In 1996 Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which mandates that all providers of telecommunications services must contribute to federal universal service in some “equitable and nondiscriminatory” manner. In 1997, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created the Universal Service Fund (USF) to help meet the goals of the Telecommunications Act.
The Lifeline Assistance and Affordable Connectivity Programs are funded by the Universal Service Fund (USF) which is, in turn, funded by contributions from telecommunications companies. The whole shebang is administered by the FCC, which is responsible for ensuring that the money collected is used to support telecommunications services for low-income households.
When we use the word “contributions,” it definitely does not mean that the telecommunications companies are handing over billions of dollars out of the kindness of their hearts. Hardly. They are required by law to contribute a percentage of their revenue. This includes all companies that provide telephone, internet and broadband services.
One more wrinkle. The telecommunication companies aren’t “contributing” their own money. Everyone who has a phone or internet account pays. Look closely at your phone bill, for example, ad you’ll see a line item called “Universal Service Fund.” A few cents is tacked on to every phone bill and every internet bill each month, and all those pennies are put into a program called LifeLine to bring quality telephone service to low-income Americans.
A few pennies here, a few pennies there, multiplied by millions of telephone and internet accounts and it quickly balloons into billions of dollars.
David Wood says
This may just be my gut feeling but I have had several conversations and complaints about this qlink company!!! When I first signed up for Qlink seemed like a lot of unnecessary questions that were a little unusual but just blew it off then I got the service and I advised the customer service agent that my phone was new through metro and they lock the phone for 180 days but he still had me insert the qlink sim card which of course didn’t work on either end so he was supposed to call me back and never did so I called back then next day and pretty much the same thing happened but now I the new phone I had just purchased is useless as now I can’t get in it as have tried many times!! So now qlink tells me I am going to buy one of their phones so I need a phone so I have to bite the bullet and I offer me a phone for $35 I figured all that’s probably going to be a piece of junk so I upgraded to the $80 phone phone and it is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever used in my life so I called q Link I can find about it to the supervisor and it’s only me I have to call the phone manufacturer hot pepper pepper and at the end of the call I asked him why they haven’t sent me the tablet I was supposed to get and he told me I just have to wait and I asked him why do I have to wait and spend a month month and a half he says I just have to wait so when I think they’re doing is scamming the government by not sending the people that have pain the taxes are paid whatever it is into this government project and they are giving them people piece of garbage phones even when I pay for them and upgrade them and then not sending them the tablet that they’re supposed to get also I would hope somebody would look into this as the service that you like is absolutely horrible it takes like 5 minutes from my phone to come on and then like if you change to another app it takes 10 to 15 seconds at least good thing I don’t have to make an emergency call the battery with a full charge will go dead in about an hour and a half to two hours not even using the phone supposedly they’re sending me a new battery but it’s been over a week now and still haven’t received it so I should hope somebody will look into this because I think they’re scanning our government because they’re all Indians or whatever it’s definitely not an American company as everybody that answers the phone is Indian or I don’t know what though I don’t want to use a slang but my number is 941-405-**** my name is David wood and my email address is (DELETED). If possible I would like someone to contact me and let me know if anything that’s progressed thank you
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not Q Link, David, so we have no way to answer any of your questions.
Kevin Hillen says
What happens when given 3G of data and can’t gain access to it. And it’s being payed for?
Free Government Cell Phones says
Contact your service provider’s customer service team by calling 6-1-1 on your free government cell phone.
Rebecca lauthern says
I’m having trouble with qlink, I called them to discontinue my mother’s service she is 82 and can not operate the phone any more. It’s so simple just disconnect and stop getting payments from the government and they are giving me the run around.ive tried for two months…..
Free Government Cell Phones says
Many of our readers have made the same complaint about many of the Lifeline companies. Here’s an article that tells you how to file a formal complaint:
Pradeep Mehta says
I am not having very good experience from Tmobile customer service, as spoke to manager Eddy, Who was very rude and do not wish to listened me and keep interrupting me and second manager I spoke to name ‘Luis’ who at least listened me and not interrupted me, but nothing done for me.
I am finding that my minutes has extensively taken out incuding incoming calls and toll free numbers. Mainly calls through incoming, but the charges made and no one helped me at all. I am getting bad health due to worse customer service experience I ever had and would like to put accross. I am currently ussing Life Line plans and concern of every call I made.
Free Government Cell Phones says
T-Mobile does not participate in the Lifeline free government cell phone program, Pradeep, so we’re not sure what the connection is here.
Darrick says
What i want to know is how someone that is working a full time job making good money is still allowed to keep getting free phones. I know a guy who has been working full time making $18 per hour and he is still getting this free (to him) service. He should be cut off and have to pay for his cell service like everyone else. Bet he is not the only one out there. I am tired of paying for the cheap free loaders in this country. This stuff is for those who truely need it.
Free Government Cell Phones says
We also hate it when unqualified people take these phones away from those who are qualified. And make no mistake, they are taking them away. The Lifeline budget is huge, but limited, and they spend every cent of it every year, so when an unqualified person gets a free phone, that means some other qualified person can’t get one.
If you are really upset about this situation (and it sounds like you are), you should report the person you know for fraud. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
Cc says
How many more freebies can we possibly give black people before they call their self equal because whites pay for their phones it is upsetting I pay for my groceries , my child care to. it means getting two and three jobs if they just cut off the freebies to people there wouldn’t be this greed they would be forced to shut up and work like the rest of us. When they pay taxes and they have to pay for their groceries and they have to actually pay for their insurance and their kids and not be able to drive that fancy new car then they can call their self equal when they actually work for everything like the white man stop paying for all these illegals in foreigners. You’re never going to get them off the freebies because their race is lazy. You ever notice how the free beats they all seem to weigh about 300 lb I say we’re giving them enough groceries
Free Government Cell Phones says
Did someone declare this racist day and we missed the announcement?
Isa says
Cc do you assume only black people using free phone or government assistance? Actually do you know 85% of Wal-Mart or restaurant workers are using food stamps, and government assistance and therefore eligible for free phone what about the ssi retired. The corporates are the problems. I am pretty sure you’re also against the increase of minimum wages. Nope the minimum salary is too low in US. Every race in USA got a form of welfare until those employers are open to really pay their employees the government has to foot the bill to help the citizens. The saddest part in US is even the richest has a type of welfare named ” corporate welfare”. Do you know president Trump had some year returned from irs? Just saying! Black people are not the problems.
Steve Knief says
You dumb asses, it’s not free. Taxpayers are funding another unwarranted government subsidiary. If you’re disabled or very old and in need, let’s take care of you. If you’re a lifelong leach, do like normal people, get a job, buy a phone, pay for a plan. Our politicians have no respect for the tights and needs of taxpayers. You have no right to a phone and unlimited plan at the expense of others. I hope some activists for responsible spending works to repeal this stupid law.
Richard says
Yes I totally agree, I see these people approaching me daily. (Do you have your free phone yet). My answer is not to me. I have to work.
Yolanda says
I totally agree! I go to work everyday, I struggle and can still pay for my own phone, I sick and tired of having to pay for all these people who don’t want to work!
Gerald Keller says
It isn’t unlimited data, idiot! And how much is the tax for it? Probably one cent. Why don’t you bitch about the millions in subsidies we pay to Exxon-Mobil and the $400 million of tax evaded money that bone spur Trump got from his daddy?!?!?!?! While we’re at it why don’t we get rid of public roads? Unemployed people drive on them too, right??????? And the free phone thing started with Reagan (your love god, remember?). I actually know people bitch like you who are on disability right now!
Isa says
By the way this free phone service created thousands of jobs in USA. Hope you know that as well. Ask the congess to repeal the corporate welfare and to raise minimum salary.
Gary Pinterich says
Bill says
I’m tired of having to pay extra for things so people too lazy to work can have the same things without even having to get out of bed in the morning.
Everywhere you go these days , there’s someone singing that Jiminy Cricket song… “OH THE WORLD OWES ME A LIVIN'”. To be honest, I’m sick of hearing it! What’s next???
Linda l crosnoe says
I am 70 and was not into all this technology but on the advice of my DR. get a cell phone.{I had a heart attack and by the grace of GOD my neighbor came by{to bring me food]by the way for free.she saved my life WITH HER CELL.SO to you yes there are things for free,good things. I live on a Very low s.s. so i had to get the free cell have never regretted. it since .If you even have a little intelligence you should be able to think of lots of needs for one.Ind yes I am against the use of them just for fun or avoidance of conversation with others . I now do not live in the forties or fifties ore even the sixties do yourself and get into this age it will only get more advanced over the next few years.Seriously!
Sandra Holmes says
The partner of my brother just went on medicaid, and he gets a free phone with up to 200 minutes free every month. He has first told them no( he has his own phone and plan) but they talked him into it “because it’s free ) he doesn’t even use it and laughs about our government doing this.
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s fraud and customers like your brother who are going to be the death of this valuable program, Sandra. Shame on him.
Cristi Petersen says
I think we need to end the days of free things that people working hard are actually paying for it. There was no cell phones at all when I was growing up how did people manage then but can’t now? It is another program that allows people a easy way of not doing it themselves
Kathleen Lee says
For 17 months now I have had a phone from qlink. They have sent me 500 mins. Every month. Should some official be getting a refund cause I know they can’t be free
Free Government Cell Phones says
That’s the kind of problem most of our readers would like to have, Kathleen. If it were us, we wouldn’t worry about getting the extra minutes. We would think that the worst that can happen is that they cut you back to the basic 350 minute plan.
lee adams says
I think that if persons are getting what they term as “free stuff” like food stamps and cell phones it should be mandated that they work in some way to contribute back to society. Cleaning up litter on the roadways, cleaning bathrooms that are always dirty in parks and rest areas. Even carrying dirt from one place to another to help build bridges. SOMTHING to contribute for the FREE stuff they get. They have nice Escalade’s, popping kids out every nine months to qualify for even more food stamps and phones. Many of these non working lazy free loaders are very overweight because they have so much free food to eat and sit around on their ass eating the free food blabbering away on the free phones. We are a society with many, many 400 pound people with nice cars, 10 kids and counting and the first one to complain and riot if dey dond get der’s. Way too many free loaders who will NOT work. Why work when they get all their “stuff” FREE paid for by the people who DO work?
Linda l crosnoe says
To your comments First I do believe there is on overweight problem in the U.S, but there is a percentage that is due to meds they have to take .some of these are due to chemical efficiencies and or Glendora problems. you the ability to check on these things and also is you said the ones having lots of babes to get more aid are mostly of a soutane gender some of them being non citizens which our now presidents state several times to solve {out even started} as for as free loaders some of these people are handicapped or mentally despairedI work as part time with help center that works with homeless persons.I have found that a large amount would like to work but due to there circumstances they cant get employed because they are seen as dope addict or alcoholic Witch is not true in an lot of cases DO YOUR RESEARCH..
Free Government Cell Phones says
We’re not climbing into the middle of this one.
Karen Jenkins says
Most of these comments infuriate me. no one is lazy or dumb or on drugs who receive government cell phones. the free phones are for for people who are low income. even if you have the job as long as you make under $29,000 a year, your eligible for a phone. How can an individual look for a job find a job and keep a job without a phone? In addition, the homeless are left out of this program because they do not have a valid physical address they cannot get the free cell phones.. the individuals who are really taking advantage of this program are the ones who lie about not having a certain amount of income that is coming into the home. A boyfriend or girlfriend could be making good money working and they do not report this income or is the boyfriend girlfriend as living in the home, and they receive Aid.. Most do not choose to be homeless and many have mental health issues.. anyone could become homeless at any time you never know you . People should not judge unless you’ve been there.. it amazes me how many people have a lack of empathy. Furthermore the increase of prescription medication drug addiction has increased incredibly, just because your drug of choice has a RX associated with it does not mean that you are not doing drugs, you in fact are taking drugs. Before you call anyone an addict why don’t you open up your medicine chest and see how many medications you take..
Albie says
Very well said! Karen…way to go!
You brought up very good issues!
Lee you have good issues as well there are some that take advantage and a lil, let’s say community service , would not hurt the ones that are able to do it as, for the mentally challenged and disabled well obviously the help is needed! But to put everyone in one stereotypical group well no because not everyone asking for help is what you say! Good day to you all and God Bless You!
Sandra Holmes says
You are probably one of the losers getting g all the free stuff. No one should get a free phone. Also, most people on welfare and food stamps are just too damn lazy to work. Offer them a job, and they would have all kinds of excuses on why they couldn’t take it. The pooir working men and women are being made fools of by all the lazy people who refuse to work and pay their own way. And yes, there are a few people who really do need help, but the majority needs to be cut off all the handouts
john brown says
this is what happens when a moron with a pitiful life gets a platform he says outlandish things that at the end of the day just make him sound like an ass rather than rational
Linda l crosnoe says
to Sandra Homes; please check your facts before making such comments.The social services has added a great program where persons on social services has to addend a program to place them in a they help you get so you can get off aid it even supplies child setters.
Wendy says
I am a senior who’s renting a room to a man and he has 2 California lifeline phones. But one has another name attached to it even though the account is in my renters name. The company is sure making a mistake. I hear him using it to do drug activities. I wish i knew someone to get him busted. A lot of these phones are used by homeless drunks and druggies. These phones are just part of the benefits they get that enables them to stay drunk and drugged. Most of them are on SSI, which really should be looked into. I know people that are on SSi that are working under the table and have their free cell phones. In California, lifeline phones are totally unlimited free, and totally free data. California is the worst enabler. If the government listened in on these phones, I think a lot of people would be in jail. And there is one tent here where the guy says you don’t have to have an ID. They just give a fake name and address, and they can get 3 different phones. Can you imagine the waste taxpayers are dealing with?
Free Government Cell Phones says
You should do whatever you can to report this fraud, Wendy. Here’s an article that tells you how to do it:
Linda l crosnoe says
you fist should notify the phone company this is usually assurance,or safelink. as far as to the drug dealing go to the police and let them know they can tap any of his phones as well as trace any of his emails.if you can get photos with putting your self at risk that would be a exalt thing to do you can get him evicted on those terms as a free att. service in your town.By the way I
it is illegal for him to have two phones at the same address even with different names.GOOD LUCK
Chris says
These phones must be for more than emergency use and for the elderly. The people for the most part look mighty healthy and young. Lazy young people wanting a hand out or older ones that wasted their lives not working when they were younger. Smart phones to be offered today. People are letting this country fall more and more everyday. No one cares anymore. At least not enough do. Wake up lazy American before it’s to late. Oh yeah are the nice cars that these people pull up in paid for by the taxpayers also. Bet not. Got to look good though.
Rachel says
I agree. I’m also tired to paying for other people. I have always had a job since I was 18. I’m 35 and I’ve been at the same job for 10 years. Before that I found jobs like grocery store, teachers aid. The one time I applied for General Relief, The job I applied for kicked in, and I was hired before I even received any money of benefits Some people make it a career to live off the system, and people that work 40+hours a week or even 2 jobs, have to pay for it. I’m not saying there’s never a time in your life when you’re down and lose your job and need assistance…..but at least put an effort in trying to get a job. Instead, some people lie and say they’re homeless…which sucks for the real homeless people, and have the nerve to be picky about what job they have. All because the system make it easy for them to do so. If there was no alternative to getting these free things, I bet everybody would have a job and try to keep that motha****. People come out here pregnant cus they know the system will help them and that section 8 is being abused also. I pay 1100 for a tiny ass one bedroom apt in Inglewood, with 2 kids and 2 adults,while someone on section 8 have a $1500 apartment in a better neighborhood. I have to work harder to make my credit better to buy a house while someone can get a house with section 8. I tired of working hard and not seeing any results. I feel like when you don’t have a job….you get more in this country offered to you. somethings gotta stop.
john brown says
the only thing that needs to change is people like you you are sitting here ranting about how lazy people are and how they are getting handouts and you arent but you work so you deserve all the handouts people like you are whats wrong with this country not the guy/girl who grew up in a poverty stricken environment had no foundation and needs a leg to stand on you are the same people screaming get a job when is the last time youve offered someone work i doubt you would and with views like this i wouldnt put racism past you scumbag
Linda l crosnoe says
Where did you get any part that mentioning racism.It impossibly is coming from your own insecurities And name calling should really support that fact i also read nothing abu
out wanting all the handouts .This is to john brown. it would be proper to spell the first litter of your name with a capitals.
Linda l crosnoe says
Check out hud they help people with families[especially if you have children] There is also habitat for humanity they help with homes to.hope this helps.
Mems says
How about free land line phones only!
Free Government Cell Phones says
You can get a $9.25 monthly discount on home phones, but they are not free available anywhere — which is why we call this site and not
Why? Well, we’re not aware that anyone’s ever specifically said why. But our assumption is that landlines cost a lot more money. Phone lines must be taken to every house and every user which makes them expensive, while one cell tower covers a large area and hundreds or thousands of cell users. At least that’s our theory.
Tina Long says
Free Government Cell Phones says
It’s always nice to have a lovely, delicate flower like you visit our website, Tina.
DAVID says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Who could resist her remarkable grace and charm?
Brandon says
Obviously that $13 per year that you are being raped for could have been better used by you to pay for that anger management class or that $10 copay on your bottle of attivan to calm your butt down.
Laura Graham says
Tina you are so right. I agree with you totally.
Linda l crosnoe says
So you like her do you not realize this is not a dating service!!keep that n mine.
Linda l crosnoe says
Did you really read what she wrote I can only figure not or maybe you come from the same stock.
dan says
Im with you.
Harry says
isn’t it funny how some people cry? Never occurs that some people paid all their lives for these phones, then something happens and then they need the phone. A buck and a half? That’s a car payment. A cup of coffee isn’t it? But don’t complain about the hundreds you spend in taxes wealthy corporations don’t want to pay. Boosting their profits so high, they set up an office in a foreign country so they don’t have to pay their taxes. Priorities, idiots. Conservatives. Afraid someone will steal a dime off them, while someone else is stealing hundreds. This is why we need more education. The smarter people get, the less they vote conservative. And god forbid they research facts. These deluxe phones people think are being offered are a basic phone for emergency, life saving. I know retired people with these. Pensions are gone and all they have is social security. If they can manage to do some part time work, they deduct that from their SS. Research and education people. Or will we be burning science books. History books too. Jesus was white?
John says
As an economics major, I feel I am pretty well educated on the subject. I am also a Conservative and a Catholic with degrees in biology, paleontology and theology. The thing that I think most Liberals and young people of my generation do not seem to understand is that money does not just appear out of thin air. Services are paid with real money that is acquired from real people. So social programs such as the Free Government Phone, Obama Care, etc is being paid for by the Government using tax dollars from people who work and make money. Usually people who use the free phones are without jobs, I know several. I am not saying everyone who uses the government phone is unemployed, but quite a few are. I think that its a tad ridiculous that people without jobs are able to get a free phone at the working man/woman’s expense. The same thing goes for Obama Care. I know several people who’s private insurance premiums are jumping up over 75% in 2017. Because these private insurance premiums are sky rocketing due to Obama Care, they have just decided to go uninsured and just pay out of pocket for medical expense. They do not qualify for Obama Care because they make over a certain amount of money. I think it’s absurd that people who have made money and are able to buy affordable private insurance are no longer going to be able to afford it, so they’ll go without, while a large number of unemployed people are able to get free insurance while sitting around doing nothing at the tax payer’s (aka people who work) expense. For some reason this is no longer a country with Capitalistic ideals. We think that everything should be handed to us and that we are entitled to what we want. And so we have turned to the Government to suck off of their giant tit. For some reason we want to be dependent on the government like a child depends on their parents. I was raised with the mind set of working for what you want, not asking someone else for it, but instead working hard and obtaining it. Small government is what our nation was founded on. Capitalistic economics is what gave us the position as number one economy in the world. Today people of this nation want to model themselves after the Canadians or Europeans, who’s economy ranks far lower than the American economy. What people don’t understand is that our recent ancestors worked hard to build this country, and now we are just living in it, not really understanding how it got to be so great or how life got to be so comfortable, compared to other nations. We have been given a comfortable living by our hard working ancestors and now we just think we should be given everything. My grandfather was of the depression era, and he had no help from the government. He had to pull himself up by his boot straps, and guess what… he provided a good life for his family. People today, especially men, just don’t have that same drive. It’s a shame. You want to make jabs at large corporations? Large corporations are what keep people employed. Do I blame them for going over seas to avoid American taxes? No. Why should they have to take money from their accounts and give it to people who aren’t willing to put any money in their own. Its so simple. If you saw a homeless individual, would you rather give them money for the rest of their lives, or would you rather have them go out and work and make their own money for the rest of their lives? The answer seems pretty obvious. Another thing; it seems as though you are making jabs at people with Christian faith. Do you insult Christianity because Christians have shoved their ideology down your throat? Trust me, I havd been there too. I’m assuming you are atheist or maybe just non Christian and that’s fine, but atheism is just as much a religion as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or Buddhism. Not believing in something is also a form of faith or belief. You have faith that there is no God and no Jesus. Instead of just letting people believe whatever they want to believe and just leaving it at that, you decide to throw insults. Making you no better than the radical Christians that shove their beliefs down the throats of others. Jesus was an Israeli Jew. So I’m assuming he was Hebrew, which from my ubderstanding, is not white.
Tom Pollari says
Well you say your a well educated person who has a degree in economics, but you lack a degree in common sense. First this program was started by George W. Bush for starters, Mr. Economics, this is a phone program that helps people who have disabilities that receive social security, senior citizens, etc. The cost of this program cost you a couple of pennies a month for people who need a phone that lives a on fixed income. You say you’re a Christian, maybe start acting like one and educate yourself before you open that thing between your noise and your chin Christian man or maybe your just Satan to be honest here with your thinking here or the lack there of it.
john brown says
moron liberals didnt create taxes you may not want to help your fellow man and with a mindset like yours i dont want to either but for the few that do really need a hand ill go the extra mile every time people with ideals like yours are scum not everything that happens to a person is their fault its a proven fact
John says
Further more; these “free” cell phones are not for emergency use only. You can call/text whoever you want. I recently watched an episode of MTV’s Catfish where an unemployed individual spent his time communicating with his boyfriend using his Obama Phone (his words). That’s where our money is going. It’s a shame I can’t use that extra money to go towards…oh I don’t know…providing for my family. It may be only a few cents, in most cases it’s a buck or more, but it all adds up in the long run. When was the last time a large corporation screwed me out of my money? Oh that’s right, never. I don’t invest in large corporations and there fore my hard earned dollar isn’t being taken. For people living in this country, they have to pay their taxes to the Government, or else face jail time. No one forces anyone to invest their money with a corporation, and if they do, they run the risk of losing their money because of corrupt business. You can’t caution yourself from corrupt Government, however. So I would gladly side with Conservative ideals where you can dodge corruption from large companies, rather than side with Liberal ideals where you cannot dodge corruption from large government. Corruption exists in all forms of government. Whether it be the Free Market, Socialism, or Communism. The only difference is you can escape corrupt business associated with the Free Market, but you can’t escape corrupt government associated with Socialism or Communism.
Thomas says
I hear you blaming people for receiving benefits the government has provided them. I think in reality it is unlikely phone service was a direct request from a majority of people, but rather others working on their behalf. A phone service provides opportunity, and security for those who are not able to afford this service, and if they could the money is being taken from other areas of their life. I’ll ask a question is it possible a few cents from taxes could get a group of friends together to go out to a restaurant, and pay you back while you wait their table? A 30 dollar check is a 6 dollar tip. I believe it is a small contribution to the necessity of life of others, and their quality of life. If go to the internet and take a look at the population of America, and the number of jobs located in America we find there are 319 million people in America, and we also find that there are 175 million jobs in America. Can you really admit your telling Americans to get up of their lazy butts, and stand on the corner, and force people to pay them to wash their car windows, or offer any one they can a shoe shine? I think it is clear that there are now some problems happening with the Affordable Care Act. Do you know why the space shuttle Challenger blew up in mid flight to outer space. It was due to O-rings malfunctioning, the whether was not just right for the O-rings to operate properly. Its small, but not insignificant. I think it would be insulting to say NASA was testing its program with lives on board. Well, I think it would be reasonable to say sometimes a lot of smart people still make some mistakes. Did you know that education increases GDP of a country? Health care also increases GDP of a country. These are things in common with industrial countries, and not so industrial countries. The Affordable Care Act resolves a simple equation; Health Care=GDP. I ‘d like to make one last comment How can a person in this world be birthed into the world where they are told God is real, and Jesus walked this earth be practicing a Religion, because they say it not so. There is no absence of religion to not go against. They are not practicing Faith you manipulative SOB. People really walk down the street, and get bombarded with people practicing religion, asking Do you believe in God, Do you believe in Jesus, Do you believe Jesus died for your sins. There is no escaping the guilt trip, and as a result people reject this notion. They’re not practicing a religion. The argument is a forced one, like a forced hand. Sorry your probably not an SOB, but probably manipulative.
Erik says
Ah yes folks…we have yet another liberal imbecile crybaby who’s undoubtedly still throwing a temper tantrum over the election. Liberalism is a mental disorder and Harry, being a progressive idiot, qualifies instantly for a frontal lobotomy. Find a tree and hug it Harry. Yeah, Conservatives are dumb?? Look in the mirror you liberal nitwit.
Gary says
I viewed a newscast stating we the public are paying billions of dollars for free phones for the poor. The cost is not just a few cents a months but as much as a $1.50 per phone bill. I never agreed to this give away. I have to pay $30 to $40 on retirement income and these people get it for absolutely nothing. What is wrong with this picture. Why do these people need phones if they can’t afford them. This stupid leader needs to go along with the senate and congress that passed this bill. I’m taxed to death even in retirement and these people get
all of these things for sitting on their asses. Trump for president to cut these type of travesties. Obama is just a dumb S O B.
A. David says
Nice try blaming Obama. Why don’t you try doing some research.
Gladys Gilbert says
Why do people who don’t work need a cell phone.
If they do work, let them pay for it like everyone else.
Every young person you see has a phone attached to their hand.
Why are tax payers furnishing these phones.
This is outrageous.
Build-a-wall says
I like how the 1996 congress made a law so the FCC (bureaucracy what should not exist, is funded by the tax payer and restricts free speach) could steal the American workers money, and give to this this third party website. Which then gives it to people who should get off a phone and get a job. The best part is that this site then restricts my free speach by deciding which comment is “worth” publishing. The people working at the FCC and this site should all be ashamed.
Brandon says
I can answer your question because it is pretty dumb.
Why do people who are unemployed need a phone, really?
Let’s say you are unemployed, you go out and put in several applications and then what? You have no way to contact the employer, the HR department and the employer has no way to contact you.
I can tell you from experience that we have personally hired several people to work for us that were down on their luck and using their Free Bush Phones as their co tactical number when we called them in for an Interview. The program works as intended. There was some abuse in the beginning with how the Bush Law had it set up and people could get multiple phones with only 60 minutes per month. From what I understand now, there is a national database to prevent people from getting more than one device and now they are allowed 250 minutes which is more reasonable along with some texts and ability to pay for data.
I don’t know why you people carry on, it is obvious you have never lived on Government Benefits like the people you are condemning. People don’t want to live like that and want to find jobs, but when there aren’t enough or no jobs available, it is impossible.
I have never seen so many people with unChristian like behavior like I have seen on these comments.
Remember that Jesus that that what you do to the least, that you do to him. You better gratefully care for the sick, feed the hungry, provide shelter and clothe the poor and visit the lonely or remember that Jesus condemning Ed those that don’t to the eternal fires of Hell.
The idiot who posted Atheism is a religion cracked me up! If that wasn’t some self-righteous bolstering, I don’t know what was. To elevate yourself to the level at which you can define another’s lack of beliefs. Mr Economics, I have a degree in Christian Studies, am technically an Ordained Minister (only do weddings anymore) and have a degree in Information Systems. I am shocked at how you don’t even comprehend the basics of the ACA. Your friend DS can’t make to much money to get coverage through a State or Federal Exchange. If your company provides private insurance, you are automatically excluded from getting coverage through the ACA unless you lie on your application to the Government. On the application, it states if you are found to be lying, you will be required to repay everything.
Second, if Medicaid was expanded in their State, they would need to make no money or very little money, about less than $10K per year combined to qualify as a family (unless there are kids). Second, if they lied on the application and applied for a subsidy, they could make to much for that. Not having private insurance and no coverage at all violates the ACA Law and would require them to not only pay for healthcare out of pocket which is irresponsible and dumb, it also requires that each of them pay the ACA penalty at tax time if they can not prove they were covered all year.
Christina M Wolford says
How do I change my current free cell phone provider. I am getting unlimited text messages, however, they have restrictions (no pictures). I am not happy! I have grandchildren all over the United States who text me. I have stopped using my phone due to this. Please help, how do I change providers? I would rather get a discount on a phone service for the text. What steps do I take?
Dufus McGee says
Cut your throat and save me some money, deadbeat!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Anger issues, McGee?
Sheryl says
McGee, why would you say that to someone you do not know? I’ve worked all my life and it’s not for others to judge. What IF this person WAS suicidal? Just saying. Think before you say things like you did.
Molly says
How can you take something for “free”, which is actually being paid for by people who work, and then have the nerve to ask for MORE?
Tina Long says
Tina Long says
Free Government Cell Phones says
Valium is a drug that has helped millions of people, Tina. You should ask your doctor about it.
Evelyn Marks says
It’s absolutely disgusting to me that this service is available to anyone. Whats even more nauseating is the fact that u advertise on TV “if ur on welfare, don’t stop there… don’t forget u get a free phone too” we wouldn’t expect anyone to actually go to work and purchase a phone now would we. My friend walks into the Hudson center & forgets her ss card & the employee asked her for her sons card who is 8 months old in a stroller. She walks out of the center w/a cell phone 4 her son that’s not even 1yrs old, nor can he talk. Financially disadvantaged you call it? I call it just another way to make things easy for people who don’t want to work but want all the comforts and conveniences of a working person (oh, that I have to pay for). Now your adding Internet service too! Wow! So I just wanted to know, when are the “financially disadvantaged” going to start getting free vacations and cruises to the Caribbean?
Mr. Matos says
It’s not available to just anyone. Ever heard of those so called vacation wins?
Tina Long says
I hear you loud and clear coming from someone who still pays my adult children’s cell phone bills which is about to come to a sudden halt, I have worked my entire life and paid my way through it all, SO WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY GOD DAMN MOTHER F**KING FREE CARIBBEAN CRUISE!!! OH AND GO AHEAD DON’T POST MY RANTS CAUSE I CUSS, WHATS WRONG AFRAID I MIGHT HIT A NERVE, AND YOUR MAY HAVE A REVOLT ON YOUR HANDS????
Free Government Cell Phones says
Hey, is a great idea, Tina. We think we’ll start a new website and we’ll owe it all to you. Thank you so much.
sylvita joseph says
The phone I currently own is old and broken, so I need a replacement if possible for it to have a touchscreen please. Thank you for your time from sylvita joseph on November 11, 2014
Ramon rosales says
ramon rosales says
how to open a business offering free cell phone thru lifeline or other agency
William M. Hubicki says
Thanks for the cell phone. I can use it a lot. Maybe someday I will get another phone. But for now thanks.
March 8, 2014 says
Stop complaining about the phone quality. Pay for your own phone instead of letting everyone else pay for you so you can have a “free” phone. I’m not impressed by how many lazy people out there think they should get necessities for free. Work for a living so you can afford your own items.
Kat says
You don’t seem to understand that these are for working people. Well over 60% of Americans qualify for programs such as these at some point in their lives.
Shekirah Hines says
Is it possible to get a statement of your telephone calls. And how do you go about obtaining it.
horrible phone says
the phone they sent sucks. samsung S125G. 10 dollar phone. its too small. I’ve made 2 calls and the quality sucked. so while their offering free phones, im not impressed with the phone and call quality
Mr. Matos says
Well who are “they”? There are several companies involved.
it's a TAX not a fee says
my landland has fees that are about $12 a month. THAT helps to fund phones for everyone else. including the free phone I just got. for me its free, but then again its not free. anyone that pays taxes pay for it.
Beth says
After reading all of these posts, I am still “wondering” what would my niece and her n’er do well husband need 1250 minutes and 1250 texts (and they use them ALL each month) for? They get EBT and one free phone with 250 min/texts a month. I purchased them a straighttalk phone with 1000 min/texts a month for the past year and a half, until they can “get on their feet”. I also buy them paper goods, soap, etc. that EBT will not. There have been no “real” job prospects that I know of. I guess I’m just completely naive. I have a landline and a cell that combined I don’t use 1250 minutes in 3 months!
Jake says
The government has been providing free phone services for low income people ever since THE BILL WAS PASSED almost 20years ago The decision to provide this service was made a long time ago. America is not yours alone. We are a democracy! The bill was proposed, voted on, and then passed!
The pennies taken out of our checks every month is something AMERICA decided on a long time ago.
If you didn’t participate in this decision, then you were too young to vote or weren’t interested enough in politics to care about how your tax money is spent. If you voted for the politicians who participated in this bill then stop complaining. We live in a democracy. Live with it.
It seems like many of you are just upset that low income people are getting “cell phones”. Almost 20 years ago, after the bill was passed, deals were cut with landland phone services to allow the implementation of “Free government landline phones”! Almost 20 years later, deals were cut with wireless phone services to over “Free government wireless phones!”. In the future, deals could be cut to offer free Iphone/Blackberry/Android phone services while staying true to initial bill!
John says
No dumb f**k, they’re upset that people that arent willing to work get free phones, paid for by people that do work. No one cares if someone else has a phone, they just dont want to pay for some strangers cell service. Its not very democratic to force people to pay for someone else’s free sh*t. Seems pretty communistic. I believe in 1996 Clinton was president, a Democrat. This bill was passed under his administration. Conservatives don’t agree with it because it is money our of our wallets going to people who are too lazy to put money in their wallets. It’s a democracy so we have a right to complain about things that aren’t Democratic, but instead are socialist…not very American. Since you’re so Liberal, listen to one of the last great Democrat presidents, John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” You know what you can do for your country? Work for your keep. You know what your country can do for you? I guess provide free smart phones to people who don’t want to work.
Wayne says
I only have one thing to say about this. People like Obama isn’t the problem in America. The problem is that there are people who would vote for him and they are the ones that will eventually bring us down. There is one other thing…democrats are eventually going to run out of other peoples money
James Masters says
tracy says
Yes, I see lazy people who don’t hold a job because they drink and do drugs every day walking around with a cell phone hanging out of their ear here. If you can’t afford it – you don’t need it. That was the philosophy I was raised with. Darn I worked every day of my life, single, raised five children, no government hand outs – and now in my retirement I have to pay for free phones. Geez when does this give away end?
Wayne says
Tracy, it will come to an end…..and very soon. If possible to look ahead say….500 years from now, America will be another example of how democracies never work. There’s only one that will stand forever and that will be “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Jesus has it all figured out. Just be certain you’re counted amongst the just.
Monica says
Oh yes because if you have a ‘free phone’ you’re dammed to hell! Lol! Do you ppl hear yourselves?! You call ‘poor ppl’ entitled but your the ones acting entitled when really your busted pissed off bc you pay for your phone’s! I don’t have a free phone but I have on the past and I thanked God for it ( even tho he wasn’t listening to me the,n lol!) Because now a days you can’t get or keep a job without a phone, employers want to know they can get in touch with an employee if they are gonna need hem to come in on short notice and don’t want to hire someone they can’t call when they need them. And schools need to be able to call parents if there child gets sick or the weather gets bad and they close early to come pick there child up, or if there’s an emergency, what if you break down on your way to work or the Dr or school to pick up your child? Those are all ppl you need to be able to notify if your not going to make it there on time… And that’s all just everyday stuff and for those who do have jobs and work there passes off everyday while going to school so they can get a better job at some point this is beneficial because with min wage being $7.25 @ 40 hrs a week that’s only $290 a week and that’s before taxes! That’s less than $1160 a month average rent is $500 power can be 300 then water and gas to get back and forth to work for a whole month is at least 40 a week that’s 160 a month at least! That leaves 260 and let’s not for get you still havvent paid taxes, so 10% would be 116 that leaves 144 even if you put every dime of that into groceries it still wouldn’t feed a family of 3 for a month! And you sure as hell wouldn’t be able to afford a cell phone.. that’s why we have these programs in place because somebody did the math and realized it was necessary. If you hate it so much then maybe you should start bitching about min wage being too low or something beneficial to actually fixing the problem rather than acting like the only real solution to do away with anyone less fortunate than you ( and you call us entitled sheesh). Thew are actually ppl our there who work there butts off, who work overtime weekends and holidays and still have trouble making ends meet and for those ppl this helps and btw they pay taxes too not just you so get over yourselves
Your sh*t stinks too! And you better hope that one day you don’t end up needing the help you despise so much. In my opinion those of you complaining and talking crap are the ones that are just full of hate and looking for somewhere to place it.
Kari says
If you can afford to smoke you can afford to pay for your own cell phone. Any cell phone will work to call 911 as long as it will power up.
Ed says
I received my ‘free’ cellphone few days ago. I have never had any government low income assistance, never had a food stamp, etc. My yearly income is $44,600. Instructions received, if I received this phone in error I should phone this 800 number and I would receive instructions how to return the phone at no cost to myself. On three consecutive days I called their 800 number, talked to someone who was just learning how to speak English. I could not understand what he was saying, perhaps I reached the same person each time I called. As of now I will not try to return the phone, if they want it back they can come get it.
Jason says
So, you illegally applied for government assistance? Real smart….. And, you admit to it on here which your IP address is recorded….
Colleen says
What a joke. I understood the landline deal for emergencies, job possibilities… but why a cell phone? What ever happened to if you couldn’t afford something you did without?
OK, so the government buys you a cell phone, why do they have to pay for continued service? You can call 911 on any cell phone without service. If you’re using it waiting for job interviews, I bet you could spare $20 to purchase an airtime card, heck that would last you for months, right? When I was younger and our home phone was shut off when my dad was out of work, our neighbor let us use their # for messages.
Money’s tight for everyone, we all have to budget. If a cell phone doesn’t fit into your budget, you don’t need one.
Let’s do some math:
The US has over 315 million people. Say about half each have a cell phone (I’m sure it’s more than half, lol) That’s 150 million cell phones being charged 3 cents each… That’s $4,500,000 EVERY MONTH that could be going toward the deficit, education, job training…. Now this site says three cents, on my bill the “universal fund” is 75 cents every month. (That’s 112,500,000 a month) Think about that next time you pay your cell phone bill.
Jason says
Cell phones had to be allowed because the cell phone companies sued the federal government for the right to provide the service. Their agrument was if they have to pay the tax and collect the taxes from their customers, they should have the right to provide the service. Also, with the increased use of cell phones, how many pay phones do you see any more?
Paul says
Not to mention the fact that you can get food stamps WITHOUT an address, a “land line” you cannot.. Hard to have a line running into a house you don’t have.. I use Virgin Mobile, costs me 22$ a month i believe tax and all, this seems like a good option for those that can’t afford even that. Got to love them bigots.. How many people get back more than they paid in at the end of the year? I paid my self employment tax, and still got a refund, so the complainers must be THAT well off? WTF is wrong with people now days? Lost all hope in the human race.
Dick large says
I m sick and tired of all the crap in this country. Nonsense going on and on nothing will change
Mr. LArge
pete says
my only problem is the leeches on society get all the freebies and benefits.mother of 4 i don’t have an issue with people with disabilites getting help i have issue with the ones that are to damn lazy to work.get a damn job if you want a cell phone,maybe a land line would be better because if you want your unsupervised children to call you when the get home maybe they could use the one plugged into the wall i want one for my elderly parents that have a land line. because they have doctor appointments and other stuff to take care of safety is a concern.I’m tired of paying all your damn bills because you cant stop sh*tting out kids,take responsibility for your own.I understand its hard to turn down free stuff,and set on your ass,but lets promote self respect and pride in your self.
John Q. Public says
On behalf of all productive members of society, your humility and gratitude for our charity is appreciated.
Paul says
Free cell phones for the poor are ok !
Ther were ment to be used for emergencies .
Rin says
How terribly FOOLISH of you to say. I’m currently awaiting the arrival of my free government issued phone at the very moment. Why you ask? Because my 12 year old son who arrives home from school by bus everyday while I am still at WORK needs to be able to communicate to me that he has made it to our home safely. Really? “911 only”?! I’m wondering since you offered such a dumbfounded suggestion, will you agree to hold yourself accountable for every city issued fine due to “the poor” (your words) using 911 inappropriately? Some of you people really need to become more in touch with REALITY! Everyone who is entitled to receive certain government incentives is not abusing the system for fraudulent or wasteful purposes. In many cases, IT IS A NECESSITY TO RECEIVE THESE SERVICES!!! When my government issued phone arrives within the next 5 – 7 business days i will carefully remove it from its packaging, hold it in my hands, and pray earnestly that it will never be used to dial 911 EVER under any circumstances!!! Blessings to you Paul.
smitty says
There are really cheap pay as you go phones that he can use to call you only! Doesn’t cost that much and it isn’t on my dime…..AGAIN!!!!
James Masters says
Paul says
JAMES REREAD THAT POST… iT IS FOR HIM AT WORK, TO COMMUNICATE WITH HIS SON AT HOME! Why are we yelling? Some business owners won’t allow personal calls on there work lines unless it’s an emergency.. And 12 was allot different in the “good ole days”
ikosan says
hey Kassie… I rather be a right winger than be under communism’s thumb..
motherof4 says
I am curious what pisses you people lucky enough not to need assistance off the most? Is it the Cell Phone? The Welfare Checks? The Food Stamps? Medicaid?
Or you just hate anyone who has a part in any of these programs?
I get Food Stamps.. have NEVER received a Welfare Check, but I get Medicaid, and the Government Phone. So 3 out of 4 there. My husband works, my oldest son works, I am disabled. Never in my life done drugs, I dont smoke or drink and dont even drink coffee. I waste as little as possible as I can. As a matter of fact I do not and can not afford to make a car payment. My husband and I own 2 junkers (a 1996 and 2001). Point A to Point B.
I do have nice furniture… a nice leather set I got on craigslist for $146 total, I own 1 flat screen that is very old, when my husband had a GOOD job, not making $8.75 per hour, and the other TV’s in our house are consoles.. that we got at a warehouse sale for $10 each.
I am grateful for the help I receive, and I am grateful to have the things I have. I shop at thrift stonres for clothing, silverware, dishes, anything I need for my home or for my kids. They never get anything new.
Amercians today sicken me, I worked, before my disability got too bad for me to work any longer. My husband and son both pay taxes.
I am sick of people judging other people. I have helped out people in need when I was able to.
Us Parasites upon society are not all drug dealers and alcoholics, smokers.
My second oldest son is graduating this year. He took 5 years of high school.. not because he is lazy or mentally challenged, he did it becuase he did not have the prequisites for the Career Academy for Pre-Engineering Program he wanted in to. He stayed got the prerequisites, and is now graduation with honors. His goal….wait for it.. not to be a Parasite as you all think… but he will become a Physicit. My son got all A’s in Physics, Math, Pshycology and minus one grading period Pre-Engineering. This is my son who has Asperger’s Syndrome.. a high functioning form of autism. My third son is in advance classes and won honors awards for grades and track and my only daughter is still in elementary. She will be in advanced classes next year in Intermediate school.
My oldest who I mentioned works, is a Fed Ex employee. He has been disabled with epilepsy and low IQ his entire life. He works hard, and loves what he is doing, but wait for it…..he works part-time, he can not mentally or physically do more than the hours he works…damn another leech on society, I am sorry…I am still very proud of his accomplisments…he did graduate and pass all the Ohio Graduation Tests, even though, because of his ,he was not required to pass to graduate. Many kids without his disabilites can not even pass those tests.
I have not been a perfect mother, but I have pushed my children.. I have been there for them always, when I die, they will be my accomplishment in this life.
All I see is hatred and vile coming from so many people. You are the people I need to shield my children from.
I thank those of you who are more compassionate, do not judge, and still have morals.
justagirl says
Good for you. I think you are an example to those who aspire to do better and to those who could learn a thing or ten about compassion, love, kindness, respect and the whole lot. May God smile favorably on your family so they will always know the true meaning of love thy neighbor.
rachel says
So…for both sides….I am a single “moocher” of 3…I work full time and receive welfare,I also have a Verizon cell phone but for my child who goes home alone because my mother is now taking care of my sick uncle 24/7…I refused to pay another 100 dollars/mo to make site he was home and safe, so he now has a government phone….and I’m pretty sure I’m putting my Pennies in the pot…and I watch the same families around me with 80 phones,50 kids, Drugs and alcohol better home furnishings, an under the table job they don’t have to report, and sit on their ass all day and ignore their children and booze or smoke it up while I am lucky lucky after work to get 2 hours with my kids
Paul Jr says
For 20 dollars you can add a line on AT&T. Depending on your plan that might include unlimited mobile to mobile, unlimited texting and a data plan(dont hold me to that might ne an extra 20) if you have a smart phone.
Twenty bucks for 1000 minutes or twenty to add a line with all these nice added features?
Katy says
What irritates me even more are people who get SEVERAL of these taxpayer paid for phones! I know 3 families with 3-5 of these. There is NO crosschecking on providers, so this isn’t illegal.
Family next door has 5 ‘Government phones’ Total of 1250 minutes a month.
My family COMBINED has 750 minutes, and we pay dearly for it.
Sorry, I do not see a cell phone as a necessity such as food or shelter. Land Lines would be more reasonable. People got along just fine before cell phones.
Jason says
Do you see the link above to report abuse… use it. If you don’t report it, you are condoning it.
Bb says
Katy, actually it IS illegal. At the bottom of assurances application it clearly states one phone per address and requires you to inform them if you enroll with another provider. I cannot recall exactly where it is in Safelinks requirements but it IS there.
This actually works against many people who live in multiple family dwellings since only one phone per address even though people come and go all the time. How one family can receive service on five phones at once is amazing IMHO.
I actually have been a tax payer as has my husband until retirement and honestly I feel like this phone is part of our just deserts since we’ve paid the fees for as long as they’ve been around.
The issue I have is why do I only have a nice basic piece of working equipment but all the unemployed persons (on assistance) where I volunteer HAVE SMARTPHONES?
I guess I am sort of stuck in the middle of this issue!
Betsy says
I have lifeline home phone. I don’t have a cell phone. I have contacted my provider several times because they are charging for things I’m not getting. Voice mail, call waiting and caller ID for call waiting. Not sure how this works but if the government is helping to pay for these things these companies need to be watched for charges people are not receiving!!! I’m going to contact the BBB and switching to a new company.
Christie says
This program is just another entitlement. I work hard for my money! I can’t believe that I have to “share” my money with people. If I want to give my money to the man on the freeway hitch hiking, I do it on my own free will! But giving someone something that my money paid for is against my free will! If you want a cell phone, go buy one! If you can’t afford it, you don’t need one! I want to know, if you need a free phone, how are you on here defending your “right” to my money?!
This is America, home of the free and land of the brave! Not home of the hand outs and land of the entitlement! I’m sick of giving people my hard earned money just because they are poor.
This entitlement program of free cell phones is another reason why our country is in the financial crapper! THANKS AGAIN CLINTON for signing the bill to allow this to happen!
Lee says
I personally know 2 families that have & pay for landlines, but still get the freebie cell phone because they can. So it’s not about them being able to have a phone. It’s about buying votes for all that hope & change we keep hearing about.
Bb says
Lee, if you have a landline and qualify financially, then you CHOOSE either a credit on your land line OR THE FREE CELL phone but you do not get both. We are retired and chose the cell phone option. By doing this I was able to remove the long distance option from my home phone and save $4 a month additionally.
Joe says
I see this as a priorities thing. Freebies paid for by all should only be for bare essentials. I’m not certain cell coverage falls into that category.
I fault service providers for taking advantage of a loop hole, and the govt for allowing it. I’m very upset at the volume of prime time commercial slots that are also paid for by the same fund. I question who monitors this to ensure the utilization of this program declines as the unemployment rate declines and this doesn’t become yet another run away program. Lastly, when should I expect my lifeline service charge on my phone decline? (never)
It’s easy to get upset. I try to be social responsible and support those in need, (“Need” being the keyword), but you all have to admit there is quite often a large volume of people taking unfair advantage of these freebie programs, and not enough reasonable controls.
Mark says
“but you all have to admit there is quite often a large volume of people taking unfair advantage of these freebie programs”
What percentage of those on welfare are milking the system? All I ever hear is anecdotal “evidence”, in which some Republican spots a welfare mother loading her grocery cart with lobster and fine wine. Never are these sightings caught on video, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s hard to create propaganda when it’s on video.
That being said, I do agree that we need more reform to eliminate waste and fraud.
jason says
I think you are making stuff up Mark .
Walter says
I have worked in grocery stores since 1974 and know of two, just two families (and one a government worker at that) who deliberately bilked the food stamp system. Every one else that I see using food stamps/ebt benefits really do need them. The “vast amount of abusers” do not exist. We hear about them because they did the fraud and were caught (like the government worker). The rest of the users are “invisible.” You want fraud, check out Medicare (on the provider’s side).
James Masters says
The Final Say says
Awesome! More giveway garbage for deadbeat losers of our nation.
Mark says
Yep! And you will just sit there and complain, like always. Don’t like the government stealing your money? Move out of America. Cut them off. Oh wait; that would require actual effort, and we all know that people like you would rather complain.
rebecca says
Just the kind of moron answer you’d expect from someone who uses the word “awesome” to describe everything because of the refusal to learn the English language.
Remember how Marie Antoinette was placed on the chopping block because she had the same attitude as yours.
Too bad we don’t have that today. Revolutions are what this nation needs again. For “awesome” dimwits that are too cowardly to deal with the real issues and problems. Rather than become angry with the government for supporting in billions other countries, America prefers kicking its own poor in the teeth.
James Masters says
Ruth says
I am a person who has never been wealthy and I have had to live within my budget. I do not nor have I ever received assistance from anyone. I think that it I want to give to charity which I do my the way it is my choice where my little contribution goes. If you told me it was to feed a child I would be happy to pay this tax but to give a phone to people just because they are on public assistance is not where I want to spend even “pennies” I have a neighbor that I care a great deal about but he will call me using his Free Phone from my porch to tell me that he is on the porch sometimes he will call my cell phone I have to pay for my phone or they will turn it off why not just be fare and everyone get a free phone. Just because I work does not mean that I should have to pay because in case all of you people don’t realize we are in this together and we have more lower income people than ever in our lives and we all need help but a phone is a not a right if is was a right when someone should pay my bill. There is always going to be people in need and that will never change we have to start taking care of ourselves. Nothing is free it might be free to you but working people get NOTHING for free.Bad Ideal these phones that do not make us feel good and giving should always make you feel good.
cheryl mullen says
I totally agree with you!!!!!!…..Lately while looking at my bill I noticed that on every cell phone on my account (4) there are taxes and sur charges of over $47.00 on each phone….I am not rich and my husband and I work very hard to afford this luxery…..If the government wants to give people who can not afford a phone, a wall phone that’s fine!!!!…….we are already paying their bills!!!!!…..Where was the vote from the hard working people on this one!!!!……Oh yea!…..I forgot….”We were working!!!”…..cell phones are a luxery!……and If you do not work for one you shouldn’t have one!!!!This free shit sucks ….I would like something free too!!!!Why doesn’t the government just buy all these people a free car too!!!!!
JamesB says
What are you talking about it is 2-3 cents and these phones can save peoples lives and help them get back to work if they have no phone how can they recieve calls after interviews also the elderly get these phones for emergencies and they give you a limited amount of minutes a month but you can purchase extra at the store like pay as you go phones, I also think Tracphone and also Assurance get more customers this way and get extra money because alot buy monthly cards for some extra minutes so it is also helping these companies while helping the poor and disabled and down on there luck, Another thing we send billions of dollars over seas every month to foreign countries as aid to support them but we cannot even help our own disadvantaged? That is where some of the problems should be fixed we should not be paying countries to be our friends.
brenda says
But there is a lot of fraud going on with these phones. they r selling them and some r using them for drug dealing. some wind up with several. good intentions but lots of abuse. they need to stop this program!!
rebecca says
Brenda, darling,
There are plenty of politicians, politician’s kids, celebrities, and rich people on drugs and drinking, and the politicians making billions from your tax dollars. And if you think drug dealing began and will end with these phones, you’ve been living in a bubble. Were you born in the Bermuda Triangle? You telling me the working-class and rich have never taken or sold drugs? Only an uninformed moron thinks otherwise.
Oh, and the internet is an invention with “good intentions but lots of abuse”. And don’t politicians have good intentions yet abuse the system and everyone’s trust?
Worry more about the exploitation of children, money going toward weapons for other countries, terrorism, and the political candidates you keep voting for than some cheap little phone. Seems like you haven’t got enough to worry about. Better hope YOU never lose your cushy job and end up homeless. Of course, you’d deserve it to teach you a lesson.
Paul says
This is just one of the reasons our debt in this country is overwhelming and cannot be continued. It would be nice to help all that cannot or will not provide for themselves. The basic needs, maybe, but cell phones or even landlines, I don’t think so. Some of these comments I have read justifing these programs is appalling and proof that the we will be going the way of Greece. Look out for the riots in the street! Its coming, when these programs wil no longer be able to be funded. I hope the people that are defending these programs so staunchly will be the first to incur the rath of the people that will no longer be the beneficiary fo these programs.
Jack Cummings says
To all you idiots out there: some people are physically unable to work at all and are on a fixed income(social security). Not all people who are receiving government assistance drink, do drugs or are out in public commiting crimes. You need to seek some mental help and GET OVER YOURSELFS. They need a phone to communicate with doctors and pharmacys.
Ray Chandler says
Jack, I don’t give a damn what your “need” is. That does not confer on you a right to anyone else’s earnings or property. You need to get over yourself, asswipe. Get it through your head, IT’S NOT YOUR MONEY.
Mark says
Tell you what, Ray; I will stop supporting entitlement spending when the right stops supporting our interventional foreign policy, which takes MY money and gives it to workfare leeches.
By the way, why are you being so passive aggressive? Why aren’t you storming the Oval Office, guns drawn? Let me guess, you are an armchair Joe who won’t make good on his “take back America” promises until someone else starts the revolution? By all means, keep bitching, moaning and eating your cheese fries.
kristen says
WOW!!! I stumbled across this chat while trying to find out how to put time on my new “free” cell phone and I think kara and liz (and a few others but mostly them for sure) could greatly benefit from learning and practicing a 12 Step program. By the way, an employer just called my phone and offered me a job because I have a lot of pertinent experience according to my resume. Now at least I can go back to work and earn a living so I can provide for my family. Life took a drastic turn when I had to take an extended leave from work to care for my child who was born with a serious heart condition, and eventually I was laid off because I was unable to be at work while my child was having multiple surgeries, seeing specialists, etc. Well, my child is okay today, and now that I’ve accepted the position that was offered to me on my “free” cell phone, I can once again pay insurance premiums, put gas in my car to take my child to appointments and hopefully soon be weaned off state assistance. God Bless and Thank you
LC says
Good for you. My story is somewhat similar but not as devastating. After 22 yrs and raising a family my full time job came to a close. Over the past 8 yrs I am now an RN working in an ICU and will have my Practitioner degree next year. The stuggle was hard but doable. I had little government help but grants and loans were available. I think the big problem is more than cell phones. The government in many ways has crippled society. There needs to be some sort of urgency, improve ones way of life, and move beyond the glass ceiling. The oppurtunities are there, but you have to what it. Its too easy to blame. Lifes not fair, but the personal choices you make are soley yours. The truth is. there is help out there for those that need it! Don’t live off it…beat it!
bobby says
“You’re Getting a Cellphone – and You’re Getting a Cellphone – and You’re Getting a Cellphone… Eveeeeeeerybody’s Getting a Cellphone!”
skeeter says
I love this program – many people I know now all have a cell phone! It’s the greatest thing government can do – help people communicate, feel safe and even save lives or possibly get a job if their out of work. I have a regular land-line I pay for as well so I also pay into the tax pool for this service (and so do all of the people I know who are on the SafeLink program).
In this day and age of communication cell phones are a necessity – not a luxury like they were in the 90’s.
Ray Chandler says
They are like anything else, if you want one, you pay for it. You can’t pay for it, you don’t get it.
fulchy says
just like healthcare, right Ray?
Arthur Sgalia says
This is an appalling program which takes our pathetic nanny state to an all time new low. For shame!!
Kara says
ANY cellphone with a charge can dial 911. Telephone service of any kind is not a right, it is a luxury. Would like to see those “pennies” a month we pay go to something more productive like job training, free clinics etc. Wake up, go back to teaching our children that hard work pays off not a trip to the local welfare office.
Kassie says
Too bad the Republican’s are making sure that there are no more free clinics….especially for women.
Sure a phone can dial 911, but it cannot dial a doctor, or an employer, or receive a call from a child’s school when they are sick or hurt and need to come home……Or are those things also considered a “Luxury” to you Kara?
catherine says
boy you people have some FINE imaginations.
Kassie says
I know right Catherine? Its amazing how creative their minds can be when they are being hateful and disrespecting others, but they can’t use those minds to see past the BS talking points that the right and the media are brainwashing them with….
If only they could use their powers for good instead of evil….Think of how wonderful our country would be again. Like it was back in the old days when people cared about one another and lived by the Golden Rule…..
But those days of America are over. Now American’s have the mindset of “I have mine, screw everyone else”.
…..and yet we consider ourselves a “Christian Nation”. While they go around judging others, and totally disregarding the teachings of Jesus.
It’s so sad and scary for me to think that this is the nation and world I have to eventually send my child out into….I hope all the things I taught him about respect, compassion, and empathy stick with him and aren’t lost when he has to encounter people like those who are posting such disrespectful, hateful, evil things.
Steven says
Kassie is right. And foodstamps? Consider all the stimulus packages and bailouts. Foodstamps is an investment into…uh..the food industry. They create jobs. They keep supermarkets in poor neighborhoods open. They feed people. I think everyone should get them.
Renee says
I wouldn’t mind a program like this at all, if it truly went to NEEDY people. I’m sick of my tax dollars and “pennies” added onto my bills to pay for worthless wastes of life who are “unable to work” because they’re too busy frying their brains with drugs and alcohol. If you think they’re using these free phones to help them find work, then I’ve got some oceanfront property in WV that I’ll sell you.
Ann Blackwell says
Stop, complaining; have some compassion; what’s wrong about helping people that are disabled; or helping the ones that on Social Security; and the people that are earning low-wages….and no Obama is no mistake… you want Bush; back in….God bless you…..
Ray Chandler says
Be “compassionate” with your own money and keep your thieving hands off ours.
Bush was far from my idea as a president, but I’d take him back any day over this brain dead vermin that infests the Oval Office at the moment.
Paul says
Well for starters it was an act of Congress.. And it predates Obama’s presidency, not that i voted for him.. ” In 1996 Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996″ Go back and actually read the article..
fulchy says
youre prolly just racist.
Free Government Cell Phones says
Now I think you’ve gone too far, Fulchy. No reason to bring race into this.
cynthia nortmann says
im glad to help fellow americans out on cell aint gonna break anyone.everyone has a right to feel safe at all times!i dont think of cell phones for a few ELITE people.stop crying,and be glad we are helping our own.
Ray Chandler says
Get it through your frigging head, IT’S OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS, and it doesn’t matter that “it ain’t gonna break nobody”. You have no real or moral right to it and very soon we’re simply going to start telling you NO and if necessary backing that up with force. That is to say, kicking your sorry ass to the curb.
fulchy says
No Ray, its our money AND yours. What do you think we’re exempt from all taxation? As if. And you want to “kick me to the curb”? Bring your privledged ass to the other side of the tracks and we’ll put your damn teeth to the curb, half a sissy, silver spoon havin , daddys job gettin mamas apron string grabbin
carolyn dormer says
I agree with me, I should not pay for the cell phones of others, Totally agree.
carolyn dormer says
I think cell phones are a luxury, land lines are good enough, and less expensive, especially, if you are not buying. My cell is a luxury, I work for it. I do not have a land line. My taxes should not pay for another persons cell phone if I can barely afford mine.
road_sofa says
A few pennies? How about stating the truth! It is 5% of you bill. Alaska now charges 10% for the same thing for instate moochers.So I am paying $24 in Universal Service fees. A few pennies my &&&.
I am tired of these “mandated” government giveaways. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for advocating this robbery of our wallets.
No one “NEEDS” a cellphone. These “feel good” programs are making me sick.
Joe Lynott says
Ummm…hmmmmm. Since when did a cell phone become a “NEED”. A cellphone is a WANT!!!! You all can thank liberals for this. I want a brand new BMW. The shit box I drive now hurts my self esteem. How ’bout it Obuma…why don’t you buy me one of these you effin’ jackass!!! I can’t wait till 2012. THE END OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKE IN AMERICAN HISTORY…IF NOT WORLD HISTORY!!!
fulchy says
uummm cellphone is clearly necessary nowadays. A monthly ‘landline’ bill is far more expensive (most phone co.s have minimum monthly of at least $19.99) and obsolete. Employers, educators,emergency / health care workers need to speak TO the individual they seek PERSONALLY and now. You folks that bitch and piss and moan never bother to think outside of your own siituation. The working poor, which is what most are, would kill to be so blessed as to have a job that pays as much as yours do. Shucks, HALF as much. And stop with the “We work hard for what we have” horseshit!! I am positive i work harder than you ever have, every day. Do you have to wash your hands for 10 minutes after every shift? Do you sweat like Shaq at the foul line 10 minutes into your shift? No, you dont. . But I have a govt phone so me and my family i suppose are leeches? Well f**k you and the high horse you rode in on.Yes, there are always those who abuse these programs, but eventually they get caught and are weeded out. No more of them than there are born rich ***holes who cheat taxes and lie how much they make / have. That costs taxpayers as well, y’know. Or how bout corporations that get crooked politicians elected so they’ll create tax loopholes in their state and industry? Happens and costs us FAR MORE than all govt aid for the poor COMBINED! Believe it!
And speaking of tax, the govt will NEVER actually lower taxes, so the only arguement is how they spend it. Well, you dont like yours being put toward programs that help people ? Thats all good. But I dont like my tax being spent (and by the way, EVERYBODY pays taxes, even folks like me who are broke-ass poor, its called sales tax, fuel tax, licenses, registrations, property tax, tolls, fees , etc.So again with the hi horse) on ridiculous shit like the biggest waste monstrosity in the world : Natl Defense!! Including the fake “division of Homeland Security”. What a joke.We already had that, called the FBI & CIA & NSA and the rest of em that get govt checks for doing nothing, just like those welfare queens gettin fat off your dime.You want reform and an end of waste? Start with the REAL wasteful areas like campaign reform, the war on drugs, the archaic penal system, unnecessary wars in foreign lands, foreign aid, corporate welfare, industrial subsidies, Eliminate lifelong healthcare for FORMER govt emloyees, and i could go on, but I hope you catch my drift. Walk a mile in someone elses shoes all of yous with lucrative jobs and careers doing somethin you enjoy doin. Try shovelin shit with us poor for five minutes. You would curl into a ball and weep like a schoolgirl. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, bitches!
Free Government Cell Phones says
Well said, Fulchy.
boo hiss says
hahahahah some People are funny.
If it literally takes only a few PENNIES per bill. Than it is a wonderful way to fund the project. Even if it took a dime. Some penny pinches are a bit too greedy. Think of it as giving to charity if you need too….
But that is only if it really is such a small amount, is there any way to confirm this information?
Kassie says
Oh no if its “Taken” from them, they freak out. They feel they should be able to CHOOSE to give to charity…..You should hear how some people talk about Healthcare. They feel that someone who has Cancer and needs chemotherapy but can’t afford it should go to churches and have bake sales to pay for it.
Simply disgusting the way some American’s think, talk about, and treat our own in this country….I sure don’t see any of them complaining about all the waste, fraud, and theft that happened during the Iraq war for 10 years.
Ray Chandler says
It’s OUR money, you ignorant ass, and no we don’t like it taken for the benefit of a bunch of parasites. And, like it or not (and I hope you don’t), it’s going to stop.
Mark says
LOL! The right has had about 50 years to stop welfare spending. You think it’s going to end? If you don’t want your money going towards welfare, leave America. No one is FORCING you to remain here.
Lindsay says
Parasites…..Wow big word for such a BIG man… You are so ignorant and guess what I have a FREE PHONE!!!!!! I am a working parasite that doesn’t make enough money and this “FREE” cell phone is perfect for contact for my babies doctor and daycare!!! I also pay taxes so when you think about it I am a tax paying parasite you ignorant asshole!!!
Liz says
this is sickening, now the government thinks EVERYONE should have a cell phone? For what? Do to their drug deals and get their food stamps?
I am totally mad, about getting card in the mail. Where did you people get my address? Remember when being a “Welfare” mom was embarrassing? Getting foods stamps was a drag on society, because there is NO FREE LUNCH.
So, I have to pay for my cell phone and the welfare cheats, illegalls and all the “Baby MAMA” cells phones too?
If you are on welfare, you don’t need a cell phone! It is considered a LUXURY and not a civil right! Take a government class for goodness sake.
I am calling congress as the USA HAS NO MONEY to pay our bills, but it has money to pay for wlefare moms cell phones, how screwed up is that?
nwmom says
Really L I Z? What is WRONG with you? Check it out…YOU my dear are so incredibly UNQUALIFIED as a HUMAN BEING to pass JUDGEMENT on ME or ANY other person for that matter. This includes all the DRUG DEALERS, WELFARE CHEATS, ILLEGALS and ALLLL the “BABY MAMA’S out there getting FREE LUNCHES while they CHAT AWAY on there LUXURIOUS cell phone at your exhausting expense probably making DRUG DEALS with other countries!
People like you are nauseating, are you even aware of this? Yes, I didn’t think so! Your either audaciously stupid or just plain ignorant I’m not sure which but it is obvious you have no idea what its like to be struggling with children so I’m guessing your well off….Not by your own means I’m sure. I mean “Take a government class for goodness sake”? Really !? REALLY? That is all you got? This is the advice you have for the families struggling to keep a roof over there heads and there children fed?
Dang I hope that the rest of the world doesn’t think ALL AMERICANS are as greedy and uneducated as LIZ here. Really we aren’t all like this please believe me!
Kassie says
It makes me so proud to share a country with someone like Lizzy here (NOT!!) and to read about how she just ASSumes that everyone who is on some kind of assistance is some kind of uber proud “Baby Mama”, Illegal, food stamp using, drug dealing welfare cheat.
Lizzy is so uneducated and ignorant that she doesn’t even mention that people on welfare have to WORK or be in a training program to get Welfare (cash) benefits (Google the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 and educate yourself for goodness sake!) – – and that most of the people who are on Food Stamps are white, working people who don’t earn enough to have a decent living wage and afford their food. She believes that all people who are on assistance do nothing all day but sit around, sell and do drugs, get the munchies and eat bon-bons they bought on their food stamps and spit out a church full of kids.
I bet Lizzy here considers herself to be an upstanding American Christian, she gets dressed in her Sunday best and heads to church every week and drives past a homeless person and sneers at them. I am also willing to bet she is the type who at the grocery store would poke her nose into someone else’s shopping cart and tell them what they can and cannot buy with their food stamps.
I suppose to Liz its considered a “Luxury” to have a cell phone for when you are on the road with your child and the car breaks down in the middle of winter….or has some kind of medical emergency. Its not like there are payphones around anymore, and people who live in rural areas don’t have payphones to begin with, and we haven’t figured out how to breed cows with telephones on them yet.
No one ever said it was a “civil right” and if someone is so poor that they cannot afford a phone, then they surely cannot afford to go to their local college and take a “government class” for goodness sakes.
Johnny Carey says
my husband is hard of hearing and the ringtone is not what he can here. tone death. is there several ringtones we can get to help him better with a different ringtones. thanks
Ms Johnny Carey
ben says
this is a disgrace… a small fee is put on our bills to pay for this? cable/phone/internet bills are already outrageous, yet we pay for other peoples phones as well? so much for capitalism…. no one NEEDS a cellphone, so if you cant afford one, you shouldn’t be given one. I can’t afford to send my kids to college, but I can afford to pay for someone elses cellphone? In my book, this is theft.
Lindsay says
You are so ignorant…People do need the elderly for example who are living off their tiny social security or single mother’s who are working and need a cell phone as an emergency in case their is a problem or an emergency with their child…Use your dumb ass head and and maybe if you can’t afford to put your”poor” kids through college there are PLENTY of funds to help pay for them!!! Would you bitch about that!!! Nah…I think not!!!
ben says
So the only people who apply for these phone are those that truly need them?
StephenWayne says
I would be a lot less angry if this program paid for people’s land lines as opposed to cell phones. If they need a free phone, (Seriously, check a thrift store…) then we could give them the old rotary dialed phones. You can call a potential employer just as easily with one of these, plus they use less energy. Aren’t the moochers (i’m sorry, disadvantaged) concerned about our earth?
boo hiss says
This is a cross post..
joseph buzoya says
my name is joseph ineed obama phones and my address is 3801southshore dr apt b3 dayton ohio 45404 thx for this massage god blessus bye!!
Kassie says
If some of you would actually take the time to READ the website FAQ’s you’d see that it was already explained that there is LifeLine service for land lines, except that they don’t get the service for free, they get a discount, so they still have to pay for their service (and yes, they also pay the same tax you do on that phone). It has been stated on this website that it is actually cheaper to give people refurbished old cell phones and air time instead of the land lines….
But most of you would rather stay ignorant and spew out the talking points that are fed to you by Rush Limbaugh and the other Right Wingers.
Kassie says
Oh and by the way….Rotary phones do not work anymore in a touch tone, digital dialing world. No one uses rotary phones anymore
howard says
Dear kassie:
You won’t gain credibility or support with your adjectives and vituperative comments. Facts with supporting documents win arguments.