According to the old saying, “Necessity if the mother of invention”. And that appears to be the case with Lifeline Assistance, the free government cell phone program.
Fraud has plagued this outstanding program across the country. But the Las Vegas Guardian Express reports that scam artists may have met their match thanks to high technology innovations.
According to the Guardian Express, “Contractors like Life Wireless and its subcontractors have gone the extra mile to make sure only eligible individuals are processed for the phones. In fact, Brightstar Innovations,Inc. a subcontractor with its’ primary offices in Orland Park, Illinois developed Project P.R.I.D.E (Pro-Active Resources Intervening to Develop Esteem and Employment) to target the most needy populations to receive the phones.”
Author Christina Primbas reports PRIDE identifies partnership and collaborates with Community Based Organizations to make sure that the free government cell phones actually end up in the hands of soon to be released prisioners, the homeless, folks receiving public assistance, and senior citizens. And Primbas points out, those are exactly the people for whom this program was designed.
PRIDE’s advanced screening process, conducted in conjunction with the appropriate community based organizations and government entities, assures that the free government cell phones go to the people for whom this program was designed and don’t end up in the hands of fraudulent customers.
Our heartiest congratulations to PRIDE and Life Wireless for their efforts to keep the program healthy and honest.
Source: Guardian Express
Alemdar Voljevica says
They played with me cat and mouse for about 6-7 months about delivery date for that tablet.When that T-day(Tablet) finally arrived at my house,we all where speechless for about at least 15 minutes .I was in schock that somebody could be so pathetic and decide to send EMPTY PACKAGE with believe it not,some sort of naive childish explanation that tablet is coming in next couple days!!!
I still have a prof that package arrived to USPS ,and is placed ti be delivered next day
sandy says
hello my name is sandy siglow i live in akron ohio .i currently have a 500 minute a month flip phone. I’ve had it for about a year and very much like the service.however the top half of the screen stopped working it does not light up at all i cant see anything,is there a way to replace or get a new phone through the same company..?
khina d mishra says
i wanted free life line phone ok mom
bouba adamou says
i want cell phone for free no momey
khina d mishra says
i want free phone
kanea says
Hi I sent my doucoment by email please , i need to referance to my paper to send me cellphone because kaneai dont have cellphone please ineed help thanks for every satff they work in this company thanks again
Kimbot says
As it should be……..