says
Someone is using my name and has a lifeline phone,…but it isn’t me. And now I need this phone and just recently qualified for the govt phone but,..i can’t get it. I’m frustrated and know how you are feeling, as well.
Chanelya says
Hello I recently went to apply for a life l in budget cell phone and was denied because someone is already using my info to have and receiving service. How do I disconnect that service and block any one else that tries to use my info?
jerry lewis says
I don’t know if i’m in the right place but a ex-room mate keeps placing adds on craigslist and the phone minutes will be used up in a few hours . can some one help me with this .
angel says
hi my name is angel im a solo support for my family a friend toll me about life line program so i went a walfare office from my erea on the side walk i saw a lady given phones for free so i got one thank you lifeline on 8 10 2015 they recev my form i was aproved the for 12 months untill 10/13/2016 the problem is that total wirelees said that i was not aproved but if i have a visa i can get refill minutes for $25 .00 so im not gettin nottin free so went back to the plase ware i got the phone and i see people and same problem from buget mobile total wireless accurance wireless tag wireless access wireless life line is helping the people but this companys are taking avanteges of califonia lifeline program at the end i got nottin teking pravit information from people social id medical ebt and i got natting thank you angel flores
Victoria miller says
I would like to report ***** ****** of Elkhart Indiana who reports her children, which she does not take care of, and herself in order to the government in order to collect free government money. She also steals aderal from her children to sell as a source of income. says
Although it sounds horrible, we are not the ones to whom you should report this.
Damon says
I’ve had a phone from assurance wireless.. Violas that got infected with a random app. I had to get a new lifeline phone and assurance refuses to take me back without judge. Ping through hoops. The most recent problem I’ve had is with Total… I got an HTC evolved 3d… Bad ads I must admit, and I started getting text about my service being cut off only had it for two weeks why?
spencer bussell says
Budget mobile makes it next to impossible to speak to a live person and when you do they do not speak english and refuse or cant help and they direct you to the web site where they are on purpose frauding the ederly and disabled…..they have blocks in a line that you click on what product or service you want then when you click the top block it takes you to the next page where the blocks are switched in their order so you get decieved whatyou are purchasing….and when you are charged for a data pack or the like that you cant even use on the phones they provide thru the lifeline service they refuse to give you a refund or even convert the purchase to a useable product….and this has happend to numerous people i know at 5 bucks a pop for a service they know you cant use dont want and cant refunded they are making a killing and im certain they are doing this with intent to defraud
Darrell says
I didnt seen this question asked. I checked before I commented here but i may have missed it. Is it ok for someone to have a regular service provider phone as well as a safelink phone? My daughters boyfriend has had both of these in his name for months now. I dont feel its right. Id like to report this but im unsure if its the right thing to do. says
No, you are only allowed one Lifeline phone per household. That’s one landline phone with a Lifeline discount, or one free or discounted Lifeline cell phone. If his landline has a lifeline discount applied he cannot have the Lifeline cell phone. However, it is perfectly legal to have a non-discounted landline phone plus a Lifeline cell phone. We say it’s legal, but we agree it’s not right and a waste of government money
Brandon with assurance wireless and Greg with Tag Mobile, both posted ads on Craigslist offering employment as an “Independent Contractor”. Brandon demanded I work 8 hours +. Brandon demanded I “sell” 31 cell phones plus in order to get paid $10.00 per application. Brandon indicated anything less would be paid at only $6.00 per application/cell. Brandon offered paid training. Brandon owes me for 7 hours worked during training. Brandon instructed me to tell customers that assurance was the only carrier that offered unlimitted voice minutes and unlimitted texs. Brandon confirmed to me via text messages that he found my cell phone which was left in his car after we went on our training. There were two other people training in the car. Brandon has refused to give me back my cell phone. He has also removed the ads he placed on craigslist. I saved a copy of the ads.
Greg, on the other hand, indicated on his ad he would pay $15.00 per approved application….but then changed his mind and indicated he would only pay $10.00 per application. I am to purchase my own tablet and other equipment needed to work.
Greg is afilliated with Ken ****** (Top 10 Map Listers).
Both, Greg and Brandon requested I fill out an application online…they both run a background check on me. I am terryfied that they now have access to ALL my personal information….
Brandon is associated with ******. He also sells solar panels. He operates out of *****. WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367
These appear to be huge scammers…They should be stopped…WHO IS OVERSEEING THIS PROGRAM? says
We had to asterisk out some of the info as we can’t allow unsubstantiated charges against persons on this site. Although we do believe you, as we’ve also seen various Craigslist postings like you are talking about that seem a little suspect. The only thing we can suggest is to contact Budget and Assurance and let them know of the contractors that are not living up to their promises, and to use the information on this page to report them to Lifeline.
Alicia says
Two phones are being sent to this address an one is safelink the other reach out an also have a land line and it is unfair because these ppl can afford a phone.. says
Please report the abuse as detailed in the article above.
sandra says
I think someone is using my address for this service. How do I find out or turn them in? says
There is information on this page:
stacie jones says
I have been incarcerated since 6/02/14 and i went to bluejay to sign up for a phone and it says i can’t apply until 6/22/15 and i was in jail at the time. I need a phone and not able to get one and I dont know why.
Nikko Lynette Schmitz says
I ordered a Obama phone for a Vincent ********, mailed to ****** Clark Street Las Vegas NV 89122, never received it…Although maybe he didn’t qualify?? Was it sent and when?
If it was sent is it possible for someone else to activate it?
Thinking my neighbor, Brenda ****** may have stole it, but said it was her phone.
How many Oboma phones are you allowed to have? says
You are allowed to have one phone per household.
smith says
I see people getting signed up for these phones on the streets, How do I know which ones are safe? do they need SSN? says
They don’t need your social security number, although they might ask for the last 4 digits. Look for a vendor that is listed on our page of providers.
Erica Hill says
Reporting that i believe that someone has used my identity to get lifeline service. I recently applied for lifeline sevices and was informed that service already exist. Please help me find out who did this…and would like to know if i will be able to obtain services needed for my family in emergency purposes
Traci says
Can someone who has an Obama cell phone give it to there kids whom do not live with to keep? Or is that considered fraud? says
That is not allowed.
Traci says
Thank you that is what I thought, so if this happens is this the site I report it and if so what kind of information do I need? says
The article above tells you where to send the information.
Mark says
It’s not a Obama’s a George w bush phone
Craig says
Does anyone know if people are getting arrested for having 2 phones in the home? For example two different disabled adults living in 1 apartment, and they both have a phone? Just one each? I read on the site that its considered fraud to have more than 1 per household. Just curious… says
It’s fraud be there have not been reports of any arrests that we’ve seen. All we’ve seen is all but of the phones being turned off.
Mark says
I know of many people committing FRAUD and have reported it to Assurance as well as the FCC without results, this has been going on for one year. One guy I know is still committing fraud while he has two jobs. This is why the tax payers are angry and I want to do something about it but keep getting a run around. The number provided here seems to be a fax. If you can be of any help please send me info. I am going to media outlets next. One fraud user Bob ***** (518)***-**** has been cheating the Government for two years.
billy glover says
I have been receiving mail under someones name that does not live at my address for their safelink phone> I have att and do not use safelink and would like to let safelink know they do NOT live here. any suggestions?
David French says
contact Safe link and let them know so they can resolve the provider for you. Don’t bother calling CA Lifeline they will they you to contact the provider. I know this because I am going through a similar situation myself.
carolyn says
who do i contact to let them know that i have no other lifeline phones. is there a phone #
William R. Webb says
Apparently someone is using my identity for lifeline services and i need those accounts ceased immediately so I can start a new service!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact the fraud line with the info we provided above.
Sumi Esquibel says
Okay now I am really frustrated. I first tried in February 2014 to apply online for the phone service.(Safelink) It would not accept my physical address so I called and the woman told me that I would have to wait 3 months for the system to upgrade?? I tried again on April 10,2014. The lady took all my information so she could send me an application. Okay so I waited and waited and no application came. I tried again at the beginning of June 2014. I saw that I could download the application from the site so I did, I printed and filled it out and sent it with verification that I receive medicaid, food stamps, and verification of my physical address. Okay so then at the end of June I saw on the site that my application was approved. YAY!!! BUT it says that it’s still pending for documentation. I thought okay it takes a little time to process….hmmm…then I called again at the beginning of July and was told they don’t have my documents, I thought but they have the application and the documents were sent with the application. The man I talked to was very unpleasant and told me that I need to still send in the documents I asked him well where did the paperwork go that I did send in and he told me it’s in back office but yet he doesn’t know how to get ahold of back office?? so after hanging up with him I went on the site towards the end of July and clicked on the links for sending documents I thought okay I can e-mail so I scanned and downloaded the documents and sent the documents via e-mail, and I called back again on July 28,2014 just to be told that the e-mail doesn’t work and that it is down for maintenance. I told the man are you kidding me? He said I need to send them again because they cannot get the info from the e-mail. Okay so the next day I saw that I could upload the documents okay so that is what I did yesterday July 31,2014. Today is August 1st 2014. I called this morning and you won’t believe what I was told…They can’t receive the documents by the upload…hahaha! Okay jokes on me. I get it this can’t be legitimate. I was told this morning when I called that for me to fax the documents. well I think the last 3 times of sending information that this is a false company. When I mentioned that I was going to get in touch with USAC the lady kept interrupting me and would not let me finish talking and she kept talking over me and I find this quite rude. She told me still that I need to send the documents. Now…anyone else getting a run around like I have just been through?? Very upset here!
chuck says
Thank you for the info regarding safelink. i am trying to get ph service for my 85 yr. old mother. My suggestion to you is try
Charles Johnson says
I keep receiving emails asking me to ‘re-certify’ my SafeLink account. When I re-register on-line, it says that my information is incorrect and can’t proceed even though I enter it several times correctly. And when I re-register by phone, it says that I am already registered. I’m wondering if this is a phishing email. Are there any other complaints regarding phishing emails with respect to SafeLink?
Sam Fisher says
If someone is using their # to harass one of my family members, is that considered abuse?
steven says
could someone PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!.
Someone is using my identity or something so I am unable to get a phone through the lifeline program. I have spent two weeks and countless hours talking to everyone from the FCC, PUC, USAC and Lifeline. NO ONE seems to be able to help me and they are all passing the buck. Keep in mind, none of my other personal accounts have been compromised in any way shape or form. Can some please help me?
Thank You and GOD BLESS.
steven says
Steven here again, my e-mail address is
Nicholas Paredes says
Dear Sirs,
I am totally confused. On 02/04/2014 I filled out and mailed my application. 7 days later in stead of getting my phone I got a new set of applications. I check the web site an it says” we mailed out your application, please allow 5-7 days. I tried calling the number 1-888-898-4888 and 1-877-732-3018 and all I got was an automated menu, and they asked me for my phone number..Dahhh, I don’t have a phone that is why I am applying to get one! I finally Faxed ANOTHER APPLICATION on 02/19/2014. Now I went to the web site filled in the inforamtion and it says “YOUR INFORAMTION CAN NOT BE FOUND” what is going on here? Do they just want me to give up? Please adise.
Nicholas Paredes
conisha moley says
someone by the name of ****** is using my address for free assistance i recieved a safelink phone at my house my address is ***** 31206 how to i stop free mail coming here i keep returning it to sender i applied for a free for couldnt get one because ******* got one what do i do can u stop her from using my address thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, we can’t help you with that. To all: please, no names and addresses on public comments.
Candice Foote says
My daughter has a free link phone that someone gave her. I am not happy that she has the phone and would like to know what I can do to get it shut off.
Candice Foote.
Tom says
Attempted to report a fraud case but the web site came back not found and the email address was returned as undeliverable.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks for letting us know. I found a link that works; they must have changed it.
John Stefanowski says
I’m having a problem getting a free cell phone, the reason why I need a phone because both of my knees have severe arthritis and will need knee replacement I also have severe back problems, because of this I’m on SSI. I cant get a phone because a girl is using my address to get a phone. I have all her information, SSN and DOB. can you help me?
max says
I can’t get a phone because the lady that lived in this apartment before me had one. She died…that’s how I got the apartment. Safelink tells me that I have to send them a copy of her death certificate to prove it!!!! i keep sending THEIR mail that comes for her back to them with stuff written all over the envelopes — dead, deceased, no longer living, update your computers, etc. Two years and still can’t get one. I’m assuming her children kept it and are using it. What other conclusion?
Think D. Bestofpeople says
There are not very good instructions on how to cancel the service in the event of the subscriber’s death. It is not necessarily malicious fraud by her family.
QueenMadea says
and I just told her to not call me again ever on any phone she has, not even a tin cup!
QueenMadea says
My idiot neighbor has 12! no lie. I hate that she calls me on different numbers through out the day. We call her MA BELL. I wish I could report her. The agreement clearly states that each citizen can only get one phone per household. To top I off she has Galaxy 3 or4 phones thru Verizon for her and r 14yr old that she purchased. it makes me sick that this pathetic woman is abusing a program that was really needed by low-income families. She and thousands like her will be the cause of this program coming to an end. Phoenix, Arizona
pamala says
My sibling has admitted via a text message to the person he is “harassing” that she may not have received his last rant because “i ran out of minutes on one of THREE obamaphones they HANDED to me for FREE bcuz im a MOOCH LMMFAO:)” quote/unquote. This is ridiculous; he isn’t employed, he doesn’t have a license, and he lives with our mother. The only person he communicates with is the person he is harassing.
danessa jenkins says
u people are blind. put two and two together. the reason druggies are able to get the phone and not hard working citizens is because they want to track and record the drug users to crack down on the war against drugs. wake up America and smell the coffee. times are changing
Holland says
Yes! Omg my boyfriend was arrested randomly tonight for a warrant in another county, after sending his id pic to our neighbor to becone a distributor. A few days ago my homeless friend that is staying with me, was arrested. He has a phone from this program and lost it right before getting arrested for jaywalking. My boyfriends brother is our roomate and the day he signed up for the phone, he was accused of “drinking in public” (it was a bottle of orange juice) and then beaten by the cops for resisting arrest and thrown in jail.
patrice moynihan says
I think someone should check out qlinkwireless, they have all my qualifying documentation and I cannot get a live person to respond to my questions. This has been going on for over 2 months. I suspect they are scamming the free government program and who knows what they are doing to me with all that faxed/mailed documentation I sent them. I am going to use the website that was recommended and hope for some action. We still need help on Hawaii.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve taken the liberty of editing your phone number. Our standard advice: Don’t give out personal information on the internet. That being said, Hanna, we are not the phone company. Contact your service provider if you want to cancel your service.
Selma Kelly says
Universal Service Administrative Company — Please explain what it is you do? The article above this forum states that you PAY out the funds to support this program, which I assume includes the salaries of the Lifeline offices?
Dianne Vandervoort says
There is a woman out here who has obtained some 7 phones by having them sent to her “friends” addresses. That way she does not feel they can trace them. Mail from Assurance still comes here addressed to her daughter. She gave me a phone. I had no idea where it came from. Then she became angry & had it cut off. I have written to Assurance Wireless & called them. I do not know if they ever did anything or not.
smith says
I know someone whom has been using their dead fathers lifeline phone for over 1 year.
Joseph Murray says
As for tax payers that are worried about paying for lifeline benefits you are required by law to pay universal service access fee’s if you have a land line or cell phone so even if the lifeline benefit program didn’t exist you would still probably be faced paying the same fee’s as before the program came into existence.
Joseph Murray says
While the FCC has suggested what I’ve state above publicly I’m not so sure they have taken appropriate action to create such a real time database I would suggest anyone reading my comments please contact USAC and The FCC and lets all try to get them on the same page.
Joseph Murray says
ETC’s need to be held under more regulation with this program it’s often the case that one ETC doesn’t have a clue what the other has on file and that’s why so many people have 2-5 cell phones running all at the same time USAC needs a main database to track all the ETC’s Applicants and their lifeline customers and it will fix much of the problem with the program.
Bev Murphy says
Someone is using my address so I can-not get a phone. I am 70 years old .
Amy says
I know a guy that has TWO of these free-phones. His neighbors in his apartment complex all have two phones as well. How is this even possible? I couldn’t file a complaint because the link here doesn’t work. What the hell….whose paying for these phones? Me the taxpayer? This is insane!
Deb Ivester says
Agree totally with “JUSTPLAINTIRED”. My 80 yr old little Mother needs one of these phones. Worked hard all her life, paid into goverment taxes for over 60 yrs. I helped her apply for a phone. Found out a seriously mentally ill drug addict woman had used her address to get one for herself. Just for the life of me, I cannot wrap my mind around how these thieves get away with all the freebees the goverment give them! Then when an honest person whom is in desire need of help, cannot get any . PLEASE tell American what is wrong with this picture !
justplaintired says
Funny, I am disabled. Someone druggie used my address…I cannot get a phone. Safelink asked me for tons of proof, I faxed it…lived in same place or over 12 years and can prove it. NOTHING. More like, “First Come, First Serve”. I have serious health issues, they just like their dope. There needs needs to be more of a cap on this than just the “Under penalty of perjury…” clause. Just like selling their Link cards…make them drug test before you the taxpayers give them anything…you work hard to support these lowlifes!!
dog says
they give these phone they dont check the people out i no people with 5 to 10 phone we report them no one will check them out stop giveing these phone to the lazy bumbs