Updated on 12/9/22
Question of the day: Is there a website with all the dates and times of places where you can get a free government cell phone?
We have tens of thousands of readers here at FreeGovernmentCellPhones.net every day. And the question they’ve been asking most often recently can be summed up in this message from a reader named Crystal:
I’ve seen at different times tents set up at different locations where you can get an Obama phone right on the spot. Is there a website that will tell you the dates and places of where they will be set up for my area? I live in Phoenix, AZ.
The simple answer is no. We wanted to set up a FreeGovernmentCellPhones.net page to list the tent events held by the dozens of companies that compete in the Lifeline Assistance business. Unfortunately, that information is very hard to come by. And even if it was available, we would now be very hesitant to share it with our readers.
Why don’t all Lifeline Assistance companies offer this kind of information?
FreeGovernmentCellPhones.net is clearly the leading website dedicated to the Lifeline Assistance program. As we said earlier, we have tens of thousands of readers every single day of the year. And we simply don’t understand why ALL free government cell phone and ACP companies don’t make it this simple for their potential customers.
Well, that’s not strictly true. We do know the answer, but we just don’t like it.
We know that each Lifeline/ACP company handles its enrollment process in its own unique way. Some handle enrollment with their own employees (these are the only one’s we would trust). Others hire outside contracting companies that then hire their own full-time employees. And others damn near anyone who can walk, breathe, and hand you a pen and a form to fill out. But the biggest problem is all the complete scams being run by unscrupulous criminals who will do anything to make a quick buck and have absolutely no connection to any legitimate Lifeline or Affordable Connectivity Program service provider.
We know that all the major Lifeline Assistance companies read our site on a daily basis. We would still very much like to set up a Tent Event page that covers all the legitimate companies and their legitimate tent events. If only those companies made that information available.
C’mon, Lifeline companies. Post that information on your websites. Send us the info. Give our readers the kind of info that will make it easier for them to enroll and easier for you to enroll them. Let us publicize your legitimate events. Help us help you to sign up millions of financially-struggling Americans for Lifeline free government cell phones and ACP internet service.
Joseph Caudill says
I would like to know where in louisville ky that a free government phone tent is set up today near me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Go back and read the first paragraph of the story on this page, Joseph.
Amanda Sturdivant says
I would like to know where a government phone tent is located today I’m in West Monroe Louisiana thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read the article above, Amanda, especially the first paragraph.
Jeanenne thomas says
Good morning i stop T a tent in akron on canton rd in dollar store parking lot the girl took our money gave us account numbers and said we will get them in few daws that was dec 12 its januray q2 nnever got one have xalled and texted her she has gave me everyexcuse why i havnt got mine she sxammed me and my sister
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you were probably scammed. This is why we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Sarah says
Where are they giving free government cell phones today in Burlington Iowa
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article, Sarah? We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
John Miller says
Where are they passing out free phones in Richmond Indiana today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the IMPORTANT NOTE we posted at the top of this article, John?
Amy Rinker says
What do I do if I have already signed up at a tent event and the device doesn’t work properly? I wanted to get the phone and then a tablet for $10 but every time I tried to sign up it would say it was approved and then I’d never get the email. I saw the guy I got it from again and asked if I should take it to T-Mobile and he very abruptly said, ” No bring it back to me and I’ll give you a new one”
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re going to make a wild guess that your guy is a fraudulent dealer. Maybe it’s time for you to re-enroll with a different company. Any Lifeline customer can switch service providers at any time. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch from one provider to another:
Which provider and plan to choose? You can find all the providers and plans available in your state here:
Matt says
I am surprised your website is still actively telling people to avoid popup events because they are riddled with fraud. Could you please explain what kind of potential “fraud” takes place or could possibly take place at a free phone stand in 2023? You will not be able to give examples of fraud taking place as of now. Yes, back in 2015 there were Popup events pushing people through to receive the benefit they normally wouldn’t qualify for. Since then, the FCC has put measures into place to fight against any fraud. They implemented The National Verifier will attempt to digitally verify a potential customer is using receiving the qualifying benefit to receive the free phone service. If the National Verifier is unable to verify someone qualifies to recieve the benefit, they require additional proof the person trying to receive the benefit is partaking in a qualifying assistance program to be sent in by uploading the doc. A food stamps card or medical card is no longer proof. An award letter with the qualifying program, the start date of the program, and persons Name & address clearly listed. The date of the award letter must be visible as well. A live agent will review the documents closely. They verify all information needed is on the doc and check for any signs of alterations. The person attempting to enroll in lifeline must now have an unexpired government issued for of identification. The agent takes a pic of the ID and uploads it for the carriers staff to verify it’s unexpired and look for any signs of alterations. With these steps in place now, you have a better chance of someone using your info when you hand them your credit card at a fast food restaurant. If I am wrong, please share an example of fraud that is currently been know to take place at a tent event..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Where does it say you get to demand that we answer your pompous, puffed-up questions, Matt? Do you not understand the difference between legitimate Lifeline agents and scammers? If you are naive enough to believe that every agent out there hawking cell phones is actually an employee of a Lifeline company, and that no one is scamming innocent potential customers, we have a bridge we’d like to sell you. And you sound like you might buy it.
Matt says
John Sinclair says
I’d like to expand on what the Gurus have said here. To become a pop-up vendor you do not have to have any affiliation with Lifeline or ACP.
All the vendor(s) need to is to apply thru the city they are in for a temporary vendors permit that ranges somewhere between $100-$500.00
Once approved these vendors get their supply of phones directly from the government, not the manufacturers or providers.
This allows them to represent refurbished phones as new, and also not bothering to advise what the new customers number is or who their provider will be.
Instead the vendor9s) would much rather cram as many devices as they can give away, because it’s $8-$10commission depending on the device for each one given away, not to mention all the customer’s information that they sell at a nice tidy profit.
I doubt you will be able to dispute any of this Matt as I have helped about 30 Seniors file valid fraud claims thru the FCC.so far this month.
You’ve got a lot to learn kid! Good Luck to you!
Matt says
John, you might want to do some research before making statements on something you have no clue about. Every statement you have made is false and inaccurate. If you actually helped one senior citizen file a fraud claim you would have seen your wrong. First there is no such thing as a “popup vender.” There are independent agents that set up street events amongst other ways to market the programs. Agents are not required to purchase a permit of any kind. They are free to set up any where on city, state, or federal property. In fact, they do not need permission from anyone to set up. A permit is required when an individual is selling something. Agents do not sell. The enroll people into the lifeline and ACP program and sign them up for free service.
Agents DO have to be approved by FCC to enroll people and give away phones. Each agent is provided an ID number that’s attached to every enrollment they do.
As far as the phones being refurbished, they are giving away for free. No one is forcing anyone to take the phones. Free or refurbished they are giving for free. Agents make a lot more then $8-$10 commision. Not sure where you got that figure but your not even close. Agents on a low end recieve $20 per enrollment. High end of $40 per. Average agent is collecting $30 per. Who are these agents selling the customers info to? The only info they gather is name, address, bday, and last 4 of social. This is the same info if you go into a store to get a phone, get cable service or wifi at home. You can get a lot more info on someone from the dark web.
You have helped 30 seniors file fraud claims in the past month? Come on John, why make up stories. So you say you “doubt” I can dispute anything you stated? I dispute every statement you’ve made sir. You couldn’t be anymore inaccurate.
You have a lot to learn .
Free Government Cell Phones says
It looks like the John vs Matt cage match may be bigger than Musk vs Zuck.
John Sinclair says
Let’s start with Identity theft and work our way forward, shall we? This past weekend I watched a pop up vendor from Gen Mobile process 4 applications back to back with nothing more than using their food stamp cards for approval, so your statements are false to say the least.
Once again you’ve tripped over your bottom lip Matt!
Feel free to join the conversation again once you have the anal cranial inversion you’re obviously suffering from taken care of.
Have a Great Week!
Matt says
John, again you have no clue what your talking about. That’s great the vender approved people with just there food stamps card. A food stamp card or any proof of benefits is not required to enroll. Part of the enrollment process is ” The national verifier ” Wether someone enrolled online on there own or with an agent, proof of benefits is not required. The national verifier connects to each states local benefits department and cross checks that the applicant is in fact receiving assistance. As far as Identity theft goes, you can get the same info venders are collecting from someone Facebook page. To steal someone identity, you would need there social security number. John, please do research before speaking. You come across as not very smart. I’m not saying fraud doesn’t take place at a street event. I’m sure fraud does take place. Just not at the numbers your claiming. Please do some research before posting. I do not have the time nor the crayons to keep explaining reality to you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re going to support John here. Documentation proving participation in programs is definitely required before approval. Check out this page from the official Lifeline website. It clearly spells out which documents are necessary:
Yes, the “national verifier” is supposed to facilitate verification of eligibility, but it is a haphazard program at best. The states with the largest and second largest populations (California and Texas) do not participate in the national verifier program and many other states only partially participate. You can see more about the verifier program here:
Finally, there is far more fraud than you seem willing to acknowledge, Matt. We have heard from hundreds, maybe thousands, of people who were scammed by unauthorized and/or fraudulent vendors. Google “Lifeline cell phone fraud” and you’ll get a couple million results. The FCC even has a page dedicated to explaining the types of fraud to watch out for. Here’s that link:
And as you will see on the link above, there is also lots of fraud from people who do not legitimately qualify but somehow scam legitimate Lifeline companies.
Finally, who are you to tell John he didn’t see what he says he saw. We’ve been doing this long enough and have heard, read and seen so much reported fraud that we immediately tend to believe any new reports.
Christine says
Is there anyone giving cell phones out in Huntington WV today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article on this page, Christine. Check out the big, bold disclaimer at the top of the article.
Aaron Hustead says
Please I live in Harrison county I’ve already been approved for Lifeline service.. I want too signup for SafeLink and get a decent phone, but I want too know when the tents are going too be setup on main street, in Clarksburg…
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Danita says
When will there be a tent in Jonesboro AR
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Websiites.com says
It’s actually pretty hilarious scrolling through the comments and responses to this post, it’s so blatently obvious the extent literally every commenter did NOT read/comprehend the very direct language expressed in the post and the answer to quite literally every comment before theirs. smh not all poor people are stupid, come on people don’t perpetuate a negative stereotype!
Scott says
As also stated above, not all “tent events” are set up to scam people. There are legitimate tent events set up with intent to only help others in need. Some do not have any other option to recieve a phone with service then to visit a tent event. The Lifeline & ACP program are in place to help EVERYONE have access to a working telephone and internet. Everyone includes those who do not have an address to recieve mail. Or those who are in transitional housing and constantly moving. The programs are in place to help those who do not have the time to wait for a phone to be shipped in the mail. Yes, there are some tents set up with the intent of commiting a scam. Lifeline, ACP, & the National Verifier have taken measures to combat those looking to take advantage of the programs. I’m also SMH. Not all ignorant people are stupid. So come on please don’t perpetuate a negative stereotype!
Argelis Gomez says
I want a free phone 📱
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t we all?
Johnetta Ruffin says
Where are q link tents in KCMO
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please don’t do it, Johnetta. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Beatrice says
Where’s free phone tent in Albuquerque on 11/11/22
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse of the system.
Jesse Harris says
Where is the safelink tent nearby zip code 28210
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Tawnya molkenbur says
Any phone tents in spr mo
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Tawnya. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Dwayne says
Can y’all give me a location of where the tents are set up on the West Bank in Louisiana Jefferson parish
Free Government Cell Phones says
Save yourself a lot of potential trouble, Dwayne. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Lisa says
I’ve been looking for a tent pop up for free cell phone and can’t seem to find one. When I order one online the phone didn’t work after a month. How do I find where tents will be setup?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t tell you how strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. Don’t do it, Josua. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Lydia Castorena says
Can they call me instead I have tried online but don’t know how to send the pictures of my cards. And I heard it’s not good to get it on the streets.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Definitely not good to enroll at a street event, Lydia. They will not call you, so you’ll need to get a friend to help you with uploading your documents OR try enrolling with a company that will enroll you by phone.
Chasity says
When and where is a free cell phone tent set up in Roanoke VA for today.. 8/19/2022
Free Government Cell Phones says
No so fast, Chasity. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
sheri says
im looking fo a free phone tent today 8\9\22 in Saginaw Michigan…??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the many comments below to find out why we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Gloria Fuller says
Where is the free tent for government phones near Greenville South Carolina
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Kevin says
Trying to locate tent int to get free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Kevin. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Traci vaughan says
When will a tent be set up in Anderson SC..and where.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Anita says
When will the free tent event be in Raleigh NC and where
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event, Anita. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Diana Tanner says
Why when I transfer my service to another provider where they are going to mail me the free phone after I’ve been approved and verified, why does it seem like they always pick out the crappiest phone they have? I’ve received phones that are not smart phones but are just like the ones that I first used to get when the Lifeline.program was just beginning. But everyone I see who signs up with the same company as me and got their phone from a tent stand has a recently released phone with a super big screen and lots of space for files and the Android operating system is the latest release. SafeLink has done this repeatedly.
Free Government Cell Phones says
All Lifeline companies are required to provide their customers with smart phones. If you get something less than that, you should file an official complaint.
Dana says
Where is the next tent event in goleta , ca?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Marcia heitsman says
Hi could I get an interactive map sent to my email ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
What sort of interactive map are you looking for?
Jill Taylor says
Where will a tent be set up in Jonesboro Arkansas
May 7 2022
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Instead we urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Shelly says
Any tents in Norco, ca or corona, ca. We’ll need to receive one through a booth or tent cause we’re homeless and we share an address with other people thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers not to enroll at street events because of potential fraud and abuse. If you must enroll at one, do everything you can to confirm that the person you enroll with really works for the company they say they work for. We still urge you not to do it.
Cynthia Love says
I’m trying to find a.tent that’s giving away free cellular phones.and minutes in DublinGa31021
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you to enroll by email or phone, Cynthia. Do not enroll at a street event.
Christina says
Are there any tents on Knoxville Tennessee today
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you NOT to enroll at street events. They are the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Laci Bucol says
Are there any tents near Livingston California
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do yourself a favor and apply online or by phone, Laci. Street events have been the sources of far too much fraud and abuse.
Deborah Brown says
Are there tents in San Antonio tx
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only at the Boy Scout Jamboree.
Margorie Starks says
Where is the tent in Evansville Indiana tent to get free phones today.March 29
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read some of the comments below before you enroll at a street event, Margorie.
Barb says
Where is the tent in calaveras county or when will it be here
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Calaveras County. This comment moderator once lived in Angels Camp. You’re lucky to live in such a beautiful place. But in answer to your question, we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Richard StJohm says
People like me who need the lifeline phone read this crap and just want to scream. I signed up online and what did i get? Totally ripped off. They shut off my service that I had already paid for. They never sent me a SIM card. But they sure billed the government for a service they are not providing. The term for this is fraud. In the meantime I am homeless with no means of communication so this company could get a 30 day fee from the government for a service they never provided. I will take a live version event over a bullshit promise of, “we’ll mail it to you.”
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can only offer advice. We can’t force you to take it.
Meredith Enger says
Where is an Assurance tent in Mesa, Az.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Please enroll online or by phone.
Richard StJohm says
If I could make a phone call I wouldn’t need a phone service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what friends are for, Richard. You know, they do things like let you use their phones.
Antonio says
Where are the insurance wireless tent located in mountain view and when
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Jojj Underhill says
I live on Indiana the lady was suppose to come back and give me a new phone and didn’t do it and I got her customers for her phones and tables she ripp me off I can’t usex phone at all andy sister’s don’t work either what can I do fore
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sounds like you were ripped off, but did they take any money from you? We would recommend that you contact any Lifeline service provider’s customer service team to find out if you name shows up in the national Lifeline register. If not, you are free to re-enroll with a legitimate service provider. But do not enroll at a street event. Only enroll online or by phone.
Jennifer Morris says
I live in Oregon and have gotten a free government phone once it has stopped working. How can I get it replaced?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Jennifer.
Albert Paz says
Need free phone government today Live in Fresno California
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll with one of the companies offering free plans in your state, Albert. Here’s where you can find them:
Erin says
Where can I get a government phone in Houston?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The best place to get one is the same place from which you sent this comment. Enroll by phone or online rather than at a street event.
Liss pruitt says
Where are the free assurance wireless tents set up in or around alton ill
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Do it by phone or online instead.
Ndm says
En wireless shod remove the 2015 calender of events and post up one for November December 2021
Tiffany Schorghofer says
I’m in Gulfport where can I find the tent ⛺ at for the phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Protect yourself by enrolling by phone or online.
Troy Grasty says
Where can I go to get a free phone in burkesville ky
Free Government Cell Phones says
Street events have been the source of so much fraud and abuse that we now strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at them. You’ll be much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Tonya says
Where in Greenwood can I find the people that has a tent giving away phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge or readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Please enroll by phone or online.
timothy s moore says
how can i find out where to go get a free phone in my area when they set up a tent on the side of the road in knoxville tn?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Do it by phone or online for your own safety.
Ashley boyd says
9 northern cove jackson TN 38305
Free Government Cell Phones says
Enroll online or by phone, Ashley.
susan clark says
How to find out where the tents will be giving out free phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Ashley boyd says
How do I find out where the tent’s are at
Free Government Cell Phones says
We always urge our readers not to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse.
Jason says
When and where are the phone stands in redding cal
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event. Do it by phone or online.
Maria Theodoropoulos says
When do the people with the government free phones and service come into Paragould Arkansas
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not how it works, Maria. They may come to your town, but we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. You are much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Frank says
Where are the locations to get assurance wireless in Phoenix az
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are no brick-and-mortar locations.
Pastine Brown says
Am in Albany ga looking for the place were set up please gave me the address are phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Jacqueline Gish says
I am staying in a homeless shelter and in dire need of a government cell phone. I do have michigan medicaid. my address is 1325 ******* St, Saginaw, mi 48601. my card # 124547****
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website, Jacqueline, so we can’t get you a phone. But we can provide you with all the info you need. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Karen Frost says
I need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website’s all about, Karen. Click around and you’ll find everything you need.
Vintez says
I’m in st.louis can I find the g phone give aways
Free Government Cell Phones says
As we’ve said about a thousand times here in response to readers’ questions, we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Klaudia says
I live i. Riverside california van buren ave zip 92503. I need to see where the closest cell pho e stand is near me today
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because of the level of fraud and abuse you risk. Please enroll by phone or online.
Reviol Bosley says
Where in Monroe La are they having a tent setup
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers to enroll online or by phone to avoid the fraud and abuse that are so common at street events.
Daytona Rodgers says
i am looking for a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Just click around this website, Daytona. Everything you need to know is here.
Kathleen DraperAre says
Hi I am in LancasterKath CA and really in need of a phone (dropped my in the toilet (Obama) Are there any of those outside tents. . Thank you for your tme in Lancaster
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor and enroll by phone or online.
James jessee says
Where do I find in Glasgow ky
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t track it down to individual cities, but you can find all the free government cell phone plans in your state here:
Jennifer says
Where DO i find in Bowling Green ky
Free Government Cell Phones says
There has been too much fraud and abuse at the street events, Jennifer. We strong recommend that our readers enroll online or by phone.
Kathy Hice says
I have a gov.phone.but had it about 3 years.now the battery is swelled up and cracked screen.Wont stay charged and now wont work a tall.Thwy say I need $25.00 to replace it.Thpught they were free? Its through QLink.Its a touch screen.Im in Ft.Smith,Arkansas
Free Government Cell Phones says
Many companies now offer customers an annual free replacement phone. If your service provider is not one of those companies, you might want to consider switching providers. Here’s where you can find all the providers in your state:
Robert says
I need to find a location in Corona ASAP to get me a free phone I had just lost my disability so I have no money I barely get by on food stamps phone is my lifeline so if there’s one near Corona or Riverside I’d like to know where so I could get my butt there
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re going to guess that your butt is already where it needs to be. You can apply by phone or via the internet from the comfort of your favorite chair.
Robert says
I already tried the internet thing,they say it will take 2 or 5 weeks to get approved, I don’t have that kind of time. I have until the 15th of this month, that is when I’m out of phone service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans offered in California. Click through each of the companies listed to find the ones that offer brick-and-mortar stores.
By the way, this comment editor grew up in the same area in which you live. Spent many happy days in the good ol’ Inland Empire.
Elizabeth stone says
I need a phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state, Elizabeth. Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best.
Lakisia sims says
I was trying to apply for a cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You apply through the companies themselves, Lakisia, not through us. This is an independent informational website. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
Pamela s luechtefeld says
I can’t afford a phone I’m using my boyfriend’s phone right now and I can’t afford to pay him to get a phone but I would like to have a phone that I can do my business on like call my kids for emergencies or my doctors just to have all that on there appreciate it I make 700 a month and I pay out 600 it gives me a hundred a month to do what I can do so I was hoping that maybe you can help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sounds like you qualify, Pamela, so here are two links you need to follow. First here’s how you can find out for sure if you qualify:
And here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans available in your state. Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best:
David Guffey says
**********@gmail.com is my email address
The Lifeline website is so hard to navigate. I filled out the form I guess it didn’t tell me if I got the phone or not. How do you tell and the website that they sen me to was even harder to navigate. I had an Assurranace phone one time it was easy process why are not all phones that easy to get.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t know what site you were working with, David. But we are not a Lifeline service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Evelyn Bowe says
My Obama cell phone no longer works, I call and I was told that I could not,get another phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The other option you have is to switch service providers. Since you will be a new customer to that service provider, you will receive a replacement smart phone. Here’s an article that will tell you step-by-step how to make the switch:
Delores Friend says
I can’t afford a bill for phone how can I get phone free and minutes free just moved 4weeks ago
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Delores. Just click around on the navigation bar at the top of the page and you’ll find all the info you need.
Victoria says
In need of a government phone I had one but it was stolen how do I get a replacement.. help.. thanks.!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Victoria says
In need of a government phone do know my I’m being denied I send in all my information .. someone please help.. thanks..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why do they say they are denying your service?
Ann says
Go to Qlink .com their the best
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Jose, we are unable to respond to individual readers due to the volume of comments and questions we receive every day. Maybe you can visit with social services in your area and someone there can help.
Nancy patrick says
I had one of the ph and it got stolen! How do I get a replacement
Nancy Ruth patrick
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sigh. Start by reading this article.
Jilli says
Okay let me just say that reading the absolute cluster fuck of comments and questions (wait I’m sorry, I meant to say question, singular, I’ve been reading the SAAMMEE question that every jello dick and twat rag posted on here which is at least bazillion g0ddaMn times lmao!).. but the fact you, mr/ Mrs website comment responder person, you are god damn funny! I literally have been scrolling thru the stupid and am so amused by your replies!! Like, shit, everyone else doesn’t know how to use a website or even read literally a few words that would answer the question they didn’t need to ask but asked it anyway.. can you tell me the meaning of life maybe? Can you maybe clue me in on lotto numbers? How bout your schedule? You available for a psych appt?! Lmao!!! I have about .2% patience for dumb fucks. I’m embarrassed that I have to call myself a human.. ugh! You made my day tho! Which says a lot about my pathetic existence.. but hey, at least I’m not asking where a tent is to get a phone 😬🤭😂 oh and that Norma bitch is burnt and needs some seerriioouusss exorcism type shit. Or a handful of pills and padded walls. Or maybe just a back hand! 😜
Free Government Cell Phones says
You know, Jilli, we normally would have edited out a few of the words you used, but your comment is do damn funny that they seem appropriate in context. So we’re leaving all of them intact.
Now then, on to more important things:
1. Life is like a fountain. We don’t actually know what that means, but once heard a wise philosopher say it.
2. This week’s lotto numbers are 7-9-12-27-37-39. Good luck.
Ruthie says
Where can I get a free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of such much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Linda says
I’m trying to find a location where you will be giving out free phones at.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. You are much better off enrolling by phone or online.
Sandy Abner says
Where can I get a free cell phone on Tuesday the 30th in Waterloo Iowa
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. You are much better off enrolling by phone or online.
Karen Goff says
In Columbus GA where can I get a government phone on Sat june28th 2020
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can contact Any company offering free government cell phones in your state via phone or online. You can enroll with them:
Melissa M Chappell says
Tried to find a tent set up so I can get a free government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone.
Rosetta Green says
Can I get a free phone and where is the place locate in Austin Texas
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no way of knowing if you qualify for the Lifeline program, Rosetta. Here’s where you can find all the ways to be eligible:
Now on to the next subject: We urge our readers not to enroll at street events because they’ve been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse. Please enroll by phone or online.
Shannon says
Im in Cleveland Oklahoma were is a tent close
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Brian says
Where can I get my free phone here in PHILADELPHIA 19q38
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone to avoid potential fraud and abuse at street events.
Harvey wilson says
I have a friend that is in desperate need of a phone. I didn’t know if you all would have a tent out in Little Rock, ark for tomorrow? He can’t read or write so he has a flip phone he can use if it’s compatible.
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” don’t have tents nor phones, Harvey. This is an independent informational website, NOT a free government cell hone service provider. But we strongly urge your friend NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Have him enroll online or by phone.
Brenda A Burns says
I am trying to see if I qualify for the free cell phone line
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you all the ways you can qualify:
Diane Perkins says
Please send me information on how I can get a free cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
C’mon, Diane, we’ve put in years of work putting this website together. Do us a favor and click around here to get the info you need. It’s all here.
Tammy Mauney says
I believe I applied for a loan through this Section 8 housing. Can you check and see? I believe I was approved for a $1,000 or 1,200. My name is Tammy Nauney.My DOB is 6-15-****. **** is my last 4 of my ss number. You can email me at ********@yahoo.com. If I do have one open, can it be sent as direct deposit to my bank?Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t know anything about Section 8 loans, Tammy. This website is dedicated to information about the Lifeline free government cell phone program and has nothing to do with any loan program. Sorry.
Clair Johnson says
I am a street agent in Tucson, AZ and work for a legitimate partner of Assurance Wireless, Global US Marketing. The owners work hard to hold outreach agents accountable with surprise visits and undercover auditing. If fraud is suspected, you are terminated immediately. This company is the last surviving tent group in the area that I know of because their culture centers around integrity, work ethic, and positive motivation. The owners encourage us to post our locations on social media, and I do daily. My understanding is that this method for communicating tent locations is common. I understand that this site wants to protect its viewers from fraud, but the reality is many street tent agents are on the move from place to place searching for areas to give lots of phones. Reporting a location can create issues if that spot has no activity and the agent packs up and relocates. It hurts their credibility and wastes the customer’s time. The other side might say report the location and wait for customers. I’ve done this for 8 and 10 hours a day and given out 2 or 3 phones to those who qualified. If I hadn’t posted those locations on social media I’d have left early in the day when hours passed without a single inquiry. Understand this is a service we provide to a vulnerable population, and also how we make a living. Today I sat in my tent in triple degree heat for 10 hours and gave out 3 phones. The statistics may not be in my favor, but there are legitimate street tent agents working just as hard to be found as customers who are trying to find them. There is a population out there without stable living conditions and having a phone shipped in the mail is not possible so a street tent is their only option. Arguably there are more websites with inaccurate and misleading information. Should the same population you are discouraging to look for street tents then be discouraged from following your advice or believing the content on this site because many sites or blogs like this have an agenda driving misleading info? As with any exchange of personal information, customers should proceed with caution. All street agents should have credentials in the form of a badge that are uniquely identifying with agent specific letters or numbers. Customers should ask the name of the company the agent works for rather than assuming the agent works directly for the carrier. If something seems suspicious the customer should get in touch with the employing agency and verify the agent’s credentials. Rather than discouraging people from obtaining a phone from a street tent perhaps suggesting that they explore the agent’s employing company and legitimacy of their credientials could allow customers another safe option to persue their lifeline benefit as well as lifting this black mark of fraud placed on all outreach agents working from a street tent. Trust me the job is difficult enough without all the bad publicity. Additionally the formation of street tent agents is the result of a need out in the world for those without phones to easily call in an application, those with barriers to completing an online application, and those who have no way to receive the phone by mail. At least inform them that there can be a way to safely receive a phone at a street tent. Then you would truly be communicating accurate information. Also, anyone seeking a street tent should try a quick facebook search of free phones, lifeline, or obamaphone. They might find an agent like me trying to be found.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t deny that there are legitimate street agents out there, Clair. You sound like a great one. But there is no way for customers to know the good from the bad. You want to sign them up the day they show up. The odds are against anyone going home, taking the time to determine who is good and who is bad and then coming back to find you to enroll. With that in mind, we choose to protect our readers by urging them not to take any chances. That being said, if you are as legitimate as you seem to be, we wish you the best of luck.
Mona says
I have applied for free phone service by contacting the service provider by phone, online AND by signing up at a street vendor/ kiosk location…
The BEST service and the easiest way to receive a free phone IMMEDIATELY has been by signing up for service at a street kiosk.
There is nothing that guarantees quality customer service and immediate customer satisfaction better than interacting with a vendor face to face.
That outsourced customer service crap is absolutely the least reliable with no recourse for deceptive and failure to follow through with services promised from some tech support employees in Bangladesh.
Furthermore, most “street vendors” work the same location day in and day M-F so they know they will be held accountable by unsatisfied customers.
Dissatisfied customers confronting them about bad phones or bad service will definitely destroy any chance of signing up new customers and those sellers do not profit if they do not satisfy every customer they manage to rustle up.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We won’t waste much time on this answer, Mona, because you obviously have some sort of relationship with the street vendor end of the free government cell phone business. If you are unaware of the vast number of fraudulent enrollments and vendors who are complete scam artists, you should educate yourself. Scroll down the comments here and it becomes obvious that many, many people have been scammed. You can reply to this and argue all you want, the facts are the facts. We’re trying to save our readers tons of heartache. You clearly have a different goal.
Suzanne (Manager) says
HI, Clair,
Our Office is looking for someone who can look professional when they are here. We have an office that is safe and private and we used to have phone reps that would come once a week for 4 hours a day (9am to 1pm, usually) and they would sometimes get 12-15 signups in a day. However, they started to get unreliable and then they decided to leave their respective companies. If you or any of your coworkers are interested in being in an office once a week (or twice a month, whatever works) and taking advantage of our advertising, as well as helping to advertise that location, together, we can get a lot of signups. You MUST be reliable and show up when you say you will. If you are interested, stop by (ADDRESS DELETED). We will definitely talk with you. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Suzanne, but we do not know who you are nor if you are legitimate, so we cannot allow you to recruit employees here.
Brandy says
I live .in piggott ark and need to find a tent location for government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the comments below to find out why we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Norma says
I need you to call me it’s important because something going on in this country it’s a lot ofthinking going on
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s exactly what we were thinking.
Norma says
I think I should not go through this thing because I’m drunker and I can get my life together I’m trying to be better for myself I’m a single mom of two kids of 4 and 6 through Neymar Delilah is that Navarro Sharia Rebecca Arballoit’s a lot of things they aren’t going on in people are threatening me with things that you humans are my kids there rape my kids with them and they’re saying I’m going to die with them and they say they killed my dad with them and then going to kill my family out of town I need the government to protect me me and my kids and my family that I have around me I’m scared of this s*** and I don’t know what to do no more I’m sorry my language but I’m going through a lot of things I talked to the cops and they think I’m crazy but I’m not crazy I’m telling the truth I stay in salvation place Anaheim California 92805 they have carnivals in the bottom of the house in the front to only kill me and my family and my family out of town if I disappear from this place if you know where I was going 2 they going to remove i
Free Government Cell Phones says
You definitely need help, Norma. The things you describe are far outside the scope of this website and we do not have the expertise to respond to them. But you said you live in Orange County, California. We urge you to reach out to the county’s social services department for all the help you can possibly get. Good luck.
Stephen says
Need to know where free government cell phones are located at in winder Ga 30680
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers to enroll by phone or online because the street events have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Scott says
Yea but the street ones are easier to do cause doing online is dumb cause I tried assurance wireless then i had to do something with national lifeline verified and fill that out and when it came to my middle name it said invalid which was weird cause my middle name is just a single j.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Feel free to take the risk that you’ll sign up with an identity thief, Scott. We recommend against it, but you seem to know better than we do.
Karen says
Where can I find an Assurance Wireless free phone sign up stand in the Mesa, AZ. Area?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Beth Willis says
Popups in Lubbock. Texas. Today?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to hundreds of similar questions below.
lance baker says
is there a Tent for phones near 19th ave dunlap or 19th ave peoria, phoenix az?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Steve Billiter says
What is the problem with getting a phone at street events?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Far too much fraud and abuse, Steve. We’ve had completely phony agents who didn’t represent Lifeline companies just gathering personal data to use or sell for identity fraud. We’ve had crooked agents for legitimate companies who enroll clearly ineligible people because they get paid per enrollee. We couldn’t begin to list all the problems that have popped up at these events.
Norma says
Help me out a lot of things going on in this country and my kids are out on unrest
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you asking us a question?
Cynthia says
Where will Assurance Wireless free government phone tents be located in San Antonio TX on March 17, 2020?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We really doubt that any street events are being scheduled during this crazy quarantine time. And even under normal circumstances we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Veronica says
I need a free cell phone and was wondering when and were will you guy’s be located un peoria, az. 85345?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not a service provider. This is an independent informational website.
Faten says
Hey wait a minute did you just give us the ONLY link to an event calendar followed by a note saying LINK NO LONGER WORKING? Why? What is this? The twilight website?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Silly us. What were we thinking when we informed you that the link no longer worked. We should have been like all the other lazy websites in the world and just allowed you to click on it as that were still a dandy link. Yes, that’s the answer. We should have allowed you to waste your time clicking your brains out. Although based on your comment, we might be too late.
Chan says
Looking for a tent in Texas 75203 area for march 12 2020
Free Government Cell Phones says
Try reading our answers to many similar questions (below).
Tammy says
Is there any tents set up today at muldrow Oklahoma today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please reads hundreds of answers to similar questions below.
Brandon Ford says
It really sucks my best friend broke his old phone he had for 6 years and they sent him a smart phone and he can’t read or spell and doesn’t know shit about a text, fbook,spam,the internet….I’ve tried for 5 months to help him with the basic like calling someone and answering his phone but yal just have to know him he’s a very good person and I wish someone would help me out..I don’t know much about the stuff ether
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most Lifeline companies offer BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone) plans that allow you to substitute your own phone for the phones they usually give to customers. Check to see if your friend’s service provider has such a plan. Then he can go out and purchase a very inexpensive flip phone and use it. But MAKE SURE the phone he purchases is compatible with his service provider’s network BEFORE he purchases it.
Stevie says
Is there any government issued phone tents set up for march 4 2020 in paragould Arkansas
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read below to see hundreds of answers to similar questions.
Yvonne Medina says
Where in Fort Lauderdale can I find associates outside of stores giving away phones to qualified individuals?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to similar questions below to find out why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
hashim says
can I get a calender of the of the times this month in march when a booth for a free cell phone will be available in Richmond,va.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not possible. And even if it was possible, we now urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They’ve been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
jackie says
you people are some rude sums of a bitch u all get paid to answer questions foe peoplevthe peeps asking are asking in plain english they not barking woof woof at ya but as for me u got me pissed that is a human talking but here is the animal inside me GRRRRR ARFFFARFFF POUNCE YOUR ASS SHOULD HAVE RAN FASTER SLOW GETS YOU BIT IN THE ASS
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have absolutely no idea what you could possibly consider rude about that answer, Miss Jackie. But you seem to be a lovely young lady.
Mona says
I just read your comment about street vendors enrolling ‘obviously ineligible’ people because they get “paid a fee for each enrollment”.
The ONLY way a vendor can successfully enroll anyone in a program is by successfully enrolling them in the program.
Ineligible applicants are denied service on the spot and are told to contact the company to clear up any issues affecting their eligibility. Any questionable eligibility issues result in an automatic denial of service and prevents phone activation. The vendor does not approve a customer for service and vendors are not able to activate phones fraudulently. The company approves applicants and the company activates the phones which are then released to the customers; fully operable and functioning properly. Vendors cannot decide who qualifies. ID and proof of eligibility are submitted. People don’t have to take the sellers word that the phone will work properly when and if it finally arrives. They don’t have to rely on customer service. They walk away satisfied.
Customer service Reps are not as motivated or obligated to successfully resolve technical or complicated problems.
No indifferent, sarcastic idiot to put you on hold for an hour only to’ get ‘disconnected’ if you aren’t easily acquiesced.
Free Government Cell Phones says
One part of your comment is true: “No indifferent, sarcastic idiot to put you on hold for an hour only to get ‘disconected’ if you aren’t easily acquiesced.” But you neglect to say that if you enroll with a street vendor there are “No dishonest scam artists to rip you off and get all your personal information.” Telling the honest street vendors from the dishonest is an impossible task and we would rather keep our readers safe from the potential (maybe even likely) problems caused by the dishonest ones.
Jo Quiller says
When will you be in Thomaston again
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our many answers to many similar questions below.
Thomas L Fant says
I live in Anderson,South Carolina i get SSA a month how can i get a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can check out all the plans available in your state at the link below. Check them all out carefully to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll in that plan using the contact info we provide for each service provider:
Mike Sanchez says
Where in San luis Obispo county California, can I get a life wireless phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Read many of the comments below to see the problems that arise at those locations. You’re much safer if you enroll online or by phone. (As an aside, this comment moderator lived in SLO for 12 years. Wonderful, beautiful city and county. You’re lucky to live there, Mike.
Earma Jennings says
I need a free flip phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s almost impossible to find a service provider who still offers flip phones, Earma. One possibility for you would be to check out the various service providers’ BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone) plans, choose one of them, and then purchase your own inexpensive flip phone to use with that plan. But make sure the one you purchase is compatible with the company you enroll with.
Tracy Taylor says
I went on line I quailed for Obama phone they only cent me a chip t place in a phone not a phone with it or nstuction the a phone number sent to call and wasn’t the actual number to help me I need to know where to go take the chip and get help
I’m in palm springs CA.
Where can I g to get help please
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have no idea who your service provider is, Tracy, but you’ll need to speak to your service provider’s customer service team. It sounds as if you were not aware that you enrolled in a plan that provides chips instead of cell phones.
Angela Cockrell says
Can you tell me where the Q link & Safe link phone tent is located in salt lake City Utah…days hrs & location of ph tent operation
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They’ve been the scenes of too much fraud and abuse.
Nicole says
I would like to get free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to apply for a free phone. Here’s where you can find all the plans offered in your state:
Sara Dockery says
Can you send me a schedule for when you will have your tent set up next time in Kingsport, TN. Thank you for your time.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have tents and we don’t have phones. This is an independent informational website, NOT a free government cell phone company.
Esob Miah says
Hello sir so why here say?
Use 4 step complete ang get a cellphone🤔
Free Government Cell Phones says
????? Any readers want to help us translate this one?
Betty lyins says
I been looking everywhere for a government phone an can’t find anyone to help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We need more info, Betty. Why can’t you find a program that works for you? What problems are you running into?
Donnell Jackson says
Were are they giving away free govt phones in my area 30034
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check our answers below to many, many similar questions. We urge you NOT to enroll at a street event. Do it by phone or online.
Charity Swangler says
Where are free government cell phone stands near me in Lancaster CA 93534
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read below to find out why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. You’re much safer enrolling by phone or online.
Kristian kastner says
I need a phone it can be life or death
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to check out all the plans available in your state To find the one that fits your needs best and then enroll with the company that offers that plan. Here’s where you can find them all, along with contact info for each company:
Jodi krivitsky says
Is there a place I can go to in Whittier calif to get a free phone today my zip code is 90604
Free Government Cell Phones says
Go to your kitchen table, sit down, and contact the free government cell phone company of your choice by phone or online. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
Lisa Kincade says
Is there a tent near klamath falls Oregon
Free Government Cell Phones says
The Modoc tribe considers that to be their native territory, so we would assume you can find a tent somewhere in the area.
Ravin says
Is there a tent near 1000 e willow st. Lafayette LA 70501
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hold on. We’ll run down and find out.
Lisa says
Will there be a tent set up in Zanesville Ohio any time soon
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read answers to many similar questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
antonio says
when and where will a tent be set up in Columbus,OH
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to similar questions below.
Jordan says
Where can I walk in and pick up a free phone in Augusta GA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to similar questions below (in comments) to see why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Jenny says
When will a tent be set up in Lebanon ky?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to similar questions below (in comments) to see why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Alex says
I just need to know where in tucson I need to go to walk in and get a free phone since I cant afford one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read about a thousand of our answers to similar questions below, Alex.
Suzanne (Manager) says
We are looking for a Free Cell Phone Rep to come to our office in Tucson, where it is private and where it is safe, to offer the free cell phone program. When we have someone, we will be publishing it on our event calendar at (ADDRESS DELETED). We used to have a couple free phone reps who actually left their respective companies and they are hard to replace. More to come soon, however, check in with us if you live in Tucson, AZ.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Suzanne, but we do not know who you are nor if you are legitimate, so we cannot allow you to recruit employees here.
Brandy Harris says
Let me know when they are giving out free phone and where
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to many similar questions below to find out why we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Jenny says
Need to find where I can get one today in Lebanon Kentucky
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our responses to hundreds of similar questions below to find out why we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Nancy Wilson says
Do you provide walk in locations for the phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Please enroll by phone or online.
Marcus Rr Dimon says
I am interested in becoming a distributor but I don’t know who to contact or anything I’ve looked forever could someone instruct me with a phone number or a email address thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Had you reported it lost? If not it should not have been deactivated for 30 days for non-usage. Once your account has been deactivated, you probably cannot get it reactivated. You will probably need to re-enroll with the same company or a different one. Here’s where your can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
rhett says
i need a phone today. where can i pick a phone up at? i live in 90604 whittier
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read dozens (hundreds? Thousands?) of responses below to similar questions.
Kevin C Anderson says
Hi ,where can I get a free phone,soon,in cedar rapids,iowa
Free Government Cell Phones says
“Soon” is the word that worries us, Kevin. Please sacrifice speed for safety and do NOT enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Please enroll online or by phone.
Andrew says
Could you please give me a time and date where I could go pick up a free Obama phone and location in Indianapolis on the west side
Free Government Cell Phones says
Can’t do it, Andrew. We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event. You’re much less likely to run into problems with fraud and abuse if you enroll online or by phone.
Shessa Kirby says
I need new phone living at a transitional house.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact any of the Lifeline companies offering free government cell phones in your state and tell the customer service rep that you live in a group home and need to complete the “one per household” exemption form. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Nicole Rittenhouse says
I would like to know the next soonest available date there will be free govt. phone’s in the downtown area PLEASE
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Angel Taft says
I NEED an Obama Phone ASAP. I am requesting a new phone because I lost it while on a camping trip 1 month ago. 🙁
Could you please tell me where i could download an OBAMA PHONE BOOTH EVENTS CALENDAR (with included days, times & locations)appearing near me, PLEASE. I live in North Orange County, CA. Thank You so much for your time. Thank you for anything you can do for me. Please contact me by my referenced email address. Thank You Again, Sincerely, Angel Taft
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check the comments below to find out why we urge readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Herold emile says
I would like to get I new phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you currently a Lifeline customer or have you yet to enroll?
Joyce Calderone says
Need to reinstate my phone service to my free cell phone not sure if it was with your company it’s.a ultra J8 3g w IMEI 35336110119**** PLEASE help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are NOT a Lifeline company, Joyce, so you cannot enroll with us. You need to contact the company you enrolled with.
DawnMalave says
I am in lorain ohio…i need to find a cell phone outside stand for today..plz let me know
Free Government Cell Phones says
Can’t do it, Dawn. We strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events. We’ve explained why about a thousand times in the comments below.
H. Foster says
Need to know the lifeline tent events this weekend in silver city new Mexico
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below to find out why we URGE our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Heron Boyce says
need info on where to pick up oboma phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Heron. Just click around and you will find all the info you need.
Robert says
Please help us with a ph and possibly Computer an internet for our 16yr old pregnant daughter to do online home schooling
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find all the info (including contact info) for every plan available in your state at this link, Robert:
Maria says
It is safe to enroll at a Northgate market location
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers to enroll by phone or online, Maria. There’s been too much fraud and abuse at the street events.
Manuel morin says
Show me scheduled for Yakima Washington area this month of September 2019
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Read more about it in the comments below.
chris says
where are the stands to sign up and receive a government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out our responses to many, many similar comments below, Chris.
Karla says
Where can I find a wireless tent or even in queens or long Island ?
Please contact me at *********@yahoo.com
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Karla. They’ve been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
CYNTHIA Craft says
Yes where can I go to pick up my government smart phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do it from the comfort of your own home, Cynthia. It’s much safer to enroll online or by phone.
Wanda Haney says
In sept. 2019 When will Obama phones be handed out again in crescent city, CA.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please allow us to say this for probably the one millionth time — we urge our readers to enroll online or by phone. Street events have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse.
Cecilia Gonzalez says
Where can we find a location for a free phone in the city of Santa Ana California
Free Government Cell Phones says
Enroll by phone or online, Cecilia. It’s much safer.
Tracey says
Where are the stands at in Lancaster PA for free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the comments below to find out why we don’t want you to enroll at a street event.
Jennell Anderson says
Hello! I live in (Springfield, Mass.) 01105. May you tell me where there is a on site location, to get a Government Free Phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers to enroll online or by phone, Jennell. You will be much less susceptible to fraud and abuse.
Stephanie Ortega says
Hi I want get a government phone I live in santa Maris ca. Where can I go now to get a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your telephone or right here on your keyboard, Stephanie. We urge our readers to enroll online or by phone rather than a street event. Much safer for you.
Hazel Craig says
The cell phone company is hard to get a hold of because all the phone numbers that were given say the phone number doesn’t exist and now it shows that the person has a free phone and she can not get another one any where else because the company doesn’t exist but her name is listed as having a cell phone. She was listed on USconnect what can she doe to get another phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
If we were you, we would start the whole process over again and enroll with a different company that offers free government cell phone plans in your state. Here’s where you can find them all:
Cortnie Thornton says
I was wondering if you could email your next event in Johnson county tx area or even fort Worth Texas area
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have any events next week nor any other week, Cortnie. This is an independent informational website, not affiliated with any free government cell phone company.
Pat Farrell says
Seniors on a fixed income definitely can use a free government cellphone!
You work all your life, pay taxes in this US of A, and get minimal returns from our Government??? What is the Statue in the NYC HARBOR stand for?
Please don’t ignore our contributions to this Country!🇺🇸I
Joel says
I AM in Louisville Kentucky could you tell me a date and address for the next event.? Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check below to find out why we urge you not to enroll at a street event.
Desiree says
Well it’s 2019 now a few years have went bye ust wondering if the problem has been fixed about the lifeline tents being set up and if a calendar with information has been created yet showing places and times the tents will be set up since the last time I seen anything about it was 2015 by the way I live in Beckley west Virginia
Free Government Cell Phones says
In fact, Desiree, the problem has gone the other way. There have been so many cases of fraud and abuse at the street events that we now urge our readers NOT to enroll at them. You’re much safer enrolling by phone or online.
April says
When and where will y’all be in Sikeston Missouri.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We doubt that we’ll ever be in lovely Sikeston. Read our answers to many, many similar questions below.
Christine salazar says
When the next time yous are coming to grants nm
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve never been to Grants, New Mexico and have no intention of ever visiting that lovely little town. Why? Because we are not a free government cell phone company. This is an independent informational website that’s not affiliated with any Lifeline company. That being said, we strongly urge you to avoid cell phone street events and to register online or by phone.
Phyllis Crabtree says
Hi.ive been trying to get a free government phone for 19 months .my daughter who was also my caregiver died by suicide 9/23/17 I have a severe brain injury from a drunk driver and now will have seizures for the rest of my life.i have no way of calling 91q now can someone plz help me get a free phone?
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why have you been unable to get one for ten months? What is the problem, Phyllis?
Yonie says
I need a tent in terre haute Indiana
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, you don’t, Yonie. They are not good places to enroll in the free government cell phone program. They have been the sources of far too much fraud and abuse. You are much better off enrolling by phone or online.
Michelle Kiss says
How do I see if I qualify for an updated phone for safelink?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider by calling 6-1-1 on your current free government cell phone.
Jacquelyn Embry says
I need to know where a tent is to get government phone in fort worth texas
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse. You are much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Mike G. says
What’s the web address???
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did you read the article, Mike?
Landon says
I need to find a tent in Victorville California April 19,20
Free Government Cell Phones says
We haven’t given a full answer to this question lately, so this seems like a good time to do it again.
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events, Landon, because they have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your own home. You run far less risk enrolling that way.
Outreach agent says
When applying on line directly with the provider…the phone never comes…then you cannot get one on at a street event.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s just not true, Outreach. Millions of people have received them the good old fashioned way — through the US Mail.
Anna Silvas says
Where in San Antonio can o get a government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Right in the comfort of your own home, Anna. You can enroll by phone or by email with any company of your choice. Here’s where you can find all the companies offering plans in your state:
Micheale cooper says
R there any free pop up tents in Yreka California near the library vCalifornia today March 20th
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t know about that, but did you know that Yreka Bakery spelled backwards is Yreka Bakery?
Michael says
Where can I find a tent in Mobile AL. This the day of May 31 2019
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many, many similar questions below.
Christopher says
Omg. ..o got dropped ??? I’ve had my phone number forever with this free Obama phone. I just bought the upgrade!!! and I needed a new phone because other one was broke !!so all of a sudden they lose my account my phone number not exist I need for health reasons !!!plus I put money on to call international..???so what just poof bye money !! bye me!!,never ever get the same answer .is like a joke run u around and around and around btill u sick of it .. but j like your ohone.. bought the upgrade but uhhhgg but I call and I cannot troubleshoot with !!!!I’m not bigoted but the Filipino does not understand. I tried to make it very simple but I get okay your phone be ready in a week!!!:) I called back just now no phone no phone number no account no application that’s in waiting !!!!SO!!? sorry what the f*** am I supposed to do I just want to stay with the same company the same phone number 916 559 **** of k can someone please help me .I did nothing .at all just woke n it no work …but I am qualified completely qualified on SSDI it is insane please call me back at
916 750-**** PLEASE HELP ME . I DON’T WANT A DIFFERENT #…U understand me..so look I’mma go to tent. Ok..and reapply again..!?!?!?!?ok or .I Guess move on …idwt.. Ok well to stay here..so call me at the 750#asap!!?thank you..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Christopher, but due to the volume of questions and comments we receive every day, we are unable to answer personally.
Sounds like it’s time for you to start filing formal complaints. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to do that:
Darlene says
Do u have a location where i can take in my phone 2 transfer my qlink number to my galaxy s3..i live on oahu,my phone is lost and i dont have money for a replacement phone…plz lmk…
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Mariah says
Are there any stand up wireless tents in my area today March 7 2019
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below.
Michael Reeves says
Where is a tent or place to go in my area 72956-72901
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our responses to thousands of similar questions below.
Ron says
Where is the tent set up today February 24for the free government phone on qlink or other places where is the tent set up today and what times are they set up here in Dayton Ohio
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Jessica says
I need to know a location where the government cell phone is set up in Dayton Ohio thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read the hundreds and hundreds of answers we’ve given to similar questions below.
Esperanza Mata says
What are the next days, times and address in Watsonville Ca to get a cell phone free
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below.
Jessica Corona says
Where is there assirance wirless stand near norwalk ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many, many similar questions below.
Amanda says
Where is a safelink wirless. Tent set up in oceano ca,or santa maria ca,
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below to find out why we strongly urge our readers not to enroll at street events.
Mike says
Where is there a SafeLink wireless tent set up in Bakersfield CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many, many nearly identical questions below. Then you understand why we URGE our readers not to enroll at street events.
Jacob says
Where is the next location where I can sign up and get my phone for q link wireless
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to hundreds of similar questions below.
Edna says
Im from Austin Texas when an where are ya gonna have a tent to sign up at.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read answers below to many similar questions to find out why we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Kim L Martinez says
Where in abq nm can I get a free phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
By contacting your favorite service provider by phone or online. Read our answers to many, many similar questions below to find out why we strongly urge readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Faith Roberts says
Where is a free phone tent setup to get a phone today in my hands beside mail in Louisville KY??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read about a thousand of our answers to similar questions below, Faith.
Shanna says
Where caaaaan i find a free cell phone tent today near 28th st. I Sacramento California
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to about a thousand similar questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Melody Miller says
You say not to go to tent sites but I called Assurance Wireless and was told to go to their tent site which is at government buildings because it will take me over a month to get a phone through them online. .
Free Government Cell Phones says
How are you going to know which of those folks giving away free phones are legit and which are fraudulent? Which ones work for real Lifeline companies and which ones are total scams? Ignore our advice if you want, but don’t blame us if you get your phone from a crook.
flynn washburne says
Where and when will the booth be next in Ukiah CA?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to about a thousand similar questions below to find out why we urge you not to enroll at a street event.
jill l Kekki says
where is a boith today in redding
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhh, lovely Redding, California — a place that holds a special place in this comment moderator’s heart. Unfortunately, we never recommend enrolling at a street event, Jill. Check out our answers to hundreds of similar questions below to find out why.
Earl says
I need help from one if your girls or someone to help me with my Fed. Phone. I ‘ m in the process of changing resetting my phone and I forgot the pin #. So I need to know when and where your store front or tent set up is a o I can talk to a representative
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your customer service team, Earl.
Cynthia Dudley Lax says
Where is there a tent set up currently I eke , va
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Cynthia.
Ben nye says
Where in Redding ca will the phone tent be set up Friday 12.21
Free Government Cell Phones says
PLEASE read our answers to many similar questions below to find out why we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Stephanie says
I was wanting to upgrade my phone to another phone and was windering if you could send someone to my house for the upgrade!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
That is a service that is NOT offered by any of the free government cell phone companies.
curtis says
I need to find tent in Minneapolis MN 55411 to erupt my phone!
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, you don’t need to find a tent, Curtis. They have been the scenes of far too much fraud and abuse, so we strongly urge our readers to enroll online or by phone.
Walter Hensley says
Where is one of the tent set up today in Burlington North Carolina
Free Government Cell Phones says
PLEASE read all our answers to similar questions below, Walter.
Elizabeth says
Where could I find the free phone tent today!?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions (below) to find out why we strongly urge you to enroll by phone or online.
Tammy says
Where can I find a street event in porterville ca.93257 today one of those tents that give out government free phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers below to many similar questions to find out why we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Astineh says
Please help me get a free cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Astineh. Just click around and you’ll find everything you need to know about how to qualify, which companies offer service in your state, and how to enroll.
Cassandra says
Wherw can i find free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find out about all the different free government cell phone plans available in your state by visiting the following link:
Cory says
Where can I find a free assurance wireless phone tent in Greenville Ms today please let me know as soon as possible
Free Government Cell Phones says
Before you head out to one of those street events, PLEASE read our answers below to many similar questions.
Steven says
Where can I find a free access phone Tent today in Redding California
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Redding, California. This moderator has very pleasant memories of two very cool nights the city in the shadow of Mount Shasta. But let’s put those two beautiful blondes in the past and get to your question.
Please read our answers to many similar questions below.
october 6in las vegas nev obama phones and i live near downtown freemont today sat what time and where
Michelle Smith says
Is there a safe link booth sat up for oct 3 2018 in knoxville tn
Carla Vaught says
I’d like to know where the tent is set up for me to sign up for a safe link phone closest to me and I am in Avon
Ash says
Does anyone happen to know where any tents are set up? I live around 43rd ave and northern in Phoenix AZ?
Kat says
I’ve found free phones offered near food stamp offices and bus lines if that helps. Look for a tent
Free Government Cell Phones says
And our response would be DEFINITELY DO NOT LOOK FOR A TENT. They have been the scenes of too much fraud and abuse. Please do yourself a favor and enroll by phone or online.
Malita Sherfield says
I am having trouble transferring to q link wireless. Where is the next rent event.
I can’t do this by myself I have tried numerous times help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe this article will help, Malta. Read it and follow the directions:
Russell says
Your page is messed up and I can’t sign my name to apply
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not our page. This is an independent informational website and we have no idea which company you are attempting to enroll with.
Phyllis F Davis says
I need a free government cell phone ASAP! Where is the next closest tent event going to be held in my area? Area: Greenwood SC
Free Government Cell Phones says
Make sure you read all our answers to very similar questions below.
Berenice says
Hello I need a phone asap where can I go …I’m in Placentia California
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can enroll by phone or online right in the comfort of your favorite easy-chair, Berenice.
broom stick james says
youur mo signed up with me today.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Who is our mo?
Josephine De La Torre says
There is still no answer to the “question of the day” as you have on the Web Site!..
A calendar of the tent events in my area. U should remove your “question of the day” since the info is non existent. I guess you people don’t realize most people applying are disabled!
E says
I am in Orange County , CA. I need a phone now!!! Where do I go? Are they up on Sunday?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Orange County, where this moderator spent most of his adult life. The good ol’ days. That being said, do yourself a favor and do NOT enroll at a street event. Check our answers to many similar questions below.
Herb says
Hey anyone know where to find a place for free phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Herb. Read our answers to many similar questions below.
Joyce Jordan says
Where can I find a free government phone event in Lompoc CA ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The easiest, safest way to enroll is by phone or online, Joyce.
Gina says
Where is the nearest place in ceres for free phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Right in your own home, Gina. You can enroll online or by phone.
DaWante LaVelle Masden says
Where is the nearest place in louisville ky that have the rent set up for free phones? 40212 area
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t need to go anywhere, DaWante. You can enroll by phone or online.
Breanna says
Where the nearest tent in Lodi California?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Breanna.
Chris says
Were Is the next tent event in Goshen , ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Chris.
Leisa Phillips says
Where is the nearest tent event in the Anderson-Redding area? 96007 ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many questions below, Leisa, to find out why we urge you not to enroll at a street event.
ramiro luna says
Where is the nearest Tent Event near my location in San Bernardino California 92410
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely San Bernardino, where this comment moderator grew up. It was a beautiful town before getting overrun by gangs and drugs. Oh, well.
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Ramiro.
eddie baron says
Hello, where can I pick up a free government phone near Houston, Texas? Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Eddie. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Destiny hardy says
I need one too i stay in youngstown ohio
Josh Grobin says
Where can I find a tent and other camping gear in Finger Lakes, Michigan? Thanks! Really cool site!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Congratulations, Josh. Funniest comment of the day. (By the way, love your latest album.)
Irma says
I would like to apply for employment. What is your website.
Free Government Cell Phones says
What is our website? You’re on our website. You left your question on our website.
Angel says
hello, I was wondering is there a particular location where i can pick up a free safelink phone. or is there just the process of ordering online? if you could answer this question for me that would be great. I just been wondering for the longest, can’t really seem to be at the right place at the right time to get one. plus I try ordering one to my address, and notice some address to order to is off limits.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s far easier and far safer to order online or by phone, Angel.
Amanda says
I am looking for a free phone in Porterville california. I know there booths I have seen but every time I actually go to look for one they are not there. SO could you please give me dated and times of where I can go. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please please please read our answers to many similar questions below, Amanda.
Khristina L Munday says
I would like to know when and where your tent events for assurance is held
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many answers to similar questions below, Khristina.
Elma says
Where can I find a tent to sign up at.? I am near fort smith ark.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Elma.
Rita David says
I need free phone application immediately EMERGENCY!!! Or where can I go today near Palm Desert, CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our many answers to similar questions below, Rita.
Deanna Pond says
Where when and what time in albany new york can i get a free gov. Phone on the spot
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read all our answers to similar questions below, Deanna.
Annette says
Where when and time for Mt holly, gaston county north Carolina on July 7 2018
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers below to countless similar questions.
Irma reyes says
When will you be in watsonville California?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read the many answers to similar questions below, Irma.
Rosa says
Why are you giving the same generic reply of “too many similar questions, go find the answer on here”. Obviously there are NO answers to my question (nor others) hence the reason why I am here asking. If you do not know simply state that instead of posting from the employee handbook.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve decided let you wallow in your ignorance, Rosa, because you are the seriously the most obtuse, ungrateful bitch who has ever graced this website. To quote a friend of ours speaking to her former husband’s aunt in the Presbyterian Church in downtown Natchez, Mississippi, “F*** you, Marlena! F*** you.” Please substitute “Sylvia” for “Marlena.” (An explanation would require a much longer story, but we think our point is pretty clear nevertheless.)
Lisa says
WOW!!! Such language…and your in a job that deals with the public? I think your in the wrong line of work. Hmmmm….
Free Government Cell Phones says
Believe it or not, Lisa, there is a limit to the amount of crap we are willing to take from our readers. And you are right on the edge of that limit.
Marty Pockets says
You now have a huge fan in San Diego. That was so f***ing great.
Rosa says
When will you be back in Ventura County ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Rosa.
Deborah says
Will you be in toccoa ga any time this week?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Other than an overnight trip to Atlanta about thirty years ago, we’ve never been to Georgia and don’t have any plans to go back in the near future. We can’t tell you what the plans of the free government cell phone companies may be.
Becky L Freeman says
Is there any tents in Greer or Greenville South Carolina to apply for Assurance cell phones tents available in south Carolina.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please, Becky, read our answers to many similar questions below.
Joshua West says
Any places in Newcastle, IN giving away free government phones today?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Joshua.
Sabrina King says
Do you have a date and time when they’re set tents up in cedar rapids,iowa today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Before you go out and attempt to get a free government cell phone at a street, Sabrina, please check out our answers to many similar questions below.
Travis says
Do you have a date and time when they’re set tents up in Aiken County South Carolina
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read all the questions and answers below to get our opinion of street events, Travis.
cecilia craven says
I have a Safetynet cell phone. I droped it and it no longer works. Can I get another one. I am 71 and live alone. Do you have a location in Fresno,
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you not to get a phone at a street event, Cecilia. There have just been too many cases of fraud and abuse at those locations. You are much better off solving your problem online or by phone. Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Cecilia Baker says
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’re very welcome. And you get today’s award for most polite reader.
Robert says
Where can I get a phone in Redding CA. With unlimited calling and unlimited texting, and 500 GB of data. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you checked out the service providers offering plans in California? That will tell you which ones offer the plan you want and lead you in the right direction. Here’s where you can find that list:
Steven Wakimoto says
Where can I get a free phone in Pasadena, Ca.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many, many similar questions asked below, Steven.
WES says
Where can I get a cell phone in Redding CA.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check our answers to hundreds of similar questions below, Wes.
Vickymiddelman says
I need a ph real bad. i had one. someone stole it. of course i cant go to work till i have one. you must have a phone to work where i work. thank you so much.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that will tell you how to get your phone replace, Vicky.
Nikiedra Harris says
Im n moreno valley ca where are the tents
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Moreno Valley, in the heart of Southern California’s Inland Empire. This comment moderator spent his impressionable youth just north of you in Reche Canyon. But enough nostalgia.
Don’t go to a tent, Nikiedra. To find out why read all the comments and our answers below.
Charmaine Frost says
Mother phone is broken she doesn’t remember what company. Can y’all help any kind of way. Do you have any near Location by us for services. St. Louis North County location are city location.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website, Charmaine, so we cannot help you with a broken phone. If her phone works at all, she should call 6-1-1 and she will be connected to her service provider’s customer service team. If the phone is too broken to make that call, she should visit the USAC.org website. They can help her figure out who her service provider is.
Chuck says
Does anyone know where they give them at in Memphis,tn
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Chuck.
Peg Pollard says
Where/When is there a tent in Oceanside, CA (92056)?? Do these events sometimes have better cell phones available? Or is there a better company for a better phone, than ASW. I am so sick of these CRAP phones they dole out. I know it’s a free service, and I can’t expect up to date products, but COME ON. I am legally blind and NEED a bigger screen than 4″. Most 6 year olds have a better phone than I do and it SUCKS. They just offered to send me yet ANOTHER 4″ screen Unimax crap phone with a 2mb camera. and four hour battery life. SHEESH. So frustrating. Thanks for any info you can help with!! Cool site!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you considered switching Lifeline companies, Peg? That will make you a new customer to your new service provider and all new customers get smartphones. Here’s an article that will tell you more:
And here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone companies and plans in your state:
And finally, thanks for the kinds words. Much appreciated.
Angela cormell says
Where in chattanooga tn and what time
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Angela.
Sonya says
Asking for several people here in Dayton , Ohio. When are the tents being set up in Dayton, Ohio? Also do you know where at?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to numerous similar questions in the comments below, Sonya.
Heather says
I want to no where there is a government tent near me in Jefferson city Tn 37760
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our many responses to similar questions below, Heather.
Keith Taylor says
I want to know where a tent location is in el cajon. I went to two places where i heard they were. Please help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge readers NOT to enroll at a street event. They have been the source of far too much fraud and abuse. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Linda says
In Sacramento California has it the last time I see it was on gerber road and power inn road
Kim says
Is there a tent set up today in Chattanooga
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of far too much fraud and abuse. PLEASE enroll by phone or online or in a physical brick-and-mortar store.
Frances williams says
Do you a tent set up this week in Anderson SC and if so where
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t set up tents anywhere because this website is not operated by a free government cell phone company. We’re all thumbs and would undoubtedly screw the tent up beyond repair. HOWEVER, we urge our readers not to enroll at street events because they are the source of far too much fraud and abuse.
Susan Fulmer says
Please remove my personal data below!!! I didn’t know it was going to show!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We always remove personal info before we publish it, Susan.
Susan Fulmer says
As I do qualify for the senior phone, I’d like to get a free obama phone to use at my home address…most cell phones do not work here!! My address is *** ********** Rd, *** *******, Ca. Please call my landline at (530) 620-****. Thanks!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
This website is not operated by any of the free government cell phone companies. You need to check out all the plans offered in your state, and choose the one that fits your needs best. Here’s where you can find all those plans:
peggy H crites says
I need somewhere to goto I’ve tried to do it on phone and thru the internet they all say the same thing my address is wrong or they can’t find it
Shauna says
I am trying to find the calendar for March so I can find a government phone can someone please help me I would appreciate it
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the source of far too much fraud and abuse. You are much better off/safer enrolling online or by phone.
Laurie Lundberg says
How can I get a calendar of the tent events in my area for my clients? I am a Victim Services Director for a Domestic Violence Shelter near Springfield, Mo.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you not to help your clients enroll at street events, Laurie. These events have, unfortunately, been the scene of far too much fraud and abuse.
Chantelle says
Where can I go pic u a government phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
We haven’t answered this question in a while, so here comes our standard answer: Please do NOT enroll at a street event, Chantelle. They’ve been the source of too much fraud and abuse. It would be much safer, and even more convenient if you enroll online or by phone.
alex rivera says
how can i get a lifeline agent come in to our facility and help our patients with receiving a free government phone? compton,ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
We discussed this question and came to the conclusion that the only way you can do it would be to contact the companies in your state to ask them to provide that service. As far as we know, it’s not something any of the Lifeline companies typically offer. Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Jode says
When and where will there be free government phone booths in Sikeston, Mo in Feburary, 2018?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check the many similar questions and answers below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Jordan says
how can i start a location (tent) in my local area?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our responses to many similar questions below, Jordan.
Salomon Alejandro Godoy says
I would like to know when and the hours…In San Antonio Texas or Bexar county zip code 78207…will be next please….Please send me A direct email @ *********@gmail.com….
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t send you a personal email due to the volume of questions and comments we get 365 days a year, Solomon. But please be aware that we strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the source of so much fraud and abuse.
Lori says
Where in Santa Paula are they handing out free phones. Can someone help please
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event because they have been the source of so much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor, Lori, and enroll by phone or online.
Linda Terrey says
I have a Gov’t phone and I’m trying to get a new charger cord for it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Try contacting your service provider’s customer service team, Linda. They may offer that accessory, but if not you can always try eBay or Amazon.
cody rhoton says
I lost my phone. Is there any place near me in Kingsport,TN?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to speak to your service provider’s customer service team, Cody. You can’t get a replacement phone at a street event AND we strongly urge our readers not to do business at those events because they have been the scenes of so much fraud and abuse.
Cassandra says
Broke my phone wanted to know if there were any tent locatipns up near me today…
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to deal with the street events. They have been the scenes of too much fraud and abuse. It’s much safer to deal with customer service by phone or online.
Christina says
Where is tents at in Banning CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Banning, California. We know it well (had a girlfriend in Redlands for many years).
But putting pleasant memories aside, we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street event. They have been the scenes of too much fraud and abuse. You’re much better off enrolling online or by phone.
Patricia says
Where is the safelink tent in Panama City FL today 12-12-17
Free Government Cell Phones says
We constantly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of so much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone, Patricia.
Edward Sanchez says
I am working with a client associated at the behavioral health center for a free Obama cell phone. I like to know any locations in the Phoenix, Arizona area, or any surrounding areas. Thank you!
Free Government Cell Phones says
In most cases, Edward, we urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. They have been the source of too much fraud and abuse. Your client would be much better off enrolling by phone or online. Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the free government cell phone companies and plans available in your state:
Ernie says
Were can I find an agent ffor lifeline ( free phone. Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t need to find an agent, Ernie. Call the Lifeline company of your choice and speak to customer service. Here’s where you can find a list of all the companies and plans in your state:
Tamalita says
Can anyone please let me no if there’s a tent for free government phone gona be set up in Harrah Oklahoma if so please can you tell me when an where thank you.
Mrs Walker.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event, Tamalita. There have been too many problems with fraud and abuse at the street events. Why take a chance? Enroll online or by phone instead.
Tommy says
My daughter recently broke her government assistance phone. She was issued another one through the mail and cannot get activation done. Is there anyway I can get some assistance from somebody so I can get this phone activated thank you. We have tried calling the company and we’re getting no help whatsoever.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to contact customer service at the company you enrolled with.
Dina pereira says
where is a location in sa cramento ca where i can get a phone on site
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they’ve been the scene of so much fraud and abuse, Dina. Please do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone.
edward russell says
Where can I visit a praovider/rep/tent today?
edward russell says
Where can I find a tgent or rep for a free phone “replacement” today in Santa Barbara, CA today?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please take care of this problem online or by phone, Edward. Much safer that way.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge all our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Too many cases of fraud and abuse have originated there.
Carole says
Live in Visalia Ca. Where can we find phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below.
Selina says
Where are the tents set up at in Huntsville alabama
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event, Selina. Please enroll by phone or online instead.
Sandra says
Where are the tents set up in San Antonio TX
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event, Sandra.
Eduardo Rodriguez says
Where is there location for free phone around Atlanta city?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many questions below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event, Eduardo. Please enroll by phone or online instead.
Rene Edayan says
Where is the next free phone sight in Hawaii oahu ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Impossible for us to know where events are scheduled, Rene, but we urge you NOT to enroll at a Street event. See our answers to many questions below to see why.
Lamar says
Where in the Chattanooga area will they be a tent set up for gov. Phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Lamar.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Lamar. It will save you a lot of heartache.
Stephanie Harrison says
Wheres a booth location in redding ca.?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many very similar questions below, Stephanie.
Lonnie says
Anyone know any locations giving free phones around north las Vegas area
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Lonnie.
Rhonda says
Where is a tent to apply in Huntsville,Al?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Rhonda.
Jason Moore says
I am looking for a tent in San Bernardino, Ca?? I received one two weeks ago… It worked for 3 days then it stopped working.. I called the 1 800#… They had no record of my phone.. I gave them the number and the IEMI #… Please help….
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way we can help you, Jason. We constantly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because of fraud, abuse and problems like this.
Janelle Bonderer says
What locations have the events in riverside ca?? Today!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Go, Yellowjackets, go! (Yes, this comment moderator grew up in Colton, Califonria, right next door to Riverside.)
We strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a Street event, Janelle. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse at those events, and you’d be much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Christine Martinez says
Need a free government phone PLEASE
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to apply, Christine. Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the free government cell phones and plans in your state:
Annette Brandt says
Looking for locations in Tucson Az
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Annette.
Jay Patel says
My battery of the free phone is dead…where can I get it. I tried many places but they don’t carry. It is KYOCERA, please let me know ASAP.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you have the old battery, Jay? It should be simple to get the battery model number and then do an internet search or even look on eBay or Amazon.
Judy asbill says
I’m looking to find a stand or store in Hanford ca my sons lifeline recertification was sent to the wrong address so he now has to start all over again
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge you to enroll or recertify online or by phone, Judy.
Jason Blackburn says
When will you be back in ventura county
Free Government Cell Phones says
We constantly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events. Just too many cases of fraud and abuse pop up at these events. It’s much safer to enroll online or by phone.
Shana Kelly says
Next Safelink tent in dalton ga 30721 or Chatsworth GA
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street event, Shana. Read our answers to many similar questions below.
Lois says
Where is a set up booth in Redding CA? 1-530-776-****. Can someone txt me that info please? Much appreciated!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, lovely Redding, California. We have very pleasant memories of a young lady who used to live in the shadow of Mount Shasta. Oh, wait. You didn’t ask about her. Sorry for drifting off into pleasant memories.
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events, Lois. Too much fraud and abuse originates at those locations. We’d much rather have you enroll by phone or online. Much safer for you and all your private information.
Malinda says
Where is a location in Toledo OH please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check our answers to many similar questions below, Malinda.
Loretta Cottrell says
When are they going to set up a government tent for free phones next in Antlers Oklahoma area code 74523
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many, many similar questions in the comments below, Loretta.
Billy Hoover says
When will the tent be up for free cellphones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read our answers to many similar questions below, Billy, to find out why we urge you not to enroll at a street tent.
Shane says
Ive been reading through the comment’s and no where does it show or list a location to get said services. please post a location and time? Minneapolis MN
Free Government Cell Phones says
Very few of the free government cell phone companies have brick and mortar stores, Shane. We provide telephone and website info on every company page to make it easy for you to contact the companies and enroll. Here’s where you can find a list of all the companies offering Lifeline plans in your state:
Geraldine Edlin says
I live in Louisville KY where are the locations of the tents
Free Government Cell Phones says
Look in the comments below to see our answers to many similar questions, Geraldine.
Angela Wheeler says
I’m in Pensacola Florida I need a government phone can’t I find a tent in my area?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s good that you can’t find a tent, because they have been the source of too much fraud and abuse, Angela. You’re much better off enrolling by phone or online from your own home. Here’s where you can find a list of all the companies and plans available in your state:
Frederick Wilson says
Where will u be this week in Rochester?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We won’t be in Rochester this week, Fred. This is an independent informational website, NOT a Lifeline free government cell phone company. We urge you NOT to enroll at a street event. To see why, check all the similar questions and our answers in the comments below.
Wally Ramos says
I just moved to bakersfield calif.I would really appreciate any kind of help or direction in locating,where I can find where I can get a free Obama cell phone. I live in the 93312 area code.
Free Government Cell Phones says
No reason to go anywhere, Wally. You can enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your own home. Here’s where you can find a list of all the Lifeline free government cell phone companies and plans available in California:
Check them all out carefully to find the one that matches your needs best.
LeVon D Madry says
Where are free governments phones in minneapolis,MN
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our many answers to similar questions in the comments below, LeVon.
Shannon Rudolph says
Where is a place to go in San Diego ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our many answers to similar questions in the comment below, Shannon.
Genie says
I live in Louisville Kentucky 40202 when will there be another tent available here or a close by store
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our many answers to similar questions in the comments below, Genie.
Shelly Jones says
Where is there a place to get a free government phone in Indianapolis, Indiana 46214
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to many similar questions below, Shelly.
Monica says
I live in fort smith arkansas and would like to find a location please
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge all our readers to enroll by phone or online instead of enrolling at street events, Monica.
Victoria says
Where in Morristown tn can I get a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
From the comfort of your living room, Victoria. Enroll by phone or online using the contact info we give for each company on that company’s provider page:
Megan says
I would prefer to have it in person where are the locations in California
Free Government Cell Phones says
That may be what you prefer, Megan, but we urge our readers NOT to enroll at a street event.
Barbara Delgado says
I live in Turlock ca where r they posted up need a phone asap plez
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read many similar questions and our answers below to see why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Debbie says
Where can I get a free iPhone from Obama? In brainard Minnesota
Free Government Cell Phones says
From the comfort of you living room by enrolling online or by phone, Debbie. See our answers to many similar questions below.
Tonya irons says
Where can I find a free phone in southeast ar
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find one right in the comfort of your own home, Tonya. Apply online or by phone. We urge our readers not to enroll at a street event because they have been the scene of so much fraud and abuse.
melissa says
Where can i get a free government phone in reedley california?
Free Government Cell Phones says
From the comfort of your own home, Melissa. Enroll online or by phone.
Antonio Acevedo says
where can i find a government phone stand in visalia ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to many similar questions in the comments below.
Hughes says
Where can I get a phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our many answers to similar questions in the comments below.
Annette says
Where can I get a phone today near harbor city ca. 90710?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read some of the many similar questions and our answers below to find out why we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street tent.
Anthony says
Where is a booth in Springfield Missouri for government phones please?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the answers we gave to many, many similar questions below, Anthony.
Karen Martin says
Where can i find a Obama phone location in Lakeforest Ca.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of so much fraud and abuse, Karen.
Chantal says
I believe Assurance Wireless may be scamming the poor by offering free smartphones from the U.S. Government. People who have been approved and received their smartphones are suddenly sent a letter stating that they are not eligible as per State Review. Several people who are definitely eligible have received the same exact notices. I would like to know if this is truly a scam.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is the first we’ve heard of this situation, Chantal. Can you send us a copy of the letter?
Bambi Slocum says
I need a phone where do i go to in tulare ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers not to enroll at street events because there have been so many cases of fraud and abuse at those locations.
John says
Where in Oceanside CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our responses to many similar questions below, John.
Chelsea Hebert says
When is the next time you will be downtown Houston to assist with the “government phones?”
Free Government Cell Phones says
Find out why we are against enrolling at street events in answers to many similar questions below.
Kevin Barner Sr says
I’m trying to find a place to get a lifeline phone in Merced
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the many, many similar questions below, but more important, read our answers to those questions.
Joseph says
I’m trying to get a life line phone in Hampton Va
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to many similar questions in the comments below.
Idae kornienko says
Hello! I applied online for free government free cell phone, but I couldnot sighn out on my iPod. Where in Santa Clarita, CA I can apply in office or some place? Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the many similar questions below and all our answers, Idae, to find out why we urge you to sign up online or by phone instead of at a street event.
Sabrina says
When and where will they be giving out free government phones again? I sometimes see the tents set up outside for them but have not lately. I am in need of one soon an can not wait for one to be shipped. Jonesboro arkansas 72401
Free Government Cell Phones says
See many similar questions below and our answers.
Donna hoffman says
Is there an event coming tote lake city 32055 fl. For a free government phone my email is ******@Gmail.com please let me know
Free Government Cell Phones says
Due to the volume of comments and questions we get, Donna, we can’t reply to individual questions. But read the many, many similar questions and answers below to find out why we urge or readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Theodore Lewis says
What location are assurance wireless free phone vendor in las Vegas nv my zip code 89115
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to many, many similar questions below, Theo.
Crystal Freeman says
I need a phone today I can’t wait for it to be shipped
Free Government Cell Phones says
Same answer.
Crystal Freeman says
Is there a tent in 85705 today.
Free Government Cell Phones says
See the responses we’ve given to many, many similar questions below, Crystal.
Armin says
I do not know where to find the locations of the people that give away the phones
Brittany Boring says
I need to know where to go to get an ObamaPhone either today, tomorrow, or Monday. Please help?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll with street vendors. There have just been too many fraud and abuse problems originating with the street vendors. Unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible to tell the honest ones from the fraudulent ones.
Berta says
Where at Albuquerque nm87108
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nowhere, Berta. We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of far too much fraud and abuse.
Dee says
Looking for a stand in Joplin Mo
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Dee. Too many cases of fraud and abuse originate at those street events. You’re much safer enrolling online or by phone.
Idae kornienko says
How can I apply for free government free sell phone by phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the Lifeline free government cell phone companies in your state, Idae:
Each company’s page comes with complete contact info.
Jesse says
Looking for next event in San Antonio Texas
Free Government Cell Phones says
We always urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events, Jesse. Read some of the questions and answers below to find out why.
Nancy Lingenfelter says
Looking for an event in Northern California thank you hope to have you respond ASAP it’s open on a weekend
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Nancy, but we can’t help you. We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll with street vendors. There have just been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating at those events.
Tess says
I recently lost my phone and I found it again and somebody had ran it over with their car I am looking to find out where I physically can find free government phones in Minneapolis Minnesota or the surrounding areas I did receive this phone from Brooklyn Center Minnesota at their government center but they said they’re no longer handing out free phones.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you know who your service provider is/was? You need to get in touch with that company’s customer service team.
Tess says
Good morning,
I have tried calling all customer service for Access Wireless, I-Wireless several times and all I get automated machine. I have emailed several times and no response.
Do you have a event calendar on when they will be in the Minneapolis area handing out phones.
I’m very upset because I can only receive calls.
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You wouldn’t believe how many of our readers have complained about the same thing, Tess. It seems impossible to reach a live person at Access customer service.
One thing you might consider if you’ve had your free government cell phone for 60 days or longer — you can always switch to a new service provider that will actually make it possible to speak to a real person. Here are a couple articles that will tell you all you need to know. First, here’s how to switch providers:
Second, here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Ashley says
Please help me locate a stand in my areA were i can get a phone today.i live in jeffersonville indiana 47130 thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
That is something we won’t do, Ashley. Read the many answers to very similar questions below.
Lisa Mulligan says
I received my very first govt phone when this program was first introduced. Needless to say, it is like an antique. It doesn’t function properly anymore and I’m starting to have serious problems with it. I haven’t had any problems with the service itself, just the phone. Is there anyway I can get a newer model replacement phone?? Need it asap before it totally stops working all together. Thank you!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ve been a customer for so long that your free government cell phone company may offer you a free replacement phone. If not, you have two choices. (1) Pay a small fee for a new phone. Or (2) Switch your service to a different free government cell phone company. That will make you a new customer and the new company will be required to offer you a new smartphone.
david takach says
I am HOMELESS without an address. How can I get a phone, because without a phone I can’t apply for work and without income I can’t get A roof over my head. I am in CLEVELAND OHIO
Free Government Cell Phones says
The only way for someone who is homeless to get a free government cell phone is to get residence in a homeless shelter. The Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone program makes exceptions and allows multiple residents of group homes (including homeless shelters) to receive phones.
Lois Clawson says
Where can I get a free phone in Dayton ohio
Lois Clawson says
Do you have store or tent…my phone won’t work….all I need is to find a store or tent..please help
Lois Clawson says
Where is there a dam store..and stop asking me to keep doing this over and OVER..JUST TELL ME WHERE IN DAYTON OHIO
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not a clue what you’re talking about, Lois. Who’s asking you to do something over and over?
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our response to your comment below, Lois.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why risk identity fraud dealing with sketchy street vendors, Lois. Do yourself a favor and enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your home.
SharewLove says
People like you cost the livelyhood of hundreds and hundreds of HONEST HARD WORKING People. FIRST OFF, everyone who is hired for these types of jobs undergo a background check that takes 2 weeks before you’re CLEARED! 2ND: Do you think these companies are going to hand over Thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to sketchy street vendors???
Okay, I’ll wait MORON!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t feel any need to respond to ignorant, insulting people, but we’ll make an exception in this case. This program has been overwhelmed by fraud. A great percentage of that fraud originates with those street vendors. We didn’t say every street vendor participates in fraud, but many of them do. That fraud has been documented by government investigations, undercover television investigations and newspaper reporters. We would rather protect our readers than expose them to potential fraud because it’s impossible to tell the honest ones from the dishonest ones.
Angela says
Where is the stand for knoxville tn 37920
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read many other similar questions and our standard answer in the comments below, Angela.
Steve depperschmidt says
I live in banning where can I get a phone today..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers found below to many similar questions.
tammg hodges says
I am trying to find out were you are located, so I can come and get a phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re located north of Dallas, Texas, but that won’t help you, Tammy. Because this is an independent informational website NOT affiliated with any free government cell phone company.
Kelley says
Where in Grand Rapids,Mi. can one get a safe link phone ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please look below to see our answers to many similar questions below.
Patricia S Rance says
Where in Riverbank CA in cell phone booth for 7-11-2017
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers below to many similar questions.
Victoria says
Where in the 95842 zip code of Sacramento will someone be there?
Free Government Cell Phones says
There have been so many cases of fraud and abuse at the street tents and booths that we strong urge our readers to enroll online or by phone. Avoid the possibility of a problem.
Julie Walker says
Any upcoming events in Desert Hot Springs California?
Julie Walker
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please scroll down and see the answer to many similar questions below, Julie. We do not recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth.
Jenni & Dwayne wayne says
If someone could please tell me where at in Ceres, Ca. 95307 at this time 515 on Friday 7, 2017 thank you ever so much
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read some of the many answers to similar questions below, Jenni, to find out why we urge readers to enroll online or by phone instead of at a street tent
Kenna says
I had recently signed up for this and they sent me a email for me to send a picture of my card but I can’t find the email now… Can you resend
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t resend because we are not the people who sent you the email. We are an independent informational website and NOT affiliated with any free government cell phone company.
victoria says
where are they giving phones out in riverside ca today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, Riverside. The heart of the Inland Empire, where this comment moderator spent his formative years. I have very fond memories of the area.
But to answer your question, check the many similar questions and our answers below to find out why we do not recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth.
Karen says
do they have free cell phone distributors in st. cloud mn?
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answers to many similar questions below, Karen.
Karen says
Where can I get a phone today in Modesto ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our answer to many, many similar questions below, Karen.
Brianne Paynter says
Where can I get a free phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damn, we really get tired of this question, but we’ll answer it again. Nowhere, Brianne. Don’t do it. Enroll online or by phone instead of at one of those street tents or booths. They have been the source of too much fraud and waste.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Huh? What? Were you talking to us, Beverly? Sorry, but we were texting and got distracted.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check our “States” page. It lists all the plans available in your state and each listing has contact info. Here’s a link:
moniko simmons says
my phone broke where to inplace it in indio ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to many similar questions below, Moniko.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe we’re just dense, Beverly, but we don’t know what it is you want the phone number of.
i’m trying to find out where i can get one of those free cell phones in el centro, ca.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can do it from the comfort of your favorite easy chair, Beverly. Instead of risking fraud and abuse at one of those street tents, enroll online or by phone.
Crystal Hester says
When will you be in honea path SC again?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve never been to South Carolina. We once visited Raleigh, North Carolina, but didn’t have time to make it down to the Palmetto State. We hear it’s beautiful this time of year.
But enough about our summer travel plans. We think you have mistaken us for a free government cell phone company. We’re not one. This is an independent informational website with ZERO affiliation to any Lifeline Assistance company.
That being said, we always strongly urge our readers to enroll online or by phone and to avoid free government cell phone street vendors like the plague. Too many problems with identity fraud and abuse of the program.
Reva says
Where would one pick up a free phone in Sacramento county. CA?. , or El Dorado County, ca.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many similar questions below, Reva.
Sharon says
What is the days and times they are in Hemet ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Before you attempt to enroll with a street vendor, Sharon, please read our answers to many, many similar questions below.
Tara Nex says
Where can I get a free government phone in phx,Az today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the answers below to many similar questions, Tara.
Brittany wright says
Where is a stand in Memphis Tennessee in area code 38115
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the many comments below to find out why we do not recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth.
Victoria7827@yahoo.com says
When is your next event for Galveston county for dickinson tx?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the comments below to find out why we urge you NOT to enroll at a street event.
Connie says
Where is rhere going to be a tent up in san jose ca 95112 today for free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do yourself a favor and enroll by phone or online from the comfort of you home, Connie. Far less risk of fraud and abuse that way.
Kenneth says
Where and when is the next tent event in Terre Haute Indiana
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read many of the comments and our answers below to see why we do NOT recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth.
Mikel says
Where is the next tent for free phones in Lancaster s.c
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our responses to many similar questions below.
Rebajo says
When and where is the next tent event in Santa Cruz, CA?
Free Government Cell Phones says
See our many responses to many similar questions below, Rebajo.
Babz says
Where in Glenn County, Ca can I get a free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can do it right in your own home, Babz. We always recommend that readers enroll online or by phone instead of at a street tent or booth. Here’s where you can find a complete list of service providers in your state along with descriptions of their plans and company contact info:
eddie says
where is next free phone event. phoenix Arizona. USA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our many, many answers to many, many similar questions below, Eddie.
Naomi Ontiveros says
Information on the next live event in Ventura Countyy ( Oxnard ) or near by the county.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not encourage enrollment at these events, Naomi. Read similar comments and our answers below.
Marion says
When and where is the next Obama Phone Event near Oxnard, California?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Please read the similar questions and our comments below, Marion.
mayraa says
where can I find a free government phone tent in North county SD
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the comments and answers below to find out why we are against enrolling at those tents.
Liz says
Where is a booth in 95355 in Modesto
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read any of the questions and answers here in the comment section below, Liz.
Tia says
Where are the government phone stands in porterville, Ca today?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Tia. Don’t enroll at one of those street tents or booths. Too many cases of fraud and abuse occur there. Instead you should enroll from the comfort of your own home. Much safer that way.
Laura melchor says
Where in San Antonio Texas is there a tent up
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you not to get your free government cell phone from a street booth or tent, Laura. Our readers have reported too many cases of fraud and abuse and identity theft from those places. We recommend enrolling online or by phone.
TINA says
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve said this approximately one million times, but we strongly urge you NOT to enroll at a street tent. Just too many cases of fraud and abuse originating there. Instead you should enroll by phone or online from the comfort of your home.
Ronald Smith says
I am in Las Vegas this is the end of April 2017 is there a tent
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out what we have to say about the tents in about a million comments below.
lashay hammon says
Where can i find the free phone booth at in panama city fl
Free Government Cell Phones says
Find it in the comfort of your own home, Lashay. Please, for your own safety, enroll online or by phone instead of going to a street tent. No risk of identity fraud that way. Here’s where you can find a complete list of free government cell phone providers in your state:
Paula Mangarrez says
Where can I find a free phone booth in los banos today
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers to avoid those types of facilities like the proverbial plague. It’s far safer to enroll by phone or online right from the comfort of your own home.
Joy Howerton says
Does anyone know where the free phone store is in porterville, ca 93257
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s right in your own home, Joy. You can enroll by phone or online without risking identity fraud at one of those street tents or booths.
Dody says
When are you going to be in Columbus, ohio 43223?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We went to Dayton once, but we’ve never been to Columbus. Oh, wait, are you asking when a street tent or booth will be there. We don’t have a clue, but that’s ok because we strongly urge our readers to avoid those types of facilities like the proverbial plague. It’s far safer to enroll by phone or online right from the comfort of your own home.
Angela says
I’m looking for a government phone booth in Modesto, Ca 95356
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Angela. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse at those street tents. You’re much better off enrolling online or by phone.
Christie says
Need to know where to get free cell phone in merced ca
Free Government Cell Phones says
Get one while you’re sitting in your own home, Christie, by contacting your favorite free government cell phone company by phone or online. Here’s where you can find a list of all those companies in California:
Kimm says
I wanted to sign up for a free phone who can I call that works from home..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any readers want to help us translate this?
alicia says
need obama phone in spring valley ca 91977 or close to
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a complete list of free government cell phone providers in your state, Alicia:
Denesha says
I need to find an Obama phone in 95687
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone providers in your state, Denesha.
Sharon Baker says
looking to get a phone in my area 27330
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a list of all the plans available in your state, Sharon:
Earl J Miller Jr says
I am on fixed income and would like to have one of the free smart phones.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you how to get one, Earl:
And here’s where you can compare all the plans from all the Lifeline free government cell phone companies in your state:
Heather Jacobs says
My name is Heather Jacobs, and i havent been able to receive a free government phone in almost a little over 2 years now cause ive come to the realization that somebody at my old address which is ***** **** street, Philadelphia pa 19136, has been using my identity to receive a free government phone. My new address is **** **** street, Philadelphia pa. 19149. I hope someone gets back to me in reference to this matter as soon as possible. I just applied for the tag phone today, so im waiting to see if i get approved.
Katy says
Im looking for Obama free phone I do qualify and live in california. orangevale citrus heights and Sacramento are the only places I can travel to to get phone please help
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t need to travel anywhere, Katy. You can apply by phone or online from the comfort of your home and they will send you a phone. Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in California and their contact info:
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Rose, but we’ll give you the same answer we’ve given a thousand times below. Don’t go anywhere to pick up a phone. The street tents and booths have been the scene of too many cases of fraud and abuse. Instead you should apply by phone or online from the comfort of your home.
Michelle Lanier says
Where are they located in riverside 92606
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhh, lovely Riverside, California, where this moderator grew up smelling orange blossoms every spring and smudge pots every winter. But enough nostalgia. In answer to your question, Michelle, we strongly urge you to enroll by phone or online rather than at a street tent. Much less likelihood of fraud and abuse that way.
Missy says
My government phone has a problem with the charger port it does not work where can I get a new one in eureka California.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge you not to deal with the street tents and booths, Missy. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse. Instead we recommend that you take care of your problem by contacting your service provider’s customer service or tech support team by phone or online. Much safer that way.
Glenda says
Lost a safelink phone. Their published policy clearly states the customer can receive one replacement phone for free. Called 15 days ago, and was assured a new phone was on the way. Called today after the phone has not been received, to be told that phone is not eligible for a replacement. Spent almost 3 hours on the phone trying to resolve this. Customer service keeps trying to tell me there is no one in charge of the call center to explain why they are not following their own policy. I’ve never been so frustrated.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Bad story, Glenda. Please keep us posted on your progress (or lack of). Our readers would be very interested.
Shirley Walker says
Every free phone company has told me my address is not valid. I live in the county, my address is valid, Have. Lived here for 4 years. Welfare and social security have this address, they Don’t have any problems. My address is **** *****, Lubbock, TX, 79403
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact customer service again and ask to speak to a customer service supervisor. Perhaps that person can help you sort out the problem.
Allison Roberts says
When is the next tent event for free government phones ij or surroundings area of centre,Alabama
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way for us to know that, Allison. But please keep in mind that we strongly urge our readers not to sign up at street tents and booths. Too much fraud and abuse originates in those places.
ronda l king says
what do i do if i lost my phone and dont remember what free cell phone company i got it through
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your only real option is to go to our “States” listings and click on your state.
All you can do is start at the top of the list of companies and call each of the companies doing business in your state until you find the one that provided your phone. They’ll know based on things like your number, your name, your address, etc.
It may be time consuming to call them all, but maybe you’ll get lucky and find it with calls to the first couple companies listed. Good luck.
Janice says
Just call lifeline in your state and give them your cell number and they can tell you which company your with.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re going to guess that you’re from California, Janice. Most states don’t have a Lifeline office like California does.
Julie Gettings says
Looking for time and dates in my areas to sign up for phones Youngstown Ohio 44503
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can apply any day, any time online or by phone from the comfort of your home, Julie. In fact, as far as we’re concerned that’s the only safe way to apply.
Juan says
Need to know where to get a free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We recommend enrolling online or by phone, Juan. There have been too many problems with fraud and abuse coming from the street tents and booths.
Jason J Bradley says
I need a free government cell phone, I need to know the locations, my zip code is 60612
Free Government Cell Phones says
The best location to get a free government cell phone is your own home, Jason. We urge you to enroll by phone or online instead of at a street booth or tent. Far safer that way.
Seth Walker Hendricks says
What days are you open for people to recieve free cell phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a free government cell phone company, Seth. We’re an independent informational website. But we strongly urge you to enroll online or by phone instead of going to a street booth or tent. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating at the tents.
Michael roddy says
I need to please get a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to apply, Michael. Here’s an article that tells you everything you need to know:
And here’s where you’ll find a complete list of all the service providers and plans in your state:
Diana says
When can Gastonia NC get a free phone event
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t take a chance risking fraud or abuse at a street tent, Diana. Instead, you should enroll online or by phone from the comfort of your own home.
Linda says
I would lke to know when or where would you have your next event?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have events, Linda, because we’re an informational website, not a free government cell phone company.
Garland mccraney says
I would like know the nexts tent event for free government phones in Akron ohio.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not fans of the street booths and tents, Garland. Too many cases of fraud and abuse begin at those locations. You’d be much safer enrolling by phone or online.
Andrea Hicks says
where in las vegas nv can i get a phone today
Free Government Cell Phones says
Don’t do it, Andrea. There have been too many cases of fraud and abuse originating at the street tents. It’s far safer to enroll by phone or online from the comfort of your home.
Kathleen Elliott says
Where in Oxnard California are the free government phones the ones with unlimited internet
Free Government Cell Phones says
None of them offer unlimited internet, Kathleen. Most of them offer a very limited number of gigabytes. They are very basic plans.
Danae says
When will you be in the Chicago area & where?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We won’t be anywhere but our office in Texas, Danae. We’re not a service provider. We’re an independent website.
Michael Rhodus says
When are you going to be in Paris kentucky ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do yourself a favor and do not enroll at a street booth or tent, Michael. Too many problems with fraud and abuse originate there. Instead, enroll by phone or online from the comfort of your home. Much safer that way.
Pam says
When are you going to be in norwood Ohio and where.
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” are not going to be anywhere near Norwood, Ohio, Pam, because we are not a free government cell phone company. We’re an independent website.
Xadrien says
When and where are your next events for gov. phones going to be posted in Huntington WV at Zip(25705)
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” don’t have events for free government cell phones, Xadrien, because we’re not a service provider. We’re an independent website. But we recommend that you enroll online or by phone to avoid the potential of fraud and abuse at the street events that our readers tell us about. You can find a complete list of service providers in your state (and their contact info) at this link:
Khristiannagreen says
I really need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you really need to apply for a phone. Here’s where you can find a list of all the Lifeline free government cell phone providers in your state:
Tracey Gragg says
I had an American Assistance phone that got stolen last summer & have since been trying to get a new phone I know they come to Springfield, IL but I need to know when they’ll be @ Family Dollar on Cook, or across the street from Family Dollar on 5th & South Grand or @ Hometown Pantry on 2nd & South Grand giving away phones.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have a clue when or where they’ll be anywhere, Tracey. They don’t share that info with us. But a larger issue is that we are strongly against enrolling at street tents and booths. Just too many cases of fraud and abuse of the system. You’re much better off enrolling by phone or online.
Terry says
What time of day or night does it not use the minutes from the Obama Phone when using it
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is no day of day or night. No matter when you call, day or night, every minute of talking is counted against your monthly allotment.
Sherry Conner says
Good Afternoon. I am in search of a government phone in my area. Please contact me with the dates for Chicago in the 60639 area.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t contact you directly, Sherry, because we just get too darn many questions and comments every day. But you can find a complete list of Lifeline free government cell phone companies offering service in Illinois at the following link. Make sure you check out each of the plans to make sure you get the one that fits your needs best — most minutes, most texts, most data, best smartphone, etc).
Daniel of the Lions Den says
The program is called LifeLine phones for getting work, call family, & 911. It was started in rthe age of land line phones by Pres. Rinald Reagan. Stop calling them Obama phones & giving that %#*<"#(! Obama credit for something he DID NOT do!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t figure out if Daniel is pro-Obama or anti-Obama. But it sounds like he approves of the free government cell phone program.
Clintie Patterson says
I had a wireless phone, the number was 872-301-0987. I was shopping and a acesswireless agent asked me if I had a goverment phone I told him I did He said he had newer phones and he can run my info. He did and said I couldnt get one for I was already in. I told him I told him that . Now phone don’t work I have no service what do I do? I need my phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Which company were you previously enrolled with, Clintie.