President Obama and his administration are giving free Obama Phones to some illegal immigrants as they crisscross the country on route to their final destination cities. They say the illegals will only be able to use the smartphones temporarily, but we ask the reasonable question, “When was the last time a temporary government program actually turned out to be temporary?”
For example, back in 2006 USA Today reported that the government would finally stop collecting a 3% federal excise tax on long distance telephone calls. Here’s the shocking part:
The tax was imposed in 1898 to help pay for the Spanish-American War. It was designed as a tax on wealthy Americans, back when phone service was considered a luxury.
“It’s not often you get to kill a tax, particularly one that goes back so far in history,” Treasury Secretary John Snow said.
With that history in mind, count us a doubtful that this smart phone for illegal aliens program will be ended anytime soon. Without making any judgment as to whether the program is good or bad, we simply wonder why these same smartphones aren’t more widely available as part of the Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone program. provides details on the illegal immigrant program:
GEO Care, a federal contractor, has started loaning smartphones to certain illegal immigrant families enrolled in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Family Case Management Program.
The FCMP is an alternative to detention that pairs illegal immigrants with social workers who help them get their footing in cities across the U.S. — including assisting the new arrivals with accessing housing, education, medical services and legal assistance — while they await immigration hearings.
The Obama administration has billed the program as a way to ensure the illegal immigrant families show up for their immigration hearings.
How’s that working out? Not so well according to a report from and
House Judiciary Rep. Bob Goodlatte:
Ninety percent of the mostly-teen illegal immigrants flooding over the Mexico-U.S. border won’t show up for their immigration court hearing, meaning at least 135,000 of the youths will simply vanish into the country this year alone, according to a key House committee chairman.
The smartphones are being given to illegal immigrant family “heads of household” after the flood across the border in South Texas and head to their destination cities. That’s where the magic fairy dust starts getting sprinkled on the story.
After the illegal alien families arrive at their destinations, they are expected to return the smartphones so they can be sent back to South Texas and given to other illegal alien families. We’re not oddsmakers, but we’d guess the odds of these smart phones ever showing up in South Texas are about a million to one.
Admittedly, this is a very small program. Only 25 smartphones have been given out so far and a maximum of 50 are built into GEO Care’s budget. Our problem isn’t with the cost nor the scope of the program. No, our problem is that illegal aliens are given smartphones while it’s nearly impossible for American citizens to get a smartphone from the free government cell phone program.
This is clearly unfair to tax-paying American citizens and long-time residents who struggle to survive with no phones or inferior, older, refurbished cell phones. When will they get free government smart phones equal to those being given to illegal immigrants?
Wake up, Washington, DC. Millions of Americans have been standing in line for free government smart phones and it simply isn’t fair for illegal immigrants to move to the front of the line.
For a complete list of free government cell phone companies that offer smart phones, see our article “Which free government cell phone companies offer smart phones?“
Lynn Smith says
Wow-25 phones aren’t worth that long of a response. Having received 4 smart phones from Budget-yes, free lifeline phones-which have nothing to do with President Obama, they are the worst, cheapest garbage imaginable, and not worth the postage to send to Texas, or anywhere. They can’t be donated to service groups that take cell phones to provide at-risk individuals to be able to call 911-no one wants a phone that only completes .05% of calls attempted in an emergency, or in any situation.
Kenny says
I’m more of a people person myself and just like many here legally, many Illegal Immigrants are only trying to make a better life for themselves.
Take care of our own? They are our own, they are people just like us… the right thing and give em’ a hand.
Colleen says
For sure WAKE UP Obama and Washington,DC take care of the American People FIRST the illegal immigrants can WAIT for there phone or go without….AMERICA FIRST ALL THE WAY!!!
Steve says
Isn’t this going to lead to more illegal crossings when they hear that they can get a free smartphone? 25-50 when even one is too many…
I totally agree that Washing DC, our elected leaders needs a wake-up call. Where’s it all going to end?
States and local city governments are already burden to much, to be of any help to truly low-income American’s – United States needy citizens, why put pressure on a system that’s already bursting at the seams now, by allowing and seemingly condoning illegal immigrants welfare here – when they truly don’t belong here in the first place.
A USA law is a law to be understood and followed by everyone here and legal visitors, when the flight of people coming here (illegal immigrants) takes away from the US needy entitled citizens then some is broken. This Year in November let your voices be herd in your Vote, amen
My problem is a simple Catch 22. I moved my Lifeline account to Cox Communications over 1 year ago because they offered me a better deal then Assurance Wireless. Cox Lied, as they always do; and I had to file an FCC Complaint to get them to live up to the deal. At the end of 1 year, Cox started Gouging me; and I tried changing back the Assurance. Cox pulled all sorts of Criminal Acts on me; therefore, I had to file another FCC complaint against them which they answered with more Lies. Meanwhile, Assurance will not switch my account, (I’m keeping the same Phone #); because I already have a Lifeline at my address.. Assurance only has foreign agents whom can’t seem to translate the words “Change Carriers”; and Cox won’t release my line to them; because the think that their Gouging is working; and I’m will be Forced into paying all their Illegal overcharges. Thus I have to file yet another FCC complaint against them. Anyone want to Join me????
Free Government Cell Phones says
If everyone is playing by the FCC’s rules, it should be easy to switch from one company to another. In fact, we wrote an article about that very subject. You can see it here:
I have just spent the last hour on the phone with Assurance Wireless requesting a Benefit Transfer. They insist that they are unable to “file” the form. They also could not connect me with anyone who could or knows about it. They claim that Assurance Wireless just process the application that I send to them; and are unable to do anything else. I read to them the link info that you cited (above); and it falls on totally deaf ears (or a totally blank mind). Do you have any US Phone numbers for them??? Or any method of reaching someone in authority with Assurance Wireless???? Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s a tip: If you don’t get satisfactory service from any rep at any company, always ask to speak to a supervisor. Supervisors always have more discretion and ability to make things happen. if no one at a particular company can/will help you, try a different company. Unfortunately, these companies often make it as difficult as possible to switch service to another provider. I just had the same experience trying to switch my cable TV service last week.
I did talk to the Supervisor. His explanation was: “We don’t have anyone or any department to do what you are asking!”.. No mater how I explained it; or even read him the Regs., he kept repeating “They didn’t do that”. It was totally exasperating; and, he couldn’t connect me to anyone higher. I realize that it was BS; that’s why I’m seeking any help that i can get. Assurance Wireless is the carrier that I was trying to switch to!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should report the company to the USAC and FCC. That is unacceptable service.
Harold Borrelli says
Can I get a smartphone to and Y not!!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Virtually all of the free government cell phone companies offer smart phones, Harold. In some cases your initial Lifeline Assistance phone may be a smart phone, but it’s entirely the luck of the draw. That is, the phones are assigned randomly. But the good news is that virtually all of the companies offer smart phone upgrades for a very reasonable price. Call the companies in your state (click on the “States” page at the top of this page) to ask about each company’s smart phone policy.