You may have read that Lifeline Assistance, the free government cell phone program, is not available in Vermont. That is incorrect. Take it from us, America’s leading authority on Lifeline, the program does operate in the Green Mountain State, even though most people think it isn’t.
Perhaps the program is unknown in Vermont because state regulators refuse to cooperate with companies that have been successful in other states. Perhaps it’s because the state legislature wants to protect the state’s sterling economic reputation. Perhaps there’s another reason. We honestly don’t know. But we do know that thousands of economically-challenged Vermont residents NEED to know about this program.
But we do know that one Lifeline company now offers Lifeline plans in Vermont. And to make the whole thing even better, that company also offers Affordable Connectivity Program discounts on top of the Lifeline discounts. You can get a free smartphone, free talk, free texts, and free internet service.
So take heart, Vermont residents. If you really need a free government cell phone and internet service to get in touch with potential employers, to stay in contact with your children and elderly parents, to reach out to medical professionals, or for any other reason, they are available. No matter what anyone else may tell you.
Lifeline and ACP free government cell phone service providers in Vermont
Unfortunately, there is only one Lifeline free cell phone provider in Vermont:
How to qualify for Lifeline Assistance free government cell phones in Vermont
You may be eligible if you receive benefits from any of the following programs:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP)
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Veterans Pension and Survivor's Benefit.
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)
- Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF)
- Tribal Head Start (only those households meeting its income qualifying standard)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
You may also can qualify based upon your Total Household Income. See the provider’s annual income eligibility levels to see the latest numbers.
How to qualify for an ACP free government phone and unlimited service in Vermont
It’s even easier to qualify for ACP service than it is to qualify for Lifeline service. The USAC website spells it all out:
Consumers qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through participation in Lifeline or a Lifeline-qualifying program, having an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, through participation in ACP-qualifying programs, such as the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program (including the Community Eligibility Provision), WIC, through award of a federal Pell Grant, or through participation in a participating service provider’s existing low-income program.
This is all great news for low-income residents of Vermont. Check out our state listings to find all the companies offering Lifeline and ACP plans in your state, find the plan that works best for you, and enroll. There’s really not reason not to.
Jennifer Bergeron says
Qlink wireless sucks for customer service my phone was stolen I had no money to replace it and I was in a homeless shelter I have no way to shut that phone off now and replace it cause you only get an automated system not a live person!
Free Government Cell Phones says
The easiest solution is to switch to a different service provider, Jennifer. As a new customer, you will be given a free smart phone. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
Steffanie Lundy says
It sounds like all of Qlinks problems could be solved by switching carriers. Qlink uses Sprint as a carrier, who, in fact, only services certain areas of Vermont.
Let me start out by saying this: Back in 2007 I had Sprint as a carrier. By the way, I live in Sudbury. If you’ve never heard of it, look it up. It’s pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Anywho, living in Sudbury in 2007 I had decent service from Sprint. I could make/receive phone calls and browse all the pre-smartphone internet I wanted.
For the record, I knew that Qlink does not offer service in my area, but it does in Rutland. Luckily I had a friend in Rutland who allowed me to use her address. This actually may help a lot of you out there where Qlink does not have service in your area. Just use a friend’s address. It might be illegal. I’m not sure, but you’re better off keeping that part a secret, so shhhhhh!
Now, in 2017, I finally got approved and received my Qlink wireless phone. Come to find out that I really don’t get service out here. Whodda thunk it?!?!? I am only able to get that little annoying “roaming” signal to pop up. But it is still nice to have when I go to town. You never know when you’ll need a tow and a friend to come get ya.
But the point is, Sprint had service here 10 years ago, why not now? This has been baffling me. Is Sprint shrinking???
I read what another one of you posted before, that when roaming, you can’t make/receive calls or access internet unless you buy minutes with your own money. I think I will try that. Although Qlink states that when roaming, it does not cost extra and you should still be able to make/receive calls. Why am I not able to do this when I should be able to? If I can get my phone to work if I buy some extra minutes for my phone, then I guess I’ll be happy enough, even though it’s still complete BS. Excuse the language, but a duck is a duck…
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not sure that will work, Steffanie. Seems to us that if there’s no signal with free minutes, there will be no signal with paid minutes. The signal is what the signal is no matter what the source of your minutes it.
But if you’re willing to give it a try, go for it. Please report back to us how it worked.
Sally More says
Don’t get sucked into this scam! Qlink has Sprint for a carrier which DOES NOT have coverage in a large portion of vt. You’ll be on roaming most of the time and you can’t send or receive calls or texts while roaming unless you put minutes on your phone out of pocket. If you have to pay for the service anyway, which you will, then you might as well get quality service instead of the crap service offered by qlink.
david says
The only service provider for Vermont is Q link wireless, and they say they have no service anywhere in central Vermont.
Susan LeClair says
Free Government Cell Phones says
May we interpret that to mean that you’re an unhappy customer?
Luann Therrien says
I live in Derby, Vermont.
Says service is not available in my area.
Any idea when they will be in this area?
ken says
I had to go through some legal maneuvers to get my phone through the vt public service bureau to get my phone but got final approval within 15 minutes after emailing Peterson, Christine . She gave Q Link a call and demanded that they act. I will be getting phone within a week. If anyone here is having a problem I would recommend getting in touch with her
Luann Therrien says
Ken, in what area do you reside? I’m trying to get one in Derby. Says not available in this area.
sue barnett says
Are these phones available in VT??
ken atwood says
Supposedly Q Link is the only one that does participate in Vermont. However they seem to discriminate against older people and who gets one, I applied on 12/19/15 and my daughter and a friend applied on the same day.. They received phones within 10 days but I was denied saying that Vermont was building their own database and would have to get approval from the state before they could send me one. I contacted the state and they know nothing about this, that they only deal with landlines… So Q Link is scamming us older people and should be reported to the correct government people and maybe start a class action suit against Q Link for their actions.
Michael says
Qlinkwireless does NOT offer cell phone service in Vermont . says
We’re not sure about that. On their website they let you select Vermont on their state selection:
James says
You should be sure, that’s what your site is here for. Once you start the process you get a message that says “Sorry, we do not offer service in your area.” Your information is incorrect.
ken says
yes they do!!!
david says
No, they don’t, not at this time.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We feel like Faye Dunaway’s character in the 1974 film “China Town.” They do, they don’t, they do, they don’t.
Amy Haskins says
Myself and others have tried to get the QLink wireless phone. I myself have sent three application in to QLink and been pro approved. And still I am waiting to here from the state of Vermont. I’m on food stamps, SSI and can not work. I have to borrow phones to make doctors apointments for my two children. One who has doctors in Boston and in Bedford, NH. I need to keep in touch with destiny’s doctors due to the cancer she had when she was younger and to keep up on her eye being replaced every six months. And Adam my five year old is starting a new doctor for autism. That is a serious development disorder that impairs the ability to interact and communicate. So please help me get a phone not only for me but for my children who need to stay in contact with thier doctors.
Roger J Powers Jr says
I went through the application process with Q Link only to be sent to a page that said Q Link Wireless does not currently offer service in my area. Obviously, some poor people are more worthy than others to have phone service to Hospital, ambulances and firefighting services. I want to know the EXACT reason why I am not afforded this same consideration that others are receiving.
Rhonda Hoyt says
I am writing in regards to my Mom, who is 75 years old and almost completely def. She is healthy in all other aspect but her hearing disability is a huge problem and her lack of income to get all the up to date devices on the market today. I have her set up with a TTY phone, Internet and cable in Bennington, Vt. The bill is killing her financially. She communicates with my sister in Arizona via e-mail and she can see what is going on with her Grandkids and other friends and family via Facebook. She needs her internet because of this. She has the TTY phone for emergencies and if someone has to get in touch with her quickly also being in a subsidized housing this is the way she is alerted to a visitor at the front door and she can buzz them in so she needs her phone and she needs her cable as she because she is getting older and she can’t afford a car, she lives alone and winter in Vermont is long and cold and lonely sometimes and the TV helps her to know that there is life out there. So as you see all 3 of these are greatly needed by her but….she can’t afford them. My sister’s have all they can handle financially so they are not in a position to help her and I live paycheck to paycheck as well and help her when I can but many times I haven’t been able to. So in conclusion I am trying to find ways that she can keep all three of these so called luxuries (necessities) to many and be able to afford them so I am intersted in finding out more about cheaper internet, phone and cable Please….Any help would be greatly appreciated.
R. Hoyt
Jennifer Bergeron says
If you look it up Comcast offers a smaller package for those on a fixed income.
ann says
If it is in Vermont then how do we get the word out there to those who need it. Why couldnt the Burlington Free Press write an artical on it so everyone will know what that the State is not helping with such an important issue? We need this and we need your help. Someone who knows how to write about an issue like this please help.
Kenneth G Russell says
I have worked all my life to afford what I felt my family needed. I have never had a cell phone because I could not afford one. I sure could use one now.. If I was on welfare.. I could get it free.. but I worked.. Why is it this way? Can I get one.. please?
Tammy says
Mr. Russell perhaps you should read the qualifications, that are clearly stated. If your income falls below $23,000. Or you are 65 and older plus several other ways to qualify other than being a recipient of welfare. Maybe if you stop the woo is me routine you would not have missed this.
Lynette says
Not available in Vermont.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Their site says they are in Vermont. Did they tell you it’s not available in the entire state, or did your address just not qualify?
Dana Foster says
The free government cell phone program/lifeline has only approved Qlinks for vermont unfortunately it isn`t approved for all of vermont only certain areas. I applied to qlinks and after waiting over 30 days to be approved I was informed that lifeline has not approved it for my area which is Burlington, Vermont, it may seem like a nice city but can be dangerous with the rapes, robberies, murders and mugging that have been happening and that`s on top of medical problem that elderly and disabled people have. There are many elderly and disabled people in this city who cannot afford to buy a cell phone and pay for services who can really use this service. When I spoke with a qlinks rep it was suggested that I get as any people as I can to complain to lifeline about this problem so that maybe they will extend the service.I know of an elderly woman in Burlington who had fallen in city hall park, she had no cell phone and no one who was in the park would help her. So if you live in an area of Vermont that lifeline has not approved, please call lifeline and complain so we can get this approved.
Dana Foster says
Qlink is availaible in VT but only to certain areas. Contact lifeline to complain so we can change this.