Lifeline Assistance, the program that’s become famous for giving out free government cell phones and infamous for handing out ObamaPhones, is expanding and upgrading. And that’s very good news for its current and future customers. Because instead of giving its customers basic cell phones, Lifeline companies will soon begin offering internet-capable smartphones.
Although Lifeline has now helped an estimated 20 million low-income Americans, there have been complaints — lots of complaints — that the refurbished phones have been cheap, relatively “featureless” models. That’s to say, they allowed its users to make phone calls and send text messages, but didn’t offer any internet capability that’s become so vital in today’s increasingly wired world.
What brought about this significant change? Like any good consumer goods company, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) took a close look at what its customers want, need, and request most often. They analyzed the results and voted that the Lifeline program should begin offering internet-capable smartphones and mobile internet plans. They also ruled that the program should begin in 2014 (or as soon as practically possible). As a result, some people say that the free government cell phone program should be renamed the free government internet phone program.
We can already hear some folks saying, “Sure, I qualified for a free government cell phone, but I probably won’t qualify for one of these new internet smartphones.” We completely understand why you might think that’s the case, but it’s not true. The simple fact is that everyone — absolutely everyone — who qualified for a Lifeline cell phone will now qualify for a government internet-capable smartphone.
And just to review, you qualify if your household earns less than 135% of the U.S. poverty level (or 150% in some states). Others who may qualify include families who currently participate in another government aid program such as the following, or many state-specific programs:
- Medicaid;
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
- National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
- Head Start (if income eligibility criteria are met)
Is the upcoming government internet-ready smartphone program a sure thing? A simple analysis of the FCC’s recent moves says an emphatic yes. Here’s what we mean:
Step Two: As you read this, a pilot program is underway in which the leading Lifeline cell phone companies are testing free smartphones and free to very low-cost internet programs in test markets.
In other words, get ready. Here it comes.
How we got here
Back in 2008, Lifeline Assistance rolled out its Lifeline program in Tennessee. Over the course of the last eight years the program has gained momentum and customers and partner companies and it now serves 44 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico.
Critics say the program grew so quickly that it outstripped the FCC’s ability to prevent fraud and waste. As a result, this remarkably successful program has earned more than its fair share of critics who demanded reform, and enemies who demand an end tothe program. The FCC reviewed the progam and approved the Lifeline Reform Order ( americans-0%0A) in an effort to eliminate fraud and reduce costs by nearly $1 billion per year. (To be strictly accurate, the savings are estimated at $2 over three years, but we’re comfortable with rounding off to the nearest billion when the numbers get this big.)
That’s where the FCC had a stroke of genius (something critics of government would call an oxymoron). They announced that they would redirect those dollars to test the concept of evolving the government cell phone program for needy Americans into a government internet program.
The relevant section of the FCC order said:
“Consistent with previous efforts, we act here to eliminate waste and inefficiency, increase accountability, and transition the Fund from supporting standalone telephone service to broadband.”
Broadband — the magic word in the FCC’s vocabulary. There’s nothing they want more than to bring high-speed broadband internet service to the masses. As the French say, it’s their raison d’etre, their reason for being.
The FCC is already working on other programs with a similar goal. Programs such as Internet Essentials from Comcast, Internet Basics from CenturyLink, and Connect2Compete from an association of public, private and non-profit organizations, has been up and running for more than a year now. All three programs (not to mention numerous other regional and local programs) has been similar to this new FCC initiative – to bring high-speed internet to low-income Americans. The biggest difference is that those programs charge customers a nominal fee each month, but the LifeLine internet-capable smartphone and service has the very likely potential to be free.
But let’s go back to the FCC order, because it clearly spells out what the public can expect from the expanded program:
“Using savings from the reforms, the Order establishes a Broadband Adoption Pilot Program to test and determine how Lifeline can best be used to increase broadband adoption among Lifeline-eligible consumers.”
Allow us to summarize: Root out waste and fraud in the current Lifeline cell phone program. Use the savings to expand that program. Provide internet to needy Americans who already qualify for free cell phones.
Any questions? Could it be any clearer?
Although we’re absolutely certain of the FCC’s intent, one thing is still in doubt: the final cost to the customer.
The test is still under way, so there’s no way for the FCC to “guesstimate” the final cost of the expanded program. But we have no doubt that the program will offer limited-use, high-speed internet plan at no cost, but also offer higher speeds and higher usage plans at additional, affordable rates.
The FCC’s pilot program and what it means to you
Let’s delve a little deeper into that pilot program we mentioned earlier — the one that’s testing the efficacy of free and low-cost internet smartphone programs.
The $13.8 million pilot project has been officially dubbed the Lifeline Broadband Pilot Program. It’s scheduled to be wrapped up by November 1 of this year.
The goal of the program is to test different programs in different markets to determine the most efficient, most effective way to bring cheap high-speed internet to low-income Americans. (A word of caution: They are also testing heavily-discounted programs, and while we believe a free plan will be available, it’s possible that there could be a low monthly cost. Regardless, we feel confident the smartphone will be free.) If you’re interested in more details, we explain the various options being considered here.
As the $13.8 million price tag implies, this is no insignificant test. The FCC and it’s privately-owned partners are taking a close look at 14 different projects in 21 states and and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. They’re testing both wired and wireless internet concepts, cable internet and DSL.
No matter which program wins, we predict the needy will also win
People who’ve heard of the pilot program often ask us for our predictions and we’re happy to oblige.
The way we see it, the simplest way to provide high-speed internet smartphones to needy Americans is to work with companies that already know the cell phone business, already know the market, already know the customers, and most importantly, already have the infrastructure in place to roll the program out quickly.
Two of the biggest players in the Lifeline free cell phone program — Safelink Wireless and ReachOut Wireless — are participating in the FCC’s pilot program. Both companies match up with the criteria we outlined in the previous paragraph, so we expect both of them to come up aces in the pilot program.
When we look into our crystal ball, we foresee a day in the not too distant future when America’s needy are given free government internet-capable smartphones and mobile internet service. It doesn’t take Nostradamus to see that this is a cost efficient evolution of the current LifeLine Assistance government cell phone program.
And since we’re making predictions, let’s make another one. If we had to guess, we’d bet that the first mobile internet package will include a no-cost smartphone (probably an Android) with unlimited talk and text and, a usage limit of 1-2 GB of data per month either for free or under $10 a month. Of course, if you need more gigs per month, we assume that users will be able to purchase additional gigs at a very reasonable costs.
The future is here
We don’t expect the government internet smartphone landscape to look much different than the current free government cell phone landscape.
The same companies that dominate the “old” cell phone business will continue to dominate the new smartphone business. National companies like Tracfone, Nexus and Virgin will be the biggest names, but smaller companies will prosper regionally.
Our advice: Get ready, because the free government internet smartphones are coming. And they’re coming within the next year.
Find out more at, the world’s leading authorities on the free government cell phones and the upcoming free internet smartphones.
Jeffrey Hunter says
I recently received my GEN MOBILE phone, I activated it, out of nowhere it stopped working, is their anyway or is it possible to reactivate my service that I originally got. I had received an email saying I needed to finish an unfinished application to see if I were eligible when I had already received my phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s a very strange story, Jeffrey. You’ll need to contact your service provider’s customer service team to iron out those kinks.
David Talkish says
I lost my phone and I need a phone please help me
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the article on this page, David.
backsandra says
please help i really would love to have a free phone and laptop
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Backsandra. Just click around for a few minutes (start with the navigation bar at the top of the page) and you’ll find everything you need to know.
Brenda K TuggleVasquez says
Please keep me informed of the latest info regarding the Government Cell phone a d EBB INFO.
Brenda Tuggle
Thank you 🤗
Free Government Cell Phones says
As soon as “new” news is available we will report it.
Diana Moore says
I am having problems with my phone. Please contact me. 309-229-XXXX. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your service provider, Diana. You need to contact the company directly.
Shawnya? Langley says
Hey my name is jplangley
Free Government Cell Phones says
Haven’t seen you here before, Shawnya. Can we buy you a drink?
Rose Robledo says
I want to apply for free cell smart phone I’m on F/S AND I’M DISABLED
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state, Rose.
Find the plan that fits your needs best and enroll with that company using the contact info we provide for each service provider.
Kirby Taylor says
I love the ebb service with unlimited data and calling and unlimited talking. And can you fix he phone tower signal to make it work even better.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ll have an agent climb the tower first thing in the morning, Kirby.
Emily Smith says
I really need a free cellphone very badly .and I have been trying to get on first time buyer for housing for low income I really need to apply a application but I don’t know how to do it maybe, someone could guide me in the right direction. And one more thing I need a laptop or tablet not to a high because, I want to go back to school. I hope you can help me or guide me in the right direction
Free Government Cell Phones says
First, Emily, you need to find the plan you want to enroll in. You can find all the plans available in your state at this link:
After you choose the plan, you need to enroll with that company online or by phone. We provide that info for each service provider.
Regarding the availability of an inexpensive laptop, check with Plug in your zip code and it will tell you what programs are available in your area.
Marsha Crawford says
I currently am a user of blink, phone number is 915-244-****. I don’t need a tablet, I just my phone replaced. U have my wrong address, can never get in touch over the phone. I am willing to pay for the replacement. Just help me, what do I do
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sigh. We are not your service provider, Marsha. This is an independent informational website. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team or check its website.
Chris Cogswell says
I have had bad luck with covid and all and I’m on medcaid and I cant afford much and I need a phone but cant afford one would someone please help me out. I have tons of doctor visits and have no car and no less I have to pay for my meds somebody please help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Chris. Just click around and you’ll find everything you need to know to enroll.
Tonya M Webb says
I received a SIM card but no phone I have been trying 1 Year for a free phone but no one has ever been able to provide me with one I can’t afford to buy one that’s why I sigh up for a free phone but SafeLink wireless says I have to buy one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It seems to us that the Lifeline service providers do a lousy job (for obvious reasons) of explaining that if new customers are signing up for a free phone or SIM card and more data. It clearly seems intentional.
That being said, you have been with your service provider long enough that you can switch to a different provider and get a phone. But make sure you tell the agent which service you want — phone, NOT SIM.
Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
And here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
Henry says
Note that the free phone offer also only applies to certain states for some of the Lifeline providers, so if you are not a resident of the state, you will not get a phone.
I have been reading the terms and conditions for Safelink and it does appear that no phone will provided for people who live in my state. The disclaimer that you see on the site is that a free phone will be provided IF you are eligible. Even if your state is one of those where they provide free phones, they may not provide one because their inventory is empty. Nothing is guaranteed and remember that the device provided is as-is with no warranty. Try and get help when the device does not work properly.
Rebecca L Hennety says
I need to talk to a Human Now
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are human, but we are not your service provider. We assumed you have called 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone to contact customer service?
Vicki D Miller says
I can’t find out how to apply for a free cell phone, I get a medicaid card. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
All you need to do is contact any of the service providers in your state. Here’s where you can find the provider. We provide contact info for all of them:
George says
I own a non working UMX phone. Can I use it as a tracfone or a go- pay phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Neither tracfone nor go-pay participate in the free government cell phone program. (In fact, we’ve never heard of go-pay.
Rene Delgado says
How can i get a free government phone with minutes text and data services?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the companies in your state and the plans the offer:
Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best, then contact that company using the contact info we provide.
Donald Rizer says
phone does not work
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Geneva says
I.applied .for. a free government. Phone and haven’t heard from you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You haven’t heard from us because we are an independent informational website. You need to contact customer service at the company you enrolled with.
Rosemary Sustaita says
I would like A Cell phone from Y’all , I am disabled and I need a cellphone so my doctors can call me when I have appointments also I am on SSA And I get food stamp’s also I have MEDICAID. I would Appreciated if y’all let me be one of your clients. Really need the help ASAP THANK YOU Rosemary Sustaita
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to disappoint you, Rosemary, but we do not give away free government cell phones. This is an independent informational website. Here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans available in your state:
Joseph Yahoudai says
Hi my name is Joseph Yahoudai and I am a very disabled person and please I would like to receive ASAP the best brand of free Samsung smartphone immediately to this address please (address deleted) and I appreciate it a lot and thanks a lot for everything and have a wonderful day and wonderful weekend.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Joseph, but we are not a Lifeline company. this is an independent informational company. You’ll need to enroll with the company of your choice. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans offered in your state:
Sharon Rabon says
I want one I don’t have a cellphone! I’m on EBT!
Sharon Rabon says
How long before it will come to my mailbox?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Depends on the company and the situation, Sharon. Most companies say two weeks or so, but our readers have often told us it takes three or four or even more weeks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Find all the plans in your state at this link:
Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best, then use the contact info we give you for each service provider, and enroll.
Bryanmurphy says
My phone was stolen I have cops and need a new phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Debora Torkington says
We have been trying to get my brother a free smart phone for over a year now. He lives in Aguanga ,CA and he needs the AT&T service because of his reception in the mountains.
Because if the Covid-19 there has not been places where he can get one with showing the property ID etc.
How can we get him a smart phone?
My phone # is 1-619-787-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re going to assume that auto-correct changed your comment from “proper ID” to “property ID.” If that’s the case, you can submit any necessary documents online.
Adrienne says
I got a safelink phone back in 2007.I haven’t used safelink since then.Now 12 years later I’m trying to get a phone through safelink.They will not let me apply for the free phone now because of the crappy flip phone they gave me in 2007.They had the nerve to tell me that I could get another phone if I send them that flip phone…lol.Seriously?Surely they realize that that phone has BEEN GONE FOR A LONG,LONG TIME!I NEED A PHONE SO BADLY!
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are plenty of other companies that would love to have your business, Adrienne. Check out all the free government cell phone plans in your state at this link:
Christy Crouch says
I have no income at all. And I know that the irs gives out a documents that shows where you have filled taxes or not filled. I received a stimulas check through the non fillers site. I have medicaid, no snap/food stamps, no supplement income, no social security, or anything. And I live on my mother’s land in a tent alone, but not in her house, and she does not provide for me, I get food from food banks. I recently had service thru QLink but after buying a replacement phone that did not charge right after a week, I refuse to pay $25 for another. I want to change service companies, I have already told them to cancel my service, who can I get dependable service through without any hassel? I truly need help this. Where can I find a good service in South Carolina?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a list of all the plans in your state. We can’t recommend one over another because there are just so many variables. But check them all out carefully to find the one that fits your needs best:
Christy Crouch says
I have no income at all. And I know that the irs gives out a documents that shows where you have filled taxes or not filled. I received a stumlas check through the non fillers site. I have medicaid, no snap/food stamps, no supplement income, no social security, or anything. And I live on my mother’s land in a tent alone, but not in her house, and she does not provide for me, I get food from food banks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are lots of ways to become eligible and lots of documents you can use to prove your eligibility, Christy. Check them all out here:
It definitely sounds like you should be eligible.
Marie Barber says
I had my government phone for 8 years or more..I can’t find my charger and it’s a flip phone can I get a up to date phone that’s not a flip phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your service provider “should” give you a new smart phone after 8 years of service, but they probably won’t. However, if you switch to a different service provider, they are now required by law to provide you with a smart phone. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to make the switch:
Amy trent says
I want to fill out for lifeline I haven’t had last line in about 2 years and the number I do have is 936-244-**** that’s the last number I had with lifeline.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not quite sure what you are asking, Amy. Are you giving us that number to identify yourself or because you want to keep that number with a new Lifeline service provider? If the number hasn’t been used in two years (we think that’s what your saying), it is long gone and cannot be used again.
Ashton B Bishop says
My model LUSHI smart free cell phone is not working. I do not remember my provider. I live in Humble Texas, 77346. My phone number is 281 406 ****. I am on Medicaid and qualify for a free phone due to my disability. Ashton B. Bishop
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have two options. One is to go down the list of Texas Lifeline free government cell phone service providers, and call each of their customer service teams. Here’s where you can find all those companies and plans:
The other way is to contact to see if they can help you find your service provider.
dwight jenkins says
i need a free phone desperetly
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can check out all the plans available in your state by checking this article:
Check out each of the plans to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll in that plan by using the contact info we provide for each service provider.
Mariae mark says
I need a phone bad in broke no money so can u please give me a f
Phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a service provider, Mariae. Here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans in your state. Check them all out carefully, then enroll in the one that fits your needs best. We provide all the contact info you need:
Carl says
How do I apply for free government phone could give me a number plesae
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans available in your state.
Check them all out carefully to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll using the contact info we provide for each service provider.
Glenn Hautly says
I’m grateful to the powers that be to have provided me with free cell phone service for many years.
As a 1952 decorated Korean war veteran you have made life much more livable.
Glenn Hautly
Free Government Cell Phones says
Always great to hear from a satisfied Lifeline customer. And thanks for your service, Glenn. We appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made for the rest of us.
Billywaynedoston says
Look I am a new customer i do not have a phone can you please send me a phone now.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not quite that easy, Billy Wayne. You need to check out all the free government cell phone plans available in your state, choose the one that offers the plan that fits your needs best, then enroll with that company using the contact info we provide. Here’s where you can find all the plans:
Billywaynedoston says
I am a new customer. I want a phone now. My name is billy Wayne doston. can you please send me a phone now.
Billywaynedoston says
Can I please send me phone Fast delivery now my phone lost.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not the way it works, Billy Wayne. Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, but we can’t Billy Wayne. We are an independent informational website NOT a service provider. Check out all the companies and plans available in your state at the link below to find the one that fits your needs best. Then enroll with that company.
Joanne says
Applying for the free Gov. Cell phone and internet service, due to Corna Virus ( Emergency Assistance )
Thank You,
Joanne T
Free Government Cell Phones says
This website is an independent source of information, Joanne. In other words, you cannot apply here. However, here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state. Check them all carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best, then enroll with that company using the contact info we provide:
Jennifer F. Rose says
My government phone got it deactivated.
I want to know how to reactivate my phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That answer depends on why your phone was deactivated, Jennifer. Contact your service provider’s customer service team to find out why.
Kashayla says
Need help applying for free goverment phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact customer service at your chosen service provider.
Guangquan Li says
I want to help my father to apply for a free cell phone.
Please let me know how to apply.
Thank you very much.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s all right here on this website, Guangquan. Just click around and you’ll find everything you need. We’d suggest that you start with these two links:
Are you eligible?
All the plans available in your state:
Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best.
Paula yost says
Need phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Need to apply for phone.
Katherine Morrow says
Hi I’m Katherine Morrow. I had a free phone years ago. I’m 68 years young. I recieve Medicaid and Medicare. I only have my Medicare card now. My income is way below average
I’m in Millennium post Acute care for long term care. I have a phone but it will be turned off very soon.
My phone number is 803-413-****.I am in West Columbia SC
.I get $30 monthly. ********* Thank you very much
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find all the company that offer plans in your state and the details about those plans at this link:
Joyceannhunt says
I love to have a real good free phone now.because I lost my phone can you please send me a phone to Joyceannhunt (ADDRESS DELETED). I seriously need that phones now. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not the way it works, Joyceann. You need to apply and be approved before you can get a free government cell phone.
Arthur Montgomery says
I need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll in order to get one, Arthur. Click around this website to get all the info you need.
Brandi Lathrop says
I need a free phone and I want to apply
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the companies and free government cell phone plans in your state:
Gage B says
I find this very hell helpful for citicens who are unable to afford or just can’t make ends meet, woth a family of 5 and a single parent whose job annual salary is 25,000 would be less stressed if she could jave one less bill to pay..
Chester T Hammond says
I’ve been trying to register for my free phone for some reason it doesn’t complete the transaction someone call me to complete it over the phone 315-396-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a service provider, Chester, so it won’t do a damn bit of good for us to call you. You need to call the company you want to enroll with and speak to customer service. We provide each service provider’s contact info on each company’s individual page.
Paul says
88 year old veteran needs free government phone what do I need to get him one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click around this website and you’ll learn everything you need to know.
tess morris says
do you have flip top phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have any phones, Tess. This is an independent informational website. Here’s where you can find all the providers and plans in your state. Check them all out carefully to find the one that fits your needs best:
Betty Davis says
How can I get a Phone nowBetty Davis
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state. Check them all out carefully to find the one that meets your needs best:
Tammy burris says
My phone wont keep a charge have had my phone for years, would like to get the upgrade but have no monies. My phone # is 985 774 **** can I get a new replacement phone,
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you ask for a replacement phone your service provider will most probably ask you to pay for it. The other option is to switch service providers. The new one will be required to give you a free smart phone. Here’s where you can find all the service providers and plans in your state. Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best:
Jeannie Ravnell says
I had a phone from life line years ago that was lost or stolen. If I had a emergency at home I have no way to call for help. I’m 66 and disabled. I don’t get enough money monthly for a phone. Please help if you can
Free Government Cell Phones says
That first free government cell phone account Should have been terminated years ago, so you should be free to enroll with any company offering plans in your state. Here’s where you can find a list of those companies and plans:
Andrew Dixon says
I need a phone for emergency for the family and i need the phone for a job interview and use the phone for my daughter school so i she’s doing her classwork and homework
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you qualify, you should definitely enroll. Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans in your state:
Deborah Chandler says
Deborah Chandler says
Amy says
I need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll.
Crystal Graham says
How do you enroll??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the plans offered by Lifeline companies in your state. Check them all out carefully to find the plan that fits your needs best. Then we provide contact info on each company’s page.
Cynthia benoit says
I am applying for a free government phone and I do have a defablie in my chest and high blood pressure and irrigation heart beat. Have swallow ankles that swapl up and I have congest lung faliure and Dr sammam and Dr Ali and Dr Kristen all from mclauren hospital I get a free government phone with my heart and lung faulire and my breathing will stop and my heart well to . Need a free government phone on my all Dr of my condition.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It sure sounds as if a free government cell phone would be a huge help. All you need to do is check out all the plans offered in your state to find the plan that fits your needs best, use the contact info we provide, and enroll with that company online or by phone. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans in your state:
Elvy Blanchard says
You are the most patient human being i’ve ever could have witnessed existing…. its insane to scroll through this line of comments to find how many people have bypassed the help you graciously offered because of the lack of the simple fundamentals of reading
Free Government Cell Phones says
We graciously present you with the highly-esteemed Comment of the Day Award, Elvy.
john k. grinstead says
would like to know where in knoxville tn. or surrounding areas are they giving away free government phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check below (in comments) to find out why we urge readers NOT to enroll at street events.
Tiffany Bergeron says
Someone took my phone I was just seeing if yall could send me another one please and thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Tiffany. They’ll be able to discuss your options.
Meggan Lewis says
I have an old qlink phone SPH-M270 that is not programming is saying error 06-07-5115 contact your provider at your service I have been trying to get in touch with qlink to send me a replacement phone how can I get a other phone that is working properly and not a defective device
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to continue trying to contact Q Link customer service, Megan. They’re the only ones who can answer your question.
Erica says
I lost my safe link phone and I have GSM unlocked phone. But need service a sim card so I can use it. I am disabled and out of work awaiting my application for disability benefits
I cannot get these sites to send me a sim card so I can have minutes with service. My friend gave me an old phone. Thank GOD I need all the help i can get right now.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why can’t you get service, Erica? What do they say the problem is? These companies are eager to enroll new customers.
Sally Beaumont says
How do u go and disconnect a phone that has been stolen from u ??
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Jane Chambers says
I need to get a sim card for my government phone .I call them they where supposed to send one but have not heard from you all.
Free Government Cell Phones says
And you won’t hear from us, Jane, because we are not your service provider. You need to contact that company’s customer service team, not us.
Portelli says
I would like to know if the free government phones for NY residents support iOS 10 or higher for Empatica Embrace 2 monitor Apps?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s a question for your service provider’s customer service or tech support team, Portelli.
Nameunknown says
Doesn’t anyone know how to Google information? People are posting on a site where they can get government phones asking where they can get government phones. LOL Thank you all for the good laugh! I think I will go to a toy site and ask them where I can get a Monopoly game.
Free Government Cell Phones says
From your lips to God’s ears, Name.
charisama perry says
I need a free phone asap plz
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not how it works, Charisama. Click around this website to find all the information you’ll need in order to enroll.
Patsy Cumpton says
I ha my pghone stolen and need a replacement. My phone was through Bluejay but I havent gotten any response from them. My # was 82 812 5488. How do Iget another phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Blue Jay has, if you’ll pardon the poor joke, gone the way of the dodo. They are extinct. You have a bit of a problem because there’s no easy way to find out who your service provider is without your phone. You can visit the website. They are the organization that oversees the free government cell phone program and solving problems like yours is part of their reason for being.
Crystal says
Hi my name is Crystal im trying to get a free cell phone how do i do that i stay in las Vegas NV
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the info you need, including all the plans currently available in your state:
Brenda Jackson says
My name is Brenda Jackson I have a little small phone one of many that were given out, my phone doesn’t work it will not even come on i try to charge it but the light comes on nothing else happens, I received a note in the mail that i will soon stop getting my minutes if i didn’t stat using my little phone. I contacted Straight Talk and they told me nothing could be done they can’t send me a replacement phone, so what am i suppose to do? Im almost 68 years old and i really need my phone, i have to stay in touch with my Cancer Doctors all of the time. Please tell me what can I do? Can you help me with a replacement phone? Thank You for you time God Bless
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s what you do, Brenda. Switch to a different company that offers plans in your state. As a new customer, you will qualify for a new smart phone. Here’s where you can find all the plans offered in your state:
And here’s an article that tells you exactly how to switch from one company to another:
Gail D Gaskins says
I haven’t received my free minutes for this month
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t help you, Gail, because we are not your service provider. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team to solve your problem.
Miguel Bianchi says
I applied for a free Government Phone but it never arrived, although I don’t remember the companies name I applied with, though I do remember getting 1000 minutes and 1 Gig of data per month. I need this phone because I am Type 1 Diabetic and I also have Seizures. It is very important I do get a phone to protect myself incase of an emergency. Please get back to me via e-mail so I can know what is going on.
Thank you,
Miguel Bianchi
Free Government Cell Phones says
There is no way for us to know which company you enrolled with, Miguel. Did you ever receive official notification that your application had been approved?
Linda Hamilton says
I would like to upgrade myphone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell hone to speak to your service provider’s customer service team.
Samuel Wilson says
I need a cellphone for my Doctor’s appointments and other needs. Could you help me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Samuel. Just click around and you will find all the information you need to enroll.
Tasha Darce says
Need a new phone
Im disabled wit epilepsy afib & i4egular heart palpitations & low blood pressure wit bipolár
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out all the free government cell phone plans available in your state to find the one that fits your needs best, Tasha.
antonio rivas says
Just trying to figure out hoe the hell to get one of these phones cause onr is shot
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click around this website and you’ll learn everything you need to know, Antonio.
Malissa lucia says
Looking to get a free government phone. I am disabled and could really use one. I had Safelink in the past but the phone was to small for me to type out a message. I also lost it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll with the same company (or a different one), Malissa. Same process you went through before.
Ruth Allen says
My 90 year old sister in law is in a nursing home and on Medicaid. She can’t afford her phone anymore and we are looking into the lifeline program. My question is she is used to a flip phone with no other options no internet can she get just a simple phone like that? A smart phone would be way too confusing.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are unaware of any companies that still offer flip phones, but you may be able to find a company that is willing to let you use one as part of its “Bring Your Own Phone” (BYOP) plan.
Tammy Olker Konke says
Where do I find the phone number to reactivate it’s running out of service in 7 days
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone and you will be connected to your service provider’s customer service team.
They sent me a free phone. it’s a piece of garbage that hasn’t worked since I got it 6 months ago. The customer service is horrible. It might be ok, if you already know how to fix computers, but if your hair is silver. DON’T BOTHER. It’s just a source of frustration
Bernard Davis says
I’ll wait for a comment
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ll wait for a question.
Just Someone says
well, it’s 2019 and the smart phones they give with lifeline service ARE THE WORST. They are the lowest of the lowest of “smart phones”. “dumb phones” work better. so why are they giving out smartphones? Not for convenience. Not because they are keeping up with the world. Because it’s now cheaper to make a smart phone than it is to make a dumb phone. I used one of these “smart” phones. I had one bar or less of service. the phone was so slow I couldn’t even download one app. Granted I wasn’t using it for 100 apps, but one or two apps. a banking app, the bus locator map, things like that. There were pop up ads, the phone would constantly freeze. It was the worse experience I’d ever had. So I called up and asked for the dumb phone. Back to the 90’s!
S. M. ZERR says
Diana Trampf says
I currently live in a nursing home, have Medicaid and SSI. Would a nursing home qualify as one household?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, there are exceptions for group homes. Contact customer service at any of the free government cell phone companies offering plans in your state to get more details. Here’s where you can find all the plans available in your state:
Diana Trampf says
Can you get a smartphone and not use the internet?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes. Many Lifeline companies offer some plans that include data plans and other plans that don’t. But even if you get a plan that includes data, there is nothing to force you to use the internet if you don’t want to.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll need to contact your service provider’s customer service team, Tina.
Darlene Robl says
My name is Darlene Robl I would like to see if I can get a government phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll in one of the free government cell phone plans, Darlene. We are not a service provider.
Harold Wall says
I love to get my government cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to enroll in one of the plans, Harold.
Derrick says
Hi my name derrick i would like to have a .gov phone
Carolyn Horn says
I am a senior trying to get a government cell phone for my Aunt that is 85, I can not find the guidelines, her disabled grandson lives with her and does have foodstamps and a govt phone, I feel as a senior she needs one when she is out….she lives in Rialto,CA and I need to know what the guidelines are please….Thank you for your prompt reply….GOD BLESS..I am not tech savvy and she only wants it for emergencies occasionally occurring, she also has a landline at home and gets lifeline also
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhhh, this comment moderator always loves getting comments from readers in his old stomping grounds, California’a Inland Empire. I used to have a beautiful girlfriend in Rialto. Very pleasant memories.
But back to your question. You can find all the guidelines and ways to qualify at this link:
And you can find all the companies offering free government cell phone plans in California at this link:
I am getting food stamps and wanna apply for a free government phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out each of the plans offered in your state, then enroll with the company that offers the plan that fits your needs best. Here’s where you can find all the plans in your state:
David Thorpe says
I am getting snap benefits as well I need a cell phone
Justin James says
I am getting food stamps and I need a free phone and service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll, Justin. You can find all the info you need right here on this website.
Irene parnell says
Need a good phone that will pick up service qlink wireless dont
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only Q Link can help you with that.
Dorothy Butcher says
How do I apply for a free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Dorothy. We can’t condense the whole website down into the answer to one comment, but if you click around the navigation bar, you’ll learn everything you need to know.
Bipin harijan says
I am a poor fellow read in collage so i want a smart phone soon.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll with a service provider, Bipin.
ms schulz\ says
I have an older version safelink phone and would love to upgrade to a smart phone and keep all my free service thru safelink. . Is this possible,I have heard a lot of seniors have done this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your current company may allow you to upgrade for a small fee, but there is a cheaper way to do it. Switch to a different service provider and they will be required to give you a free smartphone.
Misty Ritchie says
Need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Need to apply for a phone.
Ms. C says
I live in a Senior Citizen complex. A large number of the residents here receive SNAP and/or Medicaid. I have spoken to groups of them about the many programs and benefits that can be receive from being in either of those programs.
I have researched and help others sign for discounted phone, internet, streaming services, and other discounts which being apart of these government extends them. Because I do not have either SNAP nor Medicaid, many here decided that I am lying about what they can get and that I am trying to scam them (get I mind i’ve never asked for money). A few of the folks have shared with me, one has allowed me to tap her internet.
Because what I say is not what is being say be “dem” and “dos” people, or what they what to hear; they are missing out. This is why I enjoy this site; It’s like being at home!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Thanks. And good luck convincing all those folks that the free government cell phone plan is real.
Judy L Brown says
Want to get a free cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Apply for free cell phone.
Diane McKee says
I am on food stamp plan Medicaid and SSI and I need a free cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
All the information you need is right here on this website, Diane. Just click around, read a few articles and you’ll know exactly how to pick the right plan and enroll.
Daisy Doolittle says
Would like to get free cell phone, on medicade an SS only.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Find all the companies offering free government cell phones at this link, Daisy:
Please check out all the plans available in your state to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll with that company using the contact info we provide for each company.
Laura says
Would like one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Need to apply for one.
Sharon Catchings says
I would like to get free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to apply for a free phone.
Janet Jones says
I need a free cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll with one of the service providers in your state, Janet.
Hughlain Osborne says
I would like a new phone please thank you for all of your help and support. Hughlain Osborne.
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not how it works, Hughlain. You need to go through the enrollment process with one of the service providers in your state. Here’s where you can find a list of those companies and all their plans:
Beverly Hill says
I am on disability and would love to have a phone. Mine is old and drops calls where I have to call them back. No one wants to talk because my phone dies. It’s an AT&T phone I’ve had for over 2 years. Would you consider giving me a phone , cause I have no way of talking to anyone ! Thank You !
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t give you a phone because we are NOT a free government cell phone company. This is an independent informational website. Here’s where you can find all the Lifeline companies and their free plans in your state. Find the one that fits your needs best and enroll with that company, Beverly.
Sandra Calhoun says
I wwould llke a government phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Click around this website and you’ll find everything you need to know, Sandra. It’s not quite as easy as leaving a comment on this website.
Shann Tucker says
Hi I had SafeLink phone was stolen reported it still says I’m active.I really need a smartphone because I have eto do everything on it with kid’s school and I’m a single mom.So do you get good smartphone like lg stylus or Samsung s8
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check out your service provider’s website to see what kind of phones they offer. You will probably need to upgrade and pay a fee to get one of the phone you mentioned (if they are offered by your service provider).
Carmeal Moore says
I would like to get a phone please
Free Government Cell Phones says
If that’s the case, you need to do more than just tell us you want one. Read this article and do exactly as it says:
JEAN says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Jean.
Carolyn Alaniz says
I have lots of Dr.s and need a phone to communicate with them.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you attempted to enroll with any of the companies offering free government cell phone plans in your state?
Anna says
Does the 1G of internet completely stop after it’s gone or just slow down?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It depends on which service provider you’re talking about, Anna. And since you didn’t specify, we’d suggest that you check out the Terms & Conditions of the company you want to enroll with. You might also want to speak to customer service to make sure they say the same thing the T&Cs do.
Diana Lynn Kelly says
I am interested in getting free Smartphone, and I need to have a Smartphone that has a 5″ or even a 6″ screen that is because I have trouble with my eyesight.
John says
I was with assurance first phone was dropped I had to pay for the replacement it’s battery was defective and after3 months I brought in2 more phones and was told that they weren’t compatible that I would have to buy another from them I receive snap can’t afford that will I be eligible thru another company
Free Government Cell Phones says
You will be eligible to switch to another company as long as you have been with Assurance for 60 days or more. Here’s an article that tells you how to make the switch:
Joan Ciesielski says
I qualify for the free plan but trying to make it happen is like pulling teeth on the Safelink application. Thumbs Down
tina says
I have read everything here, but still don’t see where i apply for a phone. Can you assist me in this or do i need to have it mailed?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We provide contact info for each of the free government cell phone companies, Tina. Just look for them under “Providers” at the top of this page.
Chris Wu says
I already have a government freeline cell phonw, I am older and my eyesight is bad, I need a larger cell phone. I heard that you are providing
a bigger sized (5 inches) cell phone. How and where can I upgrade it.
Please kindly provide information. Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your service provider, Chris, so we don’t know who they are nor what they offer. They will probably allow you to upgrade for a reasonably small fee. Your other option is switching service providers because all free government cell phone companies are now required to provide smart phones to new customers. Here’s where you can learn how to make the switch:
CHRISTINE Cocolotta says
My cell phone was turned off 7/18/2018. I have a government cell phone. My phone number is 442 218-****. Please let me know why I do not get service anymore. I made calls and texts and do not understand why the phone doesn’t get any service. Sincerely, Christine Cocolotta
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s no way for us to know what issues exist between you and your free government cell phone service provider, Christine. You need to contact that company’s customer service team to get your question answered.
Karen says
I have one of the SafeLink phones, ZTE Jasper. I need a phone that’s got more than 8gigs of memory and is not pre-loaded with stuff from my other phone. I’m on disability, & a senior on a fixed income. Can you please help. I REALLY need a decent free phone. I didn’t even order the Jasper.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can always check to find out if your service provider offers upgraded cell phones, Karen.
Thomas mcvoy says
I need a a cell phone that can give me information and be able to contact my doctors and stuff I’m on Social Security Disability disabled if you can call me back I’d be appreciated
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this website is all about, Thomas. Just click around and you’ll find all the info you need.
Sean Thomas says
I have just recently been released from prison after serving 10 years on everything is so noon to me I just really and desperately could use one of the phones that you are educating people about it would be so useful and resource full that would really help me out and like I said I don’t have a job yet but I will and I need communication so I don’t know if I qualify but it would be so greatly appreciated if I did qualify for a phone I don’t know where else to go I don’t have any family to ask help for just my friend here and she’s the one helping me with this website I don’t know if I told you that my name is Sean Thomas and this is my friend’s phone so I’ll have to use her email for the time being too I guess communicate with you which is ******** and as I said it would really be greatly appreciated thank you and I hope I hear from you soon
Free Government Cell Phones says
We hope you are eligible because you participate in one of the federal government aid programs. If so, check out all the plans available in your state and enroll with the one that fits your needs best.
If you don’t participate in one of those programs, you are about to run into one of the greatest stupidities of the free government cell phone program, Sean. The FCC and USAC have no way for people to prove that they have no income. Crazy, huh? Unfortunately, that means that if you must qualify based on income rather than on participation in one of the federal programs, you can’t enroll because you can’t prove that you had no income.
We with we had better news for you, Sean. We’re keeping our fingers crossed in hopes that you particpate in one of the programs.
Here are a few articles that may help. The first one will tell you all the ways you can qualify:
And here’s another article that tells you ALL the companies offering plans in your state:
reginald sidney says
Holle my name is reginald sidney/ i have food stamps, everything really need a free Phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll with one of the free government cell phone companies, Reg. You can’t do that by leaving a comment on this independent informational website.
Dorcas says
Why is this so ridiculously difficult to obtain an Obama phone or phone for elderly that is qualified to have a free phone? I am trying to obtain a phone for my mother who has had this phone before because I cannot afford to pay for her phone when she qualifies due to her limited income and disability.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s usually a pretty simple, straightforward process, Dorcas. What difficulties have you run into?
Patricia F Carter says
Is there a website where you can read reviews for the government cell phones. I have an assurance wireless phone that quit letting me answer my calls. Talked to a rep. who 1st language was not English. I followed their instructions while on the phone and it broke. They want me to pay $6 for a replacement and I figure it will be easier to just get another phone from another free government phone provider. I registered with QLink and I have been approved and have been waiting for a month for the phone. Send email and website says 5 business days to respond and when I call no live rep.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have found that it’s impossible to do an accurate review because conditions vary so much from town to town and even street to street. So a Lifeline company that works perfectly on one side of the street may have horrible service on the other side of the street.
But the good news is that you can switch service providers any time you want. Here’s an article that tells you more:
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to get a friend or relative to let you use their phone, Bernice. Then contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Tommy Laprarie says
Thank y’all
Retha Maudsley says
Are the free internet smart phones available here in WV yet . Could you please send me an application to apply for the government free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We don’t have applications because this is an independent informational website, Retha. You can find all the companies and plans available in West Virginia on our “States” page. Here’s a quick link:
Aundrea says
[ lost my phone and want to put my phone number on another phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you saying that you want to use your other phone as part of the free government cell phone program?
Marilyn Wagner says
My phone will not let me make phone calls. I need help please.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to contact your service provider’s customer service or tech support team, Marilyn. Can you borrow someone else’s phone?
Tomasa S. Martinez says
I am trying to get a government phone for my mom, she is in a tight budget and had to discount her landline. She is in 92 years old, she doesn’t have a cell phone for programs that you have. She need a cell and minutes please help
Thank you
Rosie M. hicks
Free Government Cell Phones says
If mom is getting a Lifeline discount on her home landline, she is not eligible to get a free government cell phone. Only one Lifeline discount is permitted per household.
Dana Munz says
I have two family members with government issued cell phones. The problem they are having is the screens are too small for their poor eye sight. Any suggestions on how to return current small scree phones and get larger screen phones? I’m very serious, their eye sight is extremely poor which is causing them both to not want a cell phone which is their only way of contacting me and state emergency personal if needed. HELP! Any advice you can give will be extremely appreciated so I can forward information onto my two family members. 🙂
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most of the free government cell phone companies have special programs for vision/hearing/speech impaired customers. Here’s an article that will tell you more:
Karen Distazio says
I would like to download the application for the Assurance Gov.Phone program. I have Medicaid and Snap. Can it be sent to my email address above. Thank you. I live in Ct.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not Assurance, Karen. This is an independent informational website. You’ll need to get in touch with Assurance customer service. You can find its contact information on our Providers page. Just click on the Assurance listing:
Heather Owens says
Hello I’m in need of a free government phone to be able to be reached by jobs that I applied for
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone plans available in your state, Heather. Check them all out to find the one that fits your needs best, then enroll with that company.
Diane Ring says
I would like to have free minutes on a flip phone a smart phone make me nervous, I am 71. I don’t know why it would matter which type of phone to load. I would even pay for the phone, a samsung flip phone is what I had, It fell apart, I would like another one that free minutes could be loaded on.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you contacted your service provider’s customer service team or visited its website to see what makes and models they offer?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Try switching to a new provider.
latasha walton says
I really need help with Internet cheap) really being have trouble getting it thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have the solution for you, Latasha. Visit our other website,, which specializes in low-income internet programs. There are a number of plans available depending on where you live. Here’s a link for you:
Darryl Ellis says
How can I get updated phone. I can’t see or hear it ring
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you ask your current service provider for an upgraded phone, odds are that they will charge you for it. So the simplest way to upgrade is to switch service providers because that will make you a new customer and all new customers must be given smart phones. Here’s an article that will tell you how easy it is to make the switch:
JoAnn Lewis says
I want to know how can I apply for a free cell phone. I am not having good luck about downloading the App
Free Government Cell Phones says
First thing to do, JoAnn, is to determine if you qualify. You can find that info here:
Patricia Hansen says
I recently purchased a replacement cell phone because it is the second time the phone I had broke. As it ended up I purchased a Straight Talk Smart Phone from The first day I called and Tracfone transferred all and deactivated my SIM card because anew one came with the phone. On day 2, my phone didn’t work and I was told that the new Phone wasn’t compatible. I finally received the new SIM card today to reactivity my old phone. I will call customer service tomorrow for help, but my question is “How do I get a new phone that works properly? I still have to return the other phone to Walmart. I want one that I know is going to be compatible. My cell phone number is 862-803-****. Any advice or can I purchase one directly from you? It has been awful not having a phone. I can only be reached by this email. Tomorrow I will go use my Son’s landline. My old cell phone only works for text messages. Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you give your service provider the make and model of the phone you want to purchase, they should be able to tell you if it is compatible or not.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Nikki says
Thank you for the invaluable information regarding the Lifeline phones transition to government internet-capable smartphones. Though, I have to admit, I am more impressed by the patience of the admins answering some of these comments. You are my hero(es).
Free Government Cell Phones says
Cool. We don’t think we’ve ever been anyone’s hero before.
James Brahman says
I’m trying to get intouch with safelink to report my phone is broken. I don’t have a landline phone to call from. My phone will not turn on, the battery is fully charged. Tried everything. I haven’t had a working phone for 4 days now. I need a new phone. This will be the 1st time I’ve had to replace my phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article you should read, James. It will tell you the policy for getting a replacement phone. You may get very lucky and get a free one, but expect to pay a relatively small fee.
lee says
hi can i use my own smart phone for the gov program?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Maybe, maybe not, Lee. Not all cell phones are compatible with all cell networks. So you need to speak to customer service to see if those phone you already own is compatible with that company’s network.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you checked your service provider’s website to see what cell phones they offer?
devin says
Where are they giving away Vortex phones in Cleveland, Ohio?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of far too much fraud and abuse.
Brenda H Nelson says
I work with the homeless and many have old tracphones and want to upgrade to a smart phone now in 2017. However, finding the name of therir carrier on or in the phone seems to be impossible. The original packaging is gone. How do you find out the name of their carrier and then upgrade?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Simple, Brenda. You can reach the service provider’s customer service team simply by calling 6-1-1 on the free government cell phone.
Donna Perryman says
I am interested in applying for a low cost internet phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then that’s exactly what you should do, Donna. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans available in your state:
Michelle Bryant says
I live in SC and am disabled, my daughter lives with me and she attached this past weekend. She is currently in jail and I am afraid she will come back and no telling what she will do. I need a phone for protection.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to enroll before you can get one, Michelle. Here’s where you can find a complete list of service providers and plans available in your state:
Good luck.
Peri Farris says
Yes finally I need a Emergency cell phone smartphone with internet access as I am home bound with many health issues and with this recent Fire I needed the internet access for emergency situations to be notified and to reach ppl that could help me!! Glad to hear it’s finally getting to a new level!!
Tammy says
I really think it is unfair that Safelink refused to replace my phone that I laid on my car and left it and it fell of and got ran over !!! It isn’t like I did it on purpose and to top it all off they are very rude at Safelink and very unconciirete . I am disabled and barely have been making it on what I draw each month . Thanks a lot Safelink. Glad I am not y’all costumer any more !!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
How many free phones should they supply you with, Tammy? If they gave you a second one and the same things happened, should they give you a third free phone? A fourth one? An infinite number? C’mon, Tammy, we sympathize with your situation and problems, but it’s not the responsibility of the phone company to compensate you for your own mistakes.
Robin says
I live in Canada and I am ODSP. Please send me get the free cell phone please.
Thank you robin
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Robin, but the free government cell phone program is only available to residents of the United States.
Russell L. Crane says
I have a safelink phone that is old and broken. How do I get it replaced? I have called safe link and keep getting the run around.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you what you need to know, Russell:
Laura Manno says
I received a phone few years ago and was wondering where can I pick up a upgraded replacement?
Free Government Cell Phones says
First thing you need to do, Laura, is to call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. That will connect you to your service provider’s customer service team. You’ll probably be required to pay a relatively reasonable upgrade fee, but you may get lucky and get one for free.
Sammy says
My mom had a stroke and can’t really use the smart phones…she was using one that had big numbers and was not a smart phone but now that company that gave her the phone is telling her that that type of phones can’t be obtained through government aid…is this true…?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot tell you the policies of all the free government cell phone companies, Sammy. But you should ask your service provider (or the one you want to enroll with) if you can bring your own phone (BYOP). If so, you can go out and purchase the make and model your mom needs and use it with the free government cell phone program. Good luck.
Suzanne says
Which government lifeline service in New York provide a basic flip phone? My mom is a senior citizen and doesn’t need text messaging nor Internet access. Just a basic phone for incoming and outgoing call. Assurance Wireless has none available. It’s not available at stores and almost all basic phones are not compatible with their service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Phone models offered change all the time, Suzanne, so there’s no way for us to know what any of them are offering on any particular day.
Thomas E. Nakamura says
Seeking free government smartphone in the state of hawaii
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the companies and free government cell phone plans available in the Paradise of the Pacific, Thomas:
Dino Bussanich says
I need a government free phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to apply for a government free phone.
Melissa says
R we really getting a new smart phone or am I reading this wrong? I’m so excited
Free Government Cell Phones says
Every Lifeline company must now offer smartphones to new customers, Melissa.
Nicole And rare says
I would like to try this program
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the companies and plans offered in your state:
Make sure you check them all out to find the plan that fits your needs best, Nicole.
Mikhail Gelman says
Could I get government free smart phone if I qualified for that but in my apartment I use home phone company Verizon with Life Line Discount ?
I and my wife get SSI money and food stemps.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Mikhail, but you can only have one Lifeline discount per household. You have to choose between a landline discount or a cell phone discount.
Catherine A Howell; says
I would like the most current data available, in regards to New Mexico, as how many enrollments in the Lifeline Program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find that information on the website, Catherine. It takes some calculating, because they only list each company by “income.”
Irene Blackstock says
I need to get my phone back on please. My number is 769-243-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are not your service provider, Irene, so we cannot correct your problem. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Gavin L Mour says
I got a free phone and service but when phone got here was told there is no service in my area so I had to cancel I got plan through assurance wireless…. Need help to find what company has free cell phones and service for 98640. Ocean park WA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans in Washington, Gavin;
Marcia Hill says
I am on your Free Gov.t Program. I received a text saying “your device is outdated and will loose service soon. Please call 1/866-667-6437 to request free phone upgrade. I phoned this number and was told to go on line to see the eligible phones. I wld like to buy a phone from y’all that will allow me to stay on the free program. I can’t see well and wld like as large a screen as I can afford. Pls furnish me w/the LG Models that I qualify for. Thank u so much. I’m an old lady trying to keep up in your young peoples world. Thank u, Marcia Hill
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are NOT your service provider, Marcia. This is an independent informational website. You need to contact customer service by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Benedict Rivera says
When would I get my free Android phone upgrade
Free Government Cell Phones says
Has your service provider told you that you will be receiving an upgrade?
Jason Stathos says
My free phone from q link wireless has been broken for 3 months. It was not a smartphone and they will not send me a new one without charging me. Yet they are keeping me enrolled as they see I’m not using the thing , so are still receiving money from the government for keeping me enrolled and who should I report them to
Free Government Cell Phones says
A couple questions, Jason. How long have you had your account? The rules were changed on December 2, 2016. If you have an account with voice and data only, you should be able to switch service providers after 60 days. If your account also has data included, you can only switch once every year. That being said, you should be able to cancel your account at any time (but you will not be able to move to a different service provider unless you meet the regulations mentioned above).
Jennifer Wilkerson says
I had a government phone that was verizon. It says that I still have this phone but it never had any access to the internet and said there was no account. This phone number worked for calls and texts temporarily then stopped. I can’t change carriers it says but I can’t get any phone access to use it. ss#42971****
Free Government Cell Phones says
First things first, Jennifer. Verizon does not participate in the free government cell phone program, so whatever plan you had with Verizon, it was not a Lifeline account.
Next, even if you did have a Lifeline account, you should be able to cancel a voice/text account after 30 days with your service provider. And if your plan had data, you are free to cancel after one year.
Here’s an article that may help you out. It’s all about how to switch service providers:
brandy crazy bull says
call so i can get a free cell phone borrowing a phone 605 473 ****
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify for the program, Brandy? Here’s an article that will tell you all the ways to qualify:
DonElla Donoho says
I would like to sign up for this free phone and service . Could you please let me know how I can do that . Im on disability and could really use this program. I need your HELP please !! I want to sign up !! Thank you ….
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s what this entire website is about, Donella. Here’s an article to get you started:
Kathy Cruz says
Can I get a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Only if you qualify and enroll, Kathy.
reed says
I cant seem to apply by smart phone or telephone or internet. HELP.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Why can’t you apply, Reed.
Joan Childers says
Just got a free phone but it has no internet. How can I get a phone with internet free?
thedawn says
hi, looking at this. Lot of info. More just interested in what kind of phone we can get, how fast it is, and how poor we need to be. I’m not a history major, but I don’t understand fcc. I just need a galaxy phone. Yea.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Start with finding out if you qualify, thedawn. Here’s a page that helps you figure that out:
Barbara says
Where are the locations in Roseville California?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We strongly urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scenes of too much fraud and abuse. Do yourself a favor, Barbara, and enroll online or by phone.
D. C. says
Has a Safelink dumb phone, I could no longer push the buttons repeated times to send a number or many letters. Asked Safelink for an alternative phone and they decided to send me a smartphone. This smart phone never arrived. They shutoff my existing dumb phone and sent me an exact duplicate dumb phone, which I waited 2 weeks to receive, also, I cannot use this phone. Safelink said existing customers cannot receive a smartphone, they can only sent another original dumb phone, I asked them to cancel my service but as of yet I cannot get hooked up with another lifeline company due to my “existing” contract with Safelink wireless. So weeks later I not only don’t have my old dumb phone, nor the promised (Safelink) smart phone, but I have no mobile phone service at all. I am still receiving turn downs from all other lifeline providers is Fl. because of Safelink’s inability to stick to the promised smart phone. Any suggestions?
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long have you been with Safelink, DC? The regulations say that you can switch companies every 60 days if you have a voice-only plan and every year if your plan includes data. It sounds as if they switched you to a data plan when they supposedly sent you a smartphone. It may be time for you to make a formal complaint. Here’s an article that tells you exactly what steps to take:
olga hemmel says
Hello, I am a very low income disable elderly woman. I’ve been a Safelink customer for long time. This year Safelink offered me to upgrade to an Android smart phone with internet connection. I’ve always wanted to stay connected and oriented even if I am outside or there is power outage. So I saved hard and bought their Android Samsung Galaxy express 3 LTE (samsung galaxy amp 2 in phone settings). It cost me $120. It came with an installed SIM card. It was supposed to be connected to 4G LTE wireless network. I hoped I could check weather and maps, report an outage. The screen apps include Google and Wikipedia. But it’s all a lie. After I’ve activated it, it’s no different than my old regular safelink phone. I can only make and receive calls and messages. That is all. The LTE is in settings. But it’s not active. There’s no signal. I called Safelink. They told me to activate Wi-Fi. I’ve activated xfinitywifi. It’s connected and it says it’s easy to get online but only if I buy WiFi on demand. I called Safelink again. They told me if I have minutes than everything is fine. I feel deceived and cheated. I only have $700 a month. After rent and utilities I don’t have much left to eat. They ripped me off.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you spoken to tech support or just to customer service, Olga? You might have more success with tech support.
judy montanye says
Im poor and i need a cell phone as I broke my tracfone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then this is the website for you, Judy. Here’s a page that will help you get started:
Barbara A. Siple says
I will be 70
in Jan.2018.. I have an Obama old Flip phone. I Want to Up-grade to the new Smart phone. PLEASE. I am Low Income, with, Section 8, The Access Card for Food Stamps $ ( EBT)& Medicare Part D..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Barbara. You can do that by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone. Your current provider may require you to pay for an upgrade. If you don’t want to pay, you can always switch to a new company. That will make you a new customer and all new customers are supposed to receive smartphones. Here’s an article on how to switch:
And here’s where you can find info on every Lifeline company in your state:
olga hemmel says
Dear Barbara. I am just like you low income elderly, wanted to upgrade from dumb phone to a smart phone. Turned out that I was the dumb one to become a victim of a scam. I paid $120 for a smart phone. First they sent me a different cricket version which is available on for $20. Safelink offered free standard shipping and a coupon, but they charged me for everything. The phone came with installed SIM card but it was disconnected from network. You could only go online if you sign up for xfinitywifi $3 an hour. With a lot of hassle and headache I finally got connected and could go online. But my happiness was shortlived. Safelink offeres 500 mb a month for free web browsing. It seems more than enough considering that average american uses 200 mb a month. And I am a basic user, don’t have facebook, twitter, email, pictures sending, downloading etc. I just checked a couple of sites like weather etc. and in one day i came from 500 mb to 100. It’s a scam. Now I have an expensive smart phone but no Internet. And I am thinking of switching to a dumb cell phone because for just making calls it’s more convenient. It shows service days, minutes spent and minutes left. My advice is to stay with your old dumb friend. You’d save yourself a lot of money and headache.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to check out, our other website, Olga. It specializes in low-income internet plans that could solve your problem. Here’s a link to an article that describes all the programs, eligibility requirements, contact info, etc. This may be just what you need:
Elizabeth Hess says
I have a free government lifeline cell phone 530 552 **** that was stolen and never shut off. people been having it and won’t return it. police won’t do nothing about it. I would like my cell phone for my use. The cell number is 530 552 ****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to notify your free government cell phone service provider’s customer service team that it has been stolen, Elizabeth. They’ll take care of getting it cancelled.
Shanon says
I have assurance wireless UMX. It constantly is turning itself off because it gets to hot or for something else. I would like to get a free smartphone like a lot of people have in my area of Hemet, Ca. but I can never seem to find a place that has them. Can you help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We urge our readers NOT to enroll at street events because they have been the scene of too many cases of fraud and abuse. It’s much easier and safer to enroll from the comfort of your own home by phone or online.
Suzette Moye says
I would like to change my free government phone in for a free government smartphone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your current service provider will probably want to charge you an upgrade fee, Suzette. You may find a nice customer service agent who will give you one for free, but it’s doubtful. So that leaves two options: (1) Pay the fee, or (2) Switch to a different Lifeline company. As a new customer, you will be entitled to a free smartphone. Here’s an article that tells you how to switch companies:
Warren Bowen Jr says
My phone will not charge so i cant use it please help me
Diana Gomez says
Howw do i activate my net sales phome
Free Government Cell Phones says
What is a “net sales” phone?
Ken Britton says
I’m a single 68 yo with an annual income of $8,000 (SSI).I have a little SNAP. I have a minimal phone 1 3/4 X 4 1/2 inches. (Calls and text only).If I had a phone that takes pictures, I could sell things on Craigslist ,etc. I know I must report any income to SSI. What are my options? I could pay.
Free Government Cell Phones says
All new Lifeline customers are supposed to receive smartphones, Ken.
Trish thompson says
I have assurance wireless from past residence and boost mobile. Neither of them work to make a call where I live now. I’m a disable senior citizen in Conestoga pa. I need a phone that will work to make calls.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to switch your service to a company that has strong signal in your area, Trish. Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Tammy Stoner says
I have a SafeLink but my roommate won’t give it back to me. She has one of her own so she has been getting her minutes and mine. She told me we had to leave so she kept my phone . Could I please get a new phone and disconnect the one she has? My phone number is 863/288-5236..
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not Safelink, Tammy. You need to contact that company’s customer service team to disconnect your old phone.
Bridgett says
I need another phone cause my got lost please help me if you can
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s the info you need, Bridgett:
Linda Lacour says
Do you have a Samsung Galaxy Note cell phone that is free
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, we don’t, Linda, because this is an independent informational website, NOT a free government cell phone company. You need to contact one of the companies offering Lifeline service in your state. Here’s a link:
Linda Lacour says
I need a cell phone because I don’t have one
Free Government Cell Phones says
If that’s the case, you need to apply for one.
Joanna Adams says
I need to change from access wireless because my phone doesn’t have good service. I would like to change to another cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to switch from one free government cell phone company to another:
And here’s another article that will tell you all the free government cell phone companies offering service in your state:
Efren says
How can I apply for free government cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read this article and do as it says:
Jpmar says
I have a Safelink Wireless government phone but even though I was told new phone will be able to access the internet, I can’t. I can only make calls / their anyway,I can have minimal access to the internet,as I am a new york city resident?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Quick question, JP. What does being a NYC resident have to do with minimal internet access?
Tammyhilt says
Didn’t tell me how to get a free telephone number and I don’t use e mail. So I just won’t buy any more cards from Wal-Mart and shut it off. Have to go without.everything has gone way up since I turned 65 car insurance, home insurance, poartD nearly doubled. Food,etc. Will go without.
Glenn Hautly says
I’m an 84 year old disable Korean War vet and can no longer afford Verizon
Thank you in advance for your help.
Glenn Hautly
Free Government Cell Phones says
We salute you for your service, sir, and hope you can find a plan that works for you. Here’s an article that will tell you how to get started:
And here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies offering plans in your state:
Deborah J Diehl says
My free government phone is not working right, so how do I go about getting a new phone. I really need one because of my doctor’s apt. etc. and so on, so please let me know how I can get a new plus recertify at the same time.
Deborah Diehl
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you’ve been a customer long enough, your service provider may give you a new phone for free. Odds are, however, that they will charge you for an upgrade. In that case, you can either pay for the new phone or switch to a new Lifeline service provider. The new company will give you a smartphone because you will be considered a new company and all new customers qualify for a smartphone.
Here’s an article that tells you how to switch:
And here’s where you can find a complete list of the Lifeline companies in your state:
Glenn Hautly says
What if I already have a Samsung galaxy 3 cell phone.
Thank you for your help.
Glenn Hautly
Free Government Cell Phones says
You “may” be able to use it, Glenn. But please be aware that not all cell phones are available with all cell phone networks. So the only way to find out if your specific make and model is compatible with a particular Lifeline company is to speak to its customer service team.
Jaime Kalani says
Hi my name is Jaime Kalani and i need to reconnect my blue Jay wireless phone my number is 808 319 ****. I can pay for my activation after you turn my line on I got service to my funding online but I need you to activate it first and then I’ll be able to send you a payment thankyou you can get back to me at 808 498 **** Thank you Jaime Kalani1
Free Government Cell Phones says
This isn’t Blue Jay, Jaime. This is an independent informational website. You’ll need to contact Blue Jay directly.
Yadira Colon says
Igual sant yo ver a Freedom Cell phone but I know a personas who hace this Cell phone but its todo small. Imagino legalty blindado and I nerd a Cell phone with big numbers ir big Dize Cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your comment is Spanglish at its finest, Yadira. We (and Google Translate) think you’re asking how to get a phone with larger buttons. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team.
Amber hamley says
I have been waiting for my phone where is it its been over a month or longer. i did all the paperwork right
Free Government Cell Phones says
Many of our readers say it takes three or four weeks or even longer, Amber. You didn’t mention which service provider you enrolled with, but you should visit its website to see if it offers a “Check Your Status” function. If so, you can look up your account and see where you stand. If not, contact the service provider’s custoer service team.
jojo says
Plz. Can. U. Tell. Me. How. Can. I. Get. A. Free. Smart. Cell. Phone. What. Do. I. Need. To. Do. But. I. Would. Like. For. U. Plz. Send. Me. A. Picture. Of. All. The. Free. Cell. Phones. You. Have. On. Stock. Plz. And. Thank. U
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent informational website, Jojo, and not affiliated with any free government cell phone company. So we don’t have any phones. You can find many of them by checking the websites of the free government cell phone companies in your state. Here’s where you can find them:
Linda Whitfield says
I want 2 apply 4 Q-link phone cell phone Govt. *******@gmail.coml
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t enroll by leaving a comment at this independent informational website, Linda. Here’s where you can find a complete list of the free government cell phone companies in your state. Check them all out to find the plan that works best for you (the most minutes, most texts, most data, best smartphone, etc) and then contact that company using the contact info we provide on each provider’s page. Here’s that link:
April says
Need a phone
April says
How can we do that
Free Government Cell Phones says
Start by reading this article, April:
Free Government Cell Phones says
Apply for a phone.
autumn plumb says
i am an old customer i need to know how i can get upgraded to a smart phone?? all i have now is an old flip phone. It’s for my mother
Free Government Cell Phones says
Does “I am an old customer” mean you are no longer a customer? Is your mom a current customer?
Angela Jordan says
My screen is cracked due to my disability. My balance is very bad i trip a lot, fall, and run into everything. It still works there I was wondering what I needed to do to maybe get another one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry to hear about your issues, Angela. If you’ve had your account long enough, your Lifeline free government cell phone company may give you a replacement for free. If not, you may be required to pay a small fee. But you need to get all the details from customer service. You can call them directly by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Johanna Pelot says
I broke my Medi-Cal phone and now I don’t know how to get it replaced or where to go to get another one can you help me my zip code is 91750
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your free government cell phone company’s customer service team, Johanna.
Ray Arroyos says
Losted phone need to get other how can i order one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team or visit its website, Ray.
Ryan says
With the free cell phone, will it have a wifi signal that I connect that signal to my PlayStation 3?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We had a little trouble interpreting your question, Ryan, so we went to our official Tech Guru for an answer. Here’s what he said:
I think he’s asking if he’ll be able to create a hotspot with his phone. A hotspot creates a wifi network for devices (like his playstation) to connect to for internet. It would use his internet data package.
So, it depends upon the phone. You can do it with smartphones, but not feature phones. I do it with my iphone when I can’t get a wifi signal for my computer if I am somewhere I have a cell signal but no wifi available. But the data usage would be pretty expensive in these Lifeline plans.
Then he started getting all worked up about something or other and we stopped reading his response. But that’s the way it goes with the Tech Guru.
Deborah young says
Some one stole my phone can how so I get anotjet
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that will tell you what to do:
tom john says
contact me when tracphones are available
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s not how it works, Tom. You need to contact a free government cell phone company’s customer service team to enroll.
Linda Hammond says
My phone is not working in my house after I dial a call most are being dropped after answered or they tell me sorry I can’t understand or hear you and text msg I have to go outside as well for them to connect can u Travis me phones it has basically done this since I got this phone. Thank you
Linda Hammond
Linda Hammond says
If this is wrong place to put this msg please email me the correct address phone email
Linda Hammond
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is definitely the wrong place, Linda. You can look up your service provider’s contact info on our “Providers” page in the navigation bar at the top of this page. You can also call 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone and you’ll be connected to customer service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
There’s no way for us to troubleshoot your cell phone, Linda, because we are not your service provider. This is an independent informational website. You need to reach out to your service provider’s customer service team.
Charlotte shryock says
I would like to up grade my government cell phone if possible !
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team. If you’ve been a customer long enough, or if you get lucky and get a really nice rep, you may get a smartphone upgrade for free. More likely, though, is that you will be required to pay a reasonably small upgrade fee.
Henry caldwell says
I lost my phone that i had through the government. What do I have to do to get it replaced?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that covers that exact subject:
James says
I need a cell phone so I can get back until I can talk back and forth to my kids
Free Government Cell Phones says
Assuming that you qualify, all you need to do is enroll with a Lifeline free government cell phone company in your state, James. Here’s where you can find a list of all those companies and their plans:
Linda kelly says
im interested in getting a smart phone im currently on food stamps in the state of florida i live in lakeland fla area. any info would be appreciated,
thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
This website is jampacked with the info you need, Linda. Just click around and you’ll find all the info. Here are two links to get you started. First, a primer on how to get started:
Then we’d suggest that you visit this page, where you can find a link to all the free government cell phone plans in your state:
Ahmedkhan says
I need after phone because because I not have any phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You must enroll in the program, Ahmed. Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone companies in your state:
Here’s a can of worms for you: What is VPN and the different variations of it – faster, slower, etc?
Life Wireless has IPASS. Is that something worth looking into and comparing? Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We do not know enough about VPNs to advise you, Stuart. Sorry.
I appreciate all of this information but I see very little regarding the ‘G factor’ – 3G, 4G, etc
Tag Mobile claims to have unlimited 2G/3G data. What does that mean? Will that be a slow connection?
Also, what is the ‘G’ rating for all of these others like those with 500 MB?
Free Government Cell Phones says
To boil it down to the basics, the higher the number before the G, the newer the technology. It’s too complex a subject to address in an answer here in the comments section, but here’s a link to a complete explanation:
John Martinez says
i would like to get a free smart phone i personally can’t afford to buy one since i am on SSI and i don’t really know were to look.
Free Government Cell Phones says
All Lifeline companies are now required to give smartphones to new customers, John. In other words, you’ll get a smartphone no matter which company you enroll with. Here’s where you can find a list of all companies and free government cell phone plans in your state:
Scott says
how do you get a free government phone in Pennsylvania I can’t find a website that hasit I have Medicare
Free Government Cell Phones says
Really, Scott? THIS is the website. Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans in your state, eligibility requirements, contact info, etc:
Erica says
I was wondering, if you have to be 18 to obtain a government phone? I am 17 right now and in two months 18. Is there any government cell phone carrier that i can sign up at 17?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Erica. You must be 18.
Nancy Thompson says
my phone is not working, i got it on 6-03-2017 at wal-mart on 7th in Longview,WA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team, Nancy.
Kelly says
Can I upgrade an get the free smart phone thro safelink
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, but you may be required to pay a small upgrade fee. You may get lucky and get upgraded for free if you’ve been with Safelink long enough and happen to get a nice customer service agent.
You do have another option if you’ve been with Safelink for more than one year. You can always switch to a different free government cell phone company. That will make you a new customer and all new customers are supposed to be given free smartphones.
Good luck.
Annie Ma says
Hi ,
I need a free phone for my mom , she is 91 year old , she always leave home with out telling anyone, we have to drive around The neighborhood to find her , so I think a phone will be good for us to find her .
How can I get one for her ?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can read all the basics at this link, Annie:
You can look over all the free government cell phone company plans in your state at this link:
Check them all out carefully to figure out which plan fits your mom’s needs best, Annie. Good luck.
leanne mahannah says
I want ti disconect my services with your company
Free Government Cell Phones says
You don’t want to disconnect your service with “our” company because this an independent website that is not affiliated a Lifeline free government cell phone company. You can find contact info for your service provider by clicking on its name at this link:
Michelle Ross says
do any of the free government cell phones have roll over minutes
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not that we are aware of, Michelle.
Erika Davis says
I have a phone from q link and it hasn’t worked since I got it ,I thought it was the battery but it still doesn’t work, so why should I have to pay for a new phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should not need to pay for a replacement phone. Have you spoken to customer service? How long have you had the phone?
Jay Miller says
I do not want to lose the minutes I have saved and bought. I see some companies want to throw our saved time away.I love my emergency phone it has helped me out. I lost my leg and have fallen a lot. I need my phone and minutes. Thank you
roseanna budreaux says
This roseanna budreaux from **** ******* sacramento California 95826 & my daughter Michelle budreaux from the same address &my mother in law dyane leal from *** ******* sacramento California 95826 & my daughter Alicia budreaux all applied for a phone through lifeline when they were out here but we haven’t received them yet and it’s been over seven business days
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have a real problem, Roseanne. Only one free government cell phone is permitted per household. We would imagine that the four applications all got snagged by the National Lifeline Assistance Database. If that’s the case none of you will receive any cell phones. And even if you do, you’ll probably get caught eventually and lose your phones.
Barry says
Is there a way to get free internet on a Safelink smartphone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely, Barry. Every Safelink plan comes with at least 500 Mb of internet usage. You can find out more about Safelink’s plans on our Safelink page. Here’s a link:
Just click on Safelink to find out more.
Alberto Alzamora says
I currently have a free cell phone thru the government Safelink. I’ve been told you are able to exchange the one I have for a free smartphone. How do I apply for one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You may or may not be able to exchange it for a smartphone, Alberto. It probably depends on how long you’ve been a customer of the company (it may even depend on how well you are able to sweettalk the customer service agent). However, if you switched to a different Lifeline free government cell phone company, it would give you a smartphone. Why? Because the new rules of the program say that “new” customers are to be given smartphones, but those rules do not include current customers. We think it’s a crazy rule, but that’s the way the rules were written.
Sherrie says
SafeLink is Liars they State they will give you a phone I have done everything they asked me to do it’s been over 30 days and I have still not received a phone what can I do about this
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you gone to the Safelink website to check the status of your application?
Violet Williams says
My assurance cell is not working my number I think is 857 492 **** could you tell me what going on with my phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not Assurance Wireless, Violet, it’s an independent informational website. In other words, no, we cannot tell you what’s going on with your phone.
Zoila Delgado says
I am on desability, I have a phone with 500 minutes free I think, but the phone I have is to small, I need one of the smart phones to be able to have wireless services not paying a lot of money. Please let me know If I can get a smart phone from you
Free Government Cell Phones says
No, actually, you cannot get a smartphone from us, Zola. Because we are an independent informational website, not a free government cell phone company. Depending on how long you’ve had your account with your current service provider, they may let you upgrade to a smartphone for free. Or they may require you to pay a reasonably inexpensive upgrade fee. If you can’t afford that fee, and if you’ve been with your current provider for more than a year, you are eligible to switch to a new service provider. And all service providers are required to offer smartphones to new customers. Make sense? In case you decide to move (or even if you just want to look into the possibility) here’s where you can find a complete list of all the companies offer free government cell phone plans in your state:
Shawn Stillions says
I have called and called even before now about the SafeLink phone i had and lost it, hopefully this time it will be a little better on the service. I have mis-placed my phone somewhere and i no longer have it and need to see if i am able to get a replacement phone. When i click on forgot Enrollment Number it still will not let me access my account or any of the information that is needed. The only thing i have is the phone number that i had on the lost phone. and that would be 502-668-****. I would be very thankful if u guys could hopefully fixed ASAP so i can be able to use my phone since that is the only other phone i had to use and have been out with it for more than a minute now.
Thank you for your time: Shawn Stillions
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long ago did you lose it, Shawn? If it was more than 30 days, your account may have been cancelled by now. Try calling your service provider’s customer service team to see what they have to say.
Jimmy Lee Pruitt says
My,name Mr. Jimmy l Pruitt, and I receive ssi social security disability payments, I want to know how do I go on line to do an application from a phone for a free government phone? And do I have a choice on what kind of phone I want? I would like one of the biggest free government smart phone they have to offer because I cannot see very well, but there’s a problem I’m heving with life line, I gave them my correct addresse but they keep telling me that’s not my correct addresse and they want let me complete the application for a free government phone, but I would like to know what’s the big deal, about the legalarity of my address right now, because life line will see that is my correct address when they contacted social security, so if you have any other government free phone organization I can contact regarding a big free smart phone ASAP! You can call me at (209) 313-**** text me, or Email me at ******** thanks…
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find all the free government cell phone plans available in your state, Jimmy.
And here’s where you can find out about vision/hearing/speech-impaired customer policies of all the major free government cell phone companies:
Lynette Patton says
I am 63 years old and have fibromyalgia and some failing joints. I have a very small government cell phone that I qualified for 4 years ago, I think. It is so small that I can’t do the numbers very well. It is hard to text a message, or click on the numbers. Is it possible to get a free phone again or at least a bigger one that I an see better and use more? Please let me know.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can upgrade. Depending on your service provider and how long you’ve had the phone, they may upgrade you to a smartphone for free. Or they may require you to pay a rather reasonable upgrade fee.
jim reidy says
can I get a regular cell phone not the smart phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Probably. But you should check your service provider’s website to see which phones are available. You should also discuss it with your service provider’s customer service team.
jody palmeter says
I’m a a SafeLink customer I have a older phone. can I get it replaced with a smartphone and keep my number
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can keep your number. Yes you can get it replaced by a smartphone, but you may be required to pay a reasonably small upgrade fee.
Brent Wymer says
Can you please send me a smartphone insted of these tiny phones that have problems with the buttons please and thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We cannot send you a smartphone, Brent, because this is an independent informational website, not a free government cell phone company. Contact your service provider’s customer service team to find out how to upgrade.
liz says
May I get a direct phone number where I can actually speak to a live person instead of just a machine
odell Tillery says
Can I get a bigger free phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Check your service provider’s website to see which smartphones are available, Odell.
Rosalinda Anaya says
I need phone and also I need bigger phone and iam hard of I get free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
We have a couple articles for you to read, Rosalinda. The first one tells you all about the speech/vision/hearing-impaired policies of all the major free government cell phone companies:
The second article tells you all the basics of how to get a free government cell phone:
donald truslow says
how do i get a free cell phone. im on disability
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that makes it easy as 1-2-3:
Loretta Wolfe says
I had one through safelink and they stopped my service with no explanation, I’m not sure if they are a real qualified company, CSO I’m worried now. I am 70 years old and I need a phone with no charge. Is this company actually associated with the government? Please help..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you saying that the name of the company was CSO? If so, we are unfamiliar with that name. But there are some Lifeline companies we are not familiar with because they are very small and operate in limited geographic areas. Can you give us more information?
Loretta Wolfe says
I’m on food stamps and in need of a free phone from the government, can you help me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Just click around this website, Loretta. It will tell you everything you need to know.
OrangeAlert says
Dear P,C,P. Person:
You are a Saint. Or a couple of you are Saints to answer these questions, mostly written by people that don’t read even close to the entirety of the article. I am plenty sick, and no genius, but had the crap old version, happened upon on an ad for the smartphone, “clicked” on the databoxes they wanted filled, and did it because it was easy. I had already ****canned the bad one a good year ago, and nobody asked. The nice ZTE arrived in about 6 business days. The company kept me apprised of “received app, you are approved, tracking number, you should have it..” on my e-mail. It is not new, nut it is solid “good”. Sound quality is good. But, like the bad one, I have 1 bar of connectivity. I successfully made 2 phone calls, they were clear. I am not clear on the network they use, if it is proprietary. Do you know? To most of the readers: This site/article is NOT WRITTEN by the US GOVERNMENT nor any of the WIRELESS PHONE SUPPLIERS for people in poverty. I have only read one thing here, and they were explaining. I agree it is confusing because they are called “FREEGOVERNMENTCELLPHONES.NET” with that name it is confusing. I have not even seen this site. Maybe they sell cheap phone service and new or used phones to the frustrated people out there that have had the ultra-crap phone and are trying to get the other one (cool!). In the dizzying amount of yes, even crazy e-mails I read:they were nice. They did not try to sell anything. They were honestly answering questions like Saints. Maybe if they were called “Citizenshelpexplainhowgovernmentfreecellphoneswork” but shortened by A LOT, hell maybe I would end up with “APPLYFORFREEPOVERTYSMARTPHONE.COM”, keep an up-to-date database of providers by getting it from the Government , and and just a basic overview with “research and do it yourself” options, and a nice spot for “reviews”. And, if they. or someone else wanted to offer me a used decent Smartphone with service similar to the MetroPCS (with much better coverage than the free gives) that they now charge is it $30 / mo, for $25, I would take it. Or, if they, not a Government entity WERE NOT able to secure less than $30.00/mo, but COULD refurb with a 2 year (OK maybe 1, but 2 is gold) warranty, and I could get a halfway decent phone, outdated by a Millennial or Snooty Yuppies standards, but a “cadillac” 2-3 (even 4) years ago: hell yeah I’d be in the market! I just burned through my last Blackberry (old OS) I am a dinosaur. I want Flintstones stuff (except for that foot-powered car, give me the donkey pulling the BMW in Kazakhstan from “Borat” over that any day!” To the couple so polite and sweet, sending messages to “Big Brother” over a tablet, and asking these kind people to help you by leaving your number: “THIMK” as the 1970’s bumper sticker said. You are breaking my heart. I would help you. Shhh it’s taxpayer paid and a Bill is already trying to kill it, SO GET ONE NOW. Just “Fill it out, don’t worry if you have some other old one”. I threw the other pile away; no one asked! New-ish Smartphone: 6 Days. DON”T GIVE YOUR CREDIT CARD/ DON”T GIVE BANK ROUTING NUMBERS NO NO NO! YES I GAVE SS#. PAY FOR NOTHING ITS A FREE PROGRAM!!!. They do not know/do not care if you got something else from somebody else. I READ CONTRACTS: THE SMARTPHONE SAYS: IF you do not report lost/stolen, you are responsible for usage fees. If you do report, you are not, but you have to pay $25.00 for replacement (or, nothing, report and move on to another company). They will go out of business if they do not give enough smartphones/service away. They are payed by taxpayer dollars by the Federal Government state by state to each company to accomplish this. You will find them eager to give. Give=paycheck for them. IF you have troubles: Find out how/where the money is disbursed to each state by means of what they call a “Federal Block Grant” find/call the person in the Capitol City of your State who takes that money and gives it to all the companies that offer these free phones w/service. They will help you. Its either the Energy Dept, ot The FCC. Good Day.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Bottom line for us: Orange Alert called us saints. We’be never been called saints before. As long as it’s not the New Orleans Saints. We hate those guys.
Shilo says
I had a lifeline phone more than 2 years ago and it was disconnected. We moved last September to a new state and my medical issues have become increasingly concerning to me needing a cell phone again. When I try to apply the company says I am in contract with another company till December 2017???? but cannot tell me how to find out who the other company is or any information on how to prove I don’t and have not had a phone for years through lifeline. The old company shows I was disconnected and am not in there service area to reconnect service.
Can you assist on how to clear this up? I am in desperate need of a phone as I am now unable to drive and rely on public transit and have major medical issues.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Call back to the new company you’re trying to enroll with. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Explain your situation and ask that they check the National Lifeline Assistance Database and correct it. That is a service they should provide according to the rules of the program.
Carlos Martinez says
Hi, I put a application for my wife yesterday and I would like to know the status on that please. her name is Leticia martinez we couldn’t sign because we only have a I-pad not a computer
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t tell you the status, Carlos, because we’re not the Lifeline free government cell phone you applied to. Visit the company’s website to see if it has a “Check Your Status” (or something similar) function. If not, call customer service.
Dawn c.Jacson says
Called to report my phone was stolen but I called it and it is still activaded. Also I would like my one free phone..Bit I still haven’t heard a response back
Free Government Cell Phones says
Who did you call, Dawn?
NIsa says
i need a new cell now and fast with the same number or can put the same sim card in the phone so i can keepthe same number i need in now so really fast
Free Government Cell Phones says
Fast is a relative term in the free government cell phone business, Nisa. Most companies say you’ll get your phone in two weeks, but readers tell us it usually takes three or even four weeks.
Donald F Hatch Sr says
I have a Safelink free phone because I’m on ssi and food stamps, how do I upgrade to a smartphone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good question, Donald. The new Lifeline regulations that went into effect late last year require the free government cell phone companies to give smartphones to all new customers, but don’t require them to give them to current customers. So you have two choices:
1. Contact your service provider’s customer service team. Maybe you’re with a company that is flexible enough to give you an upgrade smartphone for free. Maybe they’ll require you to pay a relatively small fee for it.
2. Switch to a different free government cell phone company. As a new customer, they’ll give you a smartphone.
Myron Hodge says
Hello I have a government cell phone from access wireless it’s a regular cell phone not a smartphone. I have been with access wireless for more than 2 years. I was told by access wireless that they have a policy of haveing thier goverment cellphones customers wait a year before being able to qualify for a upgrade to a government smartphone.. though I have been with access wireless for more than 2 years and I have tried for the last year several times to see if I qualifyed for a upgrade to a government smartphone with access wireless ..Access wireless simply will not upgrade my regular government cellphone to a government smartphone. Though access wireless hands goverment free smartphones out freely for the last year or more and I have been with access for more than 2 years now..What can I do about this wrong practice by access wireless?
Free Government Cell Phones says
First thing we’d do is call 6-1-1 and ask to speak to a customer service rep. The higher up you go, the more likely you are to find someone who can make an exception to policy. If that gets you nowhere, you can always switch free government cell phone providers. The FCC made a perverse rule that requires the free government cell phone companies to offer free smartphones to new customers, but doesn’t do anything to require them to take care of longstanding, good customers like you. We think it’s crazy, but that’s the regulation.
However, if you switch Lifeline companies, your new company will be required to give you a smartphone. So you might want to consider switching. Crazy, huh?
Daphne M. Evans Sensel says
I just typed a long comment only to be told I had already done this . I would rather you phone me than do this on line .
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a free government cell phone company, Daphne. We’re an independent informational website. You can find all the free government cell phone plans in your state and all the contact info you need at this link:
Kurt Shults says
Looking for a good government cell phone program with free unlimited data with unlimited talk and text out here in Redlands, Ca 92373
Thank You,
Kurt. S
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhh, beautiful Redlands, California, the jewel of the Inland Empire. This comment moderator had a beautiful girlfriend in Redlands for many years. But that is neither here nor there.
Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the Lifeline free government cell phone companies in your state, plus all their plans, and their contact info:
toney baskin says
Can I switch my current phone for an up to date one?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most companies allow you to upgrade to a smartphone. They may send you a new one for free if you’ve had your account long enough or if you happen to find a particularly helpful customer service agent. If you are required to pay for an upgrade, the prices are generally pretty reasonable. Depending on which service provider you are with, you may be able to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
Diane lorenti says
My son will give me a iPhone 4s if I get it unlocked can I use it with safelink
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your best bet, Diane, is to contact Safelink customer service to get a complete and accurate answer to that question.
Ruth Andrews says
Iwould be very interested in this program I only get $800 a month and I cannot afford a cell phone any longer to be able to have this phone would be life-saving my husband has had a stroke and I am on oxygen but unfortunately we live in Oregon and we don’t get to participate thank you
Ana Ortiz Bonilla says
I’m on food stamps, Medicaid, cash aid. I need a free government phone. I am a low income Bridgeport Connecticut resident.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find a complete list of all the Lifeline companies offering free government cell phones in your state, their plans, and their contact info at this link:
Ayesha. Javaid says
I want free smart cell phone . Pls inform me steps to to get it . I am 75 years old . Thanks
Ayesha. Javaid says
How long approximately it will take to approve it .
Free Government Cell Phones says
Good question, Ayesha. Most of the companies say it will take two weeks, but our readers say it’s not unusual for it to take three or even four weeks. The worst case that’s ever been reported to us was from a reader who said it took six months.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that will lead you through the process step-by-step, Ayesha:
Good luck, young lady.
Tofe E. Eslava says
I do not have a signal on my phone. The call is dropped ,before it goes through.How do I get service.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Is this a new phone or have you had it for a while, Tofe? Firs thing you need to do is contact your service provider’s customer service or tech suppor team.
Abolhassan says
I have got life line phone I do not know how to set or reset voice mail could you help me on that please
Free Government Cell Phones says
Since we don’t know what make or model of phone you have, it’s impossible for us to give you step-by-step instructions, Abolhassan. But here’s the easiest thing to do: Google the make and model of your phone with the words “user manual.” You will quickly find an online user manual and can easily look up the answer to your question.
Eric Boddeker says
I am currently a SAFELINK customer and they are dropping the free govt. option here in Oregon.
I count on that because I am on SNAP, Medicaid and SSI. I really hope you can qualify me for your service as I live on a very limited fixed income…$713.00 a month. Please help! My application is in the mail to you today (4/4/2017).
Free Government Cell Phones says
Your application isn’t in the mail to us, Eric, because we’re not a Lifeline service provider. Who did you send your application to?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s one of our articles that tells you what to do if your phone breaks:
kay says
yes I am interested in a more updated cell PHONE for the low income program. i am thankful to have had one but it woukdnt ever pick up service at home. only in town.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It may be that you had a phone from a company with a weak signal in your area, Kay. If that’s the case, a smartphone won’t be any better for you. We’d suggest that you speak to your neighbors and find out who has the strongest signal and best service and what company they are with. Then look at the following article to find out which free government cell phone companies use that cell network. Here’s the link:
Gloria Harris. says
I have a free phone from u. It is not working, stuck on talk.I called customer service.followed inst. It did not help. I am a senior citizen. Not good on the computer. My cell #321 245 ****. Please have someone call me at home#352 591 ****.
Free Government Cell Phones says
No reason for us to contact you, Gloria, because we’re not your service provider. We’re an independent informational website. You need to contact your service provider’s customer service team by phone or online to solve your problem.
Sylvia e reed says
i want to replacement my phone i lost it can u send me another phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We can’t send you a replacement phone because we’re not your Lifeline free government cell phone provider. You’ll need to contact its customer service team directly.
Renee says
I heard the free government phones and mins are being cancelled?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not true, Renee. As a judge once told me in court, “Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper, young man.”
shane sprey says
I need a smartphone. I have epilepsy , collect food stamps, the whole shebang. my sister set me up with safelink. I hate the phone. its hard to use and its not what I am used to using. thay had the nerve to try to replace the phone that they sent me a alcatel 257bg. its junk and I cant see the numbers. now I am looking for a new provider can you help me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long have you been with Safelink, Shane? You must remain with your current provider for one full year before you can switch to another one (sorry, but that’s a new rule that went into effect on December 2, 2016). If you are now eligible to switch, here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone plans in your state:
Check them all out to find the plan that fits your needs best (most minutes, most texts, most data, best smartphone). Good luck.
Bruce Sikkema says
I need an actual application to fill out. No data, no internet, no web pages that go on forever,
Just a form to fill out, and a SEND click, or envelope to stuff it in (I have that)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Damanding, aren’t you, Bruce. Perhaps if you took the time to notice, we are not a free government cell phone company. We’re an independent, informational website. In other words, we are not authorized to snap to attention and fulfill your requests. You’ll need to contact one of the service providers in your state and demand that they fulfill your wishes. Here’s where you can find all the Lifeline companies in your state:
donna m. culwell says
I would like more information and applications
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re an independent informational website, Donna, and not affiliated with any of the free government cell phone companies. Here’s where you can find all the Lifeline companies doing business in your state. You’ll need to find the plan you prefer and contact the company using the contact info we provide. You can enroll online or by phone:
Yvette says
I have read several times on your web site that California doesn’t have unlimited anything. That is not true. I live in California and I get everything for free with Assurance. Once Access takes over I’m not sure what I will have. But that is probably still in negotiations. And there are several companies that offer free everything here.
And just an afterthought, if President Trump gets his way, we might lose our Obama Phones to his tantrums as well. Just saying!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ve never read here that California doesn’t have unlimited plans. California is one of only three states that does have unlimited plans. Just check out our California page and you’ll see that a number of companies offer unlimited plans:
connie ann presley says
what is your 1 800 number and can you heip me get one
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a service provider, Connie. We’re an independent, informational website. You can find contact info for all the service providers in your state at this link:
Jason says
Need free cellphone ASAP. Hometown homebound can’t go anywhere please get back to me at your earliest convenience my name is Jason
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a free government cell phone company, Jason. We’re an independent, informational website. You’ll need to contact one of the Lifeline companies in your state. Here’s where you can find a complete list:
Barbra Zimmerman says
I my Obama phone will not charge when I plug it in and I was wondering if I can please receive a replacement phone, so that my relatives can contact me.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read the following article, then contact your service provider:
Linnee" says
Hi, I am qualified and do have a very small Tracfone by Safelink.. Please, will you help me to get a smart phone and internet service that is very cheap? I have looked everywhere. Thanks so much. lin
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify for the Lifeline free government cell phone program, Linee? If so, all the Lifeline companies now offer smartphones.
linda nepper says
yes I do.
Meagan says
I need a new minute phone my phone got stolen and now I don’t have one can I please get one if it’s okay cuz I don’t got money like that thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to go through the official enrollment procedure, Meagan. We’re not a free government cell phone company, we’re an independent, informational website. Here’s where you can find all the companies and plans offering service in your state:
Thomas e whited says
Phone was stolen
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells your what to do, Thomas:
Elaine says
I have Q-Link Galaxy S2. Ive had it for approx 3 years. Can I only get wireless or can I pay and get regular internet access? Wireless is handy when in wireless area but if not Im stuck.
Free Government Cell Phones says
The Lifeline free government cell phone program only offers wireless service, Elaine. But there are other companies that are not part of this program that offer other low-income plans. You can check them all out at our other website,
Check each of the plans carefully to make sure you find the ones for which you are eligible and the ones that are available in your area.
Julia Batchelor says
I currently have a qlink wireless phone. The prob!em i have is that i have no signal where i live now. It does me no good to have a phone if i cant use it. I have a microcell thats connected to my wifi. But its not set up to use my qlink phone. I dont know if i can even use it for that line? How can i find out what to do? Please contact mE. Thank you.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve heard this same complaint from many readers. How long have you had your free government cell phone account, Julia? If it’s been more than a year, you are free to switch to a different Lifeline service provider. If not, you’re stuck in this situation for a one year period.
Martha Kaufmann says
I volunteer in a Nursing Home and Assisted Living Home in Oregon. Many seniors here are on Medicaid usually receiving only $60/ month to meet their basic needs, e.g. personal hygiene items, and personal care (hair cuts,) clothes, outings, some need pet supplies, snacks. These people cannot even afford the companies that offer low cost phones.
Basic call-out phones is all they want and need, especially to stay in touch with family members or friends outside of the local area code. The facilities usually offer room phones, but only for local calls. Contact outside of their area is very important for those with limited social contact and sometimes could even be important for their health and welfare.
Free Government Cell Phones says
How can they not afford something that’s free, Martha? Every company listed at this link offers absolutely free cell phones:
Tonia Wallace says
I have a access phone. I would like to report it lost. Can you please help me with this situation. Thanks.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you what to do, Tonia:
Lloyd Jenkins says
i need a phone!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to apply for a phone!
Nancy Riley says
Need to upgrade old LTE gov. Phone for a smartphone but don’t know to do so
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article about the upgrade policies of each free government cell phone company:
You’ll probably be required to pay for an upgraded phone. If you’ve been with your current service provider for more than a year, you can get around that cost by re-enrolling with a different company. Here’s where you can find a complete list of all the companies and Lifeline plans in your state:
Carmen Mendez says
How can I become a rep to sign people up for this program.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most of the companies use subcontractors who hire the sales reps. The only thing you can do is contact each company in your state to ask for its specific hiring process. Here’s where you can find all the companies (and their contact info) in your state:
Maria E Navarro says
I have a phone with safelink for more then a year, the phone has been acting up for a bout a month, i finally got a hold of somebody after calling three different days. safelink is going to send me a new phone, but they did not say anything thing about cutting my phone i can not get in to a network can not use my phone at all. my phone number is 657-253-****. i have to wait seven to ten days to get my new phone, can not get a hold of customer services. Thank you
phil says
U should. Go back 50 years ago .people lived without phone .l say to u slow down and think about it!
Ray says
I pay my way. Even if your poor everyone should pay something even if it’s $10.00. Alot of these People can pay something and should. Americans who pay Taxes will not be happy.
Lula Jones says
Why can’t senior citizen get free phone who get social security
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, that’s not the way the program was constructed, Lula. But if your only income is social security, you probably qualify for a free government cell phone under its low-income eligibility requirements. Check out all the ways you can qualify at this link:
Mohames Salad says
can I get a free phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
This article will tell you everything you need to know. Just do what the article tells you to do:
I have been with ‘safelink wireless cell phone; gov. program for years (2009). I have a ‘LG’ cell that they sent me. It doesn’t work very good. My son Mark gave me a Samsung chrome-book for X-ma. The cell phone has a camera that does work except for the ability to transfer any of these pics to my new laptop. I called safelink and they offered to sell me an upgraded better phone for a discounted price. I live on SSDI and in the poverty level income bracket. I am researching gov. programs and keep seeing “QLINK cell. Will they send me a free phone?? And is this a good choice
ok thanks
Free Government Cell Phones says
They will send you a free phone, but only if you’ve been with Safelink for more than a year, Jan. Don’t sign up for any new free government cell phone service until you read the article at the following link. It’s important that you do not sign up for two programs simultaneously. Here’s that article:
Rebecca Margiotta says
I have Q-Link with a 3G free phone. It has been a mess! First of all, 3G is slow and I think the phone is part of the problem but not sure. As for “bars” that denote signal strength, I NEVER get more than 2 bars and usually it’s only one! I am in Minnesota just north of Minneapolis, so I would think the signal would be strong. I am in the process of cancelling this service. Even that is a hassle. I have to do it by calling them, which can be difficult in terms of quality of speech received-drops, break-ups, static–all cause me to have to redial and go through the process again.
Q-link likely works better in some areas. It would have to for them to stay in business. You might be able to find out where the majority of their plans are in the U.S. Perhaps that would tell you how good reception is. Good luck!
Pearl Mcneal says
I want the smart phone but have a hard time getting it. I have the obama phone my number is 607-304-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ve stumbled upon one of the areas of the free government cell phone program that’s most unfair, Pearl. New customers are given smartphones, but current customers are expected to pay to upgrade to smartphones. Completely unfair, isn’t it?
Judy Sparkman says
I am a SAFE LINK customer for several years. I would like FREE internet and a new smartphone when available. How do I go about this?Ju
Free Government Cell Phones says
First of all, check out our Safelink page to find out more about the various plans it makes available. You can find a listing of all the service providers in your state at this link:
Mary says
I have safelink services and i lost my phone now i have to buy one i dont know where to start or what phone to buy. Is it any Trac Phone? I dont want to waste money that I really dont have. Please help
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact Safelink customer service to ask which phones are compatible. You can also check the Safelink website. Click on “Account” and then on “Upgrade My Phone.”
Nancy says
I have a phone but its to small cant push buttons or hardley see letter want to see if i can upgrade phone to more modern
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article about the upgrade policies of all the major free government cell phone companies. Check them all out to make sure you go with a plan that’s best for you (most minutes, most texts, most data, best smartphone, etc).
Julie Menard says
I work for a local non-profit in CT. My supervisor would like to provide me with a company cell phone. Does your company provide free phones to Non-Profit agencies?
Free Government Cell Phones says
First, it’s not “our” company, Julie. We’re an independent website, not a free government cell phone company. In answer to your question, no, the phones are only given out to individuals, not non-profit organizations. If you qualify, you can apply for your own phone. Here’s where you can find a list of all the Lifeline free government cell phone companies in your state:
Anthony Figurelli says
Can I apply for a Cricket Cell Phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Each Lifeline free government cell phone company has an assortment of refurbished phones, Anthony. They are handed out at random, so you never know what make and model of phone you’ll get. You can buy the upgraded phone of your choice (from the ones offered).
temi says
I need a free phone but need advise on which one is d best company so far.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We try to stay completely neutral and don’t recommend one company over another. That being said, we do like the folks at enTouch Wireless and Blue Jay Wireless.
Max says
Which company has a different size Sim cards and which company is the best want to have overall in which company is the best want to work for? As in stopping people and asking do they want a free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Those are value judgments we are unwilling to make, Max.
Tia says
Please help a very frustrated girl out….. I’ve had qlink wireless for a couple years and the phones are awesome… yep there’s a but here… THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE ISN’T WORTH A … WELL ANYWAYS. …. I’ve been trying reach someone anyone human that is, to cancel my service… nothing, no one.
I need a phone but how when I can’t cancel with qlink?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sometimes it’s necessary to work around the syste, Tia. Many companies make it far easier to sign up for service than they do to cancel it. But we’d suggest that you visit the Q Link website, click on “Help Center” and then click on “Contact Us.” You will find an online email form. Fill it out, send it, and let’s see if you get any response. Please let us know how it works.
Barbara Griffith says
I’m trying to find out if my mom qualifies for a free government phone she is on ssi the email I gave is mine my mom does not have an email
Free Government Cell Phones says
She doesn’t qualify simply because of SSI, Barbara, but if she is on SSI she probably qualifies because of her low income level. Here’s a helpful article that will tell you all the ways someone can qualify:
Phyllis says
My free phone just went down to 100 minutes this month. What is that about?
Free Government Cell Phones says
No way for us to know, Phyllis, because we are not your service provider. We are just a humble independent website with no affiliation with any of the free government cell phone companies.
Michelle loomis says
Ok I called to upgrade mine I had it for 8 years an only ever needed a new one 2 times . An the lady on the phone told me if I wanted to remain in the program I’d have to buy my own phone if I wanted that one !! Needless to say people around here are popping up with them !
Joe Mays says
I have a nonprofit and I want to know how can I distribute the phones to qualified community residents?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll need to contact some of the free government cell phone companies in your state, Joe, to ask about their hiring practices. You can find a list of all the companies in your state here:
Free Government Cell Phones says
Well, good luck on that one, Robert. No one offers “unlimited everything” in Arkansas. You can’t even get unlimited everything in California, where Lifeline customers get more of everything. Here’s where you can check out all the companies and plans currently available in Arkansas:
Check them all out carefully, because some companies and plans give you more than others.
Nadia Nava says
I need. A phone I’m a single mother of three girls
Free Government Cell Phones says
Start by looking up at the top of this page and clicking on “How To Get One.” Read that article and go from there, Nadia.
Alexander butterfield says
I don’t have a phone please help I’m trying to find a job.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s a page that will show you where to begin, Alexander. Good luck on the job search.
Shirley Gant says
This is this the year we expect the smartphone and internet?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Smartphones are available now, Shirley. Every new customer is supposed to get a smartphone according to new regulations that went into effect on December 2, 2016.
In regard to internet, it was also supposed to be available as of December 2, 2016, but it is rolling out very slowly. So far only four companies have been approved to provide Lifeline Broadband and as far as we can tell only one is actually offering it at this point. Check out the free government cell phone companies and plans in your state, because many of them have begun offering limited data plans. Here’s where you can find all those companies in your state:
Lisa Mondorff says
I am o. Disability and my income in very low.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you should apply for the Lifeline free government cell phone program, Lisa. You’re the kind of person it was designed for.
April Gish says
Needing to activate my old assurance wireless phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Before we can tell you what steps to take, April, we need to know why it was deactivated.
carolyn brown says
i can not enroll because assurance free phone lost/ carolyn brown /po box **** /ny ny 10002.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you what to do in case of a lost Lifeline cell phone, Carolyn:
dody says
it is really not ever going to be much of a benefit for anyone, whether its with regular cell phones or smart phones, unless the companies that are providing the services stop providing nothing but junk, barely working and always malfunctioning phones
Tina m. Worley says
I lost or had stolen my safelink fla. Phone in 2008 and am wondering if is still activated. Could u help me shut off free minutes to my account?
Free Government Cell Phones says
If you lost it in 2008, the account was closed long, long ago, Tina.
Adrian perryman says
Hi my name is Adrian Perryman. i signed up and was approved for a free gov. cell phone by one of your field workers on the street, but i drove off before i could get the phone. how can i get my phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Gotta tell you, Adrian, this is the first time any of our readers have ever told us about this situation. Do you know which company you signed up with? If so, contact customer service. If not, your only option is to contact each service provider in your state to ask if it is your Lifeline company. Here’s where you can find a list of those companies in your state:
Start at the top. If you’re lucky, you’ll find your service provider before you get too far down the list.
Joe says
I’m trying to figure how to get a free government phone for my mother-in-law
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ve come to the right place, Joe. We have a page that explains the whole thing:
Anna Johnson says
Help lol I can’t figure it out
Free Government Cell Phones says
What part can’t you figure out, Anna?
Wanda Broughton says
My phone with safe link not working I called them n they told me to go buy phone cause they mailed one in June n I never received it. CAn you help me get new phone free. Wanda Broughton
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not a free government cell phone company, Wanda, so we can’t help you get a new phone. Replacement phones are typically not free. Most of the companies charge a small fee.
Gwendolin Collins says
I apply for a cell phone never got back to me
Amber Law says
I am trying to get a free phone from y’all but every time I try to get one it keeps taking me back to the main screen. It says to submit and I did. Now it won’t tell me if I got the phone or not. I’d really appreciate it if I could know something.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s not “us” you’re trying to get a phone from, Amber. We’re an independent website that’s not affiliated with any of the free government cell phone companies. If you can’t enroll on the internet, try calling customer service.
Theresia Ogg says
My # ia 231 580 ****. I lost my phone. I lost all information on my phone. I need to talk to a person to get another. Yes I will pay.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Well, you’re right about one thing, Theresa. You DO need to talk to a person and that person is a customer service rep at your service provider. Contact them by phone or online.
Gaylej Thornberry says
im looking for free goverment cell phone in eldrodo springs mo 64744
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can check all the companies and all the plans available in Missouri at the following link, Gayle. Check them all out to make sure you find the plan that’s best for you (most minutes, most texts, most data).
Felica says
I would like to get emails for free government cell phones for Missouri only. The phones that I maybe eligible for as in a android or smartphone only touchscreens only.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Felicia, but our email newsletter system is not set up to handle mailings on a state-by-state basis. But you really should sign up for the full service, because you’ll receive tons of great info on the Lifeline free government cell phone program.
Joanna Adams says
I have a access wireless phone which I am not pleased with. I had a complaint for nearly a year but, I got no resoonse from it.. Can I change.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Since you’ve had your service for over a year, you should be able to change. Here’s an article that tells you how easy it is to switch service providers:
David French says
I a a Safelink customer. I just upgraded to a smart phone. I read in your news blog that all lifeline carriers would would start giving their customers 500 minutes starting in December. Well I had to call anxd get my minutes and they said that Safelink customers with a smart phone would only get 350 minutes. Can hyou look into this?
Free Government Cell Phones says
The new FCC regulations say that customers must receive either 500 minutes or 500 MB of data, but not both. Since you have a smartphone, we assume you are getting the 500 MB of data.
Sam Gilkey says
I was a repressntative for government phones and want to know how can I represent you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can’t represent us, Sam, because we’re not a free government cell phone company. We’re an independent website.
Lennys I Gonzalez says
I receive social security as well as food stamps Medicare and Medicaid.
Lennys I Gonzalez says
How do I apply for the free fone offer with the free upgrades like I said I receive social security foodstamps Medicaid and Medicare I also am mostly homebound due to sickness.i would like to know my options. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Free Government Cell Phones says
First thing you need to do, Lennys, is to check out all the plans available in your state. Find the one that fits you needs best. You can find them here:
After you find the best plan for you, enroll using the contact info on that service provider’s page. Good luck.
Melissa Gonzalez says
You can apply online (Tracfone or Assurance wireless). One per household. Not sure if these programs will be eliminated given posesion of our new president…. Good luck!!
Tommy roop says
How can I get a newer phone? I still have the old one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you the smartphone upgrade policy of all the major free government cell phone companies, Tommy:
Pamelakramer says
I broke my phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s the info you need, Pamela:
Tonya Craig says
I have foodstamps and in need of a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
What you need to do, Tonya, is review all the plans available in your state and enroll with the company that fits your needs best. You can find all the companies in your state at this link below:
Jeanette Johnston says
I hope you can help me here. I have a free phone through a life line company, but I can not find who they are, my phone is a small flip phone, no access to internet, only used for incoming and out going calls, I can send a text if knew how though, but any how, I went to make a call from my phone and a message come across that my account can’t be validated, please contact customer service, and it doesn’t leave a #, and I don’t know who to contact!! I had it for years, and at least once a year I renew it, and I am contacted by whom ever, but this time I wasn’t, so what happened? I have a phone that I can’t use right now. by the way, my # is 443-754-****
Free Government Cell Phones says
You might not like this answer, Jeanette, but there’s really one way to solve your problem. You need to go down the list of free government cell phone service providers in your state one-by-one and contact each of their customer service teams to ask if they’re your company. They can tell by your name or address or social security number or phone number. You can find that long list (it’s about 15 companies) here on our “States” page:
Elba virola says
Hi my name is Elba. I am on your website trying to locate the application to apply. It doesn’t give me the option. Please email me the application or where I can apply. Thank you and happy holidays.
Free Government Cell Phones says
This is an independent website, Elba, and we’re not affiliated with any of the free government cell phone companies. So we cannot offer application forms. You need to contact one of the service providers directly in order to enroll.
Rosemary says
I need dis phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You need to fill out dat application.
Maria Rodriguez says
Where do i apply?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Right from the comfort of your favorite chair, Maria. You can apply online or by phone. You can contact the companies using the information provided on each service provider’s page right here on
Roselyn Small says
I am trying to upgrade to a better phone other than the real small safelink phone so how go i do that
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article with exactly the information you need, Roselyn:
Bettie Weaver says
I’m trying to update my old government phone cause the one I have is not working and I need another one could you please send me some information on where I can go and get another phone. I have tried to get on the safe link website but can’t get in is there a number where I can talk to a live representative
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you been calling the tech support number, Bettie. If not, give it a try. 800-378-1684
Chris Vanarelli says
I have a lovely lg Optimus S sitting around that ran on sprint when I had a life and job. Can I use that with assurance wireless soon to be access wireless? It’s better with texting
Free Government Cell Phones says
Not all cell phones are compatible with all cell phone networks, Chris. You need to contact Assurance customer service or tech support to get a definitive answer on your particular make and model of phone.
Donna P Stevens says
I want to change from qlink wireless to safelink. How?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you everything you need to know:
Vinh Pham says
When can we expect the Lifelink companies to send smartphones instead of regular phones?
Free Government Cell Phones says
All new customers of all Lifeline free government cell phone companies are now getting smartphones (as of December 2). However, unfair as it may be, current customers do not get automatically upgraded. This isn’t just a Safelink issue — it’s the same for all free government cell phone companies.
Vinh Pham says
Is it possible to ask for the new upgrade?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you can ask, Vihn. But be prepared to pay a reasonably-low upgrade fee.
willie Bradley says
my phone was stolen out my car. how can reorder?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that’s exactly what you need, Willie.
lindsey says
need more minutes to get to family and friends add on minutes.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You do not say who your service provider’s is, Lindsey, but most of the companies offer additional minutes for sale on their websites. If your service provider isn’t one of them, try reading this article about AirFair:
John Kates says
My government phone was stolen. How do I turn it off and get new one.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that answers that exact question, John:
Moon Chang says
My phone cannot use somtimes,I think battery problem after 4 hours shot down.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service or tech support team online or by phone, Moon.
Mary Niski says
Once you’re in the program can you change companies?
Free Government Cell Phones says
As of today, you can only switch service providers once every twelve months.
Lisa wallen says
Need to apply for phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do it, Lisa.
Sandra a alvarex says
I apply already. no sent me the phone. my address is ************ miami fl 33174. i needed the phone no have one. i get food stamps and medicare too. socoal is 58227****. please send me the phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
How long ago did you apply, Sandra? Our readers tell us that if often takes three or four weeks or even longer for the phones to arrive depending on which company you enrolled with.
jerry shiflet says
i just need a cell phone. i been out of work a long time and my job requires me to have a phone. help me help myself please. **********, glendale az 85022
Free Government Cell Phones says
There are a number of great free government cell phone options in Arizona, Jerry. Check them all out very carefully to make sure you find the plan (most minutes, most texts, most data) that fits you needs best. Then enroll with that company using the contact info we include in the company’s listing page.
Betty says
I need a phone number so I can call Obama phones
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone companies in your state, Betty. Check them all out carefully to make sure you get the plan that fits your needs best:
Fari Godazandeh says
I have been trying to get a free smart phone for my mom who is qualified under medicare/medical but not been able to. I have called and the operator has said they have sent the application and none has been received.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact them again. Or find a company that allows you to enroll online. Here’s where you can find all the companies that offer the program in your state:
Rosslyn Adamoli says
where are rhe locations in Long Beach Ca. 90806 90813?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Read our answers to similar questions below, Rosslyn, to see why we recommend against enrolling for a free government cell phone at a street tent or booth.
Danielle butler says
I want a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We want you to apply for a phone.
Melissa Courtney says
I lost my phone. How do i get it shut off?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that answers all your questions:
Orlando says
How do get a government touch screen phone with porch
Free Government Cell Phones says
We assume there’s a typo because we do not know what “porch” is, but in most cases smartphones are an upgrade. You can find out all about smartphone upgrades in this article:
Marilynn Olsen says
I have lost my cell phone-safelink pls de activate it and sent replacement to Marilynn Olsen, ********** Kenosha, WI 53143 Phone number on lost phone was 262-344-**** and the old address was **** St. Kenosha, WI 53143 email me @ ************** Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Marilynn, but we can’t respond personally due to the sheer volume of comments and questions we receive every day. However, here’s an article that tells you what to do in case of a lost or stolen free government cell phone:
Judy Massenzo says
I’m trying to get my friend signed up with Safelink..She has such an old cell phone, it’s threw Assurance Wireless..I told her about Safelink & that you get 500 min. a month now also free txing & the minutes that’s not used is carry-over..She’s been on the LIHEAP PROGRAM for yrs too..Also I had shown her my cell that I love, you don’t have button’s to push that you can hardly see, & it holds a SD Card, so she can save her pictures of there family get togethers too..She’s in her early 60’s, also lives alone..We usually have a tent that’s set up once a month in Rogersville, TN. I had his phone # so I could help people, but lost it..You wouldn’t know who’s over Safelink in Rogersville, TN would you? If so would you please send me his #, & dates..Tk you so much…
Free Government Cell Phones says
First of all, Judy, thanks for helping your friend. That’s very kind of you.
In answer to your questions, we do not recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth. They have been the source of too much fraud and abuse and we would hate to see your friend get herself in trouble that way. Instead, she should enroll directly with customer service online or by phone. Here’s where you can find a list of all the free government cell phone service providers in your state:
andrea says
Do you know if you can get a free government phone in fl using a ga ebt card?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you asking if you can use your EBT card to prove your eligibility? (If that’s the case, we assume you can, but you should check with your chosen service provider’s customer service team. They will be able to give you a quick, accurate answer.)
Or are you asking if you can pay with it? (If that’s what you’re asking, the free government cell phone is abasolutely free and there’s no need to pay for anything.)
Free Government Cell Phones says
Any of our readers want to take a wild guess as to what Pedro is trying to tell us?
Barbara says
I think Pedro might be saying will he lose his phone if he gets another phone for someone else. Because he needs his government income.
Carie Bundy says
Also I heard that there was a change and that I may could get 500. minutes. Is this true. I have ssi way poor woman alone with help with housing and utility assistance. I am sure I draw the minimum of SSI. do I qualify for a better phone? Don’t get very good reception. But I am just happy to have a phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You didn’t mention which company you’re with, Carie, so we can’t tell you if your minutes have been increased.
It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get better reception if you get a different phone. You may just live in a zone that has poor signal strength. Do you get better reception when you travel to other parts of your area?
Carie Bundy says
Hello I’m Carie Bundy
Last month I lost my phone or rather my grandson 3 hid it. I didn’t try to redeem my min. because I thought I couldn’t until the 1st. So I contacted support and tried to redeem my min.
I never got to talk to a human. So didn’t get min. So now I’m cancelled. I was good until 1/31/2019. I would like to find out about some other advantages that I may be eligible for also. So now I have to borrow a phone. Why did I get cancelled and why can I never get to talk to a person. This is very annoying. I have been trying for a couple of days now. Please help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
First of all, you cannot have “been good until 1-31-2019 because every free government cell phone customer is required to recertify annually. Is it possible that you got cancelled because you did not recertify?
If you’ve been cancelled you can re-enroll with any free government cell phone company that does business in your state. You can find that list here:
Julie Boeckmann says
Would like new free government phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you need to apply for a free government cell phone, Julie.
Jasmine Felice says
Why won’t my free government phone let me call my landline
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s a complaint we’ve never heard before, Jasmine. You should be able to call ANY phone from your free government cell phone. Maybe you should contact your service provider’s tech support team.
Jack Lacey says
Lost my phone, need to stop it, the phone number i had from the phone was 586 945 ****
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you exactly what to do when you lose your phone:
Jennifer Davey says
How do i upgrade my safelink lifeline phone to a smart phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll probably be required to pay a small upgrade fee. Here’s an article about he upgrade policies of all the leading Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone companies:
erica aymer says
How do I upgrade to a smart phone, I have safelink
Free Government Cell Phones says
All customers are supposedly supposed to begin getting smartphones as of December 1, 2016. But here’s an article on the current smartphone upgrade policies of all the leading free government cell phone companies:
Misty Wilson says
I have straight talk service that ends in five days I will not be able to refill service I need to know if I can keep/use my current phone number upon signing up
Free Government Cell Phones says
Yes, you should be able to keep your phone number. But you need to tell them to “port over my current phone number” during your first conversation. Apply for your free government phone and do not cancel your current phone service until after you receive your free government cell phone and it is up and running.
Tara says
Are there any Lifeline providers that will allow me to use a Virgin Mobile Galaxy S3 (no sim card) in place of the phone that’s provided? I have a friend that is on government assistance, and I have a Galaxy S3 just gathering dust.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We are unable to tell you which phones each company permits. You’ll need to contact each company’s customer service team.
cj johns says
assurance wireless will.
tricia says
Hi, our son has a Safe link free phone. It quit working and he has had it almost 2 years. We spent a long time with tech support to correct the issues. They advised it was broken and to call Safe link and tell them. The answers given were so vague I have 0 idea what he is suppose to do. Sounds like he can buy a new phone at Walmart, or he can purchase a Smartphone. Can anyone explain to me what this is they are talking about?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Since we didn’t hear the conversation, Tricia, it’s impossible for us to tell you what they were talking about.
tonisha says
I would love a cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Then you should apply for a cell phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We would love to have you apply for one, Crystal. Here’s where you can find all the Lifeline Assistance free government cell phone companies in your state:
Larry says
Why did three Safelink phones I know of get 500 minutes yesterday (11-1-16) instead of 350? These are established lines, not recently added service. Not complaining about extra minutes, just wondering if it is a permanent increase.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Beats us, Larry. Contact Safelink customer service.
Larry says
Called Safelink and it is a four month promotion
of 500 minutes a month. After February will go back to 350 minutes.
OLIVIA Trahan says
I qualify for program …….food stamps and lowi income. When willl free internet smart phones be availble?
Free Government Cell Phones says
All free government cell phone companies are required to offer smartphones by December 1, 2016. Some of them already offer them. But you’ll need to contact each of your preferred service providers to ask if they can now guarantee that you’ll receive a smartphone.
sharon says
es, i just called safelinks and was told tat i would ave buy a smartpone. when i quoted what your page says about getting a smartphone by december 1,2016, i was told to call on december 1,2016 so they could address my request. i do understand if i can a smartphone how come they help wit tat
Free Government Cell Phones says
Quirky and unfair as it sounds, Sharon, Safelink only offers smartphones in California at this time.
Abria Pasana says
I’m trying to apply for a goverment cell phone online but im having trouble filling out an application on here.Yes I do qaulify but its not sending it out.
Can i apply over the phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Most free government cell phone companies allow you to enroll by phone. In case you’ve run into one that doesn’t, here’s where you can find a complete list of other Lifeline companies in your state. Good luck.
Yisel says
I los my phone what i can do
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that answers your question, Yosef:
Brenda L Elem says
My Assist Wireless government cell phone was stolen on the bus. I’ve been trying to get another one for 2 weeks now. When I call the number to speak with someone to try and get me a replacement phone I’m on hold for hours. I don’t know if I’m considering this as a complaint or reaching out for help. Can someone help me?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Have you visited your service provider’s website, Brenda? Check it out to see if it offers a way to email customer service or even do an online chat.
mark maly sr says
wood like too get one
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify, Mark? If so, you need to apply in order to get one.
Gabby Wright says
I live in a rural area of North Carolina which only has 2 choices of phone & TV service–a rural membership owned telephone company, Randolph Communications, & Time Warner Cable. My home phone has recently gone to $58 a month which I can no longer afford. We are on fixed minimum SS income–my husband is disabled & terminally ill. We cannot afford the phone company’s internet or phone service & had to cancel Cable TV but kept Road Runner internet. Initially the plan was $14.99 a month plus the modem rental which came to $24 a month. We could afford that – then suddenly we started having internet problems–loading, barely crawling speeds – talked to Time Warner & they suggested going up to the next level – I agreed to try it–now the new internet bill is $45 a month & service is by far worse. I then signed up for Safelink Wireless & got the free phone–however I was sent a gsm phone instead of a cdma phone–we only have Verizon service in my area – not AT&T. I have worked & worked with Safelink people trying to activate the free phone–will not activate. Instead of sending me a new cdma phone they sent a SIM card–phone still will not work. I have now had the phone for 3-1/2 weeks; cannot use it & every time I try to get it activated I’m told to give it a day or so & then call back. I am trying to get cell phones for myself & my husband so we can drop the landline phone & still have access to 911 but I also need the internet as I correspond back & forth with husband’s doctors that way & order his medical supplies. I was reading about the new internet service Time Warner/Charter will have out soon but you cannot have been a customer within the last 60 days to be eligible. Does anyone have any suggestions of anything I have not considered.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Readers? Any advice for Gabby?
tobias sims says
I already have a free Gov. phone but I would like the new phone. My phone is old and out of date. I don’t know how to get the latest free!!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll probably be required to upgrade, Tobias, and required to pay a reasonably low fee to upgrade to a smartphone. Here’s an article that tells you all about upgrading:
ash says
Hi, I was in the same situation, just go back on the page and try to request a new line then it will ask for your info, once everything is submitted it will show that you already have a phone and it would ask if you want to upgrade.
William Digesti says
I already have a free government cell phone but the problem is that I do not receive calls or I can not make any cell call. I don’t have any service where I live. So is there anything you can do for me like a new cell phone or better phone service I no that version works for this. Location where I live. I live in Guerneville,Ca. 95446.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s impossible for us to know what kind of service you’ll get from any particular free government cell phone company or any particular make and model of phone. All you can do is ask your friends and neighbors which cell networks they are on and when you find people who say they get good service from one particular company, enroll with a Lifeline company that uses that national cell network. Good luck. At least you live in a gorgeous part of the country.
yasmin says
Hi, can i use internet in my free cell phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
It depenes on what kind of phone you receive, Yasmin. Each Lifeline company purchased refurbished phones in bulk and hand them out randomly. So you may get a different make and model phone that the people who enroll immediately before you and immediately after you. However, virtually every free government cell phone company allows you to upgrade to a smartphone for a reasonably small fee. Here’s an article that tells you more:
John harper says
Does north Carolina. Have the free obama smartphones yet. My phone keeps messing up.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s a hit-and-miss proposition, John. Most companies distribute the phones randomly — so the enrolled just before and after you might get smartphones, but you might not. Most companies allow you to upgrade to a smartphone for a reasonably small fee. Here’s an article that tells you more:
Q Link promises smartphones to all its new customers, but it is not yet doing business in North Carolina. And come December 1 (or thereabouts) all Lifeline companies will supposedly be required to provide smartphones to all customers.
Tom Caudle says
Need a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Apply for a phone.
Natasha says
I need free phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify, Natasha? Find out here:
Christina moffatt says
Im wanting a goverment phone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re wanting you to apply for one. Here’s an article that shows all the ways to qualify:
Gloria Williams says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you how to get a replacement for a lost, stolen or broken phone. Hope it helps.
Sandra Hope Nash says
I would like to have a smartphone
Free Government Cell Phones says
We would like to have a ruby-encrusted crown, but your odds of getting a smartphone are much better than ours. Here’s an article about which Lifeline Assistance companies offer smartphone upgrades:
By the way, as of December 1, 2016 every Lifeline company will be required to offer smartphones to all new customers.
kohovi Agassounon says
I want to apply for free phone.What can I do?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Do you qualify? Check this article:
If so, check out all the companies offering free government cell phones in your state:
Renee says
How do I get a phone and where do I go to get it?
Thank you
South Orange County, CA
Free Government Cell Phones says
Ahhh, south Orange County. This comment moderator lived in Dana Point for many years. Because we have an affection for the area, we’ll give you an extended answer.
The place you should go to get a free government cell phone is online or straight to your phone. We no longer recommend enrolling at a street tent or booth because there have been too many cases of fraud and abuse coming from those locations. Don’t do it. PLEASE apply online or by phone.
To make it easier for you, here’s where you can find a complete list of Lifeline service providers in your state:
Victor Maciel says
Homeless an need a phone send it to 405 west church St ****** Virginia
Free Government Cell Phones says
Unfortunately, Victor, it’s not easy to get a free government cell phone when you’re homeless. That’s a pity because the homeless clearly need the service more than anyone. But don’t despair because it’s not impossible. Here’s an article that tells you how homeless people can get free government cell phones:
Sabrina incorvaia says
I had a I phone and it had got stolen on Saturday night. I really need a phone for my daughter. she’s not doing well. also need it for her doctors, and school work. if there is anyway you can help me that will be great. I’m a single mother.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You’ll probably need to pay for a replacement phone, Sabrina. So if that’s a problem, you can always switch service providers. That will allow you to get a new phone for free and maybe even get a better plan with more monthly minutes, more texts, and maybe even a smartphone and data plan. Here’s an article that tells you how to switch:
And here’s another article where you can find all the free government cell phone providers in your state:
Edward Libby says
How to apply for free cell phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Start with this article, Edward.
Charlene Orozco says
I have a government phone.Center with no charger and no information about the phone.I’m very upset cause this phone does not work right.I’m txt you on another phone.I called Q links and couldn’t get through so I e-mailed them.This phone was preowned 2yrs.ago ! Her Facebook account was on my phone!!They told me I could have another phone for 25.00!!!!That’s ripping off the government. I ENROLLED IN THE PROGRAM CAUSE I CAN’T AFFORD ANY OTHER.SO,WHY ARE THEY CHARGING FOR ANOTHER PHONE!!! I believe they send bad phones so they can charge for another.I have no other phone and now they want 25$which I don’t have.Do something about this please.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not the government, Charlene. We’re an independent website that specializes in the free government cell phone business. If you can’t get your service provider to provide help, you only have a couple options. (1) If you’ve had your phone for 60 days or more, you can switch to another provider. Here’s an article that tells you how simple that is to do:
If you’ve had your phone for fewer than 60 days, and your service provider refuses to help you, your only remaining choice is to raise holy hell with regulators. Here’s an article that tells you exactly how to complain to the FCC, your state public utility commission, and USAC, the organizations that regulate the industry:
Other readers have told us that it helps to complain to the Better Business Bureau. Hell, complain to them all, Charlene.
Vunner Clark says
I have a gov phone and cannot use because no network avaidable. I TURN IT OFF AND BACK ON AND THE V is still in the left corner. will someone please tell me what to do.
Free Government Cell Phones says
You have two choices, Vunner. You can either contact your current service provider’s customer service team, or you can switch service providers and get a brand new phone. Here’s more info on how easy it is to switch:
Fred D says
Hello, I have right now safelink, would I be eligible for free internet board and service come Dec 1 ” , because I would rather have that than instead of paying TW for internet service,
Thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
You would still be eligible for the programs with smartphones, if you are now eligible for the program. Eligibility will not change.
vAna Lara Bjsher says
I am a widowed and disabled, do not have car or feel phone, therefore when I am all somewhere my panics attacks get worse. Having a phone it will help someday. M Lara Bisher
Free Government Cell Phones says
You are exactly the kind of person this program was designed for, Ana. Check out all the service providers in your state in this article:
Joan Nicol says
I am trying to cancel my lifeline service at Access and there is no phone number to speak to a representative. I have called customer service and canr get a rep. Also dialed 611 like it says and still no help.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Are you cancelling because you no longer qualify or because you’re switching service providers? If you no longer qualify you can just turn your phone off so that it can neither send nor receive calls or texts and it will automatically be cancelled after 60 days of inactivity. If you want to switch providers, that company will take care of cancelling Access.
All that being said, we get the same “I can’t get in touch with Access” message quite often. It must be incredibly frustrating for our readers.
Antonio Milons says
I would like a phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
I would like a Ferrari. You can apply for a phone and get one, but I cannot apply for a Ferrari.
Antonio Milons says
How can i apply or who do i call
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can find a complete list of all the free government cell phone providers in your state here:
Compare all the companies and plans to make sure you get the plan you want (number of minutes, number of texts, data plan, etc.).
luis says
Is there any way I can get internet on my phone?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Absolutely, Luis. Here’s an article that tells you the smartphone upgrade policies for all the leading free government cell phone companies:
Sandra says
I have my own smartphone can I usevit to keep all my contacts. Where do I apply.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article that tells you the smartphone upgrade policies of all the free government cell phone providers:
Q Link says it now offers smartphones to all its customers, but we are unaware of any other Lifeline company that makes that claim.
Diana zaragoza says
safelink advertise smart phones but they don’t send out smart phones 2 times they sent out the small flip phone you can hardly see the screen. when I called the and asked they said that there not available in all areas , buy yet the advertise that they have it now in my area Washington state.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’ve reported that Safelink only offers smartphones in California. Some of our readers, like you, have reported that they got smartphones in other states. It’s a very confusing situation that we’ll continue to update as we get more information.
Pauline Taliefero Davis says
Do you have a free smartphone.
Free Government Cell Phones says
“We” don’t have a free smartphone because we’re not a Lifeline Assistance service provider. We’re an independent website. But here’s an article that will tell you the smartphone policies of all the major Lifeline companies:
Tiffany King says
Chancel my 1St phone with access wireless I don’t know someone stole it and send me a replacement phone
Free Government Cell Phones says
Sorry, Tiffany, but we are not your service provider. Here’s an article that tells you how to get a replacement phone:
Ginger k. Johnson says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s where you can find a complete list of free government cell phone providers in your state, Ginger. Looks like you have lots of choices in Georgia. Compare all the plans, find the one that sounds best for you, and switch providers.
And here’s an article that tells you how easy it is to switch service providers:
Diana Schmidt says
We have a government do we get a new phone …..battery not charging