We’ve been sounding the warning for many months, but it may be time to sound it again: Fraud may be the weapon that finally kills the government’s outstanding Lifeline Assistance free cell phone program.
Simply stated, low-income residents of Ohio and other states are abusing the program to such a degree that they may be putting the entire program in jeopardy.
According to the Dayton Daily News, 26,500 Ohio recipients have already been busted for violating the rules.
As in other states, Ohio residents’ participation in the program has mushroomed in recent years. In 2008 there were only 280,000 state residents enrolled, but by 2011 it had increased to nearly 600,000. Costs have skyrocketed at a similar rate.
Unfortunately, telephone companies suspect that as many as 5% of all recipients have signed up for more than one line, which is a clear violation of the rules. They have been ordered to choose one carrier and to give up the other within 35 days.
Quite frankly, we’re not surprised by the fraud. The Lifeline program has grown rapidly – too rapidly, perhaps – and rapid growth in any business is often accompanied by a shocking lack of control.
The Federal Communications Commission has also noticed the fraud. It has already begun looking into amending the rules and increasing federal oversight to keep recipients honest.
No wonder. In Ohio, as in most states, the foxes are guarding the henhouse. For some unfathomable reason, the government initially thought the companies that are paid for every customer they sign up should be responsible for making sure everything was on the up and up. Obviously, the honor system has been a bit of a failure.
For example, the application from Assurance Wireless requires the prospective customer to swear, “I am the head of household … (and) I understand that Lifeline Assistance is only available for one land line or wireless phone per household. If I currently have a Lifeline plan with a different phone service provider, I will notify my current provider when I am approved for Assurance Wireless service.” There are 26,500 reasons to believe the affidavit is a joke.
Unbelievably, the FCC found 200,615 fraudulent accounts in the first seven states it audited, including 111,682 in parts of Florida and Tennessee. As a result it is looking into rule changes.
“The commission is very aware of the nature of the problem with duplicate claims and is working aggressively to control it and ensure that it’s held to the lowest possible level if not completely eliminated,” said Eric Iversen, spokesman for USAC. “We provide audits of companies that provide services to make sure they provide services only to eligible consumers.”
How can honest people qualify for one of the free government cell phones? It’s really pretty simple. One way is to be enrolled in a federal aid program such as Medicaid, food stamps, Section 8 or free school lunches. The other way is to earn less 135-150% (depending upon the state) of the federal poverty level (in case you’re wondering that works out to about $33,525 for a family of four).
Once again, if you legitimately qualify for the Lifeline Assistance program, we urge you to sign up. But we urge you to speak up when you see fraud in the program. In these tough economic times it is incumbent on all of us to protect this outstanding program by doing everything we can to weed out fraud.
Tammy Walton says
Q link has said my application is pending for months .They say I have a phone they never sent been receiving payment from government on my behalf and still no phone accepted all my proof but won’t move forward please help
Free Government Cell Phones says
Here’s an article you should read, Tammy. It will tell you how to file a formal complaint with all the right organizations:
Working and disabled says
I do have one of these phones, but I do not abuse the system. I qualify only due to the medicaid I recieve as a disabled individual. I abhor those who abuse the system and make it harder for those of us that follow the rules, and actually need these phones. I use mine so that I am able to call for help if my condition causes a severe dislocation while I am out. In such a situation, I do need immediate assistance. I cannot afford a regular cell phone due to the extent of my out-of-pocket expenses that allow me to continue working despite my severe limitations.
Alice says
The abuse of these phones in Toledo Ohio is ridiculous. A relative told me today he has 3 now and gets 750 minutes a month. ( More than I who have worked for 42 years can afford.) So I am paying taxes for many phones that are “free” because someone is not monitoring this at all. It is one thing to get a phone when it is needed, another to completely abuse the situation. ( The people I know who have them could work but cannot make enough money to equal the free housing, phones ,food stamps, $$, Medicaid, etc. ..so why work?) Americans lets get angry and stop abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James says
My family had 2 because my mother is dissabled on kidney dialysis and I had to take care of her, we had one car that 2 households share and no landline phone to make calls so the only way we could call each other was to have 2 phones now they forced us to drop one and I can never leave the house now I can’t work, I can’t even go get something to eat, because if something happens to my mother she has no way to call for help… thanks government for making me a shut in now I will never work and I have to live off the goverment fully… your plan really did a lot of good.
Scott G says
I know of a veteran who has 5 free government phones. When someone from his church inquired about it, no one reported him about his 5 free government phone. He just told the minister that someone lied about him using 5 different names. Plus he works under the table for a Veterans’ Affairs doctor doing housework and yard work. This same doctor even drove the veteran to the Voters’ Registration office before the election this year to register to vote. Go figure! Our taxpayers’ monies hard at work! So hard at work that even though the guy I’m talking about is a veteran, others help him “take advantage of the system”.
It used to be that integrity meant something to people; but things do not seem to work that way anymore. Someone could have helped the veteran get a home land line for cheap since he doesn’t have a regular job; but he brags about how many phones he has and the fact that the doctor along with other Veterans’ Affairs’ staff have been helping him do some other underhanded things, so not even our government hospitals are “safe” from people taking advantage of the system. Some of their own staff are helping veterans get things that they may not be entitled to. That is the way things are anymore. If you tell on anyone, they retaliate big time on the “stool pigeon”. One female veteran received a cellphone call from this same veteran while he was in a doctors’ office along with a V.A. nurse. They were talking about this female veteran and the male nurse asked about killing the woman. The doctor told them to stop talking about killing her; but to have her on the phone while harassing should be against the law; but some staff members break the laws left and right. It is just human nature for some people, sad to say.
Coz says
all you idiots who let this fraud go on are stupid, you work, we don’t, you get taxed, we don’t get taxed, we get what you have for free, you have to pay for it HA HA . Thanks Dummies
yudidda says
I done work when i was in home but I can not werk now cause I have 5 kids with no father. I need obama to give us what all thosr rich people got. that is fair
Susan says
If you’re on here complaining about ANYTHING regarding a FREE phone, save your breath, no one wants to hear it!
rick says
Hey yedida Get a puckin job and stop living off of the govenment tit. time to grow up and put on your big girl pants and take care of yourself instead of waiting for others to take care of you. If it was up to me, you wouldn’t have any phone. I’m the one paying for it and that is what isn’t RIGHT in this equation
Barb in Ohio says
yedida says
I can understand the government not providing mom and dad and a teenager or two in a household BUT two totally individual people just sharing living expenses should each be allowed a phone if they are not a “couple” and only just roommates. Why is this not allowed? It’s not right.
Greg says
I have a 250 min cell and have never went over 250 min. But now I try to add min, it is a verizon phone, yet I am not a verizon customer. I called (all) the 800 numbers I can find on line. NOT a service match anywhere. I have had the phone about a year.