Free Government Cell Phone News and Blog Archive
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2015 update: The top dozen deals in free government cell phones
Wall Street Journal asks, “Who Needs an ObamaPhone?” We supply the answer.
California goes crazy: Unlimited talk and unlimited text going mainstream
How to I switch my account from one free government cell phone company to another?
Free cell phones from Verizon for victims of domestic abuse
New free government cell phone rule: Use it or lose it
I’m afraid I’ll get busted for having more than one free government cell phone. How can I cancel the extra account?
Is the FCC ready to announce free or cheap government internet?
Extra Lifeline discounts available to nearly all residents of Oklahoma
Will all internet users be taxed to fund Obama Broadband?
FCC wants to reform the free government cell phone program: Here’s what one Commissioner thinks
Correcting bad advice given by a reader: Can you use a temporary address to qualify for a free government cell phone?
Question of the day: Is there a website with all the dates and times of places where you can get a free government cell phone?
How to qualify for a free government cell phone if you live in a group home or shelter
Prominent conservative website runs most insulting, one-sided article ever written about free government cell phone program
Portland TV station reports latest news on the free government cell phone program. How does it impact you?
You win some, you lose some: Georgia rejects fees on free government cell phones, Oklahoma considers fees
7 ways you can lose your Lifeline/ACP free government cell phone
FCC says you’ll lose your Lifeline cell phone if you only text with it
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