This website is acknowledged far and wide as the nation’s leading proponent of Lifeline Assistance, the free government cell phone program. Nevertheless, our innate sense of fairness compels us to ask one simple question: Why do Native Americans get better cell phone and landline rates than other financially-strapped Americans?
To boil it down to its simplest terms, most people get subsidies of $9.25 per month, but Native Americans living on tribal lands get discounts of up to $43.25 per month. The numbers can vary slightly depending on the state, but the previous statement is generally accurate. The subsidies allow Lifeline cell phone vendors to offer free cell phones with a minimum of service, and the subsidies can also be applied directly to a standard mobile or landline phone plan to reduce the monthly bill.
“Residents of Native American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities,” said, “may qualify for enhanced Lifeline assistance, up to an additional $25 a month in discounts.”
“The companies are making their millions by recruiting customers who fill out the paperwork, sometimes doing so from the back of the pickup trucks or tents on street corners. Then the federal government reimburses those firms. In the case of phone service for those residents of tribal land in Oklahoma, the companies are paid $34.25 a month,” according to the
Free government cell phone company FairPoint explains, “The discount consists of federal monthly support of $9.25 … Eligible residents of American Indian Tribal lands served by FairPoint in Maine may qualify for additional monthly support of up to $25.”
Some companies competing in the free government cell phone industry have hundreds of thousands of customers, but very little overhead. Despite the fact that they are virtually “virtual” companies and without so much as a single brick and mortar office, they receive $34.25 per month for each account from “native lands”.
Just to make this added subsidy even more unreasonable some of the Native American customers may not even be Native Americans. Oklahoma’s KOTV-TV reports that some crusaders want “… the FCC to make cell phone companies prove their “tribal” subscribers are really members of a Native American tribe. That would close a tribal loophole that’s been a cash cow for phone companies, paying them an extra $25 per month per phone.
The Federal Communications Commission’s website explains the concept behind the added subsidy:
Lifeline is a government benefit program that provides discounts on monthly telephone service for eligible low-income consumers to help ensure they can connect to the nation’s communications networks, find jobs, access health care services, connect with family and their children’s schools, and call for help in an emergency. Lifeline is supported by the federal Universal Service Fund (USF).
Because telephone subscribership levels on Tribal lands are the lowest in the country, enhanced Lifeline benefits are available to low-income residents of Tribal lands.
But the disparity between the discounts available to Native Americans and other financially-challenged Americans gets even worse. According to the same FCC website:
Tribal Lands Link Up
provides qualified subscribers living on Tribal lands with a one-time discount of up to $100 on the initial installation or activation of a wireline or wireless telephone for the primary residence. Tribal Lands Link Up also enables subscribers to pay the remaining amount that they owe on a deferred schedule, interest-free. Qualifying consumers may be eligible for Link Up again only after moving to a new primary residence. Tribal Link Up support is only offered to carriers who are building out infrastructure on Tribal lands, so not all carriers may be discounting their activation fee.If Native Hawaiians and Native Alaskans feel left out of the subsidy party, they shouldn’t. Another page on the FCC website says, “Enhanced benefits are provided to low-income consumers who live on a federally recognized Indian Tribe’s reservation, pueblo, or colony; on a former reservation in Oklahoma; within an Indian allotment; within an Alaska Native region established by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; or Hawaiian Homelands held in trust pursuant to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920.
The free government cell phone program was designed to bring cell phone service to struggling Americans. It’s a program that we applaud and promote. Generally speaking, you qualify for the $9.25 discount if you participate in another government assistance program or if your annual income falls below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines (150% in some states).
But each state has the ability to offer discounts to those who participate in state assistance programs. As we’ve written here at, you may be eligible if you receive benefits from any of the following programs in the state of Oklahoma:
- Aid to Families
- Federal Public Housing Assistance/Section 8
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LHEAP)
- Supplemental Security (SSI)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- OK Sales Tax Relief
- Vocational Rehabilitation (Including hearing impaired)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- Tribally Administered TANF
- Head Start (income qualifying/ residents of Tribal Lands only)
We’ve highlighted the last three programs because they apply only to Native Americans and specifically exclude all other Americans.
Oklahoma doesn’t stand alone. Other states with substantial Native American populations and native lands may also offer the increased subsidy for other programs. For example, New Mexico also offers the Lifeline Assistance program to those who participate in Bureau of Indian Affairs Programs (Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start Subsidy, NSLP). Other states often include other Native American assistance programs.
To repeat, we are major proponents of the Lifeline Assistance program. We’ve printed hundreds of articles and received thousands of comments from financially struggling Americans who’ve been helped by this outstanding program.
But we are offended that one category of struggling Americans gets better treatment than every other category of struggling Americans.
To boil it down to its simplest terms, most people get subsidies of $9.25 per month, but Native Americans living on tribal lands get discounts of up to $43.25 per month. The numbers can vary slightly depending on the state, but the previous statement is generally accurate. The subsidies allow Lifeline cell phone vendors to offer free cell phones with a minimum of service, and the subsidies can also be applied directly to a standard mobile or landline phone plan to reduce the monthly bill.
How about it, Federal Communications Commission? Treat us all equally and we’ll all be better off.
David Kauley says
I’ve tried asking several people sitting on corners under a tent if Native Americans like myself who is enrolled in a federally recognized tribe get to sign up for a phone. Not necessarily free but a discount and they told me no. Unless I’m on some kind of assistance. Why offer free or reduced prices for Native Americans if we have to get assistance. Why not all Native Americans?
Free Government Cell Phones says
All Native Americans living on tribal lands are eligible. In many cases the plans offered for Native Americans offer more minutes, texts, and data.
Desert Hawk says
Many companies like SafeLink are refusing to service Tribal lands and certain zip codes just because there is tribal land. This I think is discriminatory. The FCC and public utilities commissions of the states should be notified. I think they are afraid of loosing their license if they offer tribal services incorrectly, but to not offer it is worse! Tribal peoples also contribute to the Universal Service Fund!
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not privy to the inner workings of Safelink, but we would imagine that the tribal lands that are not served are the extremely rural ones that have very little in the way of cell phone coverage to begin with. For example, we would imagine that tribal lands located in urban areas, such as the San Manuel tribal lands in Southern California, have full Lifeline coverage from a number of companies.
Any other readers care to chime in on this subject?
hugh g. ardon says
tough s*** you are offended. and to say another group of ‘americans’ shows how full of s*** you are, they are the only real ‘americans’ you don’t seem to realize you are on their land and are of immigrant roots, you are not obviously a native ‘american’ so why should you get better treatment than the people who are still recovering from your people stealing the entire continent and now you want to bitch about them paying less for phone service on their own ancestral homeland that you are a newcomer to? get a f***** life ass****
Free Government Cell Phones says
How do you really feel, Hugh?
Sherman M Carter says
You fail to mention the value of the Indian lands stolen from the Choctaws and other tribes. This is an attempt for a partial reparation.
Member of the Choctaw Nation
Yogi says
I’m an American Indian from one of the Sioux Tribes and I’m sorry to let you know we aren’t equal. I hear this all the time “why do they get free stuff?”. And yes sir, this article is an attack, but it’s more of a whinny attack saying “see I told you they get free stuff and here’s the proof”., but so? Where is the answer is the question? There is none, that’s what makes this an attack, followed by “but aren’t we the same?” *tear drop*
We aren’t like other minorities, minorities were brought here for working purposes, ndns signed a treaty basically saying “okay, we won’t kill you guys and let you use this land and move to an area where you will provide us with everything we need to live”. Treaties are more complicated than that, but that is the basic blueprint for most Treaties.., And this is why Natives Americans get bigger discounts than other Americans, it’s because the Treaties say the “Great White Grandfather” will always take care us and he does.., you have no idea how much he does. To the writer of the article., that should of been your answer or something along those lines.
The lack of an answer to this question, the facts shown that have nothing to do with an answer and how this article ends, shows jealously and anger. It’s almost like the writer has set up this article for people to be upset with Natives, which would mean this could be used to incite hostility towards a group of people.., making this a Hate Speech. I don’t believe it is, but a Native Activist would, so I would suggest making an edit to this article. And actually answer your question.
But that’s just what I think…
Choctaw says
Ashley Nave says
In a way I understand what it meant in terms of unequal. I had some ancestors who were Native Americans. Not only the free government programs can discriminate Native Americans, and yet people like myself with disability, on disability waiver , and have medicaid/social security benefits. People who are low income are unfairly treated. Prejudice, and hatred still happens often toward those with disabilities not only the low income, Native Americans, etc.
Montel Paige says
“We do not believe in racial, ethnic or gender preferences. All should be treated equally.” …….
While that is a great statement and SHOULD be followed, let’s get real and admit that is not the way or USA is. (Based on research the last statement could be stretched worldwide.)
First, can we agree that SANTA CLAUS does not exist?? If not, then please stop reading now. (We got to have a starting point.)
In theory, your premise of same pay for government cell phones should be equal, but the government phone program is not. (e.g. A homeless person with no home is discriminated against a poor person with a home.) or (e.g. a person who just had his / her identification stolen is OUT OF LUCK!) or (the person who house has been burned down and do not possess a copy of paycheck stubs and / or tax returns is DONE!)
Emotionally, I would say that the American Indians deserve a boost since we took over THEIR country and Hawaii was taken after we held their Queen hostage. However, logically, I would think that is not the reason since we have done worse to others and have not cared.
Logically, I would say FOLLOW THE MONIES!!
Pamylle Greinke says
I can’t believe this insipid question ! With some reservations suffering from economic conditions comparable to Haiti, and given the gross injustices which continue to this day, a slight discount for Native Americans is bothersome & seems unfair ? Simply amazing – I may need to let this newsletter go, which I expected to have some understanding in regard to the diverse groups comprising disadvantaged populations eligible for Free Government Cell Phones. What is this – right-wing reverse racism on a site that’s supposed to give us updates ? BADLY DONE !
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not believe in racial, ethnic or gender preferences. All should be treated equally.